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2002. The Journal of Arachnology 30:487-493 THE OLDEST LINYPHIID SPIDER, IN LOWER CRETACEOUS LEBANESE AMBER (ARANEAE, LINYPHIIDAE, LINYPHIINAE) David Penney and Paul A. Selden: Earth Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK, E-mail: [email protected],uk ABSTRACT. A new fossil Linyphiidae: Linyphiinae is described from 125-135 Ma old (Upper Neo- comian-basal Lower Aptian) Cretaceous amber from the Kdeirji/Hammana outcrop, Lebanon. This is the oldest known linyphiid as well as the oldest described amber spider. The first major radiation of the linyphiid subfamilies occurred in the early Cretaceous, if not before, and the presence of Linyphiidae in this period predicts the presence of Pimoidae then too. Current evidence, which suggests the higher araneoids did not radiate and diversify until after the end=Cretaceous mass extinction event may be an artefact of sample size. Keywords: Linyphiidae, Linyphiinae, Lebanese amber fossil The spider family Linyphiidae contains taxonomic comments of Wunderlich 1986) 4,129 extant species in 550 genera (Platnick and from Upper Cretaceous (Turonian, 90-94 2001), which represents approximately nine Ma) amber from New Jersey (Penney in percent of total spider species diversity. It press). Wunderlich (1998) described a liny- ranks second, after Salticidae, in terms of phiid from what was thought to be Dominican number of described species, but first for Republic amber, but has since been shown to number of genera (Platnick 2001). However, be Madagascan copal (J. Wunderlich, pers. many of these genera are monotypic and comm.), which is semi-fossilized resin less A would probably not withstand phylogenetic than two million years old. non-amber fos- scrutiny (Hormiga 2000). The family consists sil linyphiid was described by Berland (1939) mainly of very small spiders, mainly sheet- from the Oligocene of Alsace, France. The web builders. It has a global distribution, but specimen in Mexican amber is an exuvium linyphiids are most diverse in northern tem- from an immature spider, and the French spec- & perate regions (Coddington Levi 1991). imen is poorly preserved. Both were described Their niche may be occupied by Theridiidae and named as linyphiids, but we consider their in the lower and southern latitudes (e.g. Nen- current placement in the Linyphiidae to be un- twig 1993: table 8). There are six recognized reliable. Fossil linyphiids have been reported extant linyphiid subfamilies: Dubiaraneinae as present, but not described, from Eocene & Millidge 1993, Erigoninae Emerton 1882, Bitterfeld amber (44 Ma) (Schumann Linyphiinae Blackwall 1859, Micronetieae Wendt 1989) and Upper Cretaceous Canadian & Hull 1920, Mynogleninae Lehtinen 1967, and amber (65-83 Ma) (McAlpiee Martin Stemonyphantinae Wunderlich 1986 (A. Tan- 1969). asevitch pers. comm.), although the Linyphi- This paper describes the oldest known lin- inae are considered by some (e.g. Hormiga yphiid spider from upper Neocomian-basal 2000) to consist of two tribes: Micronetini and Lower Aptian (c. 125—135 Ma) Cretaceous Linyphiini, reducing the number to five (e.g. Lebanese amber from the Kdeirji/Hammana Hormiga 1994a, 2000). outcrop, which represents one of the oldest Fossil linyphiids have been described from insect inclusion-bearing amber deposits (Azar Tertiary ambers from the Dominican Republic 1998). This specimen is the oldest described (Miocene, 15-20 Ma) (Wunderlich 1988), amber spider, the previous being a new genus Mexico (Miocene-Oligocene, 19-27 Ma) (Pe- and species of Nemesiidae described in Bar- UK trunkevitch 1971), the Baltic region (Eocene, remian amber from the Isle of Wight, 44 Ma) (Petrunkevitch 1942, 1958; see also (Selden in press). 487 — 488 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY — Figures 1-2. Female linyphiine in Lebanese amber, photomicrographs of holotype. 1. Dorsal view x50; 2. Ventral view x50. METHODS leg formula (e.g. 4123), the legs are ranked in — Preservation. The spider is preserved in order of length (longest first). Tml and Tm4 a very small piece (3x3x1 mm) of clear, are measurements of the distance that a tri- yelloW“Colored amber. There are a few air chobothrium is located along the lengths of bubbles of varying size and a small number metatarsi 1 and 4 respectively, relative to the Tml — of organic and inorganic syninclusions. length of the leg segment, e.g. 0.3 — Methods. The amber piece had been pre= indicates that the trichobothrium is located pared by being set in a clear synthetic resin three tenths of the way along metatarsus 1, disc (22 mm diameter x 2 mm thick), and pol- from the proximal end of the segment. ished prior to receipt by the authors. The spec- SYSTEMATIC PALAEONTOLOGY imen was studied, drawn and photographed, using both transmitted and incident light, us- Family Linyphiidae Blackwall 1859 ing a Nikon Optiphot stereomicroscope, with Subfamily Linyphiinae Blackwall 1859 a camera lucida drawing tube and a Nikon gen. et sp. indet. FX-35DX camera attached by means of a Figs. 1-3 phototube. An Olympus SZH stereozoom mi- croscope with incident light revealed addition- Distribution.—Upper Neocomian-basal al detail of the specimen. All measurements Lower Aptian (c. 125-135 Ma) Cretaceous are in mm. Lebanese amber from the Kdeirji/Hammana Abbreviations used in the text and fig- outcrop, Lebanon. — ures. ab = air bubble; at = anal tubercle; ch Only known specimen, Female, speci- = chelicera; co = colulus; cx = coxa; ep = men No. 491 preserved in Cretaceous Leba- epigyne; fe = femur; la = labium; mx = max- nese amber, held in the Laboratoire illa; mt — metatarsus; op = opisthosoma; pa d’Entomologie, Museum National d'histoire = patella; pp = pedipalp; sp = spinneret; st Naturelle, Paris (MHNP), examined. = sternum; ta = tarsus; ti = tibia; tr = tri- I^escTiptmn.-—Measurements: body length chobothria; 1-4 = walking legs 1-4. In the 1.86; carapace ground away (Fig. 1), but the PENNEY & SELDEN—LINYPHIIDAE IN LEBANESE AMBER 489 — Figure 3. Female linyphiine in Lebanese amber, camera lucida, ventral view. Scale bar = 1 mm. chelicerae are in place so it is possible to de- long with distinct serrula and a transverse row termine the body length. Detailed structure of dark, chitinized denticles; labium slightly and dentition of chelicera are not visible, but rebordered, much wider than long. Sternum it appears unmodified and lacks stridulatory 0.43 long, 0.40 wide, smooth, with sparse striae on the ectal surface. Maxilla wider than covering of setae; margin slightly incised to 490 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY accommodate coxae, sharply truncated poste- genus. This female linyphiine, it is the oldest riorly where it extends between fourth coxae; representative of the Linyphiidae recorded, five erect setae along the truncated edge. Op- and is also the oldest described amber spider. isthosoma 1.23 long, 1.00 high, sub-spherical, DISCUSSION without tubercles or scuta, covered with short setae; the right side has collapsed inwards. The superfamily Araneoidea comprises Anterior lateral and posterior lateral spinnerets twelve extant families (Griswold et al. 1998) with numerous spigots, posterior median spin- and the extinct families Ephalmatoridae Pe- nerets not visible. Colulus relatively large, trunkevitch 1950, redefined by Wunderlich with at least three bristles. Anal tubercle dis- (1986) from Baltic amber, and Juraraneidae tinct (Figs. 2, 3). Epigyne projects ventrally, Eskov 1984 from the Jurassic of Kazakhstan. appears domed in lateral view (a clear ventral The phylogenetic scheme for the Araneoidea view is not possible because of the position (Fig. 4) follows Griswold et al. (1998), except of the spider in the amber matrix so the de- for the placement of the fossil taxa. According tailed structure is not clear). Epigyne heavily to Griswold et al. (1998) the unambiguous sclerotized, with a single opening and a flat synapomorphies for the linyphioid families, dorsal margin; lateral margins appear rounded which includes Linyphiidae and its sister tax- and project slightly posteriorly. on Pimoidae (see Hormiga 1994b), are strid- Leg formula 1423. Leg 1 fe 0.71, pa 0.19, ulating striae ectally on the male chelicerae, ti 0.43, mt 0.41, ta 0.33, total 2.07; leg 2 fe patella-tibia autospasy, and an enlarged base 0.57, pa 0.16, ti 0.29, mt 0.26, ta 0.24, total on the basal posterior lateral spinneret cylin- 1.52; leg 3 fe 0.41, pa 0.14, ti 0.21, mt 0.19, drical gland spigot. The fossil specimen is fe- ta 0.17, total 1.12; leg 4 fe 0.63, pa 0.16, ti male, all legs are intact, and the fine detail of 0.33, mt 0.31, ta 0.21, total 1.64; all segments the spigots is not clear. The fossil is excluded with distinct setae and annulate distally. Cox- from the Pimoidae on account of its size, con- ae and trochantera without modifications; fe 1 siderably smaller than 5 mm, the lower end of and possibly fe 2 with short median dorsal the range given by Hormiga (1994b), the epi- spine, apparently lacking on fe 3 and 4; fe 1 gyne does not protrude posteriorly beyond the with long prolateral spine located just distal epigastric furrow as it appears to in many pi- to midpoint; all patellae with proximal and moid species, femur 4 lacks dorsal spines, and distal dorsal spines; tibial spination 2, 2, 2, 2; the legs lack long setae which are curved at ti 1 also with median, long prolateral spine; their distal end (e.g. Hormiga 1994b). The metatarsi and tarsi without spines (Eigs. 1-3). systematic placement of many genera within All tibiae with trichobothria equal to or longer linyphiid subfamilies is based solely on auta- than the tibial diameter (Fig. 3); Tml = 0.3, pomorphies derived from male secondary Tm4 lacking. Tarsi with three simple, untooth- genital organs and in some cases no unambig- ed claws and accessory setae, unpaired claw uous diagnostic character states have been es- long, pedipalp with a single simple claw. tablished for female specimens. Therefore, we — Remarks. It is well appreciated that am- tentatively place this specimen in the Liny- ber spiders are taxonomically subequal to Re- phiidae: Linyphiinae, based on the remaining cent spiders (e.g. Eskov 1990). In many fos- somatic and genitalic morphology, for exam- sils it is difficult to identify and study those ple the legs spination and trichobothrial pat- characters considered important as diagnostic terns, but to which tribe (Micronetini or Lin- for extant taxa. The specimen described here yphiini) it belongs is uncertain. We accept that cannot be diagnosed by any putative autapo- this placement is not based on any putative morphies, so a specific epithet is not assigned, autapomorphies and are unaware of any stud- nor can it be placed with certainty in an extant ies, which provide reliable diagnostic or phy- -> — Figure 4. Evolutionary tree of the Araneoidea. Dotted fill = described fossil, striped fill = known geological range, vertical solid lines = range extension, horizontal solid lines = phylogenetic relationships, tight dashed lines = ancestral lineage, loose dashed lines = ghost lineage, Lagerstatten on right side. Terminology follows Smith (1994). PENNEY & SELDEN—LINYPHIIDAE IN LEBANESE AMBER 491 Om w 4) 0) -o 3 OJ G kds Q •oc oe 0) 00 94e<^d)4 +-a cm -^o •o5 B^ o » TmO3 9e« ^-UCaD ^B>> 4©)0 <I wO- H'^oK J^^ .^oSa 'U&B moG Xm •0C^ ‘0C) Sw <^5 s^ OT Pii 4a) L6 m Osi Tor o 4OJ Ser I i i © o 5: Bur Dominican amber Aqu Mexican amber om Cha 23 7 5 Rup Y 4d) / 1 «m 36.5 Li c Lut Baltic + Bitteifeld amber o Ypr + Messei oi! shale, Germany (Araneidae) Om Tha 53 7 y ’S Dan 7 y 65“ BY, Cam i-! 8. a, D lAN m Tur New Jersey amber d Cen '4 O 95 4O) 5 Alb 0) Ul-l u Apt J-) 4) Lebanese amber Hau Val Limestone, Spain I I I I I I OJ 9 QeJ Mudstone, Transbaikalia 2 cud p 492 THE JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY logenetic chaetotaxy or trichobothrial patterns. Cretaceous spiders, many of which are poorly However, paleoarachnologists are often con- preserved and not identifiable to family, ac- fronted with fossils which are unique and do count for the only three publications to date & not possess, or clearly exhibit, the characters (Eskov Wunderlich 1994; Penney in press; used in Recent spider taxonomy and system- Selden in press) that describe Cretaceous am- atics, but important specimens of great antiq- ber spiders. The relatively large number of uity such as this warrant description and Recent spider families being discovered in placement as far as is possible. rocks and amber of Mesozoic age suggests a The presence of fossil Linyphiidae in the great antiquity of modern spider families (Sel- upper Neocomian-basal Lower Aptian (c, den & Penney 2001), we would expect to find 125-135 Ma) predicts the presence of Pimo- some of these families given enough Creta- idae, otherwise unknown in the fossil record, ceous specimens and are currently working in the Cretaceous. It also predicts the occur- through this material. rence of the spineless femur clade and the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS symphytognathoids, or their ancestors approx- imately a further 35 Ma back in the fossil re- We thank Dany Azar (MHNP) for provid- cord, from the oldest known described fossil ing the specimen, Mark Harvey (Western Linyphiidae in Turonian New Jersey amber Australian Museum), Gustavo Hormiga A (Penney in press) (Fig. 4). number of au- (George Washington University), Nikola] thors e.g. Wunderlich (1986), Millidge (1993) Scharff (Zoologisk Museum, Copenhagen) for and Hormiga (1994a, 2000) have provided their comments on the manuscript, and Lev- — various hypotheses regarding the subfamilial erhulme Trust grant F/00 1201 Mesozoic phylogenetic relationships within the Linyphi- Arachnids. idae. These were compared and contrasted by LITERATURE CITED Hormiga (2000) whose favored cladogram had the Linyphiinae (Micronetini and Liny- Azar, D. 1998. Lebanese lower Cretaceous amber: phiini) as a sister group to the remaining lin- an exceptional window to the past. [Poster ab- yphioid taxa, excluding Millidge's (1993) Du- stract]. P. 139. In World Congress on Amber In- biaraneinae, which Hormiga considered a clusions, 20-23 October 1998, Vittoria, Alava, Basque Country. dubious taxon. However, it remains to be seen Berland, L. 1939. Description de quelques araig- whether these proposed relationships with- nees fossiles. Revue Frangais d’Entomologie 4: stand future phylogenetic analyses incorporat- 1-9. ing more linyphiid species and more character Blackwall, J. 1859. Descriptions of newly discov- states (Hormiga 2000). Accepting Hormiga’s ered spiders captured by James Yate Johnson (2000) cladogram, which can be represented Esq., in the island of Madeira. Annals and Mag- in parenthical notation as: ((((Stemonyphan- azine of Natural History (series 3) 4:255-267. & tinae) (Mynogleninae)) (Erigoninae)) ((Micro- Coddington, J.A. H.W. Levi. 1991. Systematics and evolution of spiders. Annual Review of netini) (Linyphiini))), as the most reliable in- Ecology and Systematics 22:565-592. dication of the intrafamilial phylogeny Emerton, J.H. 1882. New England spiders of the currently available, then this fossil is direct family Theridiidae. Transactions of the Connect- evidence that the first major radiation, which icut Academy of Arts and Sciences 6:1—86. separated the Linyphiinae from the remaining Eskov, K.Y. 1984. A new fossil spider family from linyphiid taxa, occurred in the early Creta- the Jurassic of Transbaikalia (Araneae, Chelicer- ceous, if not before. ata). Neues Jahrbuch ftir Geologic und Palaon- The current fossil evidence (Fig. 4) gives tologie, Monatshefte 1984:645-653. the impression that the more derived, higher Eskov, K.Y. 1990. Spider palaeontology: present araneoids radiated and diversified in the Ter- trends and future expectations. Acta Zoologica Fennica 190:123-127. tiary after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction event. However, we suspect that this obser- Eskov, K.Y. & J. Wunderlich. 1994. On the spiders from Taimyr ambers, Siberia, with the descrip- vation is a sampling artefact. Thousands of tion of a new family and with general notes on Tertiary amber spiders, particularly from the the spiders from the Cretaceous resins, Beitrage Baltic and the Dominican Republic, have been zur Araneologie 4:95-107. studied over the last century and a half, Griswold, C.E., J.A. Coddington, G. Hormiga & N. whereas probably fewer than 50 specimens of Scharff, 1998. Phylogeny of the orb-web build- PENNEY & SELDEN—LINYPHIIDAE IN LEBANESE AMBER 493 ing spiders (Araneae, Orbiculariae: Deinopoidea, the Museum of Comparative Zoology 103:259- Araneoidea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean 337. Society 123:1-99. Petrunkevitch, A. 1958. Amber spiders in European Hormiga, G. 1994a, Cladistics and the comparative collections. Transactions of the Connecticut morphology of linyphiid spiders and their rela- Academy of Arts and Sciences 41:97-400. tives (Araneae, Araneoidea, Linyphiidae). Zoo- Petrunkevitch, A. 1971. Chiapas amber spiders, 2. logical Journal of the Linnean Society 111:1-71. University of California Publications in Ento- Hormiga, G. 1994b. A revision and cladistic anal- mology 63:1-44. ysis of the spider family Pimoidae (Araneoidea: Platnick, N.L 2001. The world spider catalogue. Araneae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology http://research.amnh.org/entomology/spiders/ 549:1-104. catalogs1-87/intro1 .html & Hormiga, G. 2000. Higher level phylogenetics of Schumann, H. H. Wendt. 1989. Zur Kenntnis der Erigonine spiders (Araneae, Linyphiidae, Erigon- tierischen Inklusen des Sachsischen Bernsteins. inae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 36:33-34. 609:1-160. Selden RA. First British Mesozoic spider, from Cre- Hull, J.E. 1920. The spider family Linyphiidae: an taceous amber of the Isle of Wight. Palaeontol- essay in taxonomy. The Vasculum 6:7-11. ogy. In press. & Selden, RA. Penney, D, 2001. Phylogeny of Ar- Lehtinen, P.T 1967. Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on aneae: the fossil evidence and its interpretation. the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. P. 157. In Abstracts of the 15th International Congress of Arachnology, Badplaas, South Af- Annales Zooiogici Fennici 4:199-468. McAlpine—, J.F. & J.E.H. Martin. 1969. Canadian rica, 26-30 March 2001. Smith, A.B. 1994. Systematics and the Fossil Re- amber a paleontological treasure chest. Cana- cord, Documenting Evolutionary Patterns. dian Entomologist 101:819-838. Blackwell Scientific Publications, London. Millidge, A.F, 1993. Further remarks on the tax- onomy and relationships of the Linyphiidae, Wunderlich, J. 1986. Spinnenfauna gestern und heute. Fossile Spinnen in Bernstein und ihre heu- based on epigynal duct conformation and other te lebenden Verwandten. Erich Bauer Verlag bei characters (Araneae). Bulletin of the British Ar- Quelle und Meyer, Wiesbaden. achnological Society 9:145-156. Wunderlich, J. 1988. Die Fossilen Spinnen im Nentwig, W. 1993. Spiders of Panama. Sandhill Dominikanischen Bernstein. Beitrage zur Ara- Crane Press, Inc. Gainsville, Florida. neologie 2:1-378. Penney D. Spiders in Upper Cretaceous amber from Wunderlich, J. 1998. Beschreibung der ersten fos- New Jersey (Arthropoda: Araneae). Palaeontol- silen Spinnen der Unterfamilien Mysmeninae ogy. In press. (Anapidae) und Erigoninae (Linyphiidae) im A Petrunkevitch, A. 1942. study of amber spiders. Dominikanischen Bernstein (Arachnida, Ara- Transactions of the Connecticut Academy ofArts neae). Entomologische Zeitschrift 108:363-367. and Sciences 34:119-464. Petrunkevitch, A. 1950. Baltic amber spiders in the Manuscript received 8 October 2001, revised 25 Museum of Comparative Zoology, Bulletin of January 2002.

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