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The Old English Heptateuch: And, and Ælfric's Libellus de Veteri Testamento Et Novo PDF

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THE OLD ENGLISH HEPTATEUCH AND .tELFRlC'S LIBELLUS DE VETER/ TESTAMENTO ET NOVO EARLY ENGLIS·H TEXT SOCIETY No. 330 2008 (ir1g1n,;i ifOl!i llNIVER$11< OF CALJFORJ tl1'.\ r1110111r.I 101 , UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Onglnol om UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA OA/tJrtl, &><ll~ia" librOT). Land m1.:11·. SOY.J72r ("mm/ s1~r>. Rt'produud by JNrmissi(m Q/ th~ lkxlld<m Ubrmy UNIVER rv C'I.! ff ~N A THE OLD ENGLISH HEPTATEUCH AND JELFRIC'S LIBELLUS DE VETER/ TESTAMENTO ET NOVO EDITED BY RICHARD MARSDEN VOLUME ONE INTRODUCTION AND TEXT /or Pilh/ishttl THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY by Ille OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2008 011n1n,,1 :r111r1 l 1N IVERSIT'l Of< CALI i'CIRNIA ·-,I• .. ' . "' ·~ ~ ·• r, •· OXFORD \TlUV•UITT PUii ou Grur Oarendon Smet, Oxford 6oP Oxford Univtniry Press is a dqmtmen1 of 1he University of Oxford. It funhera 1hc U.Uvcrsj1y'1 objective of c1ctllcooe in t<:!IClrch, scholanhop, . and educarion by publishing worldwide in •' Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar cs Salum Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melboumc M,~1ico Ciry NW-obi ' New Dcllu Shanghai Taipei Toronlo - ' Wi1h oll\ta In Argentina Austria Bruit Ooilc Czech Republic France Grtt0t . . Gua1emala Hunpry haly Japan Poland Ponupl Sinppore Soulh Korea Swoiurland Tlw.land Turkey Uknlnc Vicm.un •• Oxford is a rcw\s1eml m<k mark of Oxford Univcnicy Prns in che UK and in tttUin 01hcr countries ,, .. Published in the Uni1cd Sratcs by Oxford Unlvcnicy Press Inc., New York <O Early English Te~1 Socitty, .aooll 't The moral righra of 1hc author ha:ve been uscrtrd Database right Oxford Univcnicy Press (maker) . " First published aoo8 All rights rcsened. No pen of this publication may be reproduced, •• s.toml in a rnrieval 1ystern, or tnnsmincd. in any form or by any mrans, wichout 1he prior permission in wri1intt of Oxford University Prna, or u etprc<sly permincd by law, or under lemu· agrttd wllh 1he apptopri11e rcpr~ph.ics riirhts orpnisa1ion. Enquiries conccminir reproduroon outside the tcope of the abo.-c should be s..nt to dw Ritthts Dcp&rtmcnt, Oxford Univcni!)' Press, 11 the addrcsa above You must nOI circulate this book in any other binding ar covet and you must !mpote this same rondirion on any acquircr Britlsh Libnry C.atalog:uing In Publicarion Dau Dara available Library of C,ongress Cataloging In Publication Data Dara applied for ISBN 97&..o-19-956143-8 I J S 7 .fJ 10 8 6 4 1 Typeset by Anne jQShua, Oxford Printed iJ) Great Briuin on acid-frc.c paper by Tht Cromwell Pmis, Trowbridge, WilL~hi~ ri t 1n111 111, tlfif I ll11 ..... rf\jJv.1.:r 1F1.;,,AL1i't_or Nl1~ I I Pl< /II? PREFAC.E The work of preparing this edition has been spread over many years, interrupted several times by other projects. Research leave funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council of Great Britain and by the University of Nottingham enabled me to complete volume and 1 begin work on the projected volume of commentary and glossary. Both the Council and the University, along with the University's School of English Studies, contributed towards travel and other expenses, which I acknowledge gratefully. I would like to record here also my thanks to the staff of the Bodleian Library, the British Library, the Cambridge University Library, the Parker Library, the Hallward Library of the Universif)' of Nottingham (where the Lincoln C.athedral Library fragment has been housed), and the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York for their cooperation and kindness in facilitating my work during numerous visits. I am indebted to Kevin Kiernan for supplying me with digitized ultra violet images of London, British Library, Conon Otho B. x, which enabled me to decipher additional readings . • R.M. n, 01101 I 10 1""1 UNIVEHSIT'f Df CALI FOP.NIA • - On g1110 I rron 1 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA CONTENTS ILLUSTRATION Vilt • ABBREVIATIONS IX •• BIBLIOGRAPHY XU INTRODUCTION . I. Previous Editions XIX .. II. The Present Edition XXXll m. • The Manuscripts XXXIV IV. The Relationships between the Manuscripts lxix V. Editorial Procedures and Conventions clxxv THE TEXTS I Prefatio to Genesis 3 Genesis 8 Exodus 89 Leviticus 129 Numbers 138 Deuteronomy 154 Joshua 177 Judges r90 Libellw tk ueteri et nouo testa~nto 201 -.,11J!11;1 ~ror11 ilMIVF.Rill'\ uF /\Lii· 1Rl\JI • 1

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