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The Offshore Advantage: Privacy, Asset Protection, Tax Shelters, Offshore Banking & Investing- Why & How PDF

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~--,.--e .J,r _1I.(~<.1Je lot:;};!.:\ MasterMedia Publishing Corp. Copyright© 1998 TerryNeal Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedinanyway withouttheexpresspermissionofthepublisher. Contact: MasterMediaPublishingCorp. 822NWMurray Blvd. Portland, OR 97229 Tel: 800-334-8232 Fax: 503-558-1919 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Neal,Terry, 1946- Theoffshoreadvantage:privacy,assetprotection,taxshelters, offshorebanking& investing/TerryNeal. p. : em. ISBN 1-57101-331-8 1.Taxshelters- Lawandlegislation- UnitedStates- Popular works. 2. Taxhavens- UnitedStates I. Title Kf6297.5.Z9N43 1999 343.7305'2044- dc21 98-40732 CIP ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Table of Contents Foreword 6, Preface 8, Acknowledgments 11 Introduction 12 Section I The Problem Chapter 1 GlobalThinking 17 Chapter2 The LegalThreatToYourAssets 27 Chapter3 FadingPrivacy 36 Chapter4 The U.S. Constitution 51 Chapter5 GovernmentOutOfControl 60 Chapter6 Money, Banking, & The Federal Reserve 68 Section II Decisive Information Chapter7 OffshoreTrends 88 Chapter 8 FrequentlyAskedQuestions 103 Chapter9 FraudulentTransfers 110 Chapter 10 Offshore Private Banking 122 Chapter 11 ShouldYou Go Offshore? 131 Section III The Solution Chapter 12 Offshore Strategies 142 Chapter 13 RegainingYourPrivacy 151 Chapter 14 Nevis, The New Financial Mecca 165 Chapter 15 The Nevada Option 171 Chapter 16 Offshore Directory 182 Epilogue 224 Section IV Appendices Introductionto theAppendices 233 Appendix A-DisclaimerandReservation ofRights 235 Appendix B - Summary of U.S. Tax Rules Involving Corporations, LLCs, Partnerships, andTrusts 236 Appendix C-Articles ofFreeEnterprise 250 Appendix D-ProtectYourAssets from Litigation 251 AppendixE -ConfidentialPurchase Order 252 Appendix F-AssetProtectionLawyers 254 Appendix G-Confidential ConsultationAgreement 255 Appendix H-BusinessTerms andAbbreviations 256 Foreword ForovertwentyyearsIhavehelpedpeopletoachievetheirfinan cial objectives by "going offshore" with their money. What did these peoplehope to achieve? Many wantedfinancial privacy,realizingthattheiraffairs werean openbookherein theUnitedStates. Othersdesired solidlegalprotec tion for their wealth, a financial fortress against lawsuits, ex-spouses, governmental confiscation's and many other growing threats to their financial security. Undoubtedly, many were looking to save or defer taxes, admittedly a goal that is increasingly difficult to legitimately achieve offshore, but nevertheless one that beckons those seeking the few remaining loopholes. Lastly, we have seen a growing number of Americans and other nationals who rightly believe they mustglobally diversifytheirinvestmentsandwhohappilydiscoveredacornucopiaof goodinvestmentopportunities. These underscore afew ofthe many reasons there is such a mas siveoutflowofmoneytosaferhavens. Unfortunately,italsohighlights the fact that while the U.S. may still be apremier nation amongst na tions, itis simply no longerthe safestplacefor yourwealth. Whateveryourreasonsforexploringtheworldofoffshorefinance, itcanindeedbetrickyterrainfortheuninitiated. That'swhyIamthrilled thatTerryNealhas written The OffshoreAdvantage. Nooneknowsthe ropes betterthan Terry Neal. TerryNeal brings to this book almost25 years ofexperienceintheoffshore arena. His firm OffshoreCorporate Serviceshasprovidedefficient, knowledgeablefiduciary services toso manyofmy offshore clients thatI canconfidently say thathe is truly a masterofthe"insandouts"oftheoffshoreworld. The OffshoreAdvan tage shares these secretsin amostinformativeand interestingway. This is abookthatshouldbereadby anyone withconcerns about money. Ifyou haveneverjourneyedabroadwithyourmoney, you will learn how to take those important first steps. If you are a seasoned foreign investor, you will find many new and betterways to maximize the offshore advantage. Ifyou are aprofessional or financial advisor, you will have at your fingertips precisely the information your clients wantand need- andexpectyou to have. 6 Foreword Even ifyou have read a score ofbooks on offshore finance, you will wanttoread The OffshoreAdvantage. Offshore strategies areever changing. The laws, economic trends and opportunities change with time,aswilltheconditionsofyourlife. Thisbook,withitsmanysound ideascanbeyourblueprintforamorefinancially securefuturenowand in the new millenium. Arnold SGoldstein, JD, LLM, Ph.D. AuthorofOffshore Havens and How to ProtectYourMoney Offshore 7 Preface IndependenceDay 1998myfamily andIwatchedthelargestJuly 4th fire works display on the U.S. West Coast from the motor yacht Zarahemlaanchored in the ColumbiaRiver between Portland, Oregon andVancouver, Washington. Threegenerations ofAmericans on board thrilledtothemagnificentaerialdisplaythathascometocommemorate ourcountry'sbirthday. SundaymorningJuly5thourchurchservicebe gan with the singingof"GodBlessAmerica."Itendedas we stoodand sang our national anthem "The Star Spangled Banner." These were passionateeventsthatbroughttearstooureyesandmadeusfeeleverso blessedtohavebeenborninthegreatestnationonearthandtobeapart ofthisveryspecialcountrywhichwasfoundedonafreedomformedby a visionary peopleto ensurethe inalienableright ofliberty for all. Notwithstandingmy love andpassionfor this greatcountryIfear foritsfuture. We are nolonger what wewere. I have discoveredfirst handthatinformationandeducationcanbeeasilymanipulatedtoachieve the objectives ofthose in power. Our free press, the cornerstone and guardianofourliberty,haslargelybecomeatooloftheelite. Greedand power have made the "Spinmeister" the ultimate professional for the overlords ofAmerica. Perhaps some ofthe information we will cover together may be familiartoyou. Formost, thetruthcomesasashock. Youmaywonder why this information is not common knowledge or why it isn't high lighted in the media. The fact is that the truth is frequently overshad owed by rhetoric. And it would appear that the major benefactors of both ofAmerica's political partys' interests would not be well served were some ofthesetruths openly and honestlyreviewed. As to those inthe media, itis bestone keep inmind thatthey are drivenbyadvertisers. OveraportionofmylifeIhavebeeninvolvedin this industry and I write from some experience. Perhaps a small ex ample may help to illustrate. I once had a discussion with a rather fa mousproduceroftheinvestigativetelevisionprogramknownas"20-20." He was in hotpursuit ofscandalous information for aprogramhe was then producing. When discovering some really positive information about the industry he was preparing to trash, and in response to my 8 Preface question as to whetheror not he would include itin his programming, he said, -"Ifyou want good news buy advertising; scandal generates ratings, good news is boring." Thatcomment speaks volumes, butletmepose aquestion- Do you think for, even an instant, that "20-20" or any other investigative programwouldbeallowedtotrashtheadvertisersthatkeepthemonthe air? Thereasonfortheirconcentrationonscandalislargelyanissueof ratings. Higherratingsmeanadvertisers paymoreto gettheirmessage outto viewers. Programmingis ratings and advertising driven. Much ofwhat you're going to read in this book is not taught in school, but it should be. Government must approve educational cur riculum,andinstructionintruth,outsidethesciences,isnotalwayshelp ful to those in power. There are few sources you can consult to learn what is offered in these pages. My objective is that you gain new in sights, understand what's going on, and use this information to your considerablebenefit. You may want to internalize a number offacts before your mind willevenbeginto allow you to implementthecritical strategies neces sary for you to secure your future in these tumultuous times. There is goodnews in this book, butI would first like to present a summary of somenegative informationfor youto consider: Regarding Predatory Litigation 70% ofthe world's lawyers reside inthe U.S. 94% ofthe world's lawsuits are in the U.S. Litigationoncommissionis illegal virtually everywhere in the worldexceptthe U.S. The US is graduatingrecord numbers oflawyers andthere arenow more law students in school than in actualpractice. Ifyouearn $50,000ormoreperannumyourchances are one infour ofbeing caughtup in adversariallitigation next year. Regarding Your Rights To Privacy Privacy rights are virtually gone in the US. Your private bank statements,phone logs,creditcardpurchases, brokerage state ments, and so forth, are largely available to those who might want to do you harm. And, ofcourse, any information about yourpropertyholdings,leases,creditfinancing,creditinforma tion and the like, is readily available. Predatory lawyers and 9

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