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The Occurrence of Trichomanes godmanii (Hymenophyllaceae) on Welfia georgii (Arecaceae) at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica PDF

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Preview The Occurrence of Trichomanes godmanii (Hymenophyllaceae) on Welfia georgii (Arecaceae) at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica

— American Fern Journal 94(2):70-76 (2004) The Occurrence Trichomanes godmanii of (Hymenophyllaceae) on Welfia georgii (Arecaceae) La the Selva at Biological Costa Rica Station, MORAN ROBBIN C. New The New York USA Botanical Garden, Bronx, York 10458-5126, RoMiNA ViDAL Russell Department of Plant Biology, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, at USA 62901-6509, Illinois Abstract.— Field observations suggested that the epiphytic fern Trichomanes godmanii occurred more frequently and abundantly on the trunks palm of the Welfia georgii than on the trunks of We dicotyledonous trees. tested this observation by randomly statistically selecting 25 individuals of W. georgii and the nearest dicotyledonous tree of similar dbh, for a total of 50 trunks. For each trunk up we to a height of three meters, recorded the presence or absence of godmanii and, T. if we present, visually estimated percent cover using a ranked We found scale. that the fern occurred more frequently and abundantly on palm the than on dicotylendonous No was relationship trees. found between the diameter of the trunks and vegetative cover. This one of the few is host-specific preferences recorded among We epiphytic why cannot ferns. fully explain the fern occurs more and frequently abundantly on the trunks of Welfia georgii instead of dicot trees, but the fern^s adhesive hairs on rhizomes and its petioles probably help attachment smooth to the trunk of the palm. The epiphytic habit prominent Of is in pteridophytes. the approximately 9,000 species of pteridophytes considered by Kress worldwide, (1986, 1990] Mesoamerica Moran Mo Station, epiphytic species compose 49% and 42% of the pteridoflora, (Grayum respectively and Churchill, 1987; Nadkarni and Wheelwright! 2000). Despite the prominence epiphytism of in pteridophytes, work little has been done on documenting species-specific host Most associations. reports of associations consist of casual observations, such as those reported for fern epiphytes largely or entirely restricted to the root mantles ferns- of tree epiphytes such as Tmesipteris in Australasia (Brownsey and Smith- Dodsworth, and Blechnum 1989], fragile (Liebm.] Morton & C. V. Lellinger, Costaricia werckleana H. Christ, Terpsichore lehmanniana (Hieron.) A. Sm., R. semihirsuta T, (Klotzsch] A. R. Sm., and Trichomanes capillaceum In L. Mesoamerica (Moran and Thp Riba, 1995. n. 3991. nnlv a^. Qtnti'ofiVai .+ Moran trunk They occurred enough frequently in their samples be to tested statistically, 11 (35%) occurred more frequently on tree fern root mantles. MORAN & RUSSELL: TRICHOMANES GODMANII ON WELFIA GEORGII 71 The present study was prompted by an observation made by Grayum and Churchill La (1989} at the Salva Biological Station in Costa Rica about the frequency of occurrence of Trichomanes godmanii Hook, on the trunks of the palm WeljiageorgiiH. A. Wendl. exBurret. They observed godmanii was that T. — frequently found a low-trunk epiphyte on palm palm as the a ubiquitous the at La Selva ^piphyt was observation subsequently confirmed by the senior author the La Selva at We decided to test these observations by sampling and analyzing the results We Welfi^ dicotyledonous second, no trees; that there difference in the abundance, is expressed percent godmanii on as vegetative cover, of T. Welfia georgii versus dicotyledonous trees. we Besides these two hypotheses about host preference, examined the possible influence of the palm's dbh on the percent cover Trichomanes of We godmanii. expected no influence because the age of the palm not is correlated with the diameter of trunk (Rich, 1986). Therefore, larger diameter its would trunks not necessarily be available for a longer time for the fern to colonize and form a greater percent cover. The null hypothesis we tested was that of no correlation between percent vegetative cover of the fern and the trunk diameter of the palm. Methods The La Selva Biological Station located in Heredia Province, the is at confluence of the Puerto Viejo and Sarapiqui rivers, near Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, 10^26'N, 83°59'W. The elevation about 50 m, and the vegetation relatively aseasonal, tropical wet is is forest, mm with an average annual rainfall of 4,000 (McDade and Hartshorn, 1994). We Camino sampled along an established called the Experimental Sur trail beginning a point where meets the Sendero Tres Ribs in front of the clearing at it We sampled that harbors the laboratory buildings. 25 pairs of trees, each pair We consisting of one georgii and one angiosperm. sampled a palm Welfia first We and then selected the nearest dicotyledonous tree of similar (± 10 cm] dbh. we sampled and sampled microclimatic trunks pairs to control for effects, of similar dbh to control for differences in presence or percent cover that might be associated with trunk width. Only the lower three meters of the trunks were When sampled. the fern was present, percent vegetative cover on each trunk = was visually estimated and then scored using a ranked scale where absent, = = = - - 1-10% 11-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, 76-100%. 1 cover, 2 3 4 5 To frequency occurrence the hypothesis (no difference in the of of test first we Trichomanes godmanii on georgii versus dicot trunks], used Fisher's Welfia X Exact Test (Langley, 1971). This test is a 2 2 contingency table that should be N when used contingency between and 50 instead of a chi-square table is 8 N = (we had 50; the 25 pairs). The probabilities were calculated for a i.e., 72 JOURNAL Fig. A. Welfia georgii without Tricbomanes 1. godnmnii, showing smooth surface of trunk B Trunk of Welfia georgii covered with T. godmanii. C. Close up of T. godnmnii colony. D Fertile cm frond godmanii of T. (about 1 long]. All photographs taken at the La Selva Biological Station. Costa Rica. MORAN & RUSSELL: THICHOMANES GODMANII ON WELFIA GEORGII 73 Table Contingency table showing the occurrence of Trichomanes godmanli on the trunks of 1. Weljia georgii and dicotyledonous trees at the La Selva Biological Field Station, Costa Rica. According to a Fisher's exact test, T. godmanii occurred more frequently on the trunks of W, georgii = [P 0.0014). Dicot W. georgii Total Absent 20 8 28 Present 5 17 22 Total 25 25 50 we two-tailed because were interested in whether godmanii occurred test T. more on angiosperms To frequently either Welfia georgii or trunks. the test second hypothesis [no difference in the percent vegetative cover of T. we godmanii on used Wilcoxon/ Welfia georgii versus dicot trunks), a sum Kruskal-Wallis rank Included in were only those trunks test. this test where was the fern present (17 palms, 5 dicots). For the third hypothesis (no correlation between percent vegetative cover of godmanii with the dbh of T. we palm where was the trunks), included only those 17 trunks the fern present. We between dbh palm and then tested for a correlation of the percent cover of The the fern using Spearman*s rank coefficient. significance level for three all < P was The hypotheses described paragraph set at 0.05. statistical tests in this were performed using JMP package, version and the statistical 3.3.2 (Sail Lehman, 1996). cm Several species of Trichomanes with leaves less than 3 long occur at the La Selva Biological Station^ and these can be easily confused with T. godmanii we examined (Grayum, During sampling suspected individuals of 1989). T. godmanii the presence of cross-connections between the false veins. This for characteristic distinguishes T. godmanii from all other similar small species of Trichomanes (Wessels Boer, 1962). Other characteristics helpful in identifying the species were glabrous lamina margins without black paired or stellate (i.e., hairs) and green-margined involucres (not black margined; Fig. ID). At the La Selva Biological Station, none of the other small species of Trichomanes form godmanii on large extensive mat-like colonies that does the trunks of Welfia T, georgii Results Trichomanes godmanii was present on 17 palms In the 25 paired samples, cm and 5 dicot The mean dbh of the palms sampled in this study was 17 trees. mean with a range of 13-25 cm. The for the nearest dicot trees of (s.d. 2.2), cm cm 9-26 dbh was with range of dbh. similar 17.7 (s.d. 5.5), Trichomanes Hypothesis .—no difference in the frequency of occurrence of 1 The was godmanii on versus dicot trunks. null hypothesis Welfia georgii (P= The occurs more frequently on the palm. rejected 0.0014; Table fern 1). — godmanii Hypothesis no difference in the percent vegetative cover of T. 2. was on The hypothesis rejected Welfia georgii versus dicot trunks. null 74 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 94 2 (2004) 25 20 w Welfia georgii 15 Dicot trees o ° 10 5 1-10 11-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 Percent Cover Comparison Fig. 2. of percent vegetative cover of Thchomanes godmanii on 25 trunks of Welfia georgu and 25 trunks of dicotyledonous La trees at the Selva Biological Station Costa Rica According to a Wilcoxon/Kruskal-Wallis rank sum godmanii had test, T. greater percent cover on = Welfia georgu than on dicotyledonous trees (P 0.0186). (P= The 0.0186; more Fig. fern abundant 2]. is (higher percent on cover) the palm. Hypothesis 5.—no correlation between percent T vegetative cover of godmanii with dbh the of the palm The trunks. null hypothesis was retained F= - 0.37; There was no (rs 0.149). correlation between abundance the of fern and dbh the of the palm. Discussion Grayu Welfi than on dicot trees (hypothesis This one 1). is of the few host-specific relationships that have been documented statistically in ferns (for others see Moran et 2003). al. Trichomanes godmanii seems be one to of the few ferns capable of colonizmg the trunks of Grayum Welfia georgii. and Churchill noted (1989) unnamed an that species of Elapboglossum also occurred on rarely the trunks w gustifi MORAN 75 The showed Trichomanes godmanii was more results also that not only frequent on the palm, but also more abundant (hypothesis The colonies 2). When could be dense was so that the surface of the trunk obscured. present, they always occurred around the base of the trunk IB) and diminished (Fig. upward, some but in cases dense colonies extended five meters above the ground (at La Selva the palm can attain a height up to 23 meters; Rich, 1986]. The large extensive colonies of the fern (Fig. IB) are formed by the plants' long- creeping rhizomes that occasionally branch and run horizontally or upward around the trunk. was There no correlation, however, between percent cover of the fern and dbh palm many of the (hypothesis Like palms, Welfia georg// begins vertical 3). maximum growth with stem support and a girth that sufficient to height, is its maintains same same width grows Thus it the or nearly as taller (Rich, 1986). it wider trunks do not necessarily represent older individuals that have been available for colonization for a longer time by epiphytes. Given this, one would amount expect an equal of the fern in terms of percent cover on both narrow and wide and what we diameter trunks, this found. is Why Trichomanes godmanii most and abundant on frequent Welfia is palm georgiif Perhaps allelopathy plays a with the trunk presenting role, a chemical that inhibits epiphytes other than the fern. This idea, however, cannot be assessed because allelopathy has never been investigated in the trunks of W. georgii nor any other palm (Andrew Henderson, pers. com.). More promoting growth smooth palm likely in of the fern the texture of the trunk. is This might favor the fern two ways. First, could hinder other epiphytes from it establishing and attaching the trunk. This might be because of the smooth surface itself or because such surfaces retain less water or nutrients than would rougher surfaces. In either case, fewer epiphytes free the fern from competition, allowing more space, and nutrients. Second, unlike other light, it epiphytes, the smooth surface of the palm might be an easy substrate for T. godmanii members Trichomanes Didymoglossum, Like of to grasp. all sect. T. godmanii and sometimes rootless, but rhizomes, petioles, basal portions is its of the midrib, bear abundant specialized hairs called ^'adhesive hairs" (Schneider, 2000). These usually form a dense mat surrounding the rhizome and are dark, and several-celled. They have a cuticle (as do the rhizomes) stiff, and apparently do not absorb water or mineral nutrients, but they might hold w^ater by capillary action and gradually release this water to the lamina as it Many and Trichomanes absorb water mineral nutrients dries. species of which one between directly through their leaves, are only cell layer thick the The main veins and lack a cuticle or nearly so (Haertel, 1940). function of the The numerous however, appears be attachment. presence of these hairs, to for some hairs greatly increases the surface area for clinging to the substrate. In species of Trichomanes sect. Didymoglossum, the adhesive hairs branch or when enlarge the they touch the substrate (Duckett et 1996), at tip al., Trichomanes godmanii has such branched increasing adhesive or ability. would smooth swollen hairs (pers. obs.) that facilitate its colonizing surfaces. we Trichomanes angustifrons, the only other fern found on the trunks, also is , AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 76 JOURNAL: 94 2 (2004J member a of sect. Didymoglossum and has the adhesive hairs, suggesting the importance of this type of indument growing on smooth for surfaces. why Nevertheless, adhesive hairs cannot be the only reason godmanii T. flourishes on palm. Four other species of Trichomanes Didymoglossum sect. occur at the La Selva Biological Station (Grayum and and Churchill, 1989), although they have adhesive hairs, only one of them was [T. angustifrons] found on the palm. All of the other four grow primarily on Thus, dicots. although adhesive hairs probably play an important role, they are not the entire why reason godmanii 7. prefers the trunks of Welfia georgii. Acknowledgments This study was done while the junior author was a student in Sistemdtica de Plantas Tropicales, a course sponsored by the Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS). This course was coordinated by the senior author, and funding came for the course primarily from the Andrew Mellon G. who we Foundation, thank We for their outstanding generosity. thank OTS Academic Advisor Barbara Lewis her help with for administering the course, and students Eduardo Mendoza and Alvaro We Idarraga for their help with sampling. also thank Andrew Henderson generously for sharing knowledge his extensive of palms, and Harald Schneider for his comments on adhesive hairs in Trichomanes. Literature Cited BRcnvNSEY, and New p. C. Smtth-Dodsworth. 1989. Zealand Ferns and J., J. Allied Plants. David Bateman Auckland. Ltd., ;fcett M. Camus, M. Gibby and In: R. Johns, eds. Pteridology J. in Perspective. Royal Botanic J. Gardens, Kew, UK. W. Kress, The 1986. systematic J. distribution of vascular epiphytes; an update. Selbyana 9:2-22. — _,„„. ,. ^^wi.^vxLi^ai vac5i.uiai GpipiiyiBs. rp. zj^-ZDi. iji In: U. Luttge, ed. Vascular Plants as Epiphyses. Evolution and Ecopbysiology. Ecological Studies 76. Springer- New New Verlag, York, York. Grayum, M. H. and H. W. An Churchill. 1987. introduction to the pteridophvte Finca La flora of Selva. Anier. Fern 77:73-89. J. Grayum, M. and W. H. H. Churchill. The 1989. vascular flora of the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Polypodiophyta. Selbyana 11:66-118. Haertel, O. 1940. Physiologische studien an Hymenophyllaceae. Wasserhaushalt und II. resistenz. Protoplasma 4:489-514. Langley, R. 1971. Practical Simply Statistics Explained. Dover New Publications, York McDade, a. and L. G. S. Hartshorn. 1994. La Selva Biological Station. 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