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The Occult Sciences in Byzantium PDF

467 Pages·2006·134.68 MB·English
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• • e CCll c l e n c e s I n ~ • I Copy 911100 r P a u l M a g d a l i n o M a r i a M a v r o u d i • • e CCll ..... c l e n c e s I n • z a n I L a P o m m e d ' o r G e n e v a Copy 911100 r opyright by La Pomme d or, 2006 All rights reserved Cover: Biblioleca Univer 'itaria di Bologna, Bononiensi gT, 3632, fo l. 36I r. Graph ic design : Miglena Savova Production: Torovino Ltd, Sofia rSBN- 10 : 95~-8446-02-2 ISBN- 13: 97S-954-S-M6-02-0 Copy 911100 rr r Abbreviations AnlCI Anliquile C lassique AG Anlhologia Graeca Les AG aJc himi sles grecs BHG Bibiothcca Hagiographica G racca BMG. B zantine and Modern Greek LUdie BZ Byzanlinische Zei tsch rijt AB o rpu s de asl rono mes byzanlins Ca hCMCahiers de civilisation medieva!e, Xe- XJJe siecles CahHi cM Calliers d'hisloire mondiale Co ll Byz Collectanea Byzantina A Calalog us odiculI1 ASlro!ogorum raecorum, 12 J vols. (Brussels, 1898- 1953) CCC 1 Corpus Christianomm Continuatio Mcdiacvalis CC G Co rpus C hri stianorum, eries Graeca CFHB 'o rpus Fon lium Historiae Byzantinae CAtfAG Ca talo g ue des manuscrils alchimiques g r ecs, 8 vols. (Brusse ls, J 924-32) CSCO Co rpu s Scriplo rum C hrislianorum O ri ental ium CS IIB Corpus Script.orum IIistoriae Byzantinae DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers ErJ b Eranos Jahrbuch GC Die (Jriechischen chrisllicher chriftsteller HAW Handbu c h der Allertumswissensc hajt JOB Jahrbuch der 0 ferreichi hen Bvzantinislik • JSJ Journal Jor th e 'Iudy oJ Judaism in th e Persian, Helleni fi c . and Roman Period JR S Journa l of Roman Studies DB .rl-Jord Dictio nal") oJ Byzantium PG Palro lo gia C ursus Co mplellls. Series Graeca PLP Prosopographis li es Lexikon der Palaeologen -ei t REB Revue des eludes byzanlines RHR Revile de I'lli {oire de · re ligio n COPY gt'tea a 'T r <.. toicorum velerum fragmenta, • SVF cd. H. von Tmm (Leipzig, 1903) 7M 7'ravaux et Melrwires PmbZ Prosopographie der miltelbyzantinischen Zeit PBE Prosopography of the Byzantine Empire ZRVI Zbornik Radova Vizanloloskog InSlilula Copy 911100 r Contents Preface 9 Introduction 11 Maria Mavroudi Occult Science and Society in Byzantium: Future Research Considerations for 39 Katerin8 Ierodiakonou Greek of The Concept Sympatheia and Its Byzantine Appropriation in Michael Psellos 97 • Paul Magdalino Occult Science and Imperial in Byzantine History ~ower and Historiography (9th-12th Centuries) 119 Maria Papathanassiou Stephanos of Alexandria: A Famous Byzantine Scholar, Alchemist and Astrologer 163 Michele Mertens Graeco-Egyptian Alchemy in Byzantium 205 t David Pingree The Byzantine Translations of Mu.sha'allah on Interrogational Astrology 231 William Adler Patriarchs Astrology? Did the Biblical Practice Michael GJykas and Manuel Komnenos I on Seth and Abraham 245 AnneTihon Byzantium Astrological Promenade in in the Early t. Palaiologan Period 26S~ Joshua Dolo Hebrew Astrology in Byzantine Southern Italy 291 Charles Burnett Antique and of Late Medieval Latin Translations Greek Texts on Astrology and Magic 325. George Saliba Revisiting the Astronomical Contacts Between the World of Islam and Renaissance Europe: The Byzantine connection 361 Bibliography 375 Indices 437 - •• •

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