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The Number Systems and Operations of Arithmetic. An Explanation of the Fundamental Principles of Mathematics which Underlie the Understanding and Use of Arithmetic, Designed for In-Service Training of Elementary School Teachers Candidates Service Training PDF

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Preview The Number Systems and Operations of Arithmetic. An Explanation of the Fundamental Principles of Mathematics which Underlie the Understanding and Use of Arithmetic, Designed for In-Service Training of Elementary School Teachers Candidates Service Training

The Number Systems and Operations of Arithmetic An explanation of the fundamental principles of mathematics which underlie the understanding and use of arithmetic, designed for in-service training of elementary school teachers and pre- service training of elementary school teacher candidates ORVAL M. KLOSE Professor of Mathematics, Humboldt State College, Arcata, California PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD · LONDON · EDINBURGH · NEW YORK TORONTO · PARIS · BRAUNSCHWEIG Pergamon Press Ltd., Headington Hill Hall, Oxford 4 & 5 Fitzroy Square, London W.l. Pergamon Press (Scotland) Ltd., 2 & 3 Teviot Place, Edinburgh 1 Pergamon of Canada, Ltd., 6 Adelaide Street East, Toronto, Ontario Pergamon Press Inc., 44-01 21st Street, Long Island City, New York 11101 Pergamon Press S.A.R.L., 24 rue des ficoles, Paris 5e Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Verlag, Postfach 185, 33 Braunschweig, West Germany Copyright © 1966 Pergamon Press Inc. First edition 1966 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 65-26342 Printed in Great Britain by Billing & Sons Limited, Guildford and London This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published. (2422/66) PREFACE THIS book was written for the single purpose of explaining to elementary school teachers (both in-service and in-training) the nature of those basic principles of mathematics which form the foundations and structural framework of arithmetic, and how the familiar formal algorithms of arithmetic stem from these struc­ tural principles. The author has tried to present these ideas thru a frankly intuitive approach because on the basis of his experience he believes this to be the natural and best approach for those who teach elementary school children. It has been observed that these teachers are usually not impressed by rigorous axiomatic develop­ ments of theory and frequently do not share the enthusiasm for mathematical rigor in general which one might find in an ad­ vanced student specializing in mathematics. It is hoped and believed that one who follows the intuitive development presented here will culminate his experience in the formation of a sound understanding and user's appreciation of the basic concepts and principles underlying arithmetic and its teaching. If so, it is believed that such a common-sense understanding will make a more effective contribution to the teaching of arithmetic than would result from a premature emphasis on axiomatics. Altho some of the material has been well received by secondary teachers of the author's acquaintance—and all those who find anything whatever in the book that is of value or interest to them are certainly welcome to make use of it—no claim is made for the book as a cure-all, with or without starred sections and exercises. As a matter of fact, on the basis of a belief that each competent instructor who uses the book will have his own good ideas on which topics should be included to provide challenge for ix X PREFACE his better students and which should be excluded to temper the wind to his less hardy lambs, no sections and no exercises have been starred. It will probably be generally agreed that most of the material in the first four chapters of Part 1 and most of the algorithmic material in Part 2 should be covered (say in a two semester sequence of courses meeting three hours per week); it will likewise probably be obvious to all that the material in Chapter 1.5 on abstract systems, and possibly also that on the complex number system at the end of Chapter 1.4, is in the challenge-and-enrichment department. The author strongly believes that the most effective learning experience that can be stimulated thru the use of exercises is that in which the student first asks himself whether or not the results he has obtained are correct, pertinent and productive; also that the next-best situation is the one in which the student discusses these matters with his instructor. As a special favor to the student, and particularly that type of student (which thrives in such abundance lately) who delights in discovering things for himself, the author has therefore refrained from providing the usual list of "answers-in-the-back-of-the-book". The "answers" to all the exercises are to be found in the main body of the text and it is hoped that the student will form the habit of looking there for them. It is customary at this point for authors to acknowledge their indebtedness and gratitude to their publishers, their old profes­ sors, their colleagues, their students, and their wives for the various appropriate forms of cooperation, inspiration and help provided. The present author is mindful of these debts, he is sincerely grateful for all the help received and he is happy to use this opportunity to express his thanks to all concerned. Having only one wife, Rachel, who helped with the art work, and only one publisher, Pergamon Press, the author can and does give his thanks to these individually. However, in listing our colleagues, which in a broad sense include both our teachers and our students, we should be aware of our indebtedness to all of that great PREFACE XI company of thinking humans who from the days of the cave man down to the present have worked patiently and painstakingly to create, assemble and transmit to us that exquisite and powerful system of concepts which enables us to deal with the quantitative aspects of the universe. To all these we are grateful for the heritage they have given us. O. M. KLOSE Arcata, California CHAPTER 1.1 THE ORIGIN OF NUMERICAL THINKING HUMAN BEINGS are sometimes reputed (by human beings) to have elevated themselves somewhat above the level of the other forms of animal life on this planet. If so, their chief basis for such a claim probably lies in the fact that they have taken upon them­ selves the task of trying to understand the nature of the physical universe—among other things. This endeavor and the various activities arising from it are collectively labeled as science (a word of Latin origin which may be roughly translated as "knowing"). In trying to understand the things of the physical universe one repeatedly encounters certain basic patterns. These may be pat­ terns of form such as the shapes and paths of the astronomical bodies, they may be patterns of arrangement such as the sym­ metrical arrangement of the limbs of living creatures; or they may be patterns of relation such as the ordering in men's minds of sound, which we call music, the ordering in men's minds of form and color, which we call art, the ordering in men's minds of words, which we call poetry, or the ordering in men's minds of thought, which we call philosophy. Our study of these and all other such patterns is what we call mathematics. Nearly all of mathematics involves the use of a concept called number. It is natural then that the study of mathematics should begin with, be centered upon, and be extensively and intimately concerned with numbers. The elementary study and use of numbers is called arithmetic. Since a number is not a physical thing but an abstract concept (that is, a creation of thought) and one which has evolved thru 3 4 NUMBER SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS OF ARITHMETIC the ages in the minds of thinking creatures, a good way to under­ stand this concept is to retrace its development in the minds of primitive men who first used it for the practical purpose of keeping track of their sets of material acquisitions and personal belong­ ings. EXERCISES This is the "do-it-yourself" department. The following items—and other similar ones which will appear later from time to time—are what are called "exercises" in most textbooks. We shall call them "exercises" too because an exercise is a voluntary exertion which is performed regularly for the purpose of establishing a useful reflex action and strengthening the muscles involved in this action, and we hope that you will use these "exercises" in exactly this way to establish the reflex mental actions associated with mathe­ matical thinking and to strengthen your mathematical muscles. No athlete develops muscular coordination entirely by reading a book, listening to a lecture or attending a "workshop".f Similarly, the more you exercise and practice your mathematical skills, the better your game will be. 1. List ten sciences, professions, trades or regular human activities of any sort which do not make use of, and do not have need for, the application of any mathematical principles or concepts whatever. 2. List five different items among your personal possessions which you think might still exist and be in your possession even if you lived your life in a society with no awareness of mathematical concepts. 3. Discuss three examples of non-human forms of life which evidence either a (possibly unconscious) use of, or some apparent understanding of, mathematical principles. 4. Explain the meaning of the words (a) concept, (b) abstract. (In defining "abstract", define it as an adjective which might be used in modifying the noun "concept".) 5. (a) Without making any use of references or other help, write the best definition that you can compose, on the basis of your own present under­ standing, of the concept of "number", (b) Do the same for "set". 1.1.1. The Set Concept in Human Affairs The concept of set is so useful in mathematics as to be con­ sidered of basic importance. Like other basic mathematical concepts, its meaning cannot be satisfactorily defined in terms of t "Workshop": formerly (during the days of actual workshops) called a conference. Sometimes also called (irreverently, by undergraduates) a "bull- session". THE ORIGIN OF NUMERICAL THINKING 5 other still more basic concepts (because there are no other concepts which are more basic) and, for this reason, no attempt is made to define it. Intuitively, its meaning can be conveyed quite easily and clearly merely by giving a few common synonyms for it such as class, bunch, collection, lot, aggregate, etc. Thus the class of people whose incomes exceed $50,000 per year is a set; a bunch of bananas is a set; a collection of paintings is a set; a lot of people in an auditorium is a set; the aggregate of all items in a lady's handbag is a set; etc. The individual items or objects in a set are called the elements of the set. The elements of a set may have certain obviously recognizable common properties as, for example, in the case of a bunch of keys, or a collection of stamps, or a bouquet of roses. However, such similarity among elements is not necessary, as three apples and two oranges constitute just as good a set as would five apples—or seven oranges. For some sets it might be that the only common property possessed by all elements of a set is their common membership in the particular set being con­ sidered. (Consider, for example, the set of items in a lady's handbag.) This set of points-" Constitutes Broadway This, of course, is the This set of points intersection of the two sets constitutes 42nd Street When two or more sets are under consideration, there are certain important other sets which may be constructed from them. One such set, called the intersection of the original sets, is the set consisting of all those elements each of which belongs to every one of the original sets. For example, if A is the set of all Republicans and B is the set of all Presbyterians, then the inter­ section of A and B is the set of all people each of whom is both a 6 NUMBER SYSTEMS AND OPERATIONS OF ARITHMETIC Republican and a Presbyterian. As another example, a street intersection, as illustrated in the figure on p. 5, is also an intersec­ tion of sets in the mathematical sense. A second important derived set is the union of the original sets, and this is the set consisting of all elements which belong to any one (or more) of the original sets. For example, the union of sets A and B as described in the preceding paragraph would be the set of all people who are either Republicans or Presbyterians or both. As another example, consider the following sets. Set of bricklayers Set of plasterers Set of hodcarriers ~KeiTy ' Finnegan O'Toole Flanagan Reilly • Reilly O'Srady I O'Grady Murphy I Flaherty I Fogarty | The union of these three sets is illustrated in the following diagrammatic list. Bricklayers Hodcarriers /V\ Finnegan ' \ Flanagan / O'GradyX / \ / Murphy \ Plasterers A set, all of whose elements are also contained in another set, is called a subsetf of the latter set. For example, the set of all t An alternative and slightly better definition would be: "A set P is a subset of a set Q if any element which is not in Q is also not in P." Do you see why? THE ORIGIN OF NUMERICAL THINKING 7 Republicans is a subset of the set of all people, the set of all women is a subset of the set of all people, the set of all Eskimo women is a subset of the set of all women, the set of all plasterers is a subset of the set of all bricklayers, plasterers and hodcarriers, etc. If, for some two sets A and B, B is a subset of A and A contains also at least one element which is not in B, then B is called a proper subset of A. If a set S is a subset of a set T, then T is called a superset of S. If S is a proper subset of T, then T is a proper superset of S. A set which contains no element is—naturally—called "the empty set", or "the null set". It might seem that if a set had no element then there would be no set to talk about. An example will show that this is not the case. Legendary reports from the Himalayan Mountains tell of creatures there which are called "yetis", or "abominable snowmen". Let us define the set Y (that is, let us describe, or explain, or identify the set Y) as the set of all yetis. Up to the present time it has not been proved that a single yeti exists, and it seems unlikely that any do exist outside the realm of tall stories. Thus the set Y may be, and probably is, the empty set; nevertheless it has been the subject of worldwide attention and discussion. While the empty set is unique (which means that there is just one set of this kind) it may nevertheless be considered from various different viewpoints. Thus it may be regarded as the day's collection of eggs—for a day on which there was no egg to be collected. It may be considered as the set of all vacuum cleaners sold by a vacuum cleaner salesman who never actually sells any vacuum cleaner. It may be considered as the set of "little men who aren't there", the set of all hens' teeth, and so on. It turns out that the empty set, trivial as it may at first seem, has some rather important consequences. If two sets have no common element, then their intersection set (being the set of all their common elements) is, of course, the empty set. In such a case we say that the two sets are disjoint, or that each of the sets is disjoint, relative to the other.

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