Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal. PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.08/22/09 THE NUCLEAR SPECTROSCOPIC TELESCOPE ARRAY (NUSTAR) HIGH ENERGY X-RAY MISSION Fiona A. Harrison1, William W. Craig2,3, Finn E. Christensen4, Charles J. Hailey5, William W. Zhang6, Steven E. Boggs3, Daniel Stern7, W. Rick Cook1, Karl Forster1, Paolo Giommi8,9, Brian W. Grefenstette1, Yunjin Kim7, Takao Kitaguchi10, Jason E Koglin5,11, Kristin K. Madsen1, Peter H. Mao,1, Hiromasa Miyasaka1, Kaya Mori5, Matteo Perri8,9, Michael J. Pivovaroff2, Simonetta Puccetti8,9, Vikram R. Rana1, Niels J. Westergaard4, Jason Willis7, Andreas Zoglauer3, Hongjun An12, Matteo Bachetti13, Nicolas M. Barrie`re3, Eric C. Bellm 1, Varun Bhalerao1,14, Nicolai F. Brejnholt4, Felix Fuerst1, Carl C. Liebe7, Craig B. Markwardt6, Melania Nynka5, Julia K. Vogel2 Dominic J. Walton1, Daniel R. Wik6, David M. Alexander15, Lynn R. Cominsky16, Ann E. Hornschemeier6, Allan Hornstrup4, Victoria M. Kaspi12, Greg M. Madejski11, Giorgio Matt17, Silvano Molendi18, David M. Smith19, John A. Tomsick3, Marco Ajello3, David R. 3 Ballantyne20, Mislav Balokovic´1, Diddier Barret13, Franz E. Bauer21, Roger D. Blandford9, W. Niel 1 Brandt22,23, Laura W. Brenneman24, James Chiang9, Deepto Chakrabarty25, Jerome Chenevez4, Andrea 0 Comastri26, Francois Dufour12, Martin Elvis24, Andrew C. Fabian27, Duncan Farrah28, Chris L. Fryer29, 2 Eric V. Gotthelf5, Jonathan E. Grindlay24, David J. Helfand30, Roman Krivonos3, David L. Meier7, Jon M. Miller31, Lorenzo Natalucci32, Patrick Ogle33, Eran O. Ofek34, Andrew Ptak6, Stephen P. Reynolds35, Jane R. n Rigby6, Gianpiero Tagliaferri36, Stephen E. Thorsett37, Ezequiel Treister38, C. Megan Urry39 a J Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal. 0 ABSTRACT 3 The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission, launched on 13 June 2012, is the ] first focusing high-energy X-ray telescope in orbit. NuSTAR operates in the band from 3 – 79 keV, M extending the sensitivity of focusing far beyond the ∼10 keV high-energy cutoff achieved by all pre- vious X-ray satellites. The inherently low-background associated with concentrating the X-ray light I . enables NuSTAR to probe the hard X-ray sky with a more than one-hundred-fold improvement in h sensitivityoverthecollimatedorcoded-maskinstrumentsthathaveoperatedinthisbandpass. Using p itsunprecedentedcombinationofsensitivity,spatialandspectralresolution,NuSTARwillpursuefive - o primaryscientificobjectives: 1)probeobscured AGN activityout tothe peakepoch ofgalaxyassem- r blyintheuniverse(atz<∼2)bysurveyingselectedregionsofthesky; 2)studythepopulationofhard t s X-ray emitting compact objects in the Galaxy by mapping the central regions of the Milky Way; 3) a study the non-thermal radiation in young supernova remnants, both the hard X-ray continuum and [ the emission from the radioactive element 44Ti; 4) observe blazars contemporaneously with ground- based radio, optical and TeV telescopes, as well as with Fermi and Swift, to constrain the structure 1 of AGN jets; and, 5) observe line and continuum emission from core-collapse supernovae in the Local v 7 Group, and from nearby Type Ia events, to constrain explosion models. During its baseline two-year 0 mission,NuSTARwillalsoundertakeabroadprogramoftargetedobservations. Theobservatorycon- 3 sists of two co-aligned grazing-incidence X-ray telescopes pointed at celestial targets by a three-axis 7 stabilizedspacecraft. Deployedintoa600km, near-circular, 6◦ inclinationorbit, theObservatoryhas . now completed commissioning, and is performing consistent with pre-launch expectations. NuSTAR 1 is now executing its primary science mission, and with an expected orbit lifetime of ten years, we 0 anticipate proposing a guest investigator program, to begin in Fall 2014. 3 1 Subject headings: space vehicles: instruments – telescopes : v i X 1Cahill Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, California In- Building, 3600 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T8, r stituteofTechnology,Pasadena,CA91125;fi[email protected]. Canada a 2Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 13UniversitdeToulouse;UPS-OMP;IRAP;Toulouse,France& 94550 CNRS; Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plan´etologie; 9 3Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, Av. colonelRoche,BP44346,F-31028Toulousecedex4,France CA94720 14Inter-UniversityCenterforAstronomyandAstrophysics,Post 4DTUSpace-NationalSpaceInstitute,TechnicalUniversityof Bag4,Ganeshkhind,Pune411007,India Denmark,Elektrovej327,2800Lyngby,Denmark 15Department of Physics, Durham University, Durham DH1 5ColumbiaAstrophysicsLaboratory,ColumbiaUniversity,New 3LE,UK York,NY10027 16DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,SonomaStateUniver- 6NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,MD20771 sity,RohnertPark,CA94928 7JetPropulsionLaboratory,CaliforniaInstituteofTechnology, 17Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Universit`a Roma Tre, Pasadena,CA91109 viadellaVascaNavale84,00146Roma,Italy 8ASI Science Data Center, c/o ESRIN, via G. Galilei, I-00044 18IASF-Milano,INAF,ViaBassini15,I-20133Milano,Italy Frascati,Italy 19Physics Department and Santa Cruz Institute for Particle 9INAF-OsservatorioAstronomicodiRoma,viadiFrascati33, Physics, University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA I-00040Monteporzio,Italy 95064 10RIKEN,2-1Hirosawa,Wako,Saitama,351-0198,Japan 20CenterforRelativisticAstrophysics,SchoolofPhysics,Geor- 11Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, giaInstituteofTechnology,Atlanta,GA30332 SLACNationalAcceleratorLaboratory,MenloPark,CA94025 21Pontificia Universidad Cat´olica de Chile, Departamento de 12DepartmentofPhysics,McGillUniversity,RutherfordPhysics 2 Harrison et al. 1. INTRODUCTION TABLE 1 The last decade has seen a major technological ad- NuSTAR Mission Parameters. vance in the ability to efficiently focus hard X-rays/soft gamma-rays. This breakthrough has enabled the de- MissionParameter Value velopment of instruments that are orders of magni- Mass 350kg tude more sensitive compared to the collimators and Power 600W coded-mask cameras previously used to observe the Orbit LowEarth,650×610km cosmos at the these energies. Focusing instruments Orbitinclination 6◦ Orbitlifetime ∼10yr achieve large concentration factors, such that their col- lecting area is significantly larger (by factors of 1000 or greater) than the detector area used to register the over four years later, on 13 June 2012. signal. In the hard X-ray band, where particle inter- In its two-year primary science mission, NuSTAR will actions result in high detector backgrounds, large con- undertake a broad range of programs that emphasize centration factors result in enormous improvements in its unique combination of hard X-ray sensitivity, sub- the signal-to-background ratio over coded mask cam- arcminute angular resolution, and sub-keV spectral re- eras, where telescope effective areas are typically less sponse. Inthispaperweprovideanoverviewofthemis- than (∼50%) of the detector area. Focusing telescopes sion (§ 2), describe the mission and instrument designs operating at energies above 10 keV have been devel- (§3,4), summarizethekeyin-flightcalibrationsandper- oped and deployed on the High-Energy Focusing Tele- formance (§ 5), describe the ground data systems (§ 6), scope (HEFT), High-Energy Replicated Optics (HERO) target of opportunity response (§ 7), data analysis ap- and InFOCUS balloon platforms (Harrison et al. 2005; proach(§8),andeducationandpublicoutreachprogram Ramsey et al. 2002; Tueller et al. 2005). These balloon (§ 9). We also describe the motivation for observations experimentspavedthewayforNuSTAR,ART-XC(tobe tobeundertakenaspartofthetwo-yearbaselinescience deployed on Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma) and ASTRO- mission H. TheNuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) 2. NUSTAROVERVIEW SmallExplorermissionisthefirstastronomicaltelescope The NuSTAR observatory, shown in Figure 1, consists inorbittoutilizethenewgenerationofhardX-rayoptics oftwoco-alignedhardX-raytelescopeswhicharepointed and solid-state detector technologies to carry out high- at celestial targets by a three-axis-stabilized spacecraft. sensitivity observations at X-ray energies significantly TheobservatorywaslaunchedfromtheReaganTestSite greaterthan10keV.TheNuSTARinstrument,whichfo- ontheKwajaleinAtollintheSouthPacificinacompact, cusesX-raysinthebandfrom3–79keV,isbasedinlarge stowed configuration on a Pegasus XL vehicle. On the partonthetechnologiesdevelopedforHEFT).NuSTAR ninth day after launch an extendible mast was deployed began its detailed design phase in February 2008, and to achieve the 10.14 m instrument focal length. Table 1 waslaunchedintoanear-equatorial,low-Earthorbitjust provides an overview of key mission and orbit param- eters. The launch site was chosen in order to deploy Astronom´ıayAstrof´ısica,Casilla306,Santiago22,Chile into a low-inclination orbit, where passages through the 22DepartmentofAstronomyandAstrophysics,ThePennsylva- niaStateUniversity,525DaveyLab,UniversityPark,PA16802 South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) – a region with a high 23Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, The Pennsylvania concentration of trapped particles – are minimized. The StateUniversity,UniversityPark,PA16802 observatory has no consumables, with the lifetime lim- 24Harvard-SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,60GardenSt., ited only by the lack of redundant systems and the orbit Cambridge,MA02138 25Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Mas- decay which will result in re-entry in about 10 years. sachusettsInstituteofTechnology,Cambridge,MA02139 TheNuSTARscienceinstrumentconsistsoftwodepth- 26INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, via Ranzani 1, gradedmultilayer-coatedWolterIconicalapproximation 40127,Bologna,Italy 27Institute of Astronomy, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 (Petre&Serlemitsos1985)X-rayopticswhichfocusonto 0HA,UK two independent solid-state focal plane detectors sepa- 28DepartmentofPhysics,VirginiaTech,Blacksburg,VA,24061 rated from the optics by a ∼ 10 m focal length. The 29CCS-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM optics and detectors are designed to be as identical as 87545 30QuestUniversityCanada,SquamishBCV8B0N8CANADA possible, so that the focal plane images can be co-added 31Department of Astronomy, The University of Michigan, 500 to gain sensitivity. Two benches which support the op- ChurchStreet,AnnArbor,MI,48109 tics and focal plane systems respectively are separated 32IstitutodiAstrofisicaePlanetologiaSpaziali,INAF,ViaFosso by a deployable composite mast. The mast is not suffi- delCavaliere100,Roma,I-00133,Italy 33Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, Caltech, Pasadena, ciently stiff to maintain the required relative alignment CA91125 ofthebencheson-orbit. TheNuSTARinstrumentthere- 34BenoziyoCenterforAstrophysics,WeizmannInstituteofSci- fore incorporates an aspect/metrology system consisting ence,76100Rehovot,Israel. of a star camera mounted to the optics bench as well as 35PhysicsDept.,NCStateU.,Raleigh,NC27695 36INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Via Bianchi 46, twolasermetrologyunitswhichmeasurethetranslation, 23807Merate,Italy tip,tiltandclockingbetweenthebenches. Thisinforma- 37Department of Physics, Willamette University, Salem, OR tion is used to reconstruct the instantaneous instrument 97301 alignment and pointing direction. The resulting correc- 38Universidad de Concepci´on, Departamento de Astronom´ıa, Casilla160-C,Concepcio´n,Chile tionsareappliedonthegroundtocorrectlyback-project 39Department of Physics and Yale Center for Astronomy and individual X-rays onto the sky. Astrophysics,YaleUniversity,NewHaven,CT06520-8120 Figure 2 shows NuSTAR’s collecting area as a func- The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Mission 3 Metrology Deployed mast lasers Focal plane bench Op#cs modules Instrument star tracker Focal plane detector module (1 of 2) Metrology Mast canister detector (1 of 2) Fig. 1.—Diagramoftheobservatoryinthestowed(bottom)anddeployed(top)configurations. theinstrumentdetectionthresholdrepresentsmorethan twoordersofmagnitudeimprovementovercollimatedor coded-apertureinstrumentsthathaveflowninthisband. Table 2 summarizes the key performance parameters. 3. NuSTAROBSERVATORYANDMISSIONDESIGN TheNuSTARobservatoryispointedatpredetermined locations on the sky by a three-axis stabilized spacecraft based on Orbital Science’s LEOStar bus. NuSTAR is designed for long observations (1 day - weeks in dura- tion). The observatory does not re-orient during periods ofEarthoccultation,andforatypicalcelestialsource(55 ◦> δ > −55◦) the observing efficiency is 55%, including occultationsandSAApassages;sourcesathighlatitudes can be observed with close to 90% efficiency. Fig. 2.— Effective collecting area of NuSTAR compared to se- A four-head star camera system, the Technical Uni- lectedoperatingfocusingtelescopes. NuSTARprovidesgoodover- versity of Denmark’s µASC (Jorgensen et al. 2004), is lap with these soft X-ray observatories, and extends focusing ca- used to determine both instrument and spacecraft atti- pabilityupto79keV. tude. Three of the four units are mounted on or near the spacecraft bus and are combined with other space- tion of X-ray energy compared to selected focusing mis- craft sensors to provide attitude control and determina- sions currently in operation. The combination of the tion. The fourth unit, mounted to the instrument optics low graze angle X-ray optics and the multilayer coat- bench, is combined with a laser metrology system to de- ings enables significant collecting area to be achieved termine instrument pointing and alignment (§ 5.4). As out to 78.4 keV, the location of the Platinum K ab- a result of the multi-head tracker design and the lack of sorption edge . The angular resolution of the observa- thermalconstraints,NuSTARcanperformscienceobser- tory is dominated by the optics, and is 18(cid:48)(cid:48) FWHM, vationsatanygiventimeovermorethan80%ofthesky. with a half power diameter of 58(cid:48)(cid:48). NuSTAR’s focal For science targets the primary restrictions are a cone of planeisdesignedtoachievegoodenergyresolutioninthe 39◦ around the Sun and 14◦ around the full Moon, with hard X-ray range, with a FWHM response of 400 eV at othersmallregionsexcludedbytherequirementthatone 10keVand0.9keVat60keV.Anactiveanti-coincidence spacecraftstartrackerbeavailableatalltimes. NuSTAR shield reduces background above 10 keV, so that overall can point closer to (or even at) the Sun and Moon; how- 4 Harrison et al. TABLE 2 Key Observatory Performance Parameters. Parameter Value Energyrange 3–78.4keV Angularresolution(HPD) 58(cid:48)(cid:48) Angularresolution(FWHM) 18(cid:48)(cid:48) FoV(50%resp.) at10keV 10(cid:48) FoV(50%resp.) at68keV 6(cid:48) Sensitivity(6–10keV)[106 s,3σ,∆E/E=0.5] 2×10−15 ergcm−2 s−1 Sensitivity(10–30keV)[106 s,3σ,∆E/E=0.5] 1×10−14 ergcm−2 s−1 BackgroundinHPD(10–30keV) 1.1×10−3 ctss−1 BackgroundinHPD(30–60keV) 8.4×10−4 ctss−1 Spectralresolution(FWHM) 400eVat10keV,900eVat68keV Strongsource(>10σ)positioning 1.5(cid:48)(cid:48)(1σ) Temporalresolution 2µs Targetofopportunityresponse <24hr Slewrate 0.06◦ s−1 Settlingtime 200s(typ) ever, pointing reconstruction is degraded due to the lack by diagonal cables that latch as the system is deployed of availability of the optics bench star camera. (seeFigure3). Duetothermalconditionsthatvaryover NuSTARwasdesignedsuchthatonesideoftheobser- an orbit and with aspect angle relative to the Sun, the vatory always faces the Sun, and pointing to a celestial alignment of the optics and focal plane benches changes target is achieved by rotating the observatory about the in translation, tip, tilt and relative rotation during an Sun-Earth vector. This allows the use of a solar array observation. These changes move the location of the op- with a single axis of rotation and simplifies the thermal tical axis and also the X-ray spot on the detector by design. Asaconsequence,theobservatorypositionangle about 3 mm (1(cid:48)) each. This changes the alignment and isrestrictedto0−10◦ fromtheSunatanygivenpointin vignettingfunctionsasafunctionoftime. Alasermetrol- theyear,sothatthepositionangleforaparticulartarget ogy system, combined with the optics-bench-mounted depends on when during the year it is observed. Science star tracker, measure the varying translation, tilt and targetobservationsaregenerallyperformedinaninertial rotation of the optics relative to the detectors. These pointing mode which keeps the position angle fixed. A measurements are combined during data processing on small slew is performed every few days to keep the solar the ground to remove image blurring and determine cor- array optimally pointed at the Sun. rectresponsefiles. Themetrologysystemisreadoutata rateof16Hz,andtheinstrumentstartrackerheadsam- 4. THENuSTARSCIENCEINSTRUMENT ples at 4 Hz. Liebe et al. (2012) describe the metrology system in detail, and Harp et al. (2010) provide details oftheinstrumentalignmentandpointingreconstruction. 4.1. Optics The two NuSTAR optics modules each contain 133 nested multilayer-coated grazing incidence shells in a conical approximation to a Wolter-I geometry. Table 3 provides the key parameters. Each shell is comprised of either 12 or 24 formed glass segments, depending on the radius in the optic. The glass is thin (0.2 mm) sheet glass manufactured by Schott. The optics are coated with depth-graded multilayer structures which, for ener- gies above ∼ 15 keV, increase the graze angle for which significant reflectance can be achieved. This increases the field of view (FoV) and high-energy collecting area Fig. 3.—CloseupincludingonefullbayoftheNuSTARmast. relativetostandardmetalcoatings. Thecoatingmateri- Diagonal cables tension and latch during deployment, locking the als and prescriptions vary as a function graze angle (or, carbonfiberelementsintoastiffstructure. equivalently, shell radius) and have been designed to op- timize the broad-band energy response and FOV. The The two co-aligned hard X-ray grazing incidence tele- inner 89 shells are coated with depth-graded Pt/C mul- scopes form the core of the NuSTAR instrument. The tilayersthatreflectefficientlybelowthePtK-absorption two optics modules are mounted, along with one of edge at 78.4 keV. The outer 44 shells are coated with the star tracker heads, to a composite, thermally stable depth-grade W/Si multilayers that reflect efficiently be- bench (see Figure 1). The shielded focal plane modules low the W K-absorption edge at 69.5 keV. aremountedtoanaluminumstructurewhichisattached ComparedtosoftX-raytelescopes,theopticsprescrip- to the spacecraft. The two benches are separated by a tion utilizes smaller graze angles (the angle between an mastwhichwasdeployedafterlaunch. Themastconsists on-axis incident X-ray and the optics shell). This means of 57 rectangular structures made stiff after deployment vignettinglosseswillbecomenoticeableforoff-axisposi- The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Mission 5 TABLE 3 Optics Parameters. OpticsParameter Value OpticsParameter Value Focallength 10.14m Shelllength 22.5cm #Shells 133 Min. grazeangle 1.34mrad #Azimuthalsegments 6(inner)/12(outer) Max. grazeangle 4.7mrad Innerradius 5.44cm Coatings(inner) Pt/C Outerradius 19.1cm Coatings(outer) W/Si ./0'2' ./0'1' !"#$%&'%()*'' Fig. 4.—Thereductionineffectiveareaasafunctionofoff-axis angle resulting from vignetting in the optics. The curves show +,-)+%&' the vignetting function for different incident energies. Due to the tightlynestedlow-graze-angledesignandthechangeinreflectance of the shells as a function of energy, the vignetting is strongly energydependentabove15keV. ./0'3' ./0'4' tions below 10(cid:48). This factor, when combined the depen- dence of the multilayer reflectivity on both the incident angle and energy of the X-ray (higher energy photons havehigherreflectivityatshallowergrazeangles),results in a complex behavior for the effective area of the optic. AsillustratedinFigure4,theopticsareaasafunctionof Fig. 5.—PhotoofaNuSTARfocalplane(top). Thefocalplane consists of a 2 × 2 array of CdZnTe pixel detectors, each with 32 off-axis source position decreases with increasing photon × 32 pixels 0.6 mm in size. The detectors are referred to as Det energy. The effective FOV, defined by the furthest off- 0–3. Theopticalaxisnominallocationisapproximately1(cid:48) from axis position that has 50% of the on-axis effective area, thechipgapsonDet0(bottom). will therefore decrease with energy: it is 10(cid:48) at 10 keV, and 6(cid:48) at 68 keV. an independent discriminator, and individual X-ray in- Theopticsangularresponseisdominatedbyfigureer- teractionstriggerthereadoutprocess. On-boardproces- rorsinherentinthesubstratesandinthemountingtech- sors, oneforeachtelescope, identifytherowandcolumn nique. As a result, unlike Chandra, where the response with the largest pulse height, and read out pulse height is dictated by the optical design, for NuSTAR the point informationfromthispixelaswellasitseightneighbors. spreadfunctionisnotastrongfunctionofoff-axisangle. Theeventtimeisrecordedtoanaccuracyof2µsrelative While the detailed shape changes, to first order the area to the on-board clock. The event location, energy, and of the encircled energy contours remain approximately depth of interaction in the detector are computed from constant with off-axis angle. thenine-pixelsignals(seeRanaetal. 2009andKitaguchi A detailed description of the optics can be found in et al. 2011 for details). The depth-of-interaction mea- Hailey et al. (2010), the coatings are described in Chris- surements allow an energy-dependent cut to be made to tensen et al. (2011), and the fabrication approach is reduce internal detector background. detailed in Craig et al. (2011). SincethedetectorsdonotemployanintegratingCCD- style readout, pulse pileup will not occur until source 4.2. Focal Plane fluxesof∼105cts/s/pixel. Theprocessingtimeperevent Each telescope has its own focal plane module, con- is 2.5 ms, limiting the rate at which events can be read sisting of a solid state CdZnTe pixel detector (Harrison out to between 300 and 400 evts/s/module. For each et al. 2010) surrounded by a CsI anti-coincidence shield. event, the live time since the previous event is recorded Table 4 provides the key focal plane parameters. A two- to an accuracy of 1 µs, so that fluxes can be measured by-two array of detectors (Figure 5), each with an array to 1% accuracy even for incident count rates of 104 cps. of 32×32, 0.6 mm pixels (each pixel subtending 12.3(cid:48)(cid:48)) Harrison et al. (2010) contains a detailed description of provides a 12(cid:48) field of view. In NuSTAR each pixel has the operation of the custom ASIC readout. 6 Harrison et al. The focal plane detectors are placed inside a CsI anti- The laser beam positions are monitored by Silicon coincidenceshield. Eventsresultinginasimultaneousen- position-sensitivedetectorsmountednearthefocalplane ergydepositioninboththesurroundinganti-coincidence modules. Filtersandbafflesmountedatthedetectorsre- shield and the detector are rejected on-board by a pro- ject scattered Sun and Earth light and provide for high cessor as background. The opening angle of the shield is signal-to-noise, producing ∼10 µm (0.1(cid:48)(cid:48)) accuracy for large (15◦ FWZI), greatly exceeding the sky solid angle each laser spot position. On-ground analysis of signals blocked by the optics bench; thus, to limit diffuse back- from the two detectors, combined with the star tracker ground impinging on the detector, a series of aperture quaternion,separatestranslationalandrotationaldeflec- stops were deployed simultaneously with the mast, post- tionsinthepositionsofthetwobenchesandenablesboth launch. Theaperturestopscollimatethedetectortoa4◦ accurate correction of the position of the X-ray photons FWZIfield,whichispartiallybutnotcompletelyblocked on the focal plane modules as well as construction of the by the optics bench. This results in some stray light vignetting function appropriate for a given observation. which dominates the background below 10 keV (§ 5.3). 5. IN-FLIGHTCALIBRATIONANDSCIENCE PERFORMANCE 4.3. The Mast and Metrology System During the the first two months on-orbit, the NuS- TARobservatorymadeaseriesofobservationsforperfor- manceverification,aswellasforinternalcalibrationand !"#$%& *'+,"-& cross-calibration with other missions. The pre-launch #'()& "./#& NuSTAR responses were based on ground calibration data, and they are currently being adjusted to reflect on-orbit measurements. In the case of the response files, required post-launch adjustments are at the 10 – 20% level for both the absolute normalization and relative responses. These discrepancies are consistent with the overall accuracy of ground calibration, and arise from a combination of statistical and systematic uncertain- ties in ground measurements and simplified models of Fig. 6.—Left: Measuredlocationofthelaserbeamonthemetrol- complex phenomena associated with high-energy multi- ogy system position sensitive detector (PSD) for module A. The layersandthelow-energy(E<10keV)detectorresponse. three sets of tracks show 5-6 orbits each for three different celes- tialtargetsdifferinginpointingdirectionrelativetotheSun. The ThecostconstraintsofaSmallExplorerprecludedexten- characterofthemotionchangeswiththermalconditions,withthe sivegroundcalibrations,andthefinalresponsefunctions maximumamplitudebeing∼3mm. Right: MotionoftheOptical were always planned to be adjusted through in-flight Axis(OA)oftheX-rayopticonthefocalplanedetectorresulting measurementsandcross-calibrationwithothermissions. from the mast motion for module A. The optical axis moves by about3mm,or1(cid:48) overthecourseofanorbit The current responses are acceptable for some ranges of off-axis angles, and for energies below 10 keV, enabling The NuSTAR mast structure provides the required science data reduction to proceed. Current expectations 10.14mseparationbetweentheopticsandthefocalplane are that calibration will be completed by April 2013. A detectors. The mast was engineered by ATK Space Sys- more detailed calibration paper is in preparation (Mad- tems from segments made up of carbon fiber, aluminum sen et al. 2013). The sections below briefly present re- and steel components, designed to be as isothermal as sultsfromcross-calibrationandperformanceverification. possibleinordertominimizestructuraldistortions. The 5.1. Point Spread Function and Optics Response 57 bays (see Figure 3) of the mast were deployed on or- bit and locked in place by tensioned steel cables. Al- ThePSFofthetelescopesisaconvolutionoftheoptics though the mast has a low net coefficient of thermal ex- and focal plane detector response combined with resid- pansion, orbital day/night extremes create residual de- ual errors from the metrology system and attitude re- flectionsthatresultinmotionoftheopticalaxisandthe construction. The dominant contributor is the optics, X-ray focal point on the focal plane detectors. Thermal with residual terms arising from finite detector sampling modeling of the system pre-lauch indicated that the de- and imperfect mast motion and attitude reconstruction flection would range from less than one mm per orbit in at the few-arcsecond level. The PSF has been measured the most favorable orientations to a few mm in the least in-flight using high signal-to-noise observations of bright favorable. point sources. The PSF shape consists of a sharp inner The mast motion is tracked by the combination of a core with a full width half maximum of 18(cid:48)(cid:48) and a half metrologysystem(Liebe et al. 2012)andtheinstrument powerdiameter(diameterofacircleenclosinghalfofthe star camera head. The metrology system consists of X-raycountsfromapointsource)of58(cid:48)(cid:48). Figure7shows two IR lasers mounted on the optics bench with their theencircledcountsfractionasafunctionofdiameterfor beams focused on two corresponding detectors on the a circular extraction region (left panel) as measured for focal plane bench. The lasers are mounted in a temper- telescope module A (the telescope and focal plane mod- ature controlled Invar structure rigidly mounted to the ules are designated by A and B), from an observation of optics bench. The star tracker is also mounted to that theaccretingGalacticbinaryblackholeGRS1915+105. bench, which was engineered from carbon fiber struc- The right panel of the figure shows a stretched image, tural elements to provide less than 2(cid:48)(cid:48) of relative deflec- demonstrating the azimuthal symmetry of the response. tion with respect to the optics modules during on-orbit ThePSFformoduleBiswithin2(cid:48)(cid:48) ofthatofmoduleA. thermal conditions. The normalization of the NuSTAR effective area in The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Mission 7 TABLE 4 Focal Plane Parameters. FocalPlaneParameter Value FocalPlaneParameter Value Pixelsize 0.6mm/12.3(cid:48)(cid:48) Max. processingrate 400evts−1 module−1 Focalplanesize 12(cid:48)×12(cid:48) Max. fluxmeas. rate 104 ctss−1 Hybridformat 32pix×32pix Timeresolution(relative) 2µs Energythreshold 2keV Deadtimefraction(@threshold) 5% a) 2 1 1 V− 0.5 e k 1 − s 0.2 s t c 0.1 0.05 b) χ 0 2 4 6 8 10 Energy[keV] Fig. 8.—SuzakuXISandNuSTARspectraoftheAGNIC4329A inthe2–10keVband. Thegreenandorangeandmagentapoints areforXIS0,1and3,respectively. Theredandbluepointsarefor NuSTAR focal plane modules A and B. The top panel shows the spectra,withresidualsshownasaratioonthebottompanel. The relativecalibrationofthetwoinstrumentsisgoodoverthisenergy range. Theabsolutecrossnormalizationagreestowithin10%. errors represent 90% confidence intervals. The system- atic calibration errors between NuSTAR’s A and B tele- scopes are at the 3% level, with a 10% normalization uncertainty relative to Suzaku. Direct comparisons with INTEGRAL-ISGRI and Suzaku-PIN at higher energies Fig. 7.— Measurement of the on-axis PSF of module A using are more difficult, with larger cross-normalization fac- datafromobservationsofthebrightpointsourceGRS1915+105. tors and higher uncertainty in the case of the PIN due The top panel shows the encircled energy as a function diameter ofacircularextractionregion. Thebottompanelshowsanimage to challenges with background subtraction. However, stretchedsothatfeaturesfromthemountingstructureareevident, these cross calibrations are ongoing, and will be aided demonstratingtheazimuthalsymmetryoftheresponse. by high count-rate joint observations of Cygnus X-1 and the Crab. the 2 – 10 keV band has been verified in-flight by si- multaneousobservationsoftheCrabNebulaanditspul- 5.2. Spectral and Temporal Resolution sar, and the quasar 3C 273 with XMM-Newton, Suzaku, Swift, and Chandra. Flux measurements in the 5 – The in-flight spectral response of the NuSTAR focal 10 keV band derived for NuSTAR have been compared plane detectors matches well with pre-launch calibration for the indicated calibration observations, as well as for measurements. Eachfocalplanemoduleisequippedwith science targets. We find that the overall normalization aradioactive155Eucalibrationsourcethatcanbeplaced in the 5 – 10 keV band agrees well with the XMM- in the field of view. Figure 9 shows a spectrum taken Newton PN, the Suzaku XIS, and Swift with typical during on-orbit commissioning. At energies below ∼50 cross-calibration corrections at the 10% level, similar to keV the resolution is 400 eV FWHM and is constant the cross-calibration factors among the various soft X- with energy, being determined by the electronic noise. ray observatories. The NuSTAR relative response also Abovethis,theenergyresolutionbroadensduetocharge matches nicely with XMM-Newton PN and MOS, and trapping effects in the detector. The FWHM response is Suzaku XIS in the 3 – 10 keV band (see Figure 8). 1.0 keV at the 86 keV decay line. The good resolution In a joint observation of the active galaxy IC 4329A over a broad energy range enables NuSTAR to perform with NuSTAR and Suzaku the absolute flux in the 3 – spectroscopy extending from below the Fe-line range up 10 keV band measured with XIS 0 was 8.30 ± 0.03 × to 79 keV. Figure 10 shows a spectrum from a 15 ks 10−11 ergcm−2 s−1,andforfocalplanemoduleAandB exposure of the accreting neutron star Vela X-1 taken the measured flux was 9.23±0.03×10−11 erg cm−2 s−1 byNuSTARduringtheinstrumentcommissioningphase. and 8.95 ± 0.03 × 10−11 erg cm−2 s−1, where quoted Fe-lines are well measured, along with the continuum 8 Harrison et al. 2m10-2 cts/sec/keV/c10-3 Aperture 106105AgCd, Multiple lines: Cs Fluoresence lineI Fluorescence line Multiple lines 119Sb 125I background Mostly EC to ground state plus binding energy release for elements from Z=46 to Z=56 in CZT due to proton activation 10-4 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Energy [keV] Fig. 9.—Spectrumofthe155Euflightcalibrationsourceforfocal planemoduleAtakenduringon-orbitcommissioning. Atenergies Fig. 11.— Background spectrum from observations of the Ex- below50keVtheresolutionis400eVFWHMandisconstantwith tended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS). At low energies the energy, being determined by the electronic noise. Above this the background is dominated by leakage through the aperture stop, energy resolution broadens due to charge trapping effects in the whileathighenergies(E>∼10keV)atmosphericalbedoandacti- detector,reaching1.0keVFWHMat86keV. vationcomponentsdominate. Severalprominentlinescanbeseen in the 20-40 keV band, which are a combination of fluorescence extending up to 79 keV. A clear Cyclotron Resonance fromtheCsIshieldandelectroncapturetothegroundstateplus Scattering Feature (CRSF) can be seen at 55 keV. bindingenergyreleasefromelementswithZ=46–56. strument is difficult due to the poorly characterized in- put particle spectra, so that pre-launch predictions had 10 uncertainties of a factor of four. Figure 11 shows the backgroundspectrumtakenduringanobservationofthe 1− 1 20 FeKα Extended Chandra Deep Field South in late September V ke FeKβ 2012. At low energies (E<10 keV) the background is 1− 0.1 15 CRSF dominated by diffuse cosmic flux entering through the s aperture stop. This component is not uniform across s t c the field of view, so that some care is required in choos- 0.01 ing regions for background subtraction at low energies 6 7 8 for faint sources. The internal background consists of 10-3 albedo from the Earth’s atmosphere, fluorescence lines 4 7 10 20 30 50 80 from the CsI shield, as well as internal activation lines Energy[keV] produced largely by particles trapped in the South At- Fig. 10.— Spectrum with 15 ks exposure of Vela X-1 taken by lantic Anomaly. This component is spatially uniform NuSTAR.TheredcurveshowsfocalplanemoduleAandtheblue curveisfromB.TheinsetshowstheFe-lineregion. Thegoodbroad acrossagivendetectorchip,butdoesvaryfromdetector bandresponseenablesNuSTARtomeasurebothFe-linefluxesand to detector. highenergycontinuum. ACyclotronResonanceScatteringFeature Thelow-inclinationoftheNuSTARorbitresultsinsta- (CRSF)isseenwithhighsignificanceat55keV. ble background compared to missions that experience a larger range of geomagnetic latitude and more frequent Because NuSTAR has a triggered readout (similar to SAA passages. The background increased slowly in the a proportional counter and unlike an integrating CCD), severalmonthsafterlaunchasaresultofactivationcom- timinganalysisispossibleonshorttimescalesforsources ponents,althoughithasnowlargelystabilized. Onorbit, of moderate count rate (< 200 cts module−1). For very thebackgroundinthe3-79keVbandvariesprimarilyas bright targets the 2.5 ms deadtime per event limits the afunctionofgeomagneticlatitude,withtheexceptionof ability to search for features on millisecond timescales. the interval from 24 – 26 keV where two lines with half- NuSTAR maintains relative stability of event timing to lives of less than one hour result in variations dependent 1 – 2 ms by correcting the drift of the spacecraft clock on time elapsed since an SAA passage. For observations on long (day to weeks) timescales. This drift correction significantly longer than an orbit, these variations aver- is done using the relative spacecraft clock time to UT age out, leaving systematic uncertainties in background that is routinely measured during ground station con- subtraction of <1%. tacts. The absolute time relative to UT is currently Two modes of background subtraction have been de- only known to 5 ms; however, calibration to the sub- velopeddependingonwhetherornotasource-freeback- millisecond level using a pulsar with a known ephemeris ground region is available in the field of view. For point is planned. sources with background regions available on the same chip, standard procedures employed in soft X-ray focus- 5.3. Background ing telescopes apply. For extended sources where clear The NuSTAR background measured on-orbit is well background extraction regions do not exist, the back- within the range predicted by pre-launch Monte Carlo groundcanbescaledfromdeepsurveyfieldsandfiltered modeling. Background prediction for a well shielded in- to match the average geomagnetic cutoff for the obser- The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Mission 9 vation. Both techniques work well and can be applied Science planning takes place at the SOC, where obser- to extract spectra at levels well below that of the back- vation sequences are prepared and sent via a messaging ground. system to the MOC. The MOC converts the observation sequenceintoanAbsoluteTimeSequence(ATS)filethat 5.4. Alignment and Absolute Astrometry is uploaded to the spacecraft for execution. TheNuSTARmast,opticsbenchandfocalplanebench 7. TARGETOFOPPORTUNITYRESPONSE were co-aligned on the ground to within a few millime- NuSTAR’s science program includes a number of Tar- ters. This ensured that on orbit the deployed benches get of Opportunity (ToO) observations which require re- would be well within the adjustment capability of the pointing the observatory at new or variable phenomena mast adjustment mechanism mounted at the tip of the on a timescale of hours to days. The response time to mast. After deployment on orbit, the mast tip was ad- a ToO is guaranteed to be < 24 hours, and can be con- justed in two steps to place the optical axis of the tele- siderably less for high priority targets. After receipt of scopes at the desired position on the focal plane detec- a ToO request, the SOC must create a message file in tors. X-ray sources with known positions were then ob- order to reorient the observatory. This typically can be served to measure the relative positions of the optics, completed in 1 – 2 hours, and validation of the request focalplanedetectors,lasermetrologysystem,andoptics- andpreparationforuplinkaccomplishedinanadditional bench-mounted star tracker. 1 – 2 hours. If urgent, a TDRSS uplink can be sched- As described in §4.3, the metrology system measures uled and executed with an additional few hour latency. the relative positions of the optics and focal plane After the observatory receives the new pointing request, benches as a function of orbit, pointing direction, and slews take place at 0.06◦/s, so that a full 180◦ reorienta- season, while the star tracker provides absolute celestial tion takes less than an hour. So, at best a ToO can take reference. Due to thermal effects, the benches move rel- placeona3–4hourtimescale,with12–24hoursbeing ative to one another in translation over an orbit which, more typical. when combined with the mast tilt, results in motion of The NuSTAR team monitors supernova alerts as well the optical axis on the X-ray focal plane detectors by 3 as other astrophysical alerts daily. Other targets moni- – 4 mm (1 – 1.2(cid:48)– see Figure 6). This relative motion is toredforpotentialToOtriggersincludeunusualX-raybi- measuredandremovedusingthestartrackerandmetrol- naryactivity,magnetarflares,tidaldisruptionflares,su- ogysystem. Forabsolutealignment,weusedasetofref- pernovaX-rayshocks,andexceptionallyenergeticGRBs. erence observations to set the alignment. The absolute astrometricpositionsofbrightX-raysourceswithknown 8. DATAANALYSIS positions are observed to be within ±5(cid:48)(cid:48)(90%). Further The NuSTAR Data Analysis Software (NuSTARDAS) updates to the alignment parameters are expected to re- consistsofasetofgeneralFITSfileutilityprogramsand sult in a final performance (systematic contribution) of mission-specific data analysis tools designed to process ±3(cid:48)(cid:48), with the error being dominated by the inherent the NuSTAR FITS-formatted telemetry data and gener- stability and accuracy of the optics-bench-mounted star ate high-level scientific data products, including cleaned tracker. and calibrated event files, sky images, energy spectra, light-curves and exposure maps. 6. GROUNDDATASYSTEMS The NuSTARDAS software modules, jointly devel- TheprimaryNuSTARgroundstationislocatedinMa- oped by the ASI Science Data Center (ASDC, Fras- lindi,Kenya,andisoperatedbytheItalianSpaceAgency cati, Italy) and the California Institute of Technology (ASI).Thisstationprovides12-mindurationcontactop- (Caltech, Pasadena USA), are written in FTOOLS style portunities every orbit. Malindi provides NuSTAR with (the FTOOL protocol was developed by the High En- four of these contacts per day. For sources with nomi- ergy Archive Science Research Center, or HEASARC at nal count rates, all data can easily be downlinked. For NASA GSFC). The whole package is fully compatible high-count-rate targets (>∼50 cps), additional downlink with the HEASoft software, maintained and distributed is required from a station located in Hawaii, operated by the HEASARC, where it will be officially integrated. by the Universal Space Network (USN). Owing to the The NuSTARDAS input and output files are in FITS relatively high latitude of the Hawaii station, only three format and fully comply with the NASA/GSFC Office long-duration(6–8minute)passesperdayarepossible. of Guest Investigator Programs (OGIP) FITS standard Commands can be sent to the spacecraft via Malindi, conventions. The NuSTAR software tasks retrieve the USNHawaii,orviatheTrackingandDataRelaySatellite calibration files structured in HEASARC’s calibration System (TDRSS). This enables almost-continuous com- database (CALDB) system. mand capability, so that the time for responding to tar- The software is designed as a collection of modules gets of opportunity can be quite short (a few hours). each dedicated to a single function. The input of the From Malindi, data are sent via internet to NASA NuSTARDAS package is the NuSTAR FITS formatted JSC and then relayed to the Mission Operations Center telemetry data (Level 1) produced at the NuSTAR Sci- (MOC) at UCB. After being unpacked and entered in a ence Operation Center (NuSTAR SOC) in Caltech. The database,theLevel0dataaresentbyinternettotheSci- NuSTARDAS data processing is organized in three dis- enceOperationsCenter(SOC)locatedatCaltech,where tinct stages: they are processed into higher-level products . This pro- cess is typically completed within an hour of a ground • Data Calibration: Processing of the FITS format- station pass, so that data can be quickly assessed for ted telemetry to produce Level 1a calibrated event quality and provided to the science team. files. This step includes the event energy and 10 Harrison et al. gain corrections, the search for, and flagging, of planning and executing a series of observations aimed at hot/badpixels,theassignmentofNuSTARgrades, addressingfivekeyscientificgoals,describedindetailbe- the transformation from raw to sky coordinates, low, thatwerethebasis forNuSTAR’s selectionthrough and the metrology data processing; NASA’s Explorer Program competition. In addition to these large projects, the NuSTAR science team has de- • Data Screening: Filtering of the calibrated event signed and planned a series of observations to be com- files by applying cleaning criteria on specified at- pleted during the primary mission phase. Tables 5 and titude/orbital/instrument parameters and event 6 summarize the highest priority observations that NuS- properties to produce Level 2 cleaned event files; TARwillundertakeduringitsbaselinemission,withthe keyprogramsdesignatedas“Level1”targets. Anumber • Product Extraction: Generation of Level 3 scien- of the observations are coordinated with XMM, Suzaku, tific data products (light-curves, energy spectra, Chandra, Swift or INTEGRAL. In addition, for every sky images, Ancillary Response Files, Redistribu- NuSTAR field, the Swift XRT is taking a 1 ks exposure, tion Matrix Files). in order to constrain the low-energy source properties. A Guest Investigator (GI) program will be proposed to The package also includes a main script, the NuSTAR NASA, with the aim of extending the mission to allow pipeline (named ‘nupipeline’), allowing the user to run for broad participation of the community and an expan- automatically in sequence all the tasks for the data pro- sion of the scientific scope beyond that of the baseline cessing. The package has also been designed to allow mission, as well as the additional high priority (Priority users to reproduce any stage of the data processing that A) observations. is necessary, for example, because of improved calibra- Thesectionsbelowdescribethemotivationforthekey tion information and/or updated software modules, or science programs defined in the original NuSTAR pro- because the user wishes to use a non-standard data pro- posal to NASA’s Explorer Program. cessing procedure. To this end, the ‘nupipeline’ script is the main interface for users. 10.1. Extragalactic Surveys: Probing AGN Activity over Cosmic Time 9. EDUCATIONANDPUBLICOUTREACH ThemainpurposeoftheNuSTAREducationandPub- lic Outreach (E/PO) program is to increase student and public understanding of the science of the high-energy Universe. We have developed a multi-faceted program that capitalizes on the synergy of existing high-energy astrophysicsE/POprogramstosupportthemissionssci- entificobjectives. Oureducationandpublicengagement goals are to: facilitate understanding of the nature of collapsedobjects,developawarenessoftheroleofsuper- novaeincreatingthechemicalelements,andtofacilitate understanding of the physical properties of the extreme Universe. The E/PO program has additional, more gen- eral goals, including increasing the diversity of students in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathemat- ics (STEM) pipeline, and increasing public awareness and understanding of the NuSTAR science and technol- ogy program. Weareimplementingaprogramthatincludeselements in higher education, elementary and secondary educa- tion, informal education and public engagement. These elements include educator workshops through NASA’s Astrophysics Educator Ambassador program, a tech- nology education unit for formal educators, articles for Fig. 12.—Theexpectedluminosity-redshiftdistributionforthe Physics Teacher and/or Science Scope magazines, and different NuSTAR Extragalactic surveys. The black diamonds work with informal educators on a museum exhibit that showthedistributionofSwiftBATAGN,theredsquaresshowthe includes a model of NuSTAR and describes the missions expected distribution of serendipitous sources in BAT fields, the pink stars show expected results from COSMOS, and the green science objectives. Extensive outreach is also underway stars from ECDFS. The large blue circles show the luminosities by members of the science team, who are working with andredshiftsforthefirstsevenserendipitoussourcesdiscoveredin high school students, undergraduates and graduate stu- NuSTARextragalacticfields. dents. We are also developing printed materials that describe the mission and special workshops for girls at Resolving the sources that make up the cosmic X-ray public libraries in order to improve the STEM pipeline. background (XRB) has been a primary driver for X-ray astronomyoverthelast50years. Hugestrideshavebeen 10. THEBASELINENUSTARSCIENCEPROGRAM made with sensitive surveys undertaken by the Chandra ThebaselineNuSTARscienceprogrambeganon1Au- and XMM-Newton observatories (e.g., Alexander et al. gust 2012, and extends for 25 months, until 30 Septem- 2003; Harrison et al. 2003; Luo et al. 2008; Elvis et al. ber2014. Duringthistime,theNuSTARscienceteamis 2009;Lairdetal. 2009). Thesesurveyshaveresolved70–