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The Novel in India: Its Birth and Development PDF

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Routledge Revivals The Novel in India First published in 1970, The Novel in India traces the birth and development of prose fiction in Bengali, Marathi, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil and Malayalam. It is addressed not only to academic students of Asian culture but to all who are interested in literary history. India and Pakistan have many great litera- tures, but they are almost unknown beyond their own boundaries. Language is a formidable barrier, and this book is offered in the hope that it can bridge the cultural divide that language has created. It has a fascinating story to tell of the endeavours, experiments and achievements of writers who deserve to be better known outside their native land. The Novel in India Its Birth and Development Edited by T. W. Clark Firstpublishedin1970 byGeorgeAllenandUnwin Thiseditionfirstpublishedin2022byRoutledge 4ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,Oxon,OX144RN andbyRoutledge 605ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©GeorgeAllenandUnwin1970 Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedorutilisedin any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublishers. Publisher’sNote Thepublisherhasgonetogreatlengthstoensurethequalityofthisreprintbutpoints outthatsomeimperfectionsintheoriginalcopiesmaybeapparent. Disclaimer The publisher has made every effort to trace copyright holders and welcomes correspondencefromthosetheyhavebeenunabletocontact. ALibraryofCongressrecordexistsunderISBN:0048910392 ISBN:978-1-032-34897-1(hbk) ISBN:978-1-003-32442-3(ebk) ISBN:978-1-032-34913-8(pbk) BookDOI10.4324/9781003324423 THE NOVEL IN IN D IA ITS BIRTH AND DEVELOPMENT edited and with an Introduction by T. W. CLARK London GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN LTD RUSKIN HOUSE MUSEUM STREET FIRST PUBLISHED IN I970 This book is copyright under the Berne Convention. All rights are reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, 1956, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be addressed to the Publishers © George Allen 6- Unwin Ltd 1970 ISBN o 04 891039 2 PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN in 11 on 12 pt Old Style BY UNWIN BROTHERS LIMITED WOKING AND LONDON Dedicated by his fellow contributors to the memory of T. W. CLARK who died while this book was in the press CONTENTS Introduction T. w. c l a r k 9 Bengali Prose Fiction up to Bankimcandra 21 T. W. CLARK Early Prose Fiction in Marathi 1. m . p . r a e s id e 75 The Development of the Modem Novel in Urdu 102 R. RUSSELL The Rise of Standard Hindi and Early Hindi Prose Fiction 142 R. S. MCGREGOR The Tamil Renaissance and the Beginnings of the 179 Tamil Novel r . e . a sh e r Three Novelists of Kerala R. e . a sh e r 205 Index 235

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