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Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association T h e N o r ’ w e s t e r Convention Special Edition 2nd Quarter 2010 April—May—June 1851 Mexican Republic 1/2 real coin from Zacatecas mint — model for 2010 PNNA token design. PNNA 61st Annual Convention – April 16-18, 2010 Tukwila Community Center – Tukwila, Washington Page 2 2nd Quarter 2010 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: PNNA Welcome to Tukwila 3 PNNA News 4 Pacific Northwest PNNA President’s Message Numismatic Association Coin Show and Event Calendar 8 Eric Holcomb, Editor/Webmaster 1900 NE 3rd St Two Interesting Medals 10-11 Ste 106-361 Bend, OR 97701 ANA News 12 Phone: 541-647-1021 More PNNA News / Info 14 E-mail: [email protected] PNNA Officers 2008-2010 President – Lisa Loos We’re on the Web! Vice President – Danny Bisgaard Secretary – Michael Labosier www.pnna.org Treasurer – Scott Loos Directors – Larry Gaye (Past President), Bruce Wonder, Eric Holcomb, Del Cushing, William McKivor, Gawain O’Connor, Steve Cox, Craig Korstad, David L. Ownbey, Rob Anglemier, The Nor’wester is published Michael Sanders quarterly by the Appointed Positions Pacific Northwest Numismatic Dealer-Director – Mark Gruner Editor/Webmaster – Eric Holcomb Association PNNA is an IRS 501 c(3) non-profit educational Deadline for submission of material for 3rd Quarter association registered in the State of Oregon. 2010 Nor’wester: June 15, 2010. For membership information please see page 4, Please send ad copy to Eric Holcomb (e-mail Eric the PNNA website, or attend the convention. @Holcomb.com), and payment to the PNNA treasurer or to Rachel Irish. Call Eric (541-647-1021) for more info. Advertising rates (per regular/convention issue) are: American Numismatic $4.00/$5.00 (1 column inch; no oversized text) Association Member $7.50/$10.00 (1/8-page; business card) C-1000037 (old ANA $10.00/$12.50 (1/6-page) Life Club #37) $15.00/$18.00 (1/4-page) $25.00/$30.00 (1/2-page) $45.00/$50.00 (full page) Web advertising rates (per year on www.pnna.org): 1-line web site listing — Free to members Dues are Past Due $10.00 (sponsor page ad; business card size) PNNA dues are assessed annually in January. If you have not yet paid for 2010, you should have received a reminder letter from the PNNA’s membership coordinator, Rachel Irish, and Printed in Snohomish, WA using local this will be the last issue of The Nor’wester that you will re- paper products. When you are finished ceive until dues are paid. Individual dues are $10; family with this magazine, please recycle it! groups and clubs are $15. Life membership costs $200. The Nor’wester Page 3 Welcome to Tukwila show. You will find these clubs and others listed on the PNNA website. For camaraderie with fellow numisma- by General Chairman Mike Labosier tists, consider joining a club – they’re lots of fun! Welcome to the 61st annual Pacific Northwest Numis- As the convention brings together many of our members, matic Association convention and coin show! This year’s keep in mind that the PNNA Education Committee is show hours are: always interested to hear of seminar or workshop ideas Friday April 16 noon until 5:00 p.m. that would be of particular interest to you. Please contact Scott Loos or any PNNA board member with your sug- Saturday April 17 10:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. gestions. PNNA sponsored educational sessions will be Sunday April 18 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. publicized through The Nor’wester and on the PNNA The annual PNNA convention is the largest show of its website as they are scheduled. kind in the northwest, bringing together local, regional, Last, but not least -- enjoy the show! and national dealers with a diverse range of numismatic For collector exhibit information — see page 14. material. In addition, interesting collector exhibits will be available for viewing on Saturday and Sunday. Additional Show Information There will be something for everyone, with dealers at the  The YN program will be conducted all three day of show specializing in U.S. coins, ancients, medieval and the convention by ANA Governor Walt Ostro- world coins, tokens and medals, U.S. and foreign cur- mecki. The program is being hosted by the Boeing rency, and exonumia. Material in many price ranges will Employees Coin Club and sponsored by PNNA. be available, so whether you’re a beginner or a more ad- vanced collector, you are sure to have a great time  The PNNA is sponsoring a club table in the exhibit searching for that special treasure. area. Local area clubs will have the opportunity to Speaking of treasure, Young Numismatists (YNs) under put out information about their clubs as well as have age 18 will have a chance to earn free coins by participat- a representative at the table if they so choose. ing in the PNNA YN Treasure Hunt. This very popular  There will not be a numismatic theater this year, program is run by Walt Ostromecki, who currently however there will be club meetings — see page 14. serves on the American Numismatic Association’s Board of Governors. The Treasure Hunt will take place all three Convention Tokens days of the show, starting at about 3:00 p.m. on Friday. This year’s souvenir/commemorative piece for the Tuk- To get started, see Walt at the YN table. wila convention will be the design of the Mexican Repub- Three local clubs are helping with this year’s conven- lic “resplandor” (i.e. resplendant design – the radiant tion—the King County Coin Club (KCCC), the Olympia Liberty cap aka “cap & rays”) type, and the size of the Coin Club (OCC) and the Boeing Employees Coin Club half real. (See cover image.) With the facing eagle ob- (BECC). The KCCC is the local host club, and its mem- verse (instead of the profile eagle used 1823-25), this bers help with show set up, registration desk staffing, type was struck 1825 - 1868, during differing length peri- and post-show clean-up. The KCCC holds its meetings at ods at seven different mints. With the other denomina- the Tukwila Community Center at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd tions of the same design, including the eight reales/peso Thursday of each month. The OCC hosts the dealer hos- equivalent to the U.S. dollar, these coins circulated in the pitality suite, and will keep it well supplied with bever- United States and remained legal tender until 1857. ages, snacks and friendly service. The Olympia club Three-token sets (silver, pewter and copper) will sell for meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at $7.00, with individual coppers selling for $2.00 and in- the Lacey Senior Center. The BECC will assist with the dividual silvers for $4.00. (There will not be plastic cap- YN program. For more information about the BECC, see sules or boxes this time, just coins envelopes or flips.) A www.seattlebecc.org. The PNNA very much appreciates limited number of each will be available, with 750 pewter the contributions of these clubs to the success of the strikes available at the door with paid admission. Page 4 2nd Quarter 2010 PNNA News PNNA President’s Message Other PNNA annual awards, including the Nina Nystrom Memorial Goodwill Ambassador Award and the ANA by Lisa Loos Summer Seminar scholarship awards, will also be an- WOW!! I can’t believe that my first term as President is nounced at the convention. already done. I want to thank the board for all their ef- forts and accomplishments the past two years. National Coin Week Contest As this term comes to a close for all officers and board Every year the ANA sponsors National Coin Week and members, another one is on the horizon. All of you selects a theme for the promotion of our hobby. This year should have received a ballot late February, from Bill the celebration is the week of April 18-24, and the theme McKivor, Election Chair, with the new slate of candi- is Beautiful Places: Landmarks and Mintmarks. dates. Thanks to everyone that took the time to vote and The PNNA has a contest among member clubs for the returned the ballot. The Board works for the member- best promotion of NCW. Cash awards are given to the ship and without your interest and involvement, the or- best three clubs that submit a report on their promo- ganization will not grow and change. I invite all mem- tional event. No formal application is necessary. Just bers to attend the General Membership Meeting Satur- submit a description of the event to NCW judge Danny day at 6:15 PM at the PNNA Convention in Tukwila Bisgaard not later than 31 May for consideration. Photos where the new board will be installed. Not only can you are a great way to supplement the application! meet the new board, but I will once again have an open The awards are $100-$75-$50 for the top three club ef- forum discussion for you to voice your concerns, ideas, forts. The annual theme does not have to be part of your and ask questions to any board member. The open fo- effort; if you have an already-established program for rum last year was very informative and we received great promoting coin collecting in your community that does feedback and implemented some ideas. not refer directly to the annual NCW theme, it is still ac- With a new board, it takes some time to adjust, however, ceptable for consideration. The ANA also gives awards I am extremely confident that we will continue to listen for NCW promotion excellence. If your club belongs to to our membership and implement changes for the good the ANA, submit a report to be considered for this award. of the organization. Thanks for a wonderful two years. I PNNA/WCC Fall Convention am looking forward to what this next term has in store. The PNNA and the Willamette Coin Club are pleased to See you all in Tukwila! announce their sixth annual fall convention/coin show. The show will take place the weekend of October 23-24, PNNA Annual Awards 2010 at the DoubleTree Hotel at Lloyd Center in Port- The winner of the PNNA’s annual Bob Everett Memorial land, OR. The fall show has many of the same features as Award, made for integrity and demonstrated commit- our spring convention – an outstanding bourse of local, ment to numismatics in the Pacific NW, will be an- regional, and national dealers; a numismatic theater; a nounced at the convention on Saturday, April 17. YN program; and an exhibit area. Additional information will be published in the 4th Quarter Nor’wester. Dealers For more information about Bob Everett, about the interested in a table should contact Scott Loos, Bourse award, for a list of past winners from 1999 to 2009, or to Chairman at P.O. Box 2210, North Bend, WA 98045. nominate someone, please see the PNNA website at: Phone: 425-831-8789, e-mail: [email protected]. http://www.pnna.org/everett.html PNNA Membership Information — If you have questions about your PNNA membership or would like to join, please con- tact: Rachel Irish, 101 W. Prairie Center #323, Hayden, ID 83835, Phone (208) 765-1839, E-mail [email protected]. Individuals, families and clubs can join PNNA for 3 years and save money! See the PNNA website memberships page for details. The Nor’wester Page 5 BUYING SELLING BRITISH TOKENS AND HISTORICAL MEDALS AMERICAN MEDALS, HARD TIMES TOKENS, COLONIAL COINS Fixed price lists quarterly, web site, internet sales Always buying – fair dealing always Stop and see me at the PNNA Convention (table 22) Bill McKivor www.thecoppercorner.com [email protected] (206) 244-8345 Member: ANA Life Member, PNNA, ANS, CTCC Always buying better Ancient, Medieval, and World Coinage Come see us at the PNNA Table #27 Scott & Lisa Loos P.O. Box 2210 North Bend, WA 98045 425-831-8789 [email protected] Page 6 2nd Quarter 2010 Many thanks to the PNNA dealers advertising on this page and elsewhere in The Nor’wester for helping to make this convention edition possible. If you wish to buy, sell or trade numismatic items with the dealers at the PNNA convention, please consider carefully all of your options before making a decision. The Nor’wester Page 7 TOM SHEEHAN Wanted BUYING COLLECTIONS AND ESTATES Rare Washington State Coins, Paper Money, Medals National Currency and Numismatic Literature I need notes for my collection $100 to $200,000 available Call Tom Sheehan (206) 949-COIN (2646) Office in Edmonds Washington P. O. Box 1477, Edmonds WA 98020 Call for an appointment We buy.......... Coins, Gold, Silver, Proof Sets, Currency, Exonumia, Old Postcards For appointment please call (360) 528-0422 or email [email protected] Capital Coins Inc. – Olympia, Washington Jim Lee and Judy Cash PO Box 13216 Olympia, WA 98508 Visit us at the Tukwila PNNA convention, Table 14 Page 8 2nd Quarter 2010 COIN SHOW and EVENT CALENDAR April 2010 August 2010 APR 9-11 SANTA CLARA COIN, STAMP & COLLECTIBLES AUG 8 FENWICK STAMP & COIN SHOW, Holiday Inn, 1 South EXPO, Santa Clara, CA Grady Way, Renton, WA APR 10-11 BELLINGHAM COIN, CARD & STAMP SHOW, AUG 10-14 ANA World’s Fair of Money®, Boston, MA Hampton Inn, Fox Hall, 3985 Bennett Dr., Bellingham, WA AUG 21-22 13TH ANNUAL FLORENCE COIN SHOW, Florence APR 10-11 INLAND EMPIRE COIN CLUB’S SPRING COIN, Events Center, 715 Quince St., Florence, OR CARD & STAMP SHOW, Sons of Norway Hall, 6710 N. Coun- try Homes Blvd., Spokane, WA AUG 28-29 TACOMA-LAKEWOOD COIN CLUB SHOW, King Oscar Convention Center, 88th & So. Hosmer, Tacoma, WA APR 10-11 VANCOUVER NUMISMATIC SOCIETY ANNUAL COIN SHOW, Oakridge Centre Auditorium, 41st Ave & Cam- Welcome to the PNNA! bie St., Vancouver, BC, Canada Are you interested in joining a local coin club? APR 11 FENWICK STAMP & COIN SHOW, Holiday Inn, 1 See http://www.pnna.org/clubs.html South Grady Way, Renton, WA Do you have a question for the PNNA? APR 16-18 PNNA CONVENTION (61st Annual), Tukwila E-mail [email protected] Community Center 12424 42nd Ave. So., Tukwila, WA APR 18-24 ANA National Coin Week (86th Annual) To list a show e-mail [email protected], or call 541-647-1021. APR 25 COWLITZ COIN CLUB'S 42ND ANNUAL SHOW, Shows will normally be open to the public from 10 AM until at AWPPW Hall 724 - 15th Ave, Longview, WA least 4 PM unless otherwise indicated. Highlighted shows and APR 29-MAY 1 CENTRAL STATES NUMIS. SOC. ANNUAL events are PNNA, ANA or CNA sponsored or co-sponsored. CONVENTION, Milwaukee, WI Events may occasionally be subject to changes or cancellations. May 2010 September 2010 MAY 2 (9AM-Noon) NORTHWEST TOKEN & MEDAL SOCI- SEP 3-4 NTCA ANNUAL TOKEN & MEDAL SHOW, Salt Lake ETY, King Oscar Motel, 8820 So. Hosmer, Tacoma, WA Community College, 9750 South 300 West, Sandy, UT MAY 8 KENT VALLEY COIN SHOW, Kent Commons 525 4th SEP 10-26 PUYALLUP FAIR, PNNA-sponsored coin exhibit Ave. N, Kent, WA and information table in Hobby Hall MAY 8-9 SOUTHERN IDAHO COIN SHOW, Hilton Garden SEP 11-12 North Shore Numismatic Society Oakridge Stamp & Inn, 7699 W Spectrum St, Boise, ID Coin Fair, Oakridge Auditorium, 41st & Cambie, Vancouver, BC, MAY 14-16 DENVER COIN EXPO, National Western Com- Canada plex, I-70 & Brighton, Denver, CO SEP 12 (9AM-Noon) NORTHWEST TOKEN & MEDAL SOCI- MAY 15-16 GREATER TACOMA COIN SHOW, King Oscar ETY, King Oscar Motel, 8820 So. Hosmer, Tacoma, WA Convention Center, 88th & So. Hosmer, Tacoma, WA SEP 18-19 WASHINGTON STATE ANNUAL COIN SHOW, King MAY 29-30 Mid Valley Coin Club 44th Annual Coin, Currency Oscar Convention Center, 88th & So. Hosmer, Tacoma, WA and Token Show, Linn County Fair and Expo Center, 3700 SEP 23-25 LONG BEACH COIN, STAMP & COLLECTIBLES Knox Butte Rd, Albany, OR EXPO, Long Beach, CA June-July 2010 October 2010 JUN 3-5 LONG BEACH COIN, STAMP & COLLECTIBLES OCT 2 OLYMPIA/TUMWATER/SOUTH SOUND COIN & CUR- EXPO, Long Beach, CA RENCY SHOW, Comfort Inn, 1620 74th Ave SW, Tumwater, WA JUN 13 FENWICK STAMP & COIN SHOW, Holiday Inn, 1 OCT 9 KENT VALLEY COIN SHOW, Kent Commons, 525 4th South Grady Way, Renton, WA Ave. N, Kent, WA JUN 19 KIRKLAND-EASTSIDE COIN & CURRENCY SHOW, OCT 10 FENWICK STAMP & COIN SHOW, Holiday Inn, 1 South Kirkland Baymont Inn, 12223 NE 116th St, Kirkland, WA Grady Way, Renton, WA JUN 20 North Shore Numis. Soc. Oakridge Stamp & Coin Fair, OCT TBD TRI-CITY COIN CLUB SHOW, Hampton Inn, 486 Oakridge Auditorium, 41st & Cambie, Vancouver, BC, Canada Bradley Blvd., Richland, WA JUN 24-26 SO-CAL COIN, CURRENCY & JEWELRY SHOW, Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, CA OCT 23-24 PNNA-Willamette Coin Club 6th Annual Fall Con- vention & Coin Show, DoubleTree Lloyd Center Hotel, 1000 JUN 26-JUL 9 ANA Summer Seminar (pre-registration and NE Multnomah Street, Portland, OR tuition required), Colorado Springs, CO JUL 10-11 NORTHWEST TAMS ANNUAL CONVENTION, OCT 30-31 (tentative) INLAND EMPIRE COIN CLUB’S FALL Elks Lodge #823, 11605 SE McGillivray Blvd., Vancouver, WA COIN, CARD & STAMP SHOW, Sons of Norway Hall, 6710 N. Country Homes Blvd., Spokane, WA JUL 15-18 Royal Canadian Numismatic Association con- vention, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada JUL 17 OLYMPIA/TUMWATER/SOUTH SOUND COIN-CURRENCY SHOW, Comfort Inn, 1620 74th Ave SW, Tumwater, WA The Nor’wester Page 9 COINS UNLIMITED Tacoma, WA David Schmidt, owner of Coins Unlimited and GNW Shows, has been a preferred provider of Numismatic items in the Northwest for over 35 years. I BUY, SELL, TRADE & APPRAISE:  U.S. & Foreign Gold Coins  U.S. & Foreign Silver & Copper Coins  U.S. Paper Money – Current and Obsolete  Tokens & Medals – U.S. & Foreign  So-called Dollars and Norse-American Comm. Items  Items with Buffalo, Angel & Totem Pole Themes  Olympic Memorabilia David joined the Tacoma Coin Club in 1968 and for the past 16 years has been President of the merged Tacoma-Lakewood Coin Club. Memberships: ANA Member 70071, PNNA 108, TLCC LM-7, CSNS 6428 Editor of GNW Shows Coin Calendar Available to come to your location, or you may come to my office in Tacoma, Washington. Please call to discuss your numismatic needs! 253-565-6565 [email protected] Website http://tacomacoin.com/ Page 10 2nd Quarter 2010 Two Interesting Medals Byzantine Coin of John VIII by Lawrence S. Gaye Silver 1/2 Hyperpyron: Pisanello Medal S.2563, ex: G.Dickie/ Empire 2-5-87 The Italian sculptor Antonio Pisano (c.1395-1455), commonly Reverse: Nimbate fac- known as Pisanello, held a very prominent spot in the Italian ing bust of John VIII art community of his time. Pisanello was a leading proponent Paleologus, Emperor. of the international Gothic style. This gifted artist pioneered the style of artistic and poetic realism in the era immediately preceding Leonardo da Vinci. He was much sought after in the courts of Mantua and Ferrara and by the newly crowned Al- Obverse: Facing bust of fonso V, the King of Naples. It was therefore no surprise that Christ in benediction. Pisanello was chosen to produce a special medal on the occa- sion of the visit of John VIII Paleologus, the second to last Byz- Photos by Lawrence S. antine Emperor. Gaye. John VIII came to Italy in search of aid for his empire which was under extreme pressure from the Turks. He sought an alliance that would not only be political but also religious in nature. To the astonishment of the Italians and the folks back home John VIII offered to accept the Roman Pope, renounce Eastern Orthodoxy and unite the competing churches under one head. John VIII reasoned that Byzantium was the only bulwark left Pisanello preventing the Turks and Islam from overrunning the West, Medal and therefore the West would come to his aid in enlightened Commemo- self interest. John was greeted like a rock star wherever he rating the went, and gala receptions awaited him on every part of his trip. He departed Italy with the assurance that aid was on the way Visit of John to Constantinople. When he returned to Constantinople he VIII to Italy found the country in a major uproar because of his renounce- ment of Orthodoxy. John VIII abdicated his throne and he and his wife both entered the monastic life. Even worse, the prom- ised aid never arrived and John VIII's successor (and brother), Constantine XI Paleologus, died on the walls on May 28, 1453 defending it from Mehmet II and his soon to be victorious army. Constantine XI was the last of the Byzantine emperors. One wonders what would have happened had the promised aid arrived; our history would certainly have been changed. US Mint Medal: Dr. David Hosack All Renaissance medals of this time were cast instead of being I do love medals – if I didn’t collect Byzantine Coinage I’m sure struck as the technology didn’t exist to strike such a massive I would be a medal nut. I try to keep my eye out for inexpensive (four inches across) medal. The medal featured in the image is yet interesting bronzes. I was fortunate enough to be offered a made from a cast of an original medal, no doubt based on the neat medal which I thought would have been perfect for my lost wax method of duplication. The original medals are ex- wife Suzanne’s music collection as it had a harp on the reverse. tremely rare and I am therefore quite fortunate to have a copy It is a bronzed proof of a gentleman by the name of Dr. David complements of a “Buy Now” on Amazon.com. Hosack, and is about 33 mm.

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