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NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL REVIEW INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 COMPILED BY LISA D. BAILEY A 259; first southern firm to make cigarettes, 258; offers money for cigarette-making A. F Page and Sons: furnish lumber, 66 machine, 266; receives cigarette maker, 271; Abbott, Richard H.: his Cotton and Capital: Bos- surpassed in cigarette sales, 264 ton Businessmen and Antislavery Reform, 1854- Ambler, Charles Henry: stresses Virginia’s sec- 1868 reviewed, 467 tionalism, 304 Abbott, Shirley: quoted, 389 American Chameleon: Individualism in Trans- Abercromby, James: book about, reviewed, 330 National Context: reviewed, 468 Abolitionists: criticized by Kenneth Rayner, 140 American Committee for Democracy and Intel- Adams, Michael C. C.: his Fighting for Defeat: lectual Freedom: Communist influence in, Union Military Failure in the East, 1861-1865 428; listed as Communist-front organization, reviewed, 474 424 Adaptable South, The: Essays in Honor of George American Committee for the Protection of the Brown Tindall: reviewed, 343 Foreign Born: listed as Communist-front orga- Advertising: crucial to Duke company’s success, nization, 424; supported by F. P. Graham, 435 279; plays important role in sale of cigarettes, American Dream of Captain John Smith, The: 262, 263, 264, 266 reviewed, 328 African Americans in Salem: reviewed, 358 American Friends of Spanish Democracy: listed Agriculture: allows self-sufficiency in mountains, as Communist-front organization, 424 412; at center of bartering system, 402; in American League for Peace and Democracy: Macon County, 392, 405; and reduced food listed as Communist-front organization, 424; production, 45; in southwest Virginia, 304, never joined by FE. P. Graham, 434 310, 311; in western N.C., 38-39 American party. See Know-Nothing party Alabama, 40, 41 American Revolution, The: reviewed, 345 Albemarle (ram), 71 American Tobacco Company: organized, 279 Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal, 12 Americanism: defined, 138-139; overshadowed Albemarle region: exhibit of, at exposition, 72; by slavery, 145; principles of, separate from exhibit of, pictured, 72; and striped bass, 13 Whiggery, 146 Albemarle Sound: fisheries in, 1, 4, 11; fishery in, Anderson, Eric: his The Facts of Reconstruction: pictured, 5; and pound nets, 17 Essays in Honor of John Hope Franklin reviewed, Albert: barters corn, 402 117 Alcoholism: prevalence of, in mountains, 397, Anderson, Jean: reviews Pamlico County: A Brief 404 History, 101 Alexander, Forsyth: his The Regional Arts of the Anderson, John: manager of fishery, 5 Early South: A Sampling from the Collection of Anderson, Kimberly Marie: reviews Women Patri- the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts ots of the American Revolution: A Biographical reviewed, 337 Dictionary, 254 Alexander, Sydenham, 61; background of, 62 Anderson, William L.: his Cherokee Removal: Alfred: barters corn, 402 Before and After reviewed, 116 Alleghany County: marauding soldiers in, 46 Andrew Jackson: A Portrait Study: reviewed, 109 Allen, Walser H., Jr.: reviews The Cape Hatteras Angley, Wilson: reviews John C. Calhoun: Ameri- Lighthouse: Sentinel of the Shoals, 102 can Portrait, 253; reviews South Carolina Revolu- Allen and Ginter: becomes part of American To- tionary War Battles: 1. The Carolina bacco Company, 279; employs women workers, Lowcountry, April 1775-June 1776, 129 VOLUME LXIX ¢ NUMBER 4 ¢ OCTOBER 1992 480 INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 Anglican church: raises funds through lotteries, 431-432; overrules security review board con- 370 cerning F. P. Graham, 418-420; vindicated by Antebellum Architecture of Kentucky: reviewed, 332 Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic En- Anthony, Robert G., Jr.: his “North Carolina Bib- ergy, 434; warned not to question suitability of liography, 1990-1991,” 201-227 university presidents, 425 Anti-lynching bill: support for, 421 Atomic secrets: access to, given F. P. Graham, Antoinette, Marie: dress of, in exhibit, 74 415, 418, 420, 429, 431; not available to AEC Appalachia: interpretation of, by historians, 301- fellows, 432 302; origins of Republican party in, 321; sense Auman, William T.: cited, 321; reviews War of of community in, 411; women of, suffer in Another Kind: A Southem Community in the Civil War, 388, 410 Great Rebellion, 103 Appalachian Frontiers: Settlemeni, Society, and De- Averell, William: raids Virginia, 313 velopment in the Preindustrial Era: reviewed, 333 Avoca (N.C.): shad hatchery at, 30 Appalachian North Carolina. See Western North Azores: N.C. exports fish to, 3 Carolina Appalachian Passage: reviewed, 459 B Architects of Charleston, The: reviewed, 472 Arkansas: book about, reviewed, 335 Bailey, Lisa D.: reviews A History of Georgia, 253; Amny of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in reviews Lion’s Share . . . , 252 the Mexican War, 1846-1848: reviewed, 466 Bailey, Mary Dawn: her University Research Park: Army of Northern Virginia, 45 The First Twenty Years reviewed, 359 Arnall, Ellis: book about, reviewed, 234 Baker, Robin E.: his “Class Conflict and Political Arnold, Morris S.: his Colonial Arkansas, 1686- Upheaval: The Transformation of North Caro- 1804: A Social and Cultural History reviewed, lina Politics during the Civil War,” 148-178 335 Baker, Tod A.: his The 1988 Presidential Election Arthur: barters corn, 402 in the South: Continuity amidst Change in South- Ashby, LeRoy: reviews Reform and Revolution: ern Party Politics reviewed, 241 The Life and Times of Raymond Robins, 250 Baldwin, Karen: her Folk Arts and Folklife in and Ashby, Warren: board member of FSC, 183 around Pitt County: A Handbook and Resource Ashe, Samuel, 61, 63; background of, 62; and Guide reviewed, 360 N.C. exposition, 79 Baltimore (Md.), 12, 33; and fish trade, 10 Ashe County: marauding soldiers in, 45 Bandon plantation, 3 Asheville (N.C.): roads in, 47 Banjo: book about, reviewed, 354 Asheville Segar Manufactory, 54; advertisement Bank of the Cape Fear: holds deposits from lot- from, pictured, 54 tery, 377 At Freedom's Edge: Black Mobility and the Southern White Quest for Racial Contro!, 1861-1915: re- Baptist Encyclopedia: acknowledges role of P. W. viewed, 238 Dowd, 284 Atlanta (Ga.): hosts exposition, 57 Baptist General Convention, 293 Atlanta World’s Fair (1881), 5& Baptist historians: ignore contributions of P. W. Atlantic and North Carolina Railroad, 13; trans- Dowd, 282-284, 298-300 ports mullet, 18 Baptist State Convention: founded, 282, 283; Atlantic Coast Line Railroad: and N.C. exposi- promotes missions, 293; supports seminary edu- tion, 68 cation, 292 Atomic energy: for peaceful purposes, 414 Baptists, 169; divide into three factions, 289. See Atomic Energy Act (1946): requires investiga- also Primitive Baptists tion of employees of AEC, 415, 418-419 Baradell, Lang: reviews The Salisbury Prison: A Atomic Energy Commission (AEC): announces Case Study of Confederate Military Prisons, security clearance of FE. P. Graham, 417-418; 1861-1865, Revised and Enlarged, 471 awards fellowship to Communist student at Barber, James G.: his Andrew Jackson: A Portrait UNC, 432; creates nuclear institute, 414; de- Study reviewed, 109; his Old Hickory: A Life fends security clearance of F P. Graham, 420; Sketch of Andrew Jackson reviewed, 109 defines criteria for security clearances, 415- Barden, Thomas E.: his Virginia Folk Legends re- 416; employees of, must be investigated, 415; viewed, 332; his Weevils in the Wheat: Inter- forced to institute loyalty oaths for fellows, views with Virginia Ex-Slaves reviewed, 473 432; investigated for lax security, 433; judg- Bardolph, Richard: reviews The Fate of Liberty: ment of, undermined by FE. P. Graham case, Abraham Lincoln and Civil Liberty, 246 THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL REVIEW INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 481 Barnes, Mary Hollis: reviews Forgotten Gates: The Bergeron, Paul H: his The Papers of Andrew John- Architecture of a Rural North Carolina County, son. Volume 9: September, 1865-January, 1866 104 reviewed, 233 Barney, William, 40-41 Bergstrom, Peter V.: reviews The Papers of James Barrow,-Robert M.: reviews Inseparable Loyalty: A Madison. Volume 17: 31 March 1797-3 March Biography of William Bull, 106 1801. With a Supplement 22 January 1778- Bartlett, Merrill L.: his Lejeune: A Marine’s Life, 9 August 1795, 108 1867-1942 reviewed, 350 Bernard, William H.: background of, 62; and N.C. exposition, 61 Batey, Bill: tenant farmer, 403, 404 Bernstein, M.: union officer, 273 Battle, Kemp: advises FE. P. Graham, 428 Berry, J. Bill: his Home Ground: Southern Autobi- Battle of Belmont, The: Grant Strikes South: re- ography reviewed, 460 viewed, 232 Bertie County, 3 Bear Inlet, 20 Bible societies: opposed by Primitive Baptists, Beaufort (N.C.), 12, 14; center for mullet fishing, 290, 291 18; lack of commercial fishing in, 2; menhaden Biblical Recorder: ignores role of P. W. Dowd, 284; factories in, 21; menhaden factory near, pic- publishes attack on P. W. Dowd for plagiarism, tured, 21; and oysters, 25; salted mullet from, 287 19 Biblical Seminary (N.Y.), 183 Beaufort County, 172 Big Sandy River Valley (Va.): as Civil War battle- Before Freedom Came: African-American Life in the ground, 315; harbors unionists, 316 Antebellum South: reviewed, 116 Biles, Roger: his A New Deal for the American Bell, Alexander Graham, 58 People reviewed, 250 Bell, Alfred W.: advises wife on agriculture, 404, Billikopf, Jacob: informed of F. P. Graham’s secu- 405; clashes with commanding officer, 397- rity clearance, 419; told about news leak from 400; comments on wife’s purchase of slaves, AEC, 420 409; establishes dental practice, 390; joins Con- Billings, Warren M.: his Virginia’s Viceroy: Their federate army, 392-393; moral character of, sub- Majesties’ Governor General Francis Howard, ject of wife’s concern, 396-397; pictured, 394; Baron Howard of Effingham reviewed, 329 returns home from war, 413; supplies goods to Bingham School, 74 family, 403; unconcerned by Union raid, 408 Biographical Directory of the South Carolina House Bell, Benjamin, II: brother of Alfred Bell, 401, of Representatives. Volume V: 1816-1828: re- 403, 408 viewed, 445 Bell, Benjamin W.: father of Alfred Bell, 390, Bivins, John, Jr.: his The Regional Arts of the Early 403, 404, 405, 406 South: A Sampling from the Collection of the Mu- seum of Early Southern Decorative Arts re- Bell, John, 153; and election of 1860, 156-159; viewed, 337 pictured, 157; viewed as defender of slavery, Black, Mollie: comments on black market, 315 311 Black Abolitionist Papers, The. Volume III: The Bell, Mary: advises husband on clashes with com- United States, 1830-1846: reviewed, 349 manding officer, 398-400; apathetic toward Black Mountain (N.C.), 182 Confederacy, 395, 396, 410; assumes business Black Towns and Profit: Promotion and Develop- responsibilities, 401-403; blames Lincoln for ment in the Trans-Appalachian West, 1877-1915: war, 396; concerned about husband’s moral reviewed, 248 character, 396-397; “emancipated” by war, 413; Blacks: allegedly stirred up by SCHW, 427; con- favors conscription, 394-395, 396; marriage of, duct retail fish trade in New Bern, 14; menha- 390; mocks fellow townspeople, 406-407; super- den fishermen, 23-24; New Bern fish trade of, vises agricultural production, 403, 406; takes pictured, 15; voting rights of, sought, 421; active interest in husband’s military affairs, work at fisheries, 4-6 393-401; wartime experience of, compared to Blacksmiths, 48 other southern women’s, 409-412 Blackwell, W. T.: tobacco company of, 72, 257, Belton, Thomas W.: reviews Weep Not for Me, 277 Dear Mother, 473 Blackwell’s Durham Tobacco Company: employs Benbow, D. W., 61 women workers, 277; exhibit of, 72; manufac- Bennett, Charles E.: his A Quest for Glory: Major tures leading smoking tobacco, 257 General Robert Howe and the American Revolu- Blaine, James, 76 tion reviewed, 228 Blaine, Mrs. Emmons McCormick, 188 VOLUME LXIX ¢ NUMBER 4 OCTOBER 1992 482 INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 Blalock, Keith, 43, 52 Broke by the War: Letters of a Slave Trader: Blalock, Sarah Malinda Pritchard, 43; service rec- reviewed, 339 ord of, pictured, 44 Brokers: for lotteries, 373 Blount, Reading: deplores gamesters, 368 Brooklyn Union, 78 Blount, William, 11 Brooks, William T.: accuses P. W. Dowd of plagia- Blumberg, William J.: union officer, 273 rism, 287, 289; his rivalry with P. W. Dowd dis- Blumenthal, Leon: union officer, 273 cussed, 295-297; pictured, 288 Board of Internal Improvements: lottery for, fails, Broughton, J. Melville: death of, opens Senate 379 seat for E P. Graham, 429 Board of Internal Improvements Fund: lottery for, Browder, Earl: release of, favored by FE. P. Graham, 377 424, 428-429 Board of Trade: objects to lotteries, 372 Brown, Claudia: reviews The Architecture of Boatwright, Bill: ignores role of P. W. Dowd, 284 Charleston, 472 Bocock, Nicholas E: examines evidence against Brown, Louis A.: his The Salisbury Prison: A Case HOA, 319 Study of Confederate Military Prisons, 1861- Bodnar, John: his Remaking America: Public Mem- 1865, Revised and Enlarged reviewed, 470 ory, Commemoration, and Patriotism in the Twen- Brown v. Board of Education, 198 tieth Century reviewed, 356 Browning, Wilt: his Saying Goodbye: Final Trib- Bonitz, J. A.: and N.C. exposition, 61 utes to Great Sports Figures and Others re- Bonnet Brigades: cited, 409 viewed, 255 Bonsack, Jacob: buys rival patent, 269; owns Brownlow, William G.: Whig newspaper editor, woolen mill, 266; secretary-treasurer of 42 Bonsack Machine Company, 271 Brownrigg, Alexander: fishery of, 2-3 Bonsack, James A.: invents cigarette-making ma- Brownrigg, Richard: will of, 2 chine, 266, 268-269; pictured, 269; receives Brunswick County: lottery of, 381 patent on improved machine, 271; travels to Brunswick Town (N.C.): Anglican church in, Paris to sell machines, 272 subject of lottery, 370 Bonsack, John: organizes woolen mill, 266, 268 Bryan, Joseph H.: lottery of, 381 Bonsack, John E.: describes first Bonsack ma- Buchanan, Harriette C.: reviews Virginia Folk Leg- chine, 271 ends, 332 Bonsack, John William: provides idea for Buchanan, James: election of, hinges on Pennsyl- cigarette-making machine, 268 vania, 141; supporters of, 156 Bonsack Cigarette Making Machine: adopted in Europe, 272; could replace forty-eight hand Built for the Ages: A History of the Grove Park Inn and Country Club: reviewed, 250 rollers, 272; granted patent, 269; increasingly utilized, 275; pictured, 270, 274 Buker, George E.: his Jacksonville: Riverport- Bonsack Machine Company: contracts with J. B. Seaport reviewed, 449 Duke, 272-273, 277-278; organized, 271 Bull, William: book about, reviewed, 105 Bonwick, Colin: his The American Revolution Bull Connor: reviewed, 119 reviewed, 346 Bull Durham: faces competition from Dukes, 264; Books and Articles on South Carolina History: leading smoking tobacco, 257 reviewed, 362 Bulla, Ben E: his Textiles and Politics: The Life of Bowron, James: book about, reviewed, 455 B. Everett Jordan, from Saxapahaw to the United Bragg, Thomas: Democratic governor, 150 States Senate reviewed, 327 Bratton, Mary Jo: reviews Knowledge Is Power: A Bumgarner, John Lee: reviews The Politics of Cul- History of the School of Agriculture and Life Sci- ture, 255 ences at North Carolina State University, 1877- Burgess, David, 188; and FSC fellowship center, 1984, 359 192; on FSC’s position in the history of south- Braxton Bragg and Confederate Defeat. Volume II: ern change, 198 reviewed, 341 Burgwyn, William H.: background of, 62; and Breckinridge, John C., 153; and election of 1860, N.C. exposition, 61 156-159; pictured, 157; viewed as defender of Burke County: desertion and draft evasion in, slavery, 311 171; food shortages in, 45; and salt supply, 47; Bricker, John W.: demands investigation of FE. P. voters in, support Z. B. Vance, 171 Graham, 429 Burnside, Ambrose E., 46; Federal expeditionary Brimley, Herbert, 71 force under, 163 British West Indies: N.C. exports fish to, 3 Burnside: reviewed, 340 THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL REVIEW INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 483 Burton, E. Milby: his South Carolina Silversmiths, Canary Islands: N.C. exports fish to, 3 1690-1860 reviewed, 360 Cangelosi, Peter J.: reviews The Papers of Jefferson Busbee, Charles M., 60, 61; background of, 62 Davis. Volume 7: 1861, 453 Butchko, Thomas R.: his Forgotten Gates: The Cansler, Mary, 49 Historical Architecture of a Rural North Carolina Cantrell, Gregg: his “Southerner and Nativist: County reviewed, 103 Kenneth Rayner and the Ideology of ‘Ameri- Butler, Lindley S.: reviews Virginia's Viceroy: Their canism,”” 131-147 Majesties’ Governor General Francis Howard, Cape Fear, Yadkin, and Pee Dee Rail Road Com- Baron Howard of Effingham, 330 pany: lottery for, 378 Butler, Sally, 6 Cape Fear Agricultural Society: holds lottery, 381 By the Work of Their Hands: Studies in Afro-Ameri- Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad: and N.C. can Folklife: reviewed, 459 exposition, 68 Bynum, Victoria E.: her Unruly Women: The Poli- Cape Fear Lottery. See Deep and Haw River Navi- tics of Social and Sexual Control in the Old South gation Company Lottery reviewed, 442 Cape Fear River: Atlantic sturgeon in, 15 Byrne, Frank L.: reviews Braxton Bragg and Con- Cape Hatteras, 12 federate Defeat. Volume II, 341 Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, The: Sentinel of the Cc Shoals: reviewed, 101 Cape Henry (Va.), 12 Cabarrus, Stephen: book about, reviewed, 359 Cape Lookout, 2; menhaden factory at, 20 Cabarrus County: supports William Johnston, 172 Capeci, Dominic J., Jr.: his Layered Violence: The Cabins in the Laurel: reviewed, 127 Detroit Rioters of 1943 reviewed, 353 Cahoon, Ray: sheriff, 179, 180 Capehart, William R.: fishery of, 7n, 13, 16, 30; Cahow, Clark R.: reviews American Chameleon: and N.C. exposition, 61 Individualism in Trans-National Context, 469 Capehart Fishery, 7n; best location for striped Cain, Captain: establishes menhaden factory, 20 bass, 13; pictured, 16 Cain, Robert J.: reviews A Key to Survey Reports Capel, Wint: his A Recent History of Thomasville , and Microfilm of the Virginia Colonial Records North Carolina, 1952-1991 reviewed, 251 Project, 128; reviews The Letter Book of James Capitalism: contributes to risk taking, 366 Abercromby, Colonial Agent: 1751-1773, 331 Cain, William, Jr.: asks congressman to purchase Carolina Centinel (New Bern): cited, 375 lottery tickets, 375 Carpenter, William L.: his Knowledge Is Power: A Caldwell County, 43; exhibit from, 71 History of the School of Agriculture and Life Sci- Calhoon, Robert M.: his “Review Essay / Ameri- ences at North Carolina State University, 1877- can Culture and the Search for a Useable 1984 reviewed, 358 Past,” 438-441; reviews Early American Method- Carr, Dawson: his The Cape Hatteras Lighthouse: ism, 348 Sentinel of the Shoals reviewed, 101 Calhoun, John C.: views of, popular with Vir- Carr, Julian: background of, 62; and N.C. exposi- ginia planters, 304 tion, 61, 64 Calhoun, Richard J.: his Witness to Sorrow: The Carr, Lois Green: her Robert Cole’s World: Agricul- Antebellum Autobiography of William J. Grayson ture and Society in Early Maryland reviewed, 242 reviewed, 110 Carson, Clayborne: his The Papers of Martin Lu- Calvinist beliefs: held by Primitive Baptists, 289; ther King, Jr. Volume I: Called to Serve, January, incompatible with missionary and religious 1929-June, 1951 reviewed, 457 educational activities, 290 Carter, Dan T.: his The Adaptable South: Essays in Camden County, 172 Honor of George Brown Tindall reviewed, 343 Cameo brand (cigarettes): introduced, 277; pic- Carteret County: center of fish trade, 13-14; mul- tured, 279, 280 let from, 18; oyster beds in, 31; oyster industry Cameron, Bennehan, 78-79 in, 24 Cameron, Paul, 78 Cashin, Joan E.: her A Family Venture: Men and Camp Russell, 70 Women on the Southern Frontier reviewed, 336 Campbell, Charles C.: southern claims commis- Cashman, Diane Cobb: her Champions: The His- sioner, 321 tory of the Cornelia Nixon Davis Health Care Campbell, Edward D. C., Jr.: his Before Freedom Center at Porters Neck, Wilmington, North Caro- Came: African-American Life in the Antebellum lina, 1966-1991 reviewed, 127 South reviewed, 116 Caswell, Richard: receives National Lottery tick- Campbell, John: plantation of, 2 ets, 372-373 VOLUME LXIX ¢ NUMBER 4 ¢ OCTOBER 1992 484 INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 Cathcart, William: acknowledges role of P. W. Cigar Makers Progressive Union of America: at- Dowd, 284 tempts to unionize Durham workers, 273; nego- Catholics, 169; alleged influence of, in politics, tiates contract with J. B. Duke, 274 137-139; barred from office holding, 133; com- Cigarette rollers: move from New York to Dur- pared to abolitionists, 140; fear of, not preva- ham, 260; quotas for, 274; replaced by ma- lent in South, 146; target of Know-Nothing chine, 272; return to New York, 275, 275n; party, 131 wages and production of, 260. See also Jewish Celia: A Slave: reviewed, 337 workers; Tobacco workers; Women Centennial Exposition. See Philadelphia Interna- Cigarettes: aggressive marketing of, 264; consid- tional Exposition ered specialty item, 257; hand rolled, 258, 259; Chambersburg (Pa.), 74 increased production of, tabulated, 277; manu- Champions: The History of the Cornelia Nixon factured by machine, 268; packaging of, de- Davis Health Care Center at Porters Neck, Wil- scribed, 263; production of, described, 260, mington, North Carolina, 1966-1991: reviewed, 262; production of, pictured, 261; production 127 quotas of, set for workers, 274; remain small Chapel Hill (N.C.), 182; most liberal community part of tobacco sales, 279; subject of union ne- in South, 193 gotiation, 274 Charles (hired laborer), 404 Citizen Klansmen: The Ku Klux Klan in Indiana, Charlotte (N.C.), 65; mayor of, bans picture- 1921-1928: reviewed, 352 laden cigarette packs, 264 Citizens Committee to Free Earl Browder: dis- Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad, 165 crepancy concerning F. P. Graham’s member- Charlotte Observer, 76; cited, 432 ship in, 435, 436; set up by a Communist, 427, Chatham County: exhibit from, 71 428 Cherokee Americans: The Eastern Band of Chero- Civil War: antiwar sentiment during, 174; causes kees in the Twentieth Century: reviewed, 324 breakdown of families, 52-56; changes struc- Cherokee basketry: books about, reviewed, 325 ture of political system, 178; class conflict dur- Cherokee County: in Civil War, 388, 412; and ing, 148-178; collapse of western N.C. home 1864 election, 177; improved farmland in, 41; front during, 48-56; conscription during, 43, and salt supply, 47; women in, face danger, 45 148; disintegration of society during, 38, 43; Cherokee Indians: book about, reviewed, 325; disrupts fish trade, 11; economic hardship dur- homeland of, 41; hunger among, during Civil ing, 174; effect of, on church, 49, 51; effect of, War, 47 on schools, 51; food shortages during, 45-48, Cherokee Removal: Before and After: reviewed, 116 51-52, 148; heavy taxes during, 148; impact of, Cherokee village: site of Franklin, 390 on women, 388-389, 409-412; leadership after, Chesapeake Bay: oyster fishery on, 24 61; and menhaden industry, 20; role of women Chesebrough, David B.: his “God Ordained This in western N.C. during, 37-56; sectional and War” :S ermons on the Sectional Crisis, 1830- economic tensions during, 161; in southwest 1865 reviewed, 244 Virginia discussed, 301-322 passim; suffering Chesson, Michael B.: reviews Cotton an! Capital: during, 148; transformation of politics during, Boston Businessmen and Antislavery Refu~m, 148-178 1854-1808, 467 Civil War Command and Strategy: The Process of Chesson and Armistead, 5 Victory and Defeat: reviewed, 467 Chicago (IIll.): hosts exposition, 57 Civil War Diary of Sarah Morgan, The: reviewed, China Aid Council: supported by FE P. Graham, 339 434 Civil War Memoirs of Captain William J. Seymour, Chowan County, 172 The: Reminiscences of a Louisiana Tiger: re- Chowan River: fisheries in, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 viewed, 342 Christensen, Lawrence O.: reviews Celia: A Claghorn, Charles E.: his Women Patriots of the Slave, 338 American Revolution: A Biographical Dictionary Christian, D. C., Sr.: describes cigarette produc- reviewed, 254 tion, 260 Clark, Thomas: his The Southern Country Editor Christianity: and FSC, 179-199 reviewed, 254 Church: role of, during Civil War, 49, 51; role of, Clarke, Henry T.: becomes governor, 161; and in traditional life-style, 40 conscription law, 165 Church Brothers, 20 Class conflict: during Civil War, 148-178; in Churchill, Arthur: on significance of FSC, 198 southwest Virginia, 315 THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL REVIEW INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 485 “Class Conflict and Political Upheaval: The Compton, Carl T.: deplores news leak on Roberts Transformation of North Carolina Politics board decision, 420; member of security review during the Civil War,” 148-178 board, 416 Clay, Henry: supported by Kenneth Rayner, 133 Concord (N.C.), 73 Clay County: formation of, 42 Condon, Edward U.: given security clearance by Clayton, Bruce: reviews Shades of Gray: Dis- AEC, 433 patches from the Modern South, 345; reviews Confederacy: conscription in, 164; destruction of Southern Voices: Profiles and Other Stories, 345 civilian morale in, 37; electoral divisions in, Cleveland, Grover, 76 162-163; faces internal dissension, 302; food Cleveland County: exhibit from, pictured, 66 shortages in, 45-48, 51-52; and impressment Clifton, James M.: reviews A Woman Rice Planter, act, 165; loses confidence of southwestern Vir- 473 ginians, 301; mountain women do not support, Clingman, Thomas L.: southern rights leader, 42 38; mountaineers withhold support from, 42; spiritual revival in, 49; “tax in kind” of, 165; Cloud, George: lottery of, 381 “twenty Negro law” of, 164 Clowse, Converse D.: reviews Washington: Port of Confederate army, 42, 52; desertions in, 37, 48; North Carolina, 323 marauding soldiers in, 45-46; threatens Clyde, Robert: reviews Scotland and War, A.D. 79- women, 43; unable to stop invasion of Vir- 1918, 475 ginia, 313 Cohen, William: his At Freedom’s Edge: Black Mo- Confederate Congress, 164; blocks suspension of bility and the Southern White Quest for Racial habeas corpus, 319; incompetence of, saps mo- Control, 1861-1915 reviewed, 238 rale, 315 Coit, Margaret L.: her John C. Calhoun: American Confederate party: and conscription, 168; defeat Portrait reviewed, 252 of, in 1862, 174; and election of 1862, 165- Coke, Octavius, 60; background of, 62 174; supported by slaveholders, 171 Coleman, David: clashes with Alfred Bell, 397- Confederate policy: impact of, on mountain re- 400; elected colonel of regiment, 397; pictured, gion, 388 399 Confederate War Department: exaggerates Red Coleman, Kenneth: his A History of Georgia re- String activity, 321; investigates reports of viewed, 253 unionist organization, 316-317; told it cannot Collins, William B., 293 try Red Strings, 319 Colonial Arkansas, 1686-1804: A Social and Cul- Confederates: harass unionists, 412 tural History: reviewed, 335 Conference of Younger Churchmen of the South, Colton, Joel: his A History of the Modern World, 181 Seventh Edition reviewed, 255 Congregational church: opposes lotteries, 369 Columbia (N.C.), 179; and FSC camp, 187 Congress: reduces cigarette tax, 266 Columbian College: attended by P. W. Dowd, Congress of Racial Equality, 194 282, 283; trains Baptist ministers, 292 Congressional Record: cited, 429, 435 Colvard, Dean W.: his Knowledge Is Power: A His- Conkin, Paul K.: his The New Deal reviewed, 474 tory of the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences Connecticut, 33 at North Carolina State University, 1877-1984 Conrad, Dennis M.: his The Papers of General reviewed, 358; his University Research Park: Nathanael Greene. Volume VI: 1 June 1780- The First Twenty Years reviewed, 359 25 December 1780 reviewed, 345 Committee for Democracy and Intellectual Free- Conscription: in Confederacy, 164, 394, 396, dom: supported by FE. P. Graham, 434-435 396n; and exemptions, 164; hurts Confederate Committee on Economic and Racial Justice morale, 315; and small farmer, 164 (CERJ), 182 Conservative party: apathy in, 176; and conscrip- Committee to Aid the Spanish Republic: sup- tion, 168; and election of 1862, 165-174; frac- ported by F P. Graham, 434 ture of, in 1864, 174; supported by Communism: F P. Graham’s tolerance of, 421-422 nonslaveholding yeoman farmers, 171; voter Communist party: affiliation of E P. Graham base of, 174 with, discredited, 416; association with, affects Conservative Regime, The: South Carolina, 1877- security clearance, 416; member of, at UNC, 1890: reviewed, 129 432; takes advantage of liberals like F. P. Consolidated Lottery of Baltimore: advertised, Graham, 429 375 Communists: prosecution of, opposed by UNC Consolidated Maryland Lottery: won by North faculty, 424; strategy of, 427 Carolinian, 374 VOLUME LXIX ¢ NUMBER 4 * OCTOBER 1992 486 INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 Constitution, United States: protects slavery, 141 Crouch, Barry A.: reviews Overreached on All Continental Congress: approves National Lot- Sides: The Freedmen’s Bureau Administrators in tery, 372; objects to gaming, 368 Texas, 1865-1868, 454 Contractors: for lotteries, 373, 375 Crouch, Paul: member of Communist party, 429 Cooper, William J., Jr.: his The Conservative Re- Crow, Jeffrey J., 38; reviews African Americans in gime: South Carolina, 1877-1890 reviewed, 129 Salem, 358; reviews An Old Creed for the New Copeland, Mrs.: quarrels with Lizzie Woodfin, 399 South: Proslavery Ideology and Historiography, “Coping in Confederate Appalachia: Portrait of a 1865-1918, 253; reviews From Rebellion to Revo- lution: Afro-American Slave Revolts in the Mak- Mountain Woman and Her Community at ing of the Modem World, 363 War,” 388-413 Culpeper, Bob, 76 Copper, 59 Cultural Perspectives on the American South. Vol- Core Sound: menhaden factory on, 20; oyster ume 5: Religion: reviewed, 115 dredging in, 27; oysters in, 25 Cummings, Alexander: asks Kenneth Rayner to Cornelius, Janet Duitsman: her “When I Can campaign in Philadelphia, 142 Read My Title Clear”: Literacy, Slavery, and Reli- Cummins, Light Townsend: his Spanish Observers gion in the Antebellum South reviewed, 237 and the American Revolution, 1775-1783 re- Corps of Engineers: to receive assistance from nu- viewed, 462 clear institute, 414 Cunningham, Amanda: trades milk cow, 402 Corruption: fear of, at core of republicanism, 135; Cunningham, Noble E., Jr.: his Popular Images of leads to sectional strife, 140; penetrates Demo- the Presidency: From Washington to Lincoln re- cratic and Whig parties, 136-137; threatens Re- viewed, 463 public, 146 Currituck County, 172; exhibit from, 71 Coryell, L. L., Sr.: correspondent of EF. P. Graham, Currituck Sound: white perch fishery at, 12 428, 436 Curry, Richard Orr: his American Chameleon: Indi- Cotten, Alice R.: reviews The James Adams Float- vidualism in Trans-National Context reviewed, ing Theatre, 231 468; notes several regions of Virginia, 304 Cotten, Jerry W.: reviews Popular Images of the D Presidency: From Washington to Lincoln, 464 Cotton and Capital: Boston Businessmen and Ant- Dabbs, James McBride, 198 slavery Reform, 1854-1868: reviewed, 467 Dabney, Charles: state chemist, 71 Cowan, T. B. (Scotty): and FSC, 181, 182, 190 Daily Chronicle (Raleigh), 76 Cox, William Ruffin, 60; background of, 62 Daily Journal (Wilmington), 161 Craftsmen: loss of, during Civil War, 48 Daily Worker (New York): editor of, barred from Cramer, C. H.: personally approves security clear- speaking at UNC, 422, 422n ance of FE.P . Graham, 416 Dan (hired laborer), 404 Crane, Conrad: reviews Civil War Command and Daniel, Larry J.: his Soldiering in the Army of Ten- Strategy: The Process of Victory and Defeat, 468 nessee: A Portrait of Life in a Confederate Army Craven County, 172; lotteries of, 378; uses lottery reviewed, 453 for poorhouse, 373 Daniel, Robert T.: advances P. W. Dowd’s educa- tion, 282; pioneers missionary movement, 291 Cresswell, Stephen: his Mormons & Cowboys, Daniels, Jonathan: told about Roberts board deci- Moonshiners & Klansmen: Federal Law Enforce- sion, 421 ment in the South and West, 1870-1893 re- Daniels, Josephus: and electricity, 77 viewed, 247 Danish West Indies: N.C. exports fish to, 3 Crisfield (Md.), 33 Darkis, Fred R., Jr.: his Durham, North Carolina: Crist, Lynda Lasswell: her The Papers of Jefferson City of Medicine, USA reviewed, 252 Davis. Volume 7: 1861 reviewed, 452; reviews David Humphreys’ “Life of General Washington,” The Presidency of Franklin Pierce, 245 with George Washington’s “Remarks”: reviewed, Croatan Sound: pound nets in, 17 106 Crofts, Daniel W.: reviews Wartime Washington: Davidson, Jan: reviews Studies in Cherokee Bas- The Civil War Letters of Elizabeth Blair Lee, 448 ketry and Decorative Art and Basketry of the Crook, George: raids Virginia, 313 Cherokee, 325 Cross-Cut brand (cigarettes): pictured, 264; pro- Davidson College, 74 moted, 264 Davis, A. C., 22 Crossville (Tenn.), 185; FSC-sponsored work Davis, Jefferson, 161, 166, 172; pictured, 162; project in, 189 receives letters from suffering women, 410; THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL REVIEW INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 487 receives report on Red Strings, 318; suspends Dombrowski, James A.: forms FSC, 180-181 habeas corpus, 174; unable to suspend habeas Dorgan, Howard, 40 corpus, 319 Doster, Gary L.: his From Abbeville to Zebulon: Dean, S. P.: forms Light of Tyrrell Credit Union, Early Post Card Views of Georgia reviewed, 362 187 Douglas, Ann: cited, 289 Deaver, Hattie, 49 Douglas, Stephen A.: Democratic candidate, 153 DeBow’s Review: seeks regional unity against Dowd, Cornelius Harnett: father of P. W. Dowd, North, 307 282 Declaration of Independence, 58 Dowd, Martha Ann Austin: wife of P. W. Dowd, Decorative Art and Basketry of the Cherokee: re- 283 viewed, 325 Dowd, Mary Dickerson: mother of P. W. Dowd, Deep and Haw River Navigation Company Lot- 282 tery: appeals to speculators, 381; deposits pro- Dowd, Patrick W.: accused of moral improprie- ceeds in bank, 377; gives credit on lottery ties, 282; brief description of career of, 282- tickets, 378 283; charges of sexual impropriety against, Delaware, 33; exports salt to N.C., 2; still allows refuted, 295; comments on W. T. Brooks’s lotteries, 385 envy, 297; denies sexual misconduct, 286; de- Delaware River, 2 piction of, by Baptist historians, 299; endorses Democratic party: dominant party in N.C. by missionary activities and religious education, 1850s, 149; opposition to, 151; policies of, en- 291-292; grave of, pictured, 294; house of, pic- danger slavery, 145; in southwest Virginia hurt tured, 284; opposed by Primitive Baptists, 289, by sectional crisis, 311; strong in southwest Vir- 291-292; rebuts charges of plagiarism, 287, 289 ginia, 305 Dowd, William: brother of P. W. Dowd, 283 Democrats, 148-178; apathy of, 156; cartoon of, Doxsee, J. H., 29 pictured, 152; censure Kenneth Rayner, 144- Draft. See Conscription 145; conscription law hurts, 171; demise of, Drago, Edmund L.: his Broke by the War: Letters of 168; disunity among, 153; fail to mobilize non- a Slave Trader reviewed, 339 slaveholding members of party, 158-159; feel Drummers: peddle cigarettes, 264 conflicting pressures, 158; and new voters, 153; Duggan, Betty J.: her Studies in Cherokee Basketry power of, 149; “Southern Rights,” 156; support reviewed, 325 internal improvements, 384; voter turnout of, Duke, Benjamin N.: comments on brother, 279; 158 Methodist management of, criticized, 274; part- Dennard, David C.: reviews The Black Abolitionist ner in W. Duke, Sons and Company, 258 Papers. Volume III: The United States, 1830- Duke, Brodie L.: partner in W. Duke, Sons and 1846, 349 Company, 258 Dental and Medical Association, 73 Duke, James B.: aggressively advertises cigarettes, Deserters: in mountains, 393, 397, 400; threaten 263; business acumen of, 281; creates tobacco Confederates in mountains, 412 trust, 257; cuts price of cigarettes, 266; decides Desertion: in Civil War western N.C., 164 to produce cigarettes, 258; hires W. T. O’Brien, Detroit riots: book about, reviewed, 353 275; imports cigarette rollers from New York, Dey, C. P.: establishes menhaden fishery, 21; men- 260; increases cigarette production, 259; in- haden fishery of, pictured, 22 vents sliding box for cigarettes, 262-263; meets Dictionary of North Carolina Biography. Volume 4: with union, 274; moves to New York, 262; ne- L-O: reviewed, 100 gotiates contract with Bonsack Machine Com- “Disloyalty to the Confederacy in Southwestern pany, 272-273, 277-278; organizes American Virginia, 1861-1865”: cited, 301 Tobacco Company, 278-279; partner in W. Dix, Mary Seaton: her The Papers of Jefferson Duke, Sons and Company, 257-258; pictured, Davis. Volume 7: 1861 reviewed, 452 facing 257; pushes consumer shift to cigarettes, Dobbs, Arthur: agrees to lotteries for churches, 276; recognizes advantages of mechanization, 370; told not to approve lotteries, 372 272 Dobson, Benny: trades hog, 402 Duke, Washington: fears radicalism of unions, Dockery, Alfred: Whig congressman, 131 273; founds W. Duke, Sons and Company, 257- Documentary History of the Ratification of the Con- 258, 258n; Methodist management of, criti- stitution, The. Volume IX: Ratification of the cized, 274 Constitution by States. Virginia (2): reviewed, Dukes, Richard S., Js.: reviews David Humphreys’ 243 “Life of General Washington,” with George Dodd, W. H.: and opening of exposition, 70 Washington's “Remarks,” 107 VOLUME LXIX ¢ NUMBER 4 * OCTOBER 1992 488 INDEX TO VOLUME LXIX—1992 Duke’s Mixture smoking tobacco, 276 Election of 1862 (gubernatorial): partisan conti- Dunkards. See German Baptist church nuity in, 167; sharpens class tensions, 172; Dunn, Joe P.: his The Future South: A Historical splits voters along economic and regional Perspective for the Twenty-first Century re- lines, 172; voting patterns in, 165-174 viewed, 120 Election of 1864 (gubernatorial): voting patterns Dunn, Lynne K.: reviews The Making of a South- in, 175-178 erner, 362 Elections: and voter turnout, 150 Duplin County: supports William Johnston, 172 Elections of 1858: and secession delegates, 156 Durden, Robert EF: cited, 57; his “Review Essay / Elections of 1860, 151-160 passim; and secession The Crisis in the Wilsonian Presidency, 1919- delegates, 156; voter turnout of, 156 1920,” 96-99 Electorate: in Civil War, 148-178; new voters Durham (N.C.): site of tobacco manufacturing, enter, in 1860 and 1861, 160; polarization of, 257-281 passim; tobacco workers in, attempt in 1861, 162; realignment in, 160 unionization, 273, 274 Electricity: and N.C. exposition, 77 Durham, North Carolina: City of Medicine, USA: Elizabeth City (N.C.), 12, 179 reviewed, 252 Ell, Lores: barters apples, 402 Durham County: exhibit of, 72 Ellis, John W.: calls for troops, 392; cartoon of, Durham Tobacco Company, 72 pictured, 152; death of, 161; governor, 151, 153 Durrill, Wayne K.: his War of Another Kind: A Emery, Charles: obtains patent on belt machine, Southern Community in the Great Rebellion re- 268 viewed, 102 Emery, William: obtains patent on belt machine, Dwight, Timothy: sermons of, said to be plagia- 268 rized, 287, 288 Emmerich, Lisa E.: reviews Cherokee Removal: Before and After, 117 E England: experiences increase in gaming, 366; market for cigarettes, 272; professional game- Eagle Lodge: holds lottery, 381 sters arise in, 368 Eagles, Charles W.: reviews The Kingfish and His English: settle east of Blue Ridge in Virginia, 304 Realm: The Life and Times of Huey P. Long, 457 Episcopal Church in Bertie County, 1701-1990, Earle, Daniel, 3 The: From Its Anglican Roots to the Twentieth Earll, Edward, 18, 21 Century: reviewed, 471 Early American Methodism: reviewed, 348 Episcopalians, 169 East, Charles: his The Civil War Diary of Sarah Escott, Paul D., 37, 38 Morgan reviewed, 339 Essin, Emmett M.: reviews Cherokee Americans: Eaton, William: holds lottery for salt factory, 377, The Eastern Band of Cherokees in the Twentieth 381 Century, 324 Eaton, William R.: his treatment of P. W. Dowd Ethics: absent from controversy surrounding discussed, 298-299 P. W. Dowd, 282; defined, 298 Echols, John: decries unionism in southwest Vir- Ethnicity: helps define regions of Virginia, 304 ginia, 318-319; overestimates strength of Ettlesen, Max: union officer, 273 unionism, 319, 320; pictured, 320 Evangelical perfectionism: as part of Know- Edenhouse Point, 4 Nothing party, 131 Edenton (N.C.), 2; court days in, 5; fisheries in, Evangelicals: oppose lotteries, 382 \ersye Eve (slave), 408 Edenton Bay, 4 Everitt machine: rejected, 272 Education: federal aid to, sought, 421; increas- Excelsior Oil and Guano Company, 20 ingly funded by state, 383, 384; supported by Executive Mansion: designed by Samuel Sloan, 66 lotteries, 380 Expositions, 57-60, 80; become fixture in Ameri- Education, religious: opposed by Primitive Bap- can life, 57; become southern institution, 58; tists, 292; promoted by P. W. Dowd, 283, 292; commemorative aspects of, 58. See also North supported by Baptist State Convention, 293 Carolina Exposition Edwards and Broughton, 73 Ezell, John S.: cited, 365, 366 Egerton, Douglas R.: reviews By the Work of Their Hands: Studies in Afro-American Folklife, 460 F Egerton, John: his Shades of Gray: Dispatches from the Modern South reviewed, 344 E S. Kinney Company: becomes part of Ameri- Election of 1861, 161-163 can Tobacco Company, 279 THE NORTH CAROLINA HISTORICAL REVIEW

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