Then on-Pama-Nyungan languages ofn orthAeursnt racloimap:a rative studoifet sh ceo ntinent's most linguisctoimcpallrelexyg ion editebdy NicholEavsa ns PacifiLicn guistics CentfroeRr e seaorncL ha nguaCghea nge PacifLiicn guistics ResearcShc hooolf P acifaincd A siaSnt udies ina ssociatwiiotnht heC entrfeo rR esearcohn L anguagCeh ange TheA ustralNiaatni onUanli versity ------------------------------ Pubhleibdsy PaLciinfgiuci stics ReseaSrcchhoo ofPl a ciafniAdcs iSatnu dies TheA ustraliaUnn ieNvrastiitoyn al CanberArCaT 0 200 Australia Copyriintg hheitds i tiivsoe ns tweidtP ha ciLfiincg uistics. Firpsutbs lhie2d0 03 NatioLbniraalor fAy u strCaaaltlioag uiunbgl-iicnea-ntPtiroyn: Nicholase dE.v ans, Then on-Pama-Nlyaungngeguosaafn n o rtAheursnt ralia: comparsattuidovifete hsceo nti'nmseo nsltti nguicsotmipcrlaeelgxli yo n Biibolgraphy. IBSN0 8 585833X8 1A.b ogriinAaulsa tlri-aAnussa tlriNao,rt h-eLrann guages. IIT.heA ustrNaaltiiaoUnnn aielvr sRietsye.a Srcchhoo ofPl a cific anAds iSatnu dIiIeTs.i. t (lPea.c Liifnigcu 5is52t)i.c s 4919.5 Thceo vpeari nftriontmgh ,pe a in'tKii(nnfg a lRkeilnoagnt sbi)yL' o fBtayr daNyajadalm errek, depiac ftaas m ilyc ogmrporutipws soii nsgwt ietrthsh ehiurs ba(ntdchsoe u polnte hsre i gthhte) , middle woman betiot nhgme a lmoeont t hhfeea rlrse fKtu.rn eg arwrael enma biinnjkobeng ngaljbkionbein'ngL',est t rasvoeultt ohg etshaeytrsh!m e'i ddmlaent oh is wKiufnew iinnj ku. Thaer tipersmti'ssts ori eopnr ohdeuricgeser ateafcuoklwnllye dged. CopyietdbeydB asWiills on TypebsyeJ te anCeototmebe s Covdeers ibgyEn m iyB lriesnsden PrinbtyCe idr Pirli'nsFt yesrhs,wC iacnkb,e rra Tabloefc ontents Liosftm aps vi Abbreviations vii Controirtbsotu htviosl ume ix Acknowledgments x I.I NTRODUCfION 1.C ompatrianvoen -Pama-aNynAudun sgtarnha ilsitaonlr iincgauli st3i-c2s5 Nicholas Evans IIK.I MBERLEY 2.C lassifaincsdau tbicolna ssoiftf hiNecy autlinoylnua lnagenus a g 29-74 BronwSytno kaensWd i llMicaGmr egor 3.H eadwmairrgda tiaoK ni:m bercloeuyn ter-example 75-92 PatrMiccCko nvell IIDIA.L Y 4.P hravseartlbos ynthetriecc ovrmedorerbdp: h osycnhtnaagcet ic inN gani'tgyemerri 9-5132 NichoRleaisd 5.T hgee nesttiacot fMu usrr inaht-hPa 152-158 IaGnr een 6.T heev oluotfvi eorsnby stientm hsEe a stDearlnly a ngufaagmei ly1 95-148 MarkH arvey 7.T hee voluotfoi jboenec ntc lpiatrigacmd sii nt hEea stDearlny langufaagmei ly 158-201 MarHka rvey IV.A RNHEM LAND 8.A ni nirteicaoln storfPu rcotGtiuoon nw inypghuoanno logy 205-268 MarHka rvey v vi 9. Dalabveorncb oj nugations 2698-32 NichoElvaasann sFd r ancMeesrclaa n 1.0 Western Gunwinyguan 285-JIH MarHkar vey 1.1 ProGtuon winyvgeursabun f fixes JOSJ S2 Barry ANlipchheoErlv,aa sann sMd a rHka rvey 1.2 Thgee neptoisci otfMi aonng ayr:ire avidefnrconemo minal preafitio xn 353-367 FrancMeesrclaa n 1.3 Proto gMrainwdiiant Phriont o Arenvehinedcmfe:r ovme rbal inflecstuifofniaxle s 36-9421 RebecGcreae n v. THEB ARKLY 1.4 WanyainG da rrcwoam pardaattiav e 425-462 GavaBnr een 1.5 WanyainG da rrcwoam pardaattiaavnu:e p date 463-417 HughB elfrage VI.I SSUIENSD EEPR ECONSTRUCfJON 1.6 Reconstorfup crtoinioonnmaa lmso ntghn eo n-Pama-Nyungan languages 4751-53 MarHkar vey Liosftm aps Map1 :N on-mPaa-Nyulnagnagnu faagmei lies 2 Map2 : Apporximtartaed iltoicoantoaiflNo ynusl nyaunlda n neighbouring languages 32 Map3 :L anguoafgt ehse ETnodp 204 Map4 :W anyGia,r rawnand e ighbloaunrgiunagg es 424 Abbreviations Langeu aagebvbiratuiesodtn hsr oughvooultu B Buarrra N Nungali Bd Bardi Ndj Ndjebbana BGW BiinnGju no-kw Ng Ngawluirru Bi Binbinka Ngal Ngal(agk)an Bu Bularnu Ngan Ngandi D Dalabon Ngb Ngumbarl EG EastGearrnr wa Ngk Ng agni'k nugrugurdril aect ENN EastNeyrunl nyulan Ngr Ngarinyin G Gurr-(gCohnaip1 t)3e r Ngty Ngagni'tyemerri Garr(wCah ap1t)4e r Ngw Ngan'grirwdiui mailect Gaag Gagaudju Nkr Na-kara GN Gunwinyguan Nm Nimaunrbru Gr Gurjiin d Nn Ngarnga Gu Gudanji NN Nyulnyulan J Jaminjung Nnl Nyulnyul Ja Jawoyn nonPN non-Paymuan-gNan Ji Jingulu Nrn Ngarnga Jj Jarbjriabirr Nu Nunggubuyu Jk Jukun Ny Nyangumarta Jr Jaru Nyk Nyikina Jw Jawi pA Proto aAluisatnr K Kuwninyku pArn ProAtron hem Kj Karjaarri pED ProEtaos tDearlny Kk Kukjaat pENN Proto ENaysutlenrynu lan Kung Kungarakany pGN Proto Gunwinyguan Kunp Kunparlang pMan ProMtaon ingrida M Mangarrayi PN Pama-Nyungan Marr Marra pNgty Proto Negmaenr.ig ity Mma Marramjasnjiin pNN Proto Nyulnyulan Mng Marringarr pNuPN ProNtuoc lPeaamra -Nyungan Mp Murrinpha-tha pPN Proto Pama-Nyungan Mth Marrithiyel pSD Proto SDoaultyh ern vii viii pWNN ProWteos tNeyrunl nyulan WG WestGearrnr wa R Rembarrnga Wk Wakaya SD SouthDearlny WI Walm(at)jarri U Uwinymirr Wm Wambaya Ug Unggumi WNN WestNeyrnu lnyulan Uw Uwinymil Wrl Warluwarra W Warray Ww Warrwa Wa Wanyi Yn Yanyuwa Wag Wagiman Yj Yinijljain Warn Warndarrang Yw Yawuru Contriubotrs ttohi sv oulme BarArlyhp er MarHka vrey WashinDgCt,Uo SnA, NewcasUtnlieevr sNiStWy , [email protected] l [email protected] HugBhe lfrage PatrMiccCko nveli 113E lmSt AustrIanltsiiatonufA t beo riginal Nortohtc3e,0 7V0ic,t oria anTdo rrSetsrI asainltd Setru dies [email protected] CanbeArCrTa , [email protected] GavaBnr een WillBi.Ma cmG regor InstfiotArub toer iDgeivneallo pmenUtn ievrsoifAt ayr hDuesn,m ark Alice SNporritnhTgeesrr,nr itory [email protected] [email protected] NichoElvaasn s FrancMeesrclaa n UniveorfsM ietlyb ouVricnteo,r ia TheA usatlriNaant ioUnnailv erAsCTi ty, [email protected] [email protected] IaGnr een Nicholas Reid UnievrsiTtays moaf nia, UniveorfNs eiwtE yn gland, NSW HobarTta,s mania [email protected] [email protected] RebecGcrae en BronwSytno kes DarwNionr,t hTeernr ritory MeloburnVeit,co ria grneeerb4@1ho tmlac.iom [email protected] ix Acknowledgments The ewdiotuollrdi kea ctkonl oewdtghepe a tieannccde o operoafta ilcolon n tributors duritnhlgeo npgr ocoefbs rsi nging ttolh iigCshh tab,no Jdorakay asurdiryaaw sifenovgre ral oft hmea psa,n dE rich Rfoohrui nosdu tstajnodibin in ngt egraantdoi rngigas nitnhge mancursiFpitn.a nscupipoartlth ahta s satsewsdii tthhp er oducotfti hobinos o aktv arious pointsc omhfears o tmh Aeu satlarinR esearch (CGaornuntNc:oi nl- P-aNmynaugan lanaggueosfn orthAeutrsrna :ld ieaspctriigvarem.m iactaclo.m paraantsdio vcei oilsitnigcu investiagnafdtr ioaomU n nsi)v eorfs iMteyl bSocuhroonofLel a nguaGgreasinn tA idt:h e assisotfta hnecbseoe d iiegssr atlelafycun kowledged. x Evans, N. editor. The Non-Pama-Nyungan languages of northern Australia: Comparative studies of the continents most linguistically complex region. PL-552, x + 523 pages. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 2003. DOI:10.15144/PL-552.cover ©2003 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. --------- --- Introduction: 1 Comparantoinv-eP ama-Nyungan andA ustrahliisatno rliicnaglu istics NICHOLAESV ANS Thep resveonltu bmrei tnoggse dtehtearci olmepda rwaotriokvna e n umebro fn on-Pama Nyunglaann guoafgN eosr thAeursnt raanldii sta h,fe i rbsoto- klensgttuhtd osy p atnh is linguicsotmipclraeelxgl icyoo nn,t aaisni dito negps e rh9a0p%so fA usatlrsil ai'unog-genetic diverisnai nt ye igihttsh loafn Mda napyra epaeo.rr si giantaa tw eordk shheolpad tt he 1899A ustrLailnigaunSi osctiicecotsny f eraetMn ocnea Usnhvi ersbiutstye ,v ehraavbelee n writstpeienca lflotyrh viosl umIet. bheaessn a itdh antol angucahgaen fgaesstt hearan prtoo-lanagnuda tgiheine,ne trviennpge riaog dr edaetao lfn ewd escridpattoianv en on Pama-Nyulnagnagnu haagasec sc umtueldaa,s waescl alr esfiuflto ifcn ogm pldeaxt a, whihcahls e mda noyf t haeu thtoocr osm plerteevloirysd ee vetlhoepai rrg umseinnttcshe e origwionrakls hHoepn.ct eh,de e lianty h aep pearoaftn hcveeo lurmeef lseocmtmesa jor shiifnpt oss iotnit ohpnea rotfs omaeu thors. Int hfei rpsatro tft hiitnsr oduIci tdieonnwt hiafItsy e aest hmea in iscsoumepsa riant ive non-Pama-Nsytuundgiatenhss e.e cIotnno fd o urptahrI tl so oakti ssoufe s souubpgirng, recsotnrucatniador ne al infpleuareitntncop e at ritchunalotan r- Pama-Nfyaumnigolrai ne s sbureigonIsn.t hfei fptahrI rt e tutrot nh ies soufwe h ethecra cnoa nrreyt hper oceosfs rencsotrubcatcitkood n e epleerv tehlastn hf ea mitlhieemss etlhvaietbss a,ct ko sloemvee l frowmh ich maolslnt o onr- Pama-Nfyaumnigalarindee e ss cenSdiendc.e omfta hney papearrrsee letvoas netv eorfta hlae b ovies suIie nestg,r arteef erteon cettshh ermo ughout thiinst rodruacttthiheoardnn ea, l iwnigtt hh esme quentially_ 1 Comparatinvoen -Pama-Nyungaannd c omparatiAvues tralian Thel iimnogf I hivso lurmeefl eacl ssw ibnagc tkot hiecn orptoirooanfn on-Pama NYllnm�aalrnei ainll coo mparea Aluisvtralnligiuains Tthievc ise.ow f c omparative A\I�llieraxanp oundienDd ixo1n89'0sT hlea nguoafAg usetslr iawah,i hcahbs e etna kaesn NichoElvasans , 00n OtbeIl -Pama-laNnYgltlugmesg oufnl olrtbenzA ustralia: comparatsitvued oifthees co ntinemnotsl'tisl zguicormlpilcorexleg lioyn3 ,- 25. CanPbearrcaLii:ngufi ics2t 00i3c.s , Copyirtnihed giihsttives i stedo wni PtahcL iingufiicst ics. 3 Evans, N. "Comparative non-Pama-Nyungan and Australian historical linguistics". In Evans, N. editor, The Non-Pama-Nyungan languages of northern Australia: Comparative studies of the continents most linguistically complex region. PL-552:3-28. Pacific Linguistics, The Australian National University, 2003. DOI:10.15144/PL-552.3 ©2003 Pacific Linguistics and/or the author(s). Online edition licensed 2015 CC BY-SA 4.0, with permission of PL. A initiative. 4 NichoElvaasn s thoer thopdoosxi ftoiro nt htew dole acsat1di esdso ,miendba yt dfartoaPm a ma-Nyungan languaTghiewssa .su nderstagnidvtaehbnple ae u coiftd ye tagiarlmemda timcataelr ials avabilloean n on-Pama-Nlyaunngguaaatntg hetesi maen,d etxhceeim tengte nerbayt ead stroifbn rgi lglriaamnmtoa frP sa ma-Nyulnagnagnut ahghaetasb d e ebna reklnyo wn before th1e7 90sA. s imiPlaamra -Nyufnougcsaw nas refltehcfeti erds tvi onfl ouumorfet sh e influHeanntdibaoolfo A kut sralliaanng usaegreiusen stt;ih lfei fvtohl u(mpeu bliins hed 2000a)lg lr ammcarosn tatihneerdwe eirnPe a ma-Nyuanpgaafrnrt,o Cmr owlaenyd Dixo(n91'81s) e valuoaftT iaosnm anainaKdne en('91s8 3g)ra mmoafYr u kuiwthai,c h wast hebne lietvobe ePd a ma-Nyuanngdia nn acnaysb ee lotnogo sn eo ft hger oups, Tangktihcia,cst l osteoPs atm a-Nyungan. Inc ontrast,o fgn roanm-mPaarmsa -Nlyauunnagggceaosnm iunptg o m odesrtna ndards ofd escr2iw petrimeoo nstllayti encr o minTgh.eb ulokft hem ndoaitpd p euanrtt ihllea st fiftyeeeanrw si,t h moathneysr tsif lolrct ohimnogr i np reaptairaonnd,u nttihle asree compleatlhelyd p othaebsoecusto mparantoinv-eP ama-Nmyuusnrtge amnah iihng ly lveep,ra aplei rnts hc eu rrveonltum maek aev ailnaebwsl yen chronic mategreiramla tnoce o mparati-vsee pewa torircku ltahpreal pyeb ryBs r eaennd fBrealge ont hGea rrwlaann gubaygH easre,vyo nM atngaenlde K(aCmhua p6t,7e )ra,sn bdy E vans anMde rloanDn a labon. A secofnadc tdoerl aytihnperg o groefs sc ompeaw roartokni n von-Pama-Nyungan langeusha agbse etnh ger ecaotm epxliotfty h dea tAas.t hree adweirdl elt erfmrioname papleirI kaeGn r eenw'isti,hti sn truincaptieco kfti hnmega npyr iexfpaalr adiignt mhse SoutDha llya nguatgheaesp ,p licoaftt ihcoeo nm paramteitdvh teoo m orphological reconstirnuN cotritohAneur snt riasal silao awn dp Gknrge ewnr ittehsa t 's[]oomfet h.e.a .u xiialriinecsl,u dingw htihccoohsm ep afrodarat tihavab ese eanv abillea foarl motswtdo e cadaerisenf, a cstos trikailni.gk.tlehy. oa ntme u swto ndwehryt he true genesttiacot fu st thwelosa en guagreesm ahiuannsed doc unmteefdo r losonH go'w.e veIr , susptehcattth l ei imtosfh umapna ttergnn-irteaicrosoeno s trocnghlaeyln lgebdys uch compldeaxtt ah iaottf tteank aed se caodrte w oof i memrsiinotn h e(maG sr eehni melshfa s donbee)f otrhepe a ralclabenel a sr ticuplraoetprelDdye .tc eticnogm parpaabarllel elisms acrotshssei xotrsy on on-Pama-Nlyaunangggueiaslsn i kteokl eye npo n-Pama-Nyunganists busfyo dre cadbeefso wreeh avaen ythliinkagce o mplseetotef h ypothaebsoetusht e inetrerlatioonfts hhneio pns- Pama-NlyaunngguaaFngo eerxs .a mpnloe-,oh naeys e tta ken ont htea sokfs yesmtaticcoamlplayNr uinnggg uabnuAdyn ui ndil3dy easkpwtiaht,ebeeii rn g two jaacdelnatn guwaigterhsa thseirlm aisrt ruc(tHuerae1ts9h 8 4:S6i3m8ai)rll.ay , comparoifTs iowni iwtniset ahr neesitg hbtohuIerw saj,ia dfna miwliyhl,al v teow aiftis rt foarp ropseyrn chrdoensiccr iopftt hileoa nn guoafgt ehIsew ajiadfna mi(lEyv a2n0s0 0) anadr econstorfPu rcotItwi oao ind -jaatn a stkh att awkaietll ela asnto ttheeynre ars. And bheaetsnhb ea sfiofsru rptuhbelrwi osrhbkeyD d i xaonnod t hseerfesoe :rx amDpilxe(o9 1n9 7). San(d91s9 6). 2 Thiinsso ttdo e ny otrhteao nfsic umecp h weoararkst l hgyer ammiaCnra sp( e1l9l6o 2rt) ammar ofK unjwki(un, Gugn'uwb)iyO n agt(e1s49 )6b.u mte rteoslt yat thteah tle ayec ikt thhpeehr o nological precoirts hiceoo nm prethreenasotifmmv oeern pth oplaorgaidncieagelmtd cosea dr orurytae lalcyc urate compawroartki.v e 3 ThousgeHheea t(h1 9f9o7sr)o mpero ospals.