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Advances in Isotope Geochemistry Series Editor Jochen Hoefs For furthervolumes: http://www.springer.com/series/8152 Pete Burnard Editor The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers 123 Editor PeteBurnard Centre National delaRecherche Scientifique Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques etGéochemiques Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy France ISBN 978-3-642-28835-7 ISBN 978-3-642-28836-4 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-28836-4 SpringerHeidelbergNewYorkDordrechtLondon LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2012952675 (cid:2)Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2013 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeor part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations,recitation,broadcasting,reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherphysicalway, andtransmissionorinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware, orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped.Exemptedfromthis legalreservationarebriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviewsorscholarlyanalysisormaterial suppliedspecificallyforthepurposeofbeingenteredandexecutedonacomputersystem,for exclusiveusebythepurchaserofthework.Duplicationofthispublicationorpartsthereofis permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its currentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Permissionsfor use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liabletoprosecutionundertherespectiveCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,servicemarks,etc.inthis publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesare exemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Whiletheadviceandinformationinthisbookarebelievedtobetrueandaccurateatthedateof publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibilityforanyerrorsoromissionsthatmaybemade.Thepublishermakesnowarranty, expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedherein. Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia(www.springer.com) Preface Thisbookrepresentsalandmarkintheapplicationofnoblegasestothe Earthsciences.Whenyouturntothepageswithinyouwillseethatthis uniquesetoftracershasnowmadethetransitionfromthedomainofa fewspecialistlaboratoriestobecomeastandardpartofthegeochemists’ toolkit in tackling an array of both fundamental and applied science problems.Although noble gases are usedextensivelyas adating tool in geologicalandenvironmentalsystemsandarealsoextensivelystudiedin cosmochemistry, each of which could fill a book alone, this volume specifically focuses on how noble gases are used as tracers in terrestrial systems. This is very much a nuts and bolts ‘how-to-do-it’ book and as suchiscomplementarytorecentreviewsthattakeamoretheoreticaland process-oriented approach. This refreshing approach provides essential readingforunderstandingtheadvantages,state-of-the-artanalyses,and current limits, of these tracers in the context of the different terrestrial tracer applications, some of which are very recent. This is a ‘must’ first port of call for those just starting in the field and will also be a critical resource for those in the field who have been around a little longer and who, like me, always have room tolearn and applynew bestpractice. Itdoesnotseemsolongagowhen,asagraduatestudent,Iwas(and remain)inaweofthescientistswhofirmlyestablishedthefieldofnoble gas geochemistry; sitting in meetings with excitement as big egos chal- lengedeachother,withnoquartergiven,ontheoriginsandevolutionof the Earth and its atmosphere; and the slight clamminess of my hands when I realised that I would have to defend my own work and ideas in this arena. Some comfort and a degree of disbelief occurred when I realisedhowlittlethenweactuallyknewabouttheverystructureofthe deep Earth; and how few observations these early but fundamental modelswerebasedon.Whenapplyingthenoblegasestomorepractical matters I still pull out the 1961 paper by Zartmann, Wasserburg and Reynolds, with the understated title of ‘Helium, argon and carbon in somenaturalgases’thatdescribethefundamentalprinciplesbehindhow we use noble gas isotopes today to understand multiphase crustal fluid systems. Despite arriving a little later to the field, the sense of potential for noble gases to contribute in a major and fundamental way to our basic understanding of Earth formation and evolution as well as their ability to interrogate and quantify the processes controlling so many natural systems provided a buzz then that still remains today. v vi Preface Fifty one years after Zartmann et al., this book captures the same sense of excitement, but with half a century of additional community experienceimprovingsamplecollection,analysisanddatainterpretation ofthistracersuite.Centraltomanychaptersinthebookarethearrayof techniques that we use to release the noble gases from solid samples. While they might sound like extracts from a medieval torture chamber handbook, with samples releasing their noble gas information through being crushed, heated, melted or ablated, the exceptional care and exactitudethatreducesblanksandmaximisessignalforeachapplication are detailed here. Where samples are collected as free water, gas or oil, whether from the depths of the ocean or from commercial oil and gas boreholes, the system and component features required to collect, store and preserve robust samples are presented in the respective chapters. Each sample type also presents its own challenge in preparation before analysis: removal of water, gas or oil from the vacuum system; cryo- separation of the noble gases; low blanks; fast sample throughput—all before the mass spectrometry. It is nevertheless the improvements in mass spectrometry that form the foundation of the subject expansion and the reason that noble gases are now a must-have tool in any Earth or Environmental Science research institute of repute. Electronics stability, source sensitivity, multiplier and amplification technology, software control and data handling, magnet stability and speed, mass resolution, multi-collection. Without these advances, achieving the analyticalreproducibilityandprecisionneededforeachapplicationand unlocking the detail of the processes controlling the natural systems reviewed here would have been an impossibility. The noble gases as tracers are still making a significant contribution to a breadth of science problems that would surely amaze the early subject pioneers. Their chemical inertness, sensitivity to radiogenic noble gas input, fluid mixing and physical processing allow the identi- ficationandquantificationofthephysicalenvironmenttobetractablein a way not possible by any other technique. There is not a single tracer set in our geochemistry armoury that is quite so powerful or broadly useful — but perhaps I am writing with a small bias. In showing how to win the data from the different natural systems, thisvolumeprovidesanexcellentreviewofpreciselyhownoblegasesare usedacrosstheapplicationlandscape.Thechaptersinthisvolumehave beenarrangedlogicallyfromthehistoryoftheirdiscoveryandearlyuses to the basics of sample preparation and mass spectrometry and detail thenoblegasesintheterrestrialatmospherethatformthebasisformost laboratory standards. These introductory chapters are followed by global environmental applications that include reconstruction of the past atmosphere and environment from ice cores, aquifers and lakes, reconstruction of ocean circulation and nutrient input from ocean watersandsedimentflux.Chaptersreviewhownoblegasesareappliedto identifyinghydrocarbonreservesand,perhapsslightlyironically,alsoin assessingthesafetyofburyingthecarbondioxideproducedbycombus- tion of oil and natural gas for Man’s energy needs. The book starts to Preface vii concludewithchaptersthatshowhowmodernandancienthydrothermal systemscanbeunderstood.Thegreatestofsciencechallengestackledby noble gases is left to the last chapter on tracing the evolution of the terrestrialmantle,whicharguablyprovidedtheexperienceandexpertise thatspunoutmanyoftheotherapplicationsdetailed.Thedescriptionof howthestudyofnoblegasesinmantlematerialshaverevolutionisedour understandingofthenatureandoriginofvolatilesintheEarthandhow theEarth’smantlehasevolvedthroughtimeiscertainlyacontribution, from many, to the basic understanding of our planet that the noble gas communitycanbeproudof. Prof. Chris Ballentine The University of Manchester Contents The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers: History and Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pete Burnard, Laurent Zimmermann and Yuji Sano Noble Gases in the Atmosphere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Yuji Sano, Bernard Marty and Pete Burnard Noble Gases in Ice Cores: Indicators of the Earth’s Climate History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Gisela Winckler and Jeffrey P. Severinghaus Noble Gases in Seawater as Tracers for Physical and Biogeochemical Ocean Processes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Rachel H. R. Stanley and William J. Jenkins Noble Gas Thermometry in Groundwater Hydrology. . . . . . . . 81 Werner Aeschbach-Hertig and D. Kip Solomon Noble Gases as Environmental Tracers in Sediment Porewaters and Stalagmite Fluid Inclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 M. S. Brennwald, N. Vogel, Y. Scheidegger, Y. Tomonaga, D. M. Livingstone and R. Kipfer Extraterrestrial He in Sediments: From Recorder of Asteroid Collisions to Timekeeper of Global Environmental Changes. . . 155 David McGee and Sujoy Mukhopadhyay Application of Noble Gases to the Viability of CO Storage . . . 177 2 Greg Holland and Stuart Gilfillan Noble Gases in Oil and Gas Accumulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Alain Prinzhofer The Analysis and Interpretation of Noble Gases in Modern Hydrothermal Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249 Yuji Sano and Tobias P. Fischer ix x Contents Noble Gases and Halogens in Fluid Inclusions: A Journey Through the Earth’s Crust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Mark A. Kendrick and Pete Burnard Noble Gases as Tracers of Mantle Processes and Magmatic Degassing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 M. A. Moreira and M. D. Kurz The Noble Gases as Geochemical Tracers: History and Background Pete Burnard, Laurent Zimmermann and Yuji Sano Abstract This chapter describes the discovery of the noble gases and the development of the first instrumentation used for noble gas isotopic analysis before outlining in very general terms how noble gases are analysed in most modern laboratories. Most modern mass spectrometers use electron impact sources and magnetic sector mass filters with detection by faraday cups and electron multipliers. Some of the performance characteristics typical of these instruments are described (sensitivity, mass discrimination). Extraction of noble gases from geological samples is for the most part achieved by phase separation, by thermal extraction (furnace) or by crushing in vacuo. The extracted gasesneedtobepurifiedandseparatedbyacombinationofchemicaland physical methods. The principles behind different approaches to calibrating the mass spectrometers are discussed. 1 Introduction extensive chemistry (Grochala 2007), this is typ- ically only with highly electronegative elements Occupying the last column of the Periodic Table such as F and O, which in natural terrestrial sys- and therefore characterized by a filled outer temsarealreadyboundtomorereactiveelements valenceshell,thenoblegasesdonotformchem- than the noble gases. The noble gases and their ical compounds at conditions relevant to natural isotopesareabletoprovideuniqueconstraintson processes on Earth: while Kr and Xe do have an certain geological processes owing to their inert behaviorandbecausenumerousnuclearreactions are recorded in the noble gas isotopic composi- tions.Whilemanyoftheseapplicationsarerelated P.Burnard(&)(cid:2)L.Zimmermann to constraining the duration of geologic events CentredeRecherchesPétrographiqueset Géochimiques,BP20Vandoeuvre-lès-NancyCedex, (thermochronology, absolute dating, surface France exposuredatingetc.),thisvolumeaimstodescribe e-mail:[email protected] samplingstrategies,analyticalmethodologiesand Y.Sano data interpretation for the use of noble gases as CenterforAdvancedMarineResearch,Ocean tracersintheEarthSciences:tracersofgeological ResearchInstitute,TheUniversityofTokyo, fluids, of mantle circulation, of seawater Nakano,Tokyo164–8639,Japan P.Burnard(ed.),TheNobleGasesasGeochemicalTracers,AdvancesinIsotopeGeochemistry, 1 DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-28836-4_1,(cid:2)Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2013 2 P.Burnardetal. circulation, of dust falling from space, of hydro- separate 20Ne from 22Ne. This development carbon reserves, of past climate change and of openedthefloodgatesforresearch intoisotopes, potentialfutureCO storageincrustalreservoirs. and 10 years later multiple isotopes of all the 2 noble gases except for 3He had been identified 1.1 History (despiteahiatusforcedbytheFirstWorldWar), forthemostpartbyDempsterattheUniversityof Thediscoveryofthenoblegaseswasinitiallyby Chicago: Dempster’s 1918 mass spectrometer inference rather than isolation. Helium was first (Dempster1918)laiddown theblueprint forthe identified as an element simply from its absorp- magneticfieldfiltersusedinmassspectrometers tion spectrum in the solar chromosphere (by tothisday.Helium-3wasonlyidentifiedin1939 Lockyer in 1868; it would be another 27 years by cyclotron mass spectrometry at Lawrence before it was actually isolated as an element). Berkely Nat. Labs, CA, by Alvarez and Cornog Similarly,thepresenceofanunknowngasoflow (1939), who used the 60-in. cyclotron as a mass density (which later turned out to be Ar) in the spectrographtoshowthat3Heisastableisotopic atmosphere was proposed by Rayleigh in 1895 constituent of natural helium. The 3He2+ ions becausenitrogenfromdistilledairhadadifferent weredetectedusingthenuclearreaction28Si(3He, density to chemically produced nitrogen. This p)30P(b)30Siandtheradio-activityof30Pquanti- observation lead to more refined distillation fied by a Geiger counter. The activity of pure experimentsbyRamsay(1898)whichpositively atmosphericheliumwas12timeshigherthanthat identified Ar as an element and also led to the of tank helium derived from a natural gas well. isolationofKr,NeandXe(forwhichRamseyand They concluded that the 3He/4He ratio of air RayleighwouldreceiveNoblePrizes). heliumisabout10timesgreaterthanthatofnat- Thediscoverythatanalphaparticleproduced uralgashelium. by decay of U was in fact a helium nucleus (by The advances in mass spectrometry resulting accumulatingaparticlesinanevacuatedtubeby fromtheManhattanProject(1942–1946)opened recoilthroughathinwindow)allowedRutherford up opportunities in geo-and cosmochemistry in andStrutttomakethefirstradiometricagemea- thepostwaryears.Attheforefrontofmassspec surementsin1905:byheatingvariousU-bearing developmentduringtheManhattanproject,Nier, mineralsandweighingtheHethatwasproduced, now in Minnesota, returned to the geochronol- theywereabletoconstraintheageoftheearthto ogy and geochemistry he started in the pre-war be greater than 400 Ma. Rutherford and Strutt years as a grad student at Harvard. Seminal were well aware of the problem of potential He papersonK-Ardating(AldrichandNier1948a) loss from minerals on geological timescales and and on the He isotopic composition of the socorrectlyconsideredthe400 Maestimatetobe atmosphere(Dauntetal.1947)resultedfromthe aminimumestimate;butevenso,thiswasamajor impressive 15 cm radius, 60(cid:3) mass spectrome- advanceaspreviousestimatesconsideredthatthe ters and electron impact ion sources that Nier maximum age of the Earth was of the order built at that time. These machines were capable 20 Ma.However,asaresultoftheHelossprob- of separating 3He ? from HD+ to HHH+ inter- lemtheU+Th/Heradiochronometerwaslargely ferences. Nier and his co-workers discovered ignored until the beginningof the 1990swhena large variations in 3He/4He ratios of natural betterunderstandingofthekineticsofHelossin materials: Aldrich and Nier presciently stated in certain U bearing minerals ushered in the possi- their 1948 paper (Aldrich and Nier 1948b) that bility of quantitative U+Th/He thermochronom- ‘‘The present study can hardly be regarded as etry(Farley2002). more than a preliminary exploration of a new Noblegaseswerecentraltounderstandingthe and fascinating field of investigation. It is structureoftheatom,andthefirstisotopicsepa- apparent that a far more comprehensive and ration—using the first mass spectrometer—was systematic study will be required to definitely madebyJJThomsonandF.W.Astonin1913to establish the natural source of 3He and 4He.’’

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