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The Nitrated Fatty Acid 10-Nitro-oleate Diminishes Severity of LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice PDF

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Preview The Nitrated Fatty Acid 10-Nitro-oleate Diminishes Severity of LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice

HindawiPublishingCorporation PPARResearch Volume2012,ArticleID617063,12pages doi:10.1155/2012/617063 Research Article The Nitrated Fatty Acid 10-Nitro-oleate Diminishes Severity of LPS-Induced Acute Lung Injury in Mice AravindT.Reddy,SowmyaP.Lakshmi,andRajuC.Reddy DepartmentofMedicine,DivisionofPulmonary,AllergyandCriticalCareMedicine, EmoryUniversityandAtlantaVAMedicalCenter,Atlanta,GA30033,USA CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoRajuC.Reddy,[email protected] Received24February2012;Accepted21April2012 AcademicEditor:JesseRoman Copyright©2012AravindT.Reddyetal. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperly cited. Acute lung injury (ALI) is an inflammatory condition culminating in respiratory failure. There is currently no effective pharmacological treatment. Nitrated fatty acids (NFAs) have been shown to exert anti-inflammatory effects. We therefore hypothesized that delivery of NFAs directly to the site of inflammation would reduce the severity of ALI. Pulmonary delivery of10-nitro-oleatefollowingendotoxin-inducedALIinmicereducedmarkersoflunginflammationandinjury,includingcapillary leakage, lung edema, infiltration of neutrophils into the lung, and oxidant stress, as well as plasma levels of proinflammatory cytokines.Nitro-oleatedeliverylikewisedownregulatedexpressionofproinflammatorygenesbyalveolarmacrophages,keycells inregulationoflunginflammation.TheseeffectsmaybeaccountedforbytheobservedincreasesintheactivityofPPAR-γand thePPAR-γ-inducedantioxidanttranscriptionfactorNrf2,togetherwiththedecreasedactivityofNF-κB.Ourresultsdemonstrate thatpulmonarydeliveryofNFAsreducesseverityofacutelunginjuryandsuggestpotentialutilityofthesemoleculesinother inflammatorylungdiseases. 1.Introduction Among the many anti-inflammatory effects attributable to PPAR-γ activationarediminishedincreasesinreactiveoxy- A variety of pulmonary and extrapulmonary insults can genspecies,cytokines,chemokines,andadhesionmolecules result in acute lung injury (ALI), which is characterized [10]. A major mechanism underlying these actions is by capillary leakage and resulting pulmonary edema and decreased activity of proinflammatory transcription factors hypoxemia[1].ThesemultipleoriginsofALIarereflectedin such as NF-κB, AP-1, and STAT [5, 6]. Synthetic PPAR- differentanimalmodelsofthedisease,ofwhichpulmonary γ agonists are widely used for treatment of diabetes but administration of bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide; have been associated with adverse effects. A wide variety LPS) is among the most common. Regardless of the pre- of endogenous molecules are known to activate PPAR- cipitating cause, the earliest phases of ALI feature severe γ, but most either exhibit low potency or are present at neutrophil-rich alveolar inflammation [2] and associated low concentrations, leading to uncertainty regarding their oxidant stress [3] that represent the proximate causes of physiologicalrole. much or all of the subsequent pulmonary injury. ALI Nitrated fatty acids (NFAs) are activating ligands for all morbidity and mortality remain high and there is no three PPARs, exhibiting their greatest potency as PPAR-γ effectivepharmacotherapy[4],underliningtheurgentneed agonists [11, 12]. They have also been shown to exhibit a forimprovedtreatmentmodalities. number of PPAR-γ-dependent effects, including induction Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ) of adipogenesis [11] and of CD36 receptor expression by plays a central role in many of the feedback loops that macrophages [12]. NFAs are produced endogenously by normallylimitinflammationandleadtoitsresolution[5–9] nonenzymatic reaction of NO or its inorganic reaction andisthereforeapromisingtargetforALIpharmacotherapy. products with naturally present unsaturated fatty acids 2 PPARResearch [13], with positional isomers of nitro-oleic acid (OA- supernatant following BAL fluid centrifugation was deter- NO ) and nitrolinoleic acid (LNO ) found at the highest mined using the BCA Protein Assay kit (Pierce, Rockford, 2 2 concentrations in human plasma [11, 14]. The suggested IL). PPAR-γ-mediated anti-inflammatory effects of NFAs have been supported by in vitro studies [15, 16], but in vivo 2.6. Lung Histopathology. The lungs were inflated and fixed and potentially translational studies of such effects have with 10% neutral formalin overnight at room tempera- been limited. These considerations led us to investigate the ture. Lung tissue was dehydrated with increasing ethanol abilityoftreatmentwithOA-NO2,themostpotentPPAR-γ- (EtOH) concentrations and then embedded in paraffin. activatingNFA[11],toreducetheseverityofinflammation Five-micrometer-thick paraffin sections were stained with andlunginjuryinamurinemodelofALIinducedbyLPS. hematoxylinandeosin(H&E). In order to maximize pulmonary availability, OA-NO was 2 delivereddirectlytothelungviatheintratrachealroute. 2.7. Assessment of Capillary Leakage. To further assess lung permeability, 50mg/kg of Evans Blue Dye (EBD; Sigma- 2.MaterialsandMethods Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) dissolved in 200μL of PBS was injectedintothetailveinsofmicefollowingALIinduction. 2.1. Animals. Male C57BL/6 mice were obtained from After 30min, the animals were euthanized and the lungs JacksonLaboratories(BarHarbor,ME)andwereusedat6–8 perfusedwith5mLPBS,afterwhichthelungswereexcised weeksofage(20–25g).Allstudieswereperformedaccording enblocandsnap-frozeninliquidnitrogen.Thefrozenlungs toprotocolsreviewedandapprovedbytheAtlantaVeterans were then homogenized in 2mL PBS. The homogenate Affairs Medical Center Institutional Animal Care and Use was diluted with 2vol of formamide and incubated at Committee. 60◦C for 18h, followed by centrifugation at 5,000×g for 30min. The supernatant was collected and absorbance was measured at 620 and 740nm. The EBD concentration was 2.2. OA-NO and LPS Administration. Mice were anes- 2 determined from standard absorbance curves evaluated in thetized with 90mg/kg ketamine and 10mg/kg xylazine, parallel. Correction for contaminating heme pigments was administered via intraperitoneal injection, and a tra- calculatedbytheformulaE (EBD)=E −(1.426×E + cheotomy was performed. ALI was then induced by intra- 620 620 740 0.030).TheEBDconcentrationwasexpressedasμgpergof tracheal(i.t.)injectionof50μgofendotoxin(LPS)prepared lung. from Escherichia coli O111:B6 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).Thirtyminlatermicewereinjectedi.t.with50μgOA- NO (Cayman Chemical, Ann Arbor, MI) in 50μL of 10% 2.8. Measurement of Myeloperoxidase Activity. As an index 2 DMSO or with vehicle. After a further 5.5h the mice were of neutrophil infiltration, BAL fluid and tissue-associated euthanized, plasma was obtained, and lung and BAL fluid myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity was determined. Frozen sampleswerecollected.Neutrophilinfiltrationintothelung lung tissues were thawed, weighed, homogenized, and peaksapproximately6hafteri.t.LPSadministration[17]. sonicated on ice in radioimmunoprecipitation assay buffer (RIPA).Aftercentrifugationat10,000×g at4◦Cfor20min, thesupernatantwascollectedandusedfordeterminationof 2.3.LungWet:DryWeightRatio. Asanindexoflungedema, MPOactivitybyacommerciallyavailablefluorometricassay theamountofextravascularlungwaterwascalculated.The kit (700160; Cayman Chemical) according to the manufac- lowerlobeoftherightlungwasligatedandexcisedandthe turer’s instructions. Results were expressed as nmol/min- wet weight was recorded. The lung was then placed in an ml. Similar measurements were performed on BAL fluid incubator at 60◦C for 24h to obtain the dry weight. The supernatant. wet:dry ratio was calculated by dividing the wet weight by thedryweight. 2.9. Measurement of Oxidant Stress. Hydrogen peroxide (H O )productioninlungtissuewasdeterminedusingthe 2 2 2.4. Bronchoalveolar Lavage (BAL) Fluid Collection and Cell AmplexRedHydrogenPeroxideAssaykit(MolecularProbes, Count. Following removal of the lung’s lower right lobe, Eugene,OR)accordingtothemanufacturer’sdirections.The BALfluidwascollectedbyflushing3×1mLofphosphate- concentrations of nitrate and malondialdehyde (MDA) in buffered saline (PBS) containing 0.1mM EDTA into the lunghomogenatesweremeasuredusingcommerciallyavail- lung via a tracheal cannula. The pooled BAL fluid was ablecolorimetricassaykits(CaymanChemical)accordingto centrifuged at 500×g at 4◦C for 5min. Pelleted cells were themanufacturer’sinstructions. then resuspended in 1mL of PBS. Total cell number was countedbyhemocytometerandadifferentialcellcountwas 2.10. Measurement of Plasma Cytokine Levels. Plasma levels performed by cytospin staining with Diff-Quik (Siemens, of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), Newark,DE). keratinocytechemoattractant(KC),andmacrophageinflam- matory protein-2 (MIP-2) were measured using enzyme- 2.5.BALFluidProtein. IncreaseinBALfluidproteinconcen- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (R&D Systems, trationwastakenasameasureofincreasedpermeabilityof Minneapolis,MN)accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstruc- alveolar-capillarybarriers.Totalproteinconcentrationinthe tions. PPARResearch 3 Table1:Oligonucleotideprimersemployed. Gene Primersequence Tm◦C Ampliconsize(bp) F 5(cid:3)-ATCCGCCAACGTCACATT-3(cid:3) 57.6 9srRNA 115 R 5(cid:3)-CCGCCGCCATAAGGAGAAC-3(cid:3) 64.5 F 5(cid:3)-CAGTCGGAGACATGCTTATTGAG-3(cid:3) 60.7 CD36 151 R 5(cid:3)-TTTGCCACGTCATCTGGGTTT-3(cid:3) 62.5 F 5(cid:3)-TGTGACTGTACCCGGACTGG-3(cid:3) 63.0 COX-2 233 R 5(cid:3)-TGCACATTGTAAGTAGGTGGAC-3(cid:3) 60.0 F 5(cid:3)-GGGGCCAGGCTTCTATTCC-3(cid:3) 61.8 FABP4 114 R 5(cid:3)-GGAGCTGGGTTAGGTATGGG-3(cid:3) 61.1 F 5(cid:3)-GGACGCATTGGTCGTCTGG-3(cid:3) 63.0 GAPDH 204 R 5(cid:3)-TTTGCACTGGTACGTGTTGAT-3(cid:3) 60.2 F 5(cid:3)-CAAGGCTGTTCACATTATCCCA-3(cid:3) 60.3 IL-12p40 107 R 5(cid:3)-CCAGTGTGGTCATGGACTTTC-3(cid:3) 60.6 F 5(cid:3)-TTAAAAACCTGGATCGGAACCAA-3(cid:3) 60.1 MCP-1 121 R 5(cid:3)-GCATTAGCTTCAGATTTACGGGT-3(cid:3) 60.7 F 5(cid:3)-ACATCGACCCGTCCACAGTAT-3(cid:3) 62.7 NOS2 177 R 5(cid:3)-CAGAGGGGTAGGCTTGTCTC-3(cid:3) 61.0 F 5(cid:3)-TGCCTGCTCATTTGGCTGT-3(cid:3) 62.2 NOX4 180 R 5(cid:3)-CCGGCACATAGGTAAAAGGATG-3(cid:3) 60.8 F 5(cid:3)-CCATTCTGGCCCACCAAC-3(cid:3) 66.5 PPAR-γ 479 R 5(cid:3)-CTGAAACCGACAGTACTG-3(cid:3) 53.8 F 5(cid:3)-CCTGTAGCCCACGTCGTAG-3(cid:3) 61.5 TNF-α 148 R 5(cid:3)-GGGAGTAGACAAGGTACAACCC-3(cid:3) 61.4 2.11. RNA Isolation and Quantitative Real-Time RT-PCR. 4 TK-luciferase) and a plasmid containing the PPAR-γ Cells pelleted from BAL fluid were resuspended in DMEM ligand-binding domain fused to the Gal4 DNA-binding supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, allowed to domain or with the luciferase gene under control of the adhere to tissue culture-treated six-well plates for 1h, and peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) isolated then washed twice to remove nonadherent cells. Adherent fromthefattyacidtransportprotein.Alltransfectionswere alveolar macrophages were lysed, and RNA was isolated performedusingLipofectamine2000(Invitrogen)according using RNeasy Mini kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA), with cDNA tothemanufacturer’sinstructions.Followingtreatmentwith beinggeneratedfrom100ngoftotalRNAusingMultiScribe test compounds, activation was measured using the Dual- reverse transcriptase (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) Luciferase Reporter Assay System (Promega, Madison, WI) employing random and oligo dT primers. Real-time quan- accordingtothemanufacturer’sinstructions. titative PCR was performed using 100ng cDNA with 2X SYBR Green Master mix (Applied Biosystems) and specific 2.13. Transcription Factor DNA-Binding Activity Assay. primersforthegenesofinterest(Table1).Theseexperiments Nuclear proteins were extracted using a nuclear extraction were performed on an AB 7500 fast thermal cycler using kit(ActiveMotif,Carlsbad,CA) accordingtothemanufac- athree-step protocol employing the melting curvemethod. turer’sprotocol.Theproteinconcentrationwasdetermined Theaverageofeachgenecyclethreshold(Ct)wasdetermined using the BCA Protein Assay kit (Pierce). Nuclear extracts for each experiment. Relative cDNA levels (2−ΔΔCt) for the were used to quantify DNA-binding activity of PPAR-γ, genesofinterestweredeterminedbyusingthecomparative nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2), and the Ct method, which generates the ΔΔCt as the difference p65 subunit of NF-κB using ELISA-based TransAM kits between the gene of interest and the housekeeping genes (40096, 40696, and 50296; Active Motif) according to the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and manufacturer’sinstructions. 9srRNAforeachsample.Eachaveragedexperimentalgene expression sample was compared to the averaged control 2.14. Molecular Modeling and Computer Simulations of sample,whichwassetto1. Binding of OA-NO with PPAR-γ. In silico construction of 2 OA-NO wascarriedoutusingChemOffice(ChemDrawand 2 2.12. Transient Transfection Assay. PPAR-γ activity in A549 Chem3D;CambridgeSoftCorp.,Cambridge,MA).Toavoid cells (ATCC, Rockville, MD) was determined as previously sterichindranceandclashesthatcanappearinthebuilding described [18]. Briefly, cells were transiently co-transfected process, the models obtained were subjected to geometry either with a plasmid containing the luciferase gene under optimization using GaussView with a protocol of 300 steps regulation by four Gal4 DNA-binding elements (UAS × ofconjugategradients.Eachmodelthenwasoptimizedusing G 4 PPARResearch asemi-empiricalmethodsuchasPM3asimplementedinthe compound. As shown in Figures 1(a) and 1(b), OA-NO 2 Gaussian98packageofprograms. is well accommodated within the PPAR-γ ligand-binding Autodock 4.2 (with Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm) or site,withbestpose energyof−11.50kcal/mol,andexhibits ArgusLab 4 was used to generate the starting complexes. the appropriate interactions and hydrogen bonds with the An elitism value of 1 was used, together with probabilities PPAR-γ aminoacidresidues(ARG288,GLN286,HIS449, of mutation and crossing-over of 0.03 and 0.07, respec- and TYR 473) that are known to be important for PPAR-γ tively. From the best solutions obtained according to these activation. parameters,thosedefinedbytheuserasexhibiting thebest probabilities—in our case, 0.07—were further refined by a 3.2. OA-NO Activates PPAR-γ In Vitro. To confirm the 2 local search method. Autodock defines the conformational ability of NFAs to activate PPAR-γ we utilized the GAL4 space implementing grids over the entire space of possible reporter system in A549 airway epithelial cells. Transfected solutions.WiththeaimoftestingtheabilityofAutodockto cells were treated with 0.1, 1, or 5μM concentrations of converge into solutions that are inside the PPAR-γ ligand- OA-NO or, as a positive control, of the synthetic PPAR-γ 2 binding domain, a grid of 70A˚ per side with 0.4A˚ spacing agonist rosiglitazone. Each compound demonstrated dose- betweenpointswassetupinsuchawaythatitcoveredboth dependentactivationasaresultofbindingtotheconstruct’s the external surface and the internal cavity of the PPAR- PPAR-γ ligand-binding domain, with similar activation for γ ligand-binding domain. The following procedure was given molar concentrations (Figure1(c)). To demonstrate employed for the OA-NO -PPAR-γ ligand-binding domain activationofendogenousPPAR-γ,A549cellsweresimilarly 2 docking simulations: 150 runs were done for each OA- transfectedwiththeluciferasegeneundercontrolofaPPAR NO -PPAR-γ ligand-binding domain. At the end of each response element. This assay likewise demonstrated dose- 2 run, the complexes were separated into clusters according dependent activation by both OA-NO and rosiglitazone 2 to their lowest root mean square deviation (RMSD), and (Figure1(d)). thebestscorevaluebasedonafreeempiricenergyfunction wasdetermined.Clustercomplexeswhoseaveragescorewas 3.3.PulmonaryAdministrationofOA-NO DiminishesSever- 2 −11.50kcal-mol/L with respect to the best energy obtained ity of LPS-Induced Lung Inflammation. Pulmonary inflam- in that run were selected. The selected final complexes mationisacrucialfeatureofALI.Sincethenuclearreceptor were optimized using the semi-empirical PM3 method as a PPAR-γ is known to exert a variety of anti-inflammatory refiningprocedurewithGaussian98. effects and unsaturated long-chain NFAs are activating lig- Constant-volume, constant-temperature molecular dy- ands for PPAR-γ, we hypothesized that pulmonary delivery namics(MD)simulationsofthecomplexeswereperformed of an NFA would diminish the severity of ALI. To test this ontheDiscover,version2.7(BiosymTechnologies,Inc.,San hypothesis, we utilized a well-established murine model of Diego, CA) and MD simulation programs in Chem Office. ALI induced by i.t. administration of 50μg of LPS. Thirty Energyminimizationswereconductedfortwosystems,both min after LPS injection, 50μg of OA-NO in 10% DMSO 2 of which assumed 1 molecule of OA-NO , 1 molecule was delivered to the lungs via the i.t. route. Control mice 2 of PPAR-γ, and water molecules. The systems simulated receivedvehiclewithoutNFA.Afterafurther5.5hthemice were; (i) OA-NO and PPAR-γ separated from each other wereeuthanized,thelowerrightlobeexcisedforassessment 2 by a distance greater than the non-bonded cutoff distance of edema by wet:dry weight ratio, BAL fluid collected, (>8.5A˚); (ii) OA-NO complexed with the PPAR-γ ligand- and the lungs excised for histopathological examination 2 binding domain. Each molecular system was contained in and measurement of inflammation-association molecular a box size of 25.0×25.0×37.0A˚ with periodic boundary markers.Plasmawasobtainedatthesametime. conditions. The step size was 2 femtoseconds (fsec). To A prominent aspect of pulmonary inflammation is start the simulations, different seed numbers were used infiltration of neutrophils (polymorphonuclear leukocytes; for initial Maxwellian velocity distribution for each system. PMNs)intothelungsandthusintoBALfluid.Weobserved Simulationswerecontinuedandthecoordinatesweresaved anLPS-inducedincreaseinthetotalnumberofcellsinBAL foranalysisevery2fsec. fluid (Figure2(a)), and differential staining indicated that neutrophilsaccountedformostoftheincrease(Figure2(b)). 2.15.StatisticalAnalysis. Dataarepresentedasmean±SD. Both increases were significantly attenuated by OA-NO 2 Differences between groups were analyzed using ANOVA, treatment. Similar results were seen for measurements of followed by a Bonferroni multiple comparison test using myeloperoxidase in both lung (Figure2(c)) and BAL fluid GraphPad Prism 5.03 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla, CA). (Figure2(d)). MPO is found in the pulmonary system in P<0.05wasconsideredsignificant. association with PMNs and is thus a marker for their presence.Theseresultswereconfirmedbydirectmicroscopic 3.Results examinationofBALfluid(Figure2(e)). Inflammation is also characterized by oxidant stress, 3.1. In Silico Binding of OA-NO to PPAR-γ. Although the which directly injures lung tissues. Oxidant stress reflects 2 crystal structure of LNO bound to the PPAR-γ ligand production of reactive oxygen species such as H O and 2 2 2 bindingsitehasbeenreported[19],nosimilarinformation superoxide,predominantlybymacrophagesandneutrophils, is available for OA-NO . We accordingly used in silico and of the reactive nitrogen species NO by a variety of 2 methods to determine the likely binding mode for this celltypes.Asexpected,measurementofH O demonstrated 2 2 PPARResearch 5 GLN 286 OA-NO2 TYR 473 HIS 449 2.76 A˚ 3.0 A˚ 3.0 A˚ 2.05 A˚ ARG 288 TYR 473 GLN 286 ARG 288 HIS 449 OA-NO2 (a) (b) 250 6 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ y y vit 200 vit ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ cti ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ cti e a e a 4 ∗∗∗ as 150 as er ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ er cif cif ∗∗∗ u u ve l 100 ∗∗∗ ve l 2 ∗∗∗ ati ati Rel 50 Rel 0 0 DMSO 0.1 μM 1 μM 5 μM DMSO 0.1 μM 1 μM 5 μM OA-NO2 OA-NO2 Rosiglitazone Rosiglitazone (c) (d) Figure1:OA-NO activatesPPAR-γinairwayepithelialcells.BindingofOA-NO tothePPAR-γligand-bindingdomainwasmodeledin 2 2 silico.Resultsarepresentedas(a)space-fillingrepresentation;(b)schematicrepresentationshowinginteractionsofPPAR-γresidueswith specificgroupsintheOA-NO ligand.Hydrogenbondsareindicatedbydottedlines.A549cellsweretransientlytransfectedwithpRLSV40 2 andwithoneofthefollowingconstructs:(c)PPAR-dependentluciferasereporter,pFATPluc;(d)PPAR-γGAL4reportersystem(UAS ×4 G TK-luciferase+GAL4-PPAR-γ).Cellswerethenincubatedwithvehicle(DMSO),OA-NO (0.1–5μM),orrosiglitazone(0.1–5μM).After 2 24h,luciferaseactivitywasmeasuredwithadualluciferaseactivitykitandnormalizedtothatofRenillaluciferase.Dataarerepresentative ofoneoftwoindependentexperiments;n=6;∗∗∗P<0.001versusvehicle. alarge increase following LPS administration that was 3.4. Pulmonary Administration of OA-NO Diminishes Cap- 2 reducedbyOA-NO treatment(Figure2(f)).Similarresults illary Permeability and Severity of LPS-Induced Lung Injury. 2 were seen for nitrate, the end product of NO metabolism Increased capillary permeability results in lung edema, a (Figure2(g)). Levels of the lipid oxidation product MDA driving force for the hypoxemia that is observed in ALI. thatprovidesanindexofoveralloxidativestress,andMDA It also allows escape of plasma proteins into the alveolar levelsfollowedthesamepatternastheothertwomarkersof space,whichcanthenbedetectedinBALfluid.Wefindthat oxidantgeneration(Figure2(h)). OA-NO treatment attenuates the LPS-induced increase in 2 Inflammation in ALI is likewise associated with release BALfluidproteinconcentration(Figure3(a)).Theincreased of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines by neu- vascularpermeabilityfollowingLPSadministrationallowed trophils, macrophages, and other cells. We measured the EBD to extravasate from the vasculature into the lung proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α (Figure2(i)) and IL-6 parenchyma, turning these lungs deep blue (∼0.3μg dye (Figure2(j)),thechemokineKC,whichactivatesandattracts per g lung). This extravasation of EBD was significantly neutrophils (Figure2(k)), and the related chemokine MIP- reduced by OA-NO2 treatment, however, resulting in only 2, which has effects similar to KC (Figure2(l)). Plasma a pale blue appearance of the lung (∼0.17μg dye per g levels of all four markers were greatly increased by LPS lung;Figure3(c)).Thelungedemathatresultsfromcapillary administration,butthisincreasewassignificantlyreducedby permeabilityisreflectedinthewet:dryweightratio,andLPS- OA-NO treatment. induced increases in this parameter were also reduced by 2 6 PPARResearch 50 30 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ L) m40 410/ mL) 20 ×otal cells (2300 4×MNs (10/ 10 LF t10 n.s. P A B 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (a) (b) ∗∗∗ 0.15 0.15 mL) mL) ∗∗∗ PO min/ 0.1 PO min/ 0.1 BALF Mvity (nM/ 0.05 n.s. BALF Mvity (nM/ 0.05 cti cti n.s. a a 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (c) (d) LPS + Veh. LPS+OA-NO2 (e) 50000 5 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ U) 40000 4 productionescence, AF 30000 μate (M) 3 n.s. HO22fluor 20000 Nitr 2 Δ( 10000 n.s. 1 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (f) (g) Figure2:Continued. PPARResearch 7 15 15 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ ein) mL) prot 10 ng/ 10 mg α( M/ NF- n n.s. T A ( 5 ma 5 n.s. MD as Pl 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (h) (i) 20 1.5 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ L) 15 L) m m 1 g/ g/ n n L-6 ( 10 KC ( ma I n.s. ma 0.5 n.s. Plas 5 Plas 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (j) (k) 1.5 ∗∗∗ L) m g/ 1 n 2 ( P- MI a 0.5 m as n.s. Pl 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS (l) Figure2:PulmonarydeliveryofOA-NO reducesLPS-inducedlunginflammation.InductionofALIbyi.t.injectionofLPS(50μg)was 2 followed30minlaterbyi.t.administration(50μL)ofOA-NO (50μg)orvehicle(10%DMSO).Afterafurther5.5h,BALfluid,plasma, 2 andlungsampleswereobtained.(a)Totalcelland(b)neutrophilnumberinBALfluid.Myeloperoxidaseactivityin(c)lungtissueand (d) BAL fluid. (e) Microscopic examination following staining of BAL fluid. (f) H O production, (g) nitrate concentration, and (h) 2 2 malonaldehyde/protein ratio in lung. Plasma levels of (i) TNF-α, (j) IL-6, (k) KC, and (l) MIP-2. Data are representative of one of two independentexperimentswithn=6–8micepergroup;∗∗∗P<0.001. OA-NO treatment (Figure3(b)). Direct histopathological NFAs exert many of their anti-inflammatory effects by 2 examination of the lung following H&E staining further activating PPAR-γ, which is known to decrease activity of confirmedsignificantlunginflammationandinjuryinmice the proinflammatory transcription factor NF-κB. PPAR-γ treated with vehicle but much less severe abnormalities in promotestranscriptionoftheantioxidantfactorNrf2,which thosethathadreceivedOA-NO2(Figure3(d)). inturnupregulatesPPAR-γexpressioninapositivefeedback loop [20, 21]. To test our hypothesis, we examined the 3.5. OA-NO Produces Anti-Inflammatory Alterations in effects of OA-NO treatment on activity of PPAR-γ, NF- 2 2 Activity of PPAR-γ, NF-κB, and Nrf2. We propose that κB, and Nrf2. When followed by vehicle treatment, i.t. LPS 8 PPARResearch 600 6 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ L) m o μn (g/ 400 dry rati 4 n.s. F protei 200 ng wet/ 2 AL n.s. Lu B 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (a) (b) 0.4 LPS + Veh. LPS+OA-NO2 g) ∗∗∗ n g lu 0.3 e/ y d μg 0.2 ( e u bl ns 0.1 a v E 0 Veh. OA-NO2 LPS (c) LPS + Veh. LPS+OA-NO2 (d) Figure3:PulmonarydeliveryofOA-NO reducesLPS-inducedlunginjury.InductionofALIbyi.t.injectionofLPS(50μg)wasfollowed 2 30minlaterbyi.t.administration(50μL)ofOA-NO (50μg)orvehicle(10%DMSO).Afterafurther5.5h,BALfluidandlungsampleswere 2 obtained.(a)ProteinconcentrationinBALfluid.(b)Ratiooflungwet:dryweight.(c)ExtravasationofEvansBluedyeintothelungfollowing intravenousinjectionwasphotographedandquantitatedbyspectrophotometry.(d)ThelungwasexaminedhistologicallyfollowingH&E staining.Dataarerepresentativeofoneoftwoindependentexperimentswithn=6–8micepergroup;∗∗∗P<0.001. upregulatedtheDNA-bindingactivityofNF-κB,asexpected inhibitionofNF-κBactivityandupregulationofNrf2,these (Figure4(c))butdecreasedactivityofPPAR-γ (Figure4(a)) data support the concept that NFAs act in part via PPAR-γ and Nrf2 (Figure4(b)). OA-NO treatment, however, not activation. 2 only diminished the increase in NF-κB activity but also increased the DNA-binding activity of PPAR-γ and Nrf2. 3.6. OA-NO Decreases Inflammatory Response of Alveolar 2 Under noninflammatory conditions, OA-NO treatment Macrophages. Alveolar macrophages play a central role in 2 increased PPAR-γ activity but had no significant effect on regulation of the lung’s immune system. When activated basal levels of NF-κB or Nrf2 activity. Given the role of by stimuli such as LPS, they generate oxidants and secrete NFAsasPPAR-γagonistsandtheknownanti-inflammatory molecules that attract neutrophils and other immune cells andantioxidantactivitiesofPPAR-γ,manyexertedthrough to the lung. As PPAR-γ is known to play a major role PPARResearch 9 0.8 0.4 ∗∗∗ γ)activity (AR-450 00..46 ∗∗∗ 2 activity (A)450 00..23 n.s. ∗∗∗ PA 0.2 Nrf 0.1 P 0 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS PBS LPS (a) (b) 2.5 ∗∗∗ ) 2 450 A y ( 1.5 vit acti 1 n.s. B κ F- N 0.5 0 Veh. OA-NO2 Veh. OA-NO2 PBS LPS (c) Figure 4: OA-NO reverses LPS-induced changes in transcription factor activity. Induction of ALI by i.t. injection of LPS (50μg) was 2 followed30minlaterbyi.t.administration(50μL)ofOA-NO (50μg)orvehicle(10%DMSO).Afteranother5.5hlungswereexcisedand 2 DNA-bindingactivityofthetranscriptionfactors(a)PPAR-γ,(b)Nrf2,and(c)NF-κBwasdetermined.Dataarerepresentativeofoneof twoindependentexperimentswithn=6–8micepergroup;∗∗∗P<0.001. in modulating activation of alveolar macrophages [22], we 4.Discussion investigated the ability of NFAs to suppress LPS-induced activationofthesecells.Specifically,miceweretreatedwith Our results establish that delivery of OA-NO2 directly to LPS and either vehicle or OA-NO as previously described. the lung significantly reduces the severity of pulmonary 2 Alveolar macrophages were then isolated and their RNA inflammation and injury. We also find that treatment with OA-NO suppresses the activated phenotype of alveolar extracted for determination of relevant gene expression. 2 macrophages, key cells in the regulation of pulmonary Results (Figure5) demonstrate significant suppression of inflammation.Inthelung,LPS-inducedincreaseinactivity the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and interleukin-12 oftheproinflammatorytranscriptionfactorNF-κBislargely (IL-12) and the chemokine MCP-1. Downregulation was blocked, as are LPS-induced decreases of PPAR-γ and also observed for the inducible form of nitric oxide syn- the antioxidant transcription factor Nrf2. Indeed, PPAR-γ thase(iNOS;NOS2)andthesuperoxide-generatingenzyme activity is increased over basal levels in both inflammatory NADPH oxidase 4 (NOX4), both of which contribute to and noninflammatory conditions. Upregulation of Nrf2 oxidative stress. OA-NO treatment also reduced alveolar 2 expression and activity may account for much of the macrophageexpressionofcyclooxygenase2(COX-2),which antioxidantactivityofPPAR-γandconsequentreductionin synthesizes proinflammatory prostaglandins. Conversely, inflammation-associatedoxidativeinjury[20,21]. OA-NO2 upregulatedexpressionofPPAR-γ,andthePPAR- This appears to be the first study of NFAs’ ability to γ target genes fatty acid binding protein 4 (FABP4) and reducetheseverityofALIandoneofveryfewtoinvestigate CD36,areceptorthatfacilitatesmacrophagephagocytosisof the protective anti-inflammatory actions of NFAs in an apoptoticandsenescentneutrophilsandtherebycontributes animalmodelofanydisease.Borniquelandcolleagueshave to the resolution of inflammation. All these measurements recentlyobtainedresultsinamurinemodelofinflammatory confirm the ability of NFA treatment in vivo to sup- bowel disease that are similar to ours in ALI [23], finding press the activated, proinflammatory phenotype of alveolar that OA-NO decreased disease severity and the increase in 2 macrophages. NF-κB expression while increasing expression of PPAR-γ. 10 PPARResearch 8 NOS2 15 NOX4 15 COX-2 ∗∗ ∗ ∗∗ A 6 A A N N 10 N 10 R R R m m m e 4 e e v v v ati ati 5 ati 5 Rel 2 Rel Rel 0 0 0 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 (a) (b) (c) IL-12p40 TNF-α MCP-1 ∗∗ 6 15 30 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ A A A RN 4 RN 10 RN 20 m m m ve ve ve ati 2 ati 5 ati 10 Rel Rel Rel 0 0 0 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 (d) (e) (f) PPAR-γ FABP4 CD36 5 40 ∗∗∗ 15 ∗∗∗ ∗∗ A 4 A 30 A N N N 10 mR 3 mR mR ative 2 ative 20 ative 5 Rel 1 Rel 10 Rel 0 0 0 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 LPS + veh. LPS+OA-NO2 (g) (h) (i) Figure 5: OA-NO reduces inflammatory phenotype in LPS-activated alveolar macrophages. Induction of ALI by i.t. injection of LPS 2 (50μg) was followed 30min later by i.t. administration (50μL) of OA-NO (50μg) or vehicle (10% DMSO). After another 5.5h BAL 2 fluidwasobtained.AlveolarmacrophageswereisolatedfromtheBALfluidandplatedinDMEM+10%FBS.After1h,RNAwasisolated andexpressionoftheindicatedgeneswasdeterminedusingreal-timePCR;resultswerenormalizedtovaluesforthehousekeepinggenes glyceraldehyde-3-phosphatedehydrogenase(GAPDH)and9srRNA.Dataarerepresentativeofoneoftwoindependentexperimentswithn =6–8micepergroup;∗P<0.05;∗∗P<0.01;∗∗∗P<0.001. Significantly, the increase in PPAR-γ expression was abol- observe are mediated largely by activation of PPAR-γ. Such ished by simultaneous administration of a PPAR-γ antago- activation appears adequate to account for most of our nist.OA-NO wasalsofoundtoreduceinfarctsizeincardiac observations,includingincreasedactivityandexpressionof 2 ischemia-reperfusioninjury[24].Thiswasaccompaniedby both PPAR-γ itself and the antioxidant transcription factor areductioninNF-κBactivitybutapotentialroleforPPAR-γ Nrf2,whichbothupregulatesandisupregulatedbyPPAR-γ wasnotinvestigated.BeneficialeffectsofOA-NO ,together [20,21],aswellasdecreasedactivityoftheproinflammatory 2 with reduced inflammation, have also been seen in renal transcriptionfactorNF-κB. ischemia/reperfusion injury [25]. It appears likely that a Initial studies suggested that OA-NO and LNO were 2 2 numberofotherinflammatoryconditionsmightalsobenefit presentinnormalhumanplasmaatconcentrationsexceed- fromNFAtreatment. ing0.1μM,whichinconjunctionwiththeirmeasuredbind- Activation of the nuclear hormone receptor PPAR-γ ingaffinitywouldraisethepossibilitythattheywereendoge- has been shown to reduce the severity of LPS-induced nous PPAR-γ agonists [11]. Later studies from another ALI [5, 9], and NFAs are known to activate PPAR-γ [11, group, however, have suggested concentrations below 1nM 12]. That this activation reflects binding to the ligand [26]. Notably, both studies were performed with plasma binding domain is demonstrated both by ability of NFAs from healthy subjects and do not reflect the increase in to displace the synthetic ligand rosiglitazone [12] and by NFAconcentrationsanticipatedininflammatoryconditions. the elucidated crystal structure of LNO bound to this site This controversy nevertheless has only limited relevance 2 [19]. We therefore suggest that the protective effects we to our studies, which address pharmacological effects of

Aravind T. Reddy, Sowmya P. Lakshmi, and Raju C. Reddy Correspondence should be addressed to Raju C. Reddy, [email protected].
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