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The Nikon Creative Lighting System: Using the SB-600, SB-800, SB-900, and R1C1 Flashes PDF

273 Pages·2009·10.85 MB·English
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Preview The Nikon Creative Lighting System: Using the SB-600, SB-800, SB-900, and R1C1 Flashes

The Nikon Creative Lighting System i The Nikon Creative Lighting System ii The Nikon Creative Lighting System Mike Hagen is an avid adventurer who combines his passion for the outdoors with excellence in photography. He is a skilled digital photography instructor, location photographer, class leader, and editorial writer. He started Out There Images (OTI) in 1998 as a way to share his passion for photogra- phy with the rest of the world. Mike is well known for his intensity, energy, and enthu- siasm. If you participate in a workshop with him, you will be pleasantly surprised by his generosity and infectious enthusiasm for imparting his knowledge to all participants. Based in Washington State, USA, Mike has traveled extensively throughout the American West as well as the rest of the world. Travel and adventure are his passion, Mike Hagen - Author so you’ll frequently find him somewhere far away from civilization, camera in hand, having a ball in the outdoors. Mike Hagen has worn many hats in his short lifetime. He graduated from college with a Mechanical Engineering degree and worked in Semiconductor Manufacturing for 10 years. He is currently a small business owner, a freelance writer, and a professional photographer. His passions are traveling, creating, writing, photography, and teaching. He is happily married and the father of two beautiful children. Mike aspires to live life to the fullest and to help others do the same. His enthusiasm and zest for life are infectious. His devotion to God and family guides everything he does. Mike can be reached at: Out There Images, Inc. PO Box 1966 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 [email protected] www.outthereimages.com Out There Images, Inc. – “Get Out And Learn!” The Nikon Creative Lighting System iii The Nikon Creative Lighting System Mike Hagen iv The Nikon Creative Lighting System Mike Hagen (www.outthereimages.com) Editor: Gerhard Rossbach Production editor: Joan Dixon Copyeditor: Cynthia Anderson Proof reader: Sarah Castellanos Layout and type: Jan Martí, Command Z Cover design: Helmut Kraus, www.exclam.de Cover photo: Nikon U.S.A. Back cover photo: Mike Hagen Printer: Friesens Corporation, Altona, Canada Printed in Canada st Edition (rd Printing, March ) ©  Nikonians North America, Inc. Rocky Nook, Inc.  West Mission Street Ste  Santa Barbara, CA - Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hagen, Mike. Th e Nikon creative lighting system : using the SB-, SB-, SB-, and RC fl ashes / Mike Hagen. -- st ed. p. cm. ISBN ---- (alk. paper) . Electronic fl ash photography. . Nikon camera. I. Title. TR.H  .’--dc  Distributed by O‘Reilly Media  Gravenstein Highway North Sebastopol, CA  All product names and services identifi ed throughout this book are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Th ey are used throughout this book in editorial fashion only and for the benefi t of such companies. No such uses, or the use of any trade name, is intended to convey endorsement or other affi liation with the book. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the copyright owner. While reasonable care has been ex- ercised in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Th is book is printed on acid-free paper. Table of Contents v Table of Contents 2 x Foreword 1122 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiiddee 1133 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiiddee 1 3 22 CCLLSS BBaacckkggrroouunndd 1166 FFllaasshh TThheeoorryy 33 WWhhaatt AArree CCLLSS aanndd iiTTTTLL?? 1177 LLiigghhtt 66 WWhhaatt WWoorrkkss wwiitthh iiTTTTLL?? 1188 HHooww aa FFllaasshh FFiirreess 66 WWhhaatt DDooeessnn’’tt WWoorrkk wwiitthh iiTTTTLL? 1188 CCoonnttrroolllliinngg tthhee PPoowweer 7 Can I Use the SB-600, SB-800, or SB- 21 Stops 900 on My Old Camera Body? 22 Th irds of a Stop 8 What is D-TTL? 22 Guide Number 9 Capabilities of CLS 23 Camera Sync Modes 30 Which Sync Mode Should You Use? 30 Making Good Use of Flash Power vi Table of Contents 4 6 36 SB-600 Buttons, Modes, 106 SB-900 Buttons, Modes, Menus, and Operation Menus, and Operation 37 SB-600 Buttons and Controls 107 SB-900 Buttons and Controls 51 SB-600 Custom Settings Menus 130 SB-900 Custom Settings Menus 53 Using the SB-600 as a 137 Using the SB-900 as a Dedicated Flash 53 Dedicated Flash 138 Using the SB-900 as a Remote Flash 55 Using the SB-600 as a Remote Flash 139 Using the SB-900 as a Commander Unit 143 Using the SB-900 as a Repeat Commander Unit 145 Using the SB-900 as an SU-4 Unit (Commander or Remote) 5 7 58 SB-800 Buttons, Modes, 152 SU-800, SB-R200, and Menus, and Operation R1C1 Operation 59 SB-800 Buttons and Controls 154 SU-800 Buttons and Controls 86 SB-800 Custom Settings Menus 163 Using the SU-800 as a Commander Unit 90 Using the SB-800 as a 170 SB-R200 Buttons and Controls 90 Dedicated Flash 173 Using the SB-R200 as a Remote Flash 92 Using the SB-800 as a Remote Flash 174 Using the R1C1 Kit 93 Using the SB-800 as a Commander Unit 96 Using the SB-800 as a Repeat 96 Commander Unit 98 Using the SB-800 as an SU-4 Unit (Commander or Remote) Table of Contents vii 8 10 180 Five-Step Plan for Great 194 Flash Beeps Flash Photography 181 Step 1: Set Camera Shutter Sync 182 Step 2: Set Flash Mode 182 Step 3: Set Flash Power 183 Step 4: Take Picture and Review Result 184 Step 5: Change Settings as Needed and Shoot Again 9 11 186 Wireless Flash Camera 198 White Balance and Capabilities Gel Usage 187 Using the D70 as a Commander 200 Automatic White Balance 188 Using the D80, D90, D200, 201 Factory Preset White Balance D300, or D700 as a Commander 202 Custom (or Preset) White Balance 192 Using the D40, D40x, D50, or 205 Kelvin Values D60 as a Commander 206 Using Gels 192 Using the D2-series or 210 Using Gels with the SB-900 D3-series as a Commander 192 Using the F6 as a Commander viii Table of Contents 12 14 221122 BBaatttteerriieess aanndd PPoowweerr 222288 CCaassee SSttuuddiieess aanndd OOppttiioonnss EExxaammpplleess 221133 BBaatttteerryy CChhooiicceess ffoorr SSBB--660000,, SSBB--880000,, 223300 EEvveenntt PPhhoottooggrraapphhyy:: OOnn--CCaammeerraa aanndd SSBB--99000 FFllaasshh CCoommbbiinneedd wwiitthh AAmmbbiieenntt 213 When You Need More Capacity Window Light 214 Battery Management 231 Event Photography: Single Flash on 215 Battery Choices for SU-800 and Flash Bracket in Low Light Situations SB-R200 232 Travel Photography: Single Dedicated Flash on TTL Cable 233 Travel Photography: Single Dedicated Flash on TTL Cable 234 Travel Photography: D200 Com- mander and SB-800 Wireless Remote 235 Residential Scene: Commander and Remote 236 Outdoor Portrait: Pop-up Flash 237 Outdoor Portrait: Single Flash as Remote, D200 as Commander 13 238 Outdoor Portrait: One Commander, Multiple Remotes 239 Indoor Portrait: Single Commander on Cable and Single Flash as Remote 240 Indoor Portrait: Commander and Multiple Remotes 221166 CCaammeerraa--BBaasseedd FFuunnccttiioonnss 241 Product Shot: Multiple Remote ffoorr YYoouurr FFllaasshh Flashes 221177 FFVV LLoocckk 242 Macro Photography: Two Remotes, 221188 AAuuttoo FFPP HHiigghh SSppeeeedd SSyynncc MMoodde D200 as Commander 221 Flash Shutter Speed 222 Flash Off 223 Modeling Light with DOF Preview Button 224 Flash Bracketing Table of Contents ix 15 16 224444 LLiigghhttiinngg KKiitt aanndd PPrroodduucctt 225500 CCoommmmoonn QQuueessttiioonnss aanndd RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss AAnnsswweerrss 224455 KKiitt RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonnss 225555 NNiikkoonniiaannss VVoouucchheerr 224466 PPrroodduucctt RReeccoommmmeennddaattiioonns 257 IImmaaggee ccrreeddiittss 259 Index

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