Late Edition Today,mostly sunny after morning clouds, high 70. Tonight, partly cloudy, low 59. Tomorrow, cloudy, windy, evening showers, high 74. Weather map appears on Page A16. VOL.CLXX.... No. 58,838 ©2020 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER6, 2020 $3.00 LEAVING HOSPITAL, TRUMP MINIMIZES VIRUS RISK Limited Effort From More Aides Get Sick the White House to as He Undermines Trace Contacts Experts’ Message By APOORVA MANDAVILLI By PETER BAKER andTRACEY TULLY and MAGGIE HABERMAN Despite almost daily disclo- WASHINGTON — President sures of new coronavirus infec- Trump returned to the White tions among President Trump’s House on Monday night, staging a close associates, the White House defiant, made-for-television mo- is making little effort to investi- ment in which he ripped off his gate the scope and source of its face mask and then urged the na- outbreak. tion to put aside the risks of the The White House has decided deadly coronavirus that has not to trace the contacts of guests swept through his own staff and and staff members at the Sept. 26 sent him to the hospital for three Rose Garden celebration for days. Judge Amy Coney Barrett, where Just hours after his press secre- at least eight people, including the tary and two more aides tested president, may have become in- positive, making the White House fected, according to a White the leading coronavirus hot spot House official familiar with the in the nation’s capital, Mr. Trump plans. again dismissed the pandemic Instead, it has limited its efforts that has killed 210,000 people in to notifying people who came in the United States, telling Ameri- close contact with Mr. Trump in cans “don’t be afraid of it” and say- the two days before his Covid di- ing that he felt “better than 20 agnosis on Thursday night, and it years ago.” has cut the Centers for Disease The words and visuals were Control and Prevention, which has the government’s most exten- sive knowledge and resources for contact tracing, out of the process. Contact tracing is an essential piece of any outbreak investiga- tion and is a key to stopping the vi- ANNA MONEYMAKER FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES rus from spreading further, espe- President Trump removed his mask at the White House on Monday after departing Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. cially after a potential “super spreader” event where many peo- ple may have been infected. Any of the closely packed After an Infected Student Dies, Cuomo Rejects Mayor’s Proposal guests and staff members at the Rose Garden ceremony could A Campus Wonders if It’s Safe But Closes City Schools Anyway have gone on to transmit the virus to many others, so the White DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES House’s decision not to investi- Dr. Sean P. Conley said Mr. gate the cluster of infections, and Trump might not yet be safe. pinpoint the source, has poten- By CRISTINA BOLLING and SHAWN HUBLER By JESSE McKINLEY and LUIS FERRÉ-SADURNÍ tially devastating consequences only the latest ways Mr. Trump BOONE, N.C. — Since early last “He died a week or two after he ALBANY, N.Y. — On Sunday af- The conflicting messages from for hundreds of people, several ex- has undermined public health ex- week, when a sophomore at his got the virus,” Mr. Sturgis said. “It ternoon, faced with a new wave of the state’s two most prominent po- perts warned. perts trying to persuade Ameri- school died from suspected has been about two weeks for me.” infections in his virus-battered liticians created confusion for res- “This is a total abdication of re- cans to take the pandemic seri- Covid-19 complications, Chase Young people have generally city, Mayor Bill de Blasio made a idents, business owners and par- sponsibility by the Trump admin- ously. Even afflicted by the dis- Sturgis says he has been thinking been at lower risk of developing sobering decision to ask the state ents in the affected areas and istration,” said Dr. Joshua Baro- ease himself, the president who about his own bout with the co- severe cases of Covid-19, and to roll back openings of busi- drew scrutiny to the conflict be- cas, a public health expert at Bos- has wrongly predicted that it ronavirus — and his own mortal- there have been only a few stu- nesses in virus hot spots in Brook- tween the city and state over how ton University, who has advised ity. dent deaths linked to the virus. lyn and Queens, pending approval to tackle early signs of a second the City of Boston on contact trac- would simply disappear appeared Mr. Sturgis, 21, had been avoid- But while that statistical advan- from Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. wave of the virus in its one-time ing. “The idea that we’re not in- unchastened as he pressed Amer- ing socializing over the summer, tage may have led to apathy about But on Monday, Mr. Cuomo, Mr. epicenter. volving the C.D.C. to do contact ica to reopen and made no effort to but as students at his school, Ap- the pandemic at some institutions, de Blasio’s longtime foil, refused The governor’s announcement tracing at this point seems like a promote precautions. palachian State University, began Mr. Dorrill’s death has shaken the to give it. also seemed to be yet another massive public health threat.” “We’re going back to work. returning to campus in August, he rural Appalachian State campus Mr. Cuomo said he would not manifestation of the tense and of- The White House official, who We’re going to be out front,” Mr. yielded to temptation. “We went in the Blue Ridge Mountains, yet allow the city to close the non- ten dissonant relationship be- declined to be identified because Trump said in a video shot imme- out to a bar,” he said. Within days prompting questions about essential businesses, suggesting tween City Hall and Albany, which he was not authorized to speak diately after his return and then he felt ill, and then tested positive whether the college is doing that the ZIP codes that were being has an outsize role in many city about the matter, said that the ad- posted online. “As your leader, I for the coronavirus: “To this day I enough to keep its students and used to identify hot spots were too decisions. ministration was following guide- had to do that. I knew there’s dan- have no sense of taste or smell.” faculty members safe. imprecise to guide shutdowns, Mr. Cuomo, a third-term Demo- lines from the C.D.C. that recom- ger to it, but I had to do it. I stood But even more unnerving is the “It’s not a hoax, that this virus and that he was considering other crat, has frequently second- mend focusing on contacts within out front. I led. Nobody that’s a “really, honestly scary” realiza- really does exist,” said Emma Cri- geographic boundaries. The more guessed or overruled the mayor, a two-day window from diagnosis. leader would not do what I did. tion that he and the student who der, a classmate of Mr. Sturgis’s. pressing problem, he said, lay in who is also a Democrat, during But public health experts said it And I know there’s a risk, there’s a died, 19-year-old Chad Dorrill, “Before this, the overall mentality schools and houses of worship, in- their overlapping tenures. Those was irresponsible to ignore the danger, but that’s OK. And now were sick around the same time, was ‘out of sight, out of mind.’” cluding many that cater to Ortho- clashes were cast in sharp relief earlier gathering at the Rose Gar- I’m better and maybe I’m im- with similar symptoms and no As if to underscore that point, dox Jews, rather than businesses during the early days of the pan- den. mune, I don’t know. But don’t let it known pre-existing conditions. Continued on PageA7 that “are not large spreaders.” Continued on PageA8 Continued on PageA11 Continued on PageA10 Despite Vow to Put ‘Miners Back to Work,’ Coal Keeps Collapsing Harris Prepares for Debate Night As Stakes and Expectations Rise By ERIC LIPTON PAGE, Ariz. — For decades, waves of electricity poured from By SYDNEY EMBER and LISA LERER this behemoth of a power plant on The last time Kamala Harris play expectations for herself in the high desert plateau of the Nav- stepped onto a debate stage, her the vice-presidential debate, re- ajo reservation in northern Ari- Democratic primary campaign flecting concerns quietly raised zona, lighting up hundreds of was sputtering to a close — run- by some aides and allies that the thousands of homes from Phoenix ning out of money, trailing badly in standard for her success on to Las Vegas as it burned 240 rail the polls and fading as a force on Wednesday has grown impossible cars’ worth of coal a day. policy issues. She ranked sixth in to meet. But as the day shift ended here speaking time at that November “I’m so concerned,” she said at the Navajo Generating Station 2019 debate; she dropped out of with a laugh at a fund-raiser last one evening early this year, all but the race two weeks later. month. “I can only disappoint.” a half-dozen spaces in the employ- Now, as she prepares to face off While President Trump spent ee parking lot — a stretch of as- against Vice President Mike months waging relentless attacks phalt larger than a football field — Pence on Wednesday and to play a on former Vice President Joseph were empty. starring role in the upcoming Su- R. Biden Jr.’s mental acuity, lower- It was a similar scene at the preme Court confirmation hear- ing the bar for his opponent, Dem- nearby Kayenta coal mine, which ings, Ms. Harris will be tested as a ocrats have, by contrast, heralded fueled the plant. Dozens of the gi- national leader and a voice of the Ms. Harris as a star prosecutor ant earth-moving machines that party unlike ever before. It is a and talented debater, which car- for decades ripped apart the hill- singular challenge for Ms. Harris, ries its own set of risks. side sat parked in long rows, mo- who arrived in Washington as a Mr. Trump’s coronavirus diag- tionless. Not a single coal miner The smokestacks of the Navajo Generating Station, a coal-fired planCt,H RwIShTIEi cHhEM sMh KuLOtK d FoORw TnHE lNaEsWt YyOeRaK rT.IMES senator in 2017: Can she best her nosis has injected another ele- was in sight, just a big, black Chi- opponents and make the case for ment of unpredictability and huahuan raven sitting atop a light Democrats while walking the amped up the pressure on Ms. post. dent Trump’s 2016 campaign Despite Mr. Trump’s stocking rectly in cases like the Arizona tightrope of unique expectations Harris and Mr. Pence to reassure Saving these two complexes promise to end “the war on coal.” his administration with coal-in- power plant and mine, coal’s de- that American voters still have for a jittery public that they can step was at the heart of an intense “We’re going to put our miners dustry executives and lobbyists, cline has only accelerated in re- women in power? in as president. three-year effort by the Trump ad- back to work,” Mr. Trump prom- taking big donations from the in- cent years. Ms. Harris, who is the first Before Mr. Trump was hospital- ministration to stabilize the coal ised soon after taking office. dustry, rolling back environmen- And with the president now in woman of color on a major party’s ized last week, Ms. Harris’s aides industry and make good on Presi- He didn’t. tal regulations and intervening di- Continued on PageA22 national ticket, has tried to down- Continued on PageA17 BUSINESS B1-5 TRACKING AN OUTBREAK A4-11 NATIONAL A14-25 ARTS C1-6 SCIENCE TIMES D1-8 Shutting Off Projectors Again C.D.C. Admits Indoor Risks Atlanta Elite to Trump Loyalist An Art ‘Sweatshop’? Covid Adds to an Imbalance The parent company of Regal Cinemas, After removing guidance on its website Senator Kelly Loeffler, one of the rich- The New Museum has achieved suc- The pandemic has been a new setback facing delays in major releases, is clos- acknowledging “airborne” transmis- est people in Congress, has transformed cess, but some employees say it pro- for many women in academia, who ing its U.S. theaters. PAGE B1 sion, the agency cited evidence that the herself from moderate into “more con- vides poor working conditions. PAGE C1 already faced major obstacles. PAGE D1 virus can linger in indoor air. PAGE A4 servative than Attila the Hun.” PAGE A14 Fight Over Aging Lab Chimps What Next for California? Making ‘Lovecraft’ More Lurid Hotter Days Widen Racial Gap The N.I.H. refused to move 39 primates The pandemic and wildfires have dis- INTERNATIONAL A12-13 Grant Walker, who helped create the rupted housing and economic growth. Data shows worse test scores, but only show’s nightmarish Shoggoth crea- to a sanctuary. Activists are demanding Can the state change course? PAGE B1 War of Words by China for Black and Latino students. The likely tures, had a lot of fun doing it. PAGE C5 that the agency reconsider. PAGE D3 China adopts an increasingly belliger- culprit: no air-conditioning. PAGE A21 ent posture as the U.S. and Taiwan EDITORIAL, OP-ED A26-27 draw closer together. PAGE A13 SPORTSTUESDAY B6-8 Michelle Goldberg PAGE A26 Celebrity Suicides in Japan Speed Runs in His Family A succession of deaths has shown the Cameron Burrell’s career shows that U(D54G1D)y+&!#!?!?!" burdens of a society where many feel having Olympic champions as parents the pressure to be perfect. PAGE A12 can be a blessing and a curse. PAGE B6 A2 N THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 A.G. SULZBERGER NEWS EDITORIAL Publisher DEAN BAQUET Executive Editor KATHLEEN KINGSBURY Editorial Page Editor JOSEPH KAHN Managing Editor Founded in 1851 REBECCA BLUMENSTEIN Deputy Managing Editor BUSINESS The joys. APuDbOliLshPeHr 1S8. 9O6C-H19S35 SMTAETVTEH DEUWE PNUERSDDYepDuetyp uMtya Mnaagninagg iEndg iEtodritor MROELRAENDDIT AH. KCOAPPIUTT LOEVCIhEiNef FCihniaenf cEiaxel cOuftfiivcee rOfficer ARTHUR HAYS SULZBERGER ELISABETH BUMILLER Assistant Managing Editor DIANE BRAYTON General Counsel and Secretary; Publisher 1935-1961 SAM DOLNICK Assistant Managing Editor Interim Executive V.P., Talent & Inclusion The tribulations. ORVIL E. DRYFOOS MONICA DRAKE Assistant Managing Editor WILLIAM T. BARDEEN Chief Strategy Officer Publisher 1961-1963 MATTHEW ERICSON Assistant Managing Editor R. ANTHONY BENTEN Chief Accounting Officer, Treasurer ALISON MITCHELL Assistant Managing Editor STEPHEN DUNBAR-JOHNSON President, International The twists. ARTHUR OCHS SULZBERGER CAROLYN RYAN Assistant Managing Editor Publisher 1963-1992 SAM SIFTON Assistant Managing Editor ARTHUR OCHS SULZBERGER JR. MICHAEL SLACKMAN Assistant Managing Editor Publisher 1992-2017 Inside The Times The Newspaper And Beyond THE STORY BEHIND THE STORY CORRECTIONS A20 CROSSWORD C3 OBITUARIES B9-10 OPINION A26-27 WEATHER A16 ModernLove CLASSIFIED ADS B8 Read,watchandlistentothestories. PHOTOGRAPHY In the newest installment of the Travel desk series “The World Through a Lens,” Trishna Mohanty shares images of a mar- ket in India, founded in the 16th century, that is run solely by women. SHAWN THEW/EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCY If confirmed, Judge Amy Coney Barrett may affect the way the chief justice wields his influence. The Shift on the Supreme Court In what ways would Judge Amy Coney Barrett affect the Supreme Court if she’s con- firmed? That was a focus of an episode of “The Daily” podcast last week when the host Michael Barbaro interviewed the reporter Adam Liptak, who covers the court for The AUDIO Times. Here are edited excerpts. Lang Lang, the superstar pianist, has a new recording that features What would a Justice Amy Coney Barrett court is nonpartisan, apolitical, it’s going to two accounts of Bach’s monumen- mean for the makeup and the dynamics of the be harder for him to do that in this new tal “Goldberg” Variations. Listen court? configuration. to clips from Mr. Lang’s interpre- So there’s two ways to think about it. The Are you expecting that Roe v. Wade will be tation, and hear versions by two first one is a little simpler. And that is, if challenged in the near future, a future where other pianists, in a review by the you put Judge Barrett on the ideological presumably Amy Coney Barrett is on the Times critic Anthony Tommasini. array on the court, she is probably to the bench? And if so, are you expecting that a right of Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kava- Justice Barrett would vote to overturn it? naugh. And that makes Justice Kavanaugh, I think the day will come, but not particu- rather than Chief Justice Roberts, the larly soon, when the court is asked to justice at the ideological center of the confront the question of overruling Roe. In court, and who might be, in some situa- the short term, I think the court is more tions, the swing justice on the court. Under likely to restrict and chip away at the right this simple theory, it moves the court to abortion and make it harder for women Give the gift they’ll slightly to the right. in red states to get abortions. Should the But there’s a second way to think about day come when the question is squarely it, which is that it’s a dynamic process. And open every day. the chief justice is not going to lightly give posed to the court, and I think Chief Jus- VIDEO tice Roberts will do what he can to push up his ability to shape the court. And as a Get a close-uplook at the Long that day back, I’d be very surprised if she consequence, although he has occasionally Island beachfront village of Sag did not vote to overrule Roe. — and I stress, very occasionally — joined Harbor, where a group of trailblaz- GiftsubscriptionstoTheTimesstartat$25. what was a four-member liberal wing to ing Black families established a create a majority for a liberal result, he The president has said that if he loses in tight community in the 1930s that November, he may not accept the results. In can’t do that anymore with a three-mem- has endured for generations. fact, he may challenge them. What would it ber liberal wing. mean to find the United States in a Bush v. If he goes with the three-member liberal Gore-like situation, where the Supreme Court wing, he will be in dissent in a 5-4 decision. is asked to weigh in on the results of the 2020 That’s not going to be attractive to him. election, perhaps decisively, with a new More attractive to him is to stay with his justice who is literally days old in the job? usual allies where he can use his distinc- We don’t know what the case would look tive power as chief justice to shape, maybe like, what the legal issues would be. They moderate the results by assigning the could come from anywhere in the nation. majority opinion when he is in the majority. But I agree that some election-related case So there’s some reason to think, some is sadly likely to reach the Supreme Court. substantial reason to think, that adding Judge Barrett to the court will shift the LEARNING NETWORK Wow. chief justice slightly to the right. In the Learning Network’sfirst Here, I think, most of the justices will join multimedia contest, “Coming of So you’re saying the chief justice will be less Chief Justice Roberts in really wanting to Age in 2020,” we’re inviting teen- inclined to side with and work with the liberal maintain the legitimacy of the Supreme agers to show us, in words or justices, because mathematically, the Court and not hand a victory for political images, video or audio, how the question becomes, What’s the point? But reasons to President Trump, who had just events of this extraordinary year where does that leave the chief justice’s appointed a third justice to the court. So I have affected them. Entries must determination to have the Supreme Court be think all Americans can be hopeful in the be submitted by Nov. 12. seen as an apolitical body by using his vote to Supreme Court that it will try hard that sway the whole court? that case, when it arises, will be decided on strictly legal grounds. It would withdraw a tool from his toolbox, and that will be frustrating to him. If he To listen to the entire episode, go to wants to singlehandedly show that the Contact the Newsroom [email protected] Share a News Tip [email protected] or On This Day in History Contact Customer Care AMEMORABLE HEADLINE FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES or 1-800-NYTIMES (1-800-698-4637) BAKKER IS CONVICTED ON ALL COUNTS October 6, 1989.Jim Bakker, a televangelist who built a multimillion-dollar religious empire, was convicted on 24 fraud and conspiracy counts in federal court, The Times reported. The jury agreed with the prosecution’s contention that Mr. Bakker bilked fol- lowers out of $158 million by offering “lifetime vacations he could not provide and that he diverted about $3.7 million to support an opulent lifestyle.” His sentence of 45 years was reduced on appeal to eight years. He was released from prison in 1994. Subscribers can browse the complete Times archives through 2002 at THE NEW YORK TIMES COMPANY 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018-1405 The New York Times (ISSN 0362-4331) is published Times Book Review..................................1 Yr. $208.00 ners or third parties who offer products or ser- an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance. daily. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and Large Print Weekly..................................1 Yr. 114.40 vices that are likely to interest its readers. If you ©2020, The New York Times Company. All rights adDMtra aeDvaislaeds Sind lcuypiht boiaaosrnnntcd,gra I eilSpA sumt ,ti no5oadn2 iTal8 iRhy0nea8g.. t- N.e8.o.s0.ef.*.f4w.i.2c. .kP..$mt1m0e4as10s, .PtY0e.r0Or.:. BSoe$xn65 d28M 00a.4o0d2s0-., itniogH*n N iogoouuhtt teissnrii dcdleeru atdhttiehnes egN, soUatrav.tSthae.ei, l oaarosb rtll:o e c 1fao-o8lr n0 ta0 tx-hr6.ee3 q1u-N2e5es8wt0, .Yfoorr k meadiil-- pnIsAuroeAbt, ifj5lfeely2 rca 8 tCdt0 htvu8oaes- 8ttrt ho0twiem4s e2iaen ,p drgop o rSpl ineeuc-robamvtbli iaslcsehihe lre ,a hadrPete .ielO np tc. @h TaBihrsnod eyix, n Nt aif8mvoe0wrae4mis l2Ya.a,co btoDrlimeoka n fvT.r, eiopmnmlpee oatshrs itees, dSdv uiCetlhdhz .biK eefor Epgiextr eL, cPeuvutiibvelneis ,Oh Pefrfriecseird ent Monday-Saturday........................936.00 468.00 The Times occasionally makes its list of home deliv- advertising department. The Times reserves the right R. Anthony Benten, Treasurer Sunday only..................................520.00 260.00 ery subscribers available to marketing part- not to accept an advertiser’s order. Only publication of Diane Brayton, General Counsel and Secretary THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 N A3 Of Interest NOTEWORTHY FACTS FROM TODAY’S PAPER “Stairway to Heaven,” Led Zeppelin’s The Korean War is also known in 1971 hit song and a staple of rock China as the War to Resist U.S. radio, has made more than $500 Aggression and Aid Korea. million by some estimates. China Ramps Up a War of Words, Warning Supreme Court Won’t Hear The U.S. of Its Red Lines A13 ‘Stairway to Heaven’ Copyright Case B3 • • The brakes on a typical car can H.P. Lovecraft first wrote about produce a few thousand pounds of blob-like creatures called Shoggoths deceleration force. in the late ’20s in a series of sonnets, You’d Need Giant ‘Hand’ Brakes to Stop a Car D4 and they appeared in his 1936 novella • “At the Mountains of Madness.” AURÉLIA DURAND Citing a shift toward more Drooling, Phlegmatic Killing Machines C5 employees working from home, • About 57 percent of the nation’s Pinterest paid $90 million to cancel Elite sprinters do not reach top speed movie theaters were open this past a lease for 500,000 square feet in until about the 50-meter mark, and weekend, generating $12 million in an unbuilt office building in San they can stay at top speed for only 10 box office receipts. The same Francisco. meters or so. weekend a year ago brought in Will California’s Economy Never Return In a Family This Fast, It’s Hard to Keep Up B6 $150 million. To Normal? B1 Amid Delay Upon Delay, Movie Chain Closes Again B1 The Conversation Spotlight FIVE OF THE MOST READ, SHARED AND DISCUSSED POSTS ADDITIONAL REPORTAGE AND REPARTEE FROM ACROSS NYTIMES.COM FROM OUR JOURNALISTS As Trump Seeks to Project Strength, Doctors Disclose The news of President Trump contracting the coronavirus, Alarming Episodes combined with the pandemic’s toll on the entire country, The murky and shifting narrative of the president’s Covid-19 stirred a memory for the freelance photographer Lynsey infection was rewritten again with new details. Doctors said Addario, a frequent contributor to The Times. In an Insta- that Mr. Trump’s blood oxygen level dropped twice in the two gram post on Monday, she shared an image she took this days after he was diagnosed with the coronavirus, requiring summer for a Times article on the impact of the virus on a medical intervention, and that he had been put on steroids, Texas border community. suggesting his condition might have been more serious than initially described. This was Monday’s most read article. Identify the Different Symptoms of the Flu and Covid-19 With growing fears this fall of a “twindemic” in the United States, some people — especially parents — are worried that if they or their children should become ill, it may not be easy to know which disease they have. This Times guide aims to help readers understand the two infections. While the symp- toms are similar, there is one major difference: Many corona- virus victims lose their sense of smell. A Student Dies, and a Campus Gets Serious About Coronavirus After the events of the past week at Appalachian State Uni- versity in North Carolina, where a 19-year-old student died and Covid cases spiked sharply, many students and faculty members were calling for stronger safety measures. The school’s daily summary showed more than 700 confirmed infections at the 20,000-student campus since early June. The Pence-Harris V.P. Debate Now Has Big Consequences LYNSEY ADDARIO Vice presidential debates can often be afterthoughts in a race, A nurse covers the body of a coronavirus victim moments but Mike Pence and Kamala Harris will face an unusual after her death, as she prepares her body to be picked up by a amount of scrutiny and higher stakes on Wednesday night. local funeral home, in the extension of the Intensive Care Unit President Trump’s illness — and the fact that he is 74 and his of the Serious Infectious Disease Unit — built in a former Democratic rival, Joseph R. Biden Jr., is 77 — serve as a stark warehouse of a hospice — at DHR Health in Edinburg, Texas, reminder that either Mr. Pence or Ms. Harris could end up July 8. As many across the globe turn their attention to the being president. recent news that President Trump has tested positive for the coronavirus, I am thinking of the more than 205,000 lives lost Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to Scientists in the United States, and those who have died alone — Who Discovered Hepatitis C Virus without the comfort of their loved ones. Nurses who cared for Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton and Charles M. Rice were this 84-year-old woman through her final breaths held a jointly honored for their breakthrough in the fight against cellphone to the woman’s ear in her final minutes so her blood-borne hepatitis, a contribution the Nobel committee daughter could pray for her on the other end of the line. The said had “made possible blood tests and new medicines that nurses had promised the daughter her mother would not die have saved millions of lives.” alone. Lynsey Addario@lynseyaddario MY EARTH WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER? Set diamonds where you choose. Designed in 18k gold. 3 complimentary diamonds now through October 10th. Quote of the Day “Great science is often a group of people.” NOBEL PRIZE IN MEDICINE MICHAEL HOUGHTON,who along with two other scientists was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology Please call 866.598.2784 or Visit Us at AWARDED TO 3 SCIENTISTS; or Medicine for the discovery of the hepatitis C virus. MONICARICHKOSANN.COM FOUND HEPATITIS C VIRUS B3 The Mini Crossword Here to Help BY JOEL FAGLIANO ARECIPE FOR SLOW COOKER WHITE CHICKEN CHILI 1 2 3 This tangy, mildly spicy white-bean chili is as warming and comforting as a traditional chili, but in a lighter, brighter form. Plenty of green chiles — fresh and canned — provide kick, while creamy white beans mellow it all out. To decrease the heat level, remove and 4 5 discard the seeds from the jalapeño before you mince it. SARAH DIGREGORIO 6 TIME: 4 TO 6 HOURS YIELD: 6 TO 8 SERVINGS 7 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 large yellow or red onion, finely 8 chopped Kosher salt 10 garlic cloves, finely chopped 10/6/2020 EDITED BY WILL SHORTZ 1 jalapeño, minced ACROSS 3 (4-ounce) cans chopped green chiles, 1 Maker of the Yukon and Acadia hot, mild or a combination S.U.V.s 2 teaspoons ground cumin JULIA GARTLAND FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES. 4 Childbirth assistant 2 teaspoons onion powder FOOD STYLIST: LIZA JERNOW 6 Where a cherry is placed, vis-à- 1 teaspoon dried oregano fragrant, about 1 minute. Add the green chiles, vis a sundae ½ teaspoon ground cayenne cumin, onion powder, oregano and cayenne 7 Like many bar beers 2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken and stir until fragrant, 1 to 2 minutes. 8 Inquire thighs 2.Transfer the mixture into a 5- to 8-quart 3 cups chicken stock DOWN slow cooker. Generously season the chicken 2 (14-ounce) cans great Northern 1 “Haters ___ hate” thighs with salt and add them to the pot. Stir beans, drained and rinsed 2 Long-running comic strip that in 3 cups chicken stock and the beans. Cover advocates for pet adoption 1½ cups frozen corn and cook on low until the chicken is tender, 3 Red apparel for Little Red Riding 1 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro 4 to 6 hours. 4 HScoooodby-___ 1 (liambeo,u jtu 1ic semd a(allb bouunt c2h )t,a bolpetsiopnoaolns) 3.Shred the chicken using two forks. (You can Helping you live better. 5 Download for an iPhone Pickled jalapeño slices, sliced do this directly in the pot, or remove the No matter where you live. scallion, cubed avocado and sour chicken to a bowl, shred it, then return it to cream, for serving the pot.) Stir in the frozen corn, cover and SOLUTION TO F A R M cook until warmed through, about 10 minutes. PREVIOUS PUZZLE 1.In a large Dutch oven, melt the butter over Stir in the cilantro, if using, and lime juice. A L U M medium heat. Add the onion, season with salt Season to taste with salt. Serve in bowls and P R I S M and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion pass the toppings at the table. A G E S is softened and translucent, about 8 minutes. N O N O Add the garlic and jalapeño and cook until For more recipes, visit NYT Cooking at A4 TUESDAY, OCTOBER6, 2020 N Tracking an Outbreak Coronavirus Update Hot Spots in the United States As of Monday evening, more than 7,477,300 people across every state,plus Washington, D.C., and four U.S. territories, have tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a New York Times database. More than 209,800 people with the virus have died in the United States. Virus Spreads Through White House Staff Average daily cases per 100,000 people Fauci ‘Concerned’ About Rate of Infection in the past week 10 Days Without New Case in New Zealand Wash. 16 32 48 Few or Mont. N.D. no cases Maine By JAMES BARRON Minn. Minn. Vt. Fpeorusro dnaayl sh eaaftlethr acr pisoissi tfiovre P treesst itduernnte Tdr tuhme pc,o hroen tawveierutesd c trhisaits hinet wo aas Ore. Idaho S.D. Wis. N.Y. N.H. Mass. “feeling really good!” as he announced that he was leaving the Wyo. Mich. Conn. R.I. hospital and returning to the White House, where the outbreak has wideAnse hde a hmaosn tgh rpoeuogphleo uwt htho ew poarnkd ienm thice, Wthees pt rWesinidge.nt accentuated Nev. Neb. Iowa Ill. Ohio Pa. N.J. twhhei cpho shiatisv ein afencdt epdla myeodr ed tohwann t7h.4e mgriallvioenn eAsms eorf itchaen sc oarnodn akvililreuds, Ind. MDd.C.. Del. more than 209,000. “Don’t be afraid of Covid,” Mr. Trump tweeted. Utah Colo. Kan. Mo. W.Va. “Don’t let it dominated your life.” Va. Calif. But the president’s physician, Dr. Sean P. Conley, said that the Ky. president “may not be entirely out of the woods yet,” even as he Ariz. N.C. also said that Mr. Trump had “met or exceeded all standard hospi- Tenn. tal discharge criteria” and would be “surrounded by world-class Okla. Ark. medical care 24/7” at the White House. Dr. Conley acknowledged S.C. that the president’s release from Walter Reed National Military N.M. Ala. Ga. Medical Center put Mr. Trump in “a bit of uncharted territory” Miss. because few other patients had been given the combination of drugs that he had received as early in treatment as he had. The president’s doctors said on Monday that he had received a third Texas La. dose of the antiviral drug remdesivir. He was also still taking the Alaska steroid dexamethasone, which has been shown to help severely ill Fla. Covid-19 patients. Hours before the president returned to the White House, his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, announced that she, too, had Hawaii Puerto Rico tested positive for the virus, as had two members of her team. That brought to at least 12 the number of people who had been at the White House — some for the ceremony announcing the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court — and had tested positive. Chris Christie, the former New Jersey governor Sources: State and local health agencies. The map shows the share of population with a new reported case over the last week. Parts of a county with a who helped the president as he prepared for the debate against population density lower than 10 people per square mile are not shaded. Data for Rhode Island is shown at the state level because county level data is Joseph R. Biden Jr. last week, checked himself into a New Jersey infrequently reported. Data is as of Oct. 5, 2020, at 5 p.m., Eastern. THE NEW YORK TIMES hospital over the weekend. But the drama surrounding the president’s treatment did not end as he prepared to leave the hospital. Dr. Conley would not discuss what a scan of the president’s lungs had shown. It is known PUBLIC HEALTH that Covid can attack a patient’s lungs. The president’s doctors had said that his blood oxygen levels had dropped at least twice and C.D.C. Acknowledges the Virus Can Linger Indoors that he had been given supplemental oxygen, which could indicate that his lungs were not functioning properly, although Dr. Conley said the president was not having trouble breathing. By APOORVA MANDAVILLI In the days since Mr. Trump and his aides tested positive, the number of new cases in the rest of the country has risen. More than Two weeks after the Centers for 40,000 new cases are being reported every day, fewer than during Disease Control and Prevention took down a statement about air- the summertime surge but still a troublingly large number, and borne transmission of the corona- some of the country’s least populous states now have the highest virus, the agency on Monday re- infection rates. “I’m actually disturbed and concerned about the placed it with language citing new fact that our baseline of infections is still stuck at around 40,000 per evidence that the virus can spread day,” Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious disease beyond six feet indoors. expert, said on CNN on Monday. “That’s no place to be when you’re “These transmissions occurred trying to get your arms around an epidemic and get it to a very low within enclosed spaces that had baseline as you get into a situation where you’re going to be in- inadequate ventilation,” the new doors more than outdoors.” guidance said. “Sometimes the in- The West Wing was not the only government workplace with fected person was breathing concerns about outbreaks. The president of the European Commis- heavily, for example while singing sion, Ursula von der Leyen, was quarantining on Monday. She was or exercising.” exposed to the virus during an official trip to Portugal last week. The episode was the latest in a And Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin of Malaysia said he would series of slow and often puzzling self-isolate after a Cabinet minister he was in contact with tested scientific judgments by the C.D.C. positive. Mr. Muhyiddin presided at a meeting on Saturday that and by the World Health Organi- zation since the start of the pan- was attended by Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, who said on Monday demic. Despite evidence that use that he had been hospitalized. Other officials who were at the meet- of face coverings can help cut viral ing — said by local reports to include the chiefs of the national spread, for example, the C.D.C. police and the armed forces, and the health director-general — will did not endorse their use by the also put themselves in isolation. public until April, and the W.H.O. did not do so till June. Regarding aerosols — tiny air- New Coronavirus Cases Announced Daily in U.S. borne particles — the C.D.C. DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES As of Monday evening, more than 7,477,300 people across every lagged behind even the W.H.O. In Aerosol spread may explain the outbreak after the White House event for Judge Amy Coney Barrett. state, plus Washington, D.C., and four U.S. territories, have tested July, 239 experts who study positive for the virus, according to a New York Times database. aerosols called on the W.H.O. to acknowledge that the coronavirus may have been a so-called super- borne transmission, saying it is months that at least in poorly ven- New cases Munasnpye ccaifsieeds fdraoyms cinadno obre streattninsmg iattnedd nboyt ajiurs tin a aftneyr sHporuesaed eera rlieevre tnhti s amt ontthhe. White mto uscphr meaodr et hcoromumgho nc lfoosre t hceo vnitraucst tcialant etrda vienld foaorrt hsepr atcheasn, stihxe f 60,000 certain medical procedures, as the That ceremony, a celebration of with an infected person than In August, for example, scien- organization had claimed. Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomi- through airborne transmission. tists reported that they had suc- Notably, the C.D.C.’s new guid- nation to the Supreme Court, in- Some experts praised the softer cessfully isolated live virus from 7-day average ance softens a previous statement volved close contact both indoors emphasis on airborne transmis- aerosols collected at distances of referring to the coronavirus as “an and outdoors by attendees who sion. seven and 16 feet from an infected 30,000 airborne virus,” a term that may wore no masks. “This is consistent with what patient in a hospital. have required hospitals to treat in- Former Vice President Joseph the epidemiological data has Some scientists have also said fected patients in specialized R. Biden Jr., too, may have been shown us — opportunistic and sit- that spread by aerosols is the rooms and health care workers to exposed to the virus during the uational airborne events do occur, most likely explanation for super- wear N95 masks anywhere in a presidential debate with Mr. but close contact is really where spreader events, hospital. Trump. But he is continuing to it’s at,” said Saskia Popescu, a hos- and it may also explain the The new advice instead says campaign, his aides said, because pital epidemiologist at George surge in Southern states this sum- March 1 Oct. 5 the virus can “sometimes be he did not meet the C.D.C. require- Mason University in Fairfax, Va. mer as people stayed in air-condi- Note: Monday’s total is incomplete because some states report cases spread by airborne transmission” ment for close contact — less than But on Monday, a group of tioned indoor spaces. after press time. Data is as of Oct. 5, 2020, at 5 p.m. Eastern. and can be spread by both larger six feet of distance from an in- aerosol scientists including Dr. But the C.D.C. had not openly Sources: State and local health agencies; hospitals; C.D.C. THE NEW YORK TIMES droplets and smaller aerosols re- fected person. Marr contended the opposite in a acknowledged the risks of corona- leased when people “cough, But in a press statement accom- letter to the journal Science. virus floating in particles adrift in sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe.” panying the new guidance, the “There is overwhelming evidence indoor air, beyond indirect nods to But while the virus can be air- C.D.C. said, “People are more that inhalation represents a major the importance of ventilation in New Restrictions in Paris borne under some circumstances, likely to become infected the long- transmission route,” the re- schools and businesses. it is not the primary way the virus er and closer they are to a person searchers wrote. After public outcry, the W.H.O. Ernest Hemingway claimed that he personally “liberated” the spreads, the C.D.C. said. with Covid-19.” The new guidance takes on ur- agreed to review the new evi- bar at the Ritz Hotel in Paris after the Allies retook Paris in August “I’m a little concerned that they Mr. Trump talked loudly and at gent importance as cooling tem- dence and updated its guidance a 1944. Liberating it from the coronavirus — if that were possible — still distinguish between close length during the debate, which peratures send people back in- few days later to reflect that the will have to wait. On Monday, officials ordered bars in Paris closed contact and airborne transmis- experts have said could have re- doors, where risk of the virus virus may linger in aerosols in for two weeks because coronavirus cases have surged. sion, implying that airborne trans- leased 10 times as much virus as spreading by air is highest. crowded indoor spaces. But the “The epidemic is going too fast,” Didier Lallement, the Paris mission only matters beyond six breathing alone. The agency’s advice also guides C.D.C. did not directly acknowl- police chief, said at a news conference with Mayor Anne Hidalgo, feet,” said Linsey Marr, an expert The new language on the C.D.C. managers of schools, offices, hos- edge this change, even though as they put Paris on maximum virus alert. “We need to brake now in airborne transmission of vi- website makes some of the same pitals and other public buildings parts of its website have advised before our health system is submerged.” ruses at Virginia Tech in Blacks- points as a previous version, in preparing for the winter by im- schools and businesses to up- Restaurants in Paris can remain open but will have to collect burg, Va. “Airborne transmission which quietly appeared on the proving their ventilation systems grade their ventilation systems. customers’ names and telephone numbers for contact tracing, also occurs at close contact and is C.D.C. website on Sept. 18 and was and taking other precautions. The reversal on Sept. 21 to lan- should it be necessary. Restaurateurs will also have to allow at probably more important than the taken down just three days later. Scientists disagree on the pre- guage that emphasized only drop- least three feet, three inches between tables and limit groups to six spray of large droplets.” At the time, C.D.C. officials said cise definitions of droplets and lets as transmission vectors led people, down from 10. Even before the bars were directed to close, The revisions arrived as Presi- the document had been posted in aerosols, and on their contribution some experts to speculate that the Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, acknowledged that such dent Trump received treatment at error and had not yet been cleared to the virus’s spread. But they agency had been ordered to take restrictions might well prove unpopular. “We are French — we love Walter Reed National Military through the agency’s rigorous sci- generally agree that droplets are down the acknowledgment of to drink, to eat, to live,” he said in a television interview on Sunday. Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., entific review. heavier and fall to the ground fast- floating aerosols. for what may be a severe case of In both documents, the agency er, whereas lighter aerosols can The agency had reversed its po- While Paris was clamping down, New Zealand was making Covid-19, the illness caused by the emphasized the risk of infection in linger in the air indoors. sition on another recommenda- plans to lift a lockdown in Auckland, which has reported no new coronavirus. (Mr. Trump was to poorly ventilated indoor envi- Before it was taken down on tion, one that said close contacts of infections for 10 straight days. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said be discharged from the hospital on ronments. Sept. 21, the previous version of infected people did not need to be that a second wave there had almost certainly been “eliminated.” Monday evening.) Under such circumstances, the the C.D.C. guidance was the agen- tested if they had no symptoms. New Zealand went 102 days, from early May to mid-August, with- The administration is contend- amount of infectious smaller drop- cy’s first unambiguous acknowl- After The New York Times re- out reporting any locally transmitted cases. Then a cluster ing with a rising number of such lets and particles expelled by the edgment that the virus spread by ported that the language had been emerged in South Auckland involving someone who had no history infections among Mr. Trump’s in- people with Covid-19 “became air. Before that, the agency had dictated by political appointees in of traveling abroad. Ms. Ardern said the lockdown announced as ner circle. Kayleigh McEnany, the concentrated enough to spread emphasized hand hygiene, wear- the administration rather than by the cluster expanded had “felt longer and dragged on in what was president’s chief spokeswoman, the virus to other people,” the ing face coverings and maintain- C.D.C. scientists, the agency re- already starting to feel like a very long year.” announced on Monday morning agency said, even to those who ar- ing six feet of distance as the pri- verted to more scientific phrasing that she had tested positive for the rived in a room shortly after an in- mary ways for people to protect and recommended that everyone coronavirus, the latest in a string fected person left. themselves. who has been in contact with an Coronavirus Update wraps up the day’s developments with infor- of political figures heading into But the new version struck a Those things all do matter, ex- infected person should get tested, mation from across the virus report. self-quarantine following what more conservative tone on air- perts said, but it has been clear for regardless of symptoms. THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 N A5 Today we made history. But it’s your tomorrow we care about most. Almostfiftyyearsago,twoupstartcompaniespioneeredanewmodelinthefinancialservices industry—one entirely devoted to individual investors. Today, those firms, TD Ameritrade and Schwab, join together to continue their shared mission of serving investors. When I started Charles Schwab, I didn’t set out to be the biggest. Instead, I wanted to be the strongest. A trusted home for people who shared my passion for investing. A firm that could continuouslyinvestinbetterservicesforclients.Acompanywiththestrengthandendurance tostayfocusedonourmission:helpingpeoplerealizetheirfinancialdreamsthroughinvesting. Of course, I wasn’t alone in that focus. Joe Ricketts had the same idea when he started TD Ameritrade. For almost 50 years, we both competed fiercely against the giants of the financial industry. But we always had respect for each other. Both firms worked to remove barriers to investing by offering innovative technology, client-friendly tools, and great service at lower costs. And both firms strived to overcome the traditional conflicts of commission- based advice prevalent in the industry. The combination of our firms is about the future: your future. Our scale, our complementary strengths, and our shared passion for investors will create a unique firm in the industry. A company with a commitment to creating access for everyone, the resources to support clients at every stage of their journey, and the integrity to keep clients’ interests at the heart of everything we do. And a singular focus on creating better outcomes for all of our clients. I think that’s what people want. And together, it’s what we will offer. Today, we become an even stronger company. We look forward to using that strength— and our relentless focus on you—to help you make the most of your tomorrow. Sincerely, Charles R. Schwab Chairman & Founder, The Charles Schwab Corporation TheCharlesSchwabCorporation(CharlesSchwab)providesafullrangeofsecuritiesbrokerage,banking,andfinancialadvisoryservicesthroughitsoperatingsubsidiaries. Itsbroker-dealersubsidiary,CharlesSchwab&Co.,Inc.(Schwab)memberSIPC,offersinvestmentservicesandproducts.Itsbankingsubsidiary,CharlesSchwabBank,SSB (memberFDICandanequalhousinglender)providesdepositandlendingservicesandproducts. TDAmeritrade,Inc.andTDAmeritradeClearing,Inc.,membersFINRA/SIPC,areseparatebutaffiliatedcompaniesandsubsidiariesofTDAmeritradeHoldingCorporation. TDAmeritradeHoldingCorporationisawhollyownedsubsidiaryofTheCharlesSchwabCorporation.TDAmeritradeisatrademarkjointlyownedbyTDAmeritradeIP Company,Inc.andTheToronto-DominionBank. ©2020CharlesSchwab&Co.,Inc. Allrightsreserved. MemberSIPC. CC4391740(0920-05K8) ADP111883-00(08/20) 00249028 A6 N THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 Tracking an Outbreak New Waves MIDDLE EAST Israel’s Second Lockdown Is Fueling Protests, Violence and Confusion By ISABEL KERSHNER And no one was given authority to JERUSALEM — Fractured by enforce the flight rules. internal political conflicts, confus- The temporary huts tradition- ing instructions and a lack of pub- ally erected for Sukkot — a week- lic trust in the government, Israel long Jewish holiday that comes seems to be fraying further under five days after Yom Kippur — a second national lockdown as the were only to be used by members country struggles to cope with a of the same household. But a last- surge in coronavirus cases and minute change allowed huts with deaths that, relative to the size of two of their four sides left open to be considered as outdoor space, the population, are among the allowing groups of up to 20 to en- worst in the world. ter. With new daily cases of the co- ronavirus reaching up to 9,000 re- For Arabs, new cases dwindle, but cently, here are some of the main a key leader tested positive. factors contributing to the sense The large weddings that were of chaos and loss of control. blamed for a surge of infections among Israel’s Arab minority Curbs on anti-Netanyahu protests over the summer have subsided, have backfired. after Arab mayors acted to en- For months, tens of thousands of force restrictions on large gather- demonstrators have been calling ings. There has been a significant for the resignation of Prime Min- decline in new cases among Arab ister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is citizens of Israel, part of a broader standing trial on corruption downward trend in the rate of new charges and has been the focus of infections in the general popula- blame for many Israelis over the tion, except in the ultra-Orthodox country’s handling of the pan- community, according to Eran Se- demic. Mr. Netanyahu, a polariz- gal, a scientist at the Weizmann ing conservative, has portrayed Institute of Science in Rehovot, Is- the protesters as left-wing anar- rael. chists and has accused them, On Sunday however, Ayman without evidence, of spreading Odeh, the leader of the Joint List of the virus in mass gatherings out- predominantly Arab parties and a side his Jerusalem residence. prominent opposition figure, said he had tested positive for the vi- After coronavirus regulations rus. were tightened late last month, ABIR SULTAN/EPA, VIA SHUTTERSTOCK the government approved tempo- Ultra-Orthodox Jews praying in a sukkah outside a yeshiva in Jerusalem at the start of the holiday Sukkot on Friday. Just a month ago, Arabs, who make up a fifth of the Israeli popu- rary restrictions on the demon- lation, accounted for about 30 per- strations, confining protests to cent of newly infected people. groups of up to 20 people wearing They now only make up about 10 masks, standing two meters percent of that infection figure, apart, and gathering no farther said Aiman Saif, an official work- than a kilometer, or just over half a ing on the response to the virus in mile, from their homes. the Arab community. Critics considered the curbs Mr. Saif, who called the num- antidemocratic and found ways to bers “encouraging,” attributed the fight back. On Saturday night, decrease to the general lockdown hundreds of smaller protests took measures that, among other place all over the country, with the things, had closed schools. largest gatherings shifting to Tel Aviv. The possibility of a fourth election Protest leaders have vowed to looms. continue. Urging Mr. Netanyahu Israel’s governing coalition, led by to resign, many have adopted the Mr. Netanyahu in partnership Hebrew word for “Go!” as a rally- with his defense minister and ing cry. prime-minister-in-waiting, Benny But there has also been an in- Gantz, a centrist rival, was formed crease in attacks by those who op- AHMAD GHARABLI/A.F.P. — GETTY IMAGES in May to respond to the pandemic pose the demonstrations. In tele- At left, a protester being de- after months of political stale- vision interviews with anti-Netan- tained during a demonstration mate. yahu protesters, a woman said against Prime Minister Ben- But the government is widely she had been punched in the face jamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv considered a failure. Political dif- in Tel Aviv and a man said he had on Saturday. Above, the Arab- ferences have prevented a budget been left with a broken arm in Israeli leader Ayman Odeh from being passed for 2020, and if a deadline in late December is not Pardes Hana-Karkur, in the north. said he had tested positive for met, the government will auto- The police were also accused of the coronavirus. matically fall and Israelis will be violence as they detained or dis- JACK GUEZ/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE — GETTY IMAGES heading back to the polls for the persed protesters. moved in with force. sisted on holding indoor prayers chunk of concrete at a police vehi- with the lockdown. fourth time in two years. On Sunday, the police said that and large gatherings to celebrate cle. The police said they would in- The lockdown has only exacer- they had detained 38 protesters in Many ultra-Orthodox are flouting Sukkot, the Jewish harvest holi- vestigate the officers’ conduct. Changing instructions have sown bated the tensions and deepened the Tel Aviv area overnight and rules and getting sick. day. Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, 92, a In the cities of Bnei Brak and Je- confusion and left loopholes. cracks in the coalition. Asaf Zamir, that many had been fined for of- Preventing large gatherings, es- leading ultra-Orthodox authority, rusalem, crowds clashed with the Even Israelis who have tried to the tourism minister from Mr. fenses such as not wearing masks, pecially in Israel’s crowded ultra- tested positive for the virus last police overnight. Two officers adhere to the regulations have Gantz’s party, resigned on Friday, blocking roads or breaching social Orthodox areas, was always going week. The police said that they were wounded when objects were found them confusing. Pressured citing the crackdown on the pro- distancing orders. to be a challenge during the Jew- had closed at least 22 synagogues thrown at them, the police said on by interest groups, a largely dys- tests and accusing Mr. Netanyahu Ron Huldai, the 76-year-old ish High Holy Days, which began that were operating illegally over Monday. One rabbi of an extremist functional governing coalition of putting his personal interests mayor of Tel Aviv, who had joined on Sept. 18 and extend until Oct. 11. the weekend. ultra-Orthodox branch told his fol- made changes in the dead of night, ahead of the country’s. the city’s main protest, went home Dr. Ronni Gamzu, Israel’s corona- Stormy confrontations broke lowers not to fear the authorities just before the lockdown took ef- In a stinging Facebook post, Mr. with a bloodied arm. The govern- virus czar, said last week that 40 out on Sunday in some ultra-Or- and to perform all the usual holi- fect in September: A 500-meter Zamir wrote that he was unable to ment had placed the police in an percent of those testing positive thodox areas. In the West Bank day customs. limit on movement was extended serve in a government where he “impossible position” and turned came from the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Beitar Illit, police of- In a less confrontational scene to 1,000 meters (albeit with a copi- did not “have a shred of trust in them into “a political tool,” Mr. community, even though it makes ficers were shown on video throw- — which drew much online criti- ous list of exceptions), and Is- the person standing at its head.” Huldai said on Israeli television, up only about 13 percent of the ing a bucket at and then ag- cism — police officers received a raelis were told that they could “I fear for the country,” he said. adding that the scene had been population. gressively dragging away a boy blessing from a Hasidic rabbi after travel abroad but only with tickets “Fear that it is on the edge of abso- calm and orderly until officers had Even so, some Hasidic sects in- who was accused of throwing a they arrived to ensure compliance purchased before the lockdown. lute rupture.” BRITAIN In Latest Tracing Snafu, Nearly 16,000 Who Tested Positive Went Unrecorded By MARK LANDLER the latest glitch as evidence of the posing restrictions in hard-hit gnawed at local officials in north- and BENJAMIN MUELLER government’s serial incompe- parts of the country. But it did de- ern England, where infection LONDON — Prime Minister tence. “This isn’t just a shambles,” lay the contact-tracing process, rates remained higher than in Boris Johnson’s “world beating” said the Labour shadow health which depends on rapid response London when the nationwide lock- test-and-trace program has been secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, to be effective in curbing the down was lifted, leaving them ex- dogged by technical glitches, jabbing his finger at Mr. Hancock. spread of the virus. posed to higher risk before an ef- overburdened laboratories and “It is so much worse than this.” “The timing of it couldn’t be fective data-sharing system was poorly trained contact tracers. For a pandemic-ravaged coun- worse,” said Devi Sridhar, the di- in place. Now, add to that a data-entry er- try, the computer error was not rector of the global health govern- In Leicester, where the central ror more likely to trip up an ama- the only bit of unnerving news. ance program at the University of government imposed a second teur bookkeeper than the public Government officials said that Edinburgh. “You’re heading into lockdown in late June, officials health service of the world’s sixth- fewer than half of Britons should winter, and we already knew that said that the government had de- largest economy. expect to be vaccinated, even af- cases were rising. This is really nied them testing data on the Nearly 16,000 people who ter a vaccine was widely avail- when you’d need your test-and- grounds that “it hadn’t been tested positive for the coronavirus able. trace system to do its work.” cleaned.” Government officials between Sept. 25 and Oct. 2 were Britain’s goal is to vaccinate Instead, she said, virtually ev- said the data processing had not not recorded in the nation’s daily about 30 million people, less than ery part of the system has broken yet been automated at that point, number of reported cases, pro- half the population, the head of the down. Apart from the data error, causing delays, which local offi- ducing an artificially low picture government’s vaccine task force, people were being sent to testing ANTHONY DEVLIN/GETTY IMAGES cials said led to a surge in cases. of the spread of the virus and de- Kate Bingham, told the Financial sites hundreds of miles from A test-and-trace worker scanning documents at a testing facility Some local officials bristled on laying efforts to trace those with Times. The priority would be the where they lived, and tests came in Bolton. Britain is facing a second wave of Covid-19 infections. Monday at having been denied ac- whom the infected people had most vulnerable people, hospital back from the labs too slowly amid cess to testing results because of been in contact. and nursing-home workers, and a huge backlog of untested sam- data security policies while the missing cases brought the rate of veiled in May, it has been bedev- The disclosure brought a storm those over the age of 50. Children ples. contact tracing program was in spread to within the government’s iled by problems with access to of criticism on the Johnson gov- and young people, who are consid- Public compliance with the pro- projections. testing data, making it impossible fact, according to British news re- ernment, which has been on the ered less at risk from the disease, gram has remained sluggish: In a “To be frank, I think that the in some cases for local officials to ports, storing test results in Excel defensive for its haphazard han- would not be vaccinated. survey of 32,000 people living in slightly lower numbers that we’d keep track of the virus. spreadsheets. dling of the pandemic since The data-entry error, officials at Britain, less than one in five peo- seen didn’t really reflect where we For weeks, a network of pri- The fragile infrastructure be- March, when Mr. Johnson hesi- Public Health England said, oc- ple who reported coronavirus thought that the disease was vately run testing sites processed hind England’s contact tracing tated for days before imposing a curred because some of the Excel symptoms said they had stayed likely to go, so I think these num- tens of thousands of daily tests, program came into stark relief in nationwide lockdown. More than files containing the names of peo- home. Of those alerted that they bers are realistic,” Mr. Johnson and the government did not share mid-August, when a weekly gov- 57,000 people have died from the ple who tested positive were too had been close to an infected per- said to reporters on Monday. detailed results with local offi- ernment report revealed that “a virus in Britain, the highest num- large to transfer to a central com- son, only one in 10 said they had The prime minister’s subdued cials. Only testing results from temporary infrastructure issue” ber in Europe, and the country is puter system. When they were complied with orders to self-iso- response belied the dangerous public hospitals were being had created a delay in people with now facing a second wave of infec- transferred, the system simply late. moment Britain faces, with cases quickly shared. positive test results being entered tions. lopped off a chunk of the names. Britain reported 12,594 new rising and the country still unable Public health officials said they into the contact tracing system. “This incident should never Officials said they fixed the prob- cases on Monday — a number that to get an accurate gauge on were left to catch wind of out- The magazine New Scientist have happened,” the health secre- lem by splitting up the files and did not include the backdated where, and how quickly, the virus breaks from the news. Local coun- later reported that an internet out- tary, Matt Hancock, said to Parlia- transferring smaller amounts of cases, which had been added to is spreading. cil officials pleaded for location- age in southern England had cre- ment on Monday, promising that data. Sunday’s numbers. Pouncing on local outbreaks de- specific testing results, only for ated problems with the contact the government would conduct an The glitch did not affect when Many of the new cases are in the pends on testing and tracking the central government to deny tracing program’s digital infra- investigation and upgrade its out- people were informed of their pos- northwest, in cities like Manches- cases down to the level of single them on the grounds that they had structure, causing delays of up to moded computer systems. itive test results, according to offi- ter, where there are large num- office buildings and neighbor- not signed the proper data protec- a week in tracers being able to call That did not mollify the opposi- cials. Nor did the missing data bers of university students. Offi- hoods. But almost since England’s tion agreements. the contacts of thousands of newly tion Labour Party, which seized on prevent the government from im- cials said that adding back the contact tracing program was un- Those delays especially infected patients. THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 N A7 Tracking an Outbreak U.S. Fallout ACADEMIA After an Infected Student Dies, a Campus Wonders How Safe It Is panding remote instruction, many Thursday, saying that he had From Page A1 have nevertheless become some tested positive, she said, “and cases at Appalachian State, part of of the nation’s most virulent hot then literally, two hours later, a North Carolina’s state university spots. girl in our sorority posted a pic- system, spiked sharply last week. A C.D.C. report released last ture, and he was in the picture!” On Thursday, the school canceled week said cases among people Ms. Metzger laughed, shaking an upcoming football game and ages 18 to 22 rose 55 percent in the her head at the scene: “No one is announced outbreaks in four resi- month from early August to early wearing masks. And they’re all dence halls and two fraternity September, as students were re- over each other.” houses and on the volleyball team turning to campuses. A Times sur- On their patio at an apartment and in the football program. The vey has documented more than complex in Boone, Kathryn school’s dashboard shows more 130,000 cases on campuses since Behmer, 19; Makenzie Thompson, than 700 confirmed Covid-19 cases the pandemic began. 20; and Anna Goebelbecker, 20, at the 20,000-student campus Tensions around reopening said they were not sure they since early June. have already run high in the 16- would even come back to Ap- Aside from athletes, who must campus University of North Car- palachian State next semester. be tested under N.C.A.A. rules, olina system, where the push to Just last weekend, hundreds of Appalachian State has not con- maintain sports and dorm occu- students had swarmed the streets ducted the kind of costly, wide- pancy has met with intense oppo- on football game day. Now each spread mandatory testing and sition from worried faculty mem- new development, they said — Mr. tracing of peo- bers. Days after the semester be- Dorrill’s death, the canceled game ple with and gan, the flagship campus in Chap- with Louisiana, the spikes in new without symp- el Hill pivoted to all-remote cases — amplified the seriousness toms that has instruction amid spiking infec- of the situation. Friday was Ms. helped control tions. Goebelbecker’s 20th birthday, but the virus at Appalachian State, however, having a party felt “disrespectful.” some cam- stuck with its plans to allow stu- “I think when someone our age puses. Rather, dents to live in dorms and take actually passes away, it’s harder,” Chad Dorrill totahffreey r setcdeh sotoivnlo glhu anast- cmtiloaensssst eeorsf. Ttinhh eip sfe acrcasumolntey :foo vIrne rtMh teha eyf, a oalbl fjaesecc--- The death of Mr. Dorrill, 19, has raised tensions at Appalachian State UnMivIKeEr BsEiLtLyEM iEn F OBR oToHEn NeE,W N YO.RCK. TIMES Mwwoes’u.r leBd ehnh’etma altefhrfey s.c”at idu.s .“ WWee ’trheo yuoguhnt git, its student ulty committee recommended Austin Nykamp, 21, a junior ma- health center and at “pop-up” test that the campus offer only remote tory symptoms of Covid-19, the vi- One graduate teaching assist- lot of people,” though many stu- joring in computer information sites where students can walk up instruction for the fall; in August, rus had also attacked his brain, ant, Chloe Dorin, called on the uni- dents “still only wear masks be- systems, said he was even won- and be tested twice weekly. the faculty senate voted to hold possibly triggering a previously versity to cancel athletics, shut cause they don’t want people to dering whether the local 25-per- waneTcbehs afitrteo msaa ptyhpser,o Caiescn hbt,e arstseh fdeo ro Dsnc ihsgeouaoisld’es- tninheges. ss yosr tdeema trhe asps oan rseisbulelt foofr r aenopye inll-- uswynhndidcehrteo cmthteeed, bcaoa dsyer ’asor fe nG eurdivilsleaosir nda-eBrera raritné- dltiifooewn ,an in ntd ha er le edttutoerrrnm ttsoo, u doninsivlbienarens diitn yGs ltrereauedck-- othwiMnnk sc .b oMarodenltyaz vgoifer rtuh sse asmicd ai nrse hp eau bbholaiucdt.” thweor sethoninos u igsc hka. ipn“ dP aooynf i an grg iapftu-holelf fr,t iinufgi tysioo un wafsaoksr ChdHCccvadoolieaao.esrDSnlnysnuolae fu. tat lsCusgpertrd hs o.hrxee’vsio luesprne iui aspexgohganelrop,dtaun didnheeb vid iad irnunern tgaca etgs bP anegr t mhairhdcriWnmsaieee avsievv atnaetdsepe atynlt an aesctw suhntls rt aiooogtiedowtrirn iaeningrsce cmg, eitia ctaC z a.sokipmewocelr dul uvoh psat bntneihutnhcltnuaiishdyecs---. bcctflibNinahalvaea.l-oMHmCisilpsnn,uk .eseip,grgse ner. fua tescsooDbwnsoe lnfu arofdnlei eiecdlnrs nnlrmari aogetnBimp lnfdo gluo ls wonest ouyunodlramysedmeees. r we mre aHea n thnw o ht5etesdst, ehoeer0 wb oete w0ao acmW0aeoclls aikawkib avnsat llfehhaesglombdeonlelrlyu s or d ath, ronh friogiifingeesstff, ttwsssrhaahioyamalece l“iTsvm’d kAo stmehg ee nuni demnrdogcye i u che’ abaeslarfb o tyvl nsuihosc efpt isset.uantarhe soatte t d esysfhsis mm oileetdioufaasemmeefnfdpn n fguio,e tt”stu hnc, a amt aneiehnfaP tttaedsleirepln n yuayrta gses gn wMstt rdeiuetv hed rmdaHe.oeyw elrD p,.aa hsneb rnoiaetautmrssdykst-,, eowlherpoervnrarrssaI“e do no Scn SttaSu thehtahidra,,oca ecdlt“euteerueae .lxtiwsrdrd tpd eeE aaaaar wnsvinn ynt de .edpo e r y eosxtso“dussnttuOr tu seearscpdued aopehder in nona dotpdntn tlasiot-ed vcu,hF,d s teCpea . ”swf htcto,rs”eaeeoac snb tchtbocsaiionneahorolgglkee-ll wbwAmaoeigty eehcafkr aasiiien nslanfleugsd cfo trto eleweadrash rsves nttntiueo rrddh uo eegnhrnsu ters. go.a hoeWramrddimt hba ehteee’nsr msdwhmbiwntleehhuageaTvaeem,dt ”hlehertte lehahheseona dte e pt lslr samtMstc h uhtsaiahne nterirr .den ieu eawr .ta ul Z Sewaepsnosteneeiui;otk ved gr t osrheSai mcsssefobli oo atmeocrynsso u ,qesnah rthu o toaoase1entrn5tvds eauf hti odvcndieol liwgelaarnon husiliwettntsishhdss---, past week, according to data col- early September. He tested pos- and some tensions over whether ready to pivot to all-remote learn- vited them back for the semester, lected by The New York Times. itive for the virus there. His family the school needs to take stronger ing,” Dr. Everts wrote, urging stu- was doing enough to protect them. Coronavirus cases in the county said he remained isolated at home measures to contain the virus. dents to wear masks and “hold “All of us must remain vigilant have more than doubled since for two weeks and then returned “There has been polarization one another accountable.” parents planning to visit that with our safety behaviors,” Dr. Sept. 1, to more than 1,300, and an to Boone, but fell ill again less than between those who say, ‘Just wear As students absorbed the latest weekend, she said, she tried to get Everts reminded in her email on update last week found that “the a day later, calling to say he could a mask, we’ll be OK,’ and the fac- blows from the pandemic, the a rapid test on campus, only to be the death of Mr. Dorrill, noting largest percentage of cases” was not remember how he had gotten ulty who just don’t want to be in campus was quiet on Friday, be- told she would have to wait four that “I wear my mask for Chad” among 18- to 24-year-olds. back to college. the room,” said Rick Rheingans, reft of the usual student crowds days. The closest CVS pharmacy had become a catchphrase on Despite efforts by most colleges His neurological condition chairman of Appalachian State’s shuffling in and out of academic offering rapid results was in Ten- campus. and universities to contain the vi- swiftly deteriorated; three weeks department of sustainable devel- buildings. Signs posted in flower nessee, so she called her family But that was not what stuck rus by banning large gatherings, after his positive test, Mr. Dorrill opment, who has been tracking beds and around buildings physician, who sent her to a health with Hannah Mitchell. mandating face masks and ex- died on Sept. 28 at Forsyth Medi- the school’s health measures. “My warned students to wear masks. facility 90 minutes away. “I didn’t have much reaction to cal Center in Winston-Salem. An argument has been that we need Most seemed to be complying. She tested negative, she said, Chad’s death until I read the Cristina Bolling reported from autopsy is pending. rigorous testing and active trac- Emma Metzger, a senior and but the experience left her impa- email,” she said. “Now, all I can Boone, and Shawn Hubler from Relatives said that though he ing, quarantining and isolation. communications major, said the tient with those who shrug off pre- think is, ‘What if this had been Sacramento. had recovered from the respira- We can’t reopen if we’re not safe.” death was “a big wake-up call for a cautions. A friend texted her on me?’” THE TRUSTEES, FACULTY, STUDENTS, AND STAFF OF THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY CONGRATULATE CHARLES M. RICE MauriceR.andCorinneP.Greenberg ProfessorinVirologyand HeadoftheLaboratoryofVirology andInfectiousDiseaseonwinning THE 2020 NOBEL PRIZE inPhysiologyorMedicine. Rice,apioneerinthestudyofdisease-causing viruses,sharestheprizewithHarveyJ.Alter andMichaelHoughtonforgroundbreaking researchonthehepatitisCvirus. Riceembodiesthespiritofinquirythat ott b formorethan119yearshaspropelled Ab n h TheRockefellerUniversity’scommitment o:Jo toexcellenceinbiomedicalresearch. hot P 1230YorkAvenueat66thStreet,NYC A8 N THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 Tracking an Outbreak U.S. Fallout DISSONANCE Cuomo Rejects Mayor’s Plan but Closes Schools Anyway — a Day Early From Page A1 demic, with the city and state at odds over the timing of shutting down the city businesses and its schools, among other issues. On Monday, that disconnect continued, as Mr. Cuomo acceler- ated the mayor’s plan to close schools in newly hard-hit areas, moving the closure date up a day to Tuesday, a decision the gover- nor defended by saying that test- ing was insufficient to protect chil- dren in those schools. “I’ll never let a New Yorker send a child to a school that I wouldn’t send my child to,” he said. Mr. Cuomo did not rule out clos- ing nonessential businesses or public spaces in the near future, SPENCER PLATT/GETTY IMAGES and top aides suggested a state Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said plan could be unveiled as soon as nonessential businesses Tuesday. Mr. Cuomo said his ad- should remain open for now. ministration was reviewing how best to do it without relying on ge- ographic delineations from ZIP health. It is never a good thing, codes, which he said were arbi- even if it may be the right thing to trary and might not accurately do.” capture the areas where new The mayor’s plan, announced cases are going up. on Sunday, called for the closure of “A ZIP code is not the best defi- all schools — public and private — nition of the applicable zone,” he in nine ZIP codes, the shutdown of said. “If you have to circumscribe all nonessential businesses and an area, make sure you have the the cessation of indoor and out- right boundaries.” door dining in restaurants. In an Cuomo administration officials additional 11 areas, looser restric- later suggested that the bound- tions would be imposed: Gyms aries for business closures could and swimming pools would be even exceed the ZIP codes where closed and indoor dining banned. the increases are now occurring. On Monday, Mr. de Blasio added a The governor also announced STEPHANIE KEITH FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES 12th ZIP code in Forest Hills, Positive coronavirus tests have been on the rise in Far Rockaway, Queens, where schools will now be closed for two weeks. that the state would take over su- Queens, to that second list. pervision of enforcement of mask Asked if he felt that he and Mr. and social-distancing rules in the we are preparing to implement spot. whole.” On Monday, the conflicting de Blasio should have coordinated hot spot clusters. “Local govern- this plan,” the mayor said, while State statistics from Monday, in The governor said he would statements from the governor and their announcements, Mr. Cuomo ment will need to provide us with acknowledging that the city would fact, show that three ZIP codes in meet with religious leaders in the the mayor created more confusion said no, noting that they occupy personnel,” he said. ultimately back off from execut- Orange and Rockland have the hot spots on Tuesday. and anguish. different levels of government. He But the mixed messages contin- ing the shutdown if the state didn’t highest three-day averages in “I’m going to say to them, ‘Un- “It has been chaos from all the also suggested that he had been ued, even after the governor’s de- authorize it. New York. But Mr. Cuomo insisted less you agree to follow the rules, way to the beginning in March,” surprised by the mayor’s an- cision, which he said was made in The governor also noted that that those areas do not “have the we will close religious institu- said Motti Seligson, a spokesman nouncement on Sunday, which consultation with the mayor, as the city’s proposal “does not close same level of problem” and sug- tions,’” the governor said. for the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic came shortly after the governor well as the head of the city’s teach- religious institutions,” something gested there might be disparities The outbreaks in New York City movement, which is based in had given a daily update on the co- ers’ union and several other city he said he would consider if reli- in the infection rates in those and its northern suburbs have af- Brooklyn and is one of the largest ronavirus. officials. Indeed, shortly after the gious leaders did not obey rules counties. He added that his team fected several large communities Hasidic groups in the world. “I didn’t put out this plan,” the governor spoke, Mr. de Blasio re- prohibiting mass gatherings. would “drill down on the data.” of Orthodox Jews, a politically po- “There have been a lot of mixed governor said. “He did.” iterated that he believed the city At the same time, however, Mr. On Monday, however, Mr. de tent force in city and, to a lesser messages and a lack of real en- Likewise, Mr. de Blasio sug- would still plan on closing non- Cuomo said he would not order Blasio described those clusters as degree, state politics, because of gagement on a deep level with gested that his decision to outline essential businesses on Wednes- schools closed in areas in Orange a regional problem, saying there their tendency to vote in a bloc. these communities.” his plans without seeking the gov- day. and Rockland Counties, suburban could be “a connective tissue” be- Many in those communities have “There is an immense amount ernor’s approval might have been “Until there is a different plan, areas north of the city that have tween the infections in New York been stubbornly resistant to out- at stake here,” Mr. Seligson added. calculated to prompt a speedy re- both had serious outbreaks in re- City and Orange and Rockland side mandates to wear masks and “Closing down causes a lot of sponse. Michael Gold, Dana Rubinstein cent weeks, with some areas see- Counties. avoid congregating in large hardship. It impacts people’s “The best way to ensure there is and Liam Stack contributed re- ing positive rates of 10 percent or “Everything interconnects,” he groups, particularly during Jew- livelihoods, the education and de- action is to put the proposal on the porting from New York. more — higher than any city hot said. “It should be dealt with as a ish holidays. velopment of children, mental table publicly,” the mayor said. CONTACT TRACING Barr to Return to Work After Negative Tests By KATIE BENNER WASHINGTON — Attorney General William P. Barr did not plan to get a coronavirus test on Monday after receiving negative results from four tests and was likely to return to work at the Jus- Ourpuregoldingotnecklace tice Department this week, his spokeswoman said. Mr. Barr, who had attended an Aningot,aone-grambarof event at the White House on Sept. 26 linked to the outbreak, quaran- 24ktyellowgold,gleamsinsidethe tined himself over the weekend and was at home on Monday with 14ktyellowgoldframeofourrefined no symptoms, said the spokes- woman, Kerri Kupec. necklace.Subtleyetsophisticated,our She said that Mr. Barr would get tested on Tuesday and was likely authenticItalianbeautyisstampedwith to return to the office on Wednes- day. That would be before the end AL DRAGO FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES proofof99.99%purity!You'llcherish of the 14-day quarantine period Attorney General William P. Barr and Kellyanne Conway at the therichdesignforalifetime. recommended by the Centers for White House on Sept. 26. Ms. Conway has since tested positive. Disease Control and Prevention as well as Justice Department Monday. than 150 people attended; Mayor guidelines, but Ms. Kupec said the After Mr. Trump revealed early Muriel E. Bowser has stipulated attorney general was considered on Friday that he had tested pos- that no private gatherings should a critical worker exempt from the itive for the virus, Mr. Barr took a exceed 50 people and that attend- C.D.C. guidelines. rapid test each day and took an ad- ees must wear masks, particu- Ms. Kupec said Mr. Barr, 70, ditional diagnostic test called a larly in spaces where they cannot “routinely wears masks and takes PCR test, and made their results remain six feet apart. a variety of precautions” at the of- public. Through the weekend, his Attendees sat close together in fice. tests came back negative, Ms. Ku- chairs set up in the White House Some department employees pec said. Rose Garden as they listened to expressed anger at Mr. Barr’s de- Mr. Barr also decided to reduce speeches, and few wore masks. At cisions, saying that his leadership his schedule to one meeting on a reception inside the White example indicated that he did not Friday and to self-quarantine at House, guests were photographed take the threat of the virus seri- home over the weekend, she said. without masks, standing close to- ously, according to five employees Ms. Kupec said on Monday that gether to hug or talk. who would not be named dis- Mr. Barr had not had any contact Ms. Kupec did not comment on cussing Mr. Barr’s approach to the with Mr. Trump for nine days, why Mr. Barr did not comply with virus for fear of retribution. when both men attended a recep- the city guidelines for gatherings Asked about the criticism, Ms. tion at the White House for the while at the reception. Kupec said that as the nation’s president’s Supreme Court nomi- Mr. Barr has attended other chief federal law enforcement offi- gatherings over the past few cer, Mr. Barr was considered a nee, Judge Amy Coney Barrett. months where he has not worn a critical worker under the C.D.C. Several Republican leaders and mask, even when other law en- guidance. It says that essential others who attended the reception forcement agents have, including workers “may be permitted to have since learned they have the news conferences to announce vi- $399 continue work following potential virus, including Mr. Trump; the olent crime charges and to discuss exposure to Covid-19, provided first lady, Melania Trump; Sena- human trafficking and other ini- PlusFreeShipping tahdedyit iorenmala pinr ecaasuytmiopntso maraet iicm apnled- tToirllsis M oifk eN Loreteh oCf aUrtoalihn aa;n dJ oThhno mI. tiaMtivse. sK.upec said that Mr. Barr mented to protect them and the Jenkins, the president of the Uni- “occasionally does not” wear a 24ktYellowGoldIngotBarNecklacefromItaly community.” versity of Notre Dame; Chris mask “depending on the practica- 14ktyellowgoldframeand18"cablechain. maPsrke acat ualtli otinmse isn icnl uthdee wwoerakrpinlagc ea, CNherwis Jtieer, stehye; faonrdm Kere llgyoavnenren oCro nof- bpillei tyca onfn tohte hseitaura thioimn, ”w lihkeen i fh pee ois- Pendantis7⁄8"long.Springringclasp. spoecriaatlu rdei sctahnecciknsg , anredg ucloanrt inteumed- wpraeys,i dae nfto.rmer counselor to the spIena kainn gi.nterview with The New Alsoavailablein20"$419 testing. Mr. Barr was photographed York Times Magazine conducted “Even with this flexibility, out of standing in proximity to Ms. Con- in May, Mr. Barr made light of Shownlargerfordetail. an abundance of caution, he has way at the reception, during mask-wearing and told a reporter, remained home since Friday which neither person wore a “I’m not going to infect you.” Ross-SimonsItem#921297 oththe er mtheaent tino gg et atet stetdh ea ndJ autstetincde maAsckc.ording to the Justice De- HoMusr.e Bovaerrr twhee nwt eetok etnhde toW thaiktee Toreceivethisspecialoffer,useoffercode:ITALY120 Department on Friday morning,” partment’s coronavirus guidance, coronavirus tests. Kayleigh McE- Ms. Kupec said. “individuals ill with, or exposed to nany, the White House press sec- In President Trump’s own bat- individuals with Covid-19, should retary, said on Monday that she tle with the coronavirus, his oxy- self-quarantine for 14 days.” had tested positive for the virus; gen levels have dropped and he The event for Judge Barrett two of her subordinates tested IncollaborationwiththeItalianTradeAgency,theMinistryofForeign has taken experimental drugs and also seemed to have violated positive as well. Ms. Kupec said TTHHEEEEXXTTRRAAOORRDDIINNAARRYY AffairsandInternationalCooperationandConfindustria-Federorafi a steroid. He left Walter Reed Na- Washington’s guidance for gath- that Mr. Barr did not have contact IITTAALLIIAANNJJEEWWEELLRRYY tional Military Medical Center on erings during the pandemic. More with Ms. McEnany. THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 N A9 Tracking an Outbreak Washington CARING FOR THE PRESIDENT When a Patient Is Commander in Chief, the Answer Is Usually ‘Yes, Sir’ By JENNIFER STEINHAUER cut off and the other leg and then WASHINGTON — President an arm says, ‘It’s only a scratch.’” Trump’s excursion around Walter (“’Tis but a scratch,” Python buffs Reed National Military Medical will note.) Center on Sunday evening, his re- The net result of Mr. Trump’s peated requests to be discharged hospitalization has been wide- and his aggressive denial of the spread confusion among those seriousness of the coronavirus un- who may have been exposed by derscore the highly unusual and the president and others around precarious problem presented to him who have tested positive for his doctor: His patient is also his the virus, and a general sense that boss. his care is being coordinated less by medical professionals than the In the case of Dr. Sean P. Conley, West Wing. the White House physician and Navy doctor, the patient is both More unusual is Mr. Trump’s in- the boss and the commander in sistence on trying to resume nor- mal activities when he has a chief. Disobeying Mr. Trump’s highly contagious and notably vol- wishes could be seen as tanta- atile illness, one that is particu- mount to insubordination, among larly dangerous to men his age the military’s highest offenses. and weight. Mr. Trump, like many presi- “Having an infectious illness it- dents, chose a military doctor, self is not a reason to keep some- long considered the most conven- one in the hospital,” said Dr. Leana ient and most trusted steward of Wen, a former health commis- presidential health and closely sioner for the city of Baltimore. guarded medical information. “But if there is a suspicion that a Dr. Conley, who served as an patient will knowingly and pur- emergency doctor in the U.S. posefully endanger others, there Navy as a lieutenant commander, would need to be a discussion had said on Monday that while the about keeping that patient in the president was “not out of the hospital against his will.” woods,” he agreed with Mr. But most experts agreed that Trump’s decision to leave the mili- presidents have final say over tary’s health center in Bethesda, their care in a way that most pa- Md. tients in and out of the military do “The president has been a phe- not, and that those decisions end nomenal patient during his stay up reflecting on the doctors who here, and he’s been working hand speak about them in public. in glove with us and the team,” Dr. DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES “All of these decisions fall at the Conley said at a news conference President Trump “has never once pushed us to do anything,” Dr. Sean P. Conley, his physician, center, told reporters on Monday. feet of the president ultimately, at Walter Reed, in which he said and that is putting hospitals and Mr. Trump would be departing. doctors in a bad position,” said Da- “He has never once pushed us sion based on politics over medi- Trump’s team has been particu- of serious ailments at the end of health crisis, and his insistence on vid Lapan, a former official at the to do anything,” the doctor added. cine,” said Matthew Algeo, the au- larly ham-handed with their his life. Warren G. Harding had an leaving the hospital today only un- Homeland Security and Defense Even though it is common for thor of “The President Is a Sick clouding of his condition, Mr. Al- undisclosed heart issue. derscores his juvenile, self-inter- Departments and a retired Ma- those who serve in the military to Man” and other books about the geo said. “My impression is that F.D.R. ested behavior.” rine colonel. “When the doctors be treated by a medical profes- presidency. “And there is an inher- Abraham Lincoln was incubat- was probably in denial about how Forms of modern media, in par- come out and say things in news sional of lower rank, only the pres- ent conflict between politics and ing smallpox when he delivered dire his condition was,” said Susan ticular social media, make hiding conferences that are either seen ident holds the title of top boss medicine.” the Gettysburg Address, which Dunn, a professor of humanities at any illness or deterioration much as untrue or obfuscating, that re- and, in the case of Walter Reed, Mr. Algeo said the issue had so his aides later played down. Williams College and author of a more difficult than in previous flects poorly on the doctor and the technically has command over the hampered the public’s right to Woodrow Wilson had a stroke that book on the former president. “It generations. So Mr. Trump’s doc- military.” entire medical center. Like other know about a president’s condi- was covered up for four months was an election season for F.D.R., tor appears to have chosen an- Dr. Conley would not say on presidents, Mr. Trump appeared tion that a commission should be and greatly incapacitated him at too, when his health worsened so other route, obfuscating details Monday whether Mr. Trump was to pick a doctor who would main- established to re-evaluate how the the end of his second term. Grover dramatically. Perhaps Trump, like with vague timelines and impre- well advised to go to a fund-raiser tain the narrative of his health sta- occupant of the Oval Office re- Cleveland’s cancer surgery was F.D.R., is also in denial about the cise language. in New Jersey on Thursday night. tus. ceives care. hidden for nearly a quarter of a seriousness of his illness.” Mr. Algeo said, for instance, “I’m not going to get into opera- “Presidents make these deci- Mr. Trump is far from the first century. Franklin D. Roosevelt She said that Mr. Trump had that brushing off Mr. Trump’s use tions,” he said, demurring on the president to try to underplay a and his aides disguised his inabili- “behaved irresponsibly and with of oxygen “reminds me of the president’s assessment that the Sheryl Gay Stolberg contributed medical condition, and others ty to walk unaided, the result of willful ignorance about the grav- Monty Python skit in which one of coronavirus was nothing to fear. reporting. have gone further. It’s just that Mr. paralytic disease, as well as a host ity of the pandemic, a true public the knights who has one of his legs “I’m not going to get into that.” LINE OF FIRE MEDIA Question for Secret Service: Who Will Protect Them? As Virus Invades West Wing, Reporters Face Higher Risks By ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS and MICHAEL S. SCHMIDT WASHINGTON — For more By MICHAEL M. GRYNBAUM day. “This is just crazy.” than a century, Secret Service Visitors to the White House will White House officials said on agents have lived by a straightfor- notice a makeshift sign taped to Monday that they would provide ward ethos: They will take the the door of the James S. Brady rapid virus tests to reporters who president where he wants to go, Press Briefing Room, entry point had traveled with Mr. Trump over even if it means putting their bod- for the reportorial corps that regu- the past week. But the White ies in front of a bullet. larly covers President Trump and House asked that the reporters ar- But that guiding principle has his administration. “Masks Re- rive there at the same time for the been tested in recent days by quired Beyond This Point,” it tests, a condition that worried President Trump’s desire to get reads. “Please wear masks over some correspondents because of back to work, play or campaign- both your nose and mouth at all the prospect of a gathering of ex- ing, despite an active coronavirus times.” posed individuals. infection that could pose a serious The sign was not put up by the John Roberts, the Fox News threat to those around him. White House. The correspondents correspondent who briefly re- The problem came into focus on had to do it themselves. moved his mask during an on- Sunday, when a masked Mr. Throughout a pandemic that camera exchange with Ms. McE- Trump climbed into a hermeti- has now landed squarely in the nany at her Thursday briefing, cally sealed, armored Chevy Sub- West Wing, Trump officials — who said he was feeling healthy but urban with at least two Secret routinely shunned masks — de- was considering a virus test in Service agents — covered head to clined to institute thorough safety light of the press secretary’s an- toe in the same personal protec- protocols to protect the White nouncement. tive equipment used by doctors — House press corps, according to “I can’t say that I’m surprised at so the president could wave to a interviews with reporters who all,” Mr. Roberts said during a Fox group of supporters outside Wal- now face the prospect of a rapidly News segment on Monday, “be- ter Reed National Military Medi- escalating outbreak in their daily cause whatever infection and cal Center in Bethesda, Md. work space. mode of transmission that has Medical experts said the move President Trump, behind two Secret Service Agents, going to Walter Reed meDdOUiGc aMlIL cLSe/nTHtEe NrE FWr YiOdRaK yT.IMES Ho“uTshee g roonulyn dpsl awchee roen at mhea sWk hhiates seeraizlelyd gthone eW thhritoeu Hgho uthsea,t ibt uhialds ilnitg- recklessly put agents at risk. Se- been required is the White House like a scythe.” cvtpiraloaetnctea elSyl te opqr rpvuerieccosaetteu iocptitneo trenhsdseo nwdwnehietleall tibhlh feear rvop emau dt pt dhriiine-- pexoTtseehnded tso dtroirs itvkhe,”e- ibsrhy fe a mavdiidlsieeitds ., otno e tMhart. sHeocRmraeentladar nyBd eoef rSsteh, ceau rDiftoeyrp, maretarmc keanncotti wnolgf- dato Bloerea frsoatr ltelwy Moin mr .T euTmlrsubaem, rOpsk ohlfa et.hl, dein Sa Jenuc nrineet-, pwrJuorhelneosa hsth haaaavvrneee ba Kre,a oearunlnt, W idAn ehBtlhiyCtee ’s v H oiconohlluaiyest feep d Wse totahhpfiaftl,ee”t daatceeTcnseht sswe’s i AtaWhns shdtohi tsceeai a afetHditomoyn,u i,sns aweisi hdtCr iacionhtri oranen ess tgopavootetneir--- man they have pledged to protect. Trump’s supporters drove home edged that presidents were Service who were preparing for House correspondent, said in an ment that it would continue en- “It’s on everybody’s mind,” said that point, Ms. Napolitano said. obliged to convey “to the nation the event tested positive for the vi- interview. couraging remote work. W. Ralph Basham, a former direc- “There was nothing about his that things are on track.” rus. A planned trip by Vice Presi- Reporters who traveled with “We wish Kayleigh, the presi- tor of the Secret Service and the little motorcade yesterday that “But,” he added, “you’re still dent Mike Pence to Arizona in Mr. Trump over the past week dent and everyone else struggling commissioner of U.S. Customs was required or wise or neces- putting agents at risk if you’re not July was canceled after several learned that Hope Hicks, his ad- with the virus a swift recovery,” and Border Protection in the sary,” she said on Monday. “It was taking precautions.” members of his security detail viser, had tested positive only af- the group said. George W. Bush administration. a superfluous act.” The day after Mr. Trump’s ride, contracted the virus. ter reading press reports on But White House reporters are “The ones no longer there are Secret Service agents have al- Representative Bennie Thomp- The New York Times reported Thursday. Many had traveled also expected to keep close tabs happy they’re not there. These are ways needed to make last-minute son, Democrat of Mississippi and on Friday that the agency had sus- near Ms. Hicks, and had spent on a dramatic moment for the na- tough decisions to have to make.” adjustments based on the political the chairman of the House Home- tained an outbreak at its training time with family and friends in the tion and for Mr. Trump’s presiden- On Monday evening, Mr. Trump whims of presidents, said Michael land Security Committee, de- facility in rural Maryland in Au- days since. cy — work that is difficult to do again appeared intent on endan- Beschloss, a presidential histori- manded a briefing from the De- gust, after trainees were believed On Monday, Kayleigh McE- from a distance. Members of the gering the agents around him an. And the relationship between partment of Homeland Security to to have held a graduation dinner nany, the White House press sec- press corps also constitute the when he traveled by helicopter presidents and their protection learn more about the safeguards inside with social distancing. That retary, said she had tested pos- roving pool that closely tracks Mr. back to the White House after be- details has usually allowed for a in place for the agency’s employ- outbreak, in which at least 11 peo- itive for the virus. Two of her dep- Trump’s movements, providing ing discharged from the hospital. limited amount of debate. But in ees and specifically the protection ple tested positive, occurred de- uties, Chad Gilmartin and Karo- citizens with real-time informa- Central to the job of Secret Serv- the end, presidents have an appe- detail. spite the agency’s decision to line Leavitt, also tested positive. tion about their president. ice agents is a willingness to say tite for making public appear- “The height of reckless disre- shutter the facility to establish Last Thursday, Ms. McEnany Early in the pandemic, White yes to the president no matter ances before their supporters, al- gard for others was the presi- procedures to prevent transmis- stood maskless at her lectern in- House reporters took steps to what he asks. Now, that means lies and in some cases, adversar- dent’s joy ride yesterday, where sions. side the press room and con- minimize their exposure to the vi- subjecting an agent’s health to Mr. ies. And the president has final Secret Service agents were re- Asked about Mr. Trump’s ride ducted a briefing with more than a rus, reducing the number of corre- Trump’s whims. say. quired to drive him around in a on Sunday, Justine Whelan, a dozen reporters, hours before Mr. spondents who attended news Critics say the president is not “These are people that have vol- hermetically sealed vehicle,” Mr. spokeswoman for the Secret Serv- Trump’s positive test was re- briefings and requiring masks repaying his protectors’ dedica- unteered to give their lives for Thompson said. “Exposing Secret ice, said in a statement that the vealed. Over the weekend, she and social distancing in the tion with anything like care or theirs, and almost every president Service personnel to the virus agency “does not discuss our pro- again briefed reporters on the cramped warren of West Wing White House grounds without a workrooms assigned to the press. consideration. While agents have I can recall uses that privilege does not just put them at risk, it tectees or the specific means and mask. Zeke Miller of The Associated volunteered to sacrifice them- carefully and with great respect,” puts their families and the public methods regarding our protective At least three White House cor- Press, the president of the corre- selves for those they protect, they Mr. Beschloss said. at risk.” mission.” respondents have tested positive spondents’ association, has en- do so knowing that there is a low Mr. Trump responded to the As other law enforcement agen- The agency has not released a for the virus in recent days, in- couraged his anxious member- chance they will need to step in be- criticism on Monday by blaming cies have, the Secret Service has total number of confirmed corona- cluding a New York Times report- ship to stay vigilant. tween a gunman and the presi- the news media. also been forced to overcome a virus cases among its work force. er, Michael D. Shear. Other report- “For seven months, we have dent. “I got into a secure vehicle to string of daunting obstacles creat- “We are sort of in uncharted wa- ers with potential exposure are been cleareyed about the inherent “If they’re on the protection de- say thank you to the many fans ed by the pandemic. Mr. Trump ters here,” Mr. Basham said, add- being tested daily or self-quaran- risks in fulfilling our obligation to tail, they’ll take a bullet for their and supporters who were stand- and his Democratic opponent in ing, “At the end of the day, the job tining as a precaution. keeping the American public in- protectee,” said Janet Napolitano, ing outside of the hospital for the election, former Vice Presi- is what it is. You can’t do this on a “I felt safer reporting in North formed,” Mr. Miller wrote in a President Barack Obama’s first many hours, and even days, to pay dent Joseph R. Biden Jr., have con- Zoom call or a remote sort of Korea than I currently do report- memo on Friday. “Today those homeland security secretary. their respect to their President,” tinued to travel, and the nature of thing. These agents and officers ing at The White House,” a CBS risks are more evident than ever, “There’s a difference between he posted on Twitter. “If I didn’t do protection does not allow for so- have to be there with him, and News correspondent, Ben S. but our work is only growing more that and being unnecessarily ex- it, Media would say RUDE!!!” cial distancing. there’s no substitute for that.” Tracy, wrote on Twitter on Mon- vital.” A10 N THE NEW YORK TIMES, TUESDAY,OCTOBER6, 2020 K Tracking an Outbreak The 45th President RETURN TO WHITE HOUSE Trump Leaves Hospital and Minimizes Danger of Virus From Page A1 dominate your lives.” Mr. Trump’s statement was meant to cast his illness as an act of courage rather than the predict- able outcome of recklessness. He took no responsibility for repeat- edly ignoring public health guide- lines by holding campaign rallies and White House events without masks or social distancing, like ALEX EDELMAN/A.F.P. — GETTY IMAGES Far-right online commenters the Supreme Court announce- ment at the White House last saw signs of a speedy recovery. month that may have infected a wide array of his aides and allies. SENDING A MESSAGE The regret-nothing approach demonstrated that the president Irresponsible? intended no pivot in his handling of the pandemic despite his own medical crisis. The message, in ef- No, Supporters fect, was that Americans should live their lives and not worry Say: Car Ride about catching the virus because “we have the best medicines in the world,” never mind that he has Was a ‘Miracle’ had access to experimental treat- ment and high-quality health care not available to most people. By DAVEY ALBA The president’s dismissal of a President Trump’s decision to virus that in recent weeks has drive by well-wishers outside been killing another 700 people Walter Reed National Military each day in the United States set Medical Center on Sunday was off alarm bells among health spe- widely criticized by medical ex- cialists who worried that it would perts as irresponsible for unnec- send the wrong message to the essarily exposing Secret Service public. agents inside the vehicle to the vi- Kristin Urquiza, who addressed rus. the Democratic National Conven- OLIVER CONTRERAS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES “By taking a joy ride outside tion after her father died of the co- The president flew to the White House. Doctors said he had gone 72 hours without a fever, but they refused to discuss his lung scans. Walter Reed the president is plac- ronavirus, responded on Twitter ing his Secret Service detail at to the president’s admonishment on the South Lawn, the president entists: Support masks. Support a they could prevent that. Mr. he received his own initial positive grave risk,” tweeted Dr. Jonathan to Americans not to be afraid of climbed the steps to the balcony mask mandate nationwide.” Trump is eager to show that he is a result on a rapid test last Thurs- Reiner, professor of medicine and Covid-19, the disease caused by over the Diplomatic Entrance, He added, “I hope the presi- viable candidate for re-election, day shortly after returning from surgery at George Washington the coronavirus. “At this point the where four American flags had dent’s recovery is swift and suc- and advisers said he still planned Bedminster, N.J., he wanted it University. “This is the height of only thing we should be afraid of is been placed, took off his mask, cessful but our nation’s coronavi- to go ahead with the second de- kept quiet, according to people irresponsibility.” you,” she wrote. flashed two thumbs up and sa- rus crisis is far, far from over.” bate with Mr. Biden scheduled for close to him. Likewise, the two Yet many far-right commenters Mr. Trump pressured his doc- luted twice for the benefit of tele- Mr. Trump has long preferred to Oct. 15. members of the residential staff called it something else: a mir- tors to release him from Walter vision cameras on the ground be- project strength regardless of the While not as equipped as Walter who tested positive a few weeks acle. They said it was evidence Reed National Military Medical low. circumstances — what his disaf- Reed, the White House has a med- ago were advised by colleagues to that the president was overcom- Center in suburban Maryland, but He then entered the building fected niece, Mary L. Trump, a ical unit fully staffed by military “use discretion” in discussing it, ing his illness from the coronavi- it did not indicate that he had es- without immediately putting his clinical psychologist, has called doctors and assistants around the people familiar with the conversa- rus. caped jeopardy, only that he could mask back on even though staff “toxic positivity” — and may fear clock and capable of providing tions said. The Gateway Pundit, a website be treated at the White House, members were nearby and he that any concession to the virus care to the president. With private Mr. Trump’s upbeat mood could notorious for regularly spreading where he has 24-hour medical could still be contagious, accord- would validate widespread criti- examination rooms, a supply of be a product of his medication. care. Dr. Sean P. Conley, the White ing to medical studies of the virus medicine and a crash cart for Medical experts said patients on misinformation and falsehoods, cism of his handling of the pan- House physician, acknowledged timeline. At that point, he filmed emergency resuscitation, it has steroids like dexamethasone can published an article calling Mr. that the president “may not en- the video, which was quickly up- demic, which could be the defining been described by one former experience a sense of well-being Trump’s drive-by to greet fans a tirely be out of the woods yet,” loaded to Twitter. A separate vid- White House physician as “like a and euphoria, in which aches and “miracle in Maryland.” adding that it would be another eo, set to triumphal music, mini urgent-care center.” pains disappear for a time. The “I believe in miracles,” said an- week until doctors could feel con- showed Marine One’s return and Biden urges his rival The outbreak in the West Wing steroids can also disrupt sleep other tweet on Sunday afternoon, fident that he had passed the dan- his saluting pose, and was posted continued to spread on Monday as and, in some cases, may cause after Mr. Trump’s doctor said he ger point. online within an hour of his land- to back a nationwide Kayleigh McEnany, the White psychiatric effects, leading to feel- could return to the White House “We all remain cautiously opti- ing. House press secretary, and two of ings of grandiosity and mania. as early as Monday. “We are going mistic and on guard because we’re The president looked stronger mask mandate. her assistants tested positive for The effect of combining several to see another one in November!” in a bit of uncharted territory than he did on Friday when he was the virus, heightening fears that drugs is not well understood, es- Others reposted and repeated when it comes to a patient that re- first taken to the hospital, but he more cases were still to come. pecially because two of the treat- Mr. Trump’s own words in a video ceived the therapies he has so did appear to breathe heavily Ms. McEnany said she had ments administered to Mr. Trump he released on Saturday that his early in the course,” Dr. Conley once reaching the top of the White issue of the election on Nov. 3. tested negative several times, “in- — remdesivir and a monoclonal hospitalization and process of re- told reporters outside Walter House stairs. He has been taking Throughout the weekend, Mr. cluding every day since Thurs- antibody cocktail — are still ex- covery constituted a “miracle Reed. “So we’re looking to this steroids that are known to Trump told the small group of day,” but health experts said she perimental. Giving patients multi- from God coming down.” weekend. If we can get through to produce a feeling of energy, even aides with him as well as other ad- may have been infectious for days ple treatments at once can in- Alex Plitsas, the vice chairman Monday with him remaining the exhilaration, while suppressing visers and allies he spoke with by — including when she spoke crease the chance of harmful in- of the Fairfield Republican Town same or improving, better yet, pain or discomfort. telephone that he wanted to leave briefly to reporters without a teractions or reduce their effec- Committee in Connecticut and a then we will all take that final deep After largely laying off Twitter, Walter Reed. He felt trapped in the mask outside the White House on tiveness, doctors said. onetime contributor to the conser- sigh of relief.” his favorite form of communica- hospital, the type of setting he’s Sunday. Two more members of the Mr. Trump’s risk factors — he is vative news and opinion site The Doctors said the president had tion, for three days, Mr. Trump typically hates, and pushed to be press team, Karoline Leavitt and 74, male and overweight — mean Daily Caller, said the people criti- gone 72 hours without a fever and woke up Monday morning and be- released on Sunday, only to meet Chad Gilmartin, who is Ms. McE- that he should be closely watched cizing Mr. Trump’s trip past sup- had normal blood oxygen read- gan blasting out a string of mes- resistance from his doctors, ac- nany’s relative, also tested pos- for at least the first week of his in- porters on Sunday were hypocriti- ings after two earlier bouts of fall- sages in all capital letters in ma- cording to people familiar with the itive, according to two people fa- fection because some patients cal. He said that they advocated ing levels that led to him being chine gun fashion shortly after 6 discussions. Instead, the medical miliar with the diagnoses. quickly deteriorate several days wearing masks to stop the spread given supplemental oxygen. But a.m., amplifying campaign mes- team cleared him to take a brief The three joined a growing list into their illness. Dr. Céline of the virus, but that when Mr. they refused to discuss scans of sages like “LAW & ORDER. ride in his armored sport utility of people around the president Gounder, of N.Y.U. Grossman Trump wore one they said that the president’s lungs, which inde- VOTE!” and “SAVE OUR SEC- vehicle to wave at the crowd of who have tested positive, includ- School of Medicine, who has been was not enough to please them. pendent medical experts said OND AMENDMENT. VOTE!” By supporters outside the building. ing Melania Trump, the first lady; caring for coronavirus patients, could mean he has pneumonia, afternoon, he added, “Don’t be At the White House, which was Hope Hicks, a senior adviser; said Mr. Trump could rapidly de- The Centers for Disease Control and would not disclose when he afraid of Covid. Don’t let it domi- emptier than usual as staff mem- Nicholas F. Luna, the director of teriorate at the White House and and Prevention and the World had his last negative test. nate your life.” bers stayed away, some aides fret- Oval Office Operations; Bill require an emergency transfer Health Organization say face cov- Mr. Trump emerged from Wal- With the election 29 days away ted that Mr. Trump was being al- Stepien, the president’s campaign back to Walter Reed. “To me, it’s erings are a safeguard but not an ter Reed around 6:30 p.m. wear- and polls showing him trailing for- lowed to leave too soon, and by manager; Ronna McDaniel, the not safe,” she said. absolute guarantee of stopping ing a dark suit, a blue tie and a mer Vice President Joseph R. Bi- late Monday afternoon they had chairwoman of the Republican Dr. Abraar Karan of Brigham transmission — especially in a white face mask and boarded Ma- den Jr., the Democratic nominee, not been given guidance about National Committee; Kellyanne and Women’s Hospital and Har- small, sealed space like a vehicle rine One for the short flight back Mr. Trump appeared eager to be what to expect when he returned. Conway, the president’s former vard Medical School, said even if occupied by a person known to be to the White House. After landing back at the White House to dispel A preliminary plan called for con- counselor; former Gov. Chris he was feeling better, Mr. Trump infected, as was the case on Sun- any questions about his capacity. fining Mr. Trump to the White Christie of New Jersey, the presi- needed “extremely close monitor- day. Peter Baker reported from Wash- “I was glad to see the president House residence until he is no dent’s debate coach; and at least ing as these next few days are crit- Mr. Plitsas did not immediately ington, and Maggie Haberman speaking and recording videos longer contagious and keep him three White House reporters and ical.” The second week is often the respond to a request for comment. from New York. Reporting was over the weekend,” Mr. Biden said away from the West Wing. two members of the residence most worrisome, he said, “as we Greg Price, another contributor contributed by Katie Thomas from in a speech in Miami, wearing a But advisers said Mr. Trump staff. have seen that patients recover to The Daily Caller, said the Secret Chicago, and Katie Benner, Mi- mask. “Now that he’s busy tweet- wanted to demonstrate from the The culture of the White House briefly and then either continue Service agents accompanying Mr. chael Crowley and Eileen Sullivan ing campaign messages, I would Oval Office that he was back and under Mr. Trump is not to talk improving or have a more sudden Trump during the drive-by had al- from Washington. ask him to do this listen to the sci- healthy, and they were unsure if about the coronavirus tests. When and abrupt decline.” ways been at risk because they have been around the president during his bout of illness. “The point of my tweet was that MESSAGING the safety of the agents didn’t be- come a big story until President ‘Don’t Be Afraid of Covid’ Comment Has Public Health Experts Livid Trump did the drive by,” Mr. Price said in a direct message on Mon- day. By GINA KOLATA andRONI Dr. William Schaffner, an infec- put Secret Service officers inside under control, it would continue to day was “staffed 24/7.” Dr. James Phillips, an attending CARYN RABIN tious disease specialist at Vander- the vehicle at risk of contracting sicken people and hobble at- To patients who were not as for- physician at Walter Reed, said the Public health experts had bilt University Medical School, the virus, which can be airborne. tempts to reopen businesses and tunate as the president, his mes- specific situation of being in a hoped that President Trump, called the president’s message Mr. Trump’s tweet may lead schools. sage was distressing. Many, like sealed vehicle increased the chastened by his own infection “dangerous” because it encour- some people to believe that Covid “We understand the economic Jennifer English, who is still grap- agents’ risk. “Presidential SUV is with the coronavirus and the aged his followers to ignore basic is on the decline, when in reality, issues, we understand the conse- pling with the long-term effects of not only bulletproof, but hermeti- cases that have erupted among recommendations to keep them- it’s still largely uncontrolled in the quences of shutdown,” said Ra- an infection she contracted in cally sealed against chemical at- his staff, would act decisively to selves safe. United States, and numbers have jesh Gandhi, an infectious disease April, were unable to get medical tack,” he tweeted. He added that persuade his supporters that “It will lead to more casual be- been rising, experts said. Over the physician at Harvard Medical care when they needed it. the risk of Covid-19 transmission wearing masks and social distanc- havior, which will lead to more past week, there has been an aver- School and Massachusetts Gen- “It makes me irritated — he can was “as high as it gets outside of ing were essential to protecting transmission of the virus, which age of 43,586 new cases a day, a 6 eral Hospital. “But there has to be check himself in and has a team of medical procedures.” themselves and their loved ones. will lead to more illness, and more percent increase from two weeks a coordinated response so it does- 14 doctors; most of us couldn’t find The C.D.C. says cloth face cov- But instead, tweeting on Mon- illness will lead to more deaths,” earlier, and 720 deaths a day. n’t have to dominate our lives.” one doctor to listen to us,” said Ms. erings help prevent the person day from the military hospital Dr. Schaffner said. Experts pointed out that Mr. Trump, after being in the English, a 46-year-old mother of wearing the mask from spreading where he has been receiving Mr. Trump has often ignored the Covid-19 has “dominated” the hospital for three nights, said he three and restaurant manager Covid-19 to others, but it doesn’t state-of-the-art treatment for recommendations of public health lives of millions of Americans, was feeling better than he felt 20 from Oregon City, Ore., who called sthaey swperaeraidn go fa tmhea svkir fuusll.y T phree vdernivtes Cdoowvindp-1l9a,y tehde tphree dsiedaednlty ytehtr eaagta ionf epxlep eforrt sw, reeapreinagte mdlays mkso, cfkoirn egx paemo-- pptaaletri ntwigch uolf aohrralcyve eB blbaeyce knt a hhneidt wLviiartthuin sd.o e pvTeahose-- yhtheaaadtr afsec wcaeg osost. h tBeour ast shtuhaievte ep o, rifne tscrielduaedtnmint eghn aatnss tlehses .”president’s message “reck- angered some members of the Se- the virus. ple. death rate for Black Americans di- antibody cocktail that is still in Ms. English still has fatigue, cret Service, The Washington “Don’t be afraid of Covid,” he “I don’t wear masks like him,” agnosed with Covid-19 is more clinical trials and has not yet been bouts of nausea and vomiting, Post reported. wrote. “Don’t let it dominate your he said of the Democratic presi- than twice the rate for white authorized by the Food and Drug blurry vision and brain fog. She “Many of the statements that life.” dential candidate Joseph R. Biden Americans. Administration. used to run marathons. Now she are being pushed by Trump’s sup- Scientists, ethicists and doctors Jr. at a debate last week. “Every “When you speak to families in And unlike average Americans, gets short of breath when she porters have been debunked by were outraged by the president’s time you see him, he’s got a mask. those communities, I’m sure there many of whom were unable to get walks her dog around the block, medical experts, but at this time, comments about a disease that He could be speaking 200 feet will be a difference of opinion in tested for the virus or who got she said, and takes two naps a day. no one is being rational,” said has killed nearly 210,000 people in away from them, and he shows up regards to whether this is to be care in hospitals overwhelmed by “You’d think with him contract- Claire Wardle, executive director the United States. with the biggest mask I’ve ever thought of as insignificant,” said patients sick with Covid, Mr. ing it, he’d gain a little empathy, of First Draft, an organization that “I am struggling for words — seen.” Dr. Leon McDougle, president of Trump has had a full team of spe- and a little knowledge, but appar- fights online disinformation. this is crazy,” said Harald Schmidt, On Sunday, Mr. Trump left Wal- the National Medical Association. cialists devoted to his needs at the ently not,” Ms. English said. “He’s “These tweets and the online con- assistant professor of medical ter Reed National Military Medi- And while experts recognized Walter Reed medical center. His still downplaying it, and saying versation is not about science or ethics and health policy at the Uni- cal Center for a car ride to wave to the president’s desire for an eco- home, the White House, has a ‘don’t let it dominate your life.’ It expertise, it’s about emotions and versity of Pennsylvania. “It is just his supporters outside, an act that nomic recovery, they also warned medical unit that his physician, dominates my life. Every minute partisanship.” utterly irresponsible.” infectious disease experts said that until the country got the virus Dr. Sean P. Conley, said on Mon- of my life is dominated by it.”