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The New Western Australian Tiphiid Genus Dythynnus Kimsey (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Thynninae) PDF

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Preview The New Western Australian Tiphiid Genus Dythynnus Kimsey (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Thynninae)

HYM. RES. J. Vol. 10(]), 2001, pp. 76-80 The New Western Australian Tiphiid Genus Dythynmis Kimsey (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae: Thynninae) Lynn S. Kimsey Bohart Museum of Entomology, Department of Entomology, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 — Abstract. The new genus Dythynnus Kimsey is described from Western Australia based on the new species Solaris Kimsey and thermophilus Kimsey (type of genus). Northern and central Western Australia Dythynnus Kimsey, new genus are among the most poorly collected re- Male.—Body length 6-9 mm. Head: clyp- gions in Australia. A large number of eus narrowly truncate apically, truncation thynnine species from this area fail to fit round cornered and 1-2 midocellus di- into established genera. Although the pre- ameters across; antennal lobes small, cise relationships betu^een Dythynnus closely aligned and rounded, without Kimsey and other Australian thynnine ridge or carina, strongly elevated above genera remain unresolved, preliminary subantennal sclerite; frons with frontal phylogenetic analyses of these genera sug- line extending nearly to midocellus; la- gest that Dythynnus is at least a basal lin- brum small and apically bilobate; vertex eage of a clade containing genera related without red spot behind hindocellus;basal to Iswaroides Ashmead, as discussed by maxillary palpal segment with long, erect Kimsey (1999). This is based upon a num- setae; hypostomal plate extending to outer ber of male characteristics including the mandibular socket; occipital and hypos- laterally notched transverse pronotal cari- tomal carinae narrowly to broadly sepa- na (welt), the epipygium subapically with rated ventromedially; prementum asetose, a partial transverse carina, volsella U- longitudinally grooved laterally; stipes shaped in cross-section, gonobase narrow- with sparse marginal fringe, traversingsti- ly attached to gonocoxa, and slenderpenis pes at midpoint; flagellomere I 1.5-2X as valves. This genus also has the palpal long as broad; flagellomere II 2.5-3X as long as broad; flagellomeres without ty- brush seen in Chilothynnus Brown. loids or with single, often indistinct, sub- Specimens were obtained through ex- apical one. Mesosoma: pronotal disk ante- tensive collecting in Western Australia. rior margin marked by transverse swell- Both holotypes will be placed in the West- ing or broad ridge, without medial or sub- ern Australian Museum, Perth. Paratypes lateral indentations or notches; scrobal will be dispersed between the Australian sulcus shallow, extending less than half National Insect Collection, CSIRO, Can- way across mesopleuron; propodeum berra, ACT, the Bohart Museum of Ento- sloping obliquely from metanotum to pet- mology, University of California, Davis, iolar socket; forecoxa globular to flat, me- USA, and the Western Australian Muse- dially setose to asetose; legs unmodified um. The terms hypostomal plate and hy- except hindtrochanter produced posteri- postomal carina are used in the sense of orly into sharp apical angle or tooth. Mc- Bohart and Menkc (1976). tasoma: tergum about as broad as long. I — Volume 10, Number 1, 2001 71 gently convex subapically, sternum I me- gium, and arcuate stipal fringe will im- dially convex; terga I-VI and sterna II-V mediately separate Dythynnus from Chilo- each with subapical transverse sulcus; ter- thynnus. ga I-V each with subspiracular sulcus; epi- pygium with thin subapical transverse ca- Dythynnus Solaris Kimsey, new species rina or none, with thin to broad apical (Figs. 1, 3-7, 12) — transparent rim; hypopygium narrowly Male. Body length 6-7 mm. Head (Fig. triangular with transparent lateral edge. 1): facial punctation contiguous to 1 punc- Genital capsule (as in Figs. 3-5, 8-10): gon- ture diameter apart, punctures becoming ocoxa dorsoapically lobate; gonobase nar- larger on frons; vertex with punctures be- rowly attached to gonocoxa in lateral hind ocelli 1-2 puncture diameters apart; view; paramere apically bilobate or trun- clypeal apex 0.2 X greatest width of clyp- cate; aedeagus with long apical loop; vol- eus; clypeus greatest width 2.6X length; sella large, U-shaped in cross section, with face 1.2X as long as greatest width above slender inner and outer lobes (as in Figs. antennal sockets; midocellus 4.2 midocel- 6, 11); penis valves slender apically. Color: lus diameters from nearest eye margin; black, strongly marked with yellow, or- flagellomere I 1.7X as long as broad; fla- ange and red. gellomere II twice as long as broad; fla- — Female. Unkn—own. gellomere III 2.5X as long as broad. Me- Typ^e species. Dythynnus theniiophilus sosoma: pronotal and scutal punctures 1-2 Kimsey, new species. puncture diameters apart; scutellar punc- — Etymology. The generic name is a non- tures 2-4 puncture diameters apart; me- sense combination of letters added to the tanotum nearly impunctate; propodeal commonly used suffix in this tribe punctures nearly obscured by dense, fine, "thynnus". The name is assumed to be transverse ridges, smooth and impunctate masculine. — anteriorly; mesopleural punctures 0.5-1 Included species. Dythynnus Solaris Kim- puncture diameter apart; propleuron con- sey, new species and Dythynnus tJiermo- vex and setose; forecoxa convex, covered philus Kimsey, new species. with long setae, setae becoming densest in — Distribution. This genus is known from medial patch; Metasoma: terga and sterna two regions in Western Australia, the Stir- highly polished, punctures small and shal- ling Range (Solaris) and 100-1- km north of low, 2-4 puncture diameters apart; epi- Northampton {thermophilus), in the sum- pygium subapically narrowed with broad mer months —of December and January. transparent rim; hypopygium (Fig. 12). Discussion. Dythynnus species can be Genital capsule (Figs. 3-5): paramere broad immediately separated from other Austra- and apically truncate in lateral view, apex lian genera by the sparse, arcuate stipal bending toward midline, dorsally densely fringe, occipital and hypostomal carinae setose; gonocoxa dorsally broadly bilo- broadly separated, flagellomeres without bate, dorsal surface depressed sublateral- or with only a single tyloid, laterally ly; volsella with slender digitate innerlobe notched pronotal welt, epipygium with and broader, acute outer lobe (Fig. 6). Col- broad, polished and impunctate apicome- or: head black, with whitish band along dial area, and basal maxillary palpal seg- eye margin and becoming reddish behind ments with erect brush-like setae. The vertex; clypeus and mandible whitish; brushy palpal segments are similar to frons with short whitish band above each those seen in Chilothynnus Brown. How- antennal socket; occiput and hypostoma ever, the closely aligned antennal sockets black; pronotum black, with transverse (about 1 midocellus diameter apart), elon- anterior and posterior whitish bands; scu- gate and narrowly triangular hypopy- tum and scutellum black, with whitish 78 JOURNAI. OF HYMENOPTERA RESEARCH thermophilus thermophilus thermophilus 13. thermophilus Figs. 1-13. D\/tlnpiini> species. 1, 2, FrDiit view of male Kice, left antenna not shown. 3, 8, Dorsal view of genital capsule. 4, 9, Lateral view of genital capsule. 5, 10, Ventral view of genital capsule, with gonobase removed. 6, 11, Ventral view of volsella. 7, Ventral view of male head, with occipital region not shown. 12, 13, Dorsal view of metasomal segment VII, tergum and sternum. Volume 10, Number 1, 2001 79 medial and lateral spots; metanotum clypeal apex 0.2X greatest width of clyp- black, with whitish medial spot; propo- eus; clypeus greatest width 2.6X length; deum black; mesopleuron black, with face 1.3-1.4X as long as greatest width whitish comma-shaped anterior and above antennal sockets; midocellus 2.8 mi- rounded posterior spots; propleuron docellus diameters from nearest eye mar- black; forecoxa black, with large medial gin; flagellomere I 2.2X as long as broad; whitish spot and interior black spot (cor- flagellomere II 3X as long as broad; fla- responding with tuft of long setae); fore- gellomere III 3.2-3.5X as long as broad. legs red; mid and hindlegs, coxae black Mesosomn: pronotum, scutum and scutel- becoming whitish dorsally, trochanters lum highly polished, punctures 4-8 punc- brown, femora red, tibiae red ventrally, ture diameters apart, becoming denserlat- brown dorsally, tarsi brown; metasomal erally; metanotumnearly impunctate; pro- tergum II black, with pale lateral spot; ter- podeum impunctate medially, punctures ga III-Vl reddish brown, becoming darker 1-2 puncture diameters apart laterally; posteriorly, with pale whitish lateral spot; mesopleuron highly polished, punctures terga VII-VIII dark brown to black; ster- 2-4 puncture diameters apart; propleuron num II black; sterna III-VII red; sternum convex and evenly setose; forecoxa slight- VIII dark brown; wing veins brown, be- ly flattened and nearly asetose in most coming pale basally; wing membrane un- specimens. Metasoma: tergal punctures tinted. tiny and obscure, 1^ puncture diameters — Type viaierial. Holotype 6: 7 km n Stir- apart anteriorly, markedly larger and ling Range, 34°19'S 118°11"E, 23-25 Dec. denser on tergum VII; sternal punctures 1994, L. S. & R. B. Kimsey, ex Eucalyptus 1-4 puncture diameters apart; epipygium flowers, field No. WA122401 (PERTH). with thin, transverse, subapical carina, Paratypes: 1 6 : same data as holotype; 1 and narrow, transparent apical rim; hy- 6 : 24 Dec. 1994; 1 6 : 23-26 Dec. 1994; 3 popygium (Fig. 13). Genital capsule (Figs. 6 24-26 Dec. 1994, field No. WA122305 8-10): paramere strongly bilobate, with : (CANBERRA, DAVIS, PERTH). acute dorsal lobe and elongate digitate Etymology.—The species name means ventral one, nearly asetose; gonocoxal dor- "of the sun", Latin, masculine; it refers to sal lobes broadly rounded, overall appear- the intense summer conditions when the ing shallowly bilobate dorsomedially; vol- males fly. — sella with long digitate outer lobe and Discussion. Dythynnus Solaris can be much shorter, acute inner lobe (Fig. 11). distinguished from thermophilus by the Color: Head yellow, except frons midline apically truncate parameres, flagellomere brown to black in some specimens, and I less than twice as long as broad, pale, black line extending dorsally above anten- whitish markings, and entirely black pro- nal sockets connecting with line forming podeum. box around ocelli; some specimens with brown line extending from posterior eye Dythynnus themiophihis Kimsey, new margin and across vertex behind ocelli; species occiput black; pronotum yellow except (Figs. 2, 8-11, 13) transverse medial stripe and anterior face; — Male. Body length 6-9 mm. Head (Fig. scutum black, with large tridentate medial 2): face highly polished; subantennal scler- spot and yellow laterally; scutellum yel- ite impunctate; clypeal punctures 3-5 low, with black anterior margin connected puncture diameters apart; area between to sublateral black band; metanotum yel- antennal socket and eye nearly impunc- low medially and anteriorly, black later- tate; frons and vertex highly polished, ally; propodeum black, with broadly tri- punctures 2-8 puncture diameters apart; angular yellow medial spot and large 80 Journal of Hymenoptera Research comma-shaped lateral yellow spot; pro- tus flowers, field No. WA010905 (PERTH). pleuron black, with large yellow medial Paratypes: 19 6: same data as holotype; 9 spot; coxae yellow, with black base; mid 6: 120 km n Northampton, 27°25'S and forelegs yellow and red, with apical 114°40'E, R. B. & L. S. Kimsey, ex Eucalyp- tarsomeres brown (tibiae and femora may tus flowers, field No. WA010904 (CAN- be entirely yellow, and foretarsi yellow in BERRA, DAVI—S, PERTH). some specimens); hindfemur red, yellow Etymology. The name, "therme", "phi- laterally, hindtibia red, hindtarsomeres lus", means heat-loving, Greek, masculine; brown; mesopleuron black, with most or it refers to the hot summer conditions en- all of lateral surface yellow, scrobal sulcus countered when the specimens were col- marked by black and brown in some spec- lected. — imens; metasomal tergum II black basally, Discussion. This species can be readily yellow submedially and red posteriorly; distinguished from Solaris by the strikingly terga III-VI each red becoming brown bilobate parameres, much longer first fla- gellomere and bright yellow markings, posteriorly, each with large yellow lateral particularly the yellow medial propodeal spot or complete yellow band; metasomal spot. sterna red, except sternum VIII dark red to black; wing veins pale brown, becom- LITERATURE CITED ing paler basally; wing membrane untint- Bohart, R. M. and A. S. Menke. 1976. Sphccid ivaspsof ed. the world. University of California Press, Berke- Ti/pe ninterial.—Holotype 6: 115 km n Kimsleeyy,, iLx. +S.6199599p.p.What is the real Iswaroidcs? Pro- Northampton, 9 Jan. 1995, 27°27'S ceedings of the Wiishiiigtoji E)itoiiiologicid society 114°41'E, R. B. & L. S. Kimsey, ex Eucalyp- 101:503-513.

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