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THE NEW WAY THINGS WORK -- ---- THE WAY ) THINGS W O R K DAVID MACAULAY WITH NEIL ARDLEY DORLING KINDERSLEY London • New York • Moscow • Sydney A DORLINC. KINDER!:>LL Y BOOK Project Editor DaVld Burme Designer Peter LuH Revised Edition Senior Editor Sue Leonard An Editor Cath) Chesson Produc1ion Kate Oliver First published m Great Bntam m 1988 by Dorlmg Kmdersle} Ltm!led. London 9 Hcnricua Street, London WC21.: 8PS Rcpnnted 1989, 1990 (twtce), 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996. 1997 ReVIsed Edlllon 1998 Compilation copyright© 1988. 1998 Dorhng Kindersh::y Limited, London lllust ration copynght © 1988, l 998 Davtd Mucaulay Text copyright © 1988. 1998 Davtd MacHulay, Neil Ardle}' Originally pubhshed as ntr Way Th111gs Worl1 Visit us on the World Wtde Web at hup://www.dk.com All nghts reserved. No pan of tlus pubbcuuon may be reproduced, stored m a retneval system, or transmmed in any fom1 or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying. recording or otherwise, without the pnor wrmcn pcrmtSston of the copynght owner A CIP catalo&rue record [or thtS book tS available from the Bnll!>h Library ISBN 0 751156411 Colour reproduction by Colour..can, Smgaporc Pnnted m Spam by Anes Graftc:~s Toledo. SA D.L. TO: 1033-1998 CONTENTS PART l THE MECHANICS OF MOVEMENT 6 PART2 HARNESSING THE ELEMENTS 90 PART3 WORKING WITH 174 WAVES PART4 & ELECTRICITY 254 AUTOMATION PARTS THE DIGITAL DOMAIN 310 - - - - - - EUREKA! THE INVENTION OF 3 74 MACHINES TECHNICAL TERMS 390 INDEX 396 WORK EARLY~ - - -ON- - - THE4RQTATJQN OF4THJE~EARTH PART l THE MECHANICS OF MOVEMENT INTRODUCTION 8 THE INCLINED PLANE 10 LEVERS 18 THE WHEEL & AxLE 30 GEARS & BELTS 36 CAMS & CRANKS 48 PULLEYS 54 SCREWS 62 ROTATING WHEELS 70 SPRINGS 78 FRICTION 82 THE MECHANlCS OF MOVEMENT INTRODUCTION To MY MACIIINE, work is a mauer of princtple, because everything a machine does is in accordance wtlh a set of principles or sctenufic laws. To see the way a machine works, you can take the covers off and look inside. But to understand what goes on, you need to get to know the pnnctples that govern Its actions. The machmes m thts and the following parts of The New Way Things Work are therefore grouped by their principles rather than by their uses. This produces some interesting neighbours the plough rubs shoulders whh the zipper, for example, and Lhe hydroelectric power station wtth the dentists drill. They may look different, be vastly dillerem in scale, and have different purposes, but when seen in terms of principles, they work in the same way MACHINERY IN MOTION Mechanical machines work with parts that move. These pans include levers, gears, belts, wheels, cams, cranks, and springs, and they are often interconnected in complex linkages, some large enough to move mountains and others almost mvlSible. Their movement can be so fast that It d1sappears in a blur of spinnmg axles and whtrlmg gears, or tt can be so slow that nothing seems to be moving at all. But whatever the1r nature, all machines that use mecharucal pans are built with the same smgle atm. to ensure that exactly Lhe nght amount of force produces just the right amount of movement prectsely where it lS needed. MOVEMENT AND FORCE Many mechamcal machmes exist to conven one form of movement mto another. This movement may be in a straight line (in which case It ts often backward~and~forward, as in the shuttlmg of a ptston-rod) or It may be m a ctrcle. Many machines convert linear movement into circular or rotary movement and vice-versa, often because the power source dnvmg the machine moves in one way and the machme in another. But whether direction is altered or not, the mechanical parts move to change the force applied into one- either larger or smaller- that is appropriate for the task to be tackled. Mechanical machines all deal Wllh forces. In one way Lhey are just like people when it comes to getting them on the move: it always takes some effort. Movement does not simply occur of its own accord, even when you drop something. It needs a driving force - the push of a motor, the pull of muscle or gravity, for example. ln a machine, this driving force must then be conveyed to the right place in the right amount.When you squeeze and twist the handles of a can opener, the blade cuts easily through the lid of the can. This device makes light work of something that would otherwise be impossible. It does th1s not by g1vmg you strength that you do not have, but by convening the force that your wrist produces into the most useful form for the job- in this case, by increasing it - and applymg 1t where n ts needed. INTRODUCTION HOLDlNG MATTER TOGETHER Every object on Earth is held together and in place by three bas1c kinds of force; virtually all machmes make t15e of only two of them. The first kind of force 15 graVIty, whtch pulls any two pieces of maner together. Gravity may seem to be a very strong force, but in fact it is by far the weakest of the three. Its effects are noticeable only because it depends on the masses of the two pieces of matter involved, and because one of these pieces of mauer the whole Earth - is enormous. The second force is the electrical force that exists between atoms. This is responstble for electricity, a subject explored m Part 4 of the book. Electrical force binds the atoms that make up all matcnals, and it holds them wgether with tremendous strength. Movement in machines is transmitted-unless the parts break-only because the atoms and molecules (groups of atoms) in these pans are held together by electrical force. So all mechanical machines use Lhis force indirectly. In additton, some machmes, such as springs and friction devices, use it directly, both to produce movemem and to prcvem it. The third and strongest force is the nuclear force that binds particles in the nuclei of atoms. This force is released only by machines that produce nuclear power. THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY Underlying the actions of all machines 15 one principle which encompasses all the olhers - the conservation of energy. This is not about savtng energy. but aboUL what happens to energy when it is used. It holds that you can only get as much energy out of a machine as you put into it in the ftrst place - no more and no less. As a motor or muscles move to supply force to a machine, they give it energy; more force or more movement provides more energy. Movement is a form of energy called kmeuc energy. ll is produced by convemng other fom15 of energy. such as the potential energ) stored m a spring, the heat in a petrol engme, the electric energy in an electric motor, or the chem1cal energy in muscles. When a machine transmus force and applies it, it can only expend the same amount of energy as that put into It to get things moving. Lf the force the machine apphes IS to be greater, then the movement produced must be correspondingly smaller, and vice-versa. Overall. the total energy always rema1ns the same. The principle of conservation of energy governs all actions. Springs may store energy, and friction will convert energy to heat, but when everything is taken into account, no energy is created and none destroyed. lf the principle of conservation of energy were to vanish, then nothing would work. If energy were destroyed as machines worked, then, no matter how powerful they might be, they would all slow down and stop. And if the workings of machines created energy, then all machines would get faster and faster in an energy build-up of titanic proportions. Either way, the world would end - wlth a whimper m one case and a bang in the other. But the principle of conservation of energy ..Iii:. holds good and all machines obey. Or nearly all. Nuclear machines are an exception .. - but that is a swry for the second pan of this book. ~-- .-. L---------------------------- - - r~ ~ THE MECHANICS OF MOVEMENT THE INCLINED PLANE ON CAPWRING A MAMMOTH I n the spring of that year, I was invited to the land of the much sought-after woolly mammoth, a land dotted by the now familiar high wooden towm of the mammoth captors. In ancient times the mammoth had been hunted simply for its meat. But its subsequent usefulness in industry and growing popularity as a pet had brought about the development of a more sophisticated and less tenninal means of apprehension. Each unsuspecting beast was lured to the base of a tower from which a boulder of reasonable dimensions was then dropped from a humanitarian height onto its thick skull. Once ~nedra mammoth could easily be lead to the p,addock whlre an ice pack and fresh swamp grass would quickly<(Vercome hurt feelings and innate distrust lliE PRINCIPLE OF 1l-IE INCLINED PLANE distance is greatest The work you do is the same in either The laws of physics decree that raising an object, such as a case, and equals the effort (the force you exert) multiplied mammoth-stunning boulder, to a particular height requires by the distance over which you maintain the effort. a certain amount of work. Those same laws also decree that So what you gain in effort, you pay in distance. This is a no way can ever be found to reduce that amount The ramp basic rule that is obeyed by many mechanical devices, and it makes life easier not by altering the amount of work that is is tl1e reason why the ramp works: it reduces the effort needed needed, but by altering the way in which the work is done. to raise an object by increasing the distance that it moves. Work has two aspects to it: the effort that you put in, and The ramp is an example of an inclined plane. The the distance over which you maintain the effort. lf the principle behind the inclined plane was made use of in effort increases, the distance must decrease, and vice versa. ancient times. Ramps enabled the Egyptians to build their This is easiest m understand by looking at two extremes. pyramids and temples. Since then, the inclined plane has Climbing a hill by the steepest route requires the most effort, been put to work in a whole host of devices from locks and but the distance that you have to cover is shortest. Climbing cutters to ploughs and zippers, as well as in all the many up the gentlest slope requires the least effort, but the machines that make use of the screw. [10}

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