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This article was downloaded by: [University of Leeds] On: 24 September 2012, At: 02:10 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ccit20 The new urban enclosures Stuart Hodkinson Version of record first published: 24 Sep 2012. To cite this article: Stuart Hodkinson (2012): The new urban enclosures, City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action, 16:5, 500-518 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13604813.2012.709403 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: http://www.tandfonline.com/page/terms-and- conditions This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material. CITY, VOL. 16, NO. 5, OCTOBER 2012 The new urban enclosures Stuart Hodkinson The ongoing crisis of global capitalism has served only to intensify the past four decades of neoliberal restructuring of cities across the world. In this paper I critically reflect on a lit- erary aspect of the neoliberalising city academic discourse that is too often left untheorised or underplayed—the prevalence of contemporary urban enclosure. My aim is twofold: to synthesise theories of old and new enclosure with more familiar understandings of neolib- eral urban processes; and to then apply this framework to the British housing experience of the past four decades. In doing so, I argue that enclosure is not only a metaphor for con- temporary urban policy and processes but also provides an explanation for what is taking place. The paper concludes with some brief thoughts on how today’s ‘urban commoners’ might contest the new urban enclosures by finding common cause around visions and prac- tices of a ‘new urban commons’. Key words: neoliberal restructuring, housing, urban policy, urban commons Introduction means of production and propelling over time a mass landless proletariat into the ver the past 40 years, capitalist swelling ranks of the industrialising and cities across the world have been urbanising centres so brilliantly captured Oradically restructured along neo- by Marx’s theory of primitive accumu- liberal lines. Our understandings of this lation in Capital: Vol. 1 (1990 [1864]). process have been assisted by insightful Seen through this lens, the old enclosures theorisations of ‘neoliberal urbanism’ that that privatised property and proletarianised capture the specific mechanisms through people in the Global North are very much which city space is continuously reorgan- alive today in those hitherto non-capitalist ised and re-regulated in the interests of agrarian geographies and communal enclaves global (finance) capital (Brenner and Theo- of the Global South where the rate of urbanis- dore, 2002b; Harvey, 1989; Smith,1996; ation continues to astound and alarm (Davis, Leitner et al., 2007). In this paper, 2006). As millions are forced off the land and however, I want to bring to the fore and into these swelling urban centres, new urban critically reflect on a literary aspect of the enclosures are also emerging in the shape of neoliberalising city academic discourse gated communities where whole neighbour- that is too often left untheorised or under- hoods are physically fenced off or walled played—the prevalence of urban enclosure. and flows of people in and out are highly con- Connecting enclosure to the city is, of trolled and selective, driven in part by the course, common sense in historical terms. ‘fear’ of, and the need to exclude, segregate Enclosure was and remains, in many and control the criminalised poor (Landman, respects, the midwife of the capitalist city, 2006). But what is striking about urban life wresting the peasant producer from the in the apparently post-enclosed spaces of the ISSN 1360-4813 print/ISSN 1470-3629 online/12/050500–19 # 2012 Taylor & Francis http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13604813.2012.709403 oD wnloeda nU[ yb d evi rso yti eL f esd eS 42 01:20 ta ] etp ebm r 2102 HODKINSON: THE NEW URBAN ENCLOSURES 501 GlobalNorth governed by normalised capital- to have gone through the spatial violence of ist social relations is that these neighbourhood primitive accumulation marks a significant enclosures are not only also rife, they are shift in our understandings of global trans- synonymous with neoliberal restructuring of formations integral to contemporary capital- city space. We tend to associate the explosion ism. And yet, urban enclosure continues to of gated and securitised zones—residential, evade in-depth theorisation and empirical office, retail and recreational—with the USA analysis in its own right. In particular, as (Blakely and Snyder, 1997; Low, 2006), but Vasudevan et al. (2008, p. 1642) argue, we they are on the rise across most of the so- lack ‘spatial histories of neoliberalism that called developed countries (Webster et al., take due consideration of the broader poli- 2002). In Seeking Spatial Justice (see City Vol tico-economic canvas’ and specifically 14 Issue 6 and Vol 15 Issue 1–2 for recent explore the ‘complex figurations through debates), Ed Soja argues that while the enclo- which enclosure and neoliberalism are inter- sure of public and private space is nothing twined’. Too much, meanwhile, remains too new, its form and proliferation under neoli- abstract: beralism are: ‘The material “facts” of dispossession are as important as their meanings—and they must ‘Not only are residences becoming be understood together in terms of multiple increasingly gated, guarded and wrapped in historical/geographical determinations, advanced security, surveillance, and alarm connections, and articulations.’ (Hart, 2006, systems, so too are many other activities, land pp. 983–984) uses, and everyday objects in the urban environment, from shopping malls and In this paper, I want to contribute to the libraries to razor-wire protected refuse bins process of redressing the theoretical and and spiked park benches to stave off empirical lacunae of contemporary urban incursions of the homeless and hungry. enclosure by reflecting on its nature, mech- Microtechnologies of social and spatial control infest everyday life and pile up to anics and implications with reference to neo- produce a tightly meshed and prisonlike liberal housing and urban policy in Britain. geography punctuated by protective My aim is twofold: to synthesise theories of enclosures and overseen by ubiquitous old and new enclosure with more familiar watchful eyes.’ (2010, pp. 42–43) understandings of neoliberal urban processes; and to then apply this framework to the Explanations of this phenomenon vary. For British housing experience of the past four some, urban enclosure is a response to the decades. I try to show that enclosure is not fear of threatening ‘others’ in ever-polarised only a metaphor for contemporary urban cities (Minton, 2009; Soja, 2010); for others, policy and processes but also provides an it is the inevitable securing of private prop- explanation for what is taking place. The erty rights to scarce resources in market paper concludes with some brief thoughts on economies so as to exclude potential free- how today’s ‘urban commoners’ might riders (Lee and Webster, 2006). For neo- contest the new urban enclosures by finding Marxists like David Harvey, urban enclosure common cause around visions and practices is one form of a much wider and historic of a ‘new urban commons’. process of ‘accumulation by dispossession’ in which the privatisation and dispossession Primitive accumulation on the land: the old of resources has moved to the forefront of enclosures capitalist growth strategies (Harvey, 2003). As Glassman (2006) argues, the notion that Following Marx, the classical story of enclo- acts of enclosure are somehow returning or sure and primitive accumulation is arguably found in England. Before enclosure came, are recurrent in spaces previously considered Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 502 CITY VOL. 16, NO. 5 land ownership was personally claimed for all the landowners in a parish; by special the ruling monarch and parcelled up and dis- Royal licence; by outright purchase by one tributed to the nobility in return for military owner of all common rights; by ‘various 1 service in common with much of Western forms of force and fraud’ (Slater, 1907, Europe (see Anderson, 1974). Shoring up p. 6); and, once Crown opposition had sub- the bottom of this feudal hierarchy was the sided, by the state itself under act of parlia- manorial lord who oversaw and lived off a ment, either by a private act or under the local system of open field strip farming invol- authority of the General Enclosure Acts of ving land-owning yeomen, tenant farmers 1830, 1836 and 1845 and its amending Acts, and, until the 15th century, serfs whose that provided enclosers with the legal labour was directly exploited by the lord. powers to enclose the commons while out- Underpinning the feudal village economy, lawing all opposition and rebellion as punish- however, was common right—customary pri- able by jail and even the death penalty (see vileges enjoyed by village landowners, their Hollowell, 2000; Marx, 1990 [1864]; tenants and certain cottagers that included Mingay, 1997; Slater, 1907). By 1760, the grazing livestock on fallow and harvested vast majority of England’s land had been land and the village commons, which had enclosed without the need for Parliamentary been enshrined in English law by the Magna sanction (Wordie, 1983). Whenever, wher- Carta of 1215 (Neeson, 1996 [1993]). For ever and however it came, the advent of the landless, meanwhile, whether labourers, enclosure always brought: artisans, small tradesman, the unfortunate, ‘. . . the extinction of common rights which immigrants or squatters (Ward, 2002), survi- people held over the farm lands and commons val came through a more precarious form of of the parish, the abolition of the scattered what Linebaugh (2008) calls ‘commoning’ holdings in the open fields and a re-allocation through accumulated traditional rights or of holdings in compact blocks, accompanied outright trespass on wastelands and forests, usually by the physical separation of the for free fodder, fuel, building materials, newly created fields and closes by the erection berries and herbs. Many historians believe of fences, hedges or stone walls. Thereafter, that entire village populations were economi- the lands so enclosed were held “in severalty”, cally supported in some way or other through that is, they were reserved for the sole use of the rights and customs of the commons (Per- the individual owners or their tenants.’ elman, 2000; Slater, 2005 [1907]). (Mingay, 1997, p. 7) The nobility’s right to enclose wasteland The motives of enclosers varied, but the under certain conditions can be traced to desire to privatise the riches of the soil was the Ancient Statute of Merton (1235), but it omnipresent. By creating geographically con- was in the mid-15th century that manorial centrated and enlarged farms, producers lords and ecclesiastical landowners first could profit from the rising prices of agricul- began making concerted efforts to evict cot- tural goods, convert land for different uses tagers and depopulate villages (Hollowell, (e.g. from arable to pasture) when demand 2000). Enclosure took place in myriad ways and supply dictated or mine the huge seams and evolved through time: by ‘piecemeal’ of coal and iron ore for expanding industry arrangements where landowners agreed to (Mingay, 1997; Theobald and Rochon, take small pieces of land out of the open 2006). Unsurprisingly, enclosure overwhel- fields or commons for their own exclusive mingly benefited the local minority of rich use; by the Lord of the Manor collecting all landowners and larger tenant farmers at enor- the tenancies into his own hands, not mous cost to the rural majority. A key factor issuing new ones, or straightforward evic- was the financial bill of enclosure comprised tions; by encroachment or squatting; by of various legal, consultancy and agreement based on the common consent of Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 HODKINSON: THE NEW URBAN ENCLOSURES 503 parliamentary fees, and the costs of new the producer from the means of production. It roads, bridges, drainage and, above all, the appears as primitive, because it forms the pre- historic stage of capital and of the mode of fences to line the new land holdings. The production corresponding with it.’ (Marx, smaller, poorer landowners, particularly 1990 [1864], pp. 874–875) those who had relied on the commons and whose land holding was reduced through Primitive accumulation established the con- enclosure, were simply forced to sell part or ditions for capital accumulation through sim- all of their holding. Significantly, the com- ultaneously transforming the social means of monable meadows and wastes worth cultivat- (re)production into private property and ing were also divided up and privatised enforcing proletarianisation (i.e. making primarily among the existing owners. For people dependent on wage labour to literally the rest of the population, there was no survive); enclosure’s role was essential as the recompense, only dispossession and desola- physical–legal process that smashed the pro- tion, as peasants were cleared from the land, tective shield of common right that pre- their homes and villages demolished, to viously protected the peasantry from total make way for private farming or develop- wage dependence. Marx’s second critical con- ment. Local unemployment rose and wages tribution was to draw out the necessary fell; in the words of Gilbert Slater (2005 extra-economic forces behind this physical [1907], p. 2), it marked ‘the extinction of the process of divorce to which he referred ironi- village community’. cally as the ‘many idyllic methods’ (1990 While there have been important scholarly [1864], p. 895) that left capital ‘dripping contributions to our understanding of enclo- from head to foot, from every pore, with sure, Marx’s analysis remains the most blood and dirt’ (p. 926). As Perelman (2000) important and influential. In simple terms, argues, in Marx’s analysis the enclosure of Marx emphasised enclosure’s role in a much the commons was not enough to generate wider, revolutionary process of social the proletariat for capital—nature still pro- change from the 16th century onwards. vided the rural population with the means Fencing off the commons, he argued, to subsist while the social violence of enclo- enabled the very ‘primitive accumulation’ of sure generated resistance. Primitive accumu- capitalist social relations to occur by facilitat- lation, therefore, required a sustained ing the separation of producers from the ideological assault by pro-enclosure propa- means of production: gandists both on what Hardin (1968) would later coin the ‘tragedy of the commons’ and ‘The capitalist system pre-supposes the the commoners themselves (‘conservative’, complete separation of the labourers from all ‘lazy’, ‘wasteful’, ‘drunks’, ‘barbarians’, property in the means by which they can realize their labour. As soon as capitalist ‘thieves’, etc.) for standing in the way of production is once on its own legs, it not only national economic growth and progress maintains this separation, but reproduces it on (Neeson, 1996 [1993], pp. 15–52). These a continually extending scale. The process, interventions helped to eventually win the therefore, that clears the way for the capitalist argument for enclosure in Parliament system, can be none other than the process (which was in any case dominated by land- which takes away from the labourer the owners), who passed into law a ‘system of possession of his means of production; a stern measures’ designed to prevent people process that transforms, on the one hand, the from finding alternative survival strategies social means of subsistence and of production outside of wage labour as well as to maximise into capital, on the other, the immediate productivity within the labour process and producers into wage-labourers. The so-called primitive accumulation, therefore, is nothing subdue the poor who resisted by attacking else than the historical process of divorcing traditional rights (to common), customs Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 504 CITY VOL. 16, NO. 5 (to holiday) and workers’ collective action (to and local road networks to facilitate access unionise) (Perelman, 2000, p. 14). to the new agrarian estates. Enclosure stimu- lated an active local land market, especially in small plots, as owners cashed in on their valu- The spatiality of enclosure able asset usually to meet the costs of enclo- sure, and investors looked for long-term As many authors have noted, although profits. Rents rose rapidly to reflect not Marx’s focus was proletarianisation, his only the higher land values of these exclusive theory of primitive accumulation and of the holdings but also the large debt and interest role of enclosure therein, proffered a far repayments stacked up in the process. Primi- more comprehensive, multidimensional and, tive accumulation by enclosure thus went crucially, globalised set of relational pro- much deeper than the separation of the cesses essential to capital’s genesis. These peasant producer from the means of subsis- included ‘colonial, neo-colonial, and imperial tence and production: it involved a massive processes of appropriation of assets (includ- appropriation of state and church lands and ing natural resources); the monetization of their wealth of valuable resources into the exchange and taxation, particularly of land; private hands of landowners, generating the the slave trade; and usury, the national debt, concentration and expansion of landed class and ultimately the credit system’ (Harvey, power—an original accumulation if ever 2003, p. 145; see also Glassman, 2006). Land there was one; and unleashed more automatic enclosure was thus just one of many mechan- processes of commodification and market isms of primitive accumulation. Nevertheless, law that fuelled further displacement. Above it played a central spatial role that is too often all, enclosure enshrined and ideologically ignored. embedded the ultimate cultural value of capi- The physical geography of enclosure was talist society, the sanctity and inviolability of central to the new legal settlement of private private property in land, performing the property rights that held precedence over tra- ‘legitimizing function for all forms of ditional rights to share land: the borders that private property’ including private owner- lined the land were to stop the ‘free passage of ship of the means of production (Harvey, men and animals’ and reflect its now ‘exclu- 1982, p. 360). sive ownership and occupation’ (Slater, 2005 [1907], pp. 1–2). The privatisation of medie- val public space—the open fields, meadows, Contemporary enclosure: new, continuous commons and wastelands—fenced off places . . . urban? of cooperative labour, social interdependence and commoning from the general population. Enclosure thus acted upon and transformed Dispossession and displacement were not space for the benefit of capital in multiple simply the consequences of enclosure, they ways, whether through privatising land and were its very essence, and led to both the its resources, objectifying the body for wage commodification of labour power and the labour and colonising the spatial imaginary. commodification of space as a highly valuable These processes are evidently alive and well asset that could now be commercially in those hitherto non-capitalist spaces of the exploited for private gain. This in turn made Global South (Bush, 2007), but how are enclosure itself a new and profitable form of they relevant to cities in the Global North? speculative investment, providing an outlet To try to shed some light on this question, I for the immense profits made in the colonies turn to two quite different but relevant litera- and the slave trade to underwrite the huge tures on contemporary enclosure: theory and costs of what amounted to early forms of research that takes an exclusively urban/city regeneration in the building of new farms focus; and scholarship that brings Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 HODKINSON: THE NEW URBAN ENCLOSURES 505 contemporary enclosure within a wider fra- of the city itself through the countless resi- mework of new or continuous primitive dential, office and retail developments that accumulation. both destroy the existing use values and pub- licness of particular spaces and seek to ‘dis- place’ and ‘exclude’ the urban poor from the Enclosure and commons in the city city. As Blomley (2008) argues, wherever landowners or developers enforce their legal One of the most lucid and still relevant con- rights to demolish and/or redevelop their ceptualisations of the ‘creative destructive’ private property that also happens to be neoliberal processes by which cities in someone’s home or a community’s park, Western settings have been (re)claimed as neighbourhood, play area or local shop, etc., central sites for capital accumulation, elite they are by definition appropriating and consumption and financial speculation can thus dispossessing and excluding local be found in Brenner and Theodore (2002a). people from what they see and treat as their They set out a 12-pronged framework of common property: ‘politico-institutional mechanisms’ employed by national governments and urban growth ‘State, private and collective property, coalitions to replace the national institutional including streets, parks, residential hotels, arrangements and political compromises of community centres and so on, are all imagined Keynesian–Fordism with a ‘new infrastruc- here as integral parts of a local land claim over which the poor have legitimate interest, with ture for market-oriented economic growth’ rights that are both symbolic and practical.’ set within a globalising and financialising (p. 316) economy (Brenner and Theodore, 2002a, p. 362). These mechanisms include inter Blomley’s wider, class-based understanding alia: (i) the privatisation of the municipal of urban commons rests primarily on the public sector and collective infrastructures; imagined rights of community residents (ii) the gentrification-led restructuring of that, in contrast to capitalist property law, are city centres and inner-city housing markets through gated mega-development projects, ‘. . . based upon and enacted through sustained widespread clearance of public housing and patterns of local use and collective habitation, other low-rent accommodation, and the elim- through ingrained practices of appropriation ination of various regulatory protections for and “investment”. By virtue of being in place tenants; (iii) new strategies of territorial for a long time and using and relying upon the commons, residents both acquire and sustain development that expose localities to global a legitimate property interest . . . The poor market forces and encourage business (re)lo- have “invested” in that space . . . There are cation through special zoning incentives; echoes here of the common law notion that and (iv) the privatisation and intensified sur- sustained use can lead to a sharing of even a veillance of public spaces and the creation transfer of title, as in the case of prescriptive of new, privatised spaces of elite/corporate easements, adverse possession and public consumption both governed by zero toler- rights of way. The commons, in other words, ance, discriminatory and illiberal social is not so much found as produced . . . the control (pp. 370–372). commons is a form of place-making.’ (p. 320) Although they do not directly use the term ‘enclosure’ itself, Brenner and Theodore’s Enclosure moves more insidiously through analysis makes it clear that enclosure is the the privatisation, corporatisation and revan- modus operandi of neoliberal urbanism. chist control of public space and the associ- Enclosure abounds in the ‘privatisation’ of ated political curtailment of the public spaces and services formerly publicly owned sphere that have become familiar experiences and open/affordable, and in the ‘fencing off’ of urban entrepreneurial strategies Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 506 CITY VOL. 16, NO. 5 (MacLeod, 2002; Minton, 2009; Mitchell, What is less clear, however, is why enclo- 2003; Smith, 1996). This is producing what sure is so essential to the urban recipes of Bottomley and Moore (2007, p. 173) see as neoliberalisation. Widening our gaze the ‘fortress city’ in which city rulers— beyond the city reveals that contemporary whether public or private—use both physical enclosure is, in fact, equally rife in non- and immaterial technologies of enclosure to urban realms from animal farming (Theobald block and stop enemy movement and and Rochon, 2006) to education (Harvie, render it impotent ‘as part of a broader 2000), information and intellectual property pattern of regulation and control, which has (Boyle, 2008), nature and indigenous knowl- affected our access to all urban space, includ- edge (Shiva, 1997), border regimes (Cunning- ing non-enclosed and non-privatised “public ham and Heyman, 2004) and military space”’. Enclosure, then, appears as the essen- imperial adventures in Iraq (RETORT, tial accomplice to neoliberal urbanism. If 2005). Literature on cities equally tends to theorisations become a little fuzzier on why be unable to explain the connections that might be, a common thread running between urban enclosure and this wider through the literature is the belief that enclo- process of new enclosures. This is where sure in all its multiple senses (privatisation, recent theoretical work on the role of primi- physical fortressing and control, displace- tive accumulation in contemporary global ment, exclusion, etc.) is the principal capitalism can provide some important method by which city space can be purified, insights. attracting and retaining the desired on the inside of, and made secure against all those who serve to devalorise its exchange value Accumulation by dispossession or disrupt the process of consumption—the poor, the homeless, the street traders, the pol- It was Midnight Notes Collective’s (1990) itical campaigners, the alternative types, etc. rousing analysis of ‘the new enclosures’ that (Beckett and Herbert, 2010). Indeed, the first convincingly broke with orthodox read- need or desire to create borders so as to ings of Marx’s theory of primitive accumu- ‘include’ and ‘exclude’ is effectively the lation as representing only ‘the pre-history same argument made by those writing from of capitalism’ (Bonefeld, 2001, p. 2). Instead, a more neo-classical perspective. Lee and enclosures were ‘a regular return on the Webster (2006) argue, for example, that the path of accumulation and a structural com- growth of private neighbourhoods and ponent of class struggle’ representing a gated communities is part and parcel of a ‘dynamic capitalist response’ to the expan- global trend towards private management sion of proletarian power, whether through and decision-making in cities today caused the appropriation of new resources, the cre- by the ‘tragedy of the commons’. Rising ation of new labour power or the extension land values produced by economic growth of capitalist relations in order to save capital- and privatisation of urban public domains in ism from ‘extinction’ (Midnight Notes Col- market economies create ‘an inescapable lective, 1990, p. 1). They saw the global secular trend towards the subdivision of economic crisis of capitalism from the 1970s property rights’ that must inevitably onwards as triggering a new and historically produce ‘physical enclosure’ to exclude unprecedented wave of enclosure under neo- potential free-riders from land and other liberalism on a planetary scale designed not scarce urban resources: ‘Without a mechan- simply to source new outlets for accumu- ism to protect a community’s property lation but to generate ‘the large-scale reor- rights over shared goods, no entrepreneur ganization of the accumulation process’ will supply unsubsidised neighbourhood itself (ibid.) in order to undermine collective goods’ (Lee and Webster, 2006, pp. 28–29). organisation and place-based struggles, Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 HODKINSON: THE NEW URBAN ENCLOSURES 507 depress wages, and make workers vulnerable ‘On the one hand the release of low-cost assets and precarious and thus more compliant to [through privatization] provided vast fields for the absorption of surplus capitals. On the capital. This two-fold process did not other, it provided a means to visit the costs of simply unfold in the classical expropriation devaluation of surplus capitals upon the of land and the expulsion of a massive new weakest and most vulnerable territories and army of mobile and migrant labour into the populations.’ (Harvey, 2003, pp. 184–185) global economy, but encompassed privatisa- tion of industries and sectors in the core capi- A contrasting perspective can be found in the talist countries and the enclosure of the work of Massimo De Angelis (2007), who human species’ very own reproduction understands contemporary acts of enclosure through both the destruction and genetic and primitive accumulation, not as responses patenting of nature and the commodification to periodic overaccumulation crises a` la of human affects and immaterial attributes at Harvey, but as part of the normal, day-to- the frontline of service sector wage labour day functioning of capital accumulation and (ibid., p. 7). the reproduction of capitalist social relations. The subsequent development of primitive Underpinning this theory is the autonomist accumulation theory has arguably taken two Marxist contention that the circuit of capital related but discernibly different paths, one accumulation and the wider nexus of capital- remaining faithful—albeit critically—to a ist social relations are inherently prone to more orthodox reading of Marx, and the crisis because of class struggle (see Bell and other blazing a radical reinterpretation in Cleaver, 1982). Significantly, De Angelis the space opened up by Midnight Notes. does not simply restrict this crisis potential The former path is best represented in to the familiar spheres of production and con- Harvey’s 2003 epic, The New Imperialism, sumption but extends the immanence of crisis in which he introduces the term ‘accumu- to the sphere of reproduction, where, for lation by dispossession’ as a way of under- example, the very biological and ideological standing these extra-economic forms of new production of wage-labourers (and obedient enclosure gripping the planet under neoliber- citizen-consumers) could be threatened by alism. Two aspects of his thesis stand out: alternative value practices such as the creation first, that in advanced capitalist countries we of collective forms of economic self-provi- are seeing the restoration of old enclosures sioning or education that refuse to obey the through ‘rolling back’ the state interventions dictates of capital (Federici, 2004). Enclosure (public ownership, universal services) and is thus a ‘constituent element of capitalist class compromises of the 20th-century Key- relations and accumulation . . . characteristic nesian Welfare State that created degrees of of capital’s strategies at whatever level of collective protection from untrammelled capitalist development’ that shares a singular market forces and exploitation (Harvey, aim regardless of place: 2003, pp. 145–148); and second, the return ‘. . . to forcibly separate people from whatever of enclosure and other extra-economic acts access to social wealth they have which is not of dispossession is a response to the chronic mediated by competitive markets and money problems of overaccumulation that have as capital . . . New enclosures thus are directed engulfed capital since the early 1970s. In towards the fragmentation and destruction of this context, ‘accumulation by dispossession’ “commons”, that is, social spheres of life the has been pushed by neoliberalism to the fore- main characteristics of which are to provide front of capital accumulation, working along- various degrees of protection from the side expanded reproduction, in order to market.’ (De Angelis, 2007, p. 145) create ‘new terrains of accumulation’ that find profitable outlets for the huge surpluses Capital must therefore continuously and sim- of capital (and labour) lying idle: ultaneously devise ‘strategies of enclosure’ in Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012 508 CITY VOL. 16, NO. 5 the spheres of both production and reproduc- contradictions of neoliberal urbanism for tion so as to open up new areas of commodi- social reproduction, or due to the periodic fication, keep open old areas of crisis of capital (see Dawson, 2010 for a commodification under attack from com- Harvey-esque periodisation of enclosure); moning or recolonise spaces that have been whereas for others, enclosure is a logical, turned into spaces of commons. De Angelis evolutionary or continuous feature of (2007, p. 79) sees these enclosure strategies market societies, whether in the physical as embodying both ‘generative’ and ‘preser- enclosure of privatised resources as their vative’ moments, which can be best under- value and scarcity rise, or in the more stood through Perelman’s metaphor of the general and diverse strategies of capital to ‘two blades of a scissors’ (2000, p. 14)—the accumulate in the face of everyday threats first blade being the act of enclosure that against that process. This links to a third dis- periodically cut away people from the agreement, over the actors and mechanisms of means of reproduction to create markets, enclosure: for some, enclosure is intrinsically consumers and proletarians, the second an extra-economic act of separation, privati- blade representing the processes of ‘disciplin- sation and dispossession embodied in phys- ary integration’ (De Angelis, 2007, pp. 80– ical and legal mechanisms principally 81) (whether disciplinary forms of orchestrated by nation-states (acting alone command over subjects, the continuous dis- or in concert) and other political actors able pensation of rewards and punishments to to exercise physical and legal control over shape norms of interaction and social pro- resources in order to privatise them for duction, subjectification through govern- some and dispossess others; for others, these mentality, etc., laws, violence, education) to extra-economic acts extend to micro-technol- ensure that diverse value practices become ogies of control, surveillance and, crucially, subordinate to the one model that is pervasive subjectification that can eventually assume on society, that people eventually respect the automatic processes of regulation and confor- enclosures. mity without the need for physical and legal enforcement. Rather than viewing these differences as New enclosure theory: towards a synthesis? irreconcilable, however, I think we can find in them commonalities and complementarities How should we understand and relate to that offer the basis for synthesis from which a these differing theoretical approaches to con- provisional theory of neoliberal urban enclo- temporary enclosure? On first thoughts, sure can be sketched out. In a general sense, there are clearly important divergences that what binds these approaches together is a appear to be partly rooted in different ontol- rethinking of ‘enclosure’ away from the tra- ogies of capitalism. The first concerns the ditional Marxian formulation of ‘the separ- general causality of enclosure with expla- ation of producers from their means of nations ranging from the neo-classical production’ as a distinctive phase within a ‘tragedy of the commons’, the extreme phys- teleological development of the capitalist ical response to fear and inequality, the mode of production to encompass multiple changed accumulation needs of capital strategies and forms in response to the crisis during periodic overaccumulation crises, or of capitalist social relations. Enclosure can the threat that class struggles pose to pro- thus seek out new spheres of life for accumu- duction and reproduction. A second variance lation, take place within spaces that have lies in the place of enclosure in historical time already been enclosed but where capitalist with some authors viewing today’s enclo- relations are under threat, or target spaces or sures as responses to historically specific networks that embody forms of commons, moments of crisis, whether due to the not just as natural resource pools, but also as Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 02:10 24 September 2012

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