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The New Testament: 1526 Tyndale Bible, Original Spelling Edition (searchable OCR) PDF

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Preview The New Testament: 1526 Tyndale Bible, Original Spelling Edition (searchable OCR)

X K Tlctoc ztftimme » D* XXVI. y *>\\v;s'av\\\i »v\\v\\. xvwwvwr i: > i '/If'"T/Sf{//////?/////,. CtyetteweCeffamct as tt was wximn/a n& «u|eo to be wxittes bytf)eimt>b»cbbct* beyt.Cotvlxont alfoontefat VCOttVC c„,SatLt they fbulbepwir' ad)c ttvrtroftt creatures. £fyc< |pcUof.©. <<D tfyw. fo jj tD?e 'Bofca Conteynei) tit tip new* 50 4 Cepament, j. ‘ £j£be£fi#CbApte& H I*. €t>c (Efofpell of, ©♦Utatbew* Cvsistfrebo^ | if Cbe (EfojpeU of ©.ittarfe, tq. Cbe<jfofpeUof,©.ilw£e, off tl?c efen errteton off j h litf, £be Oofpell of .©Obort, ^bcfus <b«ft tbe forme of 3Do* ‘ v, be actes of tbe 2(poftfes/ttm‘tt2 be fo 5 rib/tb^fonc^lfoof^biab^m^ j yrict^lufe, rf £be piffle of ©«poul totbe Koayns# vij £befyt|tpiffleof,©,pawl totpe <Cou 3«c0bbcg4t*~fu»<j8 <mb fjys i f! xintfyians. viif &t)e feconD ptflle of, © ♦ Pa wl to tl)c€W pities «nt> j4m i 3ub«s begat xinttyans. i >fftbamar: tjt, £bepi(fleof» ©.paul totbe 0alatbtafc ; pbores begot ffrom, jr* Cbe piffle of ©.pawl to tbe £pbefiatt« { ifrombego tyrant: jtf Cbe piffle of©, pawl to tbepbtitppttfs j tfrombegot2immobob: ptf* <Tbe piffle of, ©♦ pawl to rpe CollofiL'as> ‘ 2immobob begot nooflott: ftif* Cbefr:(i piffle of,©,pawltotbe Ccff* • ttaaffon begot ©olmoit: olcmtons. I ©almon begot 23oos of Kobab: piify ^bc feobepilfle of, ©. pawl totbe Cefl* (36oosbegot(DbebofRutb; alomans. j Ci>bcbbegot^efle: jv, ^befpft piffle of ©♦ pa wl to £trootbe* I ^Jeffc begot £>avib tbe fyrtge: pvj. £b e jecob piffle of ©.pawl to Ctmotbfc ©olomo/Pfb*t t&4t \ r| £>0vit> tbe ?ynge begat pvif €bc piffle of ©, pawl toCituo, , «>os tbe twyfe ofVxy: jtvuf <tbe piffle of, ©*pawl to pbtlemow, ©olomort begot Xoboaro: pip* Cbe fy*ft piffle of, ©♦ peter, &oboambeaat:2lbia: 1 <Ebe fecowbe piffle of,©. peter, 2ibia begat 3lfa: OT* Cbe fy*ft piffle of. ©. 3bow, 2Sffa begat tJofapbtft: prif* Ztyc f:conOe pi (lie of ©. 3boit, ^ofapbat begat 3oram 5 Wflf £betby*t> piffle of ©.^bon, ' 2Joram begat <D fiaa: • Cbe piffle vnto tbe £b: wes* j cDfias begat ^oatbam: Cbe piffle of. ©. 3omes, oatbom begat 2fd>a8: Cbe piffle of 3wbe, #oebeflatftf(W<W wvdarfo» pf 3fyaiu 21 0 I I » i frijtrhelfiofixlt._ j fo. if. ft#%iMbe$»t ittanaflcs : j fepb tbe fonne of £>avib/feare not to tafe vnto ! Itfanaffa) begat Zmom | rbe/^TTary tby tvyfe* ,$o:tbativbicbisconcca* ;2(mon begat ifoftae: | vcb in bet* is of tbe boly goo jl.0f be fball biynge ^ofias begat ^ed?art(as anb br* btetbwn ab« \ fonbeafone/anbtboufbaltcallbisname j cute tbe tyme of tbe captivete of 3$abtlom 1 fus. Soz be (ball fa ve bis people from tbetre fy* g ii Zftet tiyeywet lebb captive to ^abilon/ j imes. ^cfeomas begat @>alatbiel: j (?CUl tbys tvas bone to fulfill tbat tvbicb tvas ' f3alatbielbegat5o*obabel: ; fpofen of tbe loibe be tbe ptpbet fayitge;^$ebo* ; ^otobabel begat 2lbiub: ibe a maybe fball be ivitb ebylbe; anb fball b:y* rfcbiwb begat £i iadyimt ngefottbeafonnc/anbtbey (ball call bis name j Ziiudyitn begat 2f$ott Emanuel/ tvbieb is as moebe to fayebe interpt* ^jot begat eaboc; j etacion/as (yob xvitbvs, :Gtoboc begat Sfcbint | ^ofepbas fone as beaivofeoutofflepe/biba* ’ 2fcbi*t begat £ hub: i the angellofftbe lotbebabebym/anbtofeby* i Chub begat £leafar: j wyfe vnto bym/ant>i:newe lyct not tyllfbeb at> j £leafa r begat Xttatttyan: j bjowgbtfottbbctfyt^foue anbcallebbysnas Ittattbanbegattfacob: ■ me^efus, ! ^acob begat Uojepb tbebufTbabe off Wary^ of | wbomewasbozentbat ^befustvbitbiscalleb 1 _c*£i?cSccon&<D?<;pt*r. 'fbiift. . ^ j 2(11 tbe generacions from 2(b:ab# to £>avtb j jKkppen tJefus tvas borne in 2$etbleem a to* : arfon>ietenegeneract6s,2lnbfrom JDaribvn* i utieof3ury/intbetynicoffynge ijerobc, 2$e* | to tbe captivete of 2$abilon/are fonntene gene* ] bolbe/tberecant tvyfe men from tbeefl to ^eru* 1 tfactons.Anb from tbe captivete of 2$abilo vn* j falem faynge:n?bere is be tbat is borne fy nge of 1 to Cljttff/ayealfofotttttettegeneracionflJ tbeyuesCwebavefenebis ftatteintbeeft/anb i jr % Zb* byrbe offCbtifte was on tbys tvy* J are come to ivotfbip by m. i fe/tdben btsmotbet maty was maryebvnto 3§j5erobe tbef ynge/afterbebabb berbetbys/ I *Jofepb/ before they cam to bu?eU togebber/(be tvas troublcb / anb all jfcnrufalem untb bym/ I was founbe jvttb <bylbe by tbe bolv goofhl<£b£ anbbefent fox all tbe d?efe preflcsanb feribes : b«b»fbanbe ^ofcpbbetngeaparfectmatt/ab off tbe people/anb bemaunbebofftbem tvbere i lotb to befame be r/xvas my nbeb to put her atv* Cbtifl fbulbebe borne, Cbevfaybcvntobymt ! Ayefecretly.XPbtll be t^us tbottgbt/be bolb tbe ! in ^etblee a tonne of “^ury, ^o: tbus itiswtitt ! KgeU oftb$ lo;b aptwb vmo bi t* ftepc faige^a j ten be tbe prophet; 2(nb tbou J&etblee in tbe lo* % tij ! ! « Ol C^ofpcll. I Q&f.0.00<\tl?cw._Ye. iitjf: ttSeof5ttty/fi>aitnotbetbcleej*45pcrteyrti^e s febofftbewyfemen^wasercebyngewrotb/ab ! to the pnccs of iuba. ,?otontoftbefbalc6c aca$ j fent fottb anb flue all tbc cbylbten that were tft ptaim/iv\)Y<b [ball govern my people ifrabeU ! betbleem/ ab m all the cofics there of'/as many !r ?§Cbent5erobptevelycaUcbtbewyfeme/ont> j as were two yetc olbe anb vnber / acotbynge to | Dyltc^ently^inyri^oftbcm/tbetvmcoftbeflrtc^ J tbetyme which be bab biligcntly fcard;eboute i re tbatappereb.2(nb fenttbent tobetbleem fa* 1 oftbc wyfe mem I yngc: when ye be come tbyber fcard?e byligen tily J f fJtCbewasfulfillcb that which was fpofen be ; foUbedjtlbc* 2inb wbcyebavefoubebymbtf* the ptopbet ^eremi/faynge:(L> it the biUes was . ge me wotbe/ tbat y maye come ant) wotfbippe avoyccberbe/monruynge/wcpynge/anbgrc* hymalfo^bentbeybabberbetbefyngc/tbcy € ate lamentacion, Rachel wepyrtge'ffo: hereby* [ beparteb/ablotbef*arrewbyd;tbey faweitbe 1 lb ten / an b wolbe nott be comfotteb bccaufe tb* ! c^cwentbcfo2etbem/vntyUttcamano(lobo5 pcrenor* j ver tbeplace where tbeebylbe was* XPben they • Obe tgcrobe was beeb/ an angcll off the £0 fawe the flatre/tbey were marveylouflyglabb/ ; *e apercb vnto 3ofcpb m egiptc fayngerari* : 2inbentrebmtotbeboure/anbfoubtbed;tlbe fe anb tafe tbc d?y l be anb bis motbavattbgoift ! »ritb Wary bv* motber/aitb f nelcb bonne ant> to tl>e lonbe of 3frabcL $ 0: they arebeeb wbi* | cbfougbttbed^ylbesbecrb. Cbebearofevp/at* 1 «?ojfb»PP^brm/4rti)0PCrtC&t,)Cl:etrca^l,t^ i | aboffrebvntobymgyftes/golb/ftancfynfett* I tofe thed)ylbe anb bis mother /anb ca into tb« ! ce/ at) myr. 2(nb after they were tparneb in tber j lonbe of ^(VabeL 23ut wbebeberbetbat Sircb* I Jlepe/tbattbeyfbulbenotgoageyneto^erob/ ; dans btbraygnein ^wryv m rberomite off bys i they retoureb itotberawecofftre another way « father Aerobe/ be was afraybe to goo tbetber/ of Sifter that they were beparteb/lo tbc angel! notwitbflonbynge after be was warneb in by« i oftbelotbe apetrttoyofcpbinbwfkpcfaynQc flepe/ be tonrneb a fy be into the parties off gali* ! 2(ryfc anb tafe the d?ilbe an^bts mother/ anb ? le/anbwerttanbbweltinacite calleb tTajare* I fiye m to SEgtpte/ anbnbybetberetyllybtynge : t\)/to (fulfill that which was fpofen be the pro# : tbewo*be,5ot-<5etob wyll fefe the cbylbe to be* 1 phetes;>5efl>albecallebofna>aretb* flroyebym.Cbenbearofe/anbtofetbecbylbe j HC!?c tD?t'rt>c (Chapter. j ant* bio mother by nigbt/anb beparteb in to I ; gipte/anb was there vnto the bcetb of *$erob/ ‘ i to fulfill that which was fpofen of the lotbe/by : I ■ntbofe bayes 3bon the baptifercamanb i tbepzopbet/wbicbfayetbJOUtofjHgtpteb^vey \ j LI pread>:b in the wilberttes offiuty faynge: j Repct/tbelyngboin ofbeveuis atbonbe.Cbi* | callebmyfomte* i*l;cofwI;omtfisfpoirertbe tl;e ptopbet £fay/ if fSCbcn igetobpfrceapyttge tfjathc»as mood ; iuj % 1 I 1 ! i^hc^ofrclt. t iiiOf. 6. tfOrntyw. $0. Uij. ! wbicfefSyetb: Cbe voycc off a cryert'n wylber* \goz tbuo bit becometb vs to fulfyll all rigbtei | ites/ptepare tbe lotbcs way/ anb mate bys paf wefnes* <Cben be fuffreb bymtGf nb 3efus as fo* Itbesffraygbt. tie as be was baptifeb/ cam ftraygbt out of tbe r3bo bab bys §* rmcnt off camels beet/ water; 2inb lo beven was ope vnto bymianb be anbagerbelloffajryneaboutebisloynes.Tgys fawe tbe fpirite of gob befeebe lyte above/anb meate was locuftes/ab wylbebony.?£ben went iygbtvppon bym.iinblotberecamavoice fro cute to by m 'Jetufalenu anb all jfnry / aub all beven fayng:tbys ys my beare fonein wbornts tbe regio rounbe aboute jfo*ban/ab wete bap* ntybelyte* tifeb of iyym in^ozban't itolebgtttg tbeir fyttes*. 01 tD?e fottrtl?c Copter. f. *fttt)ben be fawe many off tbe pbarifes anb off tbe fabuces come-to by* baptinv be fay be vm totbemt O generation of vipers/wbobatb ta* _-^ewas^efus lebb awaye of tbe fpirite in t*gbt you to fie from tbe vegeauce to come* bty* to a befert/to betempteb oft be bevyll. 2fnb wb* ngefottb therefore tbe fruresbelongyngeto rc$ en be bab fafteb fourtye bays anb fourtye nygb pentaucc.Xnb fe tbatyeonstbyntenottofaye tes/art tbe lafl be was anbungreb* £ben came in y ottr fel ves / we have Hbzabfi to cure father* vntyll by m tbe tempter/anb faybe: yff tboubei Jioz 3 faye vnto you/ that (Bob is able off tbefe tbefonneof gob/ comntabe tbat tbefe flones be |lones/to ray fe vp cbylbtcn vnto Xbzaba. 5£v2 j tnabebreb^e anfwcreb anb faybe: yt is wtyW i ttowc is tbe ajt put vnto tbe rote of tbe trees: foo [ tcu/nianfballnottliveonlybybjcebe/2$utby j tbat every tree wbicbbtigetbnotffottbegoobe every wotbe tbat ptoceabetb out off them outl) ftute/fbalbe bewe boue/anb ca ft into tbe fyre* . off gob, J§3 25apttfe you in water in tote of tepetauct/ hi Cben tbe bevyII too?e by m vpp in to tbe boly but be tbat coetb after me / is mygbtier tben 3: icite/anb fet by in on a py nacle of tbe teple / anb wbofe fbues t anot wottby to beare. be fbal bap fayb vnto bym:yf tboti be tbefonneofQob/caft life you with tbe boly gofl / ab with fyze/wbid) tby fylfe boune♦ Soz bit y s wry tten/ be fball ge* batb alfo bis fa in bio bob/anb will pourge bis vebts angels charge overtbe/ab witb there ba fiooze/ab gabte tbe wbett into bio garner/anb bes they fball ftey tbe vpp/ that thou bafbe not will burue tbeebaffe with everlaftyngefyje. tby fote agaynff a (lone* ^efusfaybetobym/ (F f^Cbencam 3efus from (Etalile into Jozban/ bit ys wry tte a Ifo: tl;ou fbalt not temp te tby lot to3bon/ffo:to be baptifeb off bym/25ut3bott be gob* ffozbabe by m / f tynge: 3 ought to be baptyfeb <Cbe bevyll toHebymvp agayneanblebbe bynt off tbe: anb commeftibou toome♦ ^efuo am in to an ercebynge bye mountayne/ anb fbeweb fwerebanb bvm;£e faybe to ttbytbe fonowc* bym al tbefyngbomeo of tbe wozlbe/anb tbe be 2i v# 5 tjgftfcffofrell._ fjj&f.S.(?D<ufy;tp ♦ o* v. duty of them^anb faybe vnto bymtall theft mill ; 2fnb3*fus ment aboute all <3 alilc/teflcbyng 3 gcrc tbc/ifftbou unit fanll bonne anb mo:fb* yntbeir fiitagogcs/anb p:ead;yngetbe gofpell ip me. <Ebe faybe Refits xmtobynn 2iooyb oftbefyogbom/anb bealingeall mailer of fief 4 tan.Sozitiswzittcn; Zboufbalt mo:fbyp tb? ties/anb ail mailer byfeafes amdge tbe people . ,do:be<£>ob/anb by m only fbalttbouferve. 2inb bys ffame fp:eeb abzoobc tb:ongb outeall [jfCbcit the fDy veil left bym/anb lo/tbe angels ^iria. 2inb tbey b:ougl;tvnto bym nil fiefepe* cam anb mimftreb onto bym. ople/ tbattreretafen mtb hirers btfeafes anb f| Wb^n ^efus bub berbe that was tafi/ gripigf/ab tbe that mcrcpoffcfleb mitb benls/ 4uo tbofeirbid; merehmntyfe / aiibtbofetbat I?c bepartcb into <25able/ cub left Ztajaretb/ab I bab tbepalfey/^inb be bealeO tbemy2inb there ment anb bmeltelit Zapetnatun/ mbtcb is a cite apon tbe fee/in tbccoo|fes off Sabttlo anbfcTep* folomeb by m a greate nomb:c off people/ from talim/to ffulfiU that mbicbe was fpofe be £fa\r <*5alile/anb from tbe ten cites/ nitbfromJ3eru4 tbe ptopbet/jaynge: 25ebolbe tbe lobe of Sabui falem/aitb from 'Jnty/ab from tl;e regtos that lycbcyoiiDe^otoutt* lo nb XZcptaUnvtbe wayc of tbe fccbcyobc^o:* ■ fcAti/Ortlileojf tbe (pentyls/tbe people mbiebe DICl?c .'V. Chapter. fat mbec<fttes/fnmegceutclygbt:2inb to tbem mbtcb fate in tbe region anb fbabomc off bcetb' *5en be fame tbe pcopk/be ment vp into fyctbt is fp:ongc. a moimtayne/anOmbenbemas fet/b is Bttj rom tbatt tyme ^efus begun to p:eacbc/ ob Oifciples camrnto by m/ anO beopeileO bis mo4 To fay;tepe't/fo: tbe f mgbom of here is at ho be# ttgbt/ anb taugbt tbem faynge: ^leffeo are tbe f| 2(s 'Jifns waitcb by tbe fee off (3 aide/ be (44 pov:e in fptete:fot tbeirs is tbe fyitgOoiit off be4 me two b:etb*e:G»imo mbicb mas callcb peter/ ven. 2MefjeO are tbey that mome: fo: tbey fbal4 izb 2tnb:cm bis b:otber/caftynge a neet into tb« becofotteO, 2MefleO arc tbe mefe:fo: tbey fball fee(fo: tbey mere fiffbcrs ) ab be faybe onto tbe: inberet tbe errb« iMeffeO are tbey lrbieb boitger fo[owcn\t/anb*3 mtll ittafeyou ftffbers oftnen# flnotburjt fo: rigbtemefnesjfo: tbey fbalbefiU 2(nb tbey ftcaygbt maye lefte rbere netted / anb leb.2Meffebaretbemercifnll:fo: tbey fball ob# folowebbyut* teyne mercy* 25leffeO are tbe pure f berte: fo: t!>4 3§:2(4b be wen t fo:tbe from tbencc/anb fame of cy (l?all fe (Bob ♦ ijlefleO are tbe mnytitcyncrs of tbcr;tmoo btetbtett / panics tbe fotlcof j'ebebe/ peace :fo: tbey fl>albe ca UeO tbe divib: c of (?5ob* aitb 'Jho bis b:otberin tbe fbippc/mitb Scbcbe 2Mc|feo are tbey mbidi fuffre perfccucionfo: ri4 tbeirfutber/fmenbynge t!>e;r nzttts/anb cullcb gbtemefrtes fafe: fo: tbeirs ys tbe f y ngOoift off them, 2fub tbey with out turyinge lefte tbe fbyp anb t\)w father anb folomcb brut* bevcntjbkfieb arc ye ml;cn me (l;a!l revyie you/ I 1 | Little (Sofpclt. *Pj GOtoty™'_& vf. tartbpetfecuteyou/anbfball falfly fay all man* fbaU £ yli/fpalbe in baunget of tubgcment, ! nerofyvell fayngesagaynjf youffotmyfafe* 3 fay vnto you/tvbofoe* is agtexvitbbys Mow jfcetoyce anb be glnb/fo: create is yourc retvnr* bet/fbalbetn baungtc off iubgement.xbbofoe* vet (ball faye vnto bys Mother racba/fbalbe in Deinbeven. £ ox fo perfecuteb they tbcptopbets ipbtcb tvete befo:c yourc bayes ♦ baunget off a coiifell. 23utn?bofoevet (ball faye vnto bis Mother tbou foie/ frabc in baunget off 3?e are rbe faltoftbc ertbc. but anb if tbe fait be once vnfa veyy/ivba t canbe f *Iteb tber with? bell fyte. <Cbetfo:c trben tbou offereff tbygyfte ? att tbe alt te/ anb there rememMelf that fry Mo ft is tbence fo:tbe goobe fo: notbynge / but to be caftoute at tbe botes/ anb tbat me treabe it vn* ! tber batbenytbyngcagaynfftbedevcfrere fry* * $er fete, $e ate tbe ligbt of tbe tvotlbe. X cite t b* ; ne offrynge befo:e tbe altrc/ab go tby tvaye fir ff 4t is fet on an bill canot be bib/netbet bo me ly* I anb teconctle tby filfe to tby Mother/anb fre co* I me anb offre tby gyffte. ctbt a canbell anb put it vnber a buflbell/but on j fjp^fgtetvitbtbine abvetfaty at once/tvbyles # canbelff id5 / ab itlighted) all tbem tvbicb #1* tbou arte in tbe vayc tvifr by w/leff tbine abvec <n tbe boufle.ee tbat y oure ligbt fo fry n* bef o:e faty befyvtc tbe to tbe iubge / anb tbeiubge be* men/tbattbey mayefeyoute goobn?o:fcs/ anb I Itv:c tbe to tbe miff cr/ab tbe tbou becaff i to p:e alottfy youte fatbet tvbicb is in bevem | fon. 3 fay vnto tbe verely: tbou fbalt notcoeout r jjejefrallnot tbynfetbat 3 am come to bifa* I thence till tbou bavepayeb tbe vtmoff farfrige* null tbe latve/or tbe p:op bets, no 3 am nott coe 3?e bave betbe bon?e y t u?as faybe to tbem off tobtfanull toem/buttofulfyll tbenijj^o: ttuely olbetyme/ Cboufraltnott conumttabvoutrie* 3 faye vnto you/till beve anb ettb periffre/one 23ut3fayvntoyou/tbatn?bofoer>ercyctbrttvy tott do: one ty tic of tbe lutve frail not fcape / tyll ! fc/lu|fyngeafftet ber/batbe committcb abvou* all be fulfilled J trie tvitb ber alrcby in bis bert. 1 f|XObofoevet b:eaf etb one oftbefe leffconiib* i ?| Wberfote yf tby right eye offenbe fre/plucfe tnentes/anb frail teacbe me fo/be fbalbe calleb by m out ab caffe bimfrom tbe. 23etter bit is for tbe lee jf in tbefyngbotn off beven. 2>ut tvbofoe* tbe that one of tby meMcs pcriflbc tben that tby vet (ball obferve anb teacbe tbem/ tbat petfone (balbe calleb gteatetntbefyngbomoffbeven, tvbole boby fr ulb be caffe in tbo bell. Xlfo yf tby rigbt bonbeoffenb tbe/cut by in off ab caffe bym ;jfco: 3 faye vnto you/ e tcept you te tighten? eff j from tbe. fetter by tys that one off tby mem* ties etcebe / tberigbtetvefnes off tbe fetibes anb McsperifTbe/tbentbatalltbybobyfbulbe' be pbatifes/ ye cannot entte into tbe fyngbome off i caffeintobell. TJSJe have betbe borne it u?as fayb vnto tbe off j ill^itys fayb/tvbofoeverput atvayebis tvyfe/ j tbeolbe tyme.3froufr*U notfyll.Wbofocvcr : icibfmgev^h^areffymonyaUofb^bevotcec i .Li Off-Q.(? tf?etr. - yt/ 34 50 f -J. went 25tft 3fny vnto you: tvbofoeverpnt at £/ott tbe yvell/nnb 0 tbe goob/ nnb fenbetb b is | reyne o tbe iufienb on tbe miitffof^ot yf ye fbnlt xpayc bys ivyfe (ercept bytbefotfotnicntioiO i lovetbc'ivbicbloveyounvbntritvnrbefbnllye cuufetb bet to btcnFemntrimohy*2ftib tvbofoe* j l>n vc? 5Doo not tbe publicnns even fo?2(nb if ye vcv mnryetb bet tlyatis DtvojfeD/ bteFe tl; tveb* l be frenbly to youre btetbzeit onli:xvbn t ftnguler loefe* j tbynge boo ye?£>oo notttbc publicns lytreiryfe? 2l3nyttcyebnvebert>eboivc ft tvns fnyb to tl>2 I 3>e fbn U tberfotc be perfecte/ even ns youre be* off olbe tyntc / tbou fbnlt not fotftvere thy filfe/ ‘ venlyfntberisperfcctc, 5 but fbnltt perfotme tbyne otbe to < ob* 2$ut tJ fny vnto you fivete not nt nlhnctber by beve for l<D?c.vj. (Chapter. bitys gobbes fentemot yetby tbeertb/ffo* ttys by s fotc ftole:£Ietber by ^erufnlem/ffo: bitys _2ffebcbe to youre ntmes, W;nt ye geve ft tbe cite of tbe eftete Fy n ge: netbet fbnlt tbou five* f not m tbe | y gbt of men. to tbe intent tbntyetvol* ate by tby beeb/be enufe tbou ex ft not tnnf e one • bebcfcneofftbcm.Ot clsycgettnoretvorbeoff beer wbyte/ozblncfetBwtyoutcomumcncion j youre fntber in beven. When foever tberfore tb* fbnlbe/ ye/ye:nny nny« £oi tvbnt foevet 10 mo$ i ou gcvefttbinenlmes/tbou fbnltnot mnfen tro re tben tbnt/cometb off yvelK petto be bloive befote tbe/as tbeypocrites bo in [ t|3}e bn ve berbe botve ftys fnyb/ nu eye f<?t an ' tbe fynngogf nnb in tbe ftrctf / ffot to be preyfeb eye: a totbe fo: n totbe.2$ut 3 fnye vnto you/tb* off men/Verily 3fny vnto you/they bnve tbere ntyetvitbflonbnottvjonseii^iftyf a mn geye ! reivnrbe.23uttvbcn tbou bocfltbtnen lines/let tbenbloive on tby rightcbeFe/tour netobim tbe i not tby lyfte bonb Fnotve/tvbnt tby rigbte bmtb otb*eJ2(nbyffeny mnnurtllfuetbenttbelnive/J | both tbnt tbyne nlmes mnybcfecrct/nbtbyfn* nnb tnFe tby coote from tbc/ilett by m bnve tby cloocfenlfo;2(nbivboroevcttvyUcompeUtbeto • 1tber tvbid) feitbi fecretfbnll reivnrbe tbcopely* rifcXnb tvben tbou ptnyejMbou fhnltnottbe as ctoo n myle/goo ivy tb bim ttvnyneji#eve to bint Hwypvcrytfnre^ot rbeyloveto ftonb nbptnyc tbntntetb.nbftombi tbntivolbebototve tour* 5 in tbefynngoggf/nnb tn cottiers of tbe ftvetf/be itenotnivnye* _ . . enufe they ivolbe be feng of men ♦ Vereley % fnye 3?e bn ve betbebotve ft is fnybe: tbou fbnlt lot *>e tbyne necjbbour/nnbbntetbine enemy. 2$ut vntoyou/ tbey bnvetbereravnrbe. 2$ut tvben tbou ptnyefi/entre into tby cbnmbet/nnb flbu tt Y faye vnto you /ilove youte enemies. 23leffe tbent tby bote to tbe/nnb pt nye to tby fntber tvbicb ys 5 tbnt courffeyou. >o cjoob to them tbn t bnteyou/ tnfecrete:nb tby fntber tvbicb feitb t f«ret / fbn( ptnye ffot them ivb iib boo yo u tvtonge /nb per* ! rwnrbetbeopenly, lecuteyou/tbnt ye mnye be tbe cbylt>*en of youre l' ? & ut rt p wr«''txjbU m as ^ bmnly fntb wffc* b* mnfctb fannt * W 1 t s Lai ci?cC5ojpcit. __|_ \ LiOfS $ . t)«f, 0 ' gentylsbo:foztlycytbtndre tbattheyfbalbeber* \ j If thyne eye be fingle^all thy boby ys full of light ! fceffoz there moebe bablyngf fafe, 2$t ye not ly* i ‘ ^utabifthynecyebewy^eb/thets all thy boby £e tbem there foze. Jfoi yourc father fnowetly j fullofberdnes* Where fozeyftbc light that is 1 j thebeberd'ncsjhowegreateysthatberdnes? tvfyetofye have neabe/be foze ye are off hint* 2(0 j j ftertbys manctthere foze pz aye yc. iQJtToman can ferve two makers. *Joz other b* «Thall hate the one/£b love the othertoz els he fh * f rg 0 cure fatber|mbicb arte in beven/baloweb \ be thy name.j £ctthy fyngbo come* Chywyll ) \ all lene the one/ ab befptfe the other. 3>c ca nott befulfilleb/aswell inertias bitys inbeven. * ferve <5obanbmam0n.£betefoze3faycvitto ; c^evevstbisbayeourebaylybzeabe. 2inbfoz* j 5 you/be not ca refull fozyourelyfe/wbatye fball gevevsouretreafpafes/eve as wefozgeve the ; eate/ipz whatyefball bzynefe dnbzyctfoz youre | wbKbtteafpasvs. ^-eebe vs not in to tempta* > ! bobby/whatraymetyefhallweare, 3?snottbe f lyfe maze wo*tb then meate. anb the bobby Hto* ' cion.butbely vze vs ffromyvell/Slmcn.^oz ab j re off value then raymentfjj&cbolbc the foule* yff yefballfozgevc other men there treafpafes/ of the aierjfoz they fowe not/neber reepe/noz yef | yourefatberibevefbalalfofozgeveyou«but£b ! j cary into the barnes/anb yettyourehevenly fa* ! yewyllnat fozgeve men there trefpafes/nomo* , | re ftall yowre father fozgeve y oure treafpa fes. . j therfebeth tben.2lreyc not better then they? ‘ f' SWhwhe off you( though he tofe tought there itfozeovze when yefafte/be ttotfa b as the y0 j fote)coulbeputone Aibttvntohio ffaturez'Sinb I pocrytf are, rfoz they biffig are there faces/ that l why care yc then foz raymto' 25eholbethelyles ; bit mygbt aperevnto men that they fafte.\)ere* ; : lyy fay vntoyou/tJ>ey have there rewarbe.2$nt J | offthefelbe<ihowethy growe/^beylabournot j nctberfpyrtASbibyetfotalltbaOfaicvntoyou j thoa /wb^tboufafteft/ anoyntetbynebeeb/ab . ■ that even Solomon in all his royaltc/was nott ; wafbetbyface/tbatitapperenottvntomcn ho ! arayeb lyfe vntooneofthefe. Wberfozeyf<#ob j tvethatthoufafleff: but vnto thy father which \ foclothe the grafle/ which ys to bayc in tbcfclbe [ is in fecrete. anb thy father wpicb fetth m fecret/ ; anbtomozowefbalbe cajlitothe fournacetfh* 1 JhaU rewarbe the openly, j ; aU he notmoche mote bo the fame vnto you/o yc 1 ?g (^abbze not treafnre together on erth/xvhere i off lyric fay th* ]* rnftabmotbescozrupte/anb where tbeves bit j Sif^her foze tafe no thought faynge: what (hall I affcthzowghanb ff eale. 2$ut gabbzeyetreafwre ! j tveeate/oz whatfhall we bzynefe^oz where wi* ‘ t<2gebber in heven/where nether r nft/noz moth* ■ th fball we be clotheb< 3lf tre all tl>efe thyngf fe* • *s cozupe.£b whet the ves nether breafrevp^ not ( • fetheg^tyls) rfozyoure bevelyfather tnoweth i yetfteale.^ozwbearefoeveryouretreafureys/ i 1 thatyehaveneabeoffallthefcthyngf, ^utra* ; there are yowrehertesalfo, j therfdeycfyr(lthefyngboiuofFhtven/lanbth< tli Kflbteffthyhobyts tbynceye#XD&tfetc : i 25- 1 *1 i

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