PRAISE FOR The New Fiduciary Standard BY TIM HATTON, CFP, CIMA, AIF “ Tim Hatton tells fi duciaries exactly what they need to know and does so with clarity and care.” — BURTON G. MALKIEL Author, A Random Walk Down Wall Street “ Tim Hatton has captured the essential essence of the fundamental require- ments of fi duciary responsibility. His practical case-study approach to the application of the 27 Practices identifi ed by the Foundation for Fiduciary Studies, in an easy-to-understand style, is a must-read for anyone having responsibility for ‘other people’s money.’ His explanation of the history and evolution of the current body of knowledge applicable to what has become the ‘Fiduciary Standard’ is useful for both the novice and experienced pro- fessional at every level of advice giving.” — CLARK M. BLACKMAN II, CPA/PFS, CFA, CIMA, CFP/AAMS Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Investec Advisory Group, L.P. (Houston, Texas) “ At last! A book that actually helps fi duciaries apply prudent fi duciary invest- ment standards in a practical way. I strongly recommend that all those who have an interest in modern prudent fi duciary investing—trustees of 401(k) plans, charitable nonprofi ts, private family trusts, and public employee retirement plans—pick up a copy of Tim Hatton’s excellent book, The New Fiduciary Standard, and employ its teachings.” — W. SCOTT SIMON, JD, CFP, AIFA Author, The Prudent Investor Act: A Guide to Understanding “ If you could recommend only one book to a fi nancial adviser, it would be Tim Hatton’s The New Fiduciary Standard. It will change the reader for- ever. Pandora’s box has been opened, never to be closed again.” — STEPHEN C. WINKS Founder, The Society of Fiduciary Advisors Founder, Senior Consultant ( “ For those of us who are benefi ciaries or trustees, or who advise them, Tim Hatton’s The New Fiduciary Standard offers us a way to exercise our fi duciary investment responsibilities, or to advise on them, with excellence. We have long needed such a repository of investment practices to help us make the promises of the Prudent Investor Rule come true. Now we have it with Hatton as our guide!” — JAMES E. HUGHES JR., ESQ. Author, Family Wealth—Keeping It in the Family A Note to the Reader from the AICPA A RECENT SURVEY conducted by the investment advice firm Financial Engines found that 73 percent of plan sponsors believe their fi duciary responsibilities and liabilities have in- creased over the past twelve to twenty-four months.1 And only 48 percent of those plan sponsors surveyed believe they have a clear understanding of their role as a fi duciary.2 Plan sponsors— particularly small and medium-sized employers—frequently lack the expertise or resources necessary to address the diffi cult ques- tions posed by fi duciary responsibility.3 Investment fi duciaries need help understanding the practical application of their duties. They need materials that will serve as a foundation for prudent investment fi duciary practices and provide investment fi duciaries with an organized process for making informed and consistent decisions. The AICPA and the Foundation for Fiduciary Studies in 2003 published a defi nitive guide for investment fi duciaries entitled Prudent Investment Practices: A Handbook for Investment Fidu- ciaries (Handbook). It outlines twenty-seven practices that should be followed by an investment fi duciary to ensure compliance with the various directives provided by ERISA, Department of Labor, SEC, and case law that have evolved in this area over the past thirty years. Every fi duciary today needs to ensure that their responsibilities are being met. Similarly, this new work, The New Fiduciary Standard: The 27 Prudent Investment Practices for Financial Advisers, Trustees, and Plan Sponsors, provides practical application of the Hand- 1. Department of Labor Overview of Fiduciary Responsibility Issue; Press Conference on May 18, 2004, Combs, Ann L. (Assistant Secretary of Labor). 2. Id. 3. Id. book’s practices. The New Fiduciary Standard helps fi duciaries understand the practical application of their duties, provides a range of reference materials, encourages fi duciaries to adhere to a higher standard, and breeds a high expectation for achieve- ment for both the fi duciary and the client. The text helps the practitioner visualize how to implement the prudent investment practices in a fi rm of any size. The New Fiduciary Standard, along with Prudent Invest- ment Practices, provides fi duciaries with a knowledge base in the extensive practice area of investment fi duciaries. Fiduciaries must, however, exercise professional judgment when applying the twenty-seven practices; they should consult legal counsel and other authorities when appropriate. The AICPA supports the establishment and maintenance of the highest fi duciary standards. The processes addressed in Prudent Investment Practices, along with the practical applica- tions described in The New Fiduciary Standard, will help the current fi duciary better understand his or her role and may provide their clients with better investment performance. The American Institute of Certifi ed Public Accountants is the ISO 9001-2000 certifi ed national professional organization of CPAs, with approximately 350,000 members, including members serving in busi- ness and industry, public practice, government, and education; student affi liates; and international associates. It sets ethical standards for the profession and U.S. private auditing standards. It also develops and grades the Uniform CPA Examination. For more information about the AICPA, please visit This page is intentionally blank The New Fiduciary Standard ALSO AVAILABLE FROM BLOOMBERG PRESS The Investment Think Tank by Harold Evensky and Deena B. Katz, eds. Managing Concentrated Stock Wealth by Tim Kochis Deena Katz on Practice Management by Deena B. Katz Deena Katz’s Tools and Templates for Your Practice by Deena B. Katz Building a High-End Financial Services Practice by Cliff Oberlin and Jill Powers In Search of the Perfect Model: The Distinctive Business Strategies of Leading Financial Planners by Mary Rowland Practice Made Perfect: The Discipline of Business Management for Financial Advisers by Mark C. Tibergien and Rebecca Pomering Virtual-Office Tools for a High-Margin Practice: How Client-Centered Financial Advisers Can Cut Paperwork, Overhead, and Wasted Hours by David J. Drucker and Joel P. Bruckenstein A complete list of our titles is available at ATTENTION CORPORATIONS This book is available for bulk purchase at special discount. Special editions or chapter reprints can also be customized to specifications. For information, please e-mail Bloomberg Press, [email protected], Attention: Director of Special Markets, or phone 609-279-4600. The New Fiduciary Standard The 27 Prudent Investment Practices for Financial Advisers, Trustees, and Plan Sponsors TIM HATTON, CFP, CIMA, AIF IN COOPERATION WITH THE FOUNDATION FOR FIDUCIARY STUDIES Legal review for ERISA provisions provided by Fred Reish, Esq., Managing Director at Reish Luftman Reicher & Cohen BLOOMBERG PRESS PRINCETON © 2005 by Timothy M. Hatton. All rights reserved. Protected under the Berne Convention. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval sys- tem, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quota- tions embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, please write: Permissions Depart- ment, Bloomberg Press, 100 Business Park Drive, P.O. Box 888, Princeton, NJ 08542-0888 U.S.A. For data used in the analysis for the table “Inconsistency of Return Premium” on page 57, grate- ful acknowledgement is made to the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP®), Graduate School of Business, The University of Chicago. © 2005 CRSP. Used with permission. All rights reserved. BLOOMBERG, BLOOMBERG LEGAL, BLOOMBERG MARKETS, BLOOMBERG NEWS, BLOOMBERG PRESS, BLOOMBERG PROFESSIONAL, BLOOMBERG RADIO, BLOOMBERG TELEVISION, BLOOMBERG TERMINAL, BLOOMBERG TRADEBOOK, and BLOOMBERG WEALTH MANAGER are trademarks and service marks of Bloomberg L.P. All rights reserved. This publication contains the author’s opinions and is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information. It is sold with the understanding that the author, publisher, and Bloomberg L.P. are not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, investment-planning, or other professional advice. The reader should seek the services of a qualified professional for such advice; the author, publisher, and Bloomberg L.P. cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred as a result of specific investments or planning decisions made by the reader. The investment fi duciary practices contained within The New Fiduciary Standard and Prudent Investment Practices have not been approved, disapproved, or otherwise acted upon by any senior technical committee of the American Institute of Certifi ed Public Accountants and have no offi cial or authoritative status with respect to the AICPA. CFP® and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ are certification marks owned by Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc. First edition published 2005 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Hatton, Tim The new fiduciary standard : the 27 prudent investment practices for financial advisers, trustees, and plan sponsors / Tim Hatton, in cooperation with the Foundation for Fiduciary Studies.--1st ed. p. cm. “Legal review for ERISA provisions provided by Fred Reish, Esq., managing director at Reish, Luftman, Reicher & Cohen.” Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-57660-183-8 (alk. paper) 1. Investment advisors--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States. 2. Financial planners--Legal status, laws, etc.--United States. 3. Trusts and trustees--United States. 4. Investments--Law and legislation--United States. 5. Financial services industry--Law and legislation--United States. I. Foundation for Fiduciary Studies. II. Title. KF1072.H38 2005 332.6'0973--dc22 2005000707 Acquiring Editor: Jared Kieling Copy Editor: Edward Mansour To my parents, Dr. Richard L. Hatton and Elaine M. Hatton This page is intentionally blank