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The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 2: Geography PDF

245 Pages·2006·6.41 MB·English
by  Thomas
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    The of   :  This page intentionally left blank Volumestoappearin TheNewEncyclopediaofSouthernCulture are: AgricultureandIndustry LawandPolitics Architecture Literature Art Media Education Music Environment Myth,Manners,andMemory Ethnicity Race Folklife Recreation Foodways Religion Gender ScienceandMedicine Geography SocialClass History Urbanization Language Violence  The    of    GeneralEditor  .  . ManagingEditor  .  AssociateEditor   Geography   Volume Editor Sponsoredby         attheUniversityofMississippi       ChapelHill ©TheUniversityofNorthCarolinaPress Allrightsreserved Thisbookwaspublishedwiththe assistanceoftheAnniversaryEndowmentFund oftheUniversityofNorthCarolinaPress. DesignedbyRichardHendel SetinMiniontypesbyTsengInformationSystems,Inc. ManufacturedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Thepaperinthisbookmeetstheguidelinesforpermanenceand durabilityoftheCommitteeonProductionGuidelinesforBook LongevityoftheCouncilonLibraryResources. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData ThenewencyclopediaofSouthernculture/CharlesReagan Wilson,generaleditor;JamesG.ThomasJr.,managingeditor; AnnJ.Abadie,associateeditor. p.cm. Rev.ed.of:EncyclopediaofSouthernculture.. ‘‘SponsoredbyTheCenterfortheStudyofSouthern CultureattheUniversityofMississippi.’’ Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. Contents:—v..Geography. -:----(cloth:v.:alk.paper) -:---(cloth:v.:alk.paper) -:----(pbk.:v.:alk.paper) -:---(pbk.:v.:alk.paper) .SouthernStates—Civilization—Encyclopedias..Southern States—Encyclopedias.I.Wilson,CharlesReagan.II.Thomas, JamesG.III.Abadie,AnnJ.IV.UniversityofMississippi. CenterfortheStudyofSouthernCulture.V.Encyclopediaof Southernculture. .  .—dc  TheEncyclopediaofSouthernCulture,sponsoredbytheCenterfor theStudyofSouthernCultureattheUniversityofMississippi,was publishedbytheUniversityofNorthCarolinaPressin. cloth           paper           TellabouttheSouth.Whatit’slikethere. Whatdotheydothere.Whydotheylivethere. Whydotheyliveatall.   Absalom,Absalom! This page intentionally left blank  GeneralIntroduction xi Sports,Geographyof  Introduction xvii TownsandVillages  ,   AcadianLouisiana  Atlanta  AfricanOriginsPopulations. Birmingham  SeeEthnicity,Patternsin BlackBelt  AgriculturalRegions  CarolinaLowcountry  Appalachia  CherokeeSettlement  CentralFlorida,Disneyficationof  CottonGins  CrimeandViolence  CourthouseSquare  EthnicGeography  CubanSettlement  Ethnicity,Patternsin  Delta  EuropeanOriginsPopulations. Faulkner’sGeography  SeeEthnicity,Patternsin GeorgiaLandLottery  ExpatriatesandExiles  LittleDixie  Foodways,Geographyof  Mason-DixonLine  Hispanic/LatinoOrigins Memphis  Populations  MillsandMilling  IndiansandtheLandscape  Nashville  IndustrialRegions  NewOrleans  JewishOriginsPopulations  NorthernCities,Blacksin  LandDivision  NorthernCities,Whitesin  LandUse  Ouachitas  LanguageRegions  Ozarks  LogHousing  Piedmont  Migration,Black  PineyWoods  MigrationPatterns  Primogeniture  PlantationMorphology  Richmond  Population  SeaIslands  ReligiousRegions  SugarPlantations  RetirementRegions  Tidewater  RicePlantations  Roadside  IndexofContributors  Southwest  Index 

The location of "the South" is hardly a settled or static geographic concept. Culturally speaking, are Florida and Arkansas really part of the same region? Is Texas considered part of the South or the West? This volume of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture grapples with the contestable issue o
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