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The New Dealers' war: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the war within World War II PDF

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F. D. R . AND THE WAR WITHIN D WAR II THOMAS FLEMING &LITHON OP DUEL AND LIBERTY/ THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION TThhee NEWD EALERS’ NEW DEALERS' WAR WAR AAllssoo bbyy TThhoommaass FFlleemmiinngg NNoonnffiiccttiioonn DDuueell:: AAlleexxaannddeerr H Haammiillttoonn, ,A Aaaroronn BB uurrrr aanndd tthhee FFuuttuurree ooff AAmmeerriiccaa LLiibbeerrttyy!! TThhee A Ammeerricicaann R Reveovloultuiotinon 11777766:: YYeeaarr ooff IIlllluussiioonnss TThhee M Maann W Whhoo D Daarreedd tthhee L Ligighhtntniningg TThhee MMaann ffrroomm MMoonnttiicceelllloo WWeesstt PPooiinntt:: TThhee M Meenn aa nndd TTiimmeess o of ft hthee U U.S.S. .M Miliiltiataryry A Acacdaedmemyy OOnnee SSmmaallll CCaannddllee BBeeaatt tthhee LLaasstt DDrruumm NNooww W We AeA rree E Enneemmieiess FFiiccttiioonn Wh-e- -n T_ his Crue-1l War Is Over RReemmeemmbbeerr t thhee M Moornrniningg OOvveerr T Thheerere LLooyyaallttiieess:: AA NNoovveel lo of fW Woorlrdld W Wara rI II1 TTiimmee aanndd TTiiddee TThhee O Offfiicceerrss' ’W Wivievses PPrroommiisseess ttoo KKeeeepp LLiibbeerrttyy T Taavveerrnn TThhee NEW DEALERS WAR FFrraannkklliinn DD.. RRoooosseevveelltt aanndd TThhee WWaarr WWiitthhiinn W Woorrldld W Waar r II1I THOMAFSL EMING THOMAS FLEMING AA MMeemmbbeerr ooff tthhee P Peerrsseeuuss BBooookkss GGrroouupp Disclaimer: Some images in the original version of this book are not available for inclusion in the eBook. Copyright 0 2001 by Thomas Fleming I’ublished by Basic Books, A Member of the Perseus Books Group All rights reserved. Printed in the United Stateso f America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except In the case of brief quotations embodied in crltical articles and revlews. For information, address Basic Books, IO East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022-5299. Book Design by Elizabeth Lahey Text set in 11.5/16pt Sabon A CIP catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN: 0-465-024645 01020304/10987654321 IInn aannyy f ufututruer ggerr eeaatt nnaattiioonnaal ltt rriiaall,, ccoommppaarerde dww iitthh tthhee mmeenn o off tthhiiss, ,w wee s hshaalll lhh aavvee a ass wweeaakk a anndd aa ss s sttrroonngg, , aass ssiillllyy aanndd aa ss wwiissee,, aa ss bbaadd aanndd a ass ggoooodd.. L Lete uut ss tthheerreefoforer es t usdtuy dthye tihncei d iennctsid ooeff nt htthsis i,s a,a ss p phhiliolsoospohpyhy ttoo lleeaarrnn w wiissddoomm f r formo,m aa,nn dd nnoonnee o off tthheemm aa ss wwrroonnggs stt oo b bee r reevveenngegde.d. -ABRAHALMIN COLN -ABRAHAM LINCOLN TThhee e effffeecctt o off ppoowweer raa nndd p puubblilciictyit oyon n a alll lm meenn is is t hthee eexxaaggggeerraatitoion noo ff tthhee sseellff aanndd aa ssoorrtt ooff ttuummoorr t h tahta eetnn ddss bbyy kkiilllliinngg tt hhee v viicctitmim's' sss yymmpaptahtiehsi.es. -HENRAYD AMS -HENRY ADAMS TThheerree ii ss nnootthhiinngg n enwe win tihne twwhoeor rldld bbuutt t hthee h ihstiosrtoy ryyo u y dodouo n onto ktn okwno. w. -"HHAARRRRYY SS . .T TRRUMUAMNAN This Page Intentionally Left Blank CONTENTS AAcckknnoowwlleeddggmmeenntst s iixx IInnttrroodduucctitoionn xx1i 1 TThhee BBiigg LLeeaakk 11 2 TThhee BBiigg LLeeaakkeerr 2255 3 FFTrrrooi ummm pThr iumph ttoo TTrraauummaa 4499 4 D9ic2h G ort eoam t TTy hhee Great Dichotomy 92 5 WWhhWoos seae r War IIssA I nItty Awnayy?w ay? 111155 6 SSoommee NNeegglelecctetde d C Chihcikceknesn s HCCooom mmeee Home ttoo RRoooosstt 113355 77 IInnS eSaeracrhc h ooff UUnnccoonndditiitoionanlaP lu rPituyr ity 116655 88 WWWaa rrL a reW adasr Leads ttoo JJaawJw a 1wJ 8a 9w 189 99 2FFP1aar4loll l p oohfef taa Prophet 214 1100 WWhhaatt’'dd YYoouu GGeett,, BBlalacckk BBooyy?? 22331 1 VVII1II1 CCOONNTTENETNSTS 1111 LLeett MMyy CCrryCy oCmoUme net TUo hnet2oe 5 T5h ee 255 2811 22R i sin gS tar RReedd Star Rising 2811 1133 SShhaakkiiHnn gagn wHdM isat hnu drd3se 0 wr5 i th Murder 305 1144 GGooddddaammnniinngg RRoooosseevveelltt 33P7a st iOm tehse r aanndd Other Pastimes 337 1155 DDeemmooccrr3aa6ccy6y’ W 'ss aTTr o ottaall War 366 1166 39H0 eO OnSppr yeetorr aap tt iioonn Stop Henry 390 1177 DDeeaatthh aanndd TTrraannssffigiguuraratitoionn i nin BBeerrlliinn 442200 1188 DCyhTTia hhnm4eeg4p D i oynin g Champion 4411 473 S tan11d99s Last LLoosstt Last Stands 473 2200 AA NNeeww PPrreessiiddeennt t aanndd aann OOlldd PPoolilcicyy 551144 2211 AAsshhee5ss 4 oo8ff VV iiccttoorryy 548 NNootteess 556633 lInnddeexx 559999 ACKNOWLED,GMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS NNo o bbooookk oo ff tthhisi sd dimimenesniosnio cna nc abbnee wwrritittetne nw iwthiotuhto tuhte thheelp h oeflp of mmaannyy p peoepolpel. eII. w woouuldl dlli ikkee tt oo e exxpprersess msm yy a apppprerceicatiiaotni ototno s esveevrearlal sscchhoolalrasr wsw hhoo aa ssssisitsetde mdm ee i inn m myy r reesesaeracrhc. hF.i r sFt iirsis sSt S tetveevne Bn e Brnestrenins,tein, aa t atalelnetnetde adr c ahrivcihsti vwwihshot o uu sseedd tth hee i n itnertneertn aentd alinbrda r lyi brersaoruyrc eres stootou rces hheellpp m mee t r tarcakc kddo owwnn n unmuemroeurso luleesaad ds.s N.N eexxt itsi s F E. KKeennnonno nM Mooodoy,dy, wwhhoo ss oollvveedd a a n nuummbebre orof f rreesseaeracrhc phr pobrolebmles mats t h aet tFhFrearn aknlkinli IDsD. . RRoooosseevveletl Lt Libirbarrya riyn iHHny yddee P Parakr kan adn adls oa lpsploalay yede daa m maajojro rro rleo lienin hheellppiinngg mm ee llooccaatete pp iicctuturerse stht hata itli llulmuminiantea tteht eh teet xetx. Mt.M y ysos no,n, RRiicchhaardrd F Flelmemingin, gaa , tt rraaininede dli blirbarriaanri aannd a anrcdh aivricsth, iavsi wswte,l e all asl s a tsht hee hhoollddeer roo ff aa ggrraadudautea tdede eggreree ien iRnu Rssuiasns isatund isetsu, duiseesd, t htuhes eer ed rs eosuorcuersces ooff sseevveeraral lNN eeww YY oorrkk CC iityty l ilbibrarraiersie, sn,o ntaobtlayb hliys halims aal mmaat e mr, aCteor-, Co- lluummbbiai aUU nniviveresristyi,t yttoo, pprroovvidied emm ee w wiithth i n ivnavluaalbulea bailde. Iani dW. a Isnhi nWg-ashing- ttoonn, ,DD .C.C.,. ,M Mrsr. sA. Annnen Me c MGcoGveornv ehrenlp hede lmpmeee de e xxplpolroer teh et hFeu lFtounlton OOuurrsslelre rP Papaeprse rast athte t hGee oGrgeeotrogwent oUwninv Uersniityv eLrisbirtayry L. iIIb wwraoouryuld.l d aallssoo l ilkike etto o t thhaannk kth eth sestat afff foo ff ththe eC oCluomlubmia bOiraa l O Hriastlo rHy iCsCtoololrelycl-e c- ttiioonn, ,w hwoh wwoe erer ein ivnavriaabrilya bhleylp fhuel lipnf mmulyy ei enxxp plolorartaiotnios noofsf ssuucchh tr etar-ea- ssuurree t trorovevse ass a Hs Heneryn rWyW alalallcaec'se ’msmu ultilvtiovluomluem reec roellceocltiloencst.i oFnors. For tthheeiirr s skkilil liln i hne hlpeilnpgi nmge mwwieitht h t h tehire iorw onw finne f hiniseto hryi sctoollreyc t cioonl,l aesction, as wweelll la sa sth ethire riera drienaedssi nttoeo sr reset rtireiveev eoo uut-to-fo-fp-rpinrti bnoto kbso fookr smm ef eov vria i ai nin-- tteerrlilbibrarrayr lyo a lno, aII n aa,m m gg raratetfeuflu ttolo t hthe ests atfaff ofo f ft hteh eN e Nwe YwYo rokr SkSo coiectiyety LLiibbrraaryry. T. Theh lei b lirbarriaarni aoonff ththe eC Cenetnutryu rAys Asoscsiaotcioina,t iWoWn. .G, Grergeogroyry GGaallllaagghhere, rww, aass a allssoo hh eellppffuul lii nn ccoommpputuetre ssre eaarcrchhese fso fro srsu ucchh b obookosks IIXX

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