The New Arab Media Technology, Image and Perception N.M J.a Znweairrid- Edited by Mahjoob Zweiri and Emma C. Murphy E. C. Murphy TT e A valuable introduction and analysis of some of the most important issues ch he surrounding the new media revolution in the Middle East, in particular n examining the two Janus-like faces of the new media in the Middle East: its oN l role in reflecting developments within the region as well as its function in oe g w projecting the Arab world outside of the Middle East. y , I mA Topics examined within the book include the impact of Al-Jazeera; ar The New implementation of the Internet in the region; use of the media for diplomacy ga and propaganda; image culture; use of the Internet by religious diasporas; eb a ICTs and the Arab Public Sphere; the influence of satellite TV on Arab public nM d opinion; and the explosion of local radio stations in Jordan. Pe ed Mahjoob Zweiri is an Assistant Professor in Contemporary History of the rci Technology, Image Middle East at the College of Arts and Sciences at Qatar University. He was ea p until recently senior researcher in Middle East Politics and Iran at the Center ti for Strategic Studies (CSS) at the University of Jordan. He is the author of o aAnd rPearcebptio nM edia n numerous peer-reviewed papers, and is the co-author (with A. Ehteshami) of two books, Iran and the Rise of Its Neoconservatives: The Politics of Tehran’s Silent Revolution (I.B. Tauris, 2007) and Iran’s Foreign Policy: From Khatami to Ahmadinejad (Ithaca Press, 2008). Emma C. Murphy is Professor of Political Economy in the School of Govern- ment and International Affairs, University of Durham. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, and a co-editor of the journal Mediterranean Politics. Her interests in the Arab media stem from the political economy of information and communication technology and she has published articles on this subject in journals such as Contributors Third World Quarterly and International Studies Quarterly. Her monographs Abdel-mutaleb Al-Zuweiri include Economic and Political Change in Tunisia: From Bourguiba to Ben Ali Jon W. Anderson (Palgrave, 1999) and (co-authored with Clive Jones) Israel: Challenges to Fares Braizat Identity, Democracy and the State (Routledge, 2002). David Berger Khaled Hajji Fiona McCallum Andreas Musolff £50.00 Saima Saeed Ahmet Uysal Media Studies / Communications / Journalism Media Media & Communication Middle East Studies ME Middle East Studies Hardback_Ithaca_Template.indd 1 23/09/2010 10:26:08 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page i T N HE EW A M RAB EDIA 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page ii 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page iii T N HE EW A M RAB EDIA Technology, Image and Perception EDITED BY MAHJOOB ZWEIRI AND EMMA C. MURPHY 629 Arab Media Ebbok imprint:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:50 Page iv THENEWARABMEDIA Technology, Image and Perception Published by Ithaca Press 8Southern Court South Street Reading RG1 4QS UK Ithaca Press is an imprint of Garnet Publishing Limited. Copyright © Mahjoob Zweiri and Emma C. Murphy, 2011 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. First Edition ISBN-13: 978-0-86372-385-8 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Typeset bySamantha Barden Jacket design byGarnet Publishing Printed and bound in Lebanon by International Press: [email protected] 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page v Contents List of Tables and Figures vii Contributors ix Introduction xiii Mahjoob Zweiri and Emma C. Murphy 1 The New Frontier in International Politics: 1 The Nature of al-Jazeera’s Prime-time Broadcasting in Arabic and English Ahmet Uysal 2 Between Freedom and Coercion: Inside Internet 19 Implantation in the Middle East Jon W. Anderson 3 The Milestone Metaphor: CNN and al-Jazeera 31 Discourse on the Iraq War Andreas Musolff and Abdel-mutaleb al-Zuweiri 4 News Media, Public Diplomacy and the ‘War on Terror’ 47 Saima Saeed 5 Image Culture, Media and Power 69 Khalid Hajji 6 Religious Diaspora and Information Communications 81 Technology: The Impact of Globalization on Communal Relations in Egypt Fiona McCallum [v] 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page vi THE NEW ARAB MEDIA 7 Between Image and Reality: New ICTs and the 103 Arab Public Sphere Emma C. Murphy 8 The Impact of Arab Satellite Channels on Public Opinion 123 Fares Braizat and David Berger 9 Jordan’s Local Radio Revolution: Progress, 139 Challenges and Possibilities Mahjoob Zweiri Appendix 155 Further Reading 159 Index 163 [vi] 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page vii Tables and Figures TABLES 1.1 News topics on al-Jazeera 7 1.2 Level of news coverage 8 1.3 Area of coverage 9 1.4 News topics by broadcasting/publishing language 10 1.5 Level of coverage in Arabic and English language 11 1.6 Area of coverage in Arabic and English 11 2.1 Comparison of Internet development in Muslim (cultural) 22 and Middle Eastern (political) space, with technological evolution from MIS-based to PC-based to web-based and sociological transitions from Creole Journeys through Elite Contention to today’s Postmodern Nomadism 3.1 Going public with war 61 3.2 Propaganda and radio 61 8.1 Sample sizes for surveys used in this chapter 124 8.2 Most trusted sources for ‘local news’ 127 8.3 Most trusted sources for ‘Arab regional news’ 128 8.4 Most trusted sources for ‘international news’ 128 FIGURES 3.1 Media as instruments of war 49 8.1 Percentage of households owning a satellite device 127 8.2 Computer and Internet penetration in Jordan: 129 the percentage of adult Jordanians (18+) who use computers and the Internet 8.3 Sources of local news for Jordanians 130 8.4 Sources of Arab news for Jordanians 131 8.5 Sources of international news for Jordanians 132 8.6 Sources of news for Jordanian elites regarding American 135 presidential elections of 2008 [vii] 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page viii 629 Arab Media Book:Arab Media 23/09/2010 13:36 Page ix Contributors Jon W. Andersonis Professor and Chair of Anthropology at the Catholic University of America and founding editor of Working Papers on New Media & Information Technology in the Middle East at Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, where he is co-director of its Arab Information Project and creator of the first course in the US on new media and information technology in the Arab world. He has, for the past decade, done field research on IT implementation in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Gulf countries. He has chaired committees on electronic communication for the Middle East Studies Association and the American Anthropological Association; has served on the Social Science Research Council Committee on Information Technology, International Development and Global Security; and is author of Vers une théorie techno-pratique de l’Internet dans le monde Arab (Maghreb-Machrek, 2004), ‘New Media, New Publics: Reconfiguring the Public Sphere of Islam’, Social Research (2003), ‘Middle East Technology Producers’, The Middle East Journal (Summer 2000), Arabizing the Internet (1998), ‘Globalizing Politics and Religion in the Muslim World’, Journal of Electronic Publishing (1996) and co-editor of New Media in the Arab World: The Emerging Public Sphere (1999, 2nd edn 2003) and Reformatting Politics: Networked Communication and Global Civil Society (2006). Fares Braizat is an Associate Professor of Political Science, currently serving as Head of Research at the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University. Before joining SESRI in June 2009, he served as a senior polling advisor on the Lebanese election of 2009. He also served as the deputy director and a researcher at the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan – Amman 2007–9. Prior to that he was on a Fulbright-American Political Science Association Congressional fellowship serving on the House Committee [ix]