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Few-Body Systems 0, 1–3 (2008) Few- Body Systems (cid:13)c by Springer-Verlag 2008 PrintedinAustria The neutron transversity from 8 0 semi-inclusive DIS off 3He 0 2 n a S.Scopetta J 8 Dipartimentodi Fisica, Universit`a degli Studidi Perugia, 2 and INFN,sezione diPerugia, via A. Pascoli, 06100 Perugia, Italy ] h p - p e Abstract. A calculation of nuclear effects in the extraction of neutron single h spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off 3He is de- [ scribed. In the kinematics of forth-coming experiments at JLab, it is found 1 that the nuclear effects arising within an Impulse Approximation approach v are under control. 5 4 2 4 A puzzling experimental scenario has arisen recently, after measurements of . 1 semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) off transversely polarized proton 0 anddeuterontargets [1].Thedatashowastrong,unexpectedflavourdependence 8 in the azimuthal distribution of the produced pions. With the aim at extracting 0 : the neutron information to shed some light on the problem, a measurement of v i SIDISofftransverselypolarized3Hehasbeenaddressed[2],andtwoexperiments, X ± plannedtomeasureazimuthal asymmetries inthe productionof leadingπ from ar transversely polarized 3He, are forth-coming at JLab [3]. Here, a recent, realis- tic analysis of SIDIS off transversely polarized 3He [4] is described. The formal expressions of the Collins and Sivers contributions to the azimuthal Single Spin Asymmetry (SSA) for the production of leading pions have been derived, in im- pulse approximation (IA), including also the initial transverse momentum of the struck quark. The final equations are rather involved and they are not reported here. They can be found in [4]. The same quantities have been then evaluated in the kinematics of the planned JLab experiments. Wave functions [5] obtained within the AV18 interaction [6] have been used for a realistic description of the nuclear dynamics, using overlap integrals evaluated in Ref. [7], and the nucleon structure has been described by proper parameterizations of data or suitable model calculations [8]. The crucial issue of extracting the neutron information from 3He data will be now thoroughly discussed. As a matter of facts, a model independent procedure, based on the realistic evaluation of the proton and neu- tron polarizations in 3He [9], called respectively p and p in the following, is p n widely used in inclusive DIS to take into account effectively the momentum and energy distributions of the bound nucleons in 3He. It is found that the same 2 The neutron transversity from semi-inclusive DIS off 3He 0.005 0.1 0.05 0 0 -0.005 -0.05 -0.01 -0.1 -0.015 -0.15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Figure 1. The model neutron Collins Figure 2. The same as in Fig. 1, but asymmetry for π− production (full) in for the Sivers asymmetry. The results are JLab kinematics, and the one extracted shownforz=0.45andQ2 =2.2GeV2,typ- from the full calculation taking into ac- ical values in the kinematics of the JLab count the proton effective polarization experiments. (dashed),or neglecting it (dotted). extraction technique can be applied also in the kinematics of the proposed ex- periments, although fragmentation functions, not only parton distributions, are involved, as it can be seen in Figs. 1 and 2. In these figures, the free neutron asymmetry used as a model in the calculation, given by a full line, is compared with two other quantities. One is: 1 A¯i ≃ Aexp,i , (1) n d 3 n exp,i whereistandsfor“Collins”or“Sivers”,A istheresultofthefullcalculation, 3 simulating data, and d is the neutron dilution factor. The latter quantity is n defined as follows, for a neutron n (proton p) in 3He: e2fq,n(p)(x)Dq,h(z) q q d (x,z) = P (2) n(p) e2fq,N(x)Dq,h(z) PN=p,nPq q and,dependingonthestandardpartondistributions,fq,N(x),andfragmentation functions, Dq,h(z), is experimentally known (see [4] for details). A¯i is given by n the dotted curve in the figures. The third curve, the dashed one, is given by 1 Ai ≃ Aexp,i−2p d Aexp,i , (3) n p d (cid:16) 3 p p p (cid:17) n n i.e.3Heistreated as anucleuswheretheeffects of its complicated spinstructure, leadingtoadepolarization oftheboundneutron,together withtheonesofFermi motion and binding,can betaken care of by parameterizing the nucleon effective polarizations, p and p . One should realize that Eq. (1) is the relation which p n should hold between the 3He and the neutron SSAs if there were no nuclear effects, i.e. the 3He nucleus were a system of free nucleons in a pure S wave. In fact, Eq. (1) can be obtained from Eq. (3) by imposing p = 1 and p = 0. It n p S.Scopetta 3 is clear from the figures that the difference between the full and dotted curves, showing the amount of nuclear effects, is sizable, being around 10 - 15 % for any experimentally relevant x and z, while the difference between the dashed and full curves reduces drastically to a few percent, showing that the extraction scheme Eq. (3) takes safely into account the spin structure of 3He, together with Fermi motion and binding effects. This important result is due to the peculiar kinematicsoftheJLabexperiments,whichhelpsintwoways.Firstofall,tofavor pionsfromcurrentfragmentation, z hasbeenchosen intherange0.45 . z .0.6, which means that only high-energy pions are observed. Secondly, the pions are detected in a narrow cone around the direction of the momentum transfer. As it is explained in [4], this makes nuclear effects in the fragmentation functions rather small. The leading nuclear effects are then the ones affecting the parton distributions,alreadyfoundininclusiveDIS,andcanbetakenintoaccountinthe usualway, i.e., usingEq.(3)for theextraction of theneutroninformation.Inthe figures, one should not take the shape and size of the asymmetries too seriously, being the obtained quantities strongly dependent on the models chosen for the unknown distributions [8]. One should instead consider the difference between the curves, a model independent feature which is the most relevant outcome of the present investigation. The main conclusion is that Eq. (3) will be a valuable tool for the data analysis of the experiments [3]. The evaluation of possible effects beyond IA, such as final state interactions, andtheinclusionin theschemeof morerealistic modelsof thenucleon structure, able to predict reasonable figures for the experiments, are in progress. References 1. A. Airapetian et al. [HERMES Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 012002 (2005), V.Y. Alexakhin et al. [COMPASS Collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 202002 (2005). 2. S.J. Brodsky and S. Gardner, Phys. Lett. B 643, 22 (2006). 3. E-06-010 ProposaltoJLab-PAC29, J.-P.ChenandJ.-C.PengSpokespersons; E-06-011 Proposal to JLab-PAC29, E. Cisbani and H. Gao Spokespersons. 4. S. Scopetta, Phys. Rev. D 75, 054005 (2007). 5. A. Kievsky, M. Viviani, and S. Rosati, Nucl. Phys. A 577, 511 (1994). 6. R.B. Wiringa, V.G.J. Stocks, and R. Schiavilla, Phys. Rev. C 51, 38 (1995). 7. A. Kievsky, E. Pace, G. Salm`e, and M. Viviani, Phys. Rev. C 56, 64 (1997); E. Pace, G. Salm`e, S. Scopetta, and A. Kievsky, Phys. Rev. C 64, 055203 (2001). 8. M. Anselmino et al., Phys. Rev. D 72, 094007 (2005); D. Amrath, A. Bac- chetta, and A. Metz, Phys. Rev. D 71, 114018 (2005). 9. C. Ciofi degli Atti, S. Scopetta, E. Pace and G. Salm`e, Phys. Rev. C48, 968 (1993).

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