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2002. The Journal of Arachnology 30:357–372 THE NEGLECTED COUSINS: WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT THE SMALLER ARACHNID ORDERS? Mark S. Harvey: Department of Terrestrial Invertebrates, Western Australian Museum, Francis St, Perth, Western Australia 6000, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. An overviewof thesystematics ofsmallerarachnidorders(Opilioacariformes,Ricinulei, Palpigradi, Uropygi, Amblypygi, Schizomida, Solifugae and Pseudoscorpiones) is provided, along with data on numbers of recognized families, genera and species for each group. The micro-diverse orders, Opilioacariformes (1 family, 9 genera, 19 species), Ricinulei (1 family, 3 genera, 55 species), Palpigradi (2 families,6genera,78species),Uropygi(1family,16genera,103species),Amblypygi(5families,17 genera, 136 species)andSchizomida(2families,34genera,205species),areamongstthesmallestofall terrestrial arthropod orders. The meso-diverse orders, Solifugae (12 families, 140 genera, 1,087 species) andPseudoscorpiones(24families,425genera,3,239species)—alongwiththeScorpiones(1,279species) and Opiliones (c. 6,000 species) which are not dealt with in this contribution—are dwarfed by the three mega-diverse arachnid orders, Araneae (c. 36,000 species), Parasitiformes and Acariformes(withacom- bined total of c. 48,000). Keywords: Arachnida,Opilioacariformes,Ricinulei,Palpigradi,Uropygi,Amblypygi,Schizomida,So- lifugae, Pseudoscorpiones,diversity, systematics The Arachnida are aconspicuous anddom- ed three orders, Opilioacariformes, Parasiti- inantanimalgroup.Theyhavediversifiedinto formes and Acariformes. Thus, a total of 13 virtually every terrestrial environment, with a orders are recognized here. While the taxo- few freshwater and marine representatives. nomic rank assigned to particular monophy- Most arepredators,butsomearephytophages letic groups of organisms is immaterial to and others areobligateparasitesofanimalsor most systematists (in sharp contrast to the plants. Adults range in size from 250 (cid:109)m consternation shown by some other sections mites to the plate-sized tarantulas. Arachnids ofthebiologicalcommunity)therelationships include some of the most poisonous animals between these taxa are ofmuch moreinterest. on Earth—some spiders and scorpions areca- Indeed, arachnids have been the subject of pable of quickly killing an adult human—and severalrecentphylogenetictreatments,includ- many evoke fear and loathing in human cul- ing morphological and molecular data-sets tures. Some mites and ticks are vectors for (Kraus 1976; Shultz 1989, 1990; Weygoldt debilitating diseases, which cause immeasur- 1998a; Weygoldt & Paulus 1979a, 1979b; able suffering to many humans. Most, how- Wheeler & Hayashi 1998). Results obtained ever, are harmless to humans and are rarely from these studies are not, however, uniform, seen by non-biologists. and considerable differences exist in hypoth- Arachnida are traditionally ranked as anar- esized relationships between orders (Figs. 1, thropod class within the subphylum Chelicer- 2). ata, alongside pycnogonids, xiphosurans, eu- Arachnids have a long ancestry. At least rypterids and some other minor extinct taxa. three Recent orders appeared in the fossil re- The number of orders recognized within the cord during the Silurian or Devonian, and Arachnidahaschangedovertimeandbetween most of the remaining extant orders appeared researchers. The current consensus of10 non- by the Carboniferous (Selden 1993). Scorpi- acarine orders seems to be holding firm, but ons possess the longestlineageandhavebeen the number of recognized acarine orders found in Upper Silurian marine sediments. varies from one to nine. For the purposes of MorphologicalevidencesuggeststhatSilurian thisstudy,IfollowHalliday(1998)whotreat- scorpionswereallaquatic.Trigonotarbidsalso 357 358 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY Figures 1–2.—Cladograms depicting relationships between Recent arachnid orders presented by (1) Weygoldt & Paulus (1979b) and (2) Shultz (1990). Note the differences in the positions of Scorpiones, Palpigradi and Opiliones, among others. The only concordant clades are highlighted with bold lines. appeared by the Upper Silurian but, like the pigradididnotappearuntiltheTertiary.Fossil later Haptopoda and Phalangiotarbida, disap- Opilioacariformes are not yet known. peared by the end of the Carboniferous. The ARACHNID DIVERSITY Silurian trigonotarbid, Palaeotarbus jerami (Dunlop 1996), is the first unequivocal evi- The 13 arachnid orders can be divided into dence of terrestrialization in Arachnida (Dun- three groups—mega-diverse, meso-diverse lop 1996a), which was followed by several and micro-diverse—based purely upon the acariform mites (Norton et al. 1988) and a numbers of described species. The three pseudoscorpion(Schawalleretal.1991)inthe mega-diverse orders—Araneae (spiders), Par- late Devonian. Somewhat surprisingly, many asitiformes and Acariformes (mites and of these Devonian species are remarkably ticks)—possessthebulkofarachniddiversity, similar to Recent species. The Carboniferous with some 88% of described species (Fig. 3). represents the earliest records for the Solifu- Thislargeproportionwillcontinuetoincrease gae, Opiliones, Ricinulei, Amblypygi, Uro- as further taxa are described—indeed, revi- pygi and Araneae, but the first Schizomida, sions of individual mite or spider groups Parasitiformes, and the first unequivocal Pal- sometimes contain more new species than the HARVEY–SMALLERARACHNIDORDERS 359 tain 3,239 described species, with the Scorpiones (Fet et al. 2000) and Solifugae possessing 1,279 and 1,087 describedspecies, respectively. The micro-diverse orders—Schizomida, Amblypygi, Uropygi, Palpigradi, Ricinulei and Opilioacariformes—include some of the most geographically restricted arthropod or- ders, with none currently possessing more than 210 described species. The total level of arachnid diversity is hard to assess, as there are still considerable taxo- nomicimpedimentstobeovercome,mostlyin Figure 3.—Chart depicting proportion of de- the form of vast numbers of undescribed taxa scribed, valid arachnid speciesshowingthenumer- awaitingdescription.Thecurrentfigureofap- ical dominance of the Araneae and the two major proximately 97,000 described species (Table orders of Acari, Parasitiformesand Acariformes. 1) is likely to represent a small proportion of the total diversity. Continued funding for tax- onomic research, particularly in tropical and entire number of species in one of the other southern temperate regions, is of paramount arachnid orders. Spiders now total 37,296 de- scribed species (Platnick 2001), and theAcari importance if we are to attempt to reasonably (Opilioacariformes (cid:49) Parasitiformes (cid:49) Acar- assess the total global diversity of these fas- iformes)areestimatedtoincludesome48,200 cinating creatures. Many are undoubtedly be- described species (Halliday et al. 2000). This ing lost through extinction as habitat destruc- rich diversity is accompanied by varied mor- tion and modification continues to play a phological and ecological traits. significantroleinshapingthedestinyofmany The four meso-diverse orders—Opiliones, arachnids. Pseudoscorpiones, Scorpiones and Solifu- InthispaperIhaverestrictedmydiscussion gae—possessmorethan1,000namedspecies, to those taxa for which I have compiled suf- but do not, and will not, approach the levels ficient data and for which I have sufficient of diversity seen in the AraneaeorAcari.The knowledge to make some observations which Opiliones are the most diverse with an esti- may prove to be of interest to readers. I have mated 6,000 described species (J.C. Coken- chosentoconcentrateonthe‘‘smaller’’orders dolpher, pers. comm.). Pseudoscorpionescon- as they are often neglectedindeferencetothe Table 1. Arachnid orders with numbers of valid Recent described taxa to December 2000. Figures in italics are estimatesonly. Order Families Genera Species Authority Opilioacariformes 1 9 20 this paper Ricinulei 1 3 55 this paper Palpigradi 2 6 78 this paper Uropygi 1 16 106 this paper Amblypygi 5 17 136 this paper Schizomida 2 34 205 this paper Solifugae 12 141 1,087 this paper Scorpiones 16 155 1,279 Fet et al. (2000) Pseudoscorpiones 24 425 3,239 Harvey (1991); this paper Opiliones 25 500 6,000 J.C. Cokendolpher, pers. comm. Araneae 106 3,450 37,296 Platnick (2001) Parasitifomes(cid:49) 350–422 3,300–4,000 48,181 Adis & Harvey (2000), Acariformes Halliday et al. (2000) TOTAL 545–617 8,055–8,755 97,682 360 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY ria. That was quickly followed by a fully il- lustrateddescriptionofO.segmentatus(which was erroneously placed in the new genus Eu- carus) and the description of Eucarus italicus With 1904 from Sicily and E. arabicus With 1904 from Aden (With 1904). Since then, 17 additionalspecieshavebeendescribed,oneof whichwasplacedinthesynonymyofanother. Ofthesedescriptions,mostnotablewerethose of Hammen (1966, 1968, 1969, 1971, 1977) Figure 4.—Numbers of valid Recent opilioacar- and Coineau & Hammen (1979) who had iform genera and species. commenced a series of papers on the mor- phology and taxonomy of the group in which a new generic classification and a phyloge- three dominant arachnid orders mentioned netic analysis was proposed. above.Similardataontwoothermeso-diverse The Opilioacariformes consists of a single orders, Scorpiones and Opiliones, have not family,Opilioacaridae,andthe20namedspe- been compiled. cies are currently placed in nine genera (Fig. Despite their modest levels of diversity, 4), the majority of which have beendescribed there have been several recent breakthroughs during the past 30 years. They possess uni- inourunderstandingoftherelationshipswith- form morphology but two genera, Paracarus in some of these smaller orders that may Chamberlin & Mulaik 1942 from Kirghizia prove of interest to a wider audience. I treat and Siamacarus Leclerc 1989 from Thailand, the orders in sequencefromleasttomostspe- possess three pairs of lateral eyes (Hammen cies-rich. 1968; Leclerc 1989). The remaining taxapos- METHODS sess only two pairs. Harvey (1996) presented The graphs presented below (Figs. 4–7, 9, a cladogram of opilioacarid genera, based 11,12,14)wereproducedfromaprimaryda- upon an unpublished cladistic analysis, which tabasethatImaintainaspartofmysystematic suggested that Paracarus and Siamacarus research and cataloguing activities. This da- were the sister-group to theremaininggenera. tabase is current to December 2000. The date Important publications about opilioacariforms of description of a new taxon, in this casege- include Chamberlin & Mulaik (1942), Grand- nus or species, was transferred to an Excel jean (1936), Hammen (1966, 1968, 1969, 2000 spreadsheet to produce the cumulative 1971, 1977), Leclerc (1989), Juvara-Bals & plots. I also included taxa that are currently Baltac (1977) and With (1904). treated as junior synonyms, but deleted one RICINULEI taxonomic unit when the taxon’s name was judged to have been firstplacedinsynonymy. Ricinuleids have often been described as This provided an estimate of the number of ‘‘living fossils’’ (Selden 1986)—a fitting ap- taxarecognizedatanyonetime,althoughspe- pellation given their bizarre appearance and cies which were treated as synonyms for part gait—but in many respects they are highly of their ‘‘life’’ but are currently recognizedas modified arachnids with a number of autapo- valid have been treated as having never been morphies, including a peculiar pre-carapaceal synonymized. Homonyms were treated from structure, the cucullus, a characteristic mode the year they were first described and not by of sperm transfer and modified pedipalps. the date in which they were first given a re- The first Recent ricinuleid species, Cryp- placement name. tostemma westermannii Gue´rin-Me´neville 1838 from west Africa, was described by OPILIOACARIFORMES Gue´rin-Me´neville (1838) who attributed the The smallest arachnid order, the Opilioa- animaltotheorderOpiliones.Asecondgenus cariformes—sometimes termed the Notostig- and species, Cryptocellus foedus Westwood mata or Opilioacarida—was first discovered 1874 was described from Amazonia. Further by With (1902) who briefly described Opi- species have since been described from trop- lioacarus segmentatus With 1902 from Alge- ical Africa and America. Ironically, the first HARVEY–SMALLERARACHNIDORDERS 361 Figure 6.—Numbers of valid Recent palpigrade Figure 5.—Numbers of valid Recent ricinuleid generaand species. Notethesteadyincreaseinde- genera and species. Note the rapid increaseofnew scribedspeciesinthelatterpartofthe20thcentury. species since 1970. species nowadays attributed to theorder,Cur- palpaltarsusofmalespiderswhichisusedfor culioides ansticii Buckland (along with C. the same purpose. Like the spider pedipalp, prestviciiBuckland,whichisnowregardedas the ricinuleid third leg offers numerous spe- a member of the extinct tetrapulmonate order cies-specific features that are very important Trigonotarbida),wasdescribedin1837,ayear taxonomically. prior to the discovery of living forms. As the The literature on ricinuleids is not exten- name attests, Buckland (1837) erroneously sive, but important papers include Hansen & consideredthatthefossils,fromthefossil-rich Sørensen (1904), Mitchell (1970), Pittard & Carboniferous British Coal Measures, were Mitchell(1972),Tuxen(1974),Platnick&Paz insects and it was many years before it was (1979), Platnick (1980), Platnick & Shadab discovered that they were in fact arachnids. (1981), Legg (1976) and Selden (1992). The Selden (1992) divided the Ricinulei into Ricinuleiareusuallyplacedasthesister-group twosuborders:theNeoricinuleifortheRecent totheAcari(Shultz1990;Weygoldt&Paulus species of Ricinoididae, and the Palaeoricin- 1979b), but Dunlop (1996b) suggested that ulei for the 15 Carboniferous species placed they represent the sister-group of the Trigon- in the Curculioididae and Poliocheridae. The otarbida within the Tetrapulmonata. Recent taxa are currently assigned to three PALPIGRADI genera:RicinoidesEwing1929fromwestand central Africa, and Cryptocellus Westwood Palpigrades are probably the mostenigmat- 1874andPseudocellusPlatnick1980fromthe ic of all of the arachnid orders. They are ex- Americas. tremely small and fragile creatures, with a Relationships among the three Recent gen- long multi-segmented flagellum that is fre- eraareuncertain,astherearenounambiguous quently broken off during collection or from characters which serve to place one genus handling preserved specimens. Their relation- closer to another. Of the 55 species currently ships are obfuscated by a suite of reductional recognized, 37 have been described since apomorphies,buttheyhavebeeneitherplaced 1960 (Fig. 5), and although some are found within the Tetrapulmonata (e.g. Shultz 1990; only in caves, thevastmajority arefromrain- Weygoldt & Paulus 1979b) or as a sister- forest habitats. Many species are only known group to the mite order Actinotrichida (Ham- from a single locality, and some may possess men 1982). naturallysmalldistributions.Thisplacesthem The first palpigrade, Koenenia mirabilis at risk of extinction through clearing of pri- Grassi & Calandruccio 1885, was described mary rainforest and similar habitats, especial- from specimens collected in Sicily, and as- ly in West Africa. cribedtothe‘‘Microteliphonida’’,anamethat Although ricinuleids possess a suite of pe- was promptly changed to Palpigradi by Tho- culiar features, the most extraordinary is their rell(1888).Themajorityofthe78Recentspe- modeofspermtransfer,whichisfacilitatedby cies have been described since 1950 (Fig. 6) an elaborate copulatory apparatus onthethird by P. Re´my and B. Conde´ (see Conde´ 1996). leg of the male. This structure rivals the mor- The order is divided into two families, Eu- phological complexity of the modified pedi- koeneniidae and Prokoeneniidae. The Euko- 362 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY eneniidae comprises four genera with the vast Thorell, R.I. Pocock and K. Kraepelin. F.H. majorityofspeciesplacedinEukoeneniaBo¨r- Gravely seems to havebeenthefirsturopygid ner1901.TheProkoeneniidaeconsistsofsev- taxonomist with first-hand knowledge of live en species in two genera. The differences be- whip-scorpions which he studied while based tween palpigrade genera were summarizedby at the Indian Museum in Calcutta. Conde´ (1996), but there has been no explicit Rowland&Cooke(1973)providedauseful examination of their relationships. synopsis of the order, including a key to gen- The two fossil species attributed to thePal- era and a checklist of species. They also pre- pigradi add little to our understanding of the sented a novel classification that included the group. Paleokoenenia Rowland & Sissom division of the group into two families, The- 1980, with the sole species P. mordax Row- lyphonidae and Hypoctonidae. Weygoldt land & Sissom 1980, is from onyx marble in (1979) suggested that the existence of two Arizona, suspected to be from the Pliocene families was not supported by the available (Rowland & Sissom 1980), and is currently data, and Haupt & Song (1996) formally re- not assigned to any family.SternarthronHaa- duced the Hypoctonidae to a subfamily as se 1890, with S. zitteli Haase 1890, is from there was little support for a monophyletic the Jurassic of Germany, and with a total Hypoctonidae. Dunlop & Horrocks (1996) length of 15 mm (Haase 1890), is substan- suggested that the ‘‘hypoctonids’’ may be the tially larger than any other palpigrade. How- sister-group to the Schizomida (cid:49) Proschizo- ever, it is probably misplaced within the Pal- mus Dunlop & Horrocks 1996, but the char- pigradi and may not even be an arachnid acter polarities they utilized were regarded as (Selden 1993). uncertain and many features of Proschizomus The most important contributions to the werenotobservableinthefossilizedmaterial. taxonomy and classification of the order have Several uropygid genera appear to be un- been made by B. Conde´, which were sum- supported by any apomorphic character states marizedinConde´ (1996).Otherimportantref- and are clearly paraphyletic.Themostglaring erences include Hansen & So¨rensen (1897), example is Thelyphonus which is character- Hansen (1901) and Rowland & Sissom ized by a seriesofplesiomorphies.Furtherre- (1980). search into this, the oldest uropygid genus, would be most welcome toclearlyunderstand UROPYGI the evolutionary relationships of these fasci- Whip-scorpions are imposing, robust trop- nating animals. ical predators with enlarged raptorial pedi- Some 103 whip-scorpion species are cur- palpsandamulti-segmentedelongatepost-py- rently recognized and placed in 16 genera. gidium. Like schizomids, they possess anal Two genera, Thelyphonus and Hypoctonus glands that they use to accurately spray a Thorell 1888, account for nearly half of the chemical cocktail to deter predators(Eisneret species diversity of the order, with some 31 al. 1961). and 19 species, respectively. Nearly two- Linnaeus (1758) was the first to describe a thirdsofthespeciescurrentlyrecognizedwere whip-scorpion, based upon a specimen from collected and described over 100 years ago, ‘‘India’’—by which he probably referred to and the past century has produced only about the entire east Indies—which he named Phal- 40 new species (Fig. 7). Significantly, six of angium caudatum Linnaeus 1758. Linnaeus’s the 16 recognized genera were described in useofthegenericnamePhalangiumLinnaeus this same interval—all of which contain only 1758 was quite different to that employed by one or two species. The validity of many of later biologists, as he included several differ- these taxa has not been rigorously tested, and ent arachnids nowadays placed in separateor- I suspect that some will eventually prove to ders. The distinguished invertebratologistP.A. be synonyms of older genera once the rela- Latreille (1802) was amongst the first to dis- tionships of whip-scorpions are fully investi- member Phalangium, and his name Thely- gated. phonus Latreille 1802 was the first to be ap- The uropygid genera have some level of plied solely to a whip-scorpion. Uropygid geographical discreteness, with three major specieswereslowlyaddedtothegroupby19th areas of occupancy: the Americas, West Af- century workers, including A.G. Butler, T. ricaandAustralasia.TheAmericanfaunacon- HARVEY–SMALLERARACHNIDORDERS 363 Figure8.—NumbersofvalidRecentamblypygid generaandspecies.Notethesteadyincreaseinnew Figure 7.—Numbers of valid Recent uropygid species since the 1880’s and the differencesintax- genera and species. Note the rapid increase in de- onomic opinion between rival taxonomists in the scribedspeciesduringthelatterpartofthe19thcen- 1890’s, when numerous species were synonymized tury. by Kraepelin (1895; 1899a). sists of three genera and 17 species, Masti- ida (cid:49) Uropygi) as the sister-group to the Ar- goproctus Pocock 1894 (14 species, southern aneae. As mentioned above, Dunlop & Hor- U.S.A. to Brazil), Thelyphonellus Pocock rocks (1996) presented a different scenario. 1894 (two species, Brazil, Surinam and Guy- AMBLYPYGI ana) and Amauromastigon Mello-Leita˜o 1931 (one species, Brazil). The sole West African Amblypygi—commonly known as whip- species,Etienniusafricanus(Hentschel1984), spiders—are flattened creatures with multi- is found in Gambia and Senegal. The Austral- segmented, extremely long front legs that act asian fauna, by far the most diverse, ranges as tactile organs. Whip-spiders are primarily from India to Fiji, and comprises 85 species restricted to the tropics wheretheymostcom- in 13 genera (Abaliella Strand 1928, Chajnus monly occur in rainforests.Severaltroglobitic Speijer 1936, Ginosigma Speijer 1936, Glyp- and troglophilic species are known(Weygoldt togluteus Rowland 1973, Hypoctonus, Labo- 1994), some of which display typical cave- chirus Pocock 1894, Mastigoproctus, Mimos- dwelling facies with loss of pigmentation, corpius Pocock 1894, Minbosius Speijer elongateappendages,andthereductionorloss 1933, Tetrabalius Thorell 1888, Thelyphonus, of eyes. Typopeltis Pocock 1894 and Uroproctus Po- The first amblypygid, Phalangium renifor- cock 1894). me Linnaeus 1758, was based upon a speci- Fossil uropygids have been described from menfrom‘‘America.’’Onlyafewfurtherspe- Europe and North America, in the Carbonif- cies were named until the middle of the 19th erous genera Geralinura Scudder 1884 and century, when many species and genera were Proschizomus, the Cretaceous Mesoproctus described by A.G. Butler, K. Kraepelin, R.I. Dunlop 1998 and a species of Thelyphonus Pocock and others. The fluctuating numbers from the Miocene. of species recognized in the 1890’s (Fig. 8) Important papers on the taxonomy of the was largely based upon the large number of Uropygi include Kraepelin (1897), Gravely synonymies instituted by Kraepelin (1895, (1916), Millot (1949), Rowland & Cooke 1899a). Many of these synonymies have not (1973) and Dunlop & Horrocks (1996). Al- beensupportedbylaterworkers(e.g.Quintero though the Uropygi are firmly placed as the 1981) and much revisionary work is needed sister-group of the Schizomida (which are to untangle the calamitous taxonomic state of sometimes included as a suborder of the Uro- some genera. Despite the legacy left by Krae- pygi), the systematic position of Uropygi (cid:49) pelin’s synonymies, new species have been Schizomida varies. They were treated as the consistentlydescribedoverthepast100years, sister-group to the Amblypygi (cid:49) Araneae by and the current total of 136 described species Weygoldt & Paulus(1979b),andasthesister- willsurelycontinuetoclimbasfurthergenera group to Amblypygi by Shultz (1990), with are examined in detail. the entire Pedipalpi (Amblypygi (cid:49) Schizom- Weygoldt (1996a) presented a detailed cla- 364 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY (Damon C.L. Koch 1850, EuphrynichusWey- goldt 1995, Musicodamon Fage 1939, Phryn- ichodamon Weygoldt 1996, Phrynichus Karsch 1879 and Xerophrynus Weygoldt 1996), with a single outlying genus in Brazil (Trichodamon Mello-Leita˜o 1935). The Phrynidae (Acanthophrynus Kraepelin 1899, Heterophrynus Pocock 1894, Paraphrynus Moreno 1940 and Phrynus Lamarck 1801) range from the southern U.S.A. to northern Brazil, although the recent discovery of a member of the genus Phrynus fromIndonesia (Harvey 2002) raises the prospect of a much wider distribution pattern for the family. Important papers on amblypygid systemat- ics and taxonomy include Kraepelin (1895), Mullinex (1975), Quintero (1981, 1986), Si- mon (1892) and Weygoldt (1996a, 1998b, 1999a, 1999b). A comprehensive review of Figure 9.—Relationships between the Recent amblypygid morphology, behavior and sys- genera of Amblypygi, redrawn from Weygoldt tematics was recently provided by Weygoldt (1996a, 1996b). (2000). The Amblypygi are usually regarded asthesister-grouptotheUropygi(cid:49)Schizom- distic analysis of amblypygid genera and pro- ida, thus forming the taxon Pedipalpi (e.g. posed a new classification that encompassed Shultz 1990), but Weygoldt&Paulus(1979b) five families divided between two suborders, placed them as the sister-group to the Ara- Paleoamblypygi and Euamblypygi. The Pa- neae. leoamblypygi are represented by a single cu- rious species, Paracharon caecus Hansen SCHIZOMIDA 1921 (Paracharontidae), which was taken The first Schizomida were described by O. from a termite nest in Guinea-Bissau(Hansen P.-Cambridge (1872) from specimens collect- 1921). Its position as the sister-group to the ed in Sri Lanka. They are small creatures— remaining Recent amblypygids (Weygoldt generally less than 5 mm—with long, tactile 1996a, and Fig. 9) makes it the only mono- anteriorlegs,andtheabilitytomoveveryrap- typic arachnid suborder in existence, and its idly over short distances. They generally oc- isolated and archaic nature is highlighted by curinrainforestleaflitteralthoughmanyspe- a suspected relationship with the four known cies have been described from caves. Others Carboniferous species (Weygoldt 1996a). Euamblypygi are represented by four fam- have been accidentally transported with hu- ilies with varying distributions. The Charini- mans, appearing in hot-houses and other en- dae is the most widespread family and occurs vironmentswithconstanthighhumidity.Schi- in most tropical regions of the world; it con- zomids possess a peculiar form of sexual sists of one circum-tropical genus (Charinus dimorphism in which the flagellum of the Simon 1892), and two genera restricted to male is enlarged into a bulbous, unsegmented south-east Asia (Catageus Thorell 1889 and structure, whereas the segmented female fla- Sarax Simon 1892). Weygoldt (1996a) was gellum is unexpanded. Cambridge’s (1872) unable to establish a monophyletic origin for description of the Sri Lankan material treated the Charinidae, and further work is needed to the male and female specimens as different determinethespeciesrelationships.TheChar- species—appropriately termed Nyctalops ontidae (Charon Karsch 1879 and Stygophry- crassicaudatus O.P.-Cambridge 1872 and N. nus Kraepelin 1895) are endemic to Austral- tenuicaudatus O.P.-Cambridge 1872—until asia, ranging from Burma to the Solomon the error was detected. It has since been es- Islands and northern Australia. The Phryni- tablishedthatthemaleflagellumisgrippedby chidae are found in Africa to south-east Asia the female during courtship (Sturm1958) and HARVEY–SMALLERARACHNIDORDERS 365 Figure 10.—Numbers ofvalid Recentschizomid genera and species. Note the rapid increaseofnew species since 1970, and new genera since 1990. presumably serves a role in species recogni- tion. Schizomidsareareasonablyuniformgroup Fig.11.—RelationshipsamongsttheSchizomida, inwhich,untilrecently,onlyahandfulofgen- redrawn from Cokendolpher & Reddell (1992). era and species were known. Until the mid- 1980’s the majority of species were placed in either Schizomus Cook 1899 or Trithyreus dell (1992) presented a cladistic analysis of Kraepelin 1899, but redescriptions ofthetype the Schizomida (Fig. 11), and showed that species of each genus by Reddell & Coken- both families are monophyletic. The fossil re- dolpher (1984, 1991), allowed foramorerea- cord is scant, with three Tertiary genera sonabletaxonomicbreak-upoftheorder.Har- placed in either the Hubbardiidae (Calcoschi- vey (1992a) revised the Australian fauna and zomus Pierce 1951 and Onychothelyphonus dispensed with the notion that the majority of Pierce 1950) or Calcitronidae (Calcitro Pe- schizomidscouldbeincludedinafewgenera, trunkevitch 1945).Littlecanbededucedfrom as the level of variation, particularly of the the morphology of these Tertiary species, as femalegenitalia,wasfoundtobeausefuland the preservation is generally poor, and any significanttoolinseparatingdistinctgroupsof comparisonwithmodernrepresentativesisex- species into genera. Reddell & Cokendolpher tremely difficult. (1995) revised the world fauna, described a The Schizomida are strongly confirmed as further 15 genera and removed several older the sister-group of the Uropygi, but Uropygi names from synonymy. Additional genera (cid:49) Schizomida are either treated as the sister- have since been described by Reddell, Cok- group to the Amblypygi (Shultz 1990) or as endolpher, Harvey and their co-workers. To the sister-group to the Amblypygi (cid:49) Araneae date there are 34 genera of schizomids placed (e.g., Weygoldt & Paulus 1979b). Important in two families, Protoschizomidae and Hub- papers on the systematics of schizomids are bardiidae. Twenty-three of these genera have Hansen &So¨rensen(1905),Lawrence(1969), beendescribedsince1990(Fig.10)andmany Rowland & Reddell (1979a, 1979b, 1980, more are to be expected once the Asian and 1981),Harvey(1992a),Cokendolpher&Red- African faunas,whichhavenotyetbeenstud- dell (1992) and Reddell & Cokendolpher iedindetail,areconsidered.Over180species (1995). havebeendescribed,72%ofthesesince1960. SOLIFUGAE I expect that over 500 species will eventually berecognizedworld-wide,asthediscoveryof The Solifugae, sometimes called sun-spi- new taxa in the Australasian region alone ders, wind-scorpions or camel-spiders, are (Harvey, unpublished data)continues.Indeed, some of the most spectacular arachnids and since my 1992 revision in which 26 species are equipped with large, powerful, two-seg- were recognized (Harvey 1992a), a further45 mented chelicerae. Adults range in size from new species have been detected, and every 1–7 cm. They can be easily distinguished new sample seems to contain further species from other arachnids by the presence of mal- (Harvey 2000, 2001). Cokendolpher & Red- leoli (racquet organs), the peculiar, stalked 366 THE JOURNALOF ARACHNOLOGY ilies into superfamilies and the current clas- sificationisaflatstructuredevoidofanyphy- logenetic signal. The Rhagodidae seem to stand apart from the remaining Solifugae in a number of ways and Roewer (1934) depicted them as separate from other families. How- ever,thesystematicpositionofthisfamilyhas not been empirically tested, and a phyloge- netic study of the Solifugae would allow test- ing of morphological and behavioral traits. Three species have been described from fossils, and each is placed in a monotypic ge- Figure 12.—Numbers of valid Recent solifuge nus: Protosolpuga carbonaria Petrunkevitch genera and species. Note the marked increase in 1913 (Protosolpugidae) from the Pennsylva- described genera and species during the 1930’s, nian(Carboniferous)ofMazonCreek,U.S.A., which was largely the work of one worker, C.F. Happlodontus proterus Poinar and Santiago- Roewer. Blay 1989 (Ammotrechidae) from Miocene- Eocene Dominican Amber and Cratosolpuga structures situated on the ventral surfaces of wunderlichi Selden 1996 (Ceromidae) from leg IV. the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) of Brazil. Althoughsolpugidswereknowntopre-Lin- The Solifugae are commonly accepted as nean scholars, the first solpugid was officially the sister-group to the Pseudoscorpiones, and described as Phalangium araneoides Pallas both are placed in the clade Haplocnemata 1772. Lichtenstein (1796) and Lichtenstein & (e.g.Shultz1990;Weygoldt&Paulus1979b). Herbst (1797) added four new species that Important publications include Simon were placed in the first genusdedicatedtothe (1879), Kraepelin (1899b), Roewer (1932, group, Solpuga Lichtenstein 1796. Early at- 1933, 1934), Birula (1938), Muma (1951, tempts at producing a classification of the or- 1976), Lawrence (1955), Selden & Shear der were attempted by C.L. Koch (1842), Si- (1996) and Punzo (1998). mon (1879) and Kraepelin (1899b), but the PSEUDOSCORPIONES modern classification was established by Roewer (1932, 1933, 1934) who instigated a Pseudoscorpions are small predatoryarach- new classification and described numerous nids, which superficially resemble scorpions, new genera and species (Fig. 12). Roewer’s but that lack the elongate metasoma (tail) and reliance upon a small set of charactersystems telson(sting)characteristicofthelattergroup. to distinguish between genera or subfamilies Theresemblanceismostlyduetotheenlarged has been critically challenged by numerous pedipalps that in both groups are modified workers (e.g. see Muma 1976) and it is clear withthetarsusinsertedventrallyunderthetib- that the current classification is severely ia to form a chelate appendage. Adults range flawed at many levels. Much work must be from less than 1 mm to 1 cm in length. undertaken to even begin to sort out the con- The first pseudoscorpions were described fusion. The only regional fauna which is in by Linnaeus (1758) who named Acarus can- relatively good condition is that of the New croides Linnaeus 1758 from Europe and Ac- World, where Roewer had little impact, and arus scorpioides Linnaeus 1758 from Suri- where later researchers such as Muma and nam—ironically the three names he used Brookhart (e.g. Brookhart & Muma 1981, linked the group to mites (Acarus Linnaeus 1987; Muma 1951, 1970, 1971; Muma & 1758),crabs(cancroides)andscorpions(scor- Brookhart 1988) and Maury (e.g. Maury pioides), indicating a distinct uncertainty of 1982,1985,1987)havebeenabletoformulate their relationships! Geoffroy (1762) quickly a worthwhile classification based upon a syn- realized that A. cancroides was misplaced thesis of many characters. amongthemitesanderectedtheinauguralge- Solifugae currently consists of 12 families, neric name, Chelifer Geoffroy 1762. 141 genera and 1,084 species (Table 1). No Allpseudoscorpionswereplacedinasingle attempt has been made to group the 12 fam- family until 1892 when the young Italian bi-

Acariformes 106 350–422 3,450 3,300–4,000 37,296 48,181 Platnick (2001) Adis & Harvey (2000), Halliday et al. (2000) TOTAL 545–617 8,055–8,755 97,682
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