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The Nazi Holocaust Its History And Meaning PDF

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Ronnie Landau is the former Educational Director of the Spiro Institute for the Study of Jewish History and Culture, Head of Humanities and Principal Lecturer at the City Literary Institute and Visiting Lecturer in Modern Jewish History at both Leo Baeck College and the International Study Centre of Queens University (Ontario). Founding Director of the British Holocaust Education Project, he has also taught Classical languages and civilisation in London. Among other projects, he is a regular speaker on behalf of Amnesty International. ‘Afteryearsofgrapplingwiththeideasofnumerouseducationalists, historians,psychologistsandwriters,RonnieLandauhaswrittena quiteremarkablebook.’ TheTimes ‘Ideal for the general reader and for students alike, The Nazi Holocaust looks set fair to become a standard textbook … it brings together,insuchanaccessibleform,muchoftheessentialmaterial forthosewantingtobeginthelongtaskofunderstandinghowthese eventswereallowedtohappen.’ JewishChronicle ‘LandauhasremovedtheHolocaustfromitspurelyJewishcontext andshownittobeaphenomenonofourtime…likelytobecomethe modeltextbook.’ TheTablet ‘To present such a large and complex topic with great clarity… is a considerable achievement … it is a measure of his knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust that he succeeds so admirably … guided by the understanding of an historian, The Nazi Holocaust is motivatedbythepurposeofaneducator…(Weshould)welcomethis bookasfillingagapbetweenacademicworksontheHolocaustwhich are usually either vast or very narrowly focused and the often superficialmaterialsavailableforschooluse.’ TheJournalofBritishHolocaustEducation ‘Thebook’sstrengthliesintheclarityofitsinformation andinthe questions it raises. Ronnie Landau conveys the backdrop to the Holocaustwithskillandsensitivity.Hegivesanall-too-comprehen- sible picture of how Nazis isolated Jews socially and economically, leavingthembereftofsupportwhenisolationchangedtoexclusion and, ultimately, to extermination … I hope teachers will have the courage to use this book as a starting point for raising difficult, painful,butincreasinglynecessarydebates.’ JewishSocialist ‘Authoritativeandindispensable…thisbookisessentialreadingfor both Jews and non-Jews, laypersons and scholars seeking to penetrateadeeperlevelofmeaningtothismonstrousandgrotesque chapterinhumanhistory.’ Booklist,AmericanLibraryAssociation TH E N AZ I HO LO C AUS T I t s H i s t o r y a n d M e a n i n g Ronnie S. Landau Newpaperbackeditionpublishedin2016by I.B.Tauris&Co.Ltd London•NewYork www.ibtauris.com Firstpublishedin1992byI.B.Tauris&Co.Ltd CopyrightqRonnieS.Landau,1992,1994,2006,2016 TherightofRonnieS.Landautobeidentifiedastheauthorofthiswork hasbeenassertedbytheauthorinaccordancewiththeCopyright, DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Exceptforbriefquotationsinareview,thisbook,or anypartthereof,maynotbereproduced,storedinorintroducedintoa retrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withouttheprior writtenpermissionofthepublisher. Everyattempthasbeenmadetogainpermissionfortheuseoftheimages inthisbook.Anyomissionswillberectifiedinfutureeditions. Referencestowebsiteswerecorrectatthetimeofwriting. ISBN:9781780769714 eISBN:9780857728586 ePDF:9780857728432 AfullCIPrecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary AfullCIPrecordisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress LibraryofCongressCatalogCardNumber:available TypesetinNewCenturySchlbkbyOKSPrepressServices,Chennai,India PrintedandboundbyCPIGroup(UK)Ltd,Croydon,CR04YY For Michael, Danielle and Rafi (who’s always close, even though he’sso far away) -three exceptional offspring Dedicated to the memoryof Lola Berstyn, battling survivor ofthe WarsawGhetto and wonderful grandmother to Michael and Danielle. Contents Author’sPreface to the Third Edition ix Author’sPreface to the Second Edition xv Author’sPreface xix AdditionalReading xxv Introduction Chapter1: The Historical,Educational and Moral Significance ofthe Holocaust 3 Part 1 The Background and Context Chapter2: Survey ofJewish History: c.300 BC to c.1700 27 Chapter3: The European Jew and theModern World 51 Chapter4: Nazism and Modern Germany:From NationalUnification toHitler’s Accession to Power 80 Part 2 The Holocaust:a History Chapter5: Nazi Germany, 1933-8: Anti-JewishPolicy and Legislation 123 Chapter6: Nazi Europe, 1938-41:FromKristallnacht to Ghettoization in theEast 144 Chapter7: The Holocaust, 1941-5:From Dehumanization toAnnihilation 174 viii Contents Part 3 Themes,Issues and Protagonists Chapter8: Perpetrators,Victimsand Bystanders 199 Chapter9: The Jewish Question:Public Opinion in Nazi Germany 242 Chapter10: The Aftermath and Impact ofthe Holocaust 265 Notes 291 Bibliography 303 Appendix A Euphemisms ofDeath 317 Appendix B Yossel Rakover’sAppealto God 319 Appendix C The Jewish Question – Excerpts from Hitler’s Writings 328 Appendix D The Programme ofthe National- Socialist German Workers’ Party 337 Appendix E The Nuremberg Laws 341 Appendix F GermanForeign Ministry Memorandum 344 Appendix G Numbers ofJews Murdered in Europe 348 Chronology of the Holocaust (1933–45) 349 Glossary of Basic Terms 362 Principal Characters 367 Index 374 Maps The Jews ofthe Roman Empire, 100-300 AD 38–39 Expulsions, 1000-1500 46–47 Source: Martin Gilbert, Jewish History Atlas, (second edition, Weidenfeld&Nicolson1976) Author’s Preface to the Third Edition InthisprefaceIshouldfirstliketorelateacoupleofpersonal anecdotes.Theywillillustrate,Ithink,someofthedilemmas facing those, especially in the world of the ‘victim’, still struggling to come to terms with the historical event generally known as ‘The Holocaust’. [In the final chapter I explore the origin of this rather unsatisfactory term and consider preferable, though not widely used alternatives; sadly,Ibelievewearestuckwiththisinstantlyrecognisable term – hence its inclusion in the book’s title.] Several years ago, I received a disturbing telephone call concerningmythen14year-oldstep-daughter.Atthetimeshe was spending several months, as part of her Jewish school’s ambitious programme, in a children’s village in northern Israel. The caller, who was Israeli-born, informedmethat his son was a participant in the same scheme. Did I know, he asked,thatabuscarryingsomeofthechildrenhadbeenstoned [sic]asitpassedclosetoaneighbouringArabvillage?Ishould be aware, he urged, that there were Arabs working in the kitchensinourchildren’svillage;thattheyhadknivescloseto hand (hardly surprising, I thought, in a kitchen!); and that they came from the same village which had been responsible forthestone-throwingincident. While expressing gratitude for this information about the bus, which any responsible parent would wish to know, I felt outraged,andfranklysomewhatcontaminatedbywhatItook to be his racist sentiments. Was he really suggesting that we ix

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