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7 || ite | ecm | oe | hie Candace Oates, Edttor and Chief 293 Eset Elm Avenue Quincy, Maseachueette O2 170 617.745.4000 www.enc.edu The Clase of 2012 Is proud to dedicate the Oth volume of the Nautilus Year- book to Dr. Brian Massey, Associate Professor of Peychology. Massey graduated from Eastern Nazarene College in 1999 with a Bachelor’s degree in Peychology. He attended New York Univeretty School of Medicine in ZOO and earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Paychology from Adelphi Universtty in ZOOS. His life verse ts “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sine.” 1 Peter 4:8 (NIV) It would be difficult to find a student on campus who doesn’t enjoy any clase taught by Massey, whose favorite class to teach ts Group Feychology “because studente are able to experience and understand real-life group dynamics, in all their meseinese.” Besides his classes, Massey is aleo known for his drumming ekille, as seen in ENC’s chapel and the annual Battle of the Bande. Hie humor and personality (remember the cat eutt?) have nepired our class and we are grateful for his posttive influence in our lives. “| am confident that God has used the unexpected circumstances of my life and work to bring about Hie purpose, even when | am clueless as to what that might be,” sald Massey when asked about his future plans. Thank you, Dr. Maseey, for your dedication and service to ENC and the Clase of 20 12. God has used you to touch our lives and you have made a lasting Impression. Bleseinge, The Clase of 2012 are” | . — i 4 Dr. Massey in Battle of the Bands, as a cat. ‘Over the couree of our often clamorous lives, we inevitably encounter persons of great volumes those whose very existence rises above the dally discord, screaming to presence of something greater than ourselves. Brian Massey, beyond all elee, is a ecreamér. an individual of deepest love, boundless compassion, and Christ. God has been using this man to change lives at Eastern Nazarene College for & years and, barring a sudden ascension to heavy metal stardom, will continue to do so for quite some time. Best professor ever just dosen't cut tb. ~ Josh Vachon "You learn, actually learn, from him and you dont even realize tt] | : tinal Ketura M\ oise _ - Dr. Massey with his family Dear Seniors, The yearbook you hold in your hande offere an opportuntty to reflect on your time here at Eastern Nazarene College and the many changes that have occurred along the way. In the years since the Clase of 2O12 firet arrived on campus, our nation elected a new president and weathered a challenging economy, while the people of Hatti suffered the effects of a devastating earth- quake. Here at ENC, there were changes as well. Recognizing that our school mascot, the Crusader, was not in keeping with the meeeage of Christian love we alm to share with the world, we embraced our new mascot, the Lion, as a symbol of courage and strength of fatth. We also netttuted a new college slogan. Discover Your Purpose. Far from being etmply a marketing tool, this new slogan wae intended as a statement of what we hope to accomplish at Eastern Nazarene College. While other colleges may seek to prepare students for a specific career track or profession, ENC hae always sought to provide an academically and epirtbually nurturing environment to help studente discover the unique purpose that God has planned for them. | hope you feel that your time here has helped you begin to discern your spectal purpose. You may find that your purpose differs greatly from those of your friends and classmates. You may even have some heettation at leaving ENC and taking the next etep In your journey with God. | encourage you to recall the words of Samuel Jean (92), who came to campus last year to share with us his experl- ences volunteering in his native Hatti in the aftermath of the earthquake. “ENC ts a place of safety,” he said. “It’s eupposed to be a place of safety. People look like you, talk like you, believe what you believe. It’s very different to step out of this place of safety and enter the réal world, which is not a safe place. But tt ts a world you must engage..Y.o u may not want to go to Hatt, but you don’t have to go to Hatti to make a change. Feople near you may need food, need clothes. There may be a student who needs someone to connect with. Fart of being a human being, of being Christian, ts to Interact.” Proverbs 19°21 telle ue, “Many are the plane in a pereon’s heart, but tt te the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” As you venture forth from Eastern Nazarene College on the unique journey the Lord hae eet before you, know that the prayers and blessings of the ENC communtty go wtth you always. Blessings, Corlis McGee te gldgar diy?

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