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Preview The Nature of Optical Features in the Inner Region of the 3C48 Host Galaxy

Draftversion February5,2008 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.10/09/06 THE NATURE OF OPTICAL FEATURES IN THE INNER REGION OF THE 3C48 HOST GALAXY1 Alan Stockton2,3, Gabriela Canalizo4, Hai Fu2, and William Keel5 Draft versionFebruary 5, 2008 ABSTRACT The well-known quasar 3C48 is the most powerful compact steep-spectrum radio-loud QSO at low redshifts. It also has two unusual optical features within the radius of the radio jet (∼ 1′′): (1) an anomalous, high-velocity narrow-line component, having several times as much flux as does the narrow-line component coinciding with the broad-line redshift; and (2) a bright continuum peak (3C48A) ∼ 1′′ northeast of the quasar. Both of these optical features have been conjectured to be 7 related to the radio jet. Here we explore these suggestions. 0 0 We have obtainedGemini North GMOS integral-field-unit(IFU) spectroscopyof the centralregion 2 around 3C48. We use the unique features of the IFU data to remove unresolved emission at the position of the quasar. The resolved emission at the wavelength of the high-velocity component is n peaked . 0′.′25 north of the quasar, at virtually the same position angle as the base of the radio a jet. These observations appear to confirm that this high-velocity gas is connected with the radio jet. J However, most of the emission comes from a region where the jet is still well collimated, rather than 8 from the regions where the radio maps indicate strong interaction with an external medium. 1 WealsopresenttheresultsofHSTSTISspectroscopyof3C48A.Weshowthat3C48Aisdominated by stars with a luminosity-weightedage of ∼1.4×108 years,substantially older than any reasonable 1 v estimate for the age of the radio source. Our IFU data indicate a similar age. Thus, 3C48A almost 9 certainly cannot be attributed to jet-induced star formation. The host galaxy of 3C48 is clearly the 3 result of a merger, and 3C48A seems much more likely to be the distorted nucleus of the merging 5 partner, in which star formation was induced during the previous close passage. 1 Subject headings: galaxies: high-redshift—galaxies: formation—galaxies: evolution 0 7 0 1. INTRODUCTION 1975), and it still is one of the most luminous ex- / amples of extended emission among low-redshift QSOs h 3C48 (z = 0.369) is a remarkable quasar quite aside (Stockton & MacKenty 1987). It is one of a handful p from the fact that it was the first to be identified - (Matthews et al. 1961; Matthews & Sandage 1963). As of previously identified QSOs to have been shown by o IRAS also to be ultraluminous IR galaxies. Star for- seemstobethecasewithanumberof“prototypes,”itis r mation is currently underway at a prodigious rate in t far from typical. The original identification of 3C48 de- s the inner part of the host galaxy (Canalizo & Stockton pended in part on the small size of its radio source, and a 2000), and there are still massive reserves of molecu- : 3C48 and 3C277.1 remain the only examples of com- v largas(Scoville et al.1993;Wink, Guilloteau, & Wilson pact steep-spectrum (CSS) radio sources among power- i 1997). All things taken together indicate that we are X ful quasars at redshifts < 0.5. The host galaxy of 3C48 witnessing a brief but important phase in the history of isunusuallylargeandbrightincomparisonwiththoseof r aquasar,atime whenhost-galaxystarformationisnear a otherlow-redshiftquasars(Kristian1973). Itisnowrec- its peak, the radiojet is breakingthroughthe dense ma- ognized that these host galaxy properties are largely a terialintheinnerpartofthe hostgalaxy,andUVradia- result of a major merger (Stockton & MacKenty 1987; tion from the centralcontinuum source has just recently Canalizo & Stockton 2000; Scharwa¨chter et al. 2004). become visible along many lines of sight. 3C48 was the first quasar for which an extended dis- Wampler et al. (1975) noticed that the [O III] pro- tribution of ionized gas was observed (Wampler et al. file in 3C48 was significantly blueshifted relative to 1BasedinpartonobservationsmadewiththeNASA/ESAHub- the broad Hβ line. Higher-resolution spectroscopy of ble Space Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science In- the quasar (Chatzichristou, Vanderriest, & Jaffe 1999; stitute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Canalizo & Stockton2000) showsthe reasonfor this ap- ResearchinAstronomy,Inc.,underNASAcontract NAS5-26555. parentshift: inadditiontothe usualnuclearnarrow-line Theseobservationsareassociatedwithprogram#GO-09365. Also basedinpartonobservationsobtainedattheGeminiObservatory, region,thereisveryluminousextendedhigh-velocitygas which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research within about 0′.′5 of the nucleus. Chatzichristou et al. in Astronomy, Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the NSF (1999) presented evidence from their integral-field-unit on behalf of the Gemini partnership: the National Science Foun- spectroscopythatthehigh-velocitygashasbeenacceler- dation (United States), the Particle Physics and Astronomy Re- search Council (United Kingdom), the National Research Coun- atedbytheinteractionoftheradiojetwiththesurround- cil(Canada),CONICYT(Chile),theAustralianResearchCouncil ing medium. They discussed the variation of relative (Australia),CNPq(Brazil)andCONICET(Argentina). lineratios,velocities,andlinewidthsofthehigh-velocity 2InstituteforAstronomy,UniversityofHawaii 3CerroTololoInter-AmericanObservatory andsystemic-velocitycomponents. Canalizo & Stockton 4Department of Physics and Astronomy and Institute of Geo- (2000)foundthatthehigh-velocitygaswasresolvedona physicsandPlanetaryPhysics,UniversityofCaliforniaatRiverside slit through the nucleus at position angle −28◦, with an 5DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofAlabama extent of ∼0′.′5 and a discernible velocity gradient. But 2 neither of these studies had sufficient spatial resolution toexplorethedetailedrelationbetweentheradiojetand the high velocity gas. Boroson& Oke (1982, 1984) long ago showed the presence of strong Balmer absorption in the 3C48 host galaxy. Canalizo & Stockton (2000) examined the host galaxy of 3C48 in more detail with the Keck Low-ResolutionImagingSpectrograph(LRIS;Oke et al. 1995) and showed that the spectrum of the stellar pop- ulation had a classic “K+A” character. The fact that theysawBalmerabsorptionlinesfromarelativelyyoung stellar population as well as evidence for an older popu- lation (e.g., from the MgIb feature at ∼ 5180 ˚A) meant that they could do a decomposition of the two compo- nents (using stellar synthesis models, such as those of Bruzual & Charlot 1993, 2003) and estimate, at least in a relative sense, the time that had elapsed since the end of the major starburst phase. With sufficient signal-to- noise, it is possible to carry out such a decomposition at each point in the host galaxy, building up a map of starburst ages along lines of sight through the host galaxy (strongly weighted towards the time at which Fig. 1.— a—Our deep line-free-continuum groundbased image the mostrecentmajorepisode ofstarformationceased). of3C48,afterremovingthequasarnucleuswiththeSTSDASpro- Canalizo & Stockton(2000)wereabletodeterminestar- cedurecplucy. Thecrossmarksthepositionofthequasar. 3C48A burst ages and stellar radial velocities in 32 distinct re- lies about 1′′ NE of the nucleus (North is up and East to the gions. left). Allinsetsshowthecentralregionofthecorrespondingmain panel at lower contrast. b and c—HST PC images from the HST But one of the most interesting features in the host archive. The nucleus has been removed with synthetic Tiny Tim galaxy was too close to the quasar to permit suffi- PSFs, so there are large residuals in the inner 0′.′5 radius and in ciently low levels of contamination from quasar light the diffraction spikes. The scale of these panels is enlarged by a factorof2fromthatofa. Thefilterbandpassesareindicated. d— to extract the galaxy spectrum. This is the lumi- Enlargement(byanotherfactorof2)oftheinnerregionoftheHST nosity peak 3C48A ∼ 1′′ northeast of the quasar, PCF555Wimage,showingthepositionandwidthoftheSTISslit. first noticed by Stockton & Ridgway (1991) and con- firmed by subsequent groundbased and HST observa- sonable temperatures. Chatzichristou et al. (1999) find tions (Chatzichristou et al. 1999; Kirhakos et al. 1999; colors for 3C48A consistent with stars with ages simi- Boyce et al. 1999; Canalizo & Stockton 2000). One of lar to the likely age of the radio jet (. 107 years). The our ground-based images is shown in Fig. 1a, and HST HSTimagesshowthat3C48Aiscuriouslydistorted;this PCimagesobtainedfromthearchiveareshowninFig.1b distortion could result either from the shape of an over- and c. Stockton & Ridgway (1991) originally suggested pressuredregionresultingfromshocksfromthe radiojet that 3C48A was the secondary nucleus from a merging or from the tidal stretching of the nucleus of a merging companion;thissuggestionwasconsistentwiththepres- companion. ence of the tidal tail to the northwest, as well as ev- Here we use Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph idence that we are seeing the 3C48 host galaxy near (GMOS) integral-field-unit (IFU) spectroscopy to ana- the stage of final merger (Canalizo & Stockton 2000). lyze more precisely the position and extent of the high- TheattempttomodelthemergerbyScharwa¨chter et al. velocityemission,andspectroscopywiththe SpaceTele- (2004) shows that there is short period during which scopeImagingSpectrograph(STIS)ontheHubble Space the two nuclei would have a separation and position Telescope (HST) to attempt to determine the nature of angle roughly similar to that observed for 3C48 and 3C48A.OurprincipalgoalsfortheSTISobservationsare 3C48A. On the other hand, the morphology of the CSS (1) to determine whether the continuum radiation asso- radio jet (Wilkinson et al. 1991) and the presence of the ciatedwith3C48Aisindeedduetostars;ifso,(2)tode- high velocity emission-line components near the quasar termine the ages of the stellar populations involved and (Chatzichristou et al. 1999; Canalizo & Stockton 2000) whether there is an age discontinuity; and (3) to mea- both suggest that there is a strong interaction between sure velocities of the stellar component: do these show theradiojetandtheambientgasinthegeneralregionof any evidence for distinct kinematical signature, such as 3C48A. 3C48A is dominated by continuum radiation; might be expected if 3C48A is the distorted nucleus of i.e., the offset peak is seen on continuum images but a merging companion. We assume a flat cosmologywith notonnarrow-band[OIII]images(Stockton & Ridgway Ω =0.3 and H =70 km s−1 Mpc−1. 1991; Canalizo & Stockton 2000). However, there is no m 0 detailed correspondence between the morphology of the 2. OBSERVATIONSANDDATAREDUCTION jet and that of 3C48A (the jet proceeds nearly north- 2.1. Gemini North GMOS Integral-Field-Unit wardsratherthannortheasterly),sotheopticalemission Spectroscopy from 3C48A cannot be due to synchrotron radiation. It clearly is unlikely to be nebular thermal continuum We obtained two-dimensionalspectroscopyof the cen- from an interaction of the jet and the gas, because we tralregionof3C48withtheintegral-fieldmodeofGMOS wouldexpectfairlystrongemission-lineradiationatrea- on the Gemini North Telescope (program ID no. GN- 3 2003B-C-5). We used the half-field mode with the B600 grating,whichgaveafieldof3′.′3×4′.′9andawavelength range of 4318–7194˚A. The lenslets have a width of 0′.′2, andthe CCDpixelscorrespondto0′.′05. The totalexpo- surewas9000s,obtainedas51800sexposures. Observa- tions of the spectrophotometric standard star G191B2B provided the flux calibration. Therawspectralimageswereprocessedwiththe stan- dard Gemini IRAF routines to give the flux calibrated datacube. The6256spatialplanesofthedatacubehave dimensionsof66×98pixels(0′.′05square)andarespaced at intervals of 0.46 ˚A. This data cube still suffers from the effects of atmospheric dispersion. Since the quasar was included within the field of view, we were able to determine its centroid for each spatial plane of the data cube. Wefittedalow-ordercubicsplinecurvetotheplot ofeachofthecoordinatesasafunctionofwavelengthand used these to generate correction offsets for each plane of the data cube. Applying these corrections generated a new data cube for which all of the image planes were correctly registered. The field of view for which the full range of wavelengthsis available is, of course, somewhat Fig. 2.— Spectra extracted from the GMOS IFU datacube, as smallerthanthenominalfieldbecauseoftheatmospheric describedinthetext. Thequasarspectrum,shownatthebottom, dispersion. This corrected data cube was used for anal- has been scaled by a factor of 0.018 to roughly match the other ysis when we had to deal with a large wavelengthrange. spectra,whichareallonthesamescalerelativetoeachother. The However, for our detailed analysis of the [O III] profile, sthpeechtroarizaorentsahlifltinedes.forTchlearoitffy-,nwucitleharzesrpoecletvraelsarbeeianlgl cinendtiecraetded1′b.′y1 we used the uncorrected data cube, as described in § 3, fromthequasar,atthepositionanglesindicated. Noattempthas in order to avoid unnecessary interpolation. The final beenmadetocorrectforscatteredlightfromthequasar. Thetwo image resolution at 6800 ˚A (near redshifted [OIII]) was slight gaps in each spectrum correspond to the gaps between the 0′.′55 (FWHM). C55C7D7 ˚Adetisecdtuores,toanimdptheerfencetgastuibvterafecattiounreoifntshoemsetroofntgheaisrpgleocwtralinaet atthatwavelength. 2.2. HST STIS Spectroscopy of 3C48A was extracted, using a region 6 pixels (0′.′3) TheSTISspectroscopywascarriedoutwiththeG430L wide. Some of the remaining noise spikes were removed grating, covering a nominal region from 2900 ˚A to 5700 by fitting a 160-piece cubic spline to the spectrum and ˚A.Theslitwascenteredataposition0′.′97eastand0′.′50 rejecting points more than 2σ away from the fit. The north of the quasar, at a position angle of 44◦.74. The redshift was roughly determined from the [O II] λ3727 efficiencydecreasesquitedrasticallytowardstheUVend doublet, and the spectrum was reduced to the approxi- of the spectrum, and the useful spectral range for our mate rest frame. This redshift was corrected to a final project was restricted to 3630 ˚A to 5685 ˚A. Because of value from fits to the stellar absorption-line spectrum. thelowsurfacebrightnessof3C48A,weusedthe0′.′5slit andbinnedby2pixelsinthedispersiondirection,obtain- 3. THEDISTRIBUTIONOFEXTENDEDEMISSIONINTHE ing a total of 21076 s of integration over 8 orbits. The NUCLEARREGION spectrawereditheredover4positionsalongtheslit. The Afullanalysisoftheemissionoverthefieldwillbepre- slit position, superposed on the HST PC F555W image, sented elsewhere; here, we concentrate only on emission is shown in Fig. 1d. We also obtained 626 s of integra- veryclosetothequasar. Forextractingspectrafromour tiononthequasaritselfwiththesameconfiguration,but atmospheric-dispersion-correctedGMOSIFUdatacube, without binning. we define 13 apertures: one centered on the quasar, and Each of the 8 individual spectra of 3C48A was first two sets equally spaced on circles around the quasar at given a preliminary cleaning of cosmic rays with la- position angles 0◦, 60◦, 120◦, 180◦, 240◦, and 300◦. The cos im (van Dokkum 2001). A few additional cosmic inner circle has a radius of 0′.′4, and the outer circle has rays and other blemishes were masked manually. Masks a radius of 1′.′1; the inner apertures are labeledA0, A60, from both the automatic and manual cosmic-ray de- A120..., and the outer apertures are labeled B0, B60..., tection for each frame were combined with dead- and wherethenumericalpartofthedesignationindicatesthe hot-pixel masks generated from all of the frames. The positionangleoftheaperturecenterfromthequasar. All ditheredspectraandthecorrespondingframemaskswere of the apertures were Gaussian weighted and were trun- then shifted to a common position and coadded, using cated at the FWHM of the Gaussianprofiles, which was the IRAF task imcombine with ccdclip rejection (in ad- set to 0′.′4. We show the spectra of the quasar and the dition to rejection of masked pixels). The background, outer (B) ring of apertures in Fig. 2. It was not possible including an estimate of the stellar background in the to correct the off-nuclear spectra in Fig. 2 for scattered 3C48hostgalaxy,wasremovedbysubtractingalinearfit lightfromthe nucleusbecause ofthe uncertainvariation toregionsoneithersideof3C48A.Thebackgroundlevel ofthe scatteredcontributionwith wavelength. However, amountedtoroughlyathirdofthetotalextractedfluxin we can make this correction (with typically about 20% ourspectralaperture,andweestimate that its scalingis accuracy)for the regionin the immediate vicinity of Hβ accurate to ∼ 20%. The spectrum of the brightest part by subtracting a version of the quasar spectrum scaled 4 to eliminate the broad Hβ line in the residual. We show that havinga distribution indistinguishable fromthat of the regionofHβ and[OIII]λλ4959,5007lines afterthis the quasar continuum) was removed, and only extended subtraction for our 6 off-nuclear B apertures (centered emission was retained in the residual images. These im- 1′.′1 from the quasar) in Fig. 3 (left panel), as well as ages are shown in Fig. 4, along with the location in the the same region for the quasar. In the right panel of line profile each represents. We also show the radio jet Fig. 3, we show similarly subtracted spectra for the A (Feng et al. 2005) at the same scale. What is immedi- apertures (centered 0′.′4 from the quasar). For the aper- ately clear is that the high-velocity emission is concen- turesat1′.′1radius(leftpanelinFig.3,the high-velocity trated to the north of the quasar, precisely in the initial component shows up most strongly in the B0 and B60 direction of the radio jet, and mostly within the region apertures;itisessentiallycompletelyabsentintheB180, where the jet appears relatively unperturbed. There is B240,andB300apertures. Thereisaclearvelocityoffset some slight variation in the position and shape of the of the high-velocity component between the B0 and B60 distributionofemissionacrossthehigh-velocitylinepro- apertures,aswellasevidenceformorethantwovelocity file, and there is a tail of emission at high velocities to components in the former. The high velocity emission the east, but the main emission peak remains closely is much stronger in the inner apertures, particularly the aligned with the radio jet. As the wavelength window A0 aperture, where the flux has over 10 times the high- shifts towards the systemic redshift, the centroid of the est value that it has in any of the outer apertures. It is extendedemissionmovesmoretothewest,andmorelow- absent from the A120, A180, and A240 apertures, but surface-brightnessextendedemissionatgreaterdistances present in the A60 and A300 apertures. For this inner becomes visible, including a possible ring of emission at ring of apertures, the aperture boundaries are adjacent about 1′′ radius from the quasar. Our decomposition of to each other, so there will be unavoidable spill-over be- the profile indicates that the narrow-line emission com- cause of the 0′.′55 FWHM seeing disk. ponentatthesystemicvelocityisdominatedbythehigh- At first sight, it may appear that is a problem with velocitycomponentatallpointsinthecompositeprofile. the subtraction procedure because of negative [O III] The contribution of the systemic component is greatest residuals,particularlyintheA180spectrum. Note,how- (almost 50%) near its peak, but it drops off sharply at ever,thatthesenegativeexcursionsareonlyatthewave- higher (as well as lower) velocities, because of the much length of the high-velocity component. The explanation broadervelocitywidthofthe high-velocityemission. We isalmostcertainlythatthequasarapertureencompasses also expect the classical narrow-line region to be more high-velocity emission slightly extended to the north, closely centered on the nucleus and to be mostly unre- whichis thenexcesstothe scatterednuclearquasarcon- solved. Reconstruction of the line profile from the de- tribution to apertures on the south side. convolved,PSF-subtractedimagestendstobearoutthis Inordertoexplorethespatialdistributionofthehigh- expectation,althoughsomeresidualsystemicnarrow-line velocity material in more detail, we analyze the image emissionstillremains,perhapsindicatingthatthisregion planes of the data cube as we step across the [OIII] line is slightly resolved (see also the profile in the A0 aper- profile. Since we are here concentrating on a very small ture in Fig. 3). However, the shift in the centroid of the range of wavelengths around the [O III] λ5007 emission emission must still largely be due to a gradient in the complex, we can use the originaldata cube, uncorrected high-velocity component, rather than any extension of for atmospheric dispersion, thus avoiding any smearing the classical narrow-line region. from subpixel interpolation. The maximum shift due to From an aperture that includes essentially all of the dispersion was confirmed to be less than 0.1 pixel (= high-velocity emission, our decomposition of the [O III] 0′.′005)overthiswavelengthrange. Thegeneralapproach profile gives a value of 491±40 km s−1 for the velocity isthis: weusethecontinuumoneithersideofthe [OIII] offset between the two systems in the rest frame of the λ5007 line to precisely define the PSF of the quasar; we quasar. The [O III] fluxes in the two components are binnarrowwavelengthintervalstoformimagesfromthe 2.9×10−13and4.1×10−14ergs−1cm−2,respectively,for data cube as we step acrossthe line profile, and we then the high-velocityand systemic velocity components; i.e., subtract a scaled PSF from each of these to show the thehigh-velocitygashas∼7timesthe[OIII]luminosity distribution of extended emission close to the quasar for of that of the classical narrow-line region. each part of the line profile. WehaveattemptedtoestimatecontributionstotheHβ In more detail, we used narrow regions of continuum profile from these two narrow-linecomponents. We take (∼20˚Awide)immediatelyoneithersideoftheemission the best-fitting Gaussian decomposition of the [O III] line to define the PSF centroid at the line, but we used profile, shift these to the appropriate positions and wider (∼ 100 ˚A) continuum regions somewhat farther widths for Hβ at the same redshifts, and scale the two awaytoobtainbetterS/NforthePSFprofileitself. This components independently to obtain the maximum sub- high S/N PSF was then carefully registered (at the sub- traction consistent with a smooth and fairly symmetric pixel level) to the PSF at the emission-line wavelength. coreforthe Hβ residual. This procedure givesanarrow- Weused114.6-˚A-wideslicestospanthedoublelinepro- line Hβ/[O III] ratio of ∼ 0.1 for the systemic-velocity file. Foreachoftheseimages,weranthetwo-component component and ∼0.08 for the high-velocity component. deconvolution task plucy (Hook et al. 1994). Briefly, We have also carried out decompositions of the [O II] plucyallowsseparatetreatmentofpointsources(which λ3727 doublet and the [Ne V] λ3425 line. The [O II] can be removed) and a variable background compo- case is complicated by the uncertainty in the density- nent,whichisdeconvolvedviatheRichardson-Lucyalgo- dependentdoubletlineratioforeachofthe components, rithm, subject to an adjustable entropy constraint. The but the formal best fit gives a line ratio at or near the result was that any unresolved nuclear emission (i.e., low-densitylimitandatotalflux∼16%ofthatof[OIII] λ5007 for the high-velocity component and a line ratio 5 Fig. 3.—(left panel)Spectra oftheregionaroundtheHβ and[OIII]λλ4959, 5007linesforthesameapertures asareshowninFig.2; but,inthiscase,ascaledquasarspectrumhasbeensubtractedfromeachoftheoff-nuclearspectratoremovethescatteredquasarlight,as judgedbythebroadHβemission. (rightpanel)Similarquasarspectraforaperturesataradiusof0′.′4fromthequasar. TheB60spectrum atthebottom,shownatthesamescaleastheotherspectra,indicates therelativescalingforthetwopanels. near unity (indicating an electron density of a few hun- Wilkinson et al. (1991) argue that the weakness of the dred per cm3) and a total flux ∼ 25% of that of [O III] central radio component in 3C48 means that the radio λ5007 for the component at the systemic velocity. For axis is likely closer to the plane of the sky than to the the [Ne V] line, the high-velocity and systemic compo- line of sight. In this case, the projected distance will be nents have fluxes around 14% and 20% of those of their essentially the physical distance, and the radial velocity respective [O III] profiles. Our ratios for the two veloc- will be a lower limit to the space velocity. Interestingly, ity systems for Hβ/[O III] and [O II]/[O III] are quite Gupta, Srianand, & Saikia (2005) find C IV λ1549 ab- consistent with those reported by Chatzichristou et al. sorption at z = 0.3654 in the spectrum of 3C48, which (1999). All in all, the ionization parameters of the two corresponds to a radial velocity difference in the quasar components seem roughly similar. frameof780kms−1. Thus,itwouldbereasonabletouse From our estimate of the Hβ flux in the high-velocity ∼800kms−1asalowerlimittothepropagationspeedof component, and assuming an electron density and tem- the radio plasma through the ambient medium. A plau- perature, the mass of the ionized gas in this component siblelowerlimittothekineticenergyofthehigh-velocity is given by gas is then E &6.4×1057M v2 erg, where M is the K 9 800 9 4πm f d2 massofthehigh-velocitygasinunitsof109solarmasses, M = p Hβ L, H and v is the bulk average velocity of the gas, relative αHβnehν to the80q0uasar, in units of 800 km s−1. Wilkinson et al. where mp is the proton mass, dL is the luminosity dis- (1991) estimate the total energy of the radio plasma as tance, αHβ is the effective recombination coefficient for >1058 erg,so the kinetic energy of the gas may account Hβ, and hν is the energy of an Hβ photon (Osterbrock for a significantfractionofthe originalenergy ofthe jet. 1989). The recombination coefficient is roughly an in- Inthis case,it is clearthat the gascanexerta majorin- verse linear function of temperature over the relevant fluenceonthedevelopmentofthejet,asWilkinson et al. temperature range; by assuming Te = 104 K, we are (1991) and Feng et al. (2005) infer from the morphology unlikelytobeinerrorfromthisparameterbymorethan of the jet itself. Nevertheless, it is significant that most a factor of two. of the high-velocity gas is closer to the quasar than the If we now assume that ne ≈100cm−3 anduse the Hβ region where the radio jet appears to be disrupted. flux derived from the Hβ/[O III] ratio found above, we obtain MH = 7.4×108 M⊙. This is likely a fairly firm 4. THESPECTRUMOF3C48A lowerlimittothetotalmass. Densitiesmuchhigherthan ThefinalSTISspectrumofthehigh-surface-brightness 100cm−3 wouldbe inconsistentwith ourfitto the [OII] arc-like structure in 3C48A is shown in Fig. 5. As had λ3727 profile. It remains quite possible, however, that beenindicatedbyacomparisonofbroad-bandand[OIII] most of the mass of the gas could have a density < 10 HST WFPC imaging, the feature is dominated by con- cm−3,asitappearstobethecase,forexample,intheex- tinuum radiation, although some [O II] λ3727 emission tended emission region around 4C37.43 (Stockton et al. is present. A prominent Hδ absorption line, seen at the 2002). If this is true for the high-velocity gas associated long-wavelength end of the spectrum, together with a with 3C48 its total mass could be as much as 1010 M⊙. minimum in the continuum near the Balmer limit, sug- Massesinthisrangecanposeinterestingconstraintson gests that the continuum is largely due to moderately acceleration mechanisms. The high-velocity gas is cen- early-type stars. Fits of spectral synthesis models con- tered at a projected distance . 1 kpc from the quasar firm this conclusion. The absorption-line redshift, heav- with a differential radial velocity of ∼ 500 km s−1. ily dependent on Hδ, is 0.3693±0.0002. In Fig. 5 (left 6 Fig. 4.— The location of nuclear [O III] extended emission in 3C48. The unresolved nuclear emission component has been removed fromtheseimagesusingplucy(Hooketal.1994),wherethePSFhasbeendeterminedfromthe average continuum profileoneitherside of the [O III] line. The black dot marks the position of the quasar. The [O III] line profile is shown to the left of each image, and the green bar indicates the wavelength region that has been summed to formthe corresponding image. The number in the upper-leftcorner of the images gives the central velocity shift of the image, in km s−1 in the quasar frame, from the systemic redshift of 0.36933. The 5 GHz Merlin radio contours from Fengetal. (2005) are shown superposed on the image near the peak of the high-velocity system in the lower-rightpanel. AllimagesuseacommonintensitymappingandhaveNorthupandEasttotheleft. panel), we overplot on the spectrum Bruzual & Charlot 3C48Aaswell,inspite ofsuggestionstothecontraryby (2003)solar-metallicityinstantaneous-burstmodelswith Zuther et al. (2004). ages ranging from 100 to 200 Myr, which appear to The fact that there is some evidence for a CaII K line bracketthe luminosity-weightedaverageage of the stars stronger than in our models give encouraged us to try (wealsoincludea10-Myrmodelforreference). Thebest combinationsofanoldstellarpopulationwithayounger fit, judged by the slope of the continuum shortward of one. Such a composite population might be expected to the Balmer limit, is about 140 Myr. We have explored allow a younger age for the young population. (Recall, the possibility of younger stellar ages, combined with however, that the host galaxy background near 3C48A internal reddening, as a means of trying to fit the ob- has been subtracted off to first order by our reduction served spectrum. The fundamental difficulty with this procedure,sothatanysignificantolderpopulationwould approach is the rapid decrease in the amplitude of the likelyhavetobefrom3C48Aitself). Thegeneralresults Balmer-limit break at ages below 100 Myr, as shown in oftheseexperimentsarethatitisdifficulttoaddanysub- the right panel of Fig. 5. Because of the short wave- stantialfraction(bylight)ofoldstarswithoutunaccept- length interval involved (from ∼ 3600 ˚A to ∼ 4000 ˚A), able decreases in both the Hδ strength and the Balmer the break cannot be significantly enhanced by redden- breakamplitude,and,evenwithafairlylargefractionof ing without doing unacceptable violence to the rest of old stars (20% at rest-frame 4050 ˚A), the younger com- the spectrum, and this conclusion holds for any plausi- ponent still could not be much younger than 108 years. ble reddening law. It has previously been noted (see, While the difficulties of attempting to obtain a clean e.g., Chatzichristou et al. 1999) that our particular line spectrum of 3C48A from ground-based observations are of sight to 3C48 must have little or no significant red- formidable because of scattered quasar light (and par- dening, in spite of the evidence for a major starburst in ticularly the difficulty of correcting for its wavelength the host galaxy, and this conclusion seems to hold for variation) as well as contamination from other parts of 7 Fig. 5.— Both panels show the HST STIS spectrum of 3C48A (black trace). The left-hand panel shows a 140-Myr-old Bruzual & Charlot(2003)instantaneous-burstspectralsynthesismodel(redtrace),andthegreenandbluetracesshow100-Myrand200-Myrmodels, respectively. The right-hand panel shows a range of more extreme models with ages from 10-Myr (which would be consistent with an estimateoftheupperlimittotheageofthestellarpopulationin3C48AobtainedbyChatzichristouetal.1999)to2Gyr. Notethatthe BalmerlinesandBalmerbreakconstrainthepossibilityoftryingtofityoungerpopulations withsubstantialreddening tothedata. Naturally,onemustbewaryofputtingtoomuchtrust in the details of this residual spectrum because of varia- tionsamongthe5spectrathathavebeensubtractedfrom it. Nevertheless, it does agree with the general features of the STIS spectrum remarkably well, and it reinforces the conclusion that the dominant stellar population in 3C48AmustbeoldenoughtoshowasubstantialBalmer break. These results are difficult to reconcile with the sug- gestion that 3C48A is in some way connected with the radio jet. The fact that 3C48A is dominated by stel- lar radiation eliminates any possibility that it is due to anyformofgaseousemissionoremissionconnectedwith relativistic electrons, such as synchrotron radiation or Compton upscattering of photons. Dust scattering of starlight from elsewhere in the host galaxy is extremely unlikely, giventhat the most luminous sourcearoundby far is the quasar itself, and no hint of scattered quasar radiation is seen in the STIS spectrum. A remaining possibility is jet-induced star formation, Fig. 6.— Spectra and models of 3C48A. The black trace is the spectrum of the 60◦ aperture, after subtracting the mean of as has been suggested by Chatzichristou et al. (1999). the other off-nuclear apertures and scaling to match the HST This now also seems unlikely because of the age of the STIS spectrum, which is shown in red. The green trace is the stars. An approximate dynamical time scale for the jet long-wavelengthportionoftheBruzual&Charlot(2003)140Myr can be estimated from its length and the velocity of the model,usingthesamescalingasthesamemodel intheleftpanel emission-linegasassociatedwithit: τ ≈106D v−1 ofFig.5. dyn kpc 1000 yr. For D = 5 and v = 0.8 (see § 3), τ ≈ 6×106 yr. dyn the host galaxy, we were encouraged by the fact that The apparent stellar age of 3C48A of & 108 years is our60◦ aperture,whichcovers3C48A,showsasubstan- thus much older than the likely age of the radio jet. It tially higher continuum level than the other apertures, is also much older than the likely dynamical time indi- even in the uncorrected spectra shown in Fig. 2. We cated by the distance of 3C48A from the jet if it had tried simply subtracting a straight mean of the other 5 been produced by it. If the arc-like structure were to off-nuclear apertures, which are all at the same distance indicatethatweareseeingtheedgeofa“bubble”ofstar from the quasar. If the quasar profile is closely symmet- formation caused by the jet, the vector from the point ric, this procedure should remove the scattered quasar of origin of the bubble to the arc must likely be close lightreasonablywell. Itwill also,to firstorder,subtract to the plane of the sky. Because there is every indica- the host-galaxy background, although there is certainly tion that the host galaxy of 3C48 is quite massive, yet no guarantee that this will be very accurate, because of the observed radial velocity range of the stars is quite variations in the host galaxy surface brightness. The re- small (Canalizo & Stockton 2000), stellar motions must sult is shown in Fig. 6. 8 be mostly in the plane of the sky. In this case, trans- Canalizo & Stockton (2000) were mainly concerned verse velocities of at least 100 km s−1 must be expected withstellarpopulationdistributionsandagesinthehost forstarsinthisfeatureat∼5kpcfromthequasar. This galaxy, but also discussed the emission lines present in means that over 108 years, we expect space motions of their spectra. They obtained classical long-slit spectra &10kpc,farlargerthanthe∼3kpcobservedprojected with the Low-Resolution Imaging Spectrograph on the separationbetween the end of the radio jet and 3C48A. Keck II telescope, with 6 different slit positions. They Furthermore, Canalizo & Stockton (2000) had found also resolved the nuclear high-velocity component, ob- a general trend of younger average stellar ages as one taining a velocity difference from the systemic narrow- moves inward in the 3C48 host galaxy, with stellar ages line emission of 563 ± 40 km s−1. While the limita- inthe innerregionof<107 years,consistentwithastel- tions of using slits meant that they could not effectively larpopulationdominatedbyacurrentstarburst. 3C48A map its distribution, they were able to see that it had a thereforeshowsaclearagediscontinuitywiththestarsin strong velocity gradientover its extent of ∼0′.′5 in a slit the host galaxy just slightly farther out from the center. throughthenucleusatpositionangle333◦. Inagreement There is suggestive, but not conclusive, evidence for with Chatzichristou et al. (1999), Canalizo & Stockton a velocity discontinuity as well. The two host-galaxy (2000) also felt that the general location and velocity of regions with absorption-line velocities in the study by this gas was strong evidence for a scenario in which it Canalizo & Stockton (2000) that are closest to 3C48A, has been driven by the radio jet. C2 and B3 (∼2′′ northeastand east, respectively), have Canalizo & Stockton (2000) were not able to say any- stellarvelocities173±46and170±54higherthanthatof thing about the stellar population of 3C48A because 3C48A.Velocity gradientsfor the starsin centralregion scattered light from the nucleus completely dominated of the 3C48 host galaxy appear to be quite low, so this the spectrum in that region and could not be removed may be a significant difference. reliably, but they found quite young ages (∼ 4 Myr, All of this makes the possibility that 3C48A is ac- consistent with ongoing star formation) for regions in tually the distorted nucleus of the merging galaxy the host galaxy they could measure that were just be- (Stockton & Ridgway1991) seem muchmore attractive. yond 3C48A. On the basis of the colors reported by An age of ∼ 108 years is not unreasonable for the time Chatzichristou et al. (1999) and on the morphologies of of the previous close passage prior to final merging. the HST images of 3C48A, Canalizo & Stockton (2000) It is also similar to the age of star-formation regions stated, “While it is still possible that this [i.e., 3C48A] found in the leading edge of the tidal tail (∼ 114 Myr; maybe,infact,thedistortednuclearregionsofthecom- Canalizo & Stockton 2000), which might plausibly date paniongalaxyinthe finalstagesofmerger,itnowseems from the same phase of the encounter. more likely that it, too, is related to the interaction of theradiojetwiththedensesurroundingmedium,assug- 5. COMPARISONWITHPREVIOUSINVESTIGATIONSOF gested by Chatzichristou et al. (1999).” 3C48 The results we have given here support and refine the The observations reported here are closely related general conclusions of both of these previous studies re- to two previous spectroscopic studies of 3C48 and its gardingthehigh-velocitygas. Withthehigherresolution host galaxy that have already been mentioned: those and better S/N of our deep IFU observations, we have of Chatzichristou et al. (1999) and Canalizo & Stockton been able to map out the distribution of the extended (2000). We have at various points noted comparisons high-velocity gas in the region within ∼ 1′′ of the nu- of our present results with these earlier studies, but it cleus and at several points in its velocity profile. These is worthdiscussingareasofagreementand disagreement maps, shown in Fig. 4, show that this emission peaks more systematically. .0′.′25 almost due north of the quasar, near the base of Chatzichristou et al. (1999) obtained imaging spec- the jet, and not, as might have been expected, near the troscopy of a 12′′ ×8′′ field around 3C48 with an IFU pointofitsobviousdeflectionanddecollimation,roughly consisting of 655 optical fibers, each with a diameter 0′.′5 north of the quasar. of 0′.′4, mounted in the Multi-Object Spectrograph of Our velocity difference between the high-velocity and theCanada-France-Hawaiitelescope. Thetotalexposure systemic components of [O III] is 491 ± 40 km s−1, was2700s,andtheseeingduringtheobservationwasre- compared with the previously reported values of 563± ported to be ∼ 0′.′6. The basic conclusions of this study 40 km s−1 (Canalizo & Stockton 2000) and 586 ± 15 were that: (1) the broad, blueshifted [O III] emission km s−1 (Chatzichristou et al. 1999). These differ- noticed in previous observations was actually due to a ences are at least partly due to different approaches to combinationofthe normalnarrow-lineregionatthe sys- calculating differential radial velocities from redshifts. temicredshiftandahigh-velocitycomponentblueshifted Canalizo & Stockton (2000) simply treated the redshifts by∼580kms−1;(2)thishigh-velocitycomponentdom- ofthetwocomponentseachascosmologicalredshifts[for inates the [O III] profile in the center and over a region which v/c = ln(1 +z)] to find the difference in veloc- at least 0′.′6 to the north and east of the quasar; (3) the ity, and Chatzichristou et al. (1999) apparently did the location and energetics of this high-velocity gas are con- same. But since the velocity difference is actually due sistent with its having been acceleratedby the radio jet; bulk motion of material at essentially the same cosmo- (4) the continuum colors of 3C48A indicate dominance logicalredshiftasthequasar,itismorenearlycorrectto by a stellar population younger than 107 years,with the use the relativistic Doppler formula star formation likely triggered by the radio jet; and (5) ∆v (1+z )2−1 (1+z )2−1 while much of the emission-line gas appears to be pho- = 1 − 2 c (1+z )2+1 (1+z )2+1 toionized by the central source, there is some evidence 1 2 for additional ionization from shocks. to calculate the velocity difference. If we use 9 this approach for the previous determinations, the than they had estimated. Chatzichristou et al. (1999) Canalizo & Stockton (2000) value becomes 519±40 km claimed that the scattered contribution to 3C48A was s−1, and the Chatzichristou et al. (1999) value becomes ∼ 20% at 5100 ˚A and ∼ 60% at 6900 ˚A. We have 537±15 km s−1, both of which are now consistent with made simple models of 3C48 and 3C48A using their our new value. (We also note that it is not clear how quoted seeing of ∼ 0′.′6. With very conservative as- Chatzichristou et al. (1999) obtained their standard er- sumptions (e.g., a Gaussian rather than a Moffat pro- ror of ±15 km s−1, since their determination is domi- file for the quasar), we find that the scattered contri- nated by their [O III] λ5007 velocity difference, which bution from the quasar would dominate that of 3C48A has a standard error of ±100 km s−1. This small er- by at least a factor of 2. A more realistic estimate ror may, in fact, have been a misprint, since, in their would certainly be much larger. An additional pos- “Conclusions” section, Chatzichristou et al. (1999) give sibility is that, with their rather large aperture, cen- the value as ∼580±110 km s−1.) tered 1′.′3 from the quasar, a bit beyond the center of Chatzichristou et al.(1999)hadpreviouslycarriedout light of 3C48A, at 1′.′1, and with ground-based seeing, a calculation of the total kinetic energy of the high- thelightChatzichristou et al.(1999)measuredmayhave velocity ionized gas and compared this value with the been dominated by the very young stellar populations energy available from the radio jet, similar to our cal- in this region of the host galaxy (Canalizo & Stockton culation in § 3. The main difference in the calculations 2000),ratherthanlightspecificallyfrom3C48A.Exper- is that Chatzichristou et al. (1999) assumed a mass for iments with the HST PC F555W image indicate that the gas given by Fabian et al. (1987), which happens to over half of the light in such an aperture (apart from agree well with the mass we obtain if the density in the scattered QSO light) would have come from host galaxy emitting region is close to our approximate upper limit backgroundstars rather than 3C48A. of n ≈ 100 cm−3 (this agreement is mostly fortuitous, sincee Fabian et al. 1987 used different cosmological pa- 6. SUMMARYANDDISCUSSION rametersanddeterminedthedensitysimplybymodeling High velocity gas associated with high- the[OIII]to[OII]emission-lineratioforasingle-density redshift radio sources has often been attributed medium). Our lower limit to the kinetic energy is about to shocks from, or entrainment by, radio 20% of the value (not intended to be a lower limit) ob- jets (e.g., Stockton, Ridgway, & Kellogg 1996; tainedbyChatzichristou et al.(1999), soweareroughly Solo´rzano-In˜arrea,Tadhunter, & Bland-Hawthorn 2001; consistent,inspiteofslightlydifferentassumptionsmade Labiano et al. 2005; but see also Baum & McCarthy in the respective calculations. In both cases, the mini- 2000). In most cases, the argument for these mecha- mum energy in the high-velocity gas comprises a signif- nisms has been largely circumstantial: usually, there are icant fraction of the energy of the radio jet, indicating essentially no other plausible sources for the observed that,ifthe radiojetisresponsibleforthe currentkinetic velocities. While hardly surprising, it is nevertheless energyofthegas,thegasisquitecapableofaffectingthe gratifying to find that our high-resolution imaging dynamics of the jet. However, especially given the fact strongly confirms the positional relation between the that most of the emission occurs in a region where the high velocity gas and the steep-spectrum radio jet in jet seems relativelyunperturbed, if the mass (and there- 3C48 found by Chatzichristou et al. (1999). Our main fore the kinetic energy) of the gas should turn out to be contribution here has been to show more clearly the significantly larger than the lower limit, it could prove distribution of the gas as a function of velocity within to be difficult to provide sufficient energyfromthe radio the profile and to show that it appears to be closely jet alone. If this were the case, one might be forced to associated with the base and inner part of the jet, appealtosomeotherformofcouplingthe energyoutput rather than the region farther from the quasar, where of the quasar to the gas, the evacuation of a channel by high-resolution radio maps show the most obvious the radio jet merely providing a convenient path for the deflection and decollimation. high-velocity gas to escape. However,at this stage,such In their two-dimensional simulations of the propaga- speculations are premature. tion of jets through inhomogeneous media, Saxton et al. On the question of the origin of 3C48A, we feel that (2005)showthatitis quite plausiblethatCSSjets, such our new estimate of the age of the stellar population as that of 3C48, do not require a direct collision with dominating the continuum light requires a re-evaluation a dense cloud to suffer decollimation and deflection, as of the previous conclusions. In our view, the balance of hasoftenbeenassumed. Instead,the jet, inoverpressur- theevidencehasswungbacktotheoriginalsuggestionof ingtheintercloudmedium,createsshocksthatpropagate Stockton & Ridgway (1991) that we are seeing the dis- into and reflect off of the dense clouds. These reflected tortednucleus ofthe mergingcompanion, althoughwith shockscanthenredistributesomeoftheforwardmomen- the modification that most of the light is coming from tum of the jet itself into transverse components. stars that were likely formed from gas driven inwards Saxton et al. (2005) specifically consider the case of during the first close pass of the interaction, some 108 the 3C48 jet. They conclude that their model of a jet years earlier. progressing through a medium with a rather small fill- Although we believe that our HST STIS spectrum ing factor of dense clouds qualitatively matches the ap- clearly demonstrates the dominance of stars with ages pearance of the 3C48 jet (modulo possible differences & 108 years, without more detailed information we a fully three-dimensional model might have from their can only speculate on why Chatzichristou et al. (1999) two-dimensional simulations). The jet is not completely found much younger ages from their estimate of colors disrupted;itroughlyretainsitsinitialdirection,butitis for 3C48A. It seems possible that scattered light from deflected through a small angle, and it becomes decolli- the quasar may have had a more important influence mated into a fan of material. 10 Taking this general picture as a working hypothesis, tively close to the radio axis after ∼ 108 years. Instead, how does the high-velocity optical emission in 3C48 fit ascenarioinwhichweareseeingthedistortednucleusof in? Onepossibilityisthatitisduetoshockexcitationof the merging companion galaxy seems much more likely. the gas in the dense clouds responsible for decollimating Scharwa¨chter et al. (2004) show that a plausible model the radio jet. However, our conclusion that most of the of a merger of two equal-mass disk galaxiescan both re- high-velocityemissioncomesfromaregionquitecloseto produce the approximate appearance of the 3C48 host the quasar, before the jet shows significant disruption, and, for a brief period, place the nuclei of the merging means that the acceleration of the ionized gas is likely galaxies at the separation and approximate position an- notcloselycoupledwiththedeflectionofthejet. Inaddi- gle of the quasar and 3C48A. While it would be useful tion, it is notclear that the dense clouds themselves will to explorea largerrangeofparameterspace to see if the be accelerated to high velocities—whether they are or modelcanbetunedtogiveamoreexactreproductionof not depends on their size and mass distribution and the theobservedproperties,thisresultisalreadysufficientto momentum transfered to them by the bow shock of the give us confidence that this picture is basically correct. expandingradiococoon. Insofaraswe havebeen ableto Theseresultsreinforcetheconclusionthatweareview- estimate the line ratios in the high-velocity component, ing 3C48 at a rather rare stage in the life of a quasar they seem to be consistent with photoionization by the and its host galaxy. The age of the radio jet (which pre- quasar continuum, as well as with ionization by shocks sumably also dates the triggering of the current quasar (atleastwiththoseforwhichasubstantialfractionofthe activity) appears to be at most a few 106 years, and the line radiation comes from photoionization of pre-shock twonucleiwillfullymergeonatimescaleof∼107 years. material by the thermal continuum of the shock itself). An attractive option is that most of the emission comes fromphotoionizationbythequasareitherofablatedma- Support for program # GO-09365 was provided by terialfromsmallcloudsorsimply ofambientdiffuse gas, NASAthroughagrantfromtheSpaceTelescopeScience which likely can be drivento high velocities by the wind Institute, which is operated by the Association of Uni- generated by the expanding bubble around the jet. versities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA The possibility that 3C48A might also be a conse- contract NAS 5-26555. We thank the referee for a very quence of the radio jet, in the form of jet-induced star careful reading of the paper and for making numerous formation,nowseemsratherremote. Theageofthestars suggestions that materially improved the final version. in this feature is incompatible with jet-induced star for- The authors recognize the very significant cultural role mation by the current radio jet, and any appeal to pro- that the summit of Mauna Kea has within the indige- duction by a hypothetical previous radio jet would have nous Hawaiian community and are grateful to have had to explainwhy the feature remainsso coherentandrela- the opportunity to conduct observations from it. REFERENCES Baum,S.A.,&McCarthy,P.J.2000,AJ,119,2634 Matthews&Sandage1963,ApJ,138,30 Boroson,T.A.,&Oke,J.B.1982 Oke,J.B.,etal.1995,PASP,107,375 Boroson,T.A.,&Oke,J.B.1984 Saxton, C. J., Bicknell, G. V., Sutherland, R. S., & Midgley, S. 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