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The NASA MSFC Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model-2007 Version (GRAM07) PDF

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Preview The NASA MSFC Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model-2007 Version (GRAM07)

NASA/TM—2008–215581 The NASA MSFC Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model—2007 Version C.G. Justus Stanley Associates, Huntsville, Alabama F.W. Leslie Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama November 2008 The NASA STI Program…in Profile Since its founding, NASA has been dedicated • CONFERENCE PUBLICATION. Collected to the advancement of aeronautics and space papers from scientific and technical conferences, science. The NASA Scientific and Technical symposia, seminars, or other meetings sponsored Information (STI) Program Office plays a key or cosponsored by NASA. part in helping NASA maintain this important role. • SPECIAL PUBLICATION. Scientific, technical, The NASA STI program operates under the or historical information from NASA programs, auspices of the Agency Chief Information Officer. projects, and missions, often concerned with It collects, organizes, provides for archiving, and subjects having substantial public interest. disseminates NASA’s STI. The NASA STI program provides access to the NASA Aeronautics and • TECHNICAL TRANSLATION. English- Space Database and its public interface, the NASA language translations of foreign scientific and Technical Report Server, thus providing one of the technical material pertinent to NASA’s mission. largest collections of aeronautical and space science STI in the world. Results are published in both non- Specialized services also include creating NASA channels and by NASA in the NASA STI custom thesauri, building customized databases, Report Series, which includes the following report and organizing and publishing research results. types: For more information about the NASA STI • TECHNICAL PUBLICATION. Reports of program, see the following: completed research or a major significant phase of research that present the results of • Access the NASA STI program home page at NASA programs and include extensive data <http://www.sti.nasa.gov> or theoretical analysis. Includes compilations of significant scientific and technical data • E-mail your question via the Internet to and information deemed to be of continuing <[email protected]> reference value. NASA’s counterpart of peer- reviewed formal professional papers but has less • Fax your question to the NASA STI Help Desk stringent limitations on manuscript length and at 443 –757–5803 extent of graphic presentations. • Phone the NASA STI Help Desk at • TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM. Scientific 443 –757–5802 and technical findings that are preliminary or of specialized interest, e.g., quick release reports, • Write to: working papers, and bibliographies that contain NASA STI Help Desk minimal annotation. Does not contain extensive NASA Center for AeroSpace Information analysis. 7115 Standard Drive Hanover, MD 21076–1320 • CONTRACTOR REPORT. Scientific and technical findings by NASA-sponsored contractors and grantees. NASA/TM—2008–215581 The NASA MSFC Earth Global Reference Atmospheric Model—2007 Version C.G. Justus Stanley Associates, Huntsville, Alabama F.W. Leslie Marshall Space Flight Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama Natonal Aeronautcs and Space Admnstraton Marshall Space Flght Center • MSFC, Alabama 35812 November 2008  Avalable from: NASA Center for AeroSpace Informaton 7115 Standard Drve Hanover, MD 21076 –1320 443 –757– 5802 Ths report s also avalable n electronc form at <https://www2.st.nasa.gov>  TAblE oF CoNTENTS 1. INTroDuCTIoN ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Background and overvew ........................................................................................... 1 1.2 Basc Descrpton of the Global reference Atmospherc 07 Model ............................. 2 1.3 Summary of New Model Features ............................................................................... 3 1.4 Summary of Global reference Atmospherc Model 07 Characterstcs ....................... 10 2. TeCHNICAl DeSCrIpTIoN oF THe MoDel .......................................................... 12 2.1 The upper Atmosphere Secton ................................................................................... 12 2.2 The Mddle Atmosphere Secton ................................................................................. 14 2.3 The Global upper Ar Clmatc Atlas or the Global Grdded upper Ar Statstcs Secton .......................................................................................................... 14 2.4 Water Vapor and other Atmospherc Speces Concentratons ..................................... 15 2.5 Interpolaton and Farng Technques .......................................................................... 16 2.6 The perturbaton Model .............................................................................................. 19 2.7 optonal user-Selected Intal perturbatons ............................................................... 23 2.8 optonal range reference Atmosphere Data .............................................................. 23 2.9 optonal Global Grdded upper Ar Statstcs Data .................................................... 25 3. SAMple reSulTS ......................................................................................................... 27 3.1 revsed large-Scale perturbatons ............................................................................... 27 3.2 revsed Small-Scale perturbatons ............................................................................... 27 3.3 perturbatons n the Thermosphere .............................................................................. 28 3.4 range reference Atmosphere Data opton ................................................................. 31 4. GloBAl reFereNCe ATMoSpHerIC MoDel07 uSerS GuIDe ....................... 33 4.1 General program revew ............................................................................................. 33 4.2 The “atmosdat” Input Fle ........................................................................................... 33 4.3 The Trajectory Input Fle ............................................................................................. 37 4.4 random Number Seed Input Fle ................................................................................ 37 4.5 output Data Fles ........................................................................................................ 37 4.6 Descrpton of program Fles and Subroutnes ............................................................ 39 4.7 runnng Global reference Atmospherc Model 07 ...................................................... 40  TAblE oF CoNTENTS (Continued) AppeNDIx A—GloBAl upper AIr ClIMATIC ATlAS DATA ................................ 41 A.1 Global upper Ar Clmatc Atlas Background ........................................................... 41 AppeNDIx B —DATABASe DeSCrIpTIoN For GloBAl GrIDDeD upper AIr STATISTICS ............................................................................................................. 47 B.1 Introducton ............................................................................................................... 47 B.2 Global Grdded upper Ar Statstcs .......................................................................... 48 B.3 Database Format and read Instructons .................................................................... 50 AppeNDIx C—CoMpIlING AND ruNNING GloBAl reFereNCe ATMoSpHerIC MoDel 07 .......................................................................................... 52 C.1 General Introducton ................................................................................................. 52 AppeNDIx D—DeSCrIpTIoN oF NAMelIST ForMAT INpuT FIle .................... 59 D.1 Sample NAMelIST Fle ........................................................................................... 59 AppeNDIx e—SAMple ouTpuT oF GloBAl reFereNCe ATMoSpHerIC MoDel 07 ....................................................................................................................... 63 e.1 Sample Standard Formatted output produced by Input Fle of Appendx D ............ 63 e.2 Sample Speces Concentraton output Fle produced by Input Fle of Appendx D ... 79 e.3 Sample Specal output Fle produced by Input Fle of Appendx D .......................... 89 AppeNDIx F—pArAMeTerS AVAIlABle For SpeCIAl ouTpuT ........................ 91 AppeNDIx G—exAMple ApplICATIoN oF GrAM07 AS SuBrouTINeS IN ANoTHer MAIN DrIVer .......................................................................................... 95 G.1 lstng of example Man Drver program (trajdemo_e07.f) usng gramtraj_e07.f as Subroutnes ........................................................................................................... 97 reFereNCeS ..................................................................................................................... 101 v liST oF FiGuRES 1. Schematc summary of the atmospherc regons n the GrAM07 program, sources for the models, and data on whch the mean monthly GrAM07 values are based ........................................................................................................ 2 2. Comparson of GrAM07 densty dspersons wth a Gaussan dstrbuton ............ 5 3. Tme evoluton of the eastward wnd at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) as computed by the corrtraj program of GrAM07 .................................................. 5 4. A comparson of GrAM07-generated wnd shears wth varous measurement systems at the KSC ................................................................................................... 6 5. Sample vertcal profile of wave-form large-scale perturbatons ................................. 27 6. A plot of a 1,000 profile Monte Carlo runs of densty perturbaton (n percent of the mean value) as a functon of heght. The 2- and 3-sgma envelopes are also shown .......................................................................................................... 28 7. Densty dfference (percent) between JB2006 and MeT thermosphere models n GrAM07, as a functon of heght and lattude: January, local tme = 13 hours, and low solar condtons (F10.7 = 70, and ap = 5) ...................................................... 29 8. As n figure 7 for hgh solar condtons (F10.7 = 250, and ap = 30) ............................ 30 9. Densty dfference (percent) between JB2006 and MeT thermosphere models n GrAM07, as a functon of lattude and longtude at alttude 400 km: January, tme = 13 hours uTC, and hgh solar condtons (F10.7 = 250, and ap = 30) ............. 30 10. GrAM07 (sold lne) or rrA/GrAM07 (dotted lne) profiles of temperature along hypothetcal parabolc trajectory between edwards AFB and Whte Sands Mssle range wth 100 km apogee ........................................................................... 31 11. Dfferences n densty (sold lne) and temperature (dotted lne) between GrAM07 and rrA/GrAM07 values for the hypothetcal trajectory of figure 10 ................... 32 v liST oF TAblES 1. rrA stes n GrAM07 ............................................................................................. 8 2. Global grdded upper ar statstcs parameters .......................................................... 48 v liST oF ACRoNYMS AND SYMbolS Ae atmosphere explorer AFGl Ar Force Geophyscs laboratory AFMS Ar Force Md-lattude Summer data AFMW Ar Force Md-lattude Wnter data AFSS Ar Force Sub-arctc Summer data AFSW Ar Force Sub-arctc Wnter data AFTr Ar Force Tropcal data AMpS Automated Meteorologcal profilng System Ar argon ASCII Amercan standard code for nformaton nterchange Co carbon monoxde Co carbon doxde 2 CH methane 4 CD-roM compact dsc-read only memory CIrA Cooperatve Insttute for research n the Atmosphere CoMNAVoCeANCoM Commander, Naval oceanography Command CoSpAr Commttee on Space research eCMWF european Center for Medum-range Weather Forecasts eor end of record euV extreme ultravolet v liST oF ACRoNYMS AND SYMbolS (Continued) GGuAS Global Grdded upper Ar Statstcs GpS Global postonng System GrAM Global reference Atmospherc Model GrS Geodetc reference System GuACA Global upper Ar Clmatc Atlas H o water vapor 2 He helum H hydrogen HWM Harmonc Wnd Model IAu Internatonal Astronomcal unon IerS Internatonal earth rotaton and reference System JB Jaccha-Bowman KSC Kennedy Space Center larC langley research Center lat-lon lattude-longtude MAp Mddle Atmosphere program MeT Marshall engneerng Thermosphere MG2 double-onzed magnesum MSFC Marshall Space Flght Center N ntrogen 2 N o ntrous oxde 2 v

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