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ClubAnnouncements 3 Bull. B.O.C. 2006126(1) The934thmeetingoftheClubwasheldonTuesday6December2005,intheSheffieldBuildingAnnexe, ImperialCollege, London.Twenty-twomembersandsevenguestswerepresent. Members attendingwere: Cdr. M. B. Casement, RN (Chairman), Miss H. Baker, Ms D.V Breese, D. R. Calder, Ms K. Cook, Dr J. H. Cooper, D. J. Fisher, F. M. Gauntlett, D. Griffin, Dr J. R Hume {Speaker),R. H. Kettle,R. R. Langley,D.J. Montier,MrsM.N. Muller,RJ.Oliver,A.J. Pittman,DrR. R Prys-Jones,N. J. Redman,P J. Sellar, S.A. H. Statham, C.W. R. StoreyandP J.Wilkinson. Guestsattendingwere: MrsJ. Calder,MrsC. R. Casement,A. Cheke,MrsM.H. Gauntlett,MrsM. Montier,C. MullerandDrL. Steel. Afterdinner,DrJulianHumepresentedaninformativediscussiononTheparrotsoftheMascarenes. ThePsittaciformesareadistinctorderofbirdsthathaveevolvedadaptations(e.g. largejaws/zygodactyl foot) forfeeding, climbingetc. Parrotshavebeenpopularbothas fooditems andaspets, andprimarily becauseofthis,anumberofspecieshavebecomeextinctorarecriticallyendangered.Manyspecieshave colonised remote oceanic islands and island groups, and in some cases speciatedto such a degree that their affinities are now difficult to determine. The volcanic and isolated Mascarenes, comprising Reunion, Mauritius and Rodrigues, are situated in the south-west Indian Ocean. As a consequence of numerous sea-level changes, parrot colonists were able to islandhopto the Mascarenes within the last 5-7 million years, with south-eastAsiaalmostcertainlythe foundingsource. Itcanalsobe determined that at least 3—4 parrot colonising events have taken place, with the first species arriving on Mauritius andRodriguesveryearlyintheislands'history.Thesecondandthirdeventspopulatedallthreeislands, whilstapossiblefourthoccurredinthelast 1.5millionyearsandpopulatedonlyMauritiusandReunion. Due to evidence derived from contemporaryaccounts, contemporary illustrations,the fossil recordand preservedspecimens, the Mascareneparrots appearto bederivedfromthe Psittaculini group ofparrots thatradiatedthroughsouth-eastAsiaandintonorthernAustralia.Thenumberofendemicspeciesishigh with Mauritius harbouring three sympatric species. Reunion possibly four and Rodrigues two. Three monotypic genera are present, whilst the genus Psittacula comprises the remaining species. All Mascarene species were generally shorterin the wing, longer inthe leg andhadproportionately larger, widerjawsthanpsittaculinecounterpartsfoundonthemainland.Dueprimarilytoman'sinterference,all Mascarene parrots are now extinct bar the Echo Parakeet Psittacula echo ofMauritius. This species, althoughnumberingfewerthanadozenindividualsinthe 1980s,hasnowrecoveredtoover300individ- ualsduetotheconservationeffortsoftheMauritiusWildlifeFoundation. The name Cyanocoraxmystacalis InthelastissueoftheBulletinIdemonstratedthattheauthorofthenameAsturkieneriiwastheComte de Sparre. I am indebtedtoMichaelWalters forsuggestingthatI addthatPicamystacalis(alsonamed inFig. 1,onp.317)wasalsoassociatedwiththeinitials'G.S.'andthatthecorrectioninauthorshipshould probablybe extendedtothisnametoo. Ihave consultedtheTable Methodique for 1831-38 againtobe sure,andfindthatwhilstAsturkieneriionp.2wasattributedto 'G.deSparre'thenamePicamystacalis onp.5wasattributedto'G.Sparre'.KnowingthatthefullnamewasdeSparre,itisthereforecorrectthat the name Cyanocorax mystacalis (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1835), as used in Peters's Check-list andin all othermodernworks,becorrectedto Cyanocoraxmystacalis(de Sparre, 1835). EdwardC.Dickinson

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