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ALSO BY DESMOND MORRIS The Biology of Art The Mammals: a Guide to the living Species Men and Snakes (co-author) Men and Apes (co-author) Men and Pandas (co-author) Zootime Primate Ethology (editor) The Naked Ape The Human Zoo Patterns of Reproductive Behaviour Intimate Behaviour Manwatching: a Field-guide to Human Behaviour Gestures: Their Origins and Distributions (co-author) Animal Days (autobiography) The Soccer Tribe The Giant Panda (co-author) Inrock (fiction) The Book of Ages The Art of Ancient Cyprus Bodywatching: a Field-guide to the Human Species Catwatching Dogwatching The Secret Surrealist Catlore The Human Nestbuilders Horsewatching The Animal Contract Animalwatching: a Field-guide to Animal Behaviour Babywatching Christmas Watching The World of Animals The Naked Ape Trilogy The Human Animal: a Personal View of the Human Species Bodyt alk: A World Guide to Gestures Catworld: a Feline Encyclopedia The Human Sexes: A Natural History of Man and Woman Cool Cats: the 100 Cat Breeds of the World Body Guards: Protective Amulets and Charms The Naked Ape and Cosmetic Behaviour (co-author) (in Japanese) The Naked Eye (autobiography) Dogs: a Dictionary of Dog Breeds Peoplewatching The Silent Language (in Italian) The Nature of Happiness (in Italian) THEN AKEDW OMAN A Studoyf t he FemalBeo dy DesmonMdo rris THOMASD UNNEB OOKS ST.M ARTIN'GSR IFFI'"N NEWY ORK THOMAS DUNNE BOOKS. An imprint of St. Martin's Press. THE NAKED WOMAN. Copyright © 200,4 by Desmond Morris. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. For information, address St. Martin's Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. www.thomasdunnebooks.com www.stmartins.com Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Morris, Desmond. The naked woman : a study of the female body I Desmond Morris. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-312-33853-4 ISBN-tO: 0-312-33853-8 1. Women. 2. Women-Physiology. 3. Women-Evolution. 4. Body, Human-Social aspects. 5. Sex role. I. Tide. HQ1206.M657 2005 306.4-dc22 2005048414 First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 CONTENTS PictCurreed its Vll Acnkolwedgeenmts viii Introduction IX 1.T hEev olution 1 2. ThHe air 5 3.T hBer ow 22 4.T hEe ars 35 5.T heE yes 45 6. ThNe ose 61 7.T hCeh eeks 71 8.T hLei ps 79 9.T hMeo uth 93 10.T hNee ck 102 11.T heS hloduers 110 12.T hAer ms 117 13.T hHe ands 126 14.T hBe reasts 142 15.T hWea ist 160 16.T hHe ips 169 17.T hBe elly 174 18.T heB ack 184 19.T hPeu bHiaci r 192 20.T heG enlist a 203 21.T hBeu ttocks 220 22.T hLe egs 234 23.T hFe eet 248 Refreences 257 Index 267 PICTURCER EDITS Hair1:a bovAeq uariLuisb ra1rby e;l oPwe rowwulw.perouinc.2ca obmo;vP eo werstock.coml E Bernag2er b;e lowM agnumP hotos/FerdiSncainadnon3 a a;b ovGee ttyimageslHulton Archiv3e sb;e lowR exF eaturesP/rSetsiAslg le ncEyy.e brows: 1 abovRea pholFran�oise Huguie1r be;l owC orbis/Berrm2a anbno;v lee ftA KG Image2s ;a bovrei ghHtu tchison Library/SEarrraihn gt2ob ne;l olwe ftG ettyimages/MCaiugroigznieo2t b teil;o rwi ghRte x FeaturEaerss:.1 a bovlee ftR exF eatures/CMaamrpkb el1la ;b ovrei ghRto berEts taPlhlo to Library/CBaercoklw ith/AFnigsehlea1r b;e loRwo yaGle ographSiocciaelt yB/oCu langer. Eye1s a:b ovAeq uariLuisb rar1yb ;e lolwe ftR exF eatureslRiJcohnaer1sd; b elorwi ght Photolibrar2ya .bcoovCmeo; l iCna mpbe2lbl e;l olwe fTto phaPmi cturepoin2tl bIeMAlSo;w righPto werstock.comlBaFledronmaenrdNoeo zse.: 1 abovReo berEts taPlhlo tLoi brary/ AngelBae ckwith/Carol 1Bbe elcokwwE iytehU ;b iquitouslBDeenannCe.tb te ek1as b:o ve leftM agnumP hotoslBBraurnboe 1ya ;b ovrei gRhotb erEts taPlhlo tLoi brary/BCeacrkowli th; 1 belolwe fEty eU biquitouslLFeraatnhke1 rb ;e lorwi ghPto pperfotoL.icposm1:.a bove Kobal Colle1c bteiloonw;l efHtu tchisLoinb rary/MiMcahcaienlt y1r eb;e lowr ight GettyimagesClPhaeusll e2y Ge;tt yimages/RoDbaelryt3; a bove lGeetftty imageslJacques Jangou3x a;b ovrei ghCto rbislHuDletuotns Ccohl lect3i boenl;o Rwe xF eaturMeosu.t h: RexF eatuNreesck : ab1o vlee ftC orbislJerHeomryn e1r;a bovrei ghRto berEts taPlhlo to Libra1rby e;l olwe ftP hotolibrar1yb .ecloormwi; g hHtu tchiLsiobnr ary/MiMcahcaienlt yre. Shoulders:1 lefPte rou/www.peroui1nr ci.gchCotom r;b is/PierreA rmVsa:u1 ta hbeoyv.e lefRte xF eatur1ea sb;o vrei gHhutt chiLsiobnr ary/MiMcahcaienlr y1rb ee;l oKwa tPzi ctu.r es Hands: 1a bovHeu tchisLoinb rary/MiMcahcaienlt y1rb ee;l oTwo phaPmi cturepointlImage Works2;T ophaPmi cturepoinWtlIomrakgseB. r eas1tsa :b ovteh eartarc1h bievleoK;wo bal Collect2i aobno;v lee fGte ttyima2g aebso;v rei ghGte ttyimageslAHruclhtiov2ne b;e low CorbSiysg ma/StepChaarndei naWlaei.s 1tl :e fCto rbislREorbiecr 1ta ;b ovrei gMhatr yE vans PictuLrieb ra1r bye;l orwi gChotr bislArchivo koSn.oAHg.ir pasf1:ia cboo,vG ee ttyimagesl RonC happl1ebe ;l owT ophaPm icturepBoeilnl1tya. :b ovRee xF eaturesTlYzaueri;1 b elow RoberEts taPlhlo tLoi brary/CBaercoklw iBtha.c k1: Rapho/LauMroennlta ulMarie-Jose Crespijne'wse lloerrnya menftass,h isotny lfriosmtD akaSre,n eg2al le;fM ta gnumP hotos/Eve Arnol2d; r ighPth otolibrarPyu.bcioHcma .i r1: a bovlee fRte xF eatur1e asb;o vrei ght Magnum PhotoslThHoomeapsk e1rb ;e loRwe xF eaturBeustt.o ck1sa :b ovlee ftR exF eatures! EdwarHdi rs1ta ;b ovrei gRhetx F eatures/J1ub eerlgoeRwne ;xF eatur2eK sa;t Pzi cturesIFSP. Legs1: l efRte xF eatur;e1as b ovrei ghTto phamP icturepoi1nb tlePlAo;rw ighTotp ham PicturepFoeient1t: .a bovAeK G Image1sb; e low RFeexa tures/PSrIePs2As a;b ovRee x Featur2e besl;o wT ophamP icturepointlPA. ACKNOWLEDGEMESN T Iw oullidtk oee x prmeyss pse ctihaalnt okt shf elo lwionmgy:w ife Ramofnoahr e ern dleenscasog uermaenncdto nstrcuricicttiisvme; myc olleCalgiBuvreeo mhfaolmrla ,nv ya ludaibslceu sasnido ns; from RaHnoduosMmea ,re clEldaw arCdasr,o MliicnehD ealn, FarnkalniEdnl lAalrhle ffyo,tr h eeidri teoxrpiearNlta idsiBena,ez ar fohre pra itnaskipnigc ture arnDeds aveiFador rcdhh faohmri s insdeets. i gn INTRODUCTION This tbaokotekhsr e e adearg uoindt eodu rt hfoeef m abloed y, explaiitmnsai nnuygn usfuaeatlu rIeitsn so. at m editceaxoltra , pscyholsol gbaiosrta'taonrayl byustiz so,ao lsop goirsttcr'ealiet­, bratwionmgea nst heayp peianr rtehwaeol r lidnt, h eniart ural environment. Theh umafmnea lhea usn derdgroanmeac thiacnd guersit nhge courosfe e hveorl u-tfiamoron r teh atnh e hmuamlaSenh. he a s left bmeahnioynft d hf ee miqnuiiantleoi feo st hperri maantde,s in thseh aopfem odewromna nh,a bse coam uen iqbueeio nfag n exrtaorydk iin.na dr Evewroym ahna sb euaat ibfoudl-yb eaiufbtuelc aiuitsts eh e britle lnida-npoofmi inltlo ifyo enaosrfe so v lutIiitols no .a wdietdh amazaidnusjgt meanntsdsu brtelfei netmhemanattk isett h meo st remarokragbalneoi nts hmpe l anDeets.pt ihtiaestd , i ffetriemnets anidn d iffpelraecnhetu sm,as no ciheatviteer sit eoid m proonv e natumroedy,ii fnagn edm belltihsfehe imnablgoe di yna t housand diffweary.eSs notmo eft hecsuel tubroarla theialovanes p bleeeans ­ urabolteh,he arevsb eepna iu,nlb fuatl hla vseo ugthomt a kteh e humafmnea leev emno rbee auultt hiafsnha ele radiys . Loccaoln coefbp etashu atvvyea rwiieldad nledya chhu msaonc iety hadse veliotopswe nid d eoafws h aitms o raep peaSloimcneug l.t ures lisklee nfdiegruo rtehsper,re smf oerrre o unfldeesdsh o;ml ei skmea ll breaostthsre,er lsli asrohgn ees so;ml ei wkhei tteee otthh,ie nrssi st onf ileds otmleeie sktheha ;vh eenao dtsh,de ortosen l onlgu,x uriant ha.iE rvewni tWheisnt ecrunl ttuhrehera evb ee esnt rickoinntgr asts ast hfei cwkolreol ffd a shkieoeonpn cs h anigtipsnr gi orities. IX THE NAKEDW OMAN Asa r esultc,hp ate-eaarcst h hb eo otkr alvfser ohme atdot oe -nootn leyx pltahieenx sc ibtiionclgaof lgae itutrheaastl h lu man femaslheasbr ueat,l sdoi scusmsaenswy a tyihsnew hitchhe se feathuarvbeees ee nx aggeorrsa utpepdr eenslsaeordrgr, ee dd uced, anidn t hwiasy a ttemtpogt isva er ounpdiecdt ouftr heme o st fsacinsabutjienicgntt h weo r-ltdh nea kweodm a.n On pae rsnoontaetl h bi-oso rke flael citfsef lsaocnign awittiho n theev oluatnisdot nao tftu hshe u mafnea mlAe f.e ywe aargsto h is led tomm ea kaes erfioers Amteervliiecscainao lnTl heeH du man Sexiensw hiIce hx amiinnse odm dee ttahinela tuorfte h ree la­ tionbsehtiwpe enm ahluaemnsafd ne amleasla,lr outnhgdel boe. The mIto rraelvl eetdh,e mdoirsteu arnbaden dgI rb ye cawmiet h thwea yw omewne rbee itnrge aitnme adnc yo nutersDi.e sept ihte avdancmeasdb ey f meinirsetb elilnti hoWeen s tt,h earrese t ill milloifwo onmse inno thpeatrrso ft hweo rwlhdo caornes idered th'epo rperotfmy a'la ensad si nfemreimobroe frs so ciFeottrhy e.m , thfeme inmiosvte mseinmtpd linydo hta pepn. Tom ea,sa z oolwohgohi sastst udhiuemdae nv olutthitiorsne ,n d towamradlsde o minaitssii omnpn loiytnk eepwiinttghh w ea yi n whiHcohm soa piheadnses v eloovpeeprde raoi fom di lloifyo enasr s. Ousru ccaesass pse wcaidseus te o d iav iosfli aoubnrbo etwmeaelne s anfde mailwneh si,tc hhme a lbeesc asmpee ciaashl uinzteLedir vsi.n g ins matlrli tbhemises,a tnhta wti,tt hh mea laewsa hyu nttihneg , femawleerlsee i ftnt hvee rcye notfr es loicgfiaeat,lh etrhfieon ogd anpdr epairtri,en agrt ihyneog u nagng,de neorraglalnyti htzeri inbga l settlemmeennbt e.c abAmeset attfe ocru soinnt gh eoinrec ,r ucially importtaaswnkot,m en bbeecttaaemtdre e alwiintsghe veprraolb ­ lemasto nc(ehT.ip se rsodniaflfieityrss et wniiclteulh s t odaThye.r)e wanse vaenrqy u esotfio onsnee bxe idnogm inoavnettrh o et her. Therye ltioetdoa nlo lnayen otfhoserur r vTihvearle.a p wraism eval balance thbheeu tmwasenee x-net sh ewye rdei ffbeureteq anutl . Thibsa lcaewn also st hwuhmeapnno pulagtrietowon,ws an nsd citiebsu iwalentrtd,bre ie speboepclacemi eet niRsze.l igaitto hne, x

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