DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Ethnolo(}ical Survey Publications Volume Parts and II, 11 ill THE NABALOI DIALECT otto SCHEERER By THE BATAKS OF PALAWAN By EDWARD MILLER Y. mmtiA THE NEW YORK LIBRARY PUBLIC 315774 . mm tznox rnron. I T&oif^ foyNDATiOili. I 90$ I ! THE NABALOl DIALECT 8r> V ' j^'r';^:;"^;-f|||^ '''t.^ i'- \'.^-S'\^Vk'? •*#. '".>%'K* '-^--(t't^ V-/" ' '-*'-t ^-V"/- LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Dki'artmknt of the IxTERIOKj The Ethnological Sirvev, Muiiiiti^ (ktohet Sl^ IM4. Sin: I Imvi* tlH* lumor to tnniHmit two pajwrs, one a gmiimtar siiid voi'rtliulurv of the Xahuloi dialect of Benguet, hy Otto SehiH-rer, tin* olli«'r a hrief aceoimtof tlie Bataks of l*alawan, hy Edwanl Y. Miller, governor i»f Palawan. 1 reeonnnend that thene jiajK^rs l>e jmhlislied as l*arts II and 111 of Volume II of the scientifie studies editcnl hy the Survey. Very resjH»etfully, Meiit<»n L. Miller, Adfnff Chief of The Ethnahgietil Sitri'tih Hon. Dean ('. Worce.'^ter, SfTtrtarif (f the hdei'i(u\ Matiihi, /*. /. *»7 ^^^-'-'-^iC''"- . CONTENTS I»Airr II I*KKrArE.__. , __„..„>>_„_._...„.__.___„., .__,„. ._.„„. .... „....„. !>5 TiiK Naiui/»i Dialbct ,.,—_,,, „_-..„.„._..„,..,„,,_...„,_. U7 _.— Thellialoi Igorot-.™— ---^_. ,„._.._.„ ._. 97 Trilmlname .„.,„-, ._. ._„.„.._ ._„..... »7 Chinese infl«ent?e --_ _..,.„„..._„ _._.._, ,_.„._.-^__.. 98 m _ Extent of terriUiry-— „ -_„ .„„„ „ ... Elements in Nabalcii .,_.._.„ „_...„.,..„ lOfi Diflicnity in reducing the diaieet to writing.^.- ,, ^___ _^. !CJ1 The Nabaloi alphaliet ._ „ ._ „. _,._„ 101 Prommeiation , „„.. , _..._„„_„_..__ ._. 101 Diphthong8„.. ., ^ ____„„. 104 — Hiatus; transjiosition of vowelf?-- - .._____ Ifti Hignn employed -„_ >.-^ — 1IKt» Itoots and particles . . lOii The article. _„ ._„ _„_.. _-—_-„_-„_._..,, „„. 107 Definite™. .„.„.. _ 107 Indefinite „„„ .„ ..„„„„._„___„ _......._.. 107 The noun..—„_.-_-..»...-_-....... .--_-.._,„.__...-.»._._ IW . UW r^e of few, many, all, some, no, another._„„,_-._. ......«^ .,_... Une of right, left, lj<»th ..__ __....._...._. .„..„...__...,, 110 Relation of Nabaloi to other Philippine diale<'tj* ,,......»—_ _ ,.- 110 Theailjective „_-. _ ..„_.„__...__...„-.,-......>»,._ Ill Modifications of the ailjeetive -_— .,-~. ...... .„.».,„. Ill The noun and the adjective-. _.„--— „--_.«.-,_— „-_„.. . 112 The pronoun ,-.«.^«_>_._-^_»..._,„»..„-»—.,...-.---.— .„..._..... 113 Perronal and possefieiive _„..._ „,.,_„»..„...„_..>-.,.--«>_,„-- li:i Indejiendent forms.--...-. «»„«.-.«-«_. .___-.__ ..„..-_>-_„. IKI Forms used only incomiM^ition ..„-»—.„,.>--_— ....,-.„,»„. IH Pt^^wive imrtide**._>.— „,>»..,--;:,-«,.--»-..^ .......„.„ 114 IHial fien^jnal pronoun ,»_-.,.,„„..,..,»....—..-.-^-.«..»-.-„« 117 l>emonrtmti%"e pronoun---„„.._—-«--»„-.. .»..,.«,....-........ ,.„.«». 117 Conjuiption of "to lie here'* and '*to lie then*" ._-,.. ..-. .... IIS IW Relative pronoun . .„«..-> ..-. .„„„....»,. ->,, „«„.... ._„-..„...—<.„.». Interw^jpi.ti%'e prcmnun^ _„-.„.„_,.,,-,„,-„„., ,.-..,.„„.,«-.„.,, ,. ,., 120 Adverlisi and adverMal exprfwionj* „..>....<,« -.«^. , . . -c.,.„..._..,..„, ... 151 l*iTp<witlon** .„.„.._. _^,_.._.-...-,...<,,,..,„«.,«-. .,^- .,,,^, .-.-«,-. .. ...- l!^ 'Conjuipition of **t4i lie in the hou?«e" -.>....,—....«.».,,— , ...... 124 1^ Conlunetioni* ,.--..-..,....,., .., -,...,.-.-.. „.,,,.,.„,...-.™., -..,.. .... = . m . . . CONTEXTS ill TiiK N.iiiiyii I)iALiii"r~('«iitlinii^L wmg^ Fiwnmtum aucI gi^nwn! €!iafm«^ft*r of ver!«i fi*riii«..^» .^ „«. . , .^ - ,«^. IM On imrtielep ..,..^.. «»«...,_..«.«._.._..„.„.»„... «„„^„_..„«. _. _ FiH (lE taiiww^....... ...... .^_.. ._^.. __.. ...,.._... . .._. __ . . ., .,._ 12i 1^ Faradigmn.^.,.,-.. .^^^.»,,^.„„^„ ..«^»^»^^...„. ,_^. ...„ .._-.^, .„... _. . .__...___._„._..._..._...___. F^ lltiiiii, to kill .,-..,.. M) J«fil', to plant ™.,^^^..... .. ,„™„^™._,^. .„„.._.^„,.^.^^,^^._^„,.,., Nt*gativeforiiif«„^„^. .^«-...,„^.™.^„_.„„ _,_..„.^^..,^...,..,,_,.„^ 131 /fiiiiii, to ksil....^^_^.. „„._^„..,._,..„.„___..._.„.._, _.,... 131 Jiiiii%t€i|>!ant. -,„.....„._......„^.^__i._..„.. „,,..__. i:i2 The pa^tt^ive voire »..„..„..^. .. .„„„™„,_^.^^^^„..^„. ., ^ „,„....„^^ ...^« i:i2 l?i#n^i, tokiIL„„__^.„ .„„«,„_______.__._......,_. 132 ('oiijiigatioii of transitive verbs ._^- „„„»^^„„ .«^„„."_„„ .._^„.^.^^^„ ISI . A'ri/liijr, to strike with the fint.., ..»„».....,..„»«^™..-.^^„ ^»,^^, ^..^-,. 1S*I Kalhkh with imr^oiml pronoun as objert .^-».. _„».-.^^^..,._. ..,,,, 133 Further examples of trannitive verte -„^-.™„.. „„„^ » ^,., 134 Intrannitive verbn ^ .^. «„^„.„ .„ ™...„„ .„,^.„.„„„ ,_^. i:i5 Toliethirnty -..„. . „«-..-..^^.. _._„„_.._^.„ i:fl To he hungry^ .«.„„„., -„^ ». . ,. „„™„_^„„^ KM Further examples of intransitive %'erbs^..-.^.^-..^-„ .^.^-.^^„„^ .>„^ 1311 Reflexive fornin^ .-^_-.-_ ._ _„«-„«„>.»„„„_«.,- ^...,. ^^^.„..„.„....„. 13M VaritHif^ verlial for!aH„._„ „^_^...„.......^..,._„^..„..„.,. „..„„ ..„^. KJ9 Negative an«l ini|Mmit!ve fc»nns; i>er«iimon .^ >.«^.,..^. »^., .„..„^^^„^ I*ill Fornis expre8Hingdef*ire, fhity; alno frapientative and eaiimlive fdrniH .^^ _»..„-.. _^„ _„„ .._. „^^._^,. _^._^„....^...,_..^^_ 1411 Further examples of the eotiibination of roc^te and imrtlek*^ „^..-_-. 141 ....., Eenderini^of ''U) Im,'' **to have'^„^.„^.^„^... ._...^.^-._... ....^^. 143 Furtherexamplesof the renderingoftheKnglieh copula ^*tci 1^"' 144 InterjectionB_„ „^-.-. _„^^.„^._.^^„^._ ^_«^^„^^»„^»„„^«.^._, .^. .^^. 145 On the trail to Bengiiet [a conversation with Igorot carriers] _,„„.„„.„„^». 14^ Writing and popular Hongs_.™^^» „„^^„„^^„^- .„^..»^«._,.._„».„_._^«„ 147 Nabaloi vocabulary ^....^ »^„. .»„.....^.,^^...„,. .^^^.. ... __,.. 1*^1 Pernonj^ _.._._^.„.,. .„^„„^.^^«.»^. . _.„„^^^„..^„^^^^»„,„»„ ,„,,__ ^._,,^.„. iJil PartB of the Inunan body . . ^„ .>„„^._^»,. ,.,..,.^^„ .^^,. .^^^.^„.. _._^ .__„ 151 dotfling and ornanient*^- ,.^- ^....^.„._,^^„.^..^..,„,....,.^._..^„.-„^„.. ..,..,.. 1S2 The hou«* and field-. . „ .^^._«.«.».^._.,......__...^ _ .^.,. ..,., ....... ..,,.^. !I>2 Weapons, iniplenienti^ and utensilH. ..^,..„^. .,...«,...._.. ..._^.„.„... ..... 15:1 Wooden ware.„„„. .^™„ „^^^_ ^„. . ._^ __„_.,. _«.^ ... ^„, ___. ..„,„, Ihll Iron tools ..._»». .„^^..»„-.^«..^,^ ..___.^. .... . .. ... __^. Ifi4 Miscellaneous articles «.^-,«= -.^..-...« „.._.» ... _.. _ _.. _ _ ITil Banket ware »^^^»,„-^.....»...«- »^««.«. ...._... ira - _ Iniplenientf^ for sewing, weaving, spinning, eft*... . _ . „ IM FoimI»,.«^™«„ »...^._..,.^.^.„^^._. .^„__„ .._..^„^^ .^«„ . ..... ^ _ _ . ir^Ti (lolorp,..,„. .,^. ...,»,«... .^^.,.»,.......«.. . . ._ .„......^... - ff^ii NiitidM!rti-...-.._._...^ .=.,...^ „«.-.^^»„««^«, ..,._.^ ,^^._« .._.^_ ^ . . l^^i Cardinal ..^. „«».^ ........,^. ...-^..->.,._...,...^«. . ,. V%^ Ordlfial . ... ._....«..„,......- -. ..,». ..... .,_.... .. ir^t* Miiiiieral a«lverbf». .._...,_ .....,_..._... ._».,. . _._..._ ... 1*^7 MiilllplicmtH'CH^,....^. .. _ ... _._. V^l . . Ilirtrihutlvw. ....... .... ... _.,.._..,.... Ih7 . . %inmmm^ . ..^«.....,-............ . ... _. ...>^. _.. ...._ . . Ihn Ilhimfin «if time .»^«^..... .„.„.« . ..,. . ...,.«««..^.... .««*«...,.-,..,«... ,._...«.... 1.1^^ . ^ Till Naiiaijm I)iALM^~C\>iitiinieii Niiliiiai vcimbulsry—C%iitiiiti^i rage iStettdawls cif valnti ,„.^., _«. .._^«, .,__.« .,..«..__._,..,^.^..„._«..^. It^ Psrbi of the body of maiiiinalp -.«^.^.,» ,^^^^«._. ...^... .,^..«.^.«^«« 15» Birds. __....._ _.__.___„_.„„,_..__ .,___.._,_._ im Parte of the iMKly of biril^ ^ ,.^-..«».,_-..^„._... _._,.^«^„^,»„^^^^ 11^ Fiiih, etc? ^............._«....^...J.„...__.«._...,..__._,.,._.. IW Parts of the hody, ete,, of ish .^^._«.. .^^^. _-.^^. .-.™-»^. .^^.„ »^,.^^,, IfW Eeptiles, ete.^.«..^ .^.^.^. _^_^^^^^._,^«.^.^ . ..^^..^«^,. IIH Inwcte^.^^^ ...-, .^,^..«,..«.^^„....^^......._...^„-^.._«._^^._^^ IfMI Piant8.^.„_^„_..- _.._.„.._.^^._.^,_.„. ,._ ._......,_.._.„. lil Oe^rapMe teriiiB -..^..^ _^.^.-...,.., .,„^^.-. „„^«„».™^._.^. .^,.., ......_^^ 161 (Jeographie names ».-.„««-.»...„ .^^^„^^^„..^^ ^..^^.^.._.^_„„ 1111 Meteorologie and other physical phenomena and objects - „^™- liil Kinship.^^^.«, .^ ^«„..^«„„^^^^.„^^^.„^..^^^ 162 , Lineal descendants of self, male sp^tking-., ,„"^ „. _^. _„. Ii2 Lineal Mcendante of ^If, male speaking .-„. „,-.^ „.«_> _„_ 162 Firet collateral line, male speaking»^. _«._„. Wi Affinities through relatives, descendants of ^If, male sf^aking.. Wll Affinities through the marriage of s^lf^ male speaking .™^„ .^„^ 164 ., Affinities through relatives, lln^t collateral line ,^^. _..„ „^™..,,,. .. im Affinities through the marriage of self, female speaking .-. ,..,.,, ItiTi . ' (Irdinal names of children .^^. .^..™..... .^„-. „ ...._™.„^^....^. .^_».^„_ l€m Varions social terms. ^, . .-,--....^.^^.„.,^^,^ .„^.. _^..^^^^...^^,^.,„..,,=,..„. IliTi Festive slaughterings antl drinking bouts ^ ,-.^.^^._^...^^„«....„.._.«,.. 1tMi (Government ^««»^«^^. .^»^^,..^„_^„ ...-„^«,..^«.«„.-.^,^^. .,^„„.^..^._ IfMi Mortuary customs, etc»^„^^,^^^ ...-^„»„«.^«^_ _^. .^,^^^,.«^. 167 Bodily conditions, etc«^»-,...„ -.... .^.^._.^._^^ .^,...^.-..,..^..,...« 167 Amusements»-.«-«..^»».^^...,„-.^^«»-».™.^^^-.^»...^,„„„^..„„^.^..„^._....„. ...._. 168 New words -..^^^„^„ „... ..^„._^.._^._.,_^,„,.^^^_.. _^. .^.^^^ 168 Personal eaiiies......^.^....,,^„^ _^........ ..^^™...„„....„^„„.„ _..,„ .^..^„« 170 Male. ..,„.._._.... _. „„._..^...„___,_... _.._.,__.._._.._...__ 17tt Adopted Bpanlsh niiiiieH ..._ .^^..._,,. ._^_.^„ .. .... .. 1711 Female^.... ___.^.„„.., , ^._ ..„.._ ^^„.,. ..„._-,_. . 171 AdiiptiMl Hpanish names . ,- ,„,«..._._ ........ _ . .. ...... 171 TilK litALOl _.,.. ,...„,.._. _^_ .... _„ 17^* Faiit If! Fkifm'E., ««.^. .......«««,.^»..«.-,«««««..^«««»«««...^_..^^^.._»._.........__ ,^_ 181 The Bataks of PAiawAH-«.<.-«»«.,».»-.. ....._.. ._...._ .,..__^_.^^. IM Additional Information on the Batiik |it*ople .. , ».._ _„ »_.-._ ...._„«... Ili^