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The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays PDF

305 Pages·2008·3.637 MB·English
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ISBN: 978-0-615-19298-7 $13.00 th the e MYTH M No, it won’t stop bullets. It won’t keep people from ripping off your prop- erty. It won’t even stop the government from putting you in a concentration Y T of camp, or executing you. About the only thing a “natural right” will stop is H enlightened thinking on the ethics of liberty. Once you’ve read The Myth of NATURAL Natural Rights and Other Essays, you’ll be able to put those imaginary o f protectors of freedom back in the museums where they belong. N RIGHTS A Libertarian scholars have had a difficult time being taken seriously in T and U intellectual circles. There’s a good reason for this. While they have gained R OTHER ESSAYS recognition and acclaim for their staunch defense of the free market, A compelling advocacy of civil liberties and devastating condemnation of L interventionism, their stubborn reliance on the ancient myth of natural N R rights leaves them in philosophical disrepute. The doctrine of natural rights I G L. A. R O L L I N S is a freelance writer has persisted among libertarians, because there has never been a systematic H whose work has appeared in Grump, and thorough critique of all it implies. Until now. L.A. Rollins T Playboy, The Personalist, Book News, Books S for Libertarians, Reason, The Journal of In one compact work, L.A. Rollins shatters the myth of natural rights, while a exposing the “bleeding-heart libertarians” that promote it. With careful n Historical Review, New Libertarian, d research and ample documentation, he shows that O Critique, The Spotlight, Prima Facie, thinkers like Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, Tibor T Arrival, Boing Boing, Slugfest, and Revisionist H Machan and Samuel Konkin not only violate History. At one time he published and E edited the journal, Invictus: A Journal of reason and logic in their defense of natural R Individualist Thought. He is the author rights, but also violate the standards they set E for themselves. S of Lucifer’s Lexicon, which is currently S A out-of-print. He has also worked as a Y Back in print for the first time in years, this dishwasher, chef’s helper, carpenter’s S newly revised edition features an insightful helper, security monitor, convenience store introduction by the Stirnerite-libertarian clerk, paste-up artist, and for the past upstart,TGGP, along with a new afterword by the couple of decades as a copy editor and L author. Bonus material includes an updated selection .A proofreader. Mr. Rollins is a bachelor. His of sardonic jeu de mots from the underground classic, . N hobbies include sucking his thumb and R Lucifer’s Lexicon, as well as Rollins’ never-before- o thumbing his nose, but not at the same l L.A. Rollins is an aphorist, or rather, an published writings on poetic insurrection, the li time. He lives in the Pacific Northwest n againstist. He is of the fraternity of those Holy Qur’an and Holocaust revisionism. s who deny both sides of every question, region of the United States of America. the refusniks who are always untimely. . . . Other than that, his private life is none of For him, there isn't a department of your business. There is a Fifth Amendment, human experience that won't sell you a bill of goods. after all. Nine-Banded Books “A scathing, all-out attack.” www.ninebandedbooks.com – Bob Black, Beneath the Underground 9BB – George H. Smith, New Libertarian Praise for The MyTh of NaTural righTs Rollins has made hash of the logical connections in Rothbard’s argument. — Robert Anton Wilson, Natural Law An important book, which every reader interested in libertarian theory should acquire. — Jeff Riggenbach, New Libertarian Rollins does a fabulous job of making fools out of many a libertarian’s philosophical heroes. — Justin Weinberg, Guillotine An argument could be made that a book like this is potentially pretty damn dangerous. — Pat Hartman, Salon: A Journal of Aesthetics Rollins’ brief work is packed with enough analytical insight to send proponents of natural-law theory into hiding. — Jorge Amador, The Pragmatist The M yth of N r atural ights and O e ther ssays L . A . R o l l i n s NiNe-BaNded Books CharlestoN, West VirgiNia U.s.a. MMVIII The Myth of Natural Rights and Other Essays Copyright © 2008 L.A. Rollins Introduction © 2008 Conor Hartin All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author. ISBN-10: 061519298X ISBN-13: 978-0-615-19298-7 Cover Design by Joseph Clagg Nine-Banded Books Charleston, WV www.ninebandedbooks.com This book is dedicated to the two I love. C ONTENTS Publisher’s Preface 9 PART 1: the Myth of NatUral rights Introduction, by TGGP 19 The Myth of Natural Rights 31 A Reply to My Reviewers 100 Instead of an Afterword 114 PART 2: NothiNg saCred: rolliNs oN the holoCaUst The Holocaust as Sacred Cow 125 Revising Holocaust Revisionism 155 Deifying Dogma 203 PART 3: lUCifer’s lexiCoN Lucifer’s Lexicon: An Updated Abridgment 227 PART 4: the eNd is Near An Open Letter to Allah 291 Ode to Emperor Bush 297 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3 01 Publisher’s Preface It was the summer of 1988 and I had just flunked out of high school. With few prospects and no clue as to what I would do with “my future,” I signed on for back-to- back summer classes. The idea was to belatedly collect my diploma, then buy some time by enrolling at a low-rung state college. I don’t remember much about summer school, except that it was grim. I kept a low profile. I took the work seriously enough to secure the requisite marks. There was a lot of down time. So I read. Two books are nestled up with my recollection of this time. The first was a dog-eared paperback edition of Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. I remember it was set in miniscule typeface on age-oxidized high-acid paper. I would read a few pages and my eyes would itch from the strain. But having recently made my first acquaintance with the wily world of libertarianism, I was determined. I was seeking out the

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