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The Moyal Sphere Michał Eckstein1, Andrzej Sitarz1,2, Raimar Wulkenhaar3 1InstituteofPhysics,JagiellonianUniversity, Łojasiewicza11,30-348Krako´w,Poland. 2 InstituteofMathematicsofthePolishAcademyofSciences, S´niadeckich8,00-950Warszawa,Poland. 6 1 3MathematischesInstitutderWestfa¨lischenWilhelms-Universita¨t 0 Einsteinstraße62,D-48149Mu¨nster,Germany 2 n a Abstract J 1 WeconstructafamilyofconstantcurvaturemetricsontheMoyalplane 2 andcomputetheGauss–Bonnettermforeachofthem. Theyarisefromthe ] conformal rescaling of the metric in the orthonormal frame approach. We A findaparticularsolution,whichcorrespondstotheFubini–Studymetricand Q which equips the Moyal algebra with the geometry of a noncommutative . h sphere. t a m Keywords: Moyaldeformation,noncommutativemetricspace,spacesofconstant [ curvature 1 PACS:02.40.Gh,02.40.Ky v 6 7 Contents 5 5 0 1 Introduction 2 . 1 0 6 2 ClassicalFubini–Studymetricontheplane 2 1 : v 3 TheflatgeometryoftheMoyalplane 4 i X 3.1 MatrixbasisfortheMoyalalgebra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 r 3.2 Radialfunctionsinthematrixbasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 a 4 ConformallyrescaledmetricontheMoyalplane 6 4.1 Theorthormalframeapproach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.2 Solutioninthematrixbasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4.2.1 AsymptoticbehaviorandGauss–Bonnetterm . . . . . . . 8 4.3 TheMoyal–Fubini–Studymetric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.4 Curvaturea` laRosenberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 5 PerturbativesolutionfortheMoyal–Fubini–Studymetric 11 5.1 PerturbativeexpansionoftheMoyalproduct . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.2 TheMoyal–Fubini–Studymetricuptoorderθ2 . . . . . . . . . . 12 6 Conclusionsanddiscussion 13 1 Introduction Noncommutative geometry provides a unified framework to describe classical, discrete as well as singular or deformed spaces [3,9]. Most of the examples stud- iedsofarwereconstructedwithafixedmetric,allowingonlysmallpertubationsof the gauge type. Only recently a class of models with conformally modified non- commutative metrics was constructed for the noncommutative tori [5] allowing forthecomputationofthescalarcurvatureusingdifferentapproaches[4,6,7,14]. The Moyal deformation of a plane [1,13] is one of the oldest and best-studied noncommutative spaces. Motivated by the appearence in the string-theory target space [15] it is often used as model of noncommutative space-time (see [16] for a review) and a background for a noncommutative field theory [17]. However, so far the only geometry considered is the flat geometry, which corresponds to the constant metric on the plane. In this paper we introduce a class of conformally rescaledmetricsonthetwo-dimensionalMoyalplaneusingtheorthonormalframe formalism adapted to the noncommutative setting. We compute the scalar curva- tureandlookforthesolutionsoftheconstantcurvaturecondition,thusfindingthe Moyal–Fubini–Studymetrics. The paper is organized as follows: first, we recall the classical (commutative) constant curvature solutions, then we briefly review the noncommutative Moyal plane and compute the scalar curvature using conformally rescaled orthonormal frames. We discuss explicit solutions in the matrix basis for the Moyal algebra as well the first order perturbative correction to the Fubini–Study metric using smoothfunctionsontheplane. 2 Classical Fubini–Study metric on the plane Considertheconformallyrescaledmetricontheplane: k(x,y)2(dx2 +dy2), Weassumethatk = k(r),thenthescalarcurvatureis: (cid:18) (cid:19) k(r) R(k) = 2k(r)−4 k(cid:48)(r)k(cid:48)(r)− k(cid:48)(r)−k(r)k(cid:48)(cid:48)(r) r 2 Now, let us look for k such that R(k) = C = const. We obtain the differential equation: k(r) k(r)k(cid:48)(cid:48)(r)+ k(cid:48)(r)−k(cid:48)(r)k(cid:48)(r) = Ck4(r), r whichhasafamilyofnondegeneratesolutionsforA > 0,a ≥ 1andb > 0: Ara−1 k(r) = , b+r2a sothatthescalarcurvatureis: 8a2b R(k) = , A2 thevolume: A2 V(k) = π ba andtheGauss–Bonnetterm: (cid:90) √ gR = 8πa. More generally, assume that we have a class of conformally rescaled metrics for whichtheasymptoticsofk(r)atinfinityisgivenby: k(r) ∼ r−α +C r−α−1 +C r−α−2 1 2 Onecaneasilyverifythatthescalarcurvatureisregular,thatis: lim R(r) < ∞, r→∞ ifC = 0andα ≤ 2. 1 WecannowcomputetheGauss–Bonnettermforsuchmetrics: (cid:90) √ (cid:90) ∞ (cid:18) k(r) (cid:19) gR(g) = 4π rdr k(r)−2 k(cid:48)(r)k(cid:48)(r)− k(cid:48)(r)−k(r)k(cid:48)(cid:48)(r) r R2 0 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:0) (cid:1) = 4π dr rk(r)−2k(cid:48)(r)k(cid:48)(r)−k(r)−1k(cid:48)(r)−rk(r)−1k(cid:48)(cid:48)(r) 0 (cid:90) ∞ (cid:0) (cid:1) = 4π dr(−rk(cid:48)(r)k(r)−1)(cid:48) = 4π (−rk(cid:48)(r)k(r)−1) −(−rk(cid:48)(r)k(r)−1) . ∞ 0 0 Assuming that k(r) and its derivatives are regular at r = 0 and that k(r) behaves liker−α atr → ∞weobtain: (cid:90) √ gR(g) = 4πα. R2 3 Note that the special case, where α = 2, which is the Fubini–Study metric yields thecorrectGauss–Bonnettermforthesphere. Ontheotherhand,ifwerequirethatthemetricaloneremainsboundedatr = ∞, wehave,afterchangeofvariablesρ = 1,that r (cid:0) (cid:1) limk2 ρ−1 ρ−4 < ∞. ρ→0 Thishappensiftheasymptoticsofk(r)isr−α forα ≥ 2. Moreover,ifwerequire that the metric does not vanish at r = ∞ then α = 2 is the only solution for the asymptoticbehaviorofk(r). 3 The flat geometry of the Moyal plane WebeginbyreviewinghereshortlybasicresultsonMoyalgeometry. Wetakethe algebra of the Moyal plane, A , as a vector space (S(R2),∗), (S is the Schwartz θ space),equippedwiththeMoyalproduct∗definedasfollowsthroughtheoscilla- toryintegrals[13]: (cid:90) (f ∗g)(x) := (2π)−2 eiξ(x−y)f(x− 1Θξ) g(y) dny dnξ. (1) 2 R2×R2 (cid:18) (cid:19) 0 θ where Θ = , θ ∈ R. With the product defined in (1) it is easy to see −θ 0 that (cid:90) f (cid:55)→ f(x)dnx Rn isatraceontheMoyalalgebraandthestandardpartialderivations∂ ,∂ remain x1 x2 derivationsonthedeformedalgebra. The algebra can be faithfully represented on the Hilbert space of L2-sections of theusualspinorbundleoverR2 (whichisH = L2(R2)⊗C2)actingbyMoyalleft multiplicationLΘ(a). Itwasdemonstratedfirstin[8]thattheMoyalplanealgebra with one of its preferred unitizations yield nonunital, real spectral triples for the standardDiracoperatorontheplanearisingfromtheflatEuclideanmetric. 3.1 Matrix basis for the Moyal algebra It will be convenient to work with the matrix basis for the Moyal algebra [8]. We definefirst: f0,0 = 2e−θ1(x22+x22), 4 andthealgebraA hasanaturalbasisconsistingof: θ 1 f = √ (a∗)m ∗f ∗(a)n, m,n 00 m!n!θm+n ormoreexplicitly: fm,n(r,φ) = 2(−1)m(cid:114)mn!!eiφ(m−n)(cid:32)(cid:114)2θr(cid:33)(n−m)Lmn−m(cid:18)2θr2(cid:19)e−rθ2. (2) Wehaveforeachm,n,k,l ≥ 0: f ∗f = δ f , f∗ = f . m,n k,l kn m,l m,n n,m Inparticularforallk ≥ 0allf arepairwiseorthogonalprojectionsofrankone. k,k Thenatural(notnormalized)traceontheMoyalalgebrais: (cid:90) τ(f) = d2xf(x), τ(f ) = 2πθδ . m,n mn R2 Itisconvenienttoworkwiththelinearcombinationsofderivations: 1 1 ∂ = √ (∂ −i∂ ), ∂¯= √ (∂ +i∂ ). 2 x1 x2 2 x1 x2 Then: (cid:114) (cid:114) n m+1 ∂f = f − f , m,n m,n−1 m+1,n θ θ (cid:114) (cid:114) m n+1 ¯ ∂f = f − f , m,n m−1,n m,n+1 θ θ Furthermore, 1 ∂∂¯= (∂2 +∂2 ). 2 x1 x2 3.2 Radial functions in the matrix basis WedefineradialfunctionsontheMoyalplaneasthosewhichintheirpresentation inthematrixbasishaveonlydiagonalelementsf ,so: n,n ∞ (cid:88) h = h f . n n,n n=0 5 Each function F applied to h is easily computable, since f are projections, we n,n have: ∞ (cid:88) F(h) = F(h )f . n n,n n=0 From the orthogonality of matrix basis f , the explicit representation (2) and n,n knownintegralsofLaguerrepolynomialsonededuces ∞ (cid:88) ra = θa F (−n,−a;1;2)f (r). 2 2 1 2 n,n n=0 Inparticular, (cid:88)∞ (cid:88)∞ 1(cid:16)r2 (cid:17) f = 1, nf = −1 . n,n n,n 2 θ n=0 n=0 Therefore the inverse of the conformal factor for the Fubini–Study metric, which isalinearfunctionofr2,k(r)−1 = 1(b+r2)hasthefollowingexpansion: A ∞ 1 1 (cid:88) (b+r2) = (2θn+b+θ)f . n,n A A n=0 4 Conformally rescaled metric on the Moyal plane There are several approaches to the conformal rescaling of the metric and com- puting the curvature for the noncommutative torus and – by analogy – the Moyal plane. Note that each of them uses a different notation and they do not give com- patibleresultsinthecaseofthenoncommutativetorus. Firstofall,onecantakeaconformalrescalingoftheflatLaplaceoperator: ∆ = h h∆h, which in the case of the noncommutative torus was studied by Connes– Tretkoff[5]. Thiscorrespondstotherescalingofthemetricbyh−2 A second approach uses the language of orthonormal frames [6]. It replaces the standard (flat) orthonormal frames, understood as derivations on the algebra, by the conformally rescaled ones, δ → hδ , where h is from the algebra (or, more i i generally, from its multiplier). Applying the classical formula for the scalar cur- vature, which easily adapts to the noncommutative case, one obtains a noncom- mutativeversionofthescalarcurvature. Thiscorrespondsalsototherescalingof themetricbyh−2. Finally, extending the computations of Jonathan Rosenberg for the Levi-Civita connection [14] on the noncommutative torus one might obtain a similar general- izationoftheexpressionforthescalarcurvature. We shall concentrate on the case of orthonormal frames and try to determine whether there exists a radial conformal rescaling for which the scalar of curva- tureisconstant. 6 4.1 The orthormal frame approach Let the orthonormal basis of frames be e = hδ for h in the Moyal algebra or i i its multiplier.1 We assume that h is positive and invertible, by h−1 we denote the ∗ inverse with respect to the Moyal product, similarly all powers are also Moyal powers. Wehave: [e ,e ] = h∗δ (h)∗h−1e −h∗δ (h)∗h−1e . 1 2 1 ∗ 2 2 ∗ 1 sothat c = h∗δ (h)∗h−1, c = −h∗δ (h)∗h−1. 122 1 ∗ 121 2 ∗ and c = −h∗δ (h)∗h−1, c = h∗δ (h)∗h−1. 212 1 ∗ 211 2 ∗ Wecomputethescalarcurvatureasin[6,(2.1)]: 1 1 R = 2h∗δ (h∗δ (h)∗h−1)−(h∗δ (h)∗h−1)2− (h∗δ (h)∗h−1)2− (h∗δ (h)∗h−1)2 i i ∗ i ∗ 2 i ∗ 2 i ∗ whichaftersimplificationsyields: R = 2h2 ∗(δ h)∗h−1 +2h∗δ (h)∗δ (h)∗h−1 ii ∗ i i ∗ −2h2 ∗δ (h)∗h−1 ∗δ (h)∗h−1 −2hδ (h)∗δ (h)∗h−1 (3) i ∗ i ∗ i i ∗ = 2h2 ∗(δ h)∗h−1 −2h2 ∗δ (h)∗h−1 ∗δ (h)∗h−1. ii ∗ i ∗ i ∗ So,tosolvetheequationR(h) = C = constweneedtosolve: (∆h)−δ (h)∗h−1 ∗δ (h) = Ch−1, i ∗ i ∗ where∆isthestandardflatLaplaceoperator,∆ = δ2 +δ2. 1 2 We shall present the proof of the existence of the solution in the matrix basis as well as compute explicitly the first term of the perturbative expansion for the Fubini–Studymetric. 4.2 Solution in the matrix basis Ansatz: Firstwelookforaradialsolution: ∞ (cid:88) h = φ f . n n,n n=0 1Notethattherescaledframesarenolongerderivations,however,ifhistakenfromthecom- mutant of the algebra (or its multiplier), e will be derivations from the Moyal algebra into the i algebraofboundedoperatorsontheHilbertspace[6]. Sincethisdoesnotchangeanythinginthe computations,forthesakeofsimplicityweworkwithhfromthealgebraitself. 7 UsingtheactionofpartialderivativesandtheLaplaceoperatoronthebasis, 2 (cid:16) (cid:112) √ (cid:17) ∆f = −(m+n+1)f + (m+1)(n+1)f + mnf , m,n m,n m+1,n+1 m−1,n−1 θ weobtainthefollowingequation: (cid:88)(cid:0) (cid:1) −(2n+1)φ −nφ2φ−1 −(n+1)φ2φ−1 f n n n−1 n n+1 n,n n (cid:88) (cid:88) + (n+1)(φ +φ )f + n(φ +φ )f n+1 n n+1,n+1 n−1 n n−1,n−1 n n = R·φ−1f , n n,n wherewehavesetR = Cθ. Ityieldsthefollowingrecurrencerelation: n+1 n (φ2 −φ2)+ (φ2 −φ2) = R·φ−1, (4) φ n+1 n φ n−1 n n n+1 n−1 for n ≥ 1. Note that although (4) is of the second order, it has only one degree of freedom,sinceforn = 0wehave φ φ2 −φ2 = R 1. (5) 1 0 φ 0 Therecurrencerelationisaquadraticone,solvingitforx = φ wehave: n+1 (cid:18) (cid:19) n R (n+1)x2 +x (φ2 −φ2)− −(n+1)φ2 = 0, φ n−1 n φ n n−1 n and it is easy to see that it has only one positive root. It can also be easily seen that the sum of roots is positive and since their products is −φ2 then the positive n root must be bigger than φ . Hence the solution will be an increasing positive n sequence. Since h needs to be a positive operator, we should start with an initial value φ > 0 and take the positive root at each step to have φ > 0 for every 0 n n ∈ N. Notethatφ = 0isnotallowedin(4). 0 4.2.1 AsymptoticbehaviorandGauss–Bonnetterm As we have shown, there exists a family of solutions yielding a positive constant scalarcurvaturefortheMoyalplane. Weshallnowlookforsomespecialsolutions and their asymptotic behavior. First of all, observe that in the orthonormal frame √ formalism we have g = h−2, so we can take as the noncommutative volume elementh−2. Inordertohaveafinitevolume,thegrowthofthesequenceφ must ∗ √ n befasterthan nsothatφ−2 givesasummableseries. n 8 Foreachsolutionoftherecurrencerelation(4)weshallcomputenowtheGauss– Bonnetterm: (cid:90) √ √ τ( g ∗R) = gR, R2 √ where, again, g is the noncommutative Moyal volume element. Note that the expression has no ambiguity because of the trace property of τ and we need to compute: (cid:90) √ (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) gR = τ 2 (∆h)−δ (h)∗h−1 ∗δ (h) ∗h−1 i ∗ i R2 2π (cid:90) ∞ (cid:88)∞ (cid:8)(cid:2) (cid:3) = rdr −(2n+1)−nφ φ−1 −(n+1)φ φ−1 f θ n n−1 n n+1 n,n 0 n=0 (cid:9) +(n+1)(φ φ−1 +1)f +n(φ φ−1 +1)f . n+1 n n+1,n+1 n−1 n n−1,n−1 Now recall that (cid:82)∞rdrf (r) = θ for all n ∈ N. However, to compute the 0 n,n integralwithneedtointroduceacut-offintheseries. Wethushave N N+1 (cid:88)(cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:88) −(2n+1)−nφ φ−1 −(n+1)φ φ−1 + n(φ φ−1 +1)+ n n−1 n n+1 n n−1 n=0 n=0 N−1 (cid:88) + (n+1)(φ φ−1 +1) = (N +1)(φ φ−1 −φ φ−1 ). n n+1 N+1 N N N+1 n=0 The expression above has a finite and nonvanishing limit as N → ∞ if the se- quence h = φ φ−1 has a limit 1 and N(h − 1) has a finite limit. This N N N−1 N requirement alone is not sufficient to determine the asymptotic form of the solu- tion. As the recurrence relation is highly nonlinear we can only check that some asymptotics are compatible with the relations as well as the above requirement fortheGauss–Bonnetterm. Inparticular,possibleasymptoticsincludethepower- growing sequences φ ∼ Ana as well as power-growing sequences modified by n logarithms. Tohaveaninsightintotheentirefamilyofpossiblesolutionswehavecarriedout anumericalstudyofthesolutions(seefig.1),whichconfirmsthattheasymptotics isofthattypeandgivesaglimpseoftherelationa = a(φ ). 0 Assumingthatasymptoticallyφ ∼ Ana asntendsto∞forsomeA,a > 0,then n lim (N +1)(φ φ−1 −φ φ−1 ) = 2a, N+1 N N N+1 N→∞ 9 a a 1.0 35 30 0.9 25 0.8 20 15 0.7 10 0.6 5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0Φ0 0 10 20 30 40 50Φ0 Figure 1: The above plots were obtained by a numerical computation of φ up n to n = 5000 starting from a given value of φ . The asymptotic exponent a is 0 then computed as logφ /logN at N = 5000. The error bars are obtained by N performing the numerical computation for N = 6000 (upper) and N = 4000 (lower). Theyshowthestabilityofthenumericalalgorithm. and (cid:90) √ gR = 8πa, R2 whichis,infact,quitesimilartotheclassicalcase. 4.3 The Moyal–Fubini–Study metric It is obvious from the above computations that in the case of linear asymptotics φ ∼ n, that is a = 1, we obtain the same Gauss–Bonnet term as for the classical n sphere and therefore the solution to (4) with φ ∼ n could be understood as the n Moyal–Fubini–Studysolution. Although we cannot solve exactly the recurrence relation even in this particular case, one can systematically find the asymptotics of φ . Explicit computations n giveuptoo( 1 ): n3 (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 11 13R+9 1 1 1 26 29 1 φ = n+ (R+1)+ − + − + R+ R2 +··· . n 2 8n 144 n2 32 4 9 18 n3 We remark as well that the case a = 1 corresponds exactly to the asymptotic behavior of the coefficients of the classical Fubini–Study metric. Therefore the Moyal–Fubini–Studyis,infact,aperturbationoftheclassicalFubini–Studymet- ric. 10

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