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AMERICAN COLLEGE OF LABORATORY ANIMAL MEDICINE SERIES SteveHn. W eisbroRtohn,a lEd. F latatn,d A lanL .K rause,d s.: TheB ioloogfyt heL aboratRoarbyb it, 1974 JosepEh.W agnearn dP atriJc.Mk a nninegd,s .: TheB ioloogfyt heG uinePai g, 1976 EdwinJ .A ndrewBsi,l lyW arda,n dN ormanH .A ltmaned,s .; C. SpontaneAonuism aMlo delosf H umanD iseasVeo,l umIe, 1979; VolumIeI , 1979 HenrJy. B akerJ,.R usseLliln dseayn,dS teveHn. W eisbroth, eds.: TheL aboratRoartyV, o lumIe: B ioloagnyd D iseases, 1979; VolumIeI R:e searAcphp lications, 1980 HenryL .F osteJr.D, a viSdm alaln,d J ames Foxe,d s.: G. TheM ousei nB iomediRceasle arVcohl,u mIe: H istory, Genetiacnsd,W ildM ice, Volume Diseases, 1981; II: 1982; Volume NormatiBvieo logIym,m unologayn,dH usbandry, III: 1983; VolumIeV :E xperimenBtiaoll oagnyd O ncology, 1982 TheM ousienB iomedical Research VolumIeI I NormatiBvieo logy, ImmunoloagnydH, u sbandry EDITED BY HenryL .F oster TheC harRlievsBe rre edLianbgo riaetIson,rc . WilminMgatssoanc,h usetts . ] DaviSdm all ComparaMteidviec ine Branch NatioInnaslt oitfEu ntvei ronHmeeanltStachli ences Research PTarriNkao,nr Cgtalh reo lina es Fox Jam G. DivisoifCo onm paraMteidviec ine MascshausIentsttsoi ftT uetceh nology CambgreiM,da ssachusetts @ ACADEMICP RESS1 983 A SUBSIDIAORFY H ARCOURTB RACEJ OVANOVICPHU,B LISHERS NewY orkL ondon ParisS anD iegoS anF rancisScaoo P auloS ydneyT okyoT oronto COPYRIGHT@ 1938,BY ACADEMIC PRESS,I NC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATIONM AY BE REPRODUCED OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC OR MECHANICAL, INCLUDING PHOTOCOPY, RECORDING,O R ANY INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVALS YSTEM, WITHOUT PERMISSION IN WRITING FROM THE PUBLISHER. ACADEMIC PRESS,I NC. 111F iftAh venNueew,Y orNke,w Y or1k0 003 UniteKdi ngdoEmd itipounb lishbeyd ACADEMIC PRESS,I NC.( LONDON) LTD. 24/O2v8a Rlo adL,o ndNoWnl 7DX Libraryo f Con;iress catalogin;ii n PublicatiDaotna Miin entryu ndert itle: TheM ousei n biomedicarle search. (PlllericanC ollegoef LaboratoryA nimalM edicine .series) Includesi ndexes. Contentsv:. 1. Historyg,e neticsa,n dw ild mice- -[etc.]- -v. 3. Husbandry. 1. Micea s laboratory animaIl.s F.o ster, Henry L. II.Sr rall, David. III.F ox,.li mes J. G. IV.S erise. [DNIJ.1:1 . Mice.2 . Research. 3. Animals,La boratory. QI 60.R6M 9321] QL773.R638M68 619'.93 80-70669 ISBN 0-12-262503(-vX. 3 ) AACR2 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATESO F AMERICA 83 84 85 86 987654321 Lisotf C ontributors Numbeirnps ae rnthiensdeistc hapeta eg oensw hitchhae u th'co ornstributHiuonmsa nv iSceDerisv,i soifRo ens eaSrecrhv iVceetser,i nary begin. ResouBrrcaensNc aht,i onal oIfHn esatliBttehut,th eess da, RobiMn. B annerm(a2n)9 D3,e partomfeM netd icDii­ne,M aryl2a0n2d0 5 visioofMn e dicGaelni ectsSt,a te Unoifv eNYreoswri ktC y. Max L(a3n7Dg)e ,p artomfeC notm paraMteidviec ine, atB uffalaond,B uffalGoe nerHaols p,iB tuafflalNoe,w ColloefMg eed icTihneMe i,l tSo.Hne rshey CMeend­ical Yor1k4 203 teTrh,e P ennsylSvtaaUntnieia v erHseirtsyhP,ee yn,n syl­ WeslGe.yB eame(r1 )6T5,h Jea ckLsaobno ra,Bt aoHrra yr­ van1i07a3 3 borM,a ine 04609 EdwarHd. L eit(e1r56 )T,h eJ ackLsaobno ra,Bt aroH rayr­ W. HB.l a(i2r7 4)M,e rcHyo spiatnMdae ld iCceanlt Cehri,­ bor, M0a4i6n0e9 cagIol,l i6n0o6i1s6 FrankMl.iL no ew(36 9D)i,v isoifCo onm parMaetdiviec ine, N. BRr.e we(r27 4)C,hicMaegdoiSccahlo ol,C hNiocratghoT ,h eJ ohnHso pkins UnSicvheoorofsMl ie tdyi cBianle­, Illi6n0o0i,6as 4n d MeHrocsyp, iC thailc,aI gloli6n0o16i6s tim,oMr aeryl2a1n02d5 MargarJe.Ct o o(k0 11D)e,p artomfDe rnutSg a fetEyv aluRao­gePr. O rcut(t3427R)e,s eaarncdDh e velopTmheen t, CharRlievse Brr eedLianbgo orraiteIcsn,.W ,i lmington, tion, LWaybeotrhea stT,oa rpoilwM,a idenhBeeardk,s hire Mascshaus0et18t87s SL6O PH Eanngdl TerrieC uLn.l iffe-B(e04a1me)Trh, eJ ackLsaobno ra,t AolrbyePr.Ot t i(1s 7) T,h Ceh arRlievsBe rre edLianbgo reast,o ri Icn.W,i lminMgatsocnsh,au s0et18t87s BarH arbMoari,n0 e4 609 RaymonMd. Ever(e13t)3tD,1e partomfBe oinlto gSiccia­Mli chaPeolt t(e3r4 L7a)b,o raotfo rCBye iloll oNgayt,i onal CancIenrs t,iN tauttieoInnaslt iotfHu etaelsBt eht,h esda, enc,eB satteMlelmeo rIinaslt iCtoultuem,,bO uhsi4o3 210 Henry L. (F71o)Ts,ht eeCr h arRlievsBe rre edLianbgo ratMoa­ryl2a0n2d0 5 rieIscn,.W ,i limng,tM oanscshaus0et1t8s8 7 R. WS.c haed(l3e2rT7 h)o,m Jaesff erUsnoinv erPshiitlya,­ JameGs. F ox( 6,9D )iviosifCo onm parMaetidviecM ianse­, dehlipaP,en nsyl1v91a70n ia sachusIentsttsio tfuT teec hnolCoagmyb,r ,i dMgaes­Fung-WSihne n( 318)M,e morSilaloK aent-teCrainncge r sachu0s2e1t93t s Center, New YYoor1rk00k 2,1 New SteadmDa.nH arrisJorn.(,2 33 1)S,o uthReerns eaIrnc­hJ .D aviSdm al(l8 3C)o,m parMaetdiivcei ne NBartainocnha,l stitBuritmei,n g,hA almaba3m5a2 55 InstiotfEu ntvei ronHmeenatlSatclhni cese,R eseaTrrcih­ H.M .K apla(n2 47Sc)h,o oofMl e dicSionuet,h Ielrnl inoainsg Plaer Nko,r tCha rol2i7n7a0 9 UniverCsairtbyao,ln Iedl,l i6n2o9i0s1 NormaTna la(l9351 D)e,p artomfMe endti c,Ui nnieveorfs ity JosepJh.K napk(a15 )U,. SD.e partomfeH neta latnhd 3Prseenatded srSsc:h ooofVl e terMienadriycT iunfeUt,ns i verBsoisttyo,n , 1Prseenatded srHsa:s kLealblo ratToorxyi cfooarln Iodng dyu sMterdiiacli Mnaes,cs haus0e2t11t1s . PathoSleocgtyEi .oI nD.,u PodneNt e mourCso mpaWniyl,m inDgetlo­n,4 Presaedndstrs eM:i crobioAlsosgoicciBaaeltt ehseM,sa dray,l 2a0n18d6 . awar1e89 9.8 & 5PreasdednsrtsDe :i viosfiCo lni nIimcmauln olTohgeUy n,i veorfTse ixtays 2Prseenatde dsrGsr:a duCaetnetfo err ToxicUonliovgeyor,fsK ietnyt uckHye,a lStchi eCnecnet aenrCd,l inIimcmauln ologyA uSdeiLce.t iMounr,p hy LexingKteonnt,u4 c0k5y3 6. MemorVieatle rHaonssp itaAln,t oSnTaienox ,7a s8 284. ix x LISOTF CONTRIBUTORS CaliforniaF,r ainSscacanon ,d ImmuSneocltoFgioyor nt,D aviGd. Whitti(n3g1h7a)Mm,R6 C M ammalDieavne lop­ MilVeeyt erAadnmsis ntiraMteidoinCc eanlt Searn, Framne­nUtn iUtn,i veCrosliltLeyog ned oLno,n dNoWnl 2 HE, cisCcaol,i fo9rn4i1a2 2 England Karl Th(e1i2l1eDr)e ,p artomfeA nntam tyo,U niveyr osfi MtelbCa.W ils(o1n5 6)T,h Jea ckLsaobno ra,Bt aroH rayrbor, Zuri,8c 0h0Z6u riScwhi,t zerland Main0e4 609 P.C .T rexl(e1,rI) nstiotfIu ntdeu satnrEdin avli ronmMeanutraele nW oJo.d( 317)L,a boraAtnoirmyaC elnst, rMeedi­ Healatnhd SaUfneitvye,or fsS iutryrG euyi,fl od,rSd urreyc aRle search, C CaorusnhcaSilultrorSneM,y54 EFE,n gland GU25 XHE,n gland 6Presaednedtsr Lsa:b oraAtnoirmyaC lesn tMreed,i Rceasle aCrocuhn cil, CarshaSlutrornSe,My 5 4 EFE,n gland. Foreword Thivso luomnen ormabtiiovle,o i gmymunolaongdhy u,s ­breedmientdghs, o and npurtorvivitadileou nai bnfloer mation bandorfyl aboramtiocireys t hteh iorfdt hfoeu r-volfuomprer oducatnimdoa ni nteonfam nocuesc eo loanniedel si m­ teratoins" eT he MionuB soiem ediRceaslce ah"r. iIsth, o w­inatoifo nu nwvaanrbtieladeT sh.o uwgrhi tfotret nhm eo use, evetrh,me o sbta siintc h tahtie n formaptrieosnef notremds tthhpeer incdiipslceuscs asnbe eda ppltioeo dt hlearb oratory groundfwootrrh kue s oeft hmeo usienr eseaTrhcefih r.ss ti xa nilmsaT.h atth meo usiesm osfrte quetnhtpelr yo toftoyrp e chaptdeerawsli tmha nageamnedn th usabnaadnr doerfo y b ­improqvueadl aintdgy r eadteefri noift ioonlt haebro ratory vioiumsp orttaotn hcoews heo caornec ewrniettdhh p er oduacn­imiaswl esl ill lustrated. tioann dm aintenoafcn ocleo noifme isc Teh.e l asttw elvTeh eb asbiico looftg hyme o usiesg ivientn h ceh aptoenr s chapdteearwlsi tnho rmbailo l.To hgeyayr neo otn loyfi mpora­noamtye,m brlyoogrye,op dructpihvyes i,op lhoygsyi,o logy tantcote h owsheou smei cient hlea borryab,tu totot howsheo endoclroignhyoe,m aotgoylc,l inbiicoaclh emainsdgtr ays,­ prodauncmdea intain mitchieen fboercmapaurtseieso ennt toreidn temsitcirnoafllTo hriiasn. f ormiasit mipoonr ttota hnte formtsh bei olobgaiscfoiarsml o usheu sabnd.r y caraen mda nageomfepn rto ducatnirdoe ns eacroclho onfi es Oneo ft hree astohntasht me o uscea mien etaor ployp ulamriictey becparuosveit dhieets scibeansftioishrfi u cs bandry asa r eseaarncihmw aalst h aiwtta rse lateiavsteyorl ayi isne p racet.sTi hcesceh aptaelrsso itnhcbeli uodleo bgaiccka­l larnguem bearnsmd a intianti hnlea bor.aT thoiprsoy pulagrriotuyrn edl evtaosn pte criefisce aursceohsft hmeo usdei s­ int ump rovitdhieemd p ettodu esv emloorpre e fiannecdda rec­ussienod t hveorl uomfet sht irste iasTeh.ber eaadntddhe pth fully cohntursaobnldmlreeytd dh soT.h em ouster,ut eofo rm,o ft hese cohnna oprtmebarilso laorgieyn dicoaftt hiwevi ed e respownedletldot hmeo rseo phitsetmdie cthaoodfps r odurca­nogfeu seosft hmeo usienr escehaT.rh ee xistoeftn hcee tioann dc a.rF eore xamptlheme,o usper esennots epde cilaalrn guem boefsr t ocksst raaonifdmn isca ed dtsot he diversity problweimtrshe spteocc etrs eaadne rivaantbdia ornr iera nrcdeo amrp­leoxfti htsiyps e c.i es ingTh.el arge-aspcpallieco aftt hieotsnee c hnihaqtsur easn sT­hec haptoenr si mmunogalnodbi umlmiunnosg lobulin formetdh qeu alniototyn loyfm icbeu atl soot haenri maglesn ,el symphoicmymtuen ogse,na entdii mcmunree sponse availfoarlb albeo ruastteoo rdyaO yn.es huddteotr hsiw nhka td isorpdorevrisadf er amewfoortr hkue s oeft hmeo usient he woulhda vhea ppetnote hdfe i eolfcd e sardeearni vaantdib ounr geofniieonlfgid m muno.lT ohgeayyr ael stoe stitmoo ny barrrieearrh iantdgh meo usaest, h per emrieesre aarncihm, a tlhiem portatnhcmeeo uosfei mimnu nogeannedrt eilcast ed presetnhtoeeb ds tatcogl eersm frdeeer ivtahttaihtohe na mstreers ceha.r has. Thec hapotnes ru rgtieccahln ipqruoevsivd aelsu aibnfloer ­ Thec haptoengr nso toibc,isg oatstroinmtiecsrtoiflnomaralat ,io onns urgpirceaplia orntasht acto ntrtiobt uhutese e ful­ animhaela lstuhr veialnldha enacldete hl ivseyrsyt eamnsd,n esosft hmeo usiena n umboeffir elds. environmmoennittaotlra ikniegncn o ncweirtctho ntribuTthieoi nmsp resasmiovuoenf it n formoantn ioornm abtiiovleo ­ onm ousdei seianso etshve orl umoefts h tirse agtiivusesea n gyh,u sbanadnrmdya ,n ageimnet nhvtio sl uimsaen a ffirma­ unparallelfeoddr i sseycasostnoeetl mTr. h ep apeornms a n­tioonft hper imaocfty h meo usaesa r eseaarncihmT ahle. agemaennddte siogfbn r eedainrndeg s efacariclhsi a,tp ipeliaevda ilaobfsi oml uictihyn formaitsoi nooen ft hree astohnes xi xii FOREWORD mousieus s ede xstoe nsainvtdeh leiyxs,t enussiievcs eo ntinu­ ousaldyd itnoog u r understthabeni doilonoftgg h yme oo fu se. CharMlcePsh erson DirecAtnoirm,Ra els ources SchooofVl e terinary Medicine NorCtahr olSitnaUatn ei veartsR iatlye igh Raleigh,C arNoolritnha Preafce TheA meriCcaonl leogfLe a boraAtnoirmyMa eld icinTeh ec ontoenfVt osl uIma er e presfeonutretcdeh eainpn t ers (ACLAMw)a sf ormiend1 597i nr espotnots hene e efodr anpdr oviindfeo rmoantt aixoonn noommye,n clbarteuerdei,n g speciailnli asbtosr aatnoirmmyae ld icTihneeC .o llheagses ysteamnsdh, si at orpiecraslp eocntt hideve ev elopamnedn t promohtiegdsh t andarldasb ofroaartn oirmmyae ld icbiyn oer igoiftn hsle a boratorym oaun.sSd ei cxwh ialpdtd eerasl proviads itnrgu cfrtaumreewdo troak c hiceevret ififcoarts ipoenc ifwiicttahhle elv ye r-incdrievaesroisfini ngtb yrs etdr ains professcioomnpaelt aennbdcy ys trestshnieen egd scfori eonf­m icien,c lucdoivnegro afmg eet hoodfds e veloapnitdnh ge tifiicn quainredyx chavnigpaer oegsrsicovnet inuingg eendemutocinaci­ toarnitdne gs toiftn hge ssteir naTsh.ee mphasis tiporno gsrT.ahm em ultivtorlateuims"eeT ,hM eo usienB io­oft hviosl uomneg eneitsai clssm oa nifesbtyce hda pters dis­ mediRceasle a,r"ic sahp arotft hCeo lglee'efsf toorfu tl ficluls stihnHeg- 2c omp,lc eyxtotgciesnr,ea diagteinioecntas n,d thogsoea lIsti. so neo fa s eroifec so mprehetnesxoitnvs pe h armactoigcesn.e laboraatnoirmdyae lvse lboypA eCdL AMo vetrh pea sdte c­Becauosfte h iem paocfst p ontadniesoeuoasnsi enst erpreta­ ade: B"oiTlhoeog fyt hLea boraRtaobrbywi ats"p u blisthieoodfna npdo tenfotrci oamlp liecxapteirnigmr eensteaailrt c h, in1 794", TheB oiloogfty h Geu inPeiagi "n1 796a,n dt wao ­iosf p aramiomupnotr tfaoinrnc vee tsottriosrg eacogtnhiezsee voluwmoer "kB ioloogfty h Lea boraRtaotri"yn 1 97a9n dd iseaanstdeh se eiffre ocntt hmeo u.sV eoluImIef, ot rh fier st 1908.A lsion1, 7 99t hCeo llege publishteedx ttai mtcewo,om -pviiolnole nusefom rem aatn arradteitvaeii lnifnegc tious on" SpontanAenoiumsMa old eolfHs u maDni sse.ea" diseoafst ehsme o usteh;ce h aptceorvbsea rc itaemlry,c o,t ic Thea nnuuasle a poopfrx ima5t0em liyl lmiiocwneo rldwviidre,pa rloztooar!i,ct ksee,ta lapnadr asdiitsiecaA slesnsoo.,n ­ attetsot sti hmep ortoaftn hcmeeo usiene xperimreen­nteaolp laansdmt eitca bdoilsiecaa rsee sc oavswe erlealdst he secahr. noIo nt hsepre coifea sn imhaalss u cah weaolft tho poifzc o osneos. experimdeantbtaea eulnt ilfoirzs ecdi eincpt uirfsuKintosw.l ­VolumIeIp Ir ovicdoemsp rehecnosvievroeaf gs ee lected edgoeft hmeo usteh ahtab se eanc cuamtueildsfo ,rt hmeo stm aterrieallat tone odr matbiivoela ongdmy a nagemaenndt parstc,a tttehorruegdh oau mtu ltiotfuj doeu rnsa,ml ono­caroeft hlea bormaotuo.srD eye veloaplma,enn oatmticnaul­, grpah,s asnydm poIshtia abs.e efinf teyeenas risn tchepe u b­triatlip,oh nysiioclaaolng,db iochepmaircaamlto eftr hse licaotfti hosene coenddi toif'oT 'nh eB iolooftg hyLe a boramtoou­saer ceo mpiilnse edv ecrhaalp taenrdws i lbleo fg reat ryM ouseed"i btyeEd . GLr.e eannt dh sec ieincst tiaofffft hei ntearneds tia mnp ortantf ornreo srombuairloc le opgrioc­al JackLsaobno rraiteIosit.n s o tth e intthewinostr skio mfp tloy fi leAs r.e vioeftw h hei stofelaotguirwcea ssn oitn cluded updaatnedd uplitchaitse eeafforrlbtiu,et tro b uiulpdo n bietcsa oufss ep accoen straanidn attvsha ei laobfti hliiinstfo yr ­ framewoWreka .r ien defoerdt untaoht aev Der . Greemna tainodn in prEenvviioruosn mmtoeennxitttasola.r n iddn igs ­ manoyf h icso lleaatTg hueJe asc kLsaobno raatsco ornyt riebauss­eu rveialswl ealanlscm ea nageamneddne ts iogfan n imal tortsot hitrsae tiIstie st. h ien tenpduersdpe oo ft htiesx tto faicliwtiilbelesp articuusleaffruoltlryh oisned ividuals re­ assemebsltea blsicsiheenddta itefami pch asriezcieinnngtfo rs­ponsitbhlmeea nfaogre omfem notu se ecsoT.lh ocenh iapters matioontn h bei olaongudys et holefa bormaotuo.srS eye pao­ng notobainogdta isctsr oifnltoerrseatep isrnetanhlte osft ate ratoifot nhm ea terinitamolu ltvipolleu mweasse ssenbtei­tahlae r itng notioobloTghyet. h rcehea potensr esl ected aspects cauosfet hneu mboefsr u bjaeracestc overed. ofi mmunoilnot ghmyeo ussee rtvohe i ghltihegexh ptl osive xiii xiv PREFACE porgrebsesi mnagd ien i mmunoltoegcihcn iaqnudie nss trvui­dual contrhietbriu mteeexd,p t eihrsiaesnc, do onrs iderable mentatainodnt heu nderliymipnogr taonfcg ee neteifcfo troct o mptihlriees s oturrteciaesI ena .d dittihoen ,c ontrib­ dfiefreanttiion. utoarnsde ditooftr hsi bso oka,sw itahl vlo lumoefts h e Thefo urtvho luimnec lusdeelse catpepdl icoaftt ihoenA sC LAMs ertieex,sht asvdeo naptuebdlt iicroaony alttot ihees mousienr escehaS.re vecrhaalp tdeirssct uhsuess oe ft heA meriCcoalnl oefLg aeb oraAtnoirmMyae ld icfionre the pur­ mousieni nfecdtiisoeurases sece haw,rh iolteh ersfr orma npgoeso ef c ontineudiuncgai tnil oanb oraatnoirmsyac li ence. eyree seatroc uhts hoeef t hmeo usiene xperimeemnbtrayloT lh­ibso ocko unlodt havceo mbpeleewnti etdht ohufetul l ogyT.h ceh apdteevrostt ote hdue s oeft hmeo usien oncosluopgpiao­nrrdte souorftc heeesd it'po arrseinnts titwuhtiicohn s carle seafroclhla o wb osdyys tfoermm aRte.s eatrocphii cns a llotwiemdae n df reedtooam s semtbhlitese xAt s.p ecial othdeirs cihpalvineno betes e inn clubduhetod p,ue lfwliybl el thanikassl esxot entdote hndeu merroeuvsi eowfte hreesd ited incluidnfe udt uerdei t.i ons worwkh osseu ggeshteiloptnehsade u thaonredsd itporress ent Thitsr eawtaiscs oen ceivethdie n wtitetonh t o iffnefro nntahm­ea teirnaim aela niunlag nfd comnacninsWeeer a .c knowl­ tiosnu ittaoab w lied cer ossesc toifto hnse c ienctoimfmiucn eid­gaen dt hanRko sanBnreo wann dS arSap anfoosr their tyI.it hso ptehdia wtti ll assae s rtvaen draerfedr seoncuce.re secreatsasriias.ltA alnstcohe,ae s stainspcreo vitdoue sdb y Studeenmtbsa rkoinsn cgi enctairfewieicrbl sel n efrfiotmt het hset aofffA cadePmriecws assg reaatplpyr eciated. broacdo veroafmg aet erpiraels einntc eodm penfdoiram. a tFina,wl ele yspecaicaklnloyw lweidtdghee ea pp piraection Cetrainslpye,c iianll aibsotrsaa ntiomrsaycl i ewniclel betnheeedf iittoa rsisailso tfPa antcreBi ecrigaee inmhw,h osdee dica­ frotmh evsoel umteesc;h nicianasn imicanal ra ebn ordte h­t ioann dt irecloemsmtsmi etnott hpirseo cjwte roefi mmea­ searwcihlf li ntdo piocnss u rgtieccahlen s,i qumanagesmuernatbb,el neet foti htee d itiontr hsce o mpleotfti hotines x t. anedn vironmmoennittaoolrf pi anrgt ivcaull.ua er HenryF oLs.t er Thee ditwoirstsho e xtesnpde caipaplr teicotinoat hceo n­ J. DSamvaild l tributtoto hresvs oel eusmA.u thors werbee csaoeufls eec ted JameGs.F ox knowleadngedex peritni steh eir feriledsEspa.ecc ht iivned i- Lisotf R eviewefrosrC hapters inT hiVso lume BalMke,l vWi.n TheC harRlievsBe rre edLianbgoo rreaistI,n c. BarkteA,n drzej TheU niveorfsT ietxyHa esa lStchi eCnecnet er BeameWre,s ley TheJ ackLsaobno ratory Be,lJ l.M . UniveorfsS iatasytk chewan BiviWn.S, . LouisSitaanUtane i versity Chus,Te hdomMas. NatioInnaslt oiftA ultleea rngIdyn fectDiiosuesa ses CoheBne,n nJe.t t UniveorfsM iitcyh igan Crawf,oM r.Pd at LouisSitaantae University DoddsW,. J ean StaotfNe e wY orDke,p artomfHe enatl th Ever,Re atytmoMn.d E. I. duPont CDoe.N emours & Grnaho,lN mels SouDtahk oSttaa Utnei versity HumemlK,a thaPr.i ne BarH arb,Mo arine Jaco,Rb oybe0r.t YalUen iveSrcshiotooyfMl e dicine Le,eC hamS . TheC harRlievsBe rre edLianbgo reastI,on rci. Loe,bW altFe.r VeteriRneaferryeL nacbeo ratory MatstoinD,o naRl.d NatioInnaslt oiftC uhtiel d aHneHdau lmtahDn e velopment NisonAolfffr,e d BrandUeniisv ersity Papaioou,aV ninrginia TufUtnsi veMresdiitScyca hlo ol PollMaorrdr,i s UniveorfsN iottyr e Dame Quim,bF yreWd. CorneMleld iCcoalll ege RinglDearn,iH e.l UniveorfsM iitcyh igan RogeArdsr,i aEn.n e MassachuIsnestttoisftT uetceh nology Sava,Dg weaynCe. UniveorfsI iltlyia ntUo ribsa na-Champaign SchwaJretszs,i ca UniveorfsM iitcyh igan Scwhar,tN zeenBa. NorthweUsntievrne rsity Schrwta,Rz obeSr.t TufUtnsi versitSyc hMoeodli cal Simomnd,Rs ichCar.d UniformSeedr viUcneisv eorfst ihHteey a lStchi ences SinhYa.N, . ScriCplpisan niRdce seaFrocuhn dation StenvseL,e roy TheJ ackLsaobno ratory WagneMro,r ris UniveorfsN iottyDr aem e xv

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