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Author, Subject, Title Index to Volume 66 Bloodstream infections: 66(5):320—326 Abstracts, Research in Medicine, 1998, Mount Sinai School of Boccagni P: see Emre S Medicine: 66(1 ):38-—74 Bone, mineral density: 66(3):197 —200 Abstracts, Research in Medicine, 1999, Mount Sinai School of Book review: Understanding Acid-Base, by B Abelow: 66(2):134 Medicine: 66(6):365 — 399 Brain death: 66(4):229-—235 Actinic Reticuloid, M Gordon, M Lebwohl: 66(2):133 Breast, cancer: 66(2):91-—101 Acute management of traumatic cervical spinal cord injuries, TA Brown M, Gordon WA, Quality of life as a construct in health and Dyson-Hudson, AB Stein: 66(3):170—178 disability research: 66(3): 160-169 Adenocarcinoma: 66(5):327 — 329 Brown LK, Letter to the Editor: 66(3):206 —207 Adenocarcinoma of the urachus masquerading as a right lower Burrows L: panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286—289; see Rozon- quadrant mass: a case report, S Zaslau, ME Gribetz, PD Solomon M Unger, AJ Vine, LB Katz: 66(5):327-—329 Adnexectomy: 66(1):31—34 Affirmative action: 66(4):247 —256 Affirmative action and the allocation of health care, LP Francis: Canias LG, Issues of health care mistrust in East Harlem: 66(4):241 —246 66(4):257 —258 African-Americans: 66(4):236—240; 280-281 Carcinoma, breast: 66(2):91— 101; fibrolamellar hepatocellular: African-Americans and the medical establishment, C Smith: 66(2):109— 112; hepatocellular: 66(2):109— 112; prostate: 66(4):280—281 66(1 ):26—30; 66(2):91 — 101; ovarian: 66(1):31—34 AIDS: 66(2):113— 124; 66(4):236—240; 280-281 Cardiopulmonary failure: 66(2):128 Aivazoglou T: see Stamou SC Cashman TD: see Sutton M Alvarez M: see Nainzadeh N Cheung TW, Teich SA, Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with Amulets: 66(2):102— 105 HIV infection: 66(2):113—124 Anabolic agent: 66(3):201 —205 Children: 66(5):320-—326 Antibody: 66(2):84—90 Chodoff L: see Emre S Asian Americans: 66(4):259—261 Cholangitis, autoimmune: 66(2): 109-112 Asian patients’ distrust of Western medical care: one perspective, Chronic illness: 66(3):160—169 C-L Sung: 66(4):259 -2 61 Cirrhosis: 66(1):37; primary biliary: 66(2): 109-112 Atillasoy E: see Emre S CMV colitis: 66(2):113—124 Atweh GF: see Sutton M CMV retinitis: 66(2):113-124 Authority: 66(2):75—83 Collip JB, Some Recent Advances in the Physiology of the Autoinfection: 66(2):128— 132 Anterior Pituitary, reprinted from Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital 1934-1935; 1:28—71: 66(6):343 — 364 Baker R, Minority distrust of medicine: a historical perspective: Colonic obstruction due to sigmoid muscular hyperplasia, B 66(4):212—222; panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286-—289 Harig, DJ Goldstein, Y Rosen, J Farman: 66(2):106— 108 Baral J, Lebwohi M, Cutaneous manifestations of cirrhosis: Colon, obstruction: 66(2):106— 108 66(1):37 Colp Award: 66(3):i Baral J, Lebwohl M, Extramammary Paget’s disease: 66(5):341 Communication skills: 66(4):259—261 Baral J: see Rudikoff D Complementary therapies and traditional Judaism, F Rosner: Barium enema: 66(5):336—340 66(2):102— 105 Barnett SH, Stagnaro-Green A, Medical education grand rounds: Computer-assisted instruction: 66(5):303 — 309 66(5):301 — 302 Coronary heart disease: 66(2):91—101 Bauman WA: see Spungen AM Creeping eruption: 66(5):334—335 Baumlin K: see Jagoda A Crohn’s disease: 66(3):206 Barium enema: 66(2):106— 108 Cultural competence: 66(4):267 —270 Bauer JJ, Harris MT, Kreel I, Gelernt IM, Twelve-year experience Cumulative trauma disorder: 66(3): 192-196 with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene in the repair of abdomi- Cutaneous larva migrans: 66(5):334-335 nal wall defects: 66(1):20-—25 Cutaneous manifestations of cirrhosis, J Baral, M Lebwohl: Bioethics: 66(4):27 1— 272 66(1):37 Bitton RN: see Sachmechi I Current controversies in screening: cholesterol, breast cancer, and Blackburn E, The telomere and telomerase: how do they interact?: prostate cancer, HC Sox, 66(2):91- 101 66(5):292 — 300 Curricula: 66(5):303 —309 Bleeding, gastrointestinal: 66(1):1—13; variceal: 66(1):1—13 Cytomegalovirus infection: 66(2):113—124;128- 132 Blood transfusions: 66(4):277 —279 Cytomegalovirus infection in patients with HIV infection, TW Blood transfusion and the pregnant Jehova”s Witness patient: Cheung, SA Teich: 66(2):113- 124 avoiding a dilemma, DH Schonholz: 66(4):277-—279 Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte: 66(2):84-90 © THE Mount SINA! JOURNAL OF MEDICINE Vol. 66 Nos. 5 & 6 October/November 1999 402 THE MOUNT SINAI JOURNAL OF MEDICINE October/November 1999 Foahs NC: see Ripley D Davidott F, In the teeth of the evidence: the curious case of evi- dence-based medicine: 66(2):75-—83 Faith healing: 66(2):102— 105 Davidson PG, Usal H, Fiorillo MA, Maniscalco A, The impor- Farman J: See Harig B tance of peritoneal imaging in the workup of genital edema in Fiorillo MA: See Davidson PG patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: Fisk W: See Rhodes R 66(2):125—127 Flanagan S, Physiatric management of mild traumatic brain Davis HL, DNA vaccines for prophylactic or therapeutic immu- injury: 66(3): 152-159 nization, against hepatitis B virus 66(2):84—90 Folk medicine: 66(4):257 —258 Davis WT: see Sutton M Fraiman M: See Singson RC Dean’s Lecture: The telomere and telomerase: how do they inter- Francis LP, Affirmative action and the allocation of health care: act? E Blackburn: 66(5):292 —300 66(4):241 —246; panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286—289 Decision making: 66(2):75—83 Frieden RA, Geriatrics and rehabilitation medicine: common Decompression: 66(3): 170-178 interests and common goals: 66(3):145—151 Dermatology Notes: Actinic Reticuloid: 66(2): 133; Cutaneous Frieden RA, Guest editor, theme issue, rehabilitation medicine manifestations of cirrhosis: 66(1):37; Erythema Nodosum: 66(3): 137-138 66(4):290; Psoriasis and Crohn’s disease: 66(3):206; Frieden RA, Introduction to theme issue: 66(3): 137 Extramammary Paget’s disease: 66(5):336—340 Functional outcomes: 66(3): 179-187 DeVille K, Trust, patient well-being and affirmative action in Functional status and its use in rehabilitation medicine, EA medical school admissions: 66(4):247 —256 Eastwood: 66(3): 179-187 Desai N, Wayne MG, Taub PJ, Levitt MA, Spiegel R, Kim U, Intussusception in adults: 66(5):336-—340 Gay: 66(4):263 — 266 Diagnosing death: what's trust got to do with it? LK Stell: Gelernt IM: see Bauer JJ 66(4):229 -235 Geller SA: See Singson RC Dialysis, peritoneal, continuous: 66(2):125— 127; techniques: Genital edema: 66(2):125— 127 66(1):14—19; vascular access: 66(1):14—19 Geriatrics and rehabilitation medicine: common interests and DNA vaccines for prophylactic or therapeutic immunization, common goals, RA Frieden: 66(3):145—151 against hepatitis B virus, HL Davis, 66(2):84-—90 Geriatrics: 66(3):145—151 Disability: 66(3): 160-169; 188-191 Globus Award: 66(3):i Discrimination: 66(4):212-—222 Golden A: see Ripley D Distrust: 66(4):223 —- 228; 236-240; 259-261 Goldstein DJ: See Harig B Distrust, social justice, and health care, H McGary: Good will: 66(4):223 -228 66(4):236 —2 40 Gordon M, Lebwohl M, Actinic Reticuloid: 66(2):133 Dottino P:see Ripley D Gordon WA: see Brown M; see Lefkovits AM Dyson-Hudson TA, Stein AB, Acute management of traumatic Grand Rounds: Current controversies in screening: cholesterol, cervical spinal cord injuries: 66(3):170— 178 breast cancer, and prostate cancer: 66(2):91 — 101; DNA vac- cines for prophylactic or therapeutic immunization, against hepatitis B virus: 66(2):84—90; Emergency Medicine at the East Harlem: 66(4):257-258 Mount Sinai School of Medicine: 66(5):303— 3 09; In the teeth of the evidence: the curious case of evidence-based medicine: Eastwood EA, Functional status and its use in rehabilitation medi- 66(2):75 —83; Management of variceal bleeding: past, present cine: 66(3):179— 187 and future: 66(1): 1-13; Medical Education: 66(5):301 — 302; Editor’s note: 66(6):342 Past, present and future of end-stage renal disease therapy in Egalitarianism: 66(4):212-—222 the United States: 66(1):14-19 Emergency medicine: 66(5):303 - 309 Gribetz ME: see Zaslau S Emergency medicine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine. A Grimm DR: see Spungen AM Jagoda, K Baumlin, L Raacke, S Jacobson: 66(5):303—309 Ground itch: 66(5):334—335 Emre S, Sebastian A, Chodoff L, Boccagni P, Meyers B, Sheiner Guy SR: see Emre S PA, Mor E, Guy SR, Atillasoy E, Schwartz ME, Miller CM, Gynecomastia: 66(1):37 Selective decontamination of the digestive tract helps prevent bacterial infections in the early postoperative period after liver Hharig B, Goldstein DJ, Rosen Y, Farman J, Colonic obstruction transplant: 66(5):3 10-313 Erythema Nodosum, AM Lefkovits, M Gordon, M Lebwohl: due to sigmoid muscular hyperplasia: 66(2):106— 108 66(4):290 Harris MT: see Bauer JJ Extramammary Paget’s Disease, J Baral, M Lebwohl: 66(5):341 Headache: 66(5):330—333 Esser AC, KantorI , Sapadin AN, Souvenir from the Hamptons— Health care: 66(4):257 — 258; 262; access: 263 — 266; allocation of: a case of cutaneous larva migrans of six months’ duration: 241-246 66(5):334-—335 Health maintenance: 66(3):188— 191 Ethics: 66(4):267 -270 Hepatitis B: 66(2):84—90 Ethnicity: 66(4):212—222 Hepatocellular carcinoma with fibrolamellar pattern in a patient Evidence: 66(2):75 -83 with autoimmune cholangitis, RC Singson, M Fraiman, SA Exercise: 66(3):145—151;197-200 Geller: 66(2):109- 112 Vol. 66 Nos. 5 & 6 AUTHOR, SUBJECT, TITLE INDEX Hernia, incisional: 66(1):20—25; ventral: 66(1):20—25; following Laparoscopy: 66(1):26-30; 66(1):31-—34 peritoneal dialysis: 66(2):125-— 137 Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection in the staging of Herniorraphy: 66(1):20-—25 prostate cancer, NN Stone, RG Stock: 66(1):26-—30 Hickman-Broviac catheters: 66(5):320—326 Latino: 66(4):257—258 Hickman-Broviac catheter-related infections in children with Law and medicine: 66(4):241—246 malignancies, SC Stamou, HC Maltezou, A Pourtsidis, T Lebwohl M: see Baral J; Gordon M; Lefkovits AM; Rudikoff D Psaltopoulou, C Skondras, T Aivazoglou: 66(5):320—326 Lefkovits AM, Gordon M, Lebwohl M, Erythema Nodosum: Hippocratic oath: 66(4):212-—222 66(4):290 Hispanic: 66(4):257 —258; 263-266 Lesbian: 66(4):263 — 266 Hispanic, gay, lesbian, bisexual and HIV-infected experience in, Levitt MA: see Desai N health care, ML Wainberg: 66(4):263 — 266 List of Journal Reviewers: 66(6):400 History, of medicine: 66(4)280-281 Liver transplantation: 66(5):3 10-313 Holland JF, New medicine for the new millennium: 66(1):35-—36 Loeser AC: see Nainzadeh N Holzman IR, Stop experimenting on my baby!: 66(4):271-—272: Lower quadrant mass: 66(5):327 —329 panelist, ethics issues: 66(4)286-—289 Lymph node, pelvic dissection: 66(1):26-—30 Homophobia: 66(4):263 — 266 Lymphadenectomy: 66(1):26-—30 Homosexuality: 66(4):263 —266 Human immunodeficiency virus: 66(2):113-—124 Human telomerase: 66(5):292 — 300 Maaantic-Lin A: see Nainzadeh N Hypertension: 66(4):223 —228 Malignancies: 66(5):320—326 Hypersplenism: 66(1):37 Maltezou: see Stamou SC Management of variceal bleeding: past, present and future, DC Th win: 66(4):223-228 Wolf: 66(1):1—13 Immunotherapy: 66(2):84-—90 Maniscalco A: See Davidson PG Impact of laparoscopic surgery in the management of adnexal McGary H, Distrust, social justice, and health care: masses, D Ripley, A Golden, MC Fahs, P Dottino: 66(4):236—240 66(1):31-34 Medical education: 66(4):247 — 256; 66(5):301 — 302 Impaired vision: 66(5):330-—333 Medical education grand rounds, SH Barnett, A Stagnaro-Green: Importance of peritoneal imaging in the workup of genital edema 66(5):301 —302 in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, PG Medical effectiveness: 66(4):267 -270 Davidson, H Usal, MA. Fiorillo, A Maniscalco: 66(2):125— 127 Medical ethics: 66(4):236—240; 241 —246; 259-261; 262; In the teeth of the evidence: the curious case of evidence-based 280-281; history: 212-222 medicine. F Davidoff: 66(2):75 -— 83 Medical ethics, theme issue: R Rhodes, DA Moros, W Fisk, guest Infection prophylaxis: 66(5):310—313 editors: 66(4):209—290 Informatics: 66(5):303 — 309 Medical philosophy: 66(4):259—-261 Intussusception in adults, N Desai, MG Wayne, PJ Taub, MA Methylprednisolone: %5(3):170— 178 Levitt, R Spiegel, U Kim: 66(5):336-340 Meyers B: see Emre S Internet: 66(1):35 —36 Miller CM: see Emre S Issues in medical ethics, introduction, R Rhodes, DA Moros, W Minorities: 66(4):212—222; 229-235; 262; 271 —272; distrust: Fisk: 66(4):209—211 223-228; health: 267-270; organ donation by: 273-276 Issues of health care mistrust in East Harlem, LG Canlas: Minority distrust of medicine: a historical perspective, R Baker: 66(4):257 —258 66(4):212—222 Mor E: see Emre S J acobson S: see Jagoda A Moros, DA, panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286-—289; see Rhodes R Jagoda A, Baumlin K, Raacke L, Jacobson S, Emergency medi- Mortality associated with concurrent strongyloidosis and cine at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine: 66(5):303 —3 09 cytomegalovirus infection in a patient on steroid therapy, BY Jehovah’s Witnesses: 66(4):277 —279 Wang, S Krishnan, HD Isenberg: 66(2):128— 132 Judaism: 66(5):314—319 Mount Sinai Medical Center, Department of Rehabilitation Justice: 66(4):236—240 Medicine: 66(3):139- 144 Kaj ubi c, On establishing trust: 66(4):262 Muscle hypertrophy: 66(2): 106-108 Kantor I: see Esser AC Nainzadeh N, Malantic-Lin A, Alvarez M, Loeser AC, Katz LB: see Zaslau S Kidney transplantation: 66(4):273 -276 Repetitive strain injury / cumulative trauma disorder: causes Kim U: see Desai N and treatment 66(3): 192-196 Kluyveromyces lactis 66(5):292 —300 Nazi medicine: 66(4):212—222 Kreei I: see Bauer JJ Neonatology: 66(4):27 1-272 Kv/V: 66(1):14-19 New medicine for the new millennium, JF Holland: 66(1):35-36 Kupfer S, reviewer, Understanding Acid-Base, by B Abelow: Nuremberg code: 66(4):212-—222 66(2):134 Nostrums: 66(2):102— 105 404 THE MOUNT SINAI JOURNAL OF MEDICINE October/November 1999 Odsiructive sleep apnea syndrome: 66(3):206—207 Raacke L: see Jagoda A Octreotide: 66(1):1—13 Race: 66(4):212-—222; 241-246 On establishing trust, C Kajubi: 66(4):262 Racial discrimination: 66(4):236—240 Opioids: 66(4):282 —285 Racial prejudice: 66(4):247 —256 Organ donation: 66(4):229— 235; 273-276; by minorities: Racism: 66(4):263 — 266 273-276 Ragnarson KT, Physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Mount Organ shortage: 66(4):273—276 Sinai Medical Center during the 20 century: 66(3):139— 144 Organ transplantation: 66(4):273 —276 Rehabilitation medicine: 66(3): 139-144 Osteoporosis and exercise: a review, P Sheth: 66(3):197 —200 Rehabilitation: 66(3): 145-151 Outcomes: 66(4):267 —270 Reimbursement, rehabilitation: 66(3): 179-187 Ovary, carcinoma: 66(1):31—34 Renal disease, end-stage: 66(1):14— 19; progression: 66(1):14-—19 Oxandrolone: 66(3):201 — 205 Repetitive strain injury / cumulative trauma disorder: causes and treatment, N Nainzadeh, A Malantic-Lin, M Alvarez, AC Loeser: 66(3)192— 196 Pasi, present and future of end-stage renal disease therapy in the Research in Medicine, 1998, Mount Sinai School of Medicine: United States. J Uribarri: 66(1):14—19 66(1):38—74; 1999; 66(6):365 — 399. Patel D: see Sachmechi I Research methodology: 66(3):160— 169 Patient rights. 66(4):267-—270 Resolving conflicts: misconceptions and myths in the care of the Patients’ rights and professional responsibilities: the moral case for patient with sickle cell disease, M Sutton, GF Atweh, TD cultural competence, LD Richardson: 66(4):267 — 270 Cashman, WT Davis: 66(4):282 —285 Peritoneal dialysis, continuous: 66(2):125— 127 Resolving conflicts: misconceptions and myths in the care of the Petechial eruption: 66(1):37 patient with sickle cell disease, M Sutton, GF Atweh, TD Phsyiatric management of mild traumatic brain injury: S Cashman, WT Davis: 66(4):282 —285 Flanagan: 66(3):152—159 Rhodes R, Moros DA, Fisk W, Issues in medical ethics, introduc- Physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Mount Sinai Medical tion: 66(4):209-211 Center during the 20th century, KT Ragnarson: Rhodes R: panelist, ethics issues: 66(4)286-—289 66(3): 139-144 Richardson LD, Patients’ rights and professional responsibilities: Physician communication: 66(4):262 the moral case for cultural competence: 66(4):267—270; pan- Physician, duties: 66(4):267-—270 elist, ethics issues: 66(4)286—289 Physician, responsibilities: 66(4):267 — 270 Ripley D, Golden A, Fahs MC, Dottino P, The impact of laparoscopic Physician-patient relationship: 66(4):2 12-222; 262 surgery in the management of adnexal masses: 66(1):31 —34 Physician-patient interaction: 66(4):267 —270 Rosen Y: See Harig B Pig organs: 66(5):314—319 Rosner F, Complementary therapies and traditional Judaism: Pig organs for transplantation into humans: a Jewish view, F 66(2):102— 105 Rosner: 66(5):314-—319 Rosner F, Pig organs for transplantation into humans: a Jewish Pituitary macroadenoma: 66(5):330—333 view: 66(5):314—319 Pizzolato PM: see Spungen AM Rozon-Solomon M, Burrows L, "Tis better to receive than to give: Plaque, peristomal: 66(3):206 the relative failure of the African-American community to pro- Polytetrafluoroethylene: 66(1):20-—25 vide organs for transplantation: 66(4):273 —-276 Portal hypertension: 66(1):1—13 Rudikoff D, Baral J, Lebwohl M, Psoriasis and Crohn’s disease: Postoperative infection: 66(5):3 10-313 66(3):206 Pourtsidis A: see Stamou SC Prayers: 66(2): 102-105 Sac ‘charomyces cerevisiae 66(5):292 — 300 Pregnancy, management protocol: 66(4):277 —279 Sachmechi I, Bitton RN, Patel D, Schneider BS, Transient Preventive health: 66(3): 188-191 headache and impaired vision after intravenous thyrotropin- Primary care for people with disabilities, DC Thomas: releasing hormone in a patient with pituitary macroadenoma: 66(3): 188-191 66(5):330—333 Primary hypothyroidism: 66(5):330-—333 Sapadin AN: see Esser AC Prostate, 66(1 ):26—30; cancer: 66(2):91 — 101 Sclerotherapy: 66(1):1—13 Psaltopoulou T: see Stamou SC Screening: 66(2):91-101 Psoriasis and Crohn’s disease, D Rudikoff, J Baral, M Lebwohl: Schneider BS: see Sachmechi I 66(3):206 Schonholz DH, Blood transfusion and the pregnant Jehovah’s Psychiatric population: 66(4):263 — 266 Witness patient: avoiding a dilemma: 66(4):277-—279 Public health: 66(4):241 -246 Schonholz D: panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286—289 Public policy, rehabilitation reimbursement: 66(3):179— 187 Schwartz ME: sez Emre S Pulmonary function: 66(3):201 —205 Sebastian A: see Emre S Selective decontamination of the digestive tract helps prevent bac- terial infections in the early postoperative period after liver Quackery: 66(2): 102-105 transplant, S Emre, A Sebastian, L Chodoff, P Boccagni, B Quality of life as a construct in health and disability research, M Meyers, PA Sheiner, E Mor, SR Guy, E Atillasoy, ME Brown, WA Gordon: 66(3):160— 169 Schwartz, CM Miller: 66(5):310-313 Vol. 66 Nos. 5 & 6 AUTHOR, SUBJECT, TITLE INDEX Selective digestive decontamination: 66(5):3 10-313 66(4):209 — 290; Rehabilitation medicine: 66(3): 137-205 Sheiner PA: see Emre S Thomas DC, Primary care for people with disabilities: Sheth P, Osteoporosis and exercise: a review: 66(3):197—200 66(3):188— 191 Shunt, surgery: 66(1):1-—13 Thomas LM, Trusting under pressure: 66(4):223-—228 Sickle cell disease: 66(4):282-—285 Thrombocytopenia: 66(1):37 Sigmoid colon: 66(2):106— 108 Thyrotropin-releasing hormone: 66(5):330—333 Singson RC, Fraiman M, Geller SA, Hepatocellular carcinoma TIPS: 66(1):1—13 with fibrolamellar pattern in a patient with autoimmune *Tis better to receive than to give: the relative failure of the cholangitis: 66(2): 109-112 African-American community to provide organs for transplan- Skondras C: see Stamou SC tation, M Rozon-Solomon, L Burrows: 66(4):273 —276 Small bowel obstruction: 66(5):336— 340 Transient headache and impaired vision after intravenous thyrotropin- Smith C, African-Americans and the medical establishment: releasing hormone in a patient with pituitary macroadenoma, I 66(4):280—281; panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286-—289 Sachmechi, RN Bitton, D Patel, BS Schneider: 66(5):330—333 Some recent advances in the physiology of the anterior pituitary, Transplantation: 66(5):314—319 reprinted from Journal of the Mount Sinai Hospital Traumatic brain injury, rehabilitation: 66(3):152- 159 1934-1925; 1:28-—71 JB Collip: 66(6):343 — 364 Treatment with an anabolic agent is associated with improvement Souvenir from the Hamptons — a case of cutaneous larva migrans in repiratory function in persons with tetraplegia: a pilot study, of six months’ duration, AC Esser, I Kantor, AN Sapadin: AM Spungen, DR Grimm, M Strakhan, PM Pizzolato, WA 66(5):334-—335 Bauman: 66(3):201 —205 Sox HC, Current controversies in screening: cholesterol, breast Trust: 66(4):223 —228; 229-235 cancer, and prostate cancer: 66(2):91 — 101 Trust, patient well-being and affirmative action in medical school Spiegel R: see Desai N admissions, K DeVille: 66(4):247 —256 Spinal cord injury: 66(3):170—178;201 —205 Trusting under pressure, LM Thomas: 66(4):223 —-228 Spungen AM, Grimm DR, Strakhan M, Pizzolato PM, Bauman Tuskegee Syphilis Study: 66(4):212-—222; 236-240; 280-281 WA, Treatment with an anabolic agent is associated with Twelve-year experience with expanded polytetrafluoroethylene in improvement in respiratory function in persons with tetraple- the repair of abdominal wall defects, JJ Bauer, MT Harris, I gia: a pilot study: 66(3):201 - 205 Kreel, IM Gelernt: 66(1):20-—25 Stabilization: 66(3): 170-178 Stagnaro-Green: see Barnett SH Uncinarial dermatitis: 66(5):334—335 Stamou SC, Maltezou HC, Pourtsidis A, Psaltopoulou T, Skondras Undergraduate medical education: 66(5):303 — 309 C, Aivazoglou T, Hickman-Broviac catheter-related infections Understanding Acid-Base, by B Abelow, reviewed by S Kupfer: in children with malignancies: 66(5):320—326 66(2):134 Stein AB: see Dyson-Hudson TA Unger PD: see Zaslau S Stell LK, Diagnosing death: what's trust got to do with it?: Urachal anomalies: 66(5):327 —329 66(4):229 —235 Urachal carcinoma: 66(5):327 —329 Steroid, therapy: 66(2):128— 132 Unibarri J, Past, present and future of end-stage renal disease ther- Stock RG: see Stone NN apy in the United States: 66(1):14-—19 Stone NN, Stock RG, Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection Usal H: See Davidson PG in the staging of prostate cancer: 66(1):26-—30 Stop experimenting on my baby!, IR Holzman: 66(4):271—272 Vine AJ: see Zaslau S Strakhan M: see Spungen AM Vaccines, DNA: 66(2):84—90 Strongyloidosis, disseminated: 66(2):128— 132 Varices, endoscopic ligation: 66(1):1—13 Student Corner: see Esser AC; see Desai N Vaso-occlusive crisis: 66(4):282—285 Sung C-L, Asian patients’ distrust of Western medical care: one perspective: 66(4):259—261; W ainberg ML, Hispanic, gay, lesbian, bisexual and HIV- panelist, ethics issues: 66(4):286—289 infected experience in, health care: 66(4):263— 266 Sutton M, Atweh GF, Cashman TD, Davis WT, Resolving con- Wang BY, Krishnan S, Isenberg HD, Mortality associated with flicts: misconceptions and myths in the care of the patient with concurrent strongyloidosis and cytomegalovirus infection in a sickle cell disease: 66(4):282 —285 patient on steroid therapy: 66(2):128— 132 Wayne MG: see Desai N Taub PI: see Desai N Wolf DC, Management of variceal bleeding: past, present and Telomerase: 66(5):292 —300 future: 66(1):1-13 Telomere: 66(5):292 —300 World wide web: 66(1):35-—36 Telomere homeostasis: 66(5):292 — 300 Tetrahymena thermophila 66(5):292 — 300 Xenotransplantation: 66(5):314-—319 Tetraplegia: 66(3):170—178;201—205 The telomere and telomerase: how do they interact? E Blackbur: Yeast telomerase: 66(5):292 —300 66(5):292 — 300 Theme Issues: Cu:!tures colliding: conflicts and perspectives; Zasiau S, Gribetz ME, Unger PD, Vine AJ, Katz LB, 66(4):257 -282; Issues in medical ethics, hope, distrust and Adenocarcinoma of the urachus masquerading as a right lower allocation: minority encounters with the health care system: quadrant mass: a case report: 66(5):327-329

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