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The Morphological and Genetic Distinctness of Botrychium minganense and B. crenulatum as Assessed by Morphometric Analysis and RAPD Markers PDF

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Preview The Morphological and Genetic Distinctness of Botrychium minganense and B. crenulatum as Assessed by Morphometric Analysis and RAPD Markers

bota:/.al MISSOURI JAN 1 4 ?nQ3 American Fern Journal 92(4):249-269 (2002) PARDEN LIBRARY The Morphological and Genetic Distinctness of Botrychium minganense and crenulatum B. Assessed by Morphometric as Analysis RAPD and Markers M. and Linda Svvartz^ Steven Brunsfeld^ }. Department Moscow, of Forest Resources, University of Idaho, ID 83844-1133 — Two Abstract. species of Dotrycbium subgenus Botrychium (moonworts, Ophioglossaceae), Botrycbium minganense Victorin and B. crenulatum W. H. Wagner, can sometimes be confused in the field, even by experts, because of their reduced morphology. Botvychlum minganense can which more They imitate B. crenulatum, is rare. are afforded different degrees of protection on making Federal lands, the distinctness of these species a question of management, conservation, and systematic interest. The purpose of this study was to compare a morphometric analysis of DNA these two species with an analysis of markers from the same individuals, and to assess their distinctness under each method. Collections were made Washington, Oregon, and in Idaho, Montana from seven populations of B. crenulatum and 18 populations of B. minganense. Each plant was measured, emphasizing characters cited by authors in the original species descriptions. SAS Canonical variate analysis performed on separated the samples into two species groups with 32% RAPD overlap. genetic markers revealed more genetic variation than has previously been UPGMA documented moonworts. RAPD showed in cluster analysis of the similarity of profiles w^ell-defined B. minganense and B. crenulatum clusters, but no distinct clusters within B. minganense that could be correlated with morphological Small samples its variability. of the moonwort and species lunaria included comparison formed B. B. 5i777p7ex for also distinct clusters. RAPD Botrychium crenulatum had seven unique bands, and identification of crenulatum could 5. RAPD be confirmed or ruled out with markers from one or two primers. Both crenulatum and B. B. lunaria have been suggested as possible diploid parents of tetraploid B, minganense. All R.-\PD markers absent in B. crenulatum but present in B, minganense were also present or polymorphic in One B, lunaria, supporting B. lunaria as a possible parent. very small population oi minganense B, RAPD showed monomorphic a profile, consistent with inbreeding, but other populations had all Some multiple genotypes. plants of B. minganense clustered most closely with plants from km populations up to 400 away, suggesting that variation may be introduced into populations by occasional colonization by spores from distant sources. Species of Botrychium subgenus Botrychium (moonworts, Ophioglossaceae) are an enigmatic part of the temperate flora, notable for their small size, reduced morphology and moonwort difficult identification. Several species in North America are listed as sensitive or rare because of small and/or few known populations. Small populations are more vulnerable to extirpation, human whether from natural stochastic events or activities. Understanding the threat species requires accurate information on numbers of individuals and to USDA Hiawatha Current address: Forest Service, National Forest, Ignace Ranger ^ St. District, MI 1798 West Highw^ay Ignace, 49781. 2, St. ^ Corresponding author. AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 250 92 4 (2002) populations. species intergrade morphologically, questions can not arise If numbers and only about actual of individuals populations but also about and species boundaries the genetic distinctness of each species. All moonworts are relatively small and bear a single leaf with a fertile segment (sporophore) and segment (trophophore) each season from an sterile underground bud. They are notoriously hard to find, especially in thick As vegetation. increasing emphasis has been focused on rare plants in recent known more decades, concentrated searches have extended the ranges of common new Botrychium species and provided material from which 13 have been endemic species described since 1980. Several of these are to western North America: B. crenulotum W. H. Wagner, B. echo W. H. Wagner, B, lineare W. H. Wagner, B. montanum W. H. Wagner, B, paradoxum W. H. Wagner, pedunculosum W. H. Wagner, pumicola and B, B. Coville, B. pinnatum H. St. John (the latter two described in 1900 and 1929, respectively). moonwort Distinguishing depends on species in the field often subtle differences in phenology, color, texture, proportions of the parts of the single and Such leaf, dissection of the pinnae. species, poorly morphologically differentiated but evolutionarily distinct, have been called cryptic species (Stebbins, 1950; Paris, Wagner, and Wagner, 1989; Hauk and Haufler, 1999). may Although some species differences be subtle, species are also quite among among variable regions, and even within the same sites, site (e.g., Wagner and One Lord, minganense 1956). of those species B. Victorin. is was This study initiated in response to the practical need to distinguish between crenulatum and minganense. These two have been 5. B. species confused in the western United by many States botanists (Zika, 1992). Although both have been listed as "sensitive" in the past by National Forests in the Pacific Northwest Region (Region and the Northern Region (Region 6) 1), minganense B. has been delisted in Region 6 in response to the discovery of many more populations, while crenulatum B. retains status as official rare. its Species designation affects management options where B. crenulatum occurs. The documented distribution of B. crenulatum the mountain states of the is American west (Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming), whereas minganense widespread B. in the is western mountains and across northern North America (Wagner and Wagner, 1993). Botanists have employed both lumping and splitting approaches to the conhising variability of B. minganense. Botrychium minganense has been many by interpreted authors as a variety of lunaria Sw. Wagner and B. (see (L.) Lord, 1956 for discussion). In Flora of the Pacific Northwest (Hitchcock and Cronquist, only moonworts and which 1973), five are recognized, the taxon to minganense B. keys called B. lunaria onongadense (Underw.) House. is var. Cronquist minganense said that B. '*.. .morphologically scarcely separable is from diploid var. onongadense..." and considered with conspecific B. it and lunaria (Gleason Cronquist, Botrychium minganense 1991). a currently is accepted taxon Taxonomic (International Information System database http:// www.itis.usda,gov/plantproj/itis, April 15, 2000; Kartesz, 1994). In the most SWARTZ & BRUNSFELD: MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF BOTRYCHIUM SPECIES 251 recent treatment of North American moonworts (Wagner and Wagner, 1993), B. minganense reported be sometimes is to misidentified as B. dusenii of South America. It is also easily confused with B. lunaria (Wagner and Lord, 1956; ascendens Farrar, 1998], B. (Zika, 1992; Farrar, 1998), B, pallidum (Zika, 1992), spathulatum and B. (Zika, 1992), B. crenulatum (Wagner and Lord, 195G; Wagner and Lellinger, 1985; Devine, 1989; Zika, 1992; Farrar, 1998). Zika (1992) described minganense B. as '^treacherously variable". minganense Just as B. was recognized as an independent species from the more widespread and common B. lunaria, so too were pallidum and spathulatum B. 5. formerly confused with B, minganense. Both Wagner and Wagner and Wagner (1988), (1994) have suggested that minganense may B. represent a species complex. Unlike B. minganense, B. crenulatum more constant in form when well is developed, but with any moonwort, as the identity of small plants can be ambiguous. Botrychium minganense can approach the form of B. crenulatum Wagner and Wagner some closely. (1981) state that of the collections on which the original description of crenulatum was based were 5. originally identified as B. lunaria minganense. var. = Botrychium crenulatum diploid Wagner, whereas is (2/7 90, F. S. 1993), B. = minganense Wagner is tetraploid (2n 180 and Lord, 1956; but see Hauk and Many Haufler, 1999). fern species, however, have races with different ploidy Asplenium Wagner levels trichomanes, and (e.g. et ah, 1993), ideally, additional evidence of genetic differences would be employed to separate species discussion, Gastony and Windham, (for see 1989). Molecular techniques are well suited problems to clarify of cryptic species, Hauk used rbcL sequences (1995) in a phylogenetic analysis of 20 species of Botrychium subgenus Hauk Botrychium. found samples that four of B. minganense (from Michigan, Colorado, and Ontario) shared identical paradoxum sequences, along with and B. B. Xwatertonense, and lacked the synapomorphies single that distinguished the simplex and campestre subclades of the "simplex-campestre'' clade. Botrychium crenulatum formed a separate clade with B. lunaria, identical in sequence to the United States 5. lunaria sample, and well separated from the "simplex-campestre'' by clade nine a total of substitutions. which In contrast to the rbcL data, did not distinguish crenulatum from B. B, lunaria, isozymes differentiated crenulatum from B. others all (Farrar, 1998; Hauk Among and sampled Haufler, 1999). the diploids crenulatum was B, most similar to B, lunaria, but their genetic identity (Nei, 1978) was only 0.53 (Hauk and Haufler, Botrychium minganense 1999). possessed the highest western moonworts (Hauk and variability of the Haufler 1999, Farrar 1998). but neither study inferred the variation to be indicative of species-level within minganense. differentiation B. DNA Random Amplified Polymorphic (RAPD) markers, a type of genetic have fingerprint, revealed a level of genetic variation useful for distinguishing populations and sometimes and more species, typically possess variation than RAPD isozymes Bachmann. (for reviews, see 1997; Crawford, 1997). has been particularly useful in assessing variation in rare plants because, as a PCR-based VOLUME NUMBER AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: 252 92 4 (2002) DNA markers technique, requires only small tissue samples, fresh or dried. it RAPD mo Morphometric which taxon in a igic made range of morphologic variation because of assumptions in the assignment specimens Assigning specimens based on genetic of to that taxon. shown markers can provide more robust morphometric insights, as has been in Hardig a variety of studies 2000). (e.g., et al., R Thus, the goals of this study are to determine the genetic distinctness of 1) RAPD mingonense and crenulatum, on markers document B. the basis of to 2] within minganense and crenulatum, on the patterns of genetic variation B. B, RAPD and morphological basis of markers, assess quantitatively the to 3] on between minganense and crenulatum differences plants of B. B. classified the basis of genetic markers. Methods — Collections, Samples were collected from seven populations oi Botrychium crenulatum and 18 populations of B. minganense in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana (Table Within region populations were this 1). chosen to include a full range of habitats and geography. Plants with when morphology between two were intermediate the species collected found, and small plants were collected as well as large, well-developed ones to represent a full spectrum of the morphology found in each population. Plants were collected throughout the spatial extent of each Sample sizes are site. R given in Table In addition, two populations of lunaria and one of B. 1. simplex E, Hitchcock (both subgenus Botrycbium) were collected to provide sample The a larger of species level molecular comparisons. ecological associations of B. minganense and B, crenulatum were quite different in Botrycbium crenulatum Washington different parts of their ranges. in is sometimes found in somewhat wetter and more open habitats than B. minganense, but the large populations sampled study were growing for this all under a Thuja plicata/mixed conifer canopy on subirrigated ground. By contrast, the Goofy Springs, Oregon, population was growing in heavy graminoid cover in an opening on seepy ground; the Stewart Creek, Montana, mowed was wet roadside and and Lapover Ranch, Oregon site a ditch; (the at one site on private land), 5. crenulatum and B. minganense were growing together in grass cover under Pinus contorta with no spring evident. In Washington, B. minganense was found almost exclusively under riparian Thuja plicata stands with depauperate understory, but one sampled population (Mill Gate) came from an herbaceous mountain meadow. The may association with Thuja plicata stands be an artifact of the circumstance that moonworts have mainly been searched for in association with proposed timber In Oregon, the sampled minganense populations were sales. B, all under canopy open enough herb forest support luxuriant shrub and/or to a except Dusty, which was from wet meadow. layer, a A B SWARTZ & BRUNSFELD: MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF BOTRYCHIUM SPECIES 253 Table Collection locations of Botrvchiuin used in this study- Collections from some sites were 1. segregated under more than one collection number. Where more than one analyzed species = occurred at a single site, each species is listed as a population with an identifying letter (m B. ~ = minganense, c B. crenulatum, L B, lunoria]^ Vouchers are deposited in ID. Site Site Voucher Species (no. of plants) abhreviation Location minganense Watson Point Watson OR, Wheeler Co. Swartz 387 B. (2) WA, Flowery Flowery Stevens Co. Swartz 393 Trail (6) Kelsey Creek Kelsey MT, Lincoln Co. Swartz 394 (6) Rock Bottom Rock Boundary Co Swartz 398 ID, (7] PWB Deer Deer Boundary Co Swartz 399 ID, (7) WenT WA, Wenatchee Ford Chelan Co. Swartz 401 TSHE (7) WenR WA, Wenatchee Ford Chelan Co. Swartz 401 RUPA (5) WA Club Devil Chelan Co. Swartz 402 Devil's Creek (7) WA, Mill Gate MilL MillB Chelan Co. Swartz 403, (17) Swartz 453 WA, Aladdin Aladdinl Stevens Co Swartz 414 1 (6) WA, Bulldog Cabin Bulldog Stevens Co Swartz 420 (5) Poison Springs Poison OR. Grant Co. Swartz 425 (7) m WA, Hodgson Creek mHodgson Ferry Co. Swartz 466 [7] m WA, Rd. #9576 mRdg576, Ferry Co. Swartz 468, (6) ManleyX Swartz 486 m WA, mManley Manley Creek Ferrv Co. Swartz 470 (15) La Grande 32 LaG32 OR, Union Co. Swartz 504 (6) Shady Camp Shady OR, Wallowa Co Swartz 506 (7) Dusty Dustv OR, Union Co. S^vartz/ (6) Riley 508, Swartz/ Yanskey 509 crenulatum Goofy Spring Goofy OR, Crook Co. Swartz 388 B. (7) MT, Stew^art Creek Stewart Flathead Co. Swartz 396 (5) WA. Okanogan Cabin OKCabin Okanogan Co. Swartz 404 [7] WA, Aladdin Aladdin Stevens Co. Swartz 427 Blowdown (7) WA, Deadman Deadman Creek Ferry Co. Swartz 445 (5) WA, Hodgson Creek cHodgson Ferry Co. Swartz 467 c (7) Lapover Ranch Lapover OR, Wallowa Co. Swartz 507 (10) WA, L Rd. #9576 LRd9576 Ferry Co. Swartz 469 lunaria B. (5) WA, L Manley Creek LManley Ferry Co. Swartz 471 [7] LGMead simplex La Grande OR. Union Co. Swartz 505 B. Meadow (5) were by snipping them ground avoid Plants collected off at level to disturbing the roots and the next year's below-ground bud. This procedure is on have negative impact survival (Johnson-Groh not believed a significant to Where Montgomery, were and 1996; 1990). possible, plants collected Farrar, they had shed spores. Plants were pressed, individually numbered, after DNA color photocopied, and digitally imaged before grinding for extraction. 254 AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 92 4 (2002) The color photocopies are deposited in the University of Idaho Herbarium (ID) as facsimile vouchers, along with additional collections from the same populations. — Morphometric As analysis. a quantitative approach capturing morpho- to morphometric logical subtlety, a analysis of characters that can be scored from herbarium specimens was made. Characters cited by authors in the original species descriptions were used whenever Some possible. characters that are valuable to botanists in the field, such as color, texture, or folding of pinnae, could not be scored because they are distorted or destroyed by pressing and drying. Forty-one measurements were different or recorded each ratios for Measurements were made WV-CD20 plant. using a Panasonic video camera Mocha and image analysis software (SigmaScan Pro version 3.0 Jandel Scientific). — Analysis. Canonical discriminant one more analysis identifies or canonical variables that are linear combinations of multiple measured These characters. canonical variables can show the morphological between greatest differences groups. Statistical calculations were performed using SAS CANDISC the SAS procedure, Release (SAS 6.11 on same samples Institute Inc.), the of 5. minganense and crenulatum used B. for genetic analysis, excluding three Two were plants that browsed. very unusual plants of Botrychium minganense also were excluded from the morphological One was analysis. CvXtremely large, and had the other only rudimentary One peg-like pinnae. plant (cLapover.09) was RAPD excluded because it displayed an additive profile, and thus was pos- ANOVA sibly a hybrid. Preliminary one-way showed means many that the of = were characters between significantly different the species the alpha at 0.05 including level, the ratio of trophophore width to the width of axis its mar average angle of the margins of the four basal-most pinnae [degree of fanning); ratio of the length of the space between two the pinnae first pairs to greatest pinna width measure (a of overlapping of pinnae); ratio of greatest pinna width pinna to least width; width ratio of length to of trophophore; ratio of length to width of sporophore; pinna width ratio of to length; length of the sporophore; made average angle by the four basal-most pinnae with the height rachis; total (ground level to tip of sporophore); length of trophophore; length of trophophore and stalk; length of gap between two pinna Measure- first pairs. ments of these characters are illustrated in Figure All pinna measurements 1. made were from same the pinna each one for plant, of the largest pair. In the largest plants the lowest pinnae sometimes are partly transformed into sporangial branches. In that case one of the untransformed was largest pair The chosen. ratios of trophophore width: trophophore width and 1) axis maximum sporophore was of square root-transformed them normal to bring closer to a The distribution. distribution of all variables used was judged be within the to limits of robustness of the procedures (K. Steinhorst, pers. comm.). Variances were compared between species groups each were for character to see that they equal, or if not, the variance of the larger group did not exceed that of the SWARTZ & BRUNSFELD: MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF BOTRYCHIUM SPECIES 255 made Fig. Measurements for characters that were significantly different between Botrychium 1. minganense and B. crenulatum in morphometric analysis, Length of common Length of a. stalk, b. — sporophore stalk, c. Length of sporangia-bearing part of sporophore (b+c length of sporophore, a+b + c = total height. These and any other curved lengths were traced directly on the image of the = plant), Length of longest sporophore branch (2d sporophore width), Length of trophophore d. e. stalk, Distance between centers of first two pinna pairs, Balance of length of trophophore f. g. = (e+f+g length of trophophore). h. Angle of edges of pinna (for average of four basal-most pinnae]. Angle at w^hich pinna meets axis of rachis (for average of four basal-most pinnae], Greatest i. j. width of rachis. Trophophore width. Least width of largest pinna m. Greatest width of largest k. 1. pinna, Length of largest pinna. n. smaller group by more than a factor of 2.5, a conservative level chosen for unequal sample sizes. In general, variances were greater for B. minganense. — DNA RAPD mg analysis. was isolated from 10 samples of each pressed plant. For those plants that were less than 10 mg, the whole plant was used. Plants were ground on ceramic well plates with liquid nitrogen, ground further . AMERICAN VOLUME NUMBER 256 FERN JOURNAL: 92 4 (2002) CTAB with 600 70°C and ml The buffer, transferred to 1.5 tubes. grinding |.il and buffer subsequent isolation procedures followed Stewart and Via (1993), with homogenate was the following modifications: the incubated 70°C 30 at for DNA minutes before the chloroform extraction, the precipitated pellet was mM washed with ml cold 76% ethanol with 10 NH4AC, and the dry 1 pellet resuspended in 50 TE. Of several tested, this protocol was the least likely to j.d gummy yield residues coprecipitating with the DNA, which was a problem with some The when samples. residue, occurred, was removed by it DNA DNA centrifugation before quantifying the with a fluorometer. was IX amplified (Williams et 1990) in 25 reactions containing buffer al., |.d mM mM (Promega M190A), 0.1 of each deoxynucleotide, 2 MgCls, 0.00005% bovine serum albumin, 5 pmols 10-mer primer (Operon), 10 ng genomic DNA, DNA and Taq 0.5 units polymerase (Promega), overlaid with 25 mineral oil. |al Samples were amplified in an MJ Research PT 100 thermocycler (44 cycles of min 94°C, min min with min 1 at 1 at 36°C, 2 at 72^C, a final 5 at 72°C). Products UV were electrophoresed 1.5% by in agarose visualized illumination gels, after staining with ethidium bromide, and imaged with Alphalmager 3.2 v. software. Populations were divided among multiple PCR and runs, sub- a sample was run multiple times confirm band to repeatability of each chosen. Bands were scored manually by comparison to standard size markers. Bands name are designated by the of the primer with the approximate base size in pairs as a subscript, B-II575. e.g. — Primer screening. ^Primers were screened against two samples each of B. minganense and crenuJatum. Twelve B. primers (A-11, B-11, B-12, C-6, C-8, C- 9, C-10, C-11, D-11, D-16, D-20, X-1) showing the best well-spaced bands polymorphic one both were One in or species selected the data for final set. hundred ninety-four plants were scored manually presence absence for or of RAPD 74 bands each. As more species and populations were added, fewer primers and bands within primers could be used because some new bands were close to the position of old bands or amplified with different intensity, making them difficult to score. Therefore, the scoring conservative and is minimum only among many reflects differences populations, whereas all additional differences that are not included in the data set are readily apparent amon data.—UPGMA )fRAPD cluster analysis was performed RAPD N with data and Jaccard metrics. Results Morphometric a77o/ys/s.—Optimal separation two on mor- of the species a phological basis requires consideration The of multiple characters once. six at when variables in Table analyzed 2, together, provided the greatest separation of the groups The in this data canonical set. variate analysis tested the null hypothesis no that there are differences between two based on the species the chosen = variables. This hypothesis was rejected at the p 0.0001 level, with SWARTZ & BRUNSFELD: MORPHOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF BOTRYCHIUM SPECIES 257 Table 2. Correlations and coefficients of the six variables that provided the greatest discrimination between Botrychium minganense and B. crenulotum in Canonical Discriminant Analysis. Pooled Within Pooled Within-Class Canonical Structure Canonical Coefficients CANl CANl Variable AVANGMAR 0.50 0.65 AVANGPIN 0.16 0.40 PWIDLEN 0.20 0.18 MLSPORO -0.18 0.94 NTWIDAX 0.51 0.51 NPINMAMI 0.41 0.52 AVANGMAR=average AVANGPIN=average angle of pfnnae margins; angle of pinnae with rachis; PWIDLEN=ratio MLSPORO=square of pinna width:pinna length; root transformed length of sporophore; NTWIDAX^log-transformed ratio of trophophore width greatest width of trophophore axis; NPINMAMI=log-transformed ratio of greatest pinna widthdeast pinna width. = F 35.52 and degrees of freedom numerator and denominator of 6 164. may Canonical scores be computed by taking the original value for each plant on each measurement, multiplying by the respective canonical coefficient it CANl from (Table and adding these products plus constant adjustment a all 2], for the means. Scores graphed by species form two overlapping groups, vi^ith mean mean crenulatum and minganense —0.71 the for B. at 1.81 the for B. at CANl 32%, (Fig. 2). scores of 55 of the total of 171 plants, or fell in the to 2 where range species identity ambiguous. Scores of 92 plants of is B. -4 minganense and out of 123 (75%) fell in the to range, 23 plants of B. crenulatum out of 48 (49%) scored from 2 to 4, where each had a high CANl Only one minganense had probability of correct species identity. B. a above score 2. Canonical variates can be interpreted in terms of those variables that contribute the most the separation of the groups. Although canonical to and must variates are be interpreted with caution, they can be artificial identified in terms of their correlations with the original individual variables (Johnson and Wichern, 1992). These "within" structure coefficients indicate how and closely a variable the canonical variate are related, or the extent to which same The they carry the information (Klecka, 1980). ratio of trophophore width:trophophore width had axis the highest correlation, 0.51, maximum followed by average angle of pinna margins, and pinna 0.50, widthrminimum The width, 0.41. within-class correlation for pinna width; length was 0.20, average angle of pinnae to rachis 0.16, and length of sporophore —0.18. way Another of looking at the contributions of each individual variable within classes by comparing coefficients that have been transformed so their is standard deviations are equal to These standardized coefficients then 1, measure the relative contribution of each variable to the canonical variate score. As a relative measure, the standardized coefficient of each variable will two change depending on the contribution of other variables. variables share If " AMERICAN FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 258 92 4 (2002) 50 %\W sswss »_»_»_ 4^^ « % * « * m m w w ^ r •%::::: ^>::¥:; Vqw AV si;:w .- M * « > m'-m'^wW^ ' ' ^ * « ^ _l_*_i_>_'.> i V ^« :xWAS5¥::;::::::::::::::::^;:y:;::>:>%¥:^^^:ftS5®W i 45 v^l^lV,^%',^-^-^^,%%%^^'-'- '^^V .'-^^,V,\\%^ >:'>:-:-:-v-%%!-sss%>»%v .V^v^T%^v*^^%^'p^^^^%'p^v^^v%vA^.VA%%%%v*%v•".^^^^%S .--'-^-------%^^^l^^l%'-v*^,^^^^%%'^^p%^ ^ - - P * *H * 4 %v -•p'>;'C««'IVA'Cv!«*P%»--.'. !_•_ '*S'AV h"^'-' -T.^. p-***'^' *p\%'A^^^^A%-A%VA*A^-p*-**^ VA\\W,%%V »-»>-p-P-*^A"-VAVp +*/ t-T ^ -»W"^^SVSSrCv-%V-' - 40 .^l%^-^^.<^I'^;':•^.^,',s^^^^-'--x^I^ *^:ft^ . *V-'^\'P^^',.'^*,^%^^^ ^_* * ^^*•»A%^^%v^A'A^^^^^^'-'p _+ * T«%*-«T1-1 , , - --^ > * - *^*-%-^-^-*%'*-," .^-;^^ V \*H» q» q^ * ^ ^ ^* ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ , H ^ ^ 4 ^ m m^-^-^'^m m m -r-i i p i i p p -p p t , * * p * + , f p> p ,,t,t,,*pppp^*^^, ^,-h^-^***4i*^^*» _^_'_^,_, ^^^^%^^^^-'-'^^'-^'>p^^^^< i*T^^PP^****^TTP»P^W *^-*---%W-VA'-'-.V-\*p\S%%'-'-V%^P*AV^A'p'A * ^ ^ 4 ^ ^ _^_+hV ^ V - - - w - - -- - ..'^,^^^--^-w^A-^A^^^\l^^v^^^%^V^-%'^-^^v^-^^^^^^^^%%%^^^*%^-^"^-^^v-V'Fp'^.*'.,^^^^ w ^ w r w w w ^^M 35 %^-^%^*^^X^^vs^^^•>I^^»Iv^^^^^l^^ll :-v-sv :S ^^i:^!-^' 4^^^_V^r^^ ««v#«A«TP^TPPi rTPPT^V^trHPXTir p^^T M WAV.^<^v^^;^<<'X^^SRvWHss^Hw: I ^5M^ ^ .^_1_»_ ^mmmmmmmmm ^^^^r ^^a ^;:4:::::^:;:;::::::::::::;::::::SKSKS^^W — W<%-,".-.''.Vt%\-_-1_-T - rvH ^»^T W "W - — —^ «^^fe. s%i_^_ *^^COO' "JT* ^p^p^^^*ppiP4TT^^^rTr«rTrrPTP »^^ I \%s^,^',^*%%'-%\'-^p%*P*P** ^p»pVp^V>V'-' *_^_ . * •_"-'-T- --•''\' „.. 30 -^^^T T t »\A\'pS^"i.-^'-f"'Ap^*^P'*pr%*'Pp'WAA--''-,\'v--S'V-p\MM AV :;:::::•a5^> NV- V'v pvv »« t;:^s»»MM»y:•:':U;.:.;.::::^::;::::;«::*::!::!:;;::::^^y••^* PKi hlpvpi ^ ::v:v:x:X;:::::::::::^:::X; , P*H«%*_1^^.^'--"'-|^,q^*q^^^'^*J^-Tw'^-^m'T-'P-*«-*f^->»*pP*I«*rT»*-1'-P*-r^V-^«-*^-*P-'VP^»-*^-*^-«*-1'-PV^-'1-P%P^. --'-'-'X'C'X' «^; _^ * p»-Vp\*-VS a C'«l^w^^ -T *H^^'-»*i_»*'**^PlT^P>*T^TT>Tl-kPK^*TPt**T-*TP-»»TT*T*----TT^---T^1 ..vXwX' VT'-^-^-''+"V%%-^^*'p'-*-*T*F*-%^TV\^b',V*,"p%.'-*,-^V,'^V%'^' ".V ^'--*^" p^','. "*"%" sv P^A^P' ^ F > 3 ^ i y • Botrychium minganense 25 S-AV 01 ^:;>;;i:-^- *^**-^* F> ^ ¥ p - '_>_»_»_ p%*4- ^-^-^p%^^ _^_-H> :i:::i::;:::>iW::s - '.. .'-'.'-'-'-'A'Xsw.' .'.V +,V. , . _ _ 'p\\\\^,^p\ .r.T.^1-^+.T,,p-,1.:::::;:::::;;::¥:X BBotrychium crenulatum ^*P^^F'^->'pT'-'T^^1P*»* iiP _^_^ ^ ^ ri - ' ^- + i TT P^ q V 4 q 4 b•«**^^^P% *w*,*%.*\*^V % « ^ V *-^%\^ •:"X':':-:-Xv>.-%-V-'iV•.^-^X^\\^:\^v^s^^^^w-^^^v^.^^^^^^^.*.^.'-^^^A^-v H ,v Both vX-t-i*:>X'X\v-v,v.--v-'-'--AV-v<\v.v--,%-;s% spp. P44-^P^ - * :-:W::> %%V,-,^ : :'^'< ^^^f-^^^^x-^«sri^^^^>^w^^^^::': _* *.*_^_^_ pV*^%' p>:,v ^:' >x>:->^x:-:-:-:-:-x-«-:-S>:?K¥x=:->:-:-x-;:-:' ^ -H _^.* ^1 -'-.^','J -%^ X X T ^ ^ ^ ^ 20 Vp%^-V.\V.V*%V%--'.'.%', _*_**•_ >-.-,-,::\'.'.'.'.'.'.\'.'.'.-.sS'XsiJ^w-".-.-.-,v>S««^<','.",",sVA!S' 'p''^%'-.^-''-^^*****-^W^',^^V^*p _T_41_«•*_P m <<vAk-:'ya' irX"^'" *-vA%A*^'p*p". *• p%' ^«%vV^A^V^^^-Vp"p^^,*'T»»p pp»rtwVw%'WT-p"pAr»rA"w-w\w^r"rfr%Vwpw%mVw-w'^pmW^_I_ AW,5' vX%^",-p"-*-\"-%%'>.<"p<'A-^-%vA»X<'I«%«v;l x-x->: X'.'Xv _•_'_>_ ^->%s>sv-v j'-^jT ¥ p > I::::::::::::;:::;:::::;:: mm. 1^4 4 p4>4^^^P^pfP«H^^Tp4-T*p"p- * p" -tb4¥*pt^ s^^S:?::i: A T * f_ If«^1m m S^^- -X-X' p^* * • *. _i - V :i^:i:& :;::<^:;:::::::::::;:::;:;:;:::::::::::::::S:fe:s;:S!SiW: 15 ¥>::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;::::::<:::x>^^ _4 - ^ b -i-i Wp" -r "'A\i»-*p\%'r.'.'*Wp\"-'. 4 * *_*_^_'_» -^*A-A^ w^•n^_^4^^.'.^^*.'^,4-,«-4.«-.v,k^b^«v>«v^•«v.k-A.M-^,-k,k-*_-*.«^^-.-.-.- ^^rV 44*4'«^4>_1 4*^ * ^ fr >b« b p mt^i^ fr fr r% »^.-M« »a«a -mbii«. *_^.^ vXv ^ ^ ^^ « 1 %%%1v5^5^v-vv -?: »»>»'-^ >;-:o:'>x-:-^>>:X':'>:'>:-»:-h-m:':'>:':-::-:->: ^<i$w 'X- -x^::' ' + - .**^,',',^,',* ^»A':-:- -i-x-xwx-Xv - ^.* 10 g^sss v.^^^^^^^ViV.^.'.-.-^'.v, pWp-,-XV ^ ^T^P^*_^*«^4^«« 4 - a M -a M M\rJ'^^ V-%*-',.-,.-p'^-*****\'*\V***A**V AS'p**'**P%*b^^^V „ :';:-x:-x>x? 5 _-.-.v. .--'-'-"---Cv '''-AV-V X-»KiX ::X:X^-: »x-:-x->: ;>x->x-x- Cv.'A-. ^T" X-Xv-A',-, -3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 CANl CANl Fig. 2. Plot of scores using six morphometric variables (Table of 123 Botrychium 2) minganense and 48 crenulatum whose B. plants species identity was confirmed genetically. some same of the information highly (are correlated), the standardized co- efficient value will be partly divided between them, but one was not variable if used, the standardized would coefficient of the other They could be also rise. have larger but opposite sign, so that one partially cancels out the other. The within structure by coefficients, contrast, are simple bivariate correlations

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