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Monday, January 7, 2013 Paseo Herencia installs Sarah-Quita Offringa to their athletic “Wall of Fame” Aruba has several dynamic young athletes proving them- selves to be of extraordinary talent, discipline and skill in the world arena. Paseo Herencia shopping center made it a policy to recognize their discipline and determi- nation with a “Wall of Fame,” which was installed last year. The wall now hon- ors the images and efforts of young Aruban baseball play- ers, Olympic swimmers and synchronized swimmers. A BMX bicycle champion, and Unveiling her place of honor being the youngest to ever Search for plane with win a gold medal in Women’s Freestyle. Missoni scion intensifies “The Girl with Big Hair,” as she was known on the in- ternational circuit, delivered on the promise of her poten- tial by becoming the youn - gest wo men’s world cham - pion ever at the age of 17, in 2008. She defeated and un- seated the Moreno sisters, who had long dominated women’s freestyle windsur - fing. Continued on page 5 Sarah Quita shows off her famous smile on Friday, January 4, the mall proudly unveiled the most ac- complished young athlete in the island’s history, Sarah Quita-Offringa. CARACAS (AFP) - Authori- craft, which went missing late Sarah-Quita joined the ties said they have intensified Friday on a flight from the Los ranks of professional wind- the search yesterday for a Roques islands to Caracas. surfers at only 12 years old, small plane that disappeared The National Guard, along with her brother off the coast of Venezuela with backed by volunteers with pri- Quincy, also a talented ath- six people aboard, including vate aircraft and boats, have so lete. They competed on the the scion of Italy's Missoni far covered more than 360 Professional Windsurfing As- fashion family. square nautical miles in a sociation (PWA) circuit, but The state-run AVN news search and rescue operation in- in only a short time, Sarah- agency, which said the family volving more than 385 people, Quita proved an outstanding was briefed, reported no AVN said. athlete attrac ting the attention progress in locating the air- Continued on page 3 of judges and journalists, by 2 Monday, January 7, 2013 Fatum Holdings N.V. Aruba Government announces Acquires Royal & Sun preferential policy Alliance (Antilles) N.V. ORaNJestad -- the go - with proof that the energy use vernment of aruba has pub- is aHRi certified lished a bulletin informing Other cooling equipment the community concerning a of the Variable Refrigeration series of decrees to be en- Flow (VRF) system and the acted pursuant to delibera- Variable speed Compressor tions and decisions resulting (VsC) system. from the National social di- 2.Refrigerators and Freez- alogues held during the pe- ers: riod august 7 to 10, 2012 and a. all of the equipment august 21 to November 9, which prove to be energy ef- 2012. the government is in- ficient and bare the eN- tent on introducing these de- eRGY staR label cisions as of January 1st, b.Refrigerators for house- 2013. Hence, in anticipation hold use which prove to be of the formal decrees pertain- energy efficient and bare the ing to the “repara tietoeslag” eNeRGY staR label L.- r.: Alejandro Nino of Royal & Sun Alliance (Antilles), (adjustment stipend), income c.Freezers with a capacity Steven Martina of FATUM and Lionel ‘Chicu’ Capriles of tax tariff, and the vehicle and of 800 liters and freezers of Minister of Finance, Com- Maduro & Curiel’s Bank. boat tax ordinance, the fol- the 900 liter capacity which munications, Utilities and lowing, so-called, Preferen- prove to be energy efficient Willemstad -- Fatum leading provider of General in- Energy, Mike de Meza tial Policy (“Begunstigend and bare the eNeRGY staR Holdings N.V. (Fatum), an- surance products and services beleid”) will take effect as of afls.3.500 for pensioners re- label nounced on december 19th, in the dutch Caribbean, which January 1, 2013: ceiving only the aOV in- d. all other cooling or 2012 the acquisition by Fatum is key to the strategic objec- come and have an income of freezing furniture which of 100% of the issued share tives of Fatum. this acquisi- The Cost of living maximum afls.35.000. this prove to be energy efficient capital of Royal & sun alliance tion will consolidate our adjustment Stipend: measure is to become effec- and bare the eNeRGY star insurance (antilles) N.V. from position as the leading com- Workers representatives and tive as of January 1st, 2013. label the Rsa Group and maduro & pany in the general insurance the government decided in 3.Boilers and other water Curiel’s Bank (mCB). the fi- sector, a position with which the social dialogues that as Special Tariff: equipment operating on solar nancial terms of the transaction we are very comfortable.” an impulse for buying power With respect to the current energy and other apparatus are not being disclosed at this Fatum is fully owned by for workers in the private sec- economic situation, the gov- operating on solar power time. the successful comple- Guardian Holdings limited tor they will increase the cost ernment has decided to re- 4. machines with the tion of this transaction is sub- (GHl), the largest Financial of living adjustment stipend duce the tariff for income capa city of more than 10kg ject to all necessary approvals services and insurance Group by Fls.25 per month for those taxes for those receiving as dryers, to include fully au- from the Regulators in Curacao, serving the english & dutch earning at least the minimum workers’ terminations or for tomated dryers equipped with sint maarten, aruba and the is- Caribbean. in addition to Fa - wage (afls.1.604,60) or at the purchase of pension plans built-in centrifuge and ma- lands of Bonaire, sint eustatius tum, GHl also owns Guardian least less than afls.2.500 per to 15%. Hence, as of January chines with a capacity of and saba. General insurance Company month. For those earning 1st, 2013, the income tax for 10kg such as electric dryers Rsa (antilles) is a major limited (GGil), which itself only the old-age pension with workers termination payouts which prove to be energy ef- provider of General insurance is the largest indigenous ge - no other source of income, will carry a tariff of 15%. ficient and bare the eN- products and services in the neral insurance company ser - the cost of living adjustment eRGY staR label dutch Caribbean, and is jointly ving the english Caribbean. stipend will increase from Import Duties: 5. Compact Fluorescent owned by the Rsa Group, one according to GHl Group of the world’s leading multina- Chief executive Officer, mr. afls.50 per month to Pursuant to decisions arrived lamps, “CFl” and led tional listed insurance groups Jeffrey mack “with the addi- afls.100 per month. this will at in the National dialogues; lamps with a cos phi of 0.85 with major operations in the tion of Rsa antilles to our be made effective as of Janu- the government has decided or higher UK, scandinavia, Canada, ire- general insurance portfolio, ary 1st, 2013. that in an effort to stimulate land, asia, Central & eastern and the acquisition last month the use of more efficient en- Vehicle and Boat taxes: europe, middle east and latin of Globe insurance Company Income Taxes: ergy apparatus, to introduce in conformity with the objec- america, and mCB, the largest in Jamaica, GHl now has an Old age deduction: Pursuant several fiscal benefits. Hence, tives and intention of the gov- commercial bank in the dutch unassailable market leadership to decisions arrived at in the as of January 1st, 2013, the ernment to make aruba fully Caribbean. position in the general insu - National dialogues, the go - following goods will be re- “green” by 2020, the decision according to Fatum’s Pre - rance sectors across all of our vernment has decided to, as a duced to a 2% import duty has been made to introduce a sident & Chief executive Offi- core markets, fulfilling our means of improving the buy- tariff: series of initiatives to stimu- cer, mr. steven martina, “the strategic objective and demon- ing power, and as a compen- 1.machines and apparatus late the further reduction of acquisition of Rsa antilles strating our confidence and sation for the loss of buying to regulate climate manufac- fossil fuel use. further strengthens and en- commitment to the people and power, to introduce an addi- tured with an inverter and an dorses Fatum’s position as the economies of the Caribbean”. tional deduction of 18 seeR rating or higher Continued on page 3 Monday, January 7, 2013 3 Aruba Government announces preferential policy Continued from page 2 Hence, the decision is to in- troduce reduced tariffs for motor vehicle registration (number plates) for certain types of vehicles which obvi- ously are in the trend of better fuel consumption and energy efficiency, namely: 1. Motor vehicles with an electric powered engine Afls. 75,- 2. Motor vehicles with a hybrid engine Afls. 150,- 3. Motor vehicles with a mixture of gasoline and maximum 85% ethanol (flex fuel) Afls.225,- All of these measures will be enacted as of January 1st 2013 in anticipation of the forthcoming formal decrees. Search for plane with Missoni scion intensifies Continued from page 1 The plane was carrying Vitto- another Italian couple and two siblings Luca and Angela. Vit- Shortly after news broke of remained in the family home, rio Missoni -- the son of the Venezuelan crew members. torio is marketing director, his his brother's disappearance, according to Italian media. eponymous fashion label's Missoni runs the company brother Luca is technical direc- Luca went to Venezuela to get Venezuelan interior mi nis try founder Ottavio Missoni -- and known for its knitwear and tor and his sister Angela is the information first hand. spokesman Jorge Galindo iden- his wife Maurizia Castiglioni, iconic zigzag patterns with his designer. Vittorio's parents and sister tified the other passengers as Guido Foresti and Elda Scal- Twenty young people to join the KIA team venzi. Pilot Hernan Merchan and copilot Juan Carlos Ferre Milano were also on board. The Italian foreign ministry would only confirm that four Italian citizens had gone miss- ing in Venezuela, without iden- tifying them. A similar disappearance took place exactly five years ago, on January 4, 2008. At the time, a plane carry- ing 14 people, including eight Italians, went missing in the same area as it flew from Cara- cas to Los Roques. No trace of the aircraft or its passengers was ever found. The Missoni fashion house was founded in 1953 by Ot- tavio Missoni and his wife Rosita. It now sells ready-to- wear attire for men, women and children, as well as haute couture and perfume. On January 3rd, during a rity team at KIA (local lously selected. He shared sibility to be manipulated by Missoni has also created short ceremony, the Minister prison). The Minister em- that the job of a prison guard the inmates and to never auto interiors for Mazda cars of Justice, Arthur Dowers, phasized how important is one with great responsibil- allow their integrity to falter and designed interiors for two presented 20 young people their personal integrity is to ity and an admirable profes- as this would seriously jeop- luxury hotels, in collaboration who are to join the team of meet the challenge ahead of sion because they will be ardize their career forever. with the Rezidor Hotel Group. justice on Aruba. These them. contributing to the process of He encouraged them to take Los Roques is an archipe - young people, who began According to Dowers, justice which also includes the opportunity they have lago of 350 islands that attracts their course of training last many have the desire to get the rehabilitation of de- and make good use of it to tourists from all over the world Wednesday, after completing the opportunity they re- tainees. grow in their career in our for its deep turquoise sea and the rigorous course will be- ceived. But they are now part He implored the young- justice system at KIA. the large number of exotic come members of the secu- of a group that was meticu- sters to be aware of the pos- species that live there. 4 Monday, January 7, 2013 Light showers can’t douse the high spirits of Carnival 59 Torch Parade! Aruba’s Meteorologi- cal Office sent out a warning on Friday evening of a wet week- end to come, and the skies decided to deliver their aqueous bounty just as costumed revel- pagne, followed by Royal, ers began making their T.O.B., Dushi, Majestic, way down L.G. Smith Pleasers and Teasers, OPC and Boulevard for the first bringing up the rear, XC-Lanz major parade of Carni- Carnival Group. Regally resid- val 59, on Saturday ing over all was Aruba’s 58th evening, January 5. Carnival Queen, Lynette Do The Torch Parade is Nascimiento, of Champagne an ebullient affair, with Carnival Group, who will turn casual costumes reveal- over her crown to the new ing the individual cre- queen on February 1. Over tests and queen elections their greatest Caribbean cul- ativity of participants. It 6400 participants made their which will end at midnight tural event. is remarkable as to what way from the west end of Oran- on February 12, with the oc- can be achieved with a jestad to the east side. Intermit- currence of Ash Wednesday. Rosalie Klein logo tee shirt and a few tent showers did not dampen Until then it will six hectic leftover holiday lights! the energy or extinguish the weeks of sumptuous cos- Eight carnival brilliance so the evening. tumes, lively music and groups participated, be- The Torch Parade heralds dancing in the streets, as is- ginning with Cham- weeks of parades, parties, con- landers celebrate life and Monday, January 7, 2013 5 Paseo Herencia installs Sarah-Quita Offringa . . . Continued from page 1 Sarah-Quita with Minister Visser and proud parents Es- With Valerie Pietersz (l.) and Candy Rasmijn (r.) of Paseo ther and Ruud Herencia Though pundits had pre- Slalom Champion title as the unveiling ce remony lerie Pietersz-Camacho, “but, With Oma Dorothy dicted she would come in well. adding Sarah-Quita to their unfortunately, Sarah-Quita’s third that year, she proved Despite being a supreme obtain it shortly, and intends “Wall of Fame.” Aruba’s busy schedule of competition every year since then that she athlete, Sarah-Quita has al- to study and gain a Masters Minister of Public Health and and schooling just didn’t is every inch (and being the ways been a sweet, humble degree, within the intention Sport, Dr. Richard Visser was make it possible to do while tallest person in the room that girl, and very conscious of of returning to assist Aruba in very pleased to perform the she was here.” is a lot of inches,) a cham- her place as a role model for achieving the sustai nability unveiling with Parliamentar- Despite all the awards and pion. She has successfully other Aruban youth. For this practices that will make it a ian Donny Rasmijn, in the honors she has received inter- defended her title as PWA reason, she has been dedi- truly “green” island. presence of her proud pa - nationally, Sarah-Quita ad- Women’s World Freestyle cated to her studies, and for For all these reasons, rents, Esther and Ruud, Oma mitted the recognition of her Champion for four consecu- the last two and a half years Paseo Herencia General Dorothy, and a host of admi - fellow Arubans is always tive years. In 2011, she is pursuing a degree in Sci- Manager Valerie Pietersz-Ca- ring friends and fellow wind- something that particularly proved to be the “fastest ence and Innovation Manage- macho and Marketing Man- surfers. touches her heart. woman on the water” by also ment at the University of ager Candy Rasmijn were “We would have done this claiming the Women’s World Utrecht, Holland. She will exceptionally proud to host much sooner,” claimed Va- Rosalie Klein 6 Monday, January 7, 2013 INTERNATIONAL NEWS Brazil announces 'audit' to curb mad cow fears Venezuela lawmakers elect Chavez BRASILIA (AFP) - Brazil's Health. agriculture ministry an- Japan, South Africa, South nounced yesterday a top-to- Korea, Taiwan and China have ally as Assembly chief bottom "audit" of its cattle suspended all beef imports industry as the world's top beef from Brazil in connection with exporters tries to stave off a an atypical case of bovine CARACAS - Venezuelan law- growing crisis over a case of spongiform encephalopathy makers re-elected a staunch mad cow disease. (BSE) that was confirmed last ally of Hugo Chavez to head "We will review all proce- month in an animal that died in the National Assembly on Sa - dures to be sure we are doing 2010 in the southern state of turday, putting him in line to be everything necessary," Celio Parana. caretaker president if the so- Porto, international relations Five other countries have cialist leader does not recover secretary for the agriculture imposed some restrictions on from cancer surgery. minister, told the Folha de Sao beef over the same case. By choosing the incumbent, Paulo newspaper. Brazilian officials insist the Diosdado Cabello, the "Cha- "It's like an audit by the case poses no risk whatsoever vista"-dominated legislature ce- ministry of agriculture on state to public health or to animal mented the combative services," Porto said, adding hygiene and have not ruled out ex-soldier's position as the third that it would follow guidelines complaining to the World most powerful figure in the set by the Paris-based World Trade Organization over the government, after Chavez and Organization for Animal restrictions. Vice President Nicolas Maduro. Obama set to nominate "As a patriot ... I swear to Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro (L) listens to be supremely loyal in every- National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello during the thing I do, to defend the father- assembly inauguration in Caracas. Hagel as defense secretary land, its institutions, and this dent's red-clad supporters gath- candidate. beautiful revolution led by our ered outside parliament hours Chavez, who was diag- Comandante Hugo Chavez," before the vote, many chan - nosed with an undisclosed Cabello said as he took the ting: "We are all Chavez! Our form of cancer in his pelvic oath, his hand on the constitu- comandante will be well! He area in mid-2011, has not been tion. will return!" seen in public nor heard from He had earlier warned op- If Chavez had to step down, in more than three weeks. position politicians against at- or died, Cabello would take Officials say the 58-year- tempting to use the National over the running of the country old is in delicate condition and Assembly to "conspire" as Assembly president and a has suffered multiple compli- against the people, saying they new election would be orga - cations since the December 11 would be "destroyed" if they nized within 30 days. Chavez's surgery, including unexpected tried. heir apparent, Maduro, would bleeding and severe respiratory Thousands of the presi- be the ruling Socialist Party problems. Report: Obama considers broad arms sales restrictions WASHINGTON (AFP) - The ning mental health checks, and shootings in US history. WASHINGTON (AFP) - US ting director Michael Morell administration of President stiffening penalties for carry- On December 14, a 20- President Barack Obama is ex- and counter-terrorism adviser Barack Obama is considering ing guns near schools or giving year-old disturbed local man pected to nominate Chuck John Brennan seen as the fron- a broad array of measures to them to minors. killed his mother in their New- Hagel as his new defense se - trunners, CNN said. curb the nation's gun violence, To push these measures town home before embarking cretary today and Republicans Despite the fact that Hagel including more than just a re- through Congress, the White on a horrific shooting spree at are signaling a fierce confirma- is a fellow Republican, party instatement of a ban on assault House is developing strategies the Sandy Hook Elementary tion fight even though he is heavyweights scenting blood weapons and high-capacity to work around the National School and shooting dead 20 one of their own. in bitterly-divided Washington ammunition, The Washington Rifle Association, the report six- and seven-year-old chil- Obama has decided he have accused him of hostility Post reported yesterday. said. According to the paper, dren and six adults with a mil- wants the 66-year-old former toward Israel and naivety on Citing multiple people in- they could include rallying itary-style assault rifle before Republican senator to succeed Iran, auguring a tough nomina- volved in the administration's support from Wal-Mart and taking his own life with a Leon Panetta at the Pentagon tion process ahead. discussions, the newspaper other gun retailers as well as handgun as police closed in. and will make his announce- If confirmed by the Senate said a working group led by regular contact with advisers to However, the NRA, the ment today, a Democratic aide as Pentagon chief, Hagel will Vice President Biden is seri- New York Mayor Michael most powerful gun lobby in the told AFP, confirming earlier have to manage major cuts to ously considering several Bloomberg, an outspoken gun- United States, stands firm US media reports. military spending while wrap- measures: universal back- control advocate. against any additional restraints Obama is also expected to ping up the US war effort in ground checks for firearm buy- The proposals are a re- on firearms and ammunition announce who he has chosen Afghanistan and preparing for ers, tracking the movement sponse to last month's tragedy sales -- despite a national out- to replace David Petraeus at worst-case scenarios in Iran or and sale of weapons through a in Newtown, Connecticut, the cry in the wake of the Sandy the helm of the CIA, with ac - Syria. national database, strengthe - site of one of the worst school Hook school massacre. Monday, January 7, 2013 7 INteRNatIONal NeWs SAfrica authorises 400 soldiers for Central African Republic Presidency: Doctors say Mandela has 'recovered' BANGUI, Central African Re- tion processes", it added. tempts by the rebels to infil- public (AFP) - South Africa Earlier a military source trate. has authorised the sending of said at least 200 South African With the Seleka rebel coali- CAPE TOWN (AFP) - Nelson The revered leader has been 400 soldiers to Central African soldiers had arrived in the ca - tion threatening to march on Mandela has "recovered" from recuperating at his Johannes- Republic (CAR) where gov- pital Bangui to try to secure it Bangui, Gabon, Congo and recent surgery and a lung in- burg home since he was dis- ernment and regional troops from advancing rebels. Cameroon in recent days have fection, a health scare that had charged from hospital the day are battling a rebel insurgency. "This well-equipped South each sent 120 troops, accor - put South Africa on edge as the after Christmas, which was the "President Jacob Zuma has African contingent arrived in ding to a source with the multi- anti-apartheid hero spent longest he had been hospi- authorised the employment of the middle of the week. ... Its national African peacekeeping nearly three weeks in hospital, talised since his release from 400 South African National mission is to secure the Central force FOMAC. the presidency said yesterday, 27 years of apartheid prison in Defence Force personnel to the African capital," the source They will join 400 Chadian citing his doctors. 1990. Central African Republic, to told AFP. soldiers already deployed to The 94-year-old Mandela "He had undergone an oper- render support in fulfilment of The troops, based not far protect Damara, the last town "has recovered from his surgi- ation to remove gallstones last an international obligation of from the neighbourhood hous- on the rebels' road to Bangui, cal procedure and the lung in- month and was also troubled the Republic of South Africa ing the residence of President the source said. fection, his doctors said today," by a recurring lung infection," towards the CAR," Zuma's of- Francois Bozize, "joins in Cen- said a statement from President said the presidency. fice said in a statement. tral Africa a South African mi - Depardieu gets Jacob Zuma's office. "He continues to receive Their mandate is through litary contingent already "The medical (examination) high care at his Houghton March 2018, it added. deployed as part of military co- Russian said president Mandela has home and his daily routine is The South African presi- operation", the source added. made steady progress and that being gradually re-estab- dency said the soldiers would After the South African passport amid clinically, he continues to im- lished." help with capacity-building of troops arrived, the coordinator prove," it said. the Central African Republic of the Citizens Coalition Op- French tax row Peace talks but no end in defence force. posed to the Armed Rebels, It "will also assist CAR Levy Yakite, appealed yester- sight to N.Ireland violence with the planning and imple- day on national radio for his mentation of the disarmament, movement to remove road- demobilisation and re-integra- blocks set up to prevent at- Abbas orders official use of 'State of Palestine' RAMALLAH, Palestinian Ter- begin using "State of Pales- ritories (AFP) - Palestinian tine" in official correspon- president Mahmud Abbas yes- dence. MOSCOW(AFP) - French terday gave orders for work to Previously, official docu- actor Gerard Depardieu, who begin on new passports, ID ments issued by Abbas's gov- has threatened to quit his cards, drivers' licences and ernment, including passports homeland to avoid higher stamps reading "State of Pales- and other identification docu- taxes, has received a Russian tine," official media said. ments, had been labelled as is- passport and yesterday an offer The decree, carried by the sued by the Palestinian of residence in a central Russia official WAFA news agency, Authority, which he heads. region known for Stalin-era came in the wake of the Pales- Israel has criticised the Gulag labour camps. Belfast: afP photo shows loyalists, flying British tinians' successful bid late last Palestinians for their success- The former Oscar nomi- Union flags, marching outside Belfast City Hall in year for non-member observer ful bid for enhanced UN status, nee travelled to snow-covered protest over Belfast city council's decision to restrict the state status at the United Na- saying Palestinian statehood Mordovia after he met Satur- number of days the Union flag that can be flown over tions over intense Israeli and can only be achieved through day with strongman President the city hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Politicians and US opposition. bilateral talks with the Jewish Vladimir Putin. church leaders in Northern Ireland held talks yesterday Abbas said the changed lan- state. Depardieu was seen on in a bid to stop the violence over the flying of the British guage on official documents The Israeli foreign ministry Russian television being flag. after three nights of rioting and attacks on police, would help strengthen the declined to comment on the greeted with folk songs and Northern Ireland's chief police officer Matt Baggott said Palestinian state "on the latest Palestinian move. showing off his new red pass- 52 officers had been injured, but he warned his force ground and build its institu- The Palestinians say the port to his Mordovia hosts in would deal firmly with the violence for as long as it was tions... and its sovereignty over UN upgrade will strengthen Saransk, the regional capital necessary. Police used water cannon and fired baton the its land." their position in negotiations of around 300,000 people lo- rounds in Belfast yesterday as they confronted more Already last week, he or- with Israel and is a comple- cated about 600 kilometers than 100 loyalist protesters who were throwing fireworks dered the foreign ministry and ment to any future talks. (370 miles) southeast of and bricks. embassies around the world to Moscow. 8 Monday, January 7, 2013 HEALTH & LIVING Tehran air pollution leaves 4,460 dead: health official What are the odds? TEHRAN (AFP) - Air pollu- the second time in a month. warned carcinogens in Iran- tion in Tehran has left 4,460 Tehran's pollution is ian-made petrol is higher people dead in a year, an mainly blamed on bumper- than international standards. Iranian health official said in to-bumper traffic in a city The level of sulfur in the reports Sunday, with another wedged between two moun- petrol is three times higher sounding the alarm over high tains which trap fumes. But than the standard, he said. dose of carcinogens in do- major Iranian cities also Iran produces around 60 mestically-made petrol. struggle with pollution on a million litres of petrol on a Hassan Aqajani, an ad- seasonal basis. daily basis, corresponding viser to the health minister, Pollution is also exacer- roughly to its national con- made the announcement on bated by increasing reliance sumption, according to fig- state television, and said the on domestic production of ures from the oil ministry. Tehran residents died in a petrol of a lower grade, and Officials have promised to year-long period since March therefore more polluting, a increase the production of 2011. byproduct of Western sanc- higher grade petrol with Euro High air pollution is a con- tions on Iran's fuel imports. 4 and 5 standards, used in stant woe for the eight million Youssef Rashidi, director European countries, from residents in Tehran. It forced of Tehran's air quality moni- nine million litres per day to the city's closure on Saturday, toring services, on Sunday around 25 million by March GERMANY, Leipzig : Six-year old Lucas (C) cuts the birthday cake for his one-year old sisters, identical quadru- plets (L-R) Jasmin, Sophie, Laura and Kim, as their par- ents Janett and Marcus Mehnert look on, January 6, 2013 in Leipzig, eastern Germany. Experts estimate the chance of identical quadruplets at 1:13 million. (AFP PHOTO) Memory-loss tourist puzzles Austrian police VIENNA (AFP) - Austrian nearby Bregenz. police have made an appeal Since then the man, aged to the public for help over a around 50 and who on ac- tourist thought to be German count of his "High German" languishing in the country for accent is strongly believed to the past seven weeks who has be a German, cannot remem- lost his memory and has no ber his name or where he identification papers. comes from, police said. All police know is that the "We have had 10 leads so man arrived in the German far, and we will examine town of Lindau on Lake Con- them all," a police stance by train on November spokesman told Sunday's edi- 19 wearing hiking gear, went tion of the Kronen-Zeitung to the tourist office and daily. "He has good days and walked over the border to bad days." Health Tip: Eat Breakfast How are you supposed to have energy and a function- ing mind if you are not feeding your body? Eating breakfast is one of the most important steps to losing weight and being healthy. Skipping breakfast causes hunger pains, binge eating and irritability. Even if all you eat is a piece of toast with peanut butter on it as you run out the door, the fuel you give your body in the morning will help you function better all day long. Monday, January 7, 2013 9 SCI-TECH The Last Great Polar China 'biggest' nuclear Challenge plant construction resumes BEIJING (AFP) - China has report said. resumed construction on a It is designed to be safer "fourth generation" nuclear and cuts down on costs, the power plant, suspended after report quoted a spokesman the 2011 Fukushima disaster, from the China Huaneng which will be its biggest-ever Group, the biggest investor in nuclear facility, state media the plant, as saying. said Saturday. The plant, expected to Construction on the begin supplying electricity to coastal Shidao Bay nuclear the grid by 2017, will have a plant in Rongcheng, a city in final generating capacity of eastern China's Shandong 6,600 megawatts, the report province, resumed last said, adding initial invest- month, the state-run China ment in the project will be SOUTH AFRICA, Cape Town : Photo depicts Cape Town. Explorers Sir Ranulph Fiennes Internet Information Center three billion yuan ($480 mil- (L) and Anton Bowring before starting off their expedition to complete the last great polar reported, adding that the lion). challenge - crossing Antarctica in winter - on January 6, 2013, in Cape Town. Fiennes plant is "China's biggest The Shidao Bay plant "has and Bowring are leading a team of explorers in this journey to cross Antarctica in the planned nuclear project". been developed and designed winter. Their attempt aims at raising 10 million US dollars for Seeing is Believing, an or- The plant, which will be solely by Chinese re- ganization tackling avoidable blindness. The challenge will take six months - mostly in complete darkness - for more than 2,000 miles. In total, the team will spend an estimated cooled by high temperature searchers", the state-run 273 days on the ice, and once under way, travel at an average of 35km per day. The team gas, will become "the world's China Radio International of six men, including a doctor and two technicians, could face temperatures as low as first successfully commer- said, quoting a China Hua- minus 90C (-130F) during expedition, which has been called The Coldest Journey. cialised fourth generation nu- neng Group researcher as clear technology saying the company hopes to Google maps New Year's resolutions around the world demonstration project", the export the design. China in October lifted a solutions were divided into ban on new nuclear power categories that included love, stations imposed in 2011 health, finance, career, edu- after Japan's Fukushima nu- clear plant meltdown, when cation and family. the facility was struck by a One person in Brazil, for tsunami, and will allow con- example, wants to "find a struction of a "small number" woman for dating", while an- of coastal nuclear power other in Japan wants to "work plants, according to an offi- three times faster." cial report. It can take 24 to 48 hours Construction on the Shi- for the resolution to appear, dao Bay plant began in 2011 SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Pledges mapped at so be patient. but was suspended in the Google is letting people peg google.com/zeitgeist/2012/re wake of the Fukushima cri- their New Year's resolutions sis, the China Internet Infor- to an online map and see mation Center said. what promises others around There are 15 operational the world have set out to keep commercial nuclear reactors in 2013. in China, which has ambitious By Friday, a resolutions plans to expand its nuclear in- section at the California In- dustry, with 27 reactors under ternet giant's 2012 Zeitgeist construction near coastal website had logged half a areas, according to the World Nuclear Association. million entries, more than a China's Ministry of Envi- third of which involved de- ronmental Protection said in sires to love or be loved. a report in October that the Vows to improve personal country's nuclear safety situ- health were rife in the United ation was "not optimistic", States, while Russia was at and that the use of differing the head of the class when it types of reactors in Chinese came to education-focused plants made the sector "diffi- resolutions, according to cult to manage". Google. 10 Monday, January 7, 2013 JAN 5 - JAN 11 O’stad: ‘Serv. Noord ’ - S.N.: Serv. Seroe Preto’ FREE Coverage on our website: www.themorningnewsaruba.com

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