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Th e Missing Public Disputations of Jacobus Arminius Brill’s Series in Church History Edited by Wim Janse, Amsterdam In cooperation with Th eo Clemens, Utrecht/Antwerpen Paul van Geest, Amsterdam/Utrecht Alastair Hamilton, London Scott Mandelbrote, Cambridge Andrew Pettegree, St. Andrews VOLUME 47 Th e Missing Public Disputations of Jacobus Arminius Introduction, Text, and Notes By Keith D. Stanglin LEIDEN • BOSTON 2010 On the cover: Th e two cover images are Arminius, De resurrectione carnis et vita aeterna (1606), Leiden University Library, 236 A 9: 106 and Leiden University Library (Printroom). Th is book is printed on acid-free paper. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Arminius, Jacobus, 1560–1609. [Disputations. Disputation 26–61] Th e missing public disputations of Jacobus Arminius : introduction, text, and Notes/ by Keith D. Stanglin. p. cm. — (Brill’s series in church history, ISSN 1572-4107 ; v. 47) In Latin, with English summaries. Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and indexes. ISBN 978-90-04-18867-9 (hardback : alk. paper) 1. Th eology. 2. Religious disputations. I. Stanglin, Keith D. II. Title. BX6195.A64 2010 230’.49092—dc22 2010033017 ISSN 1572-4107 ISBN 978 90 04 18867 9 Copyright 2010 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, Th e Netherlands. Koninklijke Brill NV incorporates the imprints Brill, Hotei Publishers, IDC Publishers, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers and VSP. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to Th e Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. Clarissimo doctissimoque viro, D. RICARDO MYLIO, ss. Th eologiae Doctori et Professori in Torrento Magno, perito Arminii, praeceptori meo, amico, hasce theses Arminianas gratitudine do et dedico. “Een dankbaar onderwerp voor eene prijsvraag of voor een academisch proefschrift !—Van de Disputationes te Leiden verdedigd weet men tot heden zoo goed als niets.” (Louis D. Petit, 1894, Bibliographische lijst, p. xi) “Nous croyons au contraire qu’elles constituent une source, sans doute modeste, mais qui présente, en l’absence quasi totale d’autres documents, le plus haut intérêt.” (Paul Dibon, 1954, L’Enseignement philosophique, p. 33, on the Leiden disputations) CONTENTS Acknowledgements ............................................................................ xi Abbreviations ..................................................................................... xv Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 PART ONE PROLEGOMENA TO THE DISPUTATIONS OF ARMINIUS I. An Introduction to Early Modern Th eological Disputations: Th e Case of Jacobus Arminius .......................... 7 I. General Background ............................................................. 9 II. Types ...................................................................................... 12 A. Public Disputations for a Degree ................................. 12 B. Public Practice Disputations .......................................... 13 C. Private Disputations ........................................................ 19 III. Content ................................................................................... 20 IV. Publication History ............................................................... 28 V. Neglect .................................................................................... 31 VI. Importance ............................................................................. 35 II. Authorship of the Disputations ................................................ 43 I. A Typology of Positions ....................................................... 44 II. Evidence .................................................................................. 46 A. Evidence in Favor of Professorial Authorship ........... 47 A.1. First-hand Claims of Authorship ........................ 47 A.2. Professorial Defense of Th eses ............................. 60 A.3. Comparison with Other Writings ....................... 62 A.4. Judgment of Contemporaries .............................. 63 B. Potential Challenges to Professorial Authorship ....... 73 B.1. Primary Arguments ............................................... 73 B.2. Recent Arguments ................................................. 84 III. Conclusions ............................................................................ 96 viii contents III. Summaries of 36 Disputations ................................................ 101 I. Order ..................................................................................... 101 II. Summaries ............................................................................ 102 A. Holy Scripture .............................................................. 103 B. God and Angels ............................................................ 106 C. Creation and Fall of Humanity ................................. 108 D. Restoration of Humanity and Law and Gospel ...... 109 E. Christology .................................................................... 112 F. Faith and Justifi cation ................................................. 114 G. Good Works ................................................................. 118 H. Glorifi cation .................................................................. 122 I. Ecclesiology ................................................................... 122 J. Sacraments .................................................................... 128 K. Controversial ................................................................. 131 PART TWO DISPUTATIONES PUBLICAE XXVI–LXI Editorial Remarks .............................................................................. 135 Disputatio XXVI: De Sacra Scriptura ............................................. 141 Disputatio XXVII: De Verbo Dei Scripto ....................................... 153 Disputatio XXVIII: De Essentia Dei et Attributis Primi Generis .................................................................................. 163 Disputatio XXIX: De Angelis ............................................................ 173 Disputatio XXX: De Creatione Hominis ad Imaginem Dei ........ 185 Disputatio XXXI: De Lapsu Primi Hominis .................................. 197 Disputatio XXXII: De Peccato Originali ......................................... 209 Disputatio XXXIII: De Imaginis Dei in Nobis Restitutione ..................................................................................... 219 Disputatio XXXIV: De Legis et Evangelii Comparatione ................................................................................. 233 Disputatio XXXV: De Humana Christi Natura ............................ 245 Disputatio XXXVI: De Perpessionibus Christi ............................... 255 Disputatio XXXVII: De Exaltatione Christi .................................. 265 Disputatio XXXVIII: De Fide ........................................................... 275 Disputatio XXXIX: De Fide .............................................................. 287 Disputatio XL: De Iustifi catione ...................................................... 301 Disputatio XLI: De Indulgentiis et Purgatorio ............................... 325 contents ix Disputatio XLII: De Bonis Operibus ............................................... 337 Disputatio XLIII: De Bonis Operibus .............................................. 347 Disputatio XLIV: De Operibus Secundae Tabulae ........................ 359 Disputatio XLV: De Invocatione Sanctorum ................................. 373 Disputatio XLVI: De Resurrectione Carnis et Vita Aeterna ........ 385 Disputatio XLVII: De Ecclesia ......................................................... 395 Disputatio XLVIII: De Ecclesia Catholica Eiusque Partibus ....... 409 Disputatio XLIX: De Visibilis Ecclesiae Notis ................................ 423 Disputatio L: De Notis Ecclesiae ...................................................... 439 Disputatio LI: De Ministeriis Ecclesiasticis ..................................... 449 Disputatio LII: De Potestate Ecclesiae ............................................. 461 Disputatio LIII: De Disciplina Ecclesiastica ................................... 471 Disputatio LIV: De Sacris Conciliis ................................................. 481 Disputatio LV: De Sacramentis ........................................................ 505 Disputatio LVI: De Sacramentis ...................................................... 517 Disputatio LVII: De Baptismo ......................................................... 529 Disputatio LVIII: De Baptismo et Poedobaptismo ........................ 541 Disputatio LIX: De Coena Domini .................................................. 551 Disputatio LX: De Falsis Quinque Sacramentis ............................ 563 Disputatio LXI: Contra Anabaptistas ............................................. 575 Appendix: Topics of Leiden Th eology: Five Cycles of Disputations, 1597–1609 .............................................................. 589 Works Cited ........................................................................................ 597 Index Fontium in Scriptura ............................................................. 609 Index Nominum et Rerum .............................................................. 624 Index Verborum Notabilium ........................................................... 629

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