LIKE IT IS MIRROR ! 5 TELLIN LIKE IT ( ; 2 Beginnings 18 Newsmal(ers 50 Competition 1 90 Involvement 134 Profiles 202 Reflections ^ I f It's 10 o'clock and you haven't started studying for that huge and play practices everytime you turn around and studying your Biology test first thing tomorrow morning. head off are some of the most pressing obligations. Even though that warm bed looks tempting, you have to stay As difficult as it may be to do some of these necessary tasks, you awake and study. have to do them anyway! The best solution to devoting yourself to Putting aside all the fun and exciting things going on on campus, various obligations is to have fun and let yourself go as much as there are always obligations that one has to devote time to. Every- possible. But when it comes time for that final exam or that big one at ICC has many obligations. game, be sure to give it your all and prepare for it! After all, we are Yes, obligations are a big part of a student's life at ICC. Athletes all at ICC for one reason, toget an education. So, it's important not having to devote a majority of their time to practices due to to let the important things sit on the back burner while we party all scholarships, band members working hard for excellent perfor- the time. We should devote ample time to all obligations that face mances. Chieftain and Mirrorstaff deadlines having tobe met, choir us. Andrea Wesson spends extra Members of the band show their dedication as they practice hard for These students show their obli- time working on her chemistry ex- Saturdaynight'sgame. gationtotheirgradesastheystudy perimentinthe lab. hardinthe library. 2 / Opening Indianette dancers practice hard TerrieWallacetakestimeoutbe- ich day with the band to perfect tween classes to study for a test leir routines for the upcoming nextperiod. ime. Opening / 3 ^4AiO<t^ Many obvious changes have occurred at Itawamba Community spaces for commuters. College during the past few years. The most obvious began two The renovation of the Student Union added a modern look with years ago with the tearing down of the old stadium and completion newseatingand eatingareas, a quicker, more organizedfood court, of the new. and a new design and structure. The Indians began a new era in the new stadium last year by Onthe TupeloCampus, anewautomatedlearningcenteropened winning a state championship, and they hope to have many more to house such areas as robotics. A new lab also is the site for the great seasons in the new facility. related instruction areas. Another noticeable change this year was the opening of Sheffield Over the years, numerous changes have molded and shaped Hall, the newwomen'sdormitory. Ithasbeen agreatadditiontothe Itawamba into the progressive college it is. Both the Fulton and campus, easing a crowded housing situation by providing adequate Tupelo Campuses have been affected by the obvious changes. rooms for on-campus students. It has also provided extra parking Steve Wallace spots an opening Dr. W.O. Benjamin, Gill Simmons, trustees chairman, members of the Joe Namie shows Shawn Ellis ashedashesforyardage. SGA,andothersparticipateintheopeningoftheStudentUnion. how to distinguish the different hemlocks. 4 / Opening ^ Shae Owens helps keep the Ful- Christa tvans caretuliy sculpts a " >nCampuslitter-free. pieceofartwork. Opening / 5 e(tn€t^^e<M^ All work and no play makes for a dull boy. Isn't that how the for both men and women, volleyball and softball teams, there was sayinggoes?Well, ifthat'strue, thenstudentsatICCwillneverhave always action on the field and courts. The rivalry was always to worry about being dull! intense, but everyone knew they were all out there for the same Two months into the school year there was a ribbon cutting reason. . .to have FUN! ceremonyforthenewly improvedStudentUnion. This openedmore New friends and a new atmosphere provided the necessary opportunities for students to gather. With pool tables, a TV and an ingredientsfor excitementat ICC. With somuchtodo, and somany alternative to cafeteria food, the Student Center is usually buzzing new friends to do it with, it's no wonder there was never a dull from early morning to late night. moment at ICC during 1991-92. Outdoors, intramural sports capture the scene. With flag football The cheerleaders show off their EricSpann,MichaelHurley,BillAshleyandMikeWilliamsonspectateas The All-American Band displays talentsatthebonfire. ScottMcCoyshowshisskillsatMaxcy'sPoolHall. "Ole Glory" during a half-time show. 6 / Opening 1