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The miracle of fasting : for agelessness--physical, mental & spiritual rejuvenation : new discoveries about an old miracle--the "fast" fasting way to health PDF

212 Pages·1983·19.92 MB·English
by  Bragg
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Preview The miracle of fasting : for agelessness--physical, mental & spiritual rejuvenation : new discoveries about an old miracle--the "fast" fasting way to health

r^ HealthScience erri l^'L\ PROVEN THROUGHOUT HISTORY For Physical, Mental and Spiritual Rejuvenation THE "FAST"FASTING WAY TO HOLISTIC HEALTH TEN HEALTH COMMANDMENTS Thou shall respect thy body as the high- est manifestation of Life. Thou shall abstain from all unnatural, devitalized food and stimulating beverages. Thou shall nourish thy body with only Natural, unprocessed, "live" food, —that Thou shall extend thy years in health for loving, charitable service. Thou shall regenerate thy body by the right balance of activity and rest. Thou shall purify thy cells, tissue and blood with pure fresh air and sun- shine. Thou shall abstain from ALL food when out of sorts in mind or body. Thou shall keep thy thoughts, words and emotions, pure, calm and uplifting. Thou shall increase thy knowledge of Nature's laws, abide therewith, and enjoy the fruits pf thy life's labor. Thou shall lift up thyself and thy brother man with thine own obedience to ALL Nature's laws. BRAGG BLESSINGS FROM OUR HOME From the Bragg home to vour home we share our years ofhealth knowledge—yearsoflivingcloseto GodandNatureandwhatjoysof fruitful, radiant living this produces—this my Father and I share with you and your loved ones. With blessings for Health and Happiness, NEW DISCOVERIES ABOUT AN OLD MIRACLE- THE "FAST" FASTING WAY TO HEALTH THE MIRACLE OF iffli la FOR AGELESSHESS-PHYSICAL, MENTAL & SPIRITUAL REJUVENATIOH By Paul C. Bragg, N.D., Ph.D. LIFE EXTENSION SPECIALIST with Patricia Bragg,Ph.D. HEALTH AND BEAUTY CONSULTANT Publishedby HEALTH SCIENCE Box 7, Santa Barbara, California 93102 U.S.A. THE MIRACLE OF FASTING By PAULC.BRAGG,N.D.,Ph.D. LifeExtensionSpecialist with PATRICIABRAGG,Ph.D. HealthandBeautyConsultant Copyright®Health Science Twenty-ninth PrintingMCMLXXIX Allrights, including theRightoftranslation into otherlanguages, are reserved by thePublisher. Nopart ofthis bookmay bereproducedin anyform, by mimeograph orany othermeans, withoutpermission in writingfrom thePublisher. Publishedin the UnitedStates byHEALTHSCIENCE Box 7, SantaBarbara, CA. 93102 Library ofCongress Catalog Card Number: 66-18775 ISBN: 0-87790-002-7 Printed in the United States ofAmerica - . IDedicatethis BooktoEightMenofGreatWisdom — men whomIowemyHealthandmyLongVigorous, Happy Life. Dr. AugustRolher, M.D. — FatherofHehotheraphy SunshineTheraphy — ( ) Bemarr Macfadden Fatherand FounderofthePhysical Culture Movement. - Prof. Arnold Ehret Originatorof the MucuslessDietHealing System. - Dr. St. LouisEstes, D.D.S. Oneofthegreatestandmostdynamic speakersfor Natural Nutrition. - Dr. Benedict Lust, M.D. Fatherand FounderofNaturopathyinAmerica. — Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, M.D. For60yearstheDirectorofthe Famous BattleCreekSanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan. Dr. Henry Lindlahr, M.D. — FamousDrugless Physician, whopioneeredfor thereturnto Natural Methodoftreatment. Dr. JohnT. Tilden, M.D. GreatNatural Healer ^. \.,0/hii^^^ " OurFavorite Quotes We Share With You (you willfindthem wherespaceallows) J MEDICALSCIENCE REDISCOVERSFASTING WITH REMARKABLE RESULTS ..As the last quarter of the 20th century approaches, medical science in both the USA and the USSR is rediscovering Nature's original healing method...Fasting...with results often hailed as sensational". Called the "hunger cure" in Russia, distilled water fasts up to 45 days have been reported by Soviet doctors as successful treatment for a wide varietyofdisorders...includingthose of the skin and metabolism, bronchial asthma, hypertension, gallstones, tumors, pancreatitis, early forms of artery hardening, andarthritis. The most spectacular results of "controlled hunger" treatment were reported in 1972 by Dr. Yuri Nikolayev of the Moscow Research Instituteof Psychiatry, where some 7.000 patients with psychic disorders, primarily sluggish forms of schizophrenia, have responded positively to fasting. Stressing that such treatment should be undertaken only under carefully controlled conditions. Dr. Nikolayev said. "The hunger treatmentgives the entire nervous system and the brain a rest. The body is cleaned of poisons and the tissues and glands renovated. Resting the brain forms the basis for thetreatmentofneuropsychicdisorders." Fasting is also being used in psychiatric treatment in the United States. Seriously ill schzophrenics were treated in a hospital on distilled water fasts of 16 to 81 days by a Northern California psychiatrist, according to a 1972report. Fasting is also being used in the treatment of various disorders at the Philadelphia General Hospital. Veterans Hospitals and other leading medical institutions throughout the country. Watch tor reports on the results. Paul C. Bragg, who has supervised fasts for many thousands of people during the past 60-odd years ..with results that are frequently termed miraculous" ...finds it "encouraging and gratifying that medical science isat last rediscovering the treatment prescribedby the fatherofmedicine. Hippocrates...Naturesownprescription...the Miracleot F'astingI 1 CONTENTS "Topreservehealthisamoralandreligiousduty, forhealth is thebasisforallsocial virtues. Weconnolongerbeusefulwhennot well." — Dr.SamuelJohnson, FatherofDictionaries <>c>o<>e>oc>c><>c><>e<>o<><><x>o<x>c^^ Chapters 1 Getting the Most Out of Life 1 2 The Miracle of Fasting 5 3 The Enemy Within Our Bodies 25 4 Toxic AcidCrystalsCan Cement YourMovable Joints, Make You Stiff, and Fill You Full of Misery! Fight Deadly Acid Crystalsby Fasting 33 .41 5 Scientific FastingExplained with Full Directions . 6 Why I Drink Distilled WaterExclusively 51 7 How LongShould One Fast? 55 .... 8 HowLongShould One Fastfor Best Benefits 59 9 HowtoBreak a 24-HourFast 63 10 I Fast 7 to 10 Days Four Times a Year 69 1 How to Break a Seven-Day Fast 75 ... 12 I Do Not Believe in the Enema Duringthe Fast 82 13 YourTongue Never Lies 83 14 Just Grin and Bear 86 15 Defeating Mucus by Rational Fasting 89 16 Fasting Helps Pounds Melt Away 95 Contents Chapters 17 How to Gain Weight by a Scientific FastingProgram 101 . . 18 Fight the Sniffles and Winter Miseries with Fasting 105 . . 19 Outwitting Premature Aging with Fasting 109 20 Fastingto KeepArteries Young 113 YOU HAVE NINE DOCTORS AT YOUR COMMAND 21 DoctorSunshine 118 22 Doctor Fresh Air 121 23 Doctor Pure Water 127 24 Doctor Good Natural Food 135 25 Doctor Fasting 145 26 DoctorExercise 147 27 Doctor Rest 155 28 Doctor Good Posture 163 29 Doctor Human Mind 167 30 The Scienceof EatingforSuperiorHealth 173 32 The Spiritual AspectsofFasting 191 33 FoodforThought 198 Fasting clears away the thousand little things which quickly ac- cumulate and clutter the heart and mind. It cuts through the corrosion, renewingourcontactwith God. TheyministeredtotheLord, andfasted. -Acts 13:2R.V. GETTING MOST THE OUT OF LIFE Every thinking person, must at one time or the other say to himself, "Am I getting the most out of life"? I credit the great comedian, Ed Wynn, with making a profound remark, he said, "Without health, riches, possessions, and fame are all mud. " What is man without health, even though endowed with riches and fame? Riches cannot buy happiness. Because a person has achieved fame it does not follow that he is happy. I do not discredit riches. 1 think money and possessions have their place in our culture. Physical comforts and luxuries are most important to many people. Take away a man's wealth and give him only health and his first desire will be the return of his riches. But with both achieved a word remains which we hate to utter; a thought we dread to contemplate; a thing which gives sorrow, pain and grief. That word, that thought, that thing, is DEATH. Even in cases where life appears a burden, how tenaciously does man cling to itj How the spirit recoils from a struggle with DEATHJ How fondly it retains its grasp on lifel Man's great desire is for health and long life on earth; "Man clings to the world as his home, and would want to live here forever, if he had health and long-lasting youthfulness. " LOVE LIFE AND WANT TO LIVE! I I At my health lectures I often sing my favorite song for my stu- dents called, "I Love Life, and I Want to Live". These strong words express the inner desires of each one of us. Life in itself is a miracle. And you and I who have life are holding this miracle in the palms of our hands. Life is Precious. .It is the Treasure of Treasures . Since Adam and Eve lived in that historic Garden of Eden, the prolongation of human life has been the most fascinating problem that has challenged the attention of mankind. The Persian and Greek sages, centuries before Christ summoned their intellectual forces to solve it, but in vain. The scholasticism of the Medieval Ages took it up zealously, but with kindred results, and today, in this twentieth century, every intelligent mind seeks, though often blindly, its solution. No man since the dawn of creation has escaped Death; yet each individual by barkening toHygienic and Dietetic truth, and bar- , ring accident, can live to an advanced age. Every person owes it to himself, his relatives, his friends and to his country, to care for his body, that its healthy action may make him a valued citizen, that the years of his life may be extended to their nornnal limit. 1 believe every person is entitled to his 120 years or more of life as the Bible states. Longevity may be defined as the duration of life that a healthy per- son attains, under the most favorable conditions. DAILY LIVING HABITS KILLING AMERICANS! Man by his imprudence in diet, drink, and manifold excesses, dies before one-half of his potential life has been lived. Wild animals, undisturbed, live out their full term of life. Man is the only exception. Of human kind, not more than 6ne in a million lives out his natural limit. Animals in their wild, un- trammeled state know by instinct how to live, and what to eat and drink. They fast when they get hurt or sick. By instinct, aninnals are led to eat what is wholesome for them, but man eats and drinks anything and everything - consuming the most indigestible concoctions, washes it down with poisonous slops, and then wonders why he does not live to be a centenarian'. In theory, we all desire long life - in practice, we abbreviate our lives to the minimum. Does this make sense? Why this marvelous mechanism of man - perfect in its minutest organism, combining a God-like intelligence with a body which sculptors have imitated but never equalled - should be ruthlessly destroyed by himself, is one of the inexplicable wonders of our creationi

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