T h e M i r a c l TThhee MMiirraaccllee ooff e o f A T R U E S TORY At sometime in our own A n lives we may need o AAnnootthheerr CChhaannccee t help and forgiveness so we h e can move forward with r another chance. C h a n c e C l e o W . J e p p s o n S u t t e r Cleo W. Jeppson Sutter The Miracle of d Another Chance A True Story Cleo W. Jeppson Sutter THE MIRACLE OF ANOTHER CHANCE Copyright ©2012 by Cleo W. Jeppson Sutter First draft written in May, 1987 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without permission in writing by the author. ISBN: 978-0-9826525-6-5 Cover by Jolynn Jeppson Forman Dedicated to Because of his courage Dennis and constant effort to improve himself No matter who you are, where you have been, what you have done . . . when your heart is willing and your mind is ready— our Savior will be there for you. This is a true story with experiences of hope and of miracles and Second Chances. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS d To My Cheering Section Family that gave me encouragement needed and Friends I express GRATITUDE and love and thanks to Tina Burningham Frank Cline Sheri Cole Shelly Coleman Steven Cottrell Jean Crowther Jolynn Forman Virginia Hahn Connie Hazen Carol Hodson Roma Jenkins Edward A. Sutter FOREWORD d If we follow God . . . if we are determined, have faith, and are humble, we experience His choice blessings. ___________ You know the kind of “never” we find ourselves saying? We hear ourselves weaving it into conversations “Oh, that will ‘never’ happen to me . . . I am so glad I will ‘never’ have to cope with . . . I will ‘never’ have to be . . .” and so on. We say it to ourselves like an invisible insurance against trials. Not too long ago, one of those “never happenings” did happen . . . to one of my favorite people. ___________ This is a story about a tragedy with eventual blessings . . . a dune buggy accident that happened to my son, Dennis. It is a true story about drugs and disobedience—followed by hope, faith, courage, miracles, and the unconditional love Heavenly Father has for His children, even when they are not living worthily. It’s an experience I felt compelled to tell. Although we can’t go back and make a brand new start d We can start now to make a brand new end CHAPTER ONE d Heavenly Help and Angels Were All Along The Way “Mrs. Jeppson”, the doctor said, “Your son, Dennis, will be blind, . . . deaf, . . . paralyzed on the right side, . . . unable to speak, . . . all the bones in his face are broken with some repositioned, . . . and others are missing. . . . He will be unable to learn . . . or think properly. He is brain damaged! The WORST you can expect is death within the next few hours or days. The BEST you can expect is a rest home for the remainder of his life.” This was Dr. Carlos A. Carrion, a neurologist at the St. Joseph’s Hospital, Barrows Neurological Wing, Phoenix, Arizona speaking. It seemed to me, this Dr. Carrion had it all backwards! The best I could hope for is death. The worst, would be for him to live. It happened November, 1983. Dennis had just turned 28 years old. It was Thanksgiving time. A time for celebra- tion for some, and a time to give thanks to God for the bounties of life for others. Dennis chose to celebrate. He