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Preview The minute pirate-bug genus Xylocoris dufour (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Anthocoridae) from rice mills in Thailand

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 108(3), 2006, pp. 525-533 THE MINUTE PIRATE-BUG GENUS XYLOCORIS DUFOUR (HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA: ANTHOCORIDAE) FROM RICE MILLS IN THAILAND KAZUTAKA YAMADA, TOMOHIDE YASUNAGA, YUKINOBU NAKATANI, AND TosHIyvA HIROWATARI (KY, TH) Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmen- tal Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University; Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]); (TY) JICA-SV, c/o Natural History Museum, Tribhuvan Univ., Swayambhu, Kathmandu, Nepal (e- mail: [email protected]); (YN) Laboratory of Insect Systematics, National Resources Inventory Center, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences; Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]) Abstract.4Three species of the anthocorid genus Xy/ocoris Dufour are reported from rice mills in southern Thailand. They are considered effective biological control agents against stored-product insect pests. Two of them, belonging to the subgenus Proxylocoris Carayon, are described as new: X. cerealis Yamada and Yasunaga, n. sp., and X. hyalinipennis Yamada and Yasunaga, n. sp. A key is provided to help distinguish these species. Key Words: Heteroptera, Anthocoridae, Xy/ocoris, new species, Thailand, biological control Xylocoris Dufour, 1831, is a large X. (Arrostelus) flavipes (Reuter, 1875), anthocorine flower bug genus, compris- a well-known predator of stored-product ing about 50 species in the world, insect <pests: The9 other two9 8represent principally in the MHolarctic Region undescribed species belonging to the (jo Chu 1969, <Henry 1988; <Peéricart subgenus Proxylocoris Carayon, 1972. 1996). These bugs usually prey on Two species, Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) various small arthropods, and some have cerealis and X. (P) hyalinipennis, are been reported to be effective natural described here as new, and the well- enemies against pests in stored-food known _X. (A.) flavipes is diagnosed. In facilities and grain mills (e.g., Péricart addition to diagnoses and descriptions of 1972, Lattin 2000). It is necessary to these three species, biological informa- accurately identify species to establish tion on Xy/ocoris in rice mills is docu- modern taxonomic research for such mented, and key is provided to distin- natural enemies. There is no adequate guish the three Xy/ocoris species from taxonomic study on the genus Xy/ocoris rice mills in Thailand. in the Oriental Region. MATERIALS AND METHODS During continuing investigations of rice mills in Thailand, Nakatani collected Dried specimens of each species were three species of XYyv/ocoris. One of them is used. For genitalic observations, the 526 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON entire abdomen was removed from the peritreme, besides the peculiar copulato- body, soaked in 5% hot KOH solution ry direction. for 345 minutes, and placed into glycerin All species of Xylocoris are predaceous on a glass slide. Illustrations of the and often found in habitats such as structure were drawn with the aid of under the bark of trees, among dead a Nikon Stereoscopic Zoom Microscope plant materials, and in litter layers of SMZ1500. Scanning electron microscopy shaded forests. A few species are found was used to observe the details of surface in stored-food facilities, especially grains, structures. and preferably prey on small arthropods. Depositories of material are abbrevi- Some species have brachypterous, sub- ated as follows: National Institute of brachypterous, and macropterous forms. Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba (NIAES); Entomological Laboratory, Subgenus Proxylocoris Carayon Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai Proxylocoris Carayon 1972: 594 (as (OPU). Abbreviation is used for the a subgenus of Xylocoris). Type species collector of the specimens examined: by original designation: Piezostethus YN (Yukinobu Nakatani). All measure- afer Reuter 1884. ments are given in millimeters. Only selected references are cited for each Remarks.4Proxylocoris is distingui- taxon; see the catalogue of Péricart shed from other subgenera by a combi- (1996) for further information. Termi- nation of the following characters: male nology for descriptions follows Carayon fore- and midlegs with tibial teeth always C1972). present, row of tibial teeth on midleg longer than that of foreleg; canaliculi of TAXONOMY ostiole distinct and densely distributed (Figs. 8-9); ectospermalege placed be- Genus Xylocoris Dufour tween abdominal terga II and III Xylocoris Dufour 1831: 423. Type species (Figs. 17,21): by monotypy: Xylocoris rufipennis This subgenus has contained approx- Dufour 1831. imately 20 species; most of these are Diagnosis.4Recognized by the oval to distributed in the Palearictic Region elongate-oval body, dorsum shining and (Péricart 1996). A single member, X. smooth, pronotum with stout, long, clarus (Distant, 1910), is known from the suberect corner setae, well-developed Oriental Region (India and Myanmar). fossula spongiosa at apex of foretibia, Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) cerealis Yamada midtibia bears smaller foussula spon- and Yasunaga, new species giosa, stout, long spines distributed (Figs. 1, 4, 8, 11414) along predominant part of the metatibia, sickle-shaped paramere curved toward Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) sp. 1: Nakatani the posterolateral end and ectosperma- 2004: 38. lege usually opening at right side of abdominal terga III and VIII in female. Diagnosis.._Recognized by the shiny, Remarks.4This genus 1s divided into oblong-oval body, semi-transparent he- four subgenera, Xy/locoris s. str., Prox- melytron, infuscate clavus and corium yvlocoris Carayon, Arrostelus Kirkaldy, that are darkened along the inner margin and Stictosynechia Reuter, based on the with a dark subtriangular spot at the position of the tibial teeth in the male mesial inner margin (Fig. 4), medially and the surface structure of the ostiolar angulate paramere in posterior view VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 nN i) 4 Figs. 1-3. Xylocoris spp. from Thailand. 1, X. (Proxylocoris) cerealis, ¢. 2, X.(P.) hyalinipennis, ° . 3, X. (Arrostelus) flavipes, °, subbrachypterous. Scale bars: 1.0 mm. (Fig. 13), and much smaller, weakly reddish brown. Antenna yellowish sclerotized ectospermalege (Fig. 14). brown; segment I dark brown, almost Description.4Body (Fig. 1) oblong- reaching to apex of head, with sparse, oval; dorsal surface shiny, with pale short setae; segment II tinged with dark yellow, short, reclining pubescence. Head brown on apical %3, thickened toward (Fig. 1) blackish brown, smooth, head apex, about 0.78 times as long as width about 0.8 times as long as wide across of head, with densely distributed, re- eyes; apex of head tinged with pale clining setae; segments III and IV each yellow; three pairs of long, erect setae shorter than segment II, with sparsely on each side of tylus, near anterior inner distributed, long, suberect setae; segment margin of eyes, and between eyes and III slightly shorter than IV; length of ocelli; length of anteocular portion as segments I-IV (4/2): 0.16/0.16, 0.38/ long as eye in dorsal view; vertex 3.6 0.404-0.41, 0.31/0.3140.34, and 0.34/0.344 times as wide as eye in dorsal view; ocelli 0.38. Rostrum yellowish brown, attain- Figs. 4-7. Left forewings of Xylocoris spp. 4, X. (Proxylocoris) cerealis. 5, X. (P.) hyalinipennis. 6, 7, X. (Arrostelus) flavipes, macropterous and subbrachypterous. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. sy PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 8410. Ostiolar peritremes of Xy/ocoris spp. in left lateroventral view. 8, XY. (Proxyvlocoris) cerealis. 9, X. (P.) hyalinipennis. 10, X. (Arrostelus) flavipes. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. Abbreviations: sca = supracoxal area; cn = canaliculi. ing base of mesocoxae; segment I and bearing long, stout spines. Abdomen basal half of segment II tinged with dark blackish brown; scissure on abdominal brown; segment III more than twice as terga reaching segment III. long as II. Male genitalia (Figs. 11-13): Pygo- Pronotum (Fig. 1) varying from black phore longitudinally narrow and basally to blackish brown, sparsely pubescent, constricted, posteroventrally with long with posterior half weakly depressed and setae; longest setae slightly shorter than transversely strigosed; collar incomplete; half of paramere; paramere medially anterior margin of pronotum curved, angulate, slightly bent at apex. slightly shorter than mesal length; lateral Female genitalia (Fig. 14): Ectosper- margin nearly straight; posterior margin malege much smaller than that of X. slightly concave, twice as long as anterior galactinus and X. hiurai and weakly margin. Scutellum black to blackish sclerotized, extending posteriorly. brown, apex pale yellow, anterior <% of Measurements: &/2: Body length lateral side bearing long, suberect setae. 2.75/2.8843.08; head length (excl. neck) Hemelytron (Figs. 1, 4) semitransparent, 0.41/0.39-0.41; head width (incl. eyes) tinged with yellowish brown, with 0.48/0.51; vertex width 0.30/0.3240.34; sparsely distributed, short, reclining pu- width between ocelli 0.23/0.26; rostral bescence and minute punctures; clavus length 0.91/0.974-1.03; anterior pronotal and corium darkened along inner mar- width 0.43/0.3940.43; mesal pronotal gin, with dark subtriangle spot at mesial length 0.47/0.4740.48; basal pronotal inner margin; membrane transparent, width 0.98/1.0641.09; length of embolial with indistinct vein. Ostiolar peritreme margin 0.90/0.9441.00; length of lateral (Fig. 8) brown; ostiole wide, curved cuneal margin 0.50/0.4840.50; maximum anteriorly; apex of ostiole not reaching width across hemelytra 1.05/1.1541.20. anterior margin of metapleuron; supra- Holotype.4 ¢, THAILAND: Songkhla coxal area with transverse rows of Prov., Ranode, Rice mill factory, NO7- furrows. Legs yellowish brown, stout, 489 E100-169, 11. xi. 2002, Y. Nakatani with densely distributed, pale yellow (NIAES). pubescence; each femur dark brown, Paratypes4THAILAND: 1 ?, Na- with apex slightly yellowish; each tibia khon Si Thammarat, NO8-159 E100-019, VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 529 Figs. 11-21. Male (11413, 15-17, 19-21) and female (14, 18) genitalia of Xy/locoris spp. 11414, X. (Proxylocoris) cerealis. 15-18, X. (P.) hyalinipennis. 19-21, X. (Arrostelus) flavipes. 11, 15, 19, Pygophores in dorsal view; 12, 16, 20, parameres in dorsal view; 13, 17, 21, parameres in posterior view; 14, 18, ecto- spermalege in dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm. 16. xi. 2002, YN (OPU); 1 2, Nakhon Si margin of metapleuron in X. galactinus), Thammarat, NO8-239 E100-029, 15.x1.2002, medially angulate paramere (strongly YN (OPU); 1 2, same data as holotype curved in X. galactinus), and much (NIAES). smaller ectospermalege (rather larger Distribution.4Southern Thailand. ectospermalege in X. galactinus), and Etymology.4From the Latin <8cerea- from X. hiurai by the weakly sclerotized lis= (= of grain), referring to its habitat and posteriorly extended ectospermalege in cereal stocks in Thailand; an adjective. (more darkened and obscure, subtrian- Remarks.4In_ general appearance, gular, and anteriorly broadened in X. this new species resembles the cosmopol- hiurai). itan X. galactinus (Fieber, 1836) and the temperate eastern Asian inhabitant ¥X. Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) hyalinipennis hiurai Kerzhner and Elov, 1976. Xy/lo- Yamada and Yasunaga, new species coris cerealis is distinguished from X. (Figsy 2; >, 91513) galactinus by the apex of ostiolar canal not extending to the anterior margin of Xylocoris (Proxylocoris) sp. 2: Nakatani the metapleuron (reaches the anterior 2004: 38. 530 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Diagnosis.4Recognized by the much side bearing long, suberect setae. Hem- smaller body, mostly hyaline hemelytron elytron (Figs. 2, 5) nearly transparent, that is tinged with ocherous, infuscate tinged with yellowish brown, with clavus and corium that are narrowly sparsely distributed, short, reclining pu- darkened along inner margins (Fig. 5), bescence and minute punctures; clavus ostiolar peritreme accompanying narrow and corium narrowly darkened along evaporative area and widened ostiole inner margin; membrane _ transparent, (Fig. 9), the strongly curved apical ' with indistinct veins. Ostiolar peritreme of the paramere that is furnished with (Fig. 9) brown, with narrow evaporative a bifurcate process subapically (Fig. 17), area and rather broadened ostiole curved and the anteriorly broadened ectosper- anteriorly; apex of ostiole almost reach- malege (Fig. 18). ing anterior margin of metapleuron; Description.4Body (Fig. 2) elongate supracoxal area with transverse furrows. oval; dorsal surface shiny, with bright Legs yellowish brown, stout, densely yellow, short, reclining pubescence. Head clothed with pale yellow pubescence; (Fig. 2) blackish brown, smooth, about each femur dark brown, tinged with 0.75 times as long as width across eyes; yellowish brown at apex; each tibia apex of head broadly tinged with pale bearing long stout spines. Abdomen yellow; a pair of erect setae present at blackish brown; scissure on abdominal each side of tylus near anterior inner terga extending to segment III. margin of eye, and between eye and Male genitalia (Figs. 15-17): Pygo- ocellus; anteocular portion slightly lon- phore basally narrow; paramere arising ger than eye in dorsal view; vertex 3.8 near posteroventral angle of pygophore, times as wide as eye in dorsal view; ocelli extending to near median projection on red. Antenna yellowish brown; segment left margin of pygophore in dorsal view, I nearly extending to apex of head, strongly curved at apical 3 in posterior with sparsely distributed, short setae; view, with subapical conspicuous, bi- segment II sometimes tinged with dark furcate process. brown at apex, gradually thickened to- Female genitalia (Fig. 18): Ectosper- ward apex, 3/4 as long as head width, malege anteriorly broadened, with a com- with densely distributed, reclining setae; plexly folded thin duct at right lateral segments III and IV, each almost equal margin. in length to II, with sparsely distributed, Measurements: &/°: Body length 2.25/ long, suberect setae; length of antennal 2.3042.38; head length (excl. neck) 0.30/ segments I-IV (6/2): 0.13/0.13, 0.30/ 0.3140.32; head width (incl. eyes) 0.40/ 0.31, 0.30/0.3040.31, 0.30/0.2940.30. Ros- 0.43; vertex width 0.28/0.2740.28; width trum yellowish brown, extending to base between ocelli 0.20/0.2240.23; rostral of mesocoxae; segment III about twice as length ?/0.97-1.03 (¢: apical two seg- long as II. ments lost); anterior pronotal width 0.344 Pronotum (Fig. 2) black to blackish 0.36/0.364-0.38; mesal pronotal length brown, sparsely pubescent, with weakly 0.3840.43/0.3840.40; basal pronotal width depressed posterior half; collar indis- 0.7740.78/0.8340.85; length of embolial tinct; anterior margin of pronotum margin 0.70/0.7040.74; length of cuneal curved, about as long as mesal length; margin 0.35/0.3840.40; maximum width anterior humeri rounded; lateral margin across hemelytra 0.85/0.8640.88. nearly straight; posterior margin slightly Holotype.4%, THAILAND: Nakhon curved, slightly more than twice as long Si Thammarat, Rice mill factory, N08- as anterior margin. Scutellum black to 239 E100-029, 15.xi.2002, Y. Nakatani blackish brown; anterior <% of lateral (NIAES). . VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 SS Paratypes.4THAILAND: 1 @&1 &, Four species, X. congoensis (Bergroth, same data as for holotype (NIAES): 1 2, 1905); X¢ )f lavipes <@Reuters 1875), Xi 1 2°, Nakhon Si Thammarat, NO8-159 hirsutus Carayon, 1961, and X. queen- ETOO-017,01G6ix1 2002» YN (OPU);.2. 2, slandicus Gross, 1956, are known to Songkhla Prov., Ranode, NO7-489 E100- occur in the tropical and subtropical 1G. isa 2002.YIN: (OP). zone around the world (Chu 1969, Distribution.4Southern Thailand. Péricart 1996). Etymology.4From the Latin <8hyali- nus= (= transparent), combined with Xylocoris (Arrostelus) flavipes (Reuter) <<pennis9 (= wing), referring to the nearly (Figs /33:6).7;, TO: 19=21) transparent hemelytra; an adjective. Remarks.4This new species is very Piezostethus flavipes Reuter 1875: 65. similar to X. clarus (Distant, 1910) in the Diagnosis.4Recognized by the small coloration of the hemelytra and appear- (1.842.2 mm), elongate-oval body (Fig. 3): ance of female genitalia from which it is dark brown head (Fig. 3) with pale distinguished by the apex of the para- yellow tylus; pale yellow antenna and mere extending to near median projec- rostrum; dark brown, unicolorous, high- tion on left margin of pygophore (apex ly polished, almost impunctate, and of paramere extending well beyond sparsely pubescent pronotum (Fig. 3); median projection on left margin of yellowish-brown hemelytron (Figs. 3, 64 pygophore in X. clarus) and the com- 7), broadly darkened cuneus in macrop- plexly folded thin duct at right lateral terous form, corium and cuneus that are margin of ectospemalege (simple, vague, sometimes narrowly darkened in sub- and conical ectospermalege in X. clarus). brachypterous form; ostiolar peritreme This new species is allied to former (Fig. 10) with a smooth ostiole and species, but may be distinguished by supracoxal area; entirely pale yellow smaller body size, narrowly darkened legs; pygophore (Fig. 19) with charac- along inner margin of clavus and corium, teristic process basally; and moderately narrow evaporative area, broadened curved paramere (Figs. 20-21). ostiole, and subapically curved paramere Measurements: ¢/2: Body length with a characteristic bifurcate process. 1.8041.88/2.0042.25; head length (excl. Subgenus Arrostelus Kirkaldy neck) 0.2940.30/0.3040.34; head width including compound eyes 0.3540.36/ Arrostus Reuter 1884: 35 (as subgenus of 0.3840.41; vertex width 0.2440.26/0.244 Piezostethus) (janior homonym of Ar- 0.26: width between ocelli 0.1940.21/ rostus Eahreus. 1872, Coleoptera): 0.1940.21; rostral length 0.8140.84/0.814 Type species by monotypy: Piezo- 0.88: pronotal anterior margin width stethus flavipes Reuter 1884. 0.3140.32/0.34; mesal pronotal length Arrostelus Kirkaldy 1906: 119. New 0.3240.34/0.3440.36; basal pronotal width name for Arrostus Reuter. 0.6140.64/0.7040.82; length of embolial Remarks.4This subgenus may _ be margin 0.5040.53/0.5540.74 in subbra- separated from other subgenera by chypterous, ?/0.6540.75 in macropterous; a combination of the following charac- length of cuneal margin 0.2040.22/ ters: male tibial teeth always absent; 0.2440.27 in subbrachypterous, ?/0.404 supracoxal area of metapleuron distinct 0.45 in macropterous; maximum width (Fig. 10); ectospermalege always absent; across hemelytra 0.7040.72/0.7840.80 in and copulation site and cicatrices present subbrachypterous, ?/0.8040.90 in mac- on anterodorsal area of abdomen. ropterous. 532 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Specimens examined: (Subbrachypterous culionidae), Corcyra cephalonia (Stain- form: subbrac.; macropterous form: mac.) ton) (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae), and TEALUAIND. 3165 il SaGubbracs)siNa= Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver) (Lep., Gele- khon Nayok, N14-16° E101-049, 2.x1.2002, chidae). They have been documented as YN (OPU); 1 & (subbrac.), Nakhon Si major pests of paddy and milled rice. Thammarat, N0O8-24 100-009, 15.x1i. Xylocoris flavipes is known to prey on 2002, YN (OPU); 2 (C*subbracei2 many developmental stages of various mac.), Nakhon Si Thammarat, NO8-239 coleopteran and _ lepidopteran pests E100-029, 15.xi.2002, YN (NIAES); 2 2 (Jay et al. 1968, Arbogast et al. 1971). subbrac., 1 mac.), Phatthalung, N07-36° In addition, X. sordidus is known to E100-079, 12.xi.2002, YN (NIAES). inhabit stored grain facilities in North Distribution.4Europe, northern and and South America. The cosmopolitan tropical Africa, Asia (Turkey, Saudi species X. galactinus is a known predator of various insects found in the stored- Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, India, Indone- grain habitats (Chu 1969, Péricart sia, Thailand, China), Australia, North America (U.S.A), South America. 1972). Thus some. stored-food insect pests can be regarded as prey of the KEY TO XYLOCORIS SPECIES FOUND IN RICE anthocorid species reported here. Xy/o- MILLS IN THAILAND coris flavipes is the only species known previously from Thailand (Visaratha- 1. Hemelytron yellowish brown, with dark- nonth et al. 1994). This species is widely ened cuneus; femora unicolorous pale yellow; ostiole smooth, lacking canalicu- distributed in temperate, subtropical, Lit eee 3 AIT EES AMES X. (Arrostelus) flavipes and tropical zones of the world. The Hemelytron mostly transparent or semi- native range of this species is difficult to transparent; femora dark brown; ostiole determine because it has been trans- withecanaliculite es 5 tees auc ie yao asain ae D ported to so many parts of the world in tN Body larger (about 3.0 mm long); clavus and corium darkened along inner margins commerce (Lattin 2000). with a dark, subtrianguler spot at mesial Xylocoris flavipes is the most common inner margin; paramere angulate medial- in rice mill inhabitant in Thailand. In | eter2.s ee,e X. (Proxylocoris) cerealis contrast, X. cerealis and X. hyalinipennis Body smaller (about 2.3 mm long); clavus appear to be restricted in distribution and corium narrowly darkened along inner and currently are found only in the margin; paramere curved subapically, with characteristic bifurcate process........ southern Thailand, where they co-occur Spee COREY cs erica aka Gees Y. (P.) hyalinipennis with X. flavipes in Phatthalung. BIOLOGY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Visarathanonth and Sukprakarn (1988) Weare grateful to Dr. T. J. Henry (US. reported 72 species of stored-product Department of Agriculture, Washington insect pests from Thailand. Present in- DG.) and Dry J.D: Latin (Department vestigations of rice mills, the following of Botany and Plant Pathology, Oregon insect species were found from rice bran State University) for reviewing the man- and polished rice: Rhyzopertha dominica uscript with useful comments and sugges- (Fabricius) (Coleoptera, Bostrichidae), tions. Yamada expresses his cordial Lophocateres pusillus (Klug) (Col., Tro- thanks to Prof. M. Ishii and Mr. N. Hirai gossitidae), Oryzaephilus | surinamensis (Osaka Prefecture University) for their (Linnaeus) (Col., Silvanidae), Cryptolestes encouragement and advice on his study. pusillus (Schonherr) (Col., Cucuyidae), Yasunaga also is appreciative of Dr. S. Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Col., Te- Miyamoto (Fukuoka City) for his con- nebrionidae), Sitophilus spp. (Col., Cur- tinuous interest and advice. This survey VOLUME 108, NUMBER 3 533 was partly supported by a research pro- of the aquatic and semi-aquatic Trochalo- ject, <Development of low-input technol- poda). Transactions of the American Entomo- logical Society 32: 117-136. ogy for reducing post harvest losses of Lattin, J. D. 2000. Chapter 26. Minute pirate bugs staples in Southeast Asia,= of the Japan (Anthocoridae), pp. 607-637. In Schaefer, C. International Research Center for Agri- W. and A. R. Panzini, eds. Heteroptera of cultural Sciences. economic importance. CRC Press, New York. 828 pp. Nakatani, Y. 2004. Heteroptera, pp. 31-39. In LITERATURE CITED Hayashi, T., S. Nakamura, and P. Visaratha- nonth et al., eds. Stored rice insect pests and Arbogast, R. T., M. Carthon, and J. R. Roberts, their natural enemies in Thailand. JIRCAS Jr. 1971. Developmental stages of Xy/ocoris International Agricultural Series No. 13. Fun- flavipes (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), a predator ny Publishing, Bangkok. 79 pp. of -s tored-product insects. Annals of the Péricart, J. 1972. Hémipteres Anthocoridae, Cimi- Entomological Society of America 64: 11314 cidae et Microphyisidae de lOuest-paléarc- 1134. tique. Jn Faune de l9Europe et du_ bassin Carayon, J. 1972. Le genre Xylocoris: subdivision Méditerranéen 7: pp. 1-402. Masson, Paris. et espéces nouvelles (Hem. Anthocoridae). . 1996. Family Anthocoridae Fieber, 1836 - Annales de la Société Entomologique de Flower bugs, minute pirate bugs, pp. 1084140. France (n.s.) 8: 579-606. In Aukema, B. and C. Rieger, eds. Catalogue of Chu, Y. I. 1969. On the bionomics of Lyctocoris the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region beneficus (Hiura) and Xylocoris galactinus Vol. 2. Cimicomorpha I. The Netherlands En- (Fieber) (Anthocoridae, Heteroptera). Journal tomological Society, Amsterdam. 359 pp. of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Kyushu Reuter, O. M. 1875. Genera Cimicidarum Euro- University 15: 1-136. pae. Bihang till Kongliga Svenska Vetenskap- Dufour, L. 1831. Description et figure du Xy/ocoris sakademiens Handlingar 3: 1466. rufipennis, Hémiptére nouveau. Annales des . 1884. Monographia Anthocoridarum Or- Sciences Naturelles 22: 423-426. bis Terrestris. Helsingforsiae, 204 pp. (also Henry, T. J. 1988. Family Anthocoridae, pp. 12-28. Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae 16 In Henry, T. J. and R. C. Froeschner, eds. (1885): 555-758). Catalog of the Heteroptera, or True Bugs, of Visarathanonth, P., H. Nakakita, and P. Sitti- Canada and the Continental United States. E. suang. 1994. Role of natural enemies in the J. Brill, Leiden, the Netherland. 958 pp. regulation of stored-product insect popula- Jay. E., R. Davis, and S. Brown. 1968. Studies on tions in rice storages in Thailand. JIRCAS the predaceous habits of Xylocoris flavipes Journal 1: 1-7. (Reuter). Journal of the Georgia Entomolog- Visarathanonth, P. and S. Sukprakarn. 1988. ical Society 3: 1264130. Current problems of pests of stored products Kirkaldy, G. W. 1906. List of the genera of the in Thailand. Proceedings of the symposium on pagiopodous Hemiptera-Heteroptera with pests of stored producs; Bogor, Indonesia. their type species, from 1758 to 1904 (and also Biotrop Special Publication 33: 45454.

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