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PAUL a concerned about Ivins much t LEASH AND teaver in a speed, Forgan iy Mina Mapping the material Un. Kon Blanchard, coauthor of The One aut: Monae flea “Tony Bussut’s Misud Map Boeke will do for the brain w MINDS UNTAPPED Stephen Hawkiag’s A Brief itary Tone dl or ube univers, Raymond Keone, O.BF., Chess Grandmaster, ee ee Mind Spon Correspondent, Hine (London) OSE ROR EEE “1 use Mind Mp! SE rw PROGRAM FROM author of ake the Giant Whi THE BRAIN-FOWER. “Mle than foe serious minds ont there are paying attention, EMR EXPERT AND AUTHOR “The ue of Mind Mapping i integral part of my quality [Para fo a Impreveuient program eee at Bocing, his program has provided auvings uf wver $10 milion this year for my orga: (MRO eo ization (lea tines ue goal) Dr, Mike Stanly. Dinsetor af Special Projets, Boeing ith 84 ilastrasions inf color and 44 in Uae onl whi Wy Yor brine supor broom that doa: aay ibe emake Myo: esa hon works sa how tw wok wth yo ean oop ad xj sling goo lei menu. sori eal reat in pling and reerng tho on level, Nomin Te Mind Wi, Bs Ty at Hae irs pide mre pring mt ta Farle vane thi in a hs at Maa Yapng nd Rei ng hero Seay et frag ce tp there Ty ny sn ea a tei race edie Tie cheie adea Mit Mop nt th on ok ath cet Mian ym an ele aed oe ety den pr seen al ies agen mesg erie rio a gaily ye nn ote ol pes ion aration inthe yo thnk al cain wel an sine ste ipa aoe is at lu tse uly mee the itt ae at ogee ea wring aga jin wih others mpl aiding prohatey rerorion x momivath aout ol dt Spe ie ge and espa cana seth aed uciton On anrirovso wl hotne ot thinks ois, a ast he oe dpe have w= Tao the pails Bind Mapping nd Madi “irkig Incl ne Hing ish fev aan wore young tl ‘ho avn rose esd i ic Throng hs ware page yo il ‘hefnfnnstin Usain, ate neat tk late work eof ow ny om, aa em a pon Te Mid Mp ml a iss ha ery set any Busi, te bing nes lryon the uc Tengo ies Classy fh Brin Franco. Aira ty ermal, Ee the Kin Dust cite and sh vigil Wind ape the gullet bes, indi Fa Hat Ses of Ys Bri, Be Your Pes Memory el Spend eo ll se Pe ion He Oly. roth Barry Buson is Presser een vers of Warsi ad Poject Testa acca oni ea in Cap agen UITON | THE | MIND MAP BOOK | “ THE _ MIND MAP BOOK How to Use Radiant Thinking to Maximize Your Brain’s Untapped Potential by Tony Buzan with Barry Buzan A DUTTON BOOK S We dedicate this book to the expanding freedom of human intelligence ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Jeol ike to chou the talveing for providing photographs and for fsion co reprodve copyright material, Wile every eff hus been mads lin! geknovdedge all copyright noklers, we weld ike to apologise ler bars heen any ertors or omissions bins abort Nowra Lame 1S ha, Jase ‘havecAwar ceope Bored Wat tus, uarclnar DACS, WH) Eo Rey Sha ma 1,38 (Mul Haga MWeNoge 1A Dre e 269 ASK eee teat esou ‘Aan, 99 end 286 Kee Sirkebindiemn Carnie Ca your Camberg Unveiaby Eabeary rages 205. 29% mcr omc, poner gt, 70 Anil fae AxtMonavche Gaderie, Brae 15-7 te. Bos a ana re Ioshnicl reavons all but fou of the Mind Maps an his back have been here are named in the following Hist uy “oeiginal'). All other artwurks, fr sketches by ‘Tony Hhizan on page 73 have been deen Dy Juli lp The Mind Maps, hivwever, rerauin the copsright of duet owners a8 pel onan ay pCa ME Lee toy iJames Eee SS ences acintand ‘Sig ep an eter nett Eun Coliossnt tame Sorby, age 31; Norma Ce Fay De teem pte pa 0 Sui Th vay ps 7, eed ‘eee fee Bre ie 513% Tow igo, Mica durtors wookd usu lke to afer their epocial thanks wo Dr Stantey: anh efor allowing ihe repndueno of Dr Stanley in front of his Mind Map. APPRECIATION ‘We wuul lke in express once uguin aus prcar appreciation und enoreious thanks to: our parents, Gordo andl Jeau Buran, for launching us eo tis incretinie journey, and especially to Mam for the depth of caring und days of work she has Contributed to the prepuratiat of this mamuscript; Vanda Nuri, out Faternal Tiltor, wi put in as anuch work in helping us with The Mind Map Bool at ‘most authors do in writing their own ceeations: Loreaze Gill Une arts, for her ‘rafound insights into the importance saul nature of seing, the image, and the Telutionship of act the brn, menor and oreativiys Debora Buzan for sus- tained eacouragementand support over the many yeers ofthis projeet; Michael {1 Gulb for his persisent an impansieated support of us, this boo, nla Mine "Mapping World; ar friends who speat su much time bb reading and! helping ‘us with the carious drafts Pvul Collins, who among many oder dings ep ‘ur realise that a quaitum leap was wsuoall one; Judy Caldwell, who was able 10 critesein the true sense ofthe word fring us with ceahusiusm as se did s; John ‘Humble, whose support for the eoncepe of Mind Mapping over the years has ‘provided a coustaitsmoriomal strength; Seas Adan, for his enormous persnal opport his 10-year comenitment to ke projsct and hie consistent fiend {ajolingof Touy to gershar look nue: George Hughes, the fist we upply uewess- fally the Minx) Map Family Seady Technique; Edward Hughes, who upplicd ‘Racism Thinking and Mind Mappuag to ‘ace! Cambridge University; Peter Rustell the Bruin Rage man, for his euatiowing supports Geraldine Sues, sho bot done so much to help nurture the conospr; Phulida Wikon for regularly finding her way dirough the most complex of mazes while wrealing ith the ping of this book: Tany': office staff Coro] Coaker, Kete Morrell und Lesley Bias for keeping all systems going throughout ike eration of The Mind Map Book, und foe tir Mind Map contributions to tbe rks my entire BBG team: Nick Chapman, Diteseor of Consumer Products, Chris Weller, Ted of Buck Publishing, Sheila Abloman, Joint TTead of Haltarial, Dehorah Taylor, Project Editor, Kelly Davis, Copy liditor, Kate Gee, Production Controller, Sura Kidd, ‘Designer, and Jennifer bry, Picture Reseuscher, for porting their hearts nx! souls into the project; Martin and Aion Curshaun, wha provided the sunnmuer evepite that helped initiate te woaks Caro, Peter, Doris, Tanya and Julian Ayre for pro ‘iding support, sustenance, and the beautifal ome and grounds wf Greenharn Tall, where souch of chs war writen; the Folley Kamil, for providing « home and work aeva of cxquisine quality Petez Bazreit whe was the ist wo develop a vali Mind Map compirer softwares and us all Mind Manners, radiant uhiukers sal auetabers oF the Brsin Club who have supgorted and inqpiced us ABOUT THE AUTHORS 4 an isthe originator of Mind Meps™, che President of ‘The Brain [Founder of The Brsin Trust and the Brain Clubs, and the ezeator oncept of Mental Literacy. {London in 1942, Tony Buran graduated from the University of slumbia i 1964, achieving double Honours in Psychology, Fnglsh, “General Sciences. In 1966 he worked for the Daily also eng the Jneernational Journal of MENSA (the urhors, hes published 14 books (13 on the fad one volume of poet). Fi books (which if Yr Uie Yur Pes Moor, Make the Mos of and ai Trig ave no been published in iy ent angus His casi book Use Buch Ser sales oF milion, ands standard neo vithin IBM, General Motors, EDS, Fluor Daniel, Corporation and for students of te Open Univer. Ban has become an intsroaonal media sar Ceaturing in, presenting cing many stele Broadens, television, video an tno pro- fo national and inreratinalinchuding the record-breaking Tie facie (BHC TV), the pon Mind eres (FTV), Ths Fnchonte Loom featre documentary onthe brain) and numerous ak hows is eon ae Mindfby, dsibted by BEC Video, which teaches the sis of Mind Mapping forbusnese ne, ant which won atop sad atthe FIVCA Festi and Gr dead, a one-hour video on deroping “Retin rf Kid’ presented by Tony Bran and Lana Isa visor fo goverament departments nd mulrnaionl organisations DP, Barclays International, Digital Exxipment Carpraton, Flos Dts Spier, Here Packard and IBM), ans realar eee 0 overtone busines, universities and schon Among memhor of Proideas! Opmionon he hm become afctionatly know ae Bir He x Founder ofthe Memoria, the World Memory Chaonionships, fcoFounde of he Mind Sports Olympiad, the: Mental Olympie Game’ Safin work x devoed 0 elpng thoes with kerning dailies He ia bo the bolder of the world's highest ‘creativity IQ”. siz san avi ointernational OIbropic coaches and hers and the Dsisth Otmpic Rowing Squad ax well a she Drtish Olympic Chess

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