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THE MIDDLE EAST AND THE UNITED STATES D T N I I TORICAL AND REASSESSMENT L BY D DAVID LESCH W. The Middle East and the United States THIRD EDITION The Middle East and the United States A and Historical Political Reassessment edited by David W. Lesch Trinity University AMemberofthe Perseus BooksGroup Allrightsreserved.PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronicormechanical,includingphotocopy,recording,or anyinformationstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Copyright©2003byWestviewPress,AMemberofthePerseusBooksGroup WestviewPressbooksareavailableatspecialdiscountsforbulkpurchasesintheUnitedStatesbycorpo- rations, institutions, andotherorganizations. Formoreinformation, pleasecontacttheSpecial Markets Departmentat the Perseus Books Group, 11 Cambridge Center, Cambridge MA 02142, orcall (617) 252-5298or(800)[email protected]. Published in 2003 in the United StatesofAmericabyWestview Press, 5500 CentralAvenue, Boulder, Colorado80301-2877. FindusontheWorldWideWebatwww.westviewpress.com ACataloging-in-PublicationdatarecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheLibraryofCongress. ISBN0-8133-4049-7(HC) ISBN0-8133-3940-5 (pbk.) Thepaper used in this publication meets therequirementsoftheAmerican National Standard for Per- manenceofPaperforPrintedLibraryMaterialsZ39.48-1984. To myparents, Warren andMargaretLesch Contents Preface to the ThirdEdition xi Noteon the Text xv W Introduction, David Leseh PartOne From Idealismto Realism Wilsonian Intent to ColdWar Practice 1 The Ironic Legacyofthe King-Crane Commission,James Gelvin 13 2 The "Ambassador tor the Araks": The Locke Mission and the Unmakingof U.S. Development Diplomacy in the Near East, 1952-1953, PaulW.T. Kingston 30 3 U.S. Foreign PolicyToward Iran Duringthe Mussadiq Era, Mark Gasiorowski 51 4 Iranian Perceptions of the United States and the Mussadiq Period, Sussan Siavoshi 66 5 The Mussadiq Era in Iran, 1951-1953: A Contemporary Diplomat'sView, SirSam Falle 78 Part Two The ColdWar in the Middle East 6 National Security Concerns in U.S. PolicyToward Egypt, 1949-1956, PeterHalm 89 7 The Perils of Ambiguity: The United States and the Baghdad Pact, EliePodeh 100 8 TheJekyll-and-Hydc Origins of the U.S.-Jordanian Strategic Relationship, RobertB. Sat/off 120 21 1 'iii Contents 9 The 1957American-Syrian Crisis: Globalist Policy in a Regional Reality, DavidW.Lesch 33 1 10 U.S. Policyand Military Intervention in the 1958 Lebanon Crisis, ErikaAlin 149 1 The United Statesand Nasserist Pan-Arabism, MalikMufti 168 PartThree Warand Peace,Warand Peace 1 The 1967Arab-IsraeliWar: U.S. ActionsandArab Perceptions, FawazA. Gerges 191 13 Flawed Strategiesand Missed Signals: Crisis Bargaining Between theSuperpowers, October 1973,Janice GrossStein 21 14 The United Statesand Israel: The Natureofa Special Relationship, BernardReich 233 15 The U.S.-PLO Relationship: From Dialogue to the White House Lawn,JoAnnA. DiGeorgio-Lutz 252 16 TheSpecifics ofthe MeaningofPeace in the Middle East, MohamedSid-Ahmed 2775 PartFour TheGulfCrisis andWar 17 The United States in the Persian Gulf: FromTwin Pillars to Dual Containment, GarySick 291 18 Kuwait and the United States: The ReluctantAllyand U.S. Policy Toward the Gulf, ShafeeqN. Ghabra 308 19 U.S. Input into Iraqi Decisionmaking, 1988-1990,AmatziaBaram 328 20 From "Over the Horizon" to "Into the Backyard": The U.S.-Saudi Relationship and the GulfWar, R Gregory GauseHI 357 21 TheSoviet Union, the GulfWar, and ItsAftermath: ACase Study in Limited SuperpowerCooperation, RobertO. Freedman 371 PartFive Retrospective and Reassessment 22 TheSoviet Perception ofthe U.S.Threat, GeorgiyMirsky 397 23 The U.S.-GCC Relationship: Is Ita Glass Leakingora Glass Filling?John DukeAnthony 406

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