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MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL ARCHIVES CONFERENCE /MID- AKAHWC >1RCHII/IST ISSN 0738-9396 VOLUME 24, NUMBER 3 SUMMER 1995 MARAC Wilmington V(^lcomes Crosby& HillStore. 222 MarketStreet, Wilmington, Delaware Come to Wilmington in the Fall of Willing laid out the street plan. His the American Revolution. When the 1995. We're ready to give you the lavishlyimitativecopyofPhiladelphia's Britishattacked Philadelphia in 1777, business - the business of archives, perpendicular street plan stretching theflourmillsontheBrandywinewere that is!Wilmington hasalways beena between two rivers survives to this one of their objectives. Oliver Evans townreadytodoadeal,andMARAC's day, and many people consider was an important early American in- retumtripforthefirstofthreesucces- Wilmington a model of rectilinearity. ventor from Newport, Delaware, siveyears will be no different. This squareness, however, attracted whose design for an automated mill Firstsettled in 1638bySwedishcolo- aansdizmaebrlcehacinttisz,enwryhooftuQrunaekdetrhemitlolewrns wBraasnaddyowpitneedViblylatghee,Waislemcitnigotnoonfmtiollwsn. nists, Wilmington really got going in theeighteenth century whenThomas intoathrivingmillcenterbythetimeof Continuedon P. 2 maaXXIV/3 Wilmington Meeting decorative arts (and new galleries Sessions planned focusing on man- Continued from P. 1 openedsincethelastMARACconfer- agementincludebasicpolicyandpro- ence here); and one to the Hagley ceduresdevelopment,andaseriesof onMarketStreet,stillcontainsseveral Museum onthesiteoftheoriginal Du "how-to" sessions on working with stately homes built by these millers. Pont gunpowder mills, estate, and professionals in other fields: In the early nineteenth century, afel- garden. fundraisers, public relations, lawyers low named E.I. Du Pont discovered A lively reception on Friday night will andconsultants. Career-relatedses- the possibilities of the mighty water be held at the Historical Society of sbnsincludeadiscussiononthevalue poweroftheBrandywineand builthis Delaware's new Delaware History ofcertification/recertification,andthe gunpowder mills here. These grew Center, which is in a recently refur- realities of becoming an administra- into the giant Du Pont corporation of bished Woolworth's store in down- tor. Other sessions include: pro-ac- today, which is still headquartered town Wilmington a block from our tive collecting, fee-based reference here in Wilmington. Other important hotel (the Holiday Inn, which was a services,decentralizedarchives,plan- industries included ship building, Radissonhotelwhenweweretherein ning an Archives Week (a MARAC flienaatnhceer.taTnondinagy,,caDrerliaawgaermea'ksinagc,coamn-d w19a9s1t.)hTehitshibrudilldairngge,swthWeonolitwwoarsthbusilti,n Winaistihatiinveg)t,oannoavnedrvhioewwotfhawthawtil'lsehfoftecitn modating corporation laws make it the country ! Now it houses galleries us, a debate on the status of NARA, the state of choice for incorporation, and classrooms, as well as the cooperative records management and many companies have moved Society's shop in an award winning between governmental agencies, their headquarters here, including setting. Exhibits onthe 75th Anniver- sportscollecting,usingtheWorldWide MBNA, Zeneca, and (soon to come) sary of Woman's suffrage and on Web and legal issues of electronic the Scott Paper Company. Delaware'ssports hall offamewill be records. Today,Wilmingtonisavitalcityonthe in place when wevisit. MarieC.Malaro,DirectoroftheGeorge upswing, and MARACvisitorswillen- Sessions & workshops will explore WashingtonUniversityMuseumStud- joytheaccessibilityofWilmingtonvia the business aspects of mnning an ies Program, will addressthe plenary Amtrakandairtravel(throughthePhila- archives. WorkshopsonThursday in- session Friday. delphia airport) and the active urban cludeanIntroductiontoRecordsMan- Wilmington,alwaysknownforitsmid- scene. agement,TeachingwithArchives,and Atlantic, deciduous beauty and its The local arrangementscommitteeis hands-onMakingPreservationEnclo- quaint historical atmosphere, is also planning several exciting tours, in- suresand Museum Mounts. The Pro- now expanding its opportunities for cluding ones to New Castle, an eigh- gram Committee hopes to reprise dining and social life, and we look teenth century town on the Delaware twoverypopularworkshopsoversub- forward to hosting, once again, a river preserved in amber; another to scribedattheBaltimoremeeting:Oral memorable MARAC conference in the world-renowned Winterthur Mu- HistoryandIntroductiontotheInternet. November! See you here, and come seum with it's stunning collection of ready to deal. Table of Contents Wilmington Welcomes MAFIAC 1 From the Chair 3 Of Mailing Times and Deadlines 3 State & Local News 4 Who's in Charge 7 MARAC NEWS 8 News Notes 10 National & Regional Associations 11 Preservation News 13 Book Reviews 14 Employment 16 New Members List 19 Steering Committee Meeting 20 MARAC Business Meeting 22 Newsfrom the National Archives 24 Treasurer's Report 26 MARAC Expenditure Detail 27 Session Abstracts 28 Page 2 maaXXIV/3 Prom the Chair... As the incoming Chair of MARAC, velop a NHPRC grant proposal to re- ministrativesupportbeyondthemain- I jumped at the opportunity offered by quest funding for a regional project tenanceofmembershiplists. Isittime G. David Anderson, Editor of Mid- based on the New Jersey CAPES forMARACtolookatitsfunctionsand Atlantic Archivist, to write a short ar- project (see maa XXIV/1, page 10). see ifchanges should be made? Ma- ticle introducing myself to the mem- NHPRC did not approve the project jor changes will require changes in bership and outlining two major is- funding leaving a major issue for our structure.Orshould MARACcontinue suesfacingtheMid-Atlantic Regional organization to face. Should MARAC offering the level ofservices it always ArchivesConference. Forthoseofyou considerasmalldemonstrationproject has? As we continue to grow more havenothad achancetomeetyet, todeterminethefeasibility ofoffering volunteer assistance will be neces- I I am almostaWashington, D.C. native, consultative services to repositories sary to maintain services at current having moved with my parents to within the MARAC boundaries? MA- levels. Thus, the second issue is the Washingtonwhen wassixweeksold. RAChasenjoyed apositivecashflow need for long range planning for MA- I Although I spent most of my youth in withitsmeetingsoverthepastcouple RAC. Iam consideringformingaspe- the suburbs, I returned tothe District ofyears, so there is money available cial committee to look at the long ofColumbiainl976andhaveenjoyed tofund suchanendeavorifthemem- range plan for MARAC to examine if livinginthecityeversince. Iamalmost bership is interested in committing the structure and functions of this a lifetime NARA employee, as well, itself to this activity. would like to organization need to change. I although I did break away for a short recast the issue of the grant in this These two issues will figure promi- period and worked at the Archives of direction. I will ask a committee to nently during these next two years. AmericanArt,SmithsonianInstitution. consider this basic question and if With the help of the two planning But mostofmy working life has been there is interest to propose a basic groupsto addressthese issues, will I spentattheNationalArchivesinWash- structureforthis project. domy besttoensurethattheydonot ington, D.C. My longest assignments Thesecond issuedrawsdirectlyfrom become "almost" issues. welcome I havebeenwiththeOfficeofPresiden- thefirst.Whenthegrantproposalwas comments and suggestions from all tial Librariesand mycurrent post, the first considered, the Chair appointed of you. My e-mail address is Centerfor Electronic Records. a special committee to develop the [email protected] and had served as the Chair ofthe D.C. APEXgrant.Thethreemembers, Lois my telephone number is (301) 713- I Caucusfrom 1992to 1994, sowhen I Densky-Wolff, Claire McCurdy, and 6640x225. You can write to me at wasaskedtorunforChairofMARAC RebeccaEbertdidanadmirablejobof FynnetteEaton, Chief,TechnicalSer- was familiar with one of the key puttingtogetheracomprehensiveplan vices Branch, Center for Electronic I issuesfacing MARAC:thedesignand forthisprojectinaveryshortperiodof Records, National Archives and implementationoftheAPEXgrantpro- time. One of the major issues sur- RecordsAdministration,8601 Adelphi posaltoprovideconsultationservices roundingtheproposalwastheadmin- Road, College Park, MD 20740. for small institutions. The MARAC istration of the grant. MARAC is a Steering Committee decided to de- volunteer organization with little ad- Fynette Eaton OfM Times ailing and Deadlines Therehas recently been a significantchange in the way the Mid-AtlanticArchivist will be distributed. Beginningwiththespring1995issue,eachspringandfallissuev^aiibeSenttomembersviafirstclassmail. Thepurposeofthischangeistoensurethatm^nbersreceiveinformationonMARACmeetingsinplenty oftimeto plantheirattendance, something which oftendid nothappenwhenan issueswere delivered fourth class. For now only the spring and fall issues are affected; the summer and winter issues will continue to gotheregularfourthclassroute. Theeditorswanttoencouragecontinuedcontributionstothenewslett^.Ourdeadlinesforthefouryear oifsseuaecshrmeomanitnhMbaurtcshub1m,iJsusnieon1s, rSeecpetievmedbearfte1r,tahnedlDOethcewimllbneort1m,aWkeecItatnoapcubcleipctatmiaotne.rWiael udpotaopptrheec1i0atthe theinputwe havereceived in the past and hopethat itwill continue in the future oreven increase. Page 3 maaXXIV/3 State & project,theArchiveshasavailable in- Medal was established in 1986 to formationontheexecutive, legislative honor outstanding contributions to News Local andjudicialbranchesofthestategov- cancer education. The /VACE con- ernment, including biographical ducted a Cancer Education Study in sketches and photographsof consti- 1976 and 1977, which collected data tutional officers and members of the oncancerteachinginmedicalschools General Assembly. The staff of the throughoutthecountry.Thejoumalof Maryland Manual, a biennial publica- CancerEducationhasbeenpublished tionoftheArchives, providescontinu- by the /^CE since 1986. DC ousupdatesofthisinformation. Users Therecordsofthe/^CE, datingfrom TheDCCaucuswillholditsnextmeet- of the Home Page also can obtain 1947, containfourcubicfeetofmate- ing at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July informationaboutavarietyofarchival rial and document the history of the 26th at the First Federal Congress services in the following categories; organization. The collection contains Project's Washington headquarters Reference Services, Geographical significant material on the Cancer (2120 L Street, NW, Suite 255). Any- Services, Education and Outreach, Education Survey and the one who would liketo attend to leam Preservation and Conservation. The organization's annual meetings. Ad- about this NHPRC-funded project Archives URL is: drtional records will be added to the should call CharleneBickford at (202) http://www.mdarchives.state.md.us/ collection periodically. 676-6777. The /\ACE records are housed in the During the past year the DC Caucus SpecialCollectionsDepartmentatthe has sponsored excursionstothe Na- UMDNJ-George F. Smith Library of tional Geographic Society's Image the Health Sciences. The Smith Li- Collection, the Holocaust Museum, brary islocated at30TwelfthAvenue, and The George Washington Newark, N.J.TheDepartmentisopen University's Gelman Library, hometo to researchers Monday through Fri- GWU both the Archives and the Na- day, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Researchers tionalSecurityArchive.InJanuaryGreg NJ should call (201) 982-7830 or 982- MouchynoftheNationalArchivespre- American Association for Cancer 6293foranappointmentorforfurther sented a program on guidelines to Education Records Available for information. purchasingapersonal computer. The Research Caucus canceled a May appearance The University of Medicine and Den- byPagePutnam Miller, Directorofthe tistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) Librar- National Coordinating Committeefor ies announce that the records of the the Promotion of History, becauseof American/^sociationforCancerEdu- a schedule conflict. Her appearance cation(AACE)arenowopenandavail- wastohaveoccurredduringtheinter- able to researchers. The UMDNJ Li- lude between the Senate Govern- mentalAffairsCommittee'sMay23rd mbreanritesw'asSpdeceisailgnCaotleldecitni1on9s94Deapsartth-e NY hearingson John Carlin's nomination official repository for the AACE Local GovernmentsConnecttothe as Archivist of the United States and records. Internet. Seventy-five local govern- tMhaeySe2n6atht.e'sconfirmationofCarlinon TheAACEwasfoundedin1947asthe mSteantteshinatvheeebaesetnerncothninredcotfeNdewtoYotrhke Coordinators of Cancer Teaching Internet, and 195 more are being re- (CCT), and reorganized in 1967 under cnjitedaspartofHudsonValleyCom- itspresentname.Theprimarymission munity College's Technology Initia- of the /V\CE is to "enhance cancer tive. Funds to support this project knowledge within the framework of come from the Local Government the medical school curriculum." The Records Management Improvement /^CEpromotescancereducationand mem Fund. At the present time, users are providestheopportunityfor bers abletocontacteach otherthroughe- MD toadvanceprogramsforearlycancer mail and listservs, and to access a detection,therapy,and rehabilitation. The Maryland State Archives has varietyofinformation from Stategov- The/Associationhassponsored since oWpiedneeWdebitsofHfeorminegcPoamgeproenhetnhseivWeoarnldd 1951 the Samuel C. Harvey Lecture- ecornntmreancttsi,naclnuddilneggirsleactoirvdesbisllcthreadcukliensg,. ship in honor ofthe first chairman of up-to-date information on Maryland ** theCCT;theMargaretHaysEdwards state government. Working in coop- eration with Maryland's SAILOR Page 4 maaXXIV/3 SARABlocksAuctionofDocument. outgoing governor to restrict access The Attorney General's Office and tocertaincategoriesofinformationfor * StateEducationDepartmentlegalstaff up tofifteen years. worked with the State Archives to block the auction of an 1852 inmate ledgerfor Sing Sing State Prison and DurableMediaBillBeforeNewYork to request its return to statecustody. State Legislature. SARAhasbeenat These efforts have been reported in the forefront of the move to enact PA TheNew YorkTimesandothernews- legislation that requires State agen- WilliamG.Campbell,JamieKamph, papers. In late December, a State ciestousealkaline(non-acidic)paper and Robert Schwarz Supreme Court judge issued a pre- or other durable media for official liminary injunction requested by the records and publications that have Join CCAHA Board of Directors state to prevent sale or transport of enduring value. The bill further re- William L. Joyce, Chairman of the the ledger until the case is resolved. quires agenciestohave in place pro- Board of Directors of the Conserva- The 1852 ledgeristheearliest known gramsthatwill ensurethat recordsof tion Center for Art and Historic Arti- record ofinmates in Sing Sing, which long term value created on unstable facts (CCAHA) and Associate Univer- openedinthelate-1820s.TheArchives media (magnetic tape, for example) sityLibrarianforRareBooksandSpe- holdsover4,000cubicfeetofadmin- areperiodicallyrefreshedormigrated cial Collections at Princeton Univer- istrative records and case files from to new media. sity, recently announced that William New York State prisons, dating from G.Campbell,JamieKamph,andRob- * *** 1797 to the 1990s. ert Schwarz havejoined the Center's New Publications Available. The Board of Directors. In making his an- nouncement,Joycecommented:"The Documentary Heritage Program has ExhibitGainsANewLife.Forthefirst endedthefiscal yearwith the release Conservation CenterforArt and His- time ever, an exhibit from the State ofthreenewpublications: State, Fed- toric Artifacts is fortunate indeed to Archives will be displayed in a travel eral, and Private Sources of Funding have attracted the interest and talent plazaoftheNewYorkStateThruway. for Archives, Historical Societies, Li- of people like Jamie Kamph, Rob Thousands of travelers stopping for brariesandOtherNot-for-ProfitOrga- Schwarz, and BillCampbelltoservice food and fuel will be able to view the nizations, a booklet that provides on the Board of Directors. In these exhibit.ModemRoute,AncientRoots, names, addresses and phone num- difficult times, cultural organizations which describes the historical ante- bers of organizations and briefly de- need the attention of committed and cedentsoftheThruwayfrom Iroquois scribesthetypeofprojectstheyfund; knowledgeable community leaders, pathway to superhighway. Plans are Selected Bibliography on Historical andwearegratifiedthatwehavesuch to movethe exhibit every month to a Records Administration, a useful ref- a Board to which we might turn for differenttravel plaza. Theexhibitwas erencetoolforcustodiansofhistorical leadership." originally developed to celebrate Ar- records;andGuidestoNewYorkState ** chives Week '94. History, a brochure promoting the ** availability guides to the holdings of Conservation Center for Art and over1,700repositoriesandorganiza- Historic Artifacts Receives Grant Bill onGovernor's Records. Abillto tions in the State. Local Government fromThe McLeanContributionship replace the State's outmoded Records Services has produced an- The Conservation Center for Art and Governor's Records Law has been otherbooklet in itstechnical informa- HistoricArtifactshasreceivedagrant introduced by majority members in tion series: #49 Administration of In- of$75,000 overthreeyears from The each house of the Legislature. The active Records, which outlines and McLean Contributionshipforadesig- new legislation would (1) affirm gov- describesthe necessary stepstoen- nated fund for long term support of ernment ownership of records relat- sure efficient and effective operation professional training, research and ing to official business of the gover- ofan inactiverecords storagefacility. educational programs. The Conser- norsandtheirexecutivechamberstaff, Dividends to Local Governments is vation Center received a major chal- (2) ensure that executive chamber thetitleofanewbrochurethatplayed lengegrant of$250,000from theAn- recordsareevaluated byexpertState aroleinSARA'seffortstodrawatten- drewW. MellonFoundationtoexpand Archivesstaffandthatarchivalrecords tion to the importance of managing orestablishanendowmenttosupport remain in State custody under State local government records. internshiptraining and staffresearch. Archivescontrol, and (3) authorizean LindaV. Ellsworth, ExecutiveDirector oftheCenter, describedthisgiftfrom Continuedon P. 6 Pages maaXXIV/3 State & Local News The Pennsylvania Historical and Mu- The Pennsylvania Historical and Mu- Continued from P. 5 seumCommissbninvitesapplications seum Commissionrecentlysignedan for its 1996 - 1997 Scholars in Resi- agreementwiththeNationalArchives The McLean Contributionship as "a dence Program. The program pro- to accept records belonging to the major step toward the match of the vides support for full-time research U.S. War Department and relating to Mellon endowment challenge." andstudyatanyCommissionfacility, Major General John Frederick The McLeanContributionship, estab- includingtheStateArchives,TheState Hartranft'sserviceduringtheCivilWar lishedin1951 supportsorganizations Museum,and26historicalsites.Resi- era. These records had been in the , in the Delaware Valley interested in denciesareavailableforfourtotwelve possession of Gettysburg College environmental education and under- consecutive weeks between May 1, underadeposit agreement with Mrs. standing; compassionate and cost 1996,andApril30, 1997,attherateof Lillian B. Stockham, a descendant of effectivehealthcarefortheilloraged; $1200permonth.Theprogramisopen Major General Hartranft. Both Mrs. programs which motivate youth to toallwhoareconducting researchon Stockham and Gettysburg College assess realistically their talents and Pennsylvania history, including aca- have released their claims to the develop them despite social or eco- demicscholars, public sectorprofes- Hartranft documents. They will be nomic obstacles; projects which sionals,independentscholars,gradu- placedonpermanentloanatthePenn- stimulate educational, medical, sci- atestudents, writers,filmmakers,and sylvaniaStateArchiveswhichwill be- entific, orcultural developments; and others. For further information and comean affiliated archivesoftheNa- effortstoencouragepersonsinnews- application materials, contact: Divi- tional Archives. paperorrelatedinformationandcom- sion of History, Pennsylvania Histori- MajorGeneralHartranftwastheCom- municationsworktobemoreeffective cal and Museum Commission, Box manderoftheWashington Arsenal in and responsible in responding to the 1026,Harrisburg,PA17108;717/787- Washington, D.C., while it was used needs of people to know and under- 3034. Deadline is January 12, 1996. as a military prison in which the Lin- stand how world happenings affect coln assassinationconspiratorswere them. incarcerated and executed. The ma- terialsconsistofan "OrderBook"and "Letter Book" relating to the opera- tions of the Washington Arsenal and fifty-one unbound items, including too correspondenceand orders by Major General Hartranft and other military officialssuchasGeneralWinfieldScott Hancockand SecretaryofWarEdwin M. Stanton, duringthe period Aprilto July, 1865. Specializinginworkingwith librariesand archives on theirpreservation microfilming needs. Producingarchival-qualitymicrofilm masters andduplicates thatmeetallANSI/AIIM and LibraryofCongress standardsand specifications. Experiencedin microfilmingarchival material includingbrittle books, newspapers, scrapbooks, manuscripts, correspondence, incunabulaandphotographs. Competitivepricing. Writtenestimates providedonall projects. Archival Attn:DirectorofPreservationService 593AcornStreet DeerPark,NewYork11729 Systems, Inc. Telephone: (516)586-1257 Fax:(516)586-1273 Page 6 maaXXIV/3 Who's Charge? in MARAC OFFICERS Fynnette Eaton, Chair 1995-97 Jackie Esposito, Vice Cliair 1995-97 (301) 713-6640; Fax: (301) 713-6911 (814) 865-7931; Fax: (814) 863-5318 [email protected] [email protected] Janet Linde, Secretary 1994-96 Jim Byers, Treasurer 1994-96 (212) 944-9800 x645; Fax: (212) 869-9061 (202) 357-2781 ; Fax: (202) 786-2608 [email protected] [email protected] STEERING COMMITTEEMEMBERS CAUCUS REPRESENTATIVES (1994-1996) DELAWARE DC MARYLAND NEW JERSEY Mary-Elise Haug Rodney Ross Margaret Burri Ben Primer (302) 739-6188 (202) 501-5350 (410) 539-0872 (609) 258-3242 [email protected] Fax: (202)219-2176 Fax: 410-727-5967 Fax: (609) 258-3385 [email protected] NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA VIRGINIA WESTVIRGINIA Leonora Gidlund Theresa Snyder Eileen Parris Fred Armstrong (212) 788-8629 (215) 898-7024 (804) 342-9666 (304) 348-0230 Fax: (212) 788-8636 [email protected] Fax: (804) 355-2399 Fax: (304) 348-2779 [email protected] MEMBERS-AT-LARGE (1995-1997) Mimi Bowling Maxine Lurie Jeff Flannery Dave Weinberg (212) 930-0804 (201) 761-5087 (202) 707-5387 (215) 686-2263 Fax: (212) 302-4815 [email protected] Fax: (202) 707-6336 Fax: (215) 686-2273 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR ADMINISTRATOR MARAC ARCHIVIST David Anderson Diana Shenk Lauren Brown (202) 994-7283 (814) 863-3181 (301)405-9059 Fax: (202) 994-1340 Fax: (814) 863-5318 Fax: (301)314-9416 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1 Page 7 , maaXXIV/3 MARAC NEWS Twocopiesofeachsubmissionshould be sent to: Linda A. Ries, Head, Appraisal Sec- The Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Virginia Historical Society, P.O. Box tion,Penna.StateArchives,Box1026, Harrisburg, PA, 17108-1026 Conference (MARAC) recently insti- 7311,Richmond,VA23221-0311,and tuted a scholarship program to pro- must be received by July 15, 1995. Submissionsmust bepostmarkedno videthreeawardsof$300.00eachfor The Education Committeewill review later than December 31, 1995. The minedeitviindgusa.ls to attend its semiannual calalnatpspmlieceattitohnesqtuoaleifniscuarteiotnshaotutalpipnleid- wMiAnnReArCswiMlelebteiangn.nouncedatthespring Scholarship funds may be used for above and will, in conjunction with Forfurtherinformation, contactLinda * conference registration, workshops, appropriate MARAC State Caucus A. Ries at (717) 787-3023. conference meals, and travel ex- representatives, select three appli- penses. Persons meeting the criteria cantsto receivescholarship support. outlined below are encouraged to Those individuals will receive written NewMARACT-shirtsareAvailable! apply for funding for the Fall 1995 notificationbySeptember15th, 1995. The T-shirts have MARAC name & meetingtobeheldinWilmington, Del. logo emblazoned across the front. November9- 11. They are available in 2 sizes: largeor Applicants must: Finding Aids Submissions extra-large, 1 color: "Jade Teal" 1. Beadues paying memberof MA- The MARAC Finding Aids Awards (Green-Blue), 100% cotton, pre- RACandamemberofaMARACstate Committeeisseeking submissionsof shrunk, cost: $6.00 per shirt. Place caucus. guides, inventories, and otherfinding orders with: Jackie Esposito, Chair, 2. BeanewmemberofMARACwith aids for the 1995 competition. Pub- OutreachCommittee,PennStateUni- a membership of lessthan twoyears lished guides and inventories must versity, CI07 Pattee Library, Univer- durationatthetimeofapplication OR havea 1995 publicationdate. Finding sity Park, PA 16802, (814) 865-7931, 3. Beanewemployeeoftwoyear,sor amiudsstsiunbcmluidteteadn iinntrmoadnuucstciorni,ptbefionrma jcrhea@rpgseu:li$a1s..0p0sup.eerdus.hiMrta.iling/shipping less in an archival orarchives related field, or be currently enrolled as a format suitable for publication, and T-shirts will also be availablefor pur- graduate student in history or a re- should have been availableforpublic chase at the November meeting in use and distribution during calendar Wilmington. lated field, library science, orarchival year 1995. administration, having taken at least three credit hours in archival studies, by the application deadline. Full time and parttimestudentswillbeconsid- ered. J OCKER & 4. Not have received any MARAC scholarship previous to this applica- LIBRARY BINDERY, INC. tion. 5. Befromaninstitution(ifemployed) Ocker and Trapp is dedicated to craftsmanship. that is unable to provide conference We understand the need for consistent quality and efficient service. expenses. TO APPLY, submit a current resume • Complete Library Binding and a letter in which you outlineyour • Conservation compliancewiththequalificationsand • Deacidification explaining (if employed) your • Encapsulation institution's inability to provide con- • Restoration ference expenses, list the name, ad- dress and phone number ofyour im- • Preservation Photocopying mediate supervisororgraduateadvi- • Custom Designed Enclosures sor, and include a short statement • Special Hand Binding indicating the benefit you expect to receivefromthescholarship.Applica- Visitors and questions are always welcome tionsshouldbesentto:L.EileenParris, Chair, MARACEducationCommittee, 17C Palisade Ave. Tel: 201-265-0262 P.O. Box 229 1-800-253-0262 Emerson, NJ 07630 Fax; 201-265-0588 Page 8 maaXXIV/3 Arline Custer Memorial Award Call forSubmissions This award honors the memory of MARAC Membership Application AAtrllainnteicCRuesgteirona(l1A9r0c9hitvoes1C9o7n5f),ereMnidc-e Dues Year- October 1st - September 30th (MARAC) member and editor of the Regular $15.00 Student/Retired $5.00 NationalUnionCatalogofManuscript collections. Name: The award recognizes publishing achievements by MARAC members Address: and individuals or institutions in the seven states(NewYork, NewJersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, City: Virginia, and West Virginia) compris- ing MARAC.TheCusterCommitteeis State: Zip Code: particularly interested in receiving publishedwritingsthatappealnotonly Phone: Fax: tothearchival community, buttothe E-Mail: generalpublicaswell.Thecommittee will consider scholarship, relevancy, Institution: innovation,qualityofwriting,andpre- sentationandlayoutascriteriainjudg- ing submissions. State Caucus Preference: Multiple submissions by individuals DE DDC DMD NJ NY PA VA WV orinstitutionsarewelcome.Thepub- TobelongtoadditionalStateCaucuses,indicatewhichone(s)andadd$1.00eachtoyourdues licationmusthaveappeared between payment. July 1, 1994 and June 30, 1995. Archivalfindingaids,includingguides, Mayweincludeyournameandaddress(only)on aMARACmailing listfordistribution? will not be considered for the Arline Yes No Custer Memorial Award and instead should be submitted to the MARAC Please checkthe category(ies) which bestdescribe(s)yourarchives: Finding AidsAward committee. College/University Museum Religious Twoprizeswillbeawarded,eachwith Corporate NARA, LC, Presidential Library State/Local Government a monetary value of $100. The 1994 HistoricalSociety Professional Society, Institute Other: winnerswillbeannouncedbythecom- mittee during MARAC's Fall meeting Please checkthe committee(s) on which you are willing to serve: in Wilmington, Delaware. ArlineCusterAward FindingAidsAward Membership Pleasesend at least2 copiesofeach Program Education LocalArrangements submission to: Frances M. Seeber, Nominations Publications Finance Chair, Custer Award Committee, MeetingsCoordinating Outreach ServiceAward Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, 511 Al- bany Post Road, Hyde Park, New York 12538. Make Checks payable to MARAC and Mail to: Submissions must be received by Diana Shenk MARAC Administrator August 1, 1995. W313 Pattee Library, Penn State University University Park, PA 16803 If you have any questions, contact: FrancesM.Seeberat(914)229-8114. Tel: (814)863-2505 Fax: (814)865-3665 E-Mail: [email protected] Continued on P. 10 Page9 maaXXIV/3 MARAC News Gaylord Bros. Announces Collec- News tions Conservation Winner Continued from P. 9 Ellen Chin, Conservator of the New YorkCityMunicipalarchives,haswon Notes the1995GaylordCollectionsConser- Resolution In Opposition to vationAward,whichincludesa$1000 the Nomination of John W. grantforconservationtrainingandan Caiiln as Archivist of the Teleconference Planned on Mass all-expenses-paid trip to the 1995 United States Deacidification for Paper-Based Col- conference of the American Institute Whereas,theMid>AtlanticRegional lections forConservation(AlC)inSt.Paul,Min- ArchivesConference is one ofthe ThePittsburgh Regional Library Cen- nesota. largestregionalarchivalorganiza- ter,theUniversityofPittsburghSchool Ms. Chin will use her $1000 grant to tions the United States, encom- of Library and Information Science, attend the International Course on passing the states of New York, andtheRobertMorrisCollegeSchool PaperConservationsponsoredbythe NewJersey,Pennsylvania,Virginia, of Communications and Information International Centre for the Study of Maryland,Delaware,WestVirginia, Systems are pleased to announce a the Preservation and the Restoration teleconference on mass deacidifica- of Cultural Property (ICCROM). She and the District of Columbia, and tion, scheduledforOctober26, 1995. was the only U.S. conservator to be Whereas, the nominee, John W. Thisconference,fundedin partbythe selected to participate in this two- Carlin, does not meet the qualifi- National EndowmentfortheHumani- month program on the chemistry of cations outlined In the NAGARA/ ties, will focus on the status of mass paper and techniques for its conser- SAA Joint Statement on selection deacidification research and the role vation. criteria forArchivist of the United ofmassdeacidification in addressing Hertraining will enablethe NewYork StatesandtheIndependentLegis- thepreservationneedsoflibrariesand City Municipal Archives to expand lation of the National Archives archiveswhosepaper-basedholdings treatmentoptionsforitsrecords,which (PL98-947) and, arethreatened by acidity. rangefromcolonialdocumentstonine- Robert DeCandido, New York Public teenth century photographs and the Whereas, the Amen'can Historical Library, will moderatetheteleconfer- originaldrawingsforCentral Parkand Association, theAmerican Library ence. The speakers are Kenneth E. the Brooklyn Bridge. Association, the National Coordi- HarrisandChandruShahani,Ph.D.,of ** nating Committee for Public His- the Library ofCongress. Panelists in- tory,theOrganizationofAn^erican clude Sally Buchanan, School of Li- The Kansas State Historical Soci- Historians, and the Society of brary and Information Science, Uni- ety Research Center is Moving American Archivists have unani- versity of Pittsburgh; Sue Kellerman, The Kansas State Historical Society mously gone on record in opposi- Penn State University; and Randall Library &Archives Division will bere- tion tothe nomination ofJohnW. Russell,Ph.D.,PreservationTechnolo- locating toanew building adjacentto Carlinto beArchivistoftheUnited gies, Inc. the Kansas Museum of History. The States, Theteleconferencewill beaccessible researchroomsintheMemorialBuild- Therefore, Be it Resolvedthatthe via satellite downlinkon C-Band and ing will closeJuly 10, 1995, and they Steering Committee of the Mid- Ku-Band throughout North America, willreopenattheKansasHistoryCen- Atlantic Regional Archives Con- Hawaii, Mexico, and the Caribbean terSeptember18, 1995. Ournewad- and will have phone-in and e-mail dressand phonenumberwill be6425 ferencejoinstheabove-mentioned capability. The licensing fee is $200. SW6thStreet,Topeka,Kansas66615- professional organizations in After the conference, videotapes will 1099, (913) 272-8681. strongly opposingthe nomination beavailablefor$200plusthecostsof of John W, Cartin as Archivist of duplication, postage, and handling. the United States. For more information, call or e-mail Resolution approved by Susan Melnick, preservation services MARACSteeringCommittee,May manager, PRLC, at 412.825.0600/ 16,1995. [email protected] ** Page 10

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