MID-ATLANTIC REGIONAL ARCHIVES CONFERENCE MID ATLANTIC ARCHIVIsT 07~9396 ISSN Volume 30/No. 3 SUMMER 2001 From The Chair When I was notified of my membership that enables us and declining attendance at election as Chair of MARAC, to develop our professional recent meetings have created I took the opportunity to skills. Of course, Jim, Janet, concern about our fiscal future. peruse some of my old Fynnette, Lucious and Karl Success in Philadelphia may newsletters, in order to gain a would be the first to say that signal a change, but in upcom better understanding of our they did not accomplish any ing Steering Committee and organization's history and thing alone; that they enjoyed Business Meetings we must direction. As I thumbed the generous support of the carefully examine income and through the issues, I realized membership. So, my first expenses, and work to put that a large debt of gratitude order of business as Chair is MARAC on a stable and firm is owed to my five immediate to thank all who volunteer fiscal foundation. I welcome predecessors, all of whom I their time to MARAC, and to your comments and sugges had the good fortune to work express my hope that tions; please feel free to send with since I first became an MARAC continues to benefit them to me at [email protected]. active member in 1991. Jim from the dedicated service of Better yet, come to Richmond Byers, Janet Linde, Fynnette our colleagues. in October and tell me in per Eaton, Lucious Edwards and son. Richmond is a wonderful Karl Niederer grappled with I would be remiss not to men place, full of exciting and inter complicated, sometimes vex tion the important issues to be esting places and people, and ing issues in the past ten discussed in the upcoming the Local Arrangements and years, but still managed to months. A guiding MARAC Program Committees led by keep MARAC on course philosophy is to keep dues, Jodie Koste, Tom Crew, Linda through their dedication, hard conference registration, work Miller and Cheryl Stadel work, humor and intelligence. shop fees and other expenses as Bevans are preparing an The wide array of professional low as possible in order to pro excellent conference, sure to be and educational experiences vide affordable educational and a great MARAC experience. MARAC offers - confer professional experiences, espe I look forward to seeing you in ences, workshops, cially for archivists just starting Richmond. publications, scholarships, a career. However, rising hotel and awards- is a benefit of costs, limited choice of venues Jeff Flannery Cover image: Thomas Crawford's "old" statue of George Washington admires the "new" wings o,f the Virginia state capitol building in this image of Capitol Square in Richmond by photographer Harry C. Mann, ca. 1906. From the Harry C. Mann Photograph and Glass-Plate Negative Collection, Library of Virginia. XXX/3 (?- Table Of Contents C2 From the Chair 2 Steering Committee Minutes 4 Treasurer's Report 4 WANTED: Your Opinion on MARAC Meetings 5 Welcome New Members! 6 The MARAC Film Festival Video Submission Form 7 Introducing ... Archivista! 8 State And Local News 12 Raise Your Head and Go Ahead - MARAC in Richmond 14 Business Meeting Minutes 15 Election 2001 Results 16 Fall 2001 Workshops in Richmond 16 Instructors Needed 17 Publications Committee wants YOU! 17 Probate Records Preserved 17 Towson 2002 - Beyond Baltimore 18 Preservation News 20 One Of Our Own: David Anderson C3 2002 Funding Aids Awards C3 PA Humanities Council Offers Large Grants D<HER~TRAI>I> COMPLETE LIBRARY BINDING & CONSERVATION SERVICES CUSTOM DESIGNED ENCLOSURES CONSERVATION GOLD STAMPING/EMBOSSING RESTORATION REPORTS &: MINUTES • LEGAL BRIEFS DEACIDIFICATION DESKTOP PUBLISHED BOOKS ENCAPSULATION Advertisers SHORT RUN EDITION BINDING PRESERVATION PHOTOCOPYING SPECIAL HAND BINDING Ocker & Trapp Library J~fil~OCKER& Bindery, Inc. ............ 1 We ate dedicated to '';'JR:a cta}tsmanship and ~nde'l.Stand uu~ /ot the need consistent quality Archival Products ........7 L I BRA R Y B I N DE R Y, I N C. and .J/icient se>tvice 17A PAIJSAi)E AVE • EMERSON, NJ. 07630-0314 • www.ockerandtrapp.com OS I CALM ....... .... 19 TEL: 201-265-0262 OR 1-800-253-0262 • FAX: 201-265-0588 • E-Mail: [email protected] ~MARAC Steering Committee Summary - Spring 200 1 May 3, Philadelphia, PA their budget. Registration will be postage, and Spring 2001 conference $60; the room rate will be $99. SAA program and hotel costs. The meeting was called to order at will offer an EAD workshop, and the 6:40. Minutes from the Winter The reserve was decreased $10,000 to Society of North Carolina Archivists meeting were approved. will be invited to attend: ·cover operating expenses. Profit from the Cleveland meeting was reported. CHAIR Committee work is well underway The annual audit was held on October for Spring 2002 in Towson, MD. 3, 2000. Judy Thorne has volunteered The Ad Hoc Committee on For the Fall 2002 meeting in to look into bonding the treasurer. Contract Review reported on bids Poughkeepsie, NY, MARAC and the MARAC's IRS tax returns were com received from three management New England Archivists have signed pleted and sent. The check/database companies. Proposed pricing and a contract with the Grand set-up with K&A continues to work services, transition issues and the Hotel. MCC is considering two NJ well. Steering Committee members impact on the MARAC budget were sites for Spring 2003: Atlantic City were cautioned to avoid excessive discussed at length. Two major and Trenton. The Fall 2003 meeting expenses. The matching funds &om the points emerged: first, the actual cost may be held in Gettysburg, PA. Steering Committee for the of membership services is twice the Educational Endowment Fund are cur current dues rate; and second, con A few significant changes helped ference income has been inconsistent rently in the money market account. lower the cost of the Philadelphia due to hotel contract issues. Steering meeting program. A single member MARAC has sales tax exemptions in Committee must continue to scruti ship mailing took place several MD, NJ, NY, VA and WV, and has nize services, delivery mechanisms months before the conference; the appealed negative rulings in DC and and costs, and to consider possible program itself was designed as a PA. Both re-examinations are pending. changes. The motion was made and reusable template for future pro seconded to renew the contract with grams; and most programs were ARCHIVIST Kimball & Associates for one year mailed at bulk rate. The 1999 with the Ad Hoc Committee to The MARAC Archives left-McKeldin Conference Policy Manual will be review all options discussed. The Library in January to move to the revised to include increased fees for motion was approved. renovated Hornbake Library, vendor tables, ads and sponsorships. University of Maryland. A revised and The $2,000 Endowment Challenge MCC will add a few survey ques updated guide was successfully loaded Grant was matched and surpassed. tions to the next membership on MARAC's website. The resulting fund will be called the renewal form to gather ideas for MARAC Educational Endowment COMMITTEE REPORTS restructuring MARAC meetings. Fund, established in memory of After lengthy discussion about mem Arthur Breton and Bro. Denis Finding Aid Awards bership and registration fees, the Sennett. These monies cannot be motion was made to charge non Brian Keough was selected as the used for operations. The role of the members $35 over the member new committee chair. Six print and Special Committee for Development registration rate, with a YES/NO eight electronic submissions were committee was discussed. option to join MARAC. The motion judged in two categories: collections VICE CHAIR & MEETINGS was seconded and approved. guides and individual collection COORDINATING COMMITTEE finding aids. Winners were TREASURER (MCC) announced. [See the Business Meeting Minutes for the full listing Second quarter income came from MARAC's profit from the Cleveland of Awards presented.] dues, publication sales, bank interest, meeting was $4,157.67. More than conference income, contributions 300 people registered for the Custer Awards and T-shirt sales; expenses from tax Philadelphia conference. and audit fees, K&A management Solicitation for the 2001 Awards is Jodie Coste and Tom Crew, Local fees, treasurer's postage and filing underway. Journal, newsletter, Arrangement Committee (LAC) for the fees for state sales tax exemption fall meeting in Richmond, presented applications, MAA publishing and SEE STEERING COMMITIEE ON PAGE 3 XXX/3 cs-- STEERING COMMITTEE FROM PAGE 2 retired. In the last quarter, 54 new February to discuss Department of members have joined. Defense requirements for accessibili magazine or other professional arti ty and interoperability of electronic cles are especially encouraged. [See The membership brochure was records management (RM) systems; the Business Meeting Minutes for printed in mid-February and used in a strategic plan to incorporate XML the full listing of Awards presented.] two recruitment campaigns in March into RM practices; and performance and April. The first targeted the 368 objectives and metrics for internal Development SAA members in our r~gion who are RM and public access. not MARAC members. The second The Committee met in April to - the annual recruitment drive - NATIONAL COORDINATING explore several interconnected topics. was directed at graduate programs in COMMITTEE FOR THE More research will be conducted on library/information science, archival PROMOTION OF HISTORY the various options for investing and administration and public history. increasing the endowment, but in Jim Byers submitted a letter to general, donations will be encour Nominations and Elections Chairman Istook requesting restora aged, investments will be tion of NHPRC funding. conservative, principle must reach a Results of the 2001 election were pre-specified level before any money announced. [See page 15 for a full STATE CAUCUS REPORTS is dispersed, and the fund should be listing of new officers and committee [See State and Local News for a full publicized among the membership. chairs, with contact information.] accounting] The fund will be used for education Outreach al purposes, and as the base principle OLD BUSINESS grows, other educational uses like Service Award recipients were attending workshops and seminars or announced. [See the Business The status of MAC's NHPRC pro offering co-sponsored workshops Meeting Minutes for the full listing posal for Professional Development workshops questioned. Jim Byers may be considered. of Awards presented.] will follow up and report back. The Committee will include mem Publications Jim Cassedy requested suggestions bers from Finance, Education, for a catchy URL for the website. Membership and Meetings Year-to-date publications sales figures Coordinating Committees, plus four and hits on the thriving MARAC NEW BUSINESS at-large members. Working mainly website were announced. in an advisory capacity, the It was suggested that MARAC Upcoming Technical Leaflets include Committee will concentrate on protest the closing of the internal development, though exter Frank Serene's piece on Archives and Smithsonian's Conservation nal development - soliciting funds the American Disabilities Act and Research Center and Conservation Sharon Pullen's leaflet on Archives from outside sources - will also be Analytical Lab. Tom Connors, Gary Week Celebrations. A Technical considered. Saretzky and Jeff Flannery will Leaflet on Disaster Planning is compose a letter. Education underway. Jim Byers thanked Steering All five Philadelphia workshops Design and printing of the MAA by Committee members for their sup had sufficient enrollment. Four Communications By Design is work port over the past two years. workshops will be offered in ing well. Long-time ad editor Bruce Richmond, covering MARC, Abrams has resigned. It is hoped that Danna Bell-Russel requested com records management, A/V preser a new ad editor will develop new ments on SAJ\s guidelines on vation, and basic conservation. In strategies involving the website, ven Masters of Archival Studies. addition, SAA will offer its EAD dors and MARAC's non-profit workshop, handling all related status. The next Steering Committee meet ing will take place either July 13th or advertising and registration. The Federal Information and 27th at the Maryland Historical Membership Development Records Managers Council (FIRM) Society. Total membership was reported at FIRM met with its Professional The motion to adjourn was made, 1,078: 964 regular and 114 student/ Association Liaisons (PALS) in seconded and approved. -'=)MARAC Treasurer's Report, Fiscal Year 2001 January 1, 2001-March 31, 2001 Category Budget 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total %of Budget 2000Actual REVENUE AND SUPPORT Membership Dues $40,000.00 $4,352.00 $3,175.00 $0.00 $0.00 $7,527.00 19% $45,503.00 Publications Sales $1,500.00 $71.45 $256.00 $0.00 $0.00 $327.45 22% $767.81 Pub. Advertising $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% $926.00 Bank Interest $5,000.00 $350.98 $331.90 $0.00 $0.00 $682.88 14% $4,208.34 Conferences $4,875.00 $1,100.00 $13,603.67 $0.00 $0.00 $14,703.67 302% $50,520.37 Mailing List Sales $800.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% $60.00 Contributions $2,000.00 $9.00 $1,620.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,629.00 81% $470.00 Miscellaneous $100.00 $25.70 $28.00 $0.00 $0.00 $53.70 54% $7.00 Total Revenue -Support $56,275.00 $5,909.13 $19,014.57 $o.oo $0.00 $24,923.70 44% $t 02,462.52 EXPENSES General $1,120.00 $75.00 $1,297.98 $0.00 $0.00 $1,372.98 123% $1,675.43 Administrator $30,635.00 $7,673.21 $7,792.19 $0.00 $0.00 $15,465.40 50% $40,309.98 Treasurer $2,300.00 $58.13 $3,459.65 $0.00 $0.00 $3,517.78 153% $2,653.99 State Caucuses $690.00 $10.41 $54.75 $0.00 $0.00 $65.16 9% $602.04 Committees $3,180.00 $0.00 $1,052.31 $0.00 $0.00 $1,052.31 33% $4,916.61 Publications $15,400.00 $3,272.83 $7,335.74 $0.00 $0.00 $10,608.57 69% $16,289.33 MARAC Archivist $500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% $500.00 Awards $750.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% $500.00 Conference Expenses $2,000.00 $1,625.00 $5,454.34 $0.00 $0.00 $7,079.34 354% $54,965.67 MARAC Scholarship $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% $1,755.00 Miscellaneous $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0% $0.00 Total Expenses $56,575.00 $12,714.58 $26,446.96 $0.00 $0.00 $39,161.54 69% $124,168.05 NET INCOME or (Li ($300.00) ($6,805.45) ($7,432.39) $0.00 $0.00 ($14,237.84) SUMMARY -SECOND QUARTER FY 2001 FUND OPENING CREDITS DEBITS CLOSING Opening Balance $104,415.49 Current $23,810.79 $27,394.57 ($26,446.96) $24,758.40 Income $29,014.57 Endowment $23,604.70 $1,620.00 $25,224.70 Expenses ($36,446.96) Reserve $57,000.00 ($10,000.00) $47,000.00 Closing Balance $96,983.10 Totals $104,415.49 $29,014.57 ($36,446.96) $96,983.10 Cash Accounts Checking Accts.: $14,807.50 Savings Accts.: $49,175.60 Cert. of Deposit: $33,000.00 Total $96,983.10 WANTED: Your Opinion on MARAC Meetings The Meetings Coordinating renewal form will include a few sim will be considered by MCC. Committee (MCC) is exploring our ple questions at the bottom. Please Additional comments in response to membership's feeling towards twice take a moment to complete this quick specific questions are also welcome. a-year meetings, to find out why and easy survey. When your renewal people attend, or do not attend, form arrives at Kimball & Associates, Your feedback will help immensely MARAC meetings. To create and the survey portion will be removed as we plan our strategy for offer the best possible conference and sent to MCC for tabulation. MARAC's future, and we thank experience, we need your input. Please note that we are not requesting you for your cooperation. personal information; your anonymi This Fall, your annual membership ty is assured and only aggregate data -James Stimpert XXX/3 (?- Welcome New Members! Barbara Addison, Theresa Gamble, Barbara Paulson, National Swarthmore College Peace Collection Erie Insurance Group Endowment for the Humanities April Aguillard, Laura Gilmour, VA Historical Society Steven Peitzman MD, Presbyterian Historical Society Christopher Gratzel, Medical College ofP A Hospital Jennifer Ambrose, Westchester County Archives Michael Plunkett, Library Company ofP hiladelphia Tabitha Groh, University ofVA Library John Ansley, Marist College University ofD E Library Mila Pollock, Linda Avetta, Gano Haley, St. Anthony Archives Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PA Historical & Museum Commission Faye Haskins, DC Public Library John Powell, Wolfgram Memorial Sherri Bagley, Library ofVirginia Yasmin Haug, Library, Widener University Louisa Bann, Tiffany & Co. Brooklyn College Library James Quigel, PA State University Peter Bielak Sr., Ruth Hodge, PA State Archives Sean Quimby, National Capital Area Scout Museum Thomas Horrocks, Hagley Museum & Library Martha Bourne M.M., Harvard University Carol Radovich, Maryknoll Mission Archives Leslie Hunt, Historical Society ofP A Rockefeller Archive Center Renee Braden, Suni Johnson, Lovely Lane Museum Meena Raj an, Historical Society ofP A National Geographic Society Lois Kauffman, NY junior League Ann Ranieri, Beaver College Clare Bunce, Christian Kelleher, Diane Rofini, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory History Associates, Inc. Chester County Historical Society Cynthia Caldwell, Danielle Kovacs, Diana Rohrbaugh, DE Public Archives Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory PA General Assembly Stuart Campbell, Marianne LaBatto, Brooklyn College Kenneth Ross, American Baptist Historical Society Mark Lamb, VA Historical Society Presbyterian Historical Society Gwynedd Cannan, Trinity Church Ellen Lefebvre, Beaver College Cindy Sauer Julia Canonica, Kevin Lynch, University ofM D Hunt Schenkel, DE County Historical Society Matthew Lyons, The Schwenfelder Library Wendy Chmielewoski, Historical Society ofP A Ken Schlessinger, NARA Swarthmore College Peace Collection Kristine Marconi, Kathleen Schultz, Susan Chute, NY Public Library for Princeton University Rockefeller Archive Center the Performing Arts Elaine Massena, Nancy Shawcross, University ofP A Mary Ann Coyle, Westchester County Archives Josh Silver, The Balch Institute Ramah McKay, Masonic Library & Museum ofP A Brother Kevin Dargan, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Miriam Solomon, Maryknoll Mission Archives Pamela Murray Essex County Park System Ad~ianna Del Collo, !delle Nissila-Stone, Mindy Steinberg, Philadelphia Museum ofA rt The Ford Foundation Historical Society ofP A Lisa DePalo, Passaic Public Library Daniel Noonan, Anna Stullken Shelley Diamond, N]IT van Houton Library George Tselos, Statue ofL iberty NM ]P Morgan Chase Archives Peggy Norris, Sarah Wagner Graham Dozier, Ridgewood Public Library Susan Watson, The American Red Cross Virginia Historical Society Patricia O'Donnell, Sarah Weatherwax, Sharalee Falzerano, Friends Historical,Library, Library Company ofP hiladelphia Westchester County Archives Swarthmore College Carolyn Weigel, Ursinus College Roy Felshin Frederic Pachman, Steven Wheeler, Jennifer Fulton, The Winthrop Group Monmouth Medical Center New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Father Walter Gagne SA, Friars of Harry Parker, PA State Archives Mary Williard, Bucknell University the Atonement Archives/Record Ctr. Ronald Patkus, Vassar College Laurie Zierer, PA Humanities Council ~MARAC The MARAC Film Festival wants your footage! Sure to be a highlight of MARAC's Fall 20001 Conference, the film festival will be held at the Richmond Omni Hotel on Friday, October 26th following the reception. Videos must not exceed 7 minutes, including introductory remarks by the presenter. Entries with a Halloween or gen eral fright theme (comic or serious) are appreciated, but other footage will be accepted. Submission forms must be faxed or postmarked by 9115101 to: Alison L. Oswald, Archivist, Archives Center, Room C340, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560-0601 Phone: 202-357-3780 fax: 202-786-2453; or [email protected] Fall 200 1 MARAC Film Festival Video Submission Form FIRST NAME I LAST NAME INSTITUTION ADDRESS CITY I STATE I ZIP CODE TELEPHONE I FAX I E-MAIL VIDEO (NTSC and 112" only) DURATION. DATE SOUNDfSILENT TITLE PRODUCER SUBJECTfDESCRIPTION XXX/3 Follow the adventures of Archivista as she • processes papers with blazing speed! • answers reference questions with a single word! • finesses researchers and administrators alike! Courtesy of ArmoredBaby.com Elegant Solutions for PreseiVation A DIVISION OF LIBRARY BINDING SERVICE Pamphlet Binders Bound Four Flap Enclosures Archiv-.U ProductS Music Binders Archival Binders Archival Folders Archival Boards Manuscript Folders Adhesives Hinge Board Covers Bookkeeper Academy Folders Century Boxes Newspaper/Map Folders Record Album Enclosures Polypropylene Sheet & Photo Protectors Conservation Cloths Conservation & Preservation Tapes ARCHIVAL PRODUCTS A Division of Library Binding Service Call P.O. Box 1413 Des Moines, Iowa 50305-1413 for a complete 800.526.5640 Fax 888.220.2397 catalog [email protected] http:/ /www.archival.com ~MARAC State And Local News Delaware The DE Public Archives recently held Documentary Center, George a two day Arrangement and Washington University (GWU) and The Winterthur Library received an Description training session for staff writer/producer/director of the Oscar IMLS grant to rehouse and reindex and volunteers. Grace Lessner of winning documentary, "A Paralyzing the Maxine Waldron Collection of Sequential Information Management Fear: The Story of Polio in America." Paper Dolls, Toys, Games and and Publications Services led the ses Also on Oct. 11, three divisions of Children's Books, which includes sion, with assistance from DPA staffers the DC Public Library - over 3,000 groups of paper artifacts Randy Goss and Joanne Mattern. Washingtoniana, Art & Music and and 540 volumes assembled by Mrs. Black Studies - will join Howard Waldron (1898-1982), an art Caucus Representative University's Moorland-Spingarn teacher and educator. Connie Cooper can be reached at Research Center to host an evening (302) 655-7161 or of "Old photos: Preserving and The Historical Society of Delaware [email protected] Learning" with a reception follow (HSD) and DE Council for Social ing. Rounding out Archives Week, Studies cosponsored the state's Dr. John Fleckner of the National National History Day program, DC Museum of American History which promotes the study of history Archives Center will present a slide and the use of primary sources. Ellen The Caucus newsletter The ~arterly, show of images from a local Mrican Rendle, Curator of Maps and edited by Michele Lee, is available at American photographic studio, now Photographs at HSD, coordinated http:// www.dcarchivists.org. Articles held by the Smithsonian as the the effort, which involved nearly 400 include William G. LeFurgy on docu Scurlock Photo Collection. menting websites; Dr. Rod Ross' students in grades 6-12. Memoriam for Harold T. Pinkett; The Archives of American Art has "With Pen In Hand," a new exhibit Mary Rephlo on local education and begun its permanent relocation. in HSD's Willingtown Square Gallery training opportunities; Kristine L. Offices and a research center have features highlights from the Morse Kaske on plans for the 4th Annual shifted to 750 9th Street NW, Suite Autograph Collection. Developed in Archives Fair; and Jason Weishaupt 2200. In mid-August, collections on the Goodwill Industries will follow; this move is expected to the 1920s and 1930s, the collection International Archives. take six weeks. Questions may be includes autographs and documents directed to 202-275-1951. from over 500 Delawareans involved Upcoming Caucus tours include in politics, government and the July's visit to the National Museum Maryellen Trautman, NARA Revolutionary War. The exhibit runs of American History's Archives Government Publications Librarian, through Sept. 21. Center, online at http:/ /www.ameri recently received the 7th canhistory.si.edu/archives/ac-i.htm. Government Document Round Congratulation to Lee Ann Dean, Cruise ship advertisements from the Table Founders Award at the recently named Research Director Center's Warshaw Collection of American Library Association's annu for the Frank E. Schoonover Fund, Business Americana were featured in al meeting in San Francisco. Inc., a non-profit dedicated to Smithsonian Magazine's June 2001 research and publication of the work issue, available at http:/ /www.smith In April, Maida Loescher retired t' of artist and illustrator Schoonover. sonianmag.si.edu/journeys/O 1/ junO 1 from NARA, and new Director of In August, the Special Collections I destinations.html. Preservation Programs, Doris A. l Hamburg, began. I Gallery of Morris Library, University In September, look for the Caucus of DE, will open "Picturing sponsored teacher's workshop The exhibit "Shall We Dance? Delaware: Maps and Illustrations of "Archival Research: Strategies and Selections from the Dance Archives the First State," an exhibit that Techniques," to be led by Susan of the Greater Washington Region," shows the state in the works of McElrath and colleagues. on display through December, fea artists, photographers and cartogra tures photographs, costumes, posters phers. Check http:/ /www.lib.udel. Archives Week 2001 is in the works! and manuscripts from the Spanish edu/ud/spec for a web version of the The Oct. 11 Archives Fair features exhibit. Nina Gilden Seavey of the SEE STATE AND LOCAL NEWS ON PAGE 9