April, 1987(cid:9) Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists "Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen." Luke 24:5, 6 * The President's Outlook * o Unfurling or, in fact, any church at all. 0 t Unlike many other private universities Union College's who are loosely affiliated with their respec- Official organ of the Mid-America Union Conference of tive founding churches, Union College is Seventh-day Adventists, P.O. Box 6127 (8550 Pioneers Colors part and parcel of the Seventh-day Advent- Blvd.), Lincoln, NE 68506. (402) 483-4451. ist Church. It always has been, and I pray that it always will be until Jesus comes. Editor (cid:9) James L. Fly Assistant Editor (cid:9) Shirley B. Engel Personally, I can tell you that the presi- Typesetter (cid:9) Cheri Winters dent, officers, and staff of Union College are Printer (cid:9) Christian Record Braille Foundation doing their very best to emphasize the spir- itual nature of the school. I detailed some of Change of address: Give your new address with zip code and include your name and old address as it appeared on these efforts in an open letter to you in the previous issues. (If possible clip your name and address February Outlook. from an old OUTLOOK.) One of the most exciting new develop- ments at Union is the approval of the ..' .F.:„E. _ (cid:9) Mid-America Union General Conference Board of Higher Educa- z ...7 i . i(cid:9) tion for Union to host an on-going summer E E.(cid:9) — CONFERENCE: OF sFVF NMI OAF ADVI,IF, institute for Christian college teaching. The purpose of the institute is to help Mid-America Union Directory President (cid:9) J 0. Tompkins Adventist college professors across the Secretary (cid:9) George Timpson nation to incorporate Christian principles Treasurer (cid:9) Duane P. Huey into all of their classes. Sponsored by the Assistant Treasurer (cid:9) Arthur Opp Joel 0. Tompkins General Conference Education Depart- Adventist Health System Middle & Eastern (cid:9) J. R. Shawver Union College president John Wagner ment, the two-week institute is scheduled to Church Ministries (cid:9) Ben J. Liebelt and I have a special burden that we would begin in the summer of 1988. Communication, A.S I (cid:9) James L. Fly like to share with you this month. As far as But we need to tell the public who we are Education (cid:9) Don Keele we have been able to determine, Union too, and one of the best ways we can do this Associate Education (cid:9) Melvin E. Northrup Health, Temperance, College has never had a sign in its 96-year- is with a sign. Inner City (cid:9) George Timpson old history that has ever identified it as a To revise the current Union College sign Ministerial & Evangelism Seventh-day Adventist institution. will cost around $6,000, money that unfor- Coordinator (cid:9) James A. Cress We find this fact to be incredible not to tunately is simply not available in Union's Publishing and HHES (cid:9) Hoyet L. Taylor Associate Publishing (cid:9) William Dawes mention lamentable . . . modest budget right now or in the foreseea- Associate Publishing (cid:9) Lynn Westbrook Every time I drive down Interstate High- ble future. Associate Publishing/HHES (cid:9) Bob Belmont way 75 outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, I I would like to appeal to those of you who Religious Liberty (cid:9) D. J. Huenergardt can't help but see the large roadside sign put share my burden for a new Union College Trust Services (cid:9) George Woodruff up by the state that says, "Southern College sign to send your donations to me personally Local Conference Directory of Seventh-day Adventists, Next Exit." here at the Mid-America Union headquar- CENTRAL STATES: J. Paul Monk, President; E. F. Carter, Secre- Thousands upon thousands of drivers ters office marked "Union College Sign." tary; Leroy Hampton, Treasurer; P.O. Box 1527, Kansas City, MO every day know at a glance that Southern Ellen White has written: "The name 64141, 5737 Swope Parkway, Kansas City, MO 64130; Telephone (816) 361-7177. Correspondent, Nathaniel Miller College is an institution of the Seventh-day Seventh-day Adventist carries the true fea- Adventist Church. tures of our faith in front, and will convict DAKOTA CONFERENCE: John Thurber, President; Marvin Lowman, Secretary; Wm. C. Brown, Treasurer; P.O. Box 520, 217 I feel that when people drive up and the inquiring mind." (Testimonies Volume North Grand, Pierre, SD 57501; Telephone (605) 224-8868. down 48th street in Lincoln, Nebraska that 1, page 224) ABC, Star Route 9, Box 170, Bismarck, ND 58501; Telephone (701) 258-6531. Correspondent, Marvin Lowman they too should be able to tell at once that Don't you think its time to unfurl Union Union College is operated by our church. College's true colors? IOWA-MISSOURI: W. D. Wampler, President; Walter Brown, Secretary; G. T. Evans, Treasurer; P.O. Box 65665, 1005 Grand As it stands now, passersby cannot tell if Joel 0. Tompkins, President Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50265; Telephone (515) 223-1197. Union College is operated by our church, Mid-America Union Conference Correspondent, Herb Wrote KANSAS-NEBRASKA: Gordon Belzer, President; J. Roger McQuistan, Secretary; Norman Harvey, Treasurer, 3440 Urish Outlook for April Road, Topeka, KS 66614-4601; Telephone (913) 478-4726. ABC, 4745 Prescott, Lincoln, NE 68506; Telephone (402) 488-3395. Correspondent, That's The Spirit Of Maranatha! (cid:9) page 3 MINNESOTA: C. Lee Huff, President; Raymond R. Rouse, Secretary-Treasurer; 7384 Kirkwood Court, Maple Grove, MN 55369; Telephone (612) 424-8923. Correspondent, Beverly Lemon What I Like About The Charismatics (cid:9) page 7 ROCKY MOUNTAIN: Don C. Schneider, President; L. D. Cleve- land, Secretary-Treasurer; 2520 So. Downing, Denver, CO 80210; From Thorns To Roses On The Canvas Of His Life . . (cid:9) page 8 Telephone (303) 733-3771. Correspondent, Robert McCumber A Model Nursing Curriculum (cid:9) page 12 Vol. 8, No. 4, April, 1987. The Mid-America Adventist Outlook On The Cover OUTLOOK (ISSN 0887-977X) is published monthly by the Mid- America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8550 Pio- April: Thomas Hinde's painting "Glory in the Morning" won the Research Inc. Award at the 23rd neers Blvd., Route 8, Lincoln, NE 68506. Printed at Christian annual Sister Kenny Institute Art Show held in Minneapolis last year. A quadriplegic due to multiple Record Braille Foundation, Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Annual subscription price, $8.00. POSTMASTER: Send sclerosis, Tom paints with his mouth, assisted by his wife, Bev. He gives God all the credit for the artistic address changes to Mid-America Adventist OUTLOOK, P.O. Box success he has achieved In spite of an incurable disease that has confined him to a wheelchair, the 6127, Lincoln, NE 68506. former assistant principal of Maplewood Academy has chosen ';glory instead of mourning." Learning to Love and Share That's the Spirit of Maranatha! For the past five years, the Rocky Mountain Conference has sponsored Maranatha at Glacier View Ranch. Maranatha is the name of perhaps the most comprehensive, inspirational and practical training course offered in lay member outreach. Find out how and why Maranatha is changing people's lives . . . TEXT AND PHOTOS BY SALLY JO HAND Elder George Knowles, associate director of the church ministries department of the General Conference (standing), records Jane Lewis (left) and Marlene Ziegler (right) as they participate in a group learning how to give a home Bible study. H er face radiated a quiet, gentle kind eagerness to learn chased away most of the Maranatha seminars. Most were new to me. of joy as she stood and told of her butterflies swarming in my stomach. She But I knew that soon we'd all be bonded love for Jesus, how He had changed her life, was there—eager, earnest, every night. Now together into a close-knit family. One of the and her longing to share Him with everyone she stood before this group of 85 delegates miracles of Maranatha is the transformation she could. I sat watching, listening from a assembled from the far corners of the Rocky in just eight short days of complete back row pew of the Glacier View chapel. Mountain Conference—all gathered together strangers into the best of friends. It happens My thoughts raced back to the first time I'd for eight days of learning to share God's through praying, eating, laughing, crying, seen her-1984. Loveland, Colorado— love—the conference's annual Lay and singing together. During the early days opening night of my first Revelation Evangelist Training Seminar (LETS), of Christianity, it was often said of the Seminar. Over 100 people had preregistered Maranatha V. Just knowing that God had Christians by the Romans, "My, how they and I nervously awaited my prospective used me to help bring Charlene this far love one another." Often people coming to students' arrival. Charlene came in early and caused me to feel caught up in a cloud of Maranatha seminars for the first time took a front row seat. Her warm smile and wonder and awe, and tears of gratitude and remark in awe, "I've never felt so much praise fell softly from my eyes. love before in all my life!" Sally Jo Hand is a senior theology major I looked out over the sea of heads. Many I watched as these special friends, and at Union College. were familiar friends from previous soon-to-be friends stood and shared what it only the beginning. Elders Samuel Monnier, George Knowles, Bill Peeke, Jerry Page, and David Walkowitz led out in this seminar. Elder Monnier talked about making witnessing a way of life—not just something you do on Sabbath afternoon. Witnessing begins with a closely tuned relationship with Jesus. That happens not just through spending quality time with Jesus in the morning (although it begins there), but through keeping in touch with Him by praying every hour on the hour all through the day. What do you pray for every hour? First, for your character to be transformed into one like His. If we are to win our neighbors to Christ, they must be able to see Him in us. Then you pray for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. We can never finish God's work on earth without a full outpouring of the Holy Spirit. And we so often have so little because we ask for so little. Elder Monnier's presentation strongly emphasized that witnessing must begin with our own families. Love begins at home. He talked about relationships between meant to them to be at this Maranatha, and why they'd come. Some had sacrificed tremendously to be here, but I heard no complaints—only praise and joy shone brightly in their smiles. A white-haired enthusiast from Durango who introduced herself as Anne now spoke. I guessed her to be 55-60 going on 21. "I'm a product of a Revelation Seminar. My heart was so empty and I didn't know where or how to get filled. I found a flyer for a Revelation Seminar and went! I was just baptized a year ago, and when I heard about this LETS, I knew I had to come. I want to learn everything so I can share what I've learned with others!" "That's the Spirit of Maranatha!" I thought. "It's learning to share!" My thoughts raced back further to my first encounter with Maranatha. 1982. I was living with my three boys in a small picturesque Rocky Mountain community west of Loveland. Wonderful neighbors with whom I longed to share spiritual things surrounded me. I felt tremendously burdened with a sense of the nearness of the end of time. Would my neighbors be ready to meet Jesus? This weighed on my mind. Yet, even though I'd been an Adventist for eleven years, had worked as a Bible worker, and been through several lay-witnessing training programs, I didn't know how to begin to reach out to my neighbors. I Knew I Had To Be There It was just then that I heard that RMC was planning to hold an eight-day witnessing training seminar in February at Glacier View Ranch. Although eight days seemed like a long time, I knew I had to be there. I had to learn to share this message with my neighbors. I went having no idea how God would use this experience to totally transform my life. Maranatha I was husbands and wives, and between parents labored for, would be converted." Jesus never be finished. For this reason, during and children reflecting the kindness and mingled among men as one who desired Maranatha seminars, laymen are not only compassion of Jesus always. Then the their good. He searched for their needs, and trained to witness joyfully, but they are family can be a strong unit to witness for then did what He could to meet those trained to go and make disciples of others Jesus in the community. needs. Witnessing is watching for back in their home churches. Christian Elder Peeke and George and Lillian opportunities of doing good. Service 253: "The great outpouring of the Knowles told heart-warming stories of how Looking back, I remembered with a smile Spirit of God ... will not come ... while the they had worked for their neighbors by how shocked I was when I learned that I largest portion of the church are not laborers looking for the needs of those living closest had come to this LETS to be trained as a together with God." The largest portion to them, and then doing what they could to lay evangelistic preacher! I had not had this today are not active. But why? Partly, it is meet those needs. I got lots of wonderfully in mind at all. But I was a little encouraged because they are not trained. We must take simple ideas of things I could do for my when I learned that I was not to scale this them by the hand and say, "Come along neighbors—like taking them baked goods lofty mountain alone, but would do it with with me. You don't have to say anything. hot out of the oven on Christmas morning, the support and help of an action team. Only just smile and pray." Lillian Knowles caring for little children when the mother The Maranatha LETS trains participants tells of her discipling methods, and with a was sick, sharing home-grown vegetables to form small companies as a basis of twinkle in her eyes, she says, "You'll have a from the garden, inviting a family home for Christian outreach. Those who come to disciple, because once they start working for dinner and telling in a simple way how Maranatha learn to share witnessing the Lord, they'll never want to stop." Jesus had changed my life. I knew that if concepts and techniques with members back these methods had won the Peeke's in their local churches through forming Forming An Action Team neighbors in Lincoln, Nebraska, and the action teams. During the seminar, we When I returned to my home after Knowles' neighbors in Washington, D. C., simulate this experience by dividing up into Maranatha I, I began asking those whom I they just might reach the hearts of some of small groups for one hour five of the eight felt the Holy Spirit had directed me to if my neighbors in Colorado also. Evangelism evenings that we spend together. Action they would like to become a part of my 114: "There are souls in your teams are a time to share in a close action team for the next 9-12 months. The neighborhood who, if they were judiciously protected, sheltered fellowship. They provide response of those who joined was, "This is a time to learn how to reach out and carry just what I've been needing. I have so the love of Jesus down the mountain to our wanted to reach out to others and I haven't friends and neighbors and to our churches. known where to begin." The first time that I left and went down Our action team met every Sunday night the mountain, I was just overflowing with for two hours. The time was spent in so much joy, enthusiasm, and eagerness to studying about the Holy Spirit, sharing share this experience with others. Forming concerns and joys, training in witnessing, an action team gave me a channel through laying out our evangelistic plans for the which I shared the Maranatha experience coming months, and praying for those with others in my church in a way that whom we hoped to reach for Jesus. helped them learn the things that I had. It is Just after returning from Maranatha I, I not enough for a few from our churches to began Bible studies with my next-door go to a LETS and become active workers. neighbor, by putting into practice what I We must also train others or the work will had learned at the seminar. These studies Top left: Becki Dunnigan (left) and Allan Simons (right) pray together for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Singing, eating, praying and studying together form special bonds of friendship between participants during the eight-day Maranatha training session. Center: Frank Rozic and Duane Kraft share prayer requests. Below: Although it's cold outside at Glacier View Ranch, Jamie and Pat Autrey revel in the warmth of Christian love. resulted in three baptisms a few months experience and February found me again on never knew how to witness! The most later. Our action team gave much the mountain. In connection with our special part of being here for me has been encouragement and loving support to these evangelism class at Union College, I was to getting equipped, learning to witness! And new Christians. We also conducted a VBS help lead out in a Revelation Seminar that's besides the spiritual revival you get for the children in our mountain scheduled in March. We were expecting just in being here." community, followed up by a vegetarian great things! But too often, we expect and During one training session, Elder cooking school for the moms. Each of these desire "great things" while lacking the Knowles said, "There are two skills that activities warmed hearts and opened doors greatest of all things—the Holy Spirit and every SDA should know: how to lead a that were closed before. His fruit of love. Eight days together gives soul to Christ and how to give his personal The year sped by quickly, and when time for the quiet, gentle nurturing of the testimony." February heralded the time for Maranatha Spirit in our lives—time to come apart and The eight days are too quickly drawing II, I could hardly wait to get back to Glacier have our spiritual batteries recharged. to a close. We begin to feel a sadness in View to share with my friends there what knowing we are soon to part, and yet, we the Lord had been doing through us in People Hungering To Share Jesus feel so eager to get home and get busy Loveland! One of the special things about Maranatha V—I'm here again at Glacier putting to the furrows these sharp, shiny Maranatha is sharing and learning what View. From my bird's eye-back-pew seat I new harvesting tools God has given us here. wonderful things the Lord has been doing in watch and listen. I see people hungering and When I asked Marlene Ziegler, a busy our lives and witness. There is a sparkly thirsting to learn to share Jesus with others. wife and mother from Loveland, how excitement in the kind of unity that assures This year, there seems to be an intensity like Maranatha had changed her life, she you that you are a part of a group I've never felt before. We are here on this responded thoughtfully, "Maranatha has committed to finishing God's work on earth! mountaintop keenly, painfully aware that drawn me much closer to Jesus. It has Bob Boney, then from the Texas down in the valleys below people are dying caused me to feel the presence of the Holy Conference, shared with us during for a want of what we have. The earnest, Spirit in a new way. When I first became a Maranatha II, in his exhuberant way, the fervent plea of every heart beats one prayer, SDA, I was so on fire that I wanted to tell joy that comes through leading people to "Oh God! Equip us to Share!" everybody I saw. Then as the years went by Jesus in Revelation Seminars. This was a "Uncle" George and "Aunt" Lillian I began to cool off. When I came to revelation to me. Elder Boney's charisma Knowles together with Richard Lewis, Maranatha, it was like regaining that first set a fire burning in my heart to do this Chaplain Dave Maddox, and Pastor Harry love all over again. I cry at the thought of kind of work. I knew the Lord wanted me Robinson, originator of the Revelation having to leave my friends behind when I to conduct a Revelation Seminar. When I Seminars, led out this year. The family go down this mountain. And yet, I'm got home, my pastor (Ted Bartter of the bonds have grown even closer. The training anxious to get back home and share what Campion church) was as enthused as I was, is all practical, pertinent, and powerful. We God has given me here!" and with his encouragement and support, all sense the Holy Spirit's leadership of this And he's given us so much! We've along with that of my newly organized seminar. learned how to give Bible studies, how to action team, we began a Revelation give our personal testimonies, how to lead a Seminar in the Loveland High School in soul to Jesus, how to conduct Revelation April of 1984. That's when I met Charlene. Seminars. We've drawn close in our action After the seminar ended, Charlene was so teams. We've sung and laughed and cried excited with what she had learned that she and hugged more in this week than we began conducting mini-seminars with her usually do in many months. friends first in Nevada, and later in Arizona. The last Sabbath comes. It's hard to say Charlene returned to Loveland baptized and goodbye. We join hands and sing together married to one of her converts! Now they for the last time. are both active church members. As a result But Maranatha is not over yet. We are of that one seminar, well over 10 people home now, and we are busy working. have been baptized—like ripples in a pond, From Colorado Springs, associate pastor the influence keeps extending in blessing John Abbott and a Maranatha veteran, and more and more people are being won relays his enthusiastic report: "Our action for the kingdom! team starts next Tuesday. Everybody wants Maranatha VI is coming soon. Can Maranatha III—my joy in sharing to know how to be ready to meet Jesus. All you hear God's Spirit calling? multiplied many times as five members from they want to study is last-day events— my Loveland action team came that year to I watch the miracle of Maranatha young and old alike. There's an aura of Glacier View with me. Different leaders happening again and suddenly a realization expectation! Something big is about to (Jay Gallimore and Maurice Bascom) added electrifies all my senses and thrills through happen. People are calling the church, new dimensions to the training. Looking my being—this is the upper room pleading for someone to teach them. We back on the year behind us, how the Lord experience of 1987! want to train our members and nurture had used our action team, the Revelation Jim Metcalf, from LaVida Mission, with them spiritually, equipping them to be Seminar . . . I found myself more deeply a glowing smile says, "For me Maranatha modern-day apostles." immersed in pure joy than ever before in my has been a grand and glorious renewal Maranatha VI looms just over the life. The happiest people are those who've experience. I was almost to the point of horizon. Can you hear God's Spirit calling learned the secret of living for others— being dry when I got here, and now I'm you? caring, sharing—because to live is to give! filled and overflowing with joy and love! For further information on Maranatha Believing with my whole heart that people I've always wanted to witness, but the tools VI, please contact Kay Wakefield at the should do what makes them happiest, I were lacking. Now I'm so eager to get back Rocky Mountain Conference Office: 2520 began to feel the Holy Spirit nudging me to the reservation and begin working with South Downing Street, Denver, Colorado, toward returning to school as a theology tools that will do the job!" 80210, (303) 733-3771. For Maranatha major—to make this wonderful work of Judy Schwarz, a pastor's wife, related her seminars outside of the Rocky Mountain witnessing my life work. He opened all the Maranatha experience to me over breakfast Conference you can contact the church doors wide, and when time for Maranatha one morning: "In the Adventist Church we ministries department of the General IV arrived, I was studying at Union College. baptize people but we don't equip them. Conference, 6840 Eastern Avenue, N W., But I knew I needed a new upper room I'm a third-generation Adventist, and I Washington, D.C., 20012 (202) 722-6140. Pacific Press Book Chapter of the Month What I Like About The Charismatics BY GEORGE VANDEMAN S omething big is happening. Something How do Catholic leaders feel about that we've never seen before. A tongues? Pope Paul VI unofficially but Charismatic revival is sweeping across unmistakably blessed the Charismatic America. revival. And early in 1981, Pope John Paul It all began in California back in April II expressed explicit appreciation for the 1960. Dennis Bennett, rector of St. Mark's Charismatic renewal within the church. Episcopal Church in Van Nuys, confronted Many lay people have become involved his congregation with a startling in the interfaith Charismatic groups. The announcement. largest and best known of them is the Full Bennett informed his people that the Gospel Businessmen's Fellowship previous October he had received the International. Recently it was my privilege "baptism of the Holy Spirit." He testified. to converse with a cherished friend of many "The Holy Spirit did take my lips and years—Demos Shakarian, the founder and tongue and form a powerful language . .. president of that group. that I myself could not understand." Yes, there is so much I appreciate about Bennett's sophisticated church was my Charismatic friends. I like their warmth, shocked. One of his associates resigned on their love, and their enthusiasm—as noted the spot and stalked out. Many exited with by Demos. Charismatics have contributed him. so much to the spontaneity and joy of But multitudes since then have had a worship. And in this age of secular self- spiritual experience like Bennett's. Huge sufficiency, they remind us that we are "Jesus rallies" pack football stadiums. dependent beings—dependent upon God's Testimonies of changed lives ring through Spirit in order to fulfill the purpose of our the air amid fervent Hallelujahs. Tears of lives. George Vandeman joy stream down beaming faces. Arm and Another thing I like about Charismatics arm together, Protestants and Catholics sing After Wesley passed from the scene, is their prayer experience. When they pray, "We Are One in the Spirit." various leaders continued to promote his they really pray! And they expect answers No doubt about it, something big is second blessing. from their Father in heaven. happening. According to a recent Gallup Many holiness revivalists promoted a In fact, I'm a Charismatic myself, in the poll, nearly thirty million Americans in Pentecost-style religion that majored in biblical sense of the word. Let me explain. scores of denominations call themselves miracles. Believing themselves under direct The word charismatic in Greek means "gift Charismatics. Many consider this guidance by the Holy Spirit, they resisted of grace." And I believe in the gifts of the awakening the greatest religious event ever the restraints of church authority. Finally Spirit. So I am a Charismatic. But I don't since the first-century Pentecost. Others are the Methodist Church felt forced to speak in tongues. not so sure. disavow the holiness movement. Now this creates a question for many What's really going on? So the Pentecostals flourished outside of Charismatics. You see, they believe that To understand this Charismatic revival, Methodism. Within just a few years around tongues is the proof of the Holy Spirit's we must go back to the days of the early the turn of the century, more than twenty presence. Unless I talk in tongues, I'm Methodists. John Wesley taught that after holiness groups were born. somehow underprivileged. Maybe a second- believers are born again, a "Still higher Many holiness believers began speaking class Christian. Some would probably even salvation" awaits them. He called this in tongues. Soon Pentecostal fires lit Los say that because I can't speak in tongues, experience the "second blessing" of the Holy Angeles, scene of the famous Azusa Street I'm not saved at all. Now I don't hold that Spirit. It would come suddenly, Wesley said, revival in 1906. Tongues became the against them. And they don't hold it against instantly cleansing and renewing the soul. heartbeat of religion for many holiness me. They just worry about me. Sin would be replaced by perfect love. denominations. But mainline Protestants But let me set their minds at rest. There Wesley and his preachers urged their and the Catholics shunned Pentecostalism. are many different gifts of the Spirit. The audiences to seek the ultimate outpouring of Then came the 1960s when everything Bible never says everyone receives the same the Spirit. Interestingly, Wesley himself changed. After Dennis Bennett took his gift. never claimed to have attained his second stand at St. Marks, barriers crumbled Friend, let's let God come into our lives blessing. But he sought the experience until between Pentecostals and their fellow in any way He chooses. He may not come his death. Protestants. Eager believers from scores of to us with the gifts of healing or tongues. denominations began to talk in tongues. He may, in fact, come with a leash for our George Vandeman has served as the This new interfaith movement became tongues. Or He may quietly convict us of director and speaker for the "It Is Written" known as the Charismatic renewal. new truth that we've never known before. television program for more than 30 years. Before long, some Catholics joined the Neglected truth for us to follow. "What I Like About" is this year's ranks of Charismatics. Charismatic growth But in one way or another, He will come Missionary Book of the Year. This chapter among Catholics has been remarkable— into our lives when we surrender ourselves has been condensed from the book and is almost incredible. A recent poll showed that in faith. And we don't need to wait for reprinted by permission of the Pacific Press. four million American Catholics attended a some kind of sensational experience. The The book is available at your local Charismatic meeting within the month they quiet infilling of your life by the Holy Spirit Adventist Book Center. were surveyed. can be yours just now. -404 **-70' Left: Tom and Bev Hinde are a painting team. "She's my right arm. I couldn't do anything without her," says Tom. Above: Tom especially enjoys painting rural scenes of the Midwest. From Thorns To Roses On The Canvas Of His Life BY JAMES L. FLY L ife had painted former Maplewood when I visited the Hindes in their rented ultimately sold 71,000 cards. Academy assistant principal Thomas duplex in Hutchinson, Minnesota. Last year his painting, "Glory in the Hinde into a corner, a corner from which Though he has taken no formal art Morning" won the Research Inc. Award at there seemed to be no escape. Slowly but classes in oil painting, Tom has won several the 23rd annual Sister Kenny Institute Art surely in colors of darkest hue, multiple blue ribbons at county fairs and in the Show. Held annually in Minneapolis, the sclerosis had confined the big man to a Federated Women's Club art shows. This Sister Kenny show featured nearly 700 wheelchair, paralyzing him from the neck past Christmas the Minnesota chapter of the works by over 300 disabled artists down and forcing him to resign from his National Multiple Sclerosis Society representing 36 states and five international job in July, 1975. reproduced eight of Tom's paintings as countries. Then four years ago at the age of 52, Christmas cards and notes, grossing Joni Eareckson Tada is one of the brushstroke by brushstroke, Tom Hinde $30,000 from their sale to benefit the disabled artists who regularly exhibit began to paint himself out of the corner of society. paintings at the Sister Kenny show. A severe disability and the sense of uselessness Two years ago, Tom submitted quadriplegic as the result of a diving it sometimes caused him. Christmas and winter paintings to the accident at 17, Joni has written books and Clenching a brush between his teeth, he Courage Center, a renowned facility for the starred in a movie about her growth in began painting beautiful oils of flowers and handicapped located in Golden Valley, Christ after her accident. Like Tom, she countryside scenes. Expressing his latent Minnesota. For several years the Courage paints with her mouth. And Tom, like Joni, talent for art, Tom found a new purpose in Center has produced and sold Christmas views his artistic expression as a ministry to life, different certainly than educating young cards painted by disabled artists. Tom was others. people but in its own way just as fulfilling. one of only six artists chosen out of 600 "I really want to encourage and stimulate "Tom's happiest when he's painting," who entered the contest. His painting, other handicapped people to develop their Bev, his wife of 35 years, told me recently "Winter Days" tied for second place and talents, especially if they are artists. After I Above: Tom and Bev completed this award-winning still life of daisies in 15 hours. Center: Bev holds the easel while Tom works on a painting of Joseph and Mary's journey to Bethlehem. Right: Tom liked "Sea Breezes" so well he painted it twice. have completed a painting, I look at it and say, 'Tom, there is no way you could have done this except with the help of the Lord.' "In spite of being a quadriplegic, I feel I have a lot to contribute to making this world a better place to live. To handicapped people, I say, 'Never give up. You don't know what you can do until you try."' His Right Arm Tom credits Bev as being the most influential, and, indeed, indispensable person in his new career. Tom tells Bev which colors to mix. Then she loads the brush with paint, places the brush in his mouth, and tilts the canvas on the easel so he can reach it. When Tom and Bev first started painting together, it took them 50-60 hours to complete a single painting. Now, they've whittled the time down to 15-25 hours per that much to do except take care of Tom. Early Sketches painting. But if I painted myself, I would rob Tom of From the time he was a little boy growing Looking fondly at Bev, who he calls many hours that he could be painting." up on a farm in Iowa, Tom Hinde enjoyed "Pete," Tom said, "She's my right arm and It was my turn to shake my head and the beauties of nature. He recalls copying a my best critic. I couldn't do anything marvel at the sacrifices that Bev Hinde was jack-in-the-pulpit from a coloring book his without her." willing to make to help her disabled parents gave him. And then, he remembers Bev, as a matter of fact, could be an artist husband. Bev quit her job as a registered sketching the flowers in front of the church herself if she chose to be. Tom told me that nurse several years ago so she could devote rostrum just to keep awake when he served she once painted a beautiful scene of a lake her full time to taking care of Tom. as dean of boys at Maplewood. ringed by pine trees and reflecting the light During our conversation in the Hinde's "I kept one eye on the flowers and one of the moon. living room whose walls were a gallery of eye on the boys," Tom said with a chuckle. "She threw it out," Tom said, Tom's paintings, tears welled up in Tom's Tom didn't even take an art class at matter-of-factly. eyes and his voice cracked as he told me Union College where he earned a degree in I turned to Bev. I couldn't believe it. about the financial toll the disease has taken history in 1958. He waited till he served as "You threw it out?" I said. "You on his family. dean of men at Southwestern Union shouldn't have done that!" "We had to sell our home here in College from 1962-66. While there, he took "I told her the same thing," said Tom. Hutchinson and move into this duplex. That courses in ceramics and watercolor but that Bev smiled and shook her head. was the hardest part, I think." was the extent of his art education. "People wonder why I don't take up Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bev Then in 1982 while watching an artist painting myself because I really don't have nodding her head and biting her lip. demonstrate oil painting on educational