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The messages of Paul [microform] : arranged in historical order, analyzed and freely rendered in paraphrase, with introductions PDF

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Preview The messages of Paul [microform] : arranged in historical order, analyzed and freely rendered in paraphrase, with introductions

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Les diagrammes suivants illustrentla mAthode. ly errata ed to 1 int me pelure, B9on A Zbc ObcBsnQCB of tbe Bible EDITED BY Professor Frank K, Sanders, Ph.D., of Yale University, and ProfessorCharles F. Kent, Ph.D., of Brown University, This series is not a substitute for the Bible, but an aid tothe reverent, appreciative,andenthusiasticreadingofthe Scriptures, infactitwill serve thepurposeofan ORIGINAL AND POPULAR COMMENTARY ON THE BIBLE. Thebooksof the Biblearegroupedaccordingto a natural classification, their contents arranged in the order of appearance and a scholarly yet popularparaphraseoftheirdistinctive thoughtgivenin plain andexpressive English. The purposeof the series isto enableany readerofthe Bibleto understandits meaningasareverentscholarofto-daydoes,andinparticular toreceive theexactimpres^onwhich thewordsasoriginally heard or read musthavemadeuponthose forwhom theywere delivered. Technicalitiesand unsettled questionswill be, asfaraspossible, ignored. Eachvolumewill be preparedbyaleading specialistand willcontainsuch briefintroductionsasserve toputthereader into intelligent relation to the general theme treated. The editorial rearrangement of the order of the Biblicalbooksorsectionswillrepresentthedefiniteresultsof soberscholar- ship. I. Ube OicBsagcB of tbe Sarlfer ptopbets. II. ILbc Ae00age0 of tbe later propbeta. III. Ube ObceaagcB of tbe Xaw Oivere* IV. Ube Aeeeages of tbe f>ropb»tfcal an^ ptleetl^ 1)fotort«nf» V. Ube Aessages of tbe Psalmists. VI. trbe Aessages of tbe Sages. VII. Ube Messages of tbe S)ramatic |>oet0. VIII. Ube Aessages of tbe Bpocal^sptic HQltiters. IX. Ube Okssages of ^esus according to tbe S^noptfstf* X. Ube Aessages of ^esus according to Jobru XI. Ube Aessages of Paul. XII. Ube Messages of tbe Bpostlcf. ITbe npeggaeee of tbe Bible i^ George Barker Stevens, Ph.D., d.D. Dwight Professor ofSystematic Theology in Yale University THE MESSAGES OF PAUL i XEbc /ftessaijes of tbe Bible THE MESSAGES OF PAUL ARRANGED IN HISTORICAL ORDER, ANALYZED. AND FREELY RENDERED IN PARAPHRASE, WITH INTRODUCTIONS BY George Barker Stevens, Ph.D., D.D. Dwight Professor of Systematic Theology in Yale Univer^ty TORONTO THE PUBLISHERS' SYNDICATE (Limited) 1900 i I Copyright, 1900, byCharlesScribner'sSons forthe United StatesofAmerica Printed byThe Caxton Press NewYork. U. S.A. M ' PREFACE This volume comprises a paraphrase of the first ten epistles of Paul, arranged in their probable chronological order, with brief introductions and analyses. The bodyof the text is reproduced, with some revision,from my "Epis- tles of Paul in Modern English," published in 1898. It is believed that the explanations which are here given of the time, place, and occa ion of each letter,and the indications respecting the contents and movement of thought in each, will materially increase the convenience and usefulness of the work. In a second volume will be comprised the other eleven epistles of the New Testament, in a similar arrangement, and with similar explanations. George Barker Stevens. Yale University, January, 1900,

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