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THE M E D U S A READER CultureWork A book series from the Humanities Center at Harvard Marjorie Garber,editor,and Rebecca L.Walkowitz,associate editor Psychoanalysis,Historicism,and Early Modern Culture Carla Mazzio and Douglas Trevor,editors The Turn to Ethics Marjorie Garber,Beatrice Hanssen,and Rebecca L.Walkowitz,editors One Nation Under God? Religion and American Culture Marjorie Garber and Rebecca L.Walkowitz,editors Field Work Sites in Literary and Cultural Studies Marjorie Garber,Paul Franklin,and Rebecca L.Walkowitz,editors The Seductions of Biography Mary Rhiel and David Suchoff,editors Secret Agents The Rosenberg Case,McCarthyism,and Fifties America Marjorie Garber and Rebecca L.Walkowitz,editors Media Spectacles Marjorie Garber,Jann Matlock,and Rebecca L.Walkowitz,editors THE M E D U S A READER Marjorie Garber Nancy J.Vickers EDITED BY AND ROUTLEDGE New York and London Publi,hed in 2003 by Routlc<lge 711 Third Avenue. New York. NY 10017 www.routledge-ny.com Published in Gre ~t Britain b)' l{outlc<lge 2 Par~ Square. MillOn Park. Abingdon. Oxfordshi", OX 14 4RN www.routledge.co.uk Routlc<lge is an imprint of the Taylor & Franci, Group. Copyright © 2003 byTaylor & Francis Hooks, Inc. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4- J 2 All rights reser,",-:<!. No part of this hook may he reprinted or reproduced or utilizc<1 in any form or by any de<;lronie. mechanical, or other mean" now known or hereafter illl·emed. including photocopying and recording or in any information storage or rClrie,-al systcm, without permis sion in wriling fTOm the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in. Publication Data The Medusa reader I edited by Marjoric Garber and Nancy J Vickers p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISHN 0-415-90098-0 (alk. paper) - ISBN 0-41 VX)099-9 (pbk : alk. paper) 1. Medusa (Greek Mythology). I. Garber, Marjorie H. II. Vickers, Nancy J. Bl820.M38M43 2002 292.2'IJ_ k21 200104-1823 Contents List of Illustrations xv Acknowledgments xvii Introduction 1 1 HOMER 9 from The Iliad(c.750–725 B.C.E.) translated by Richmond Lattimore Medusa as Shield and Sign 2 HESIOD 11 from The Shield of Heraklesand Theogony (c.700 B.C.E.) translated by Richmond Lattimore Medusa and Perseus 3 PINDAR 14 “Pythian 12”(c.490 B.C.E.) translated by Geoffrey S.Conway Medusa and Music 4 EURIPIDES 16 from Ion(c.413 B.C.E.) translated by Ronald Frederick Willetts The Power of Gorgon’s Blood 5 PALAEPHATUS 20 “The Daughters of Phorcys”(fourth century B.C.E.) from On Unbelievable Tales translated by Jacob Stern A Rationalist View 6 APOLLODORUS 23 from The Library(second century B.C.E.) translated by James George Frazer The Beauty of Medusa vi CONTENTS 7 DIODORUS SICULUS 26 from The Historical Library(c.60–30 B.C.E.) translated by G.Booth The Gorgons and the Amazons in Africa 8 OVID 30 from Metamorphoses(c.43 B.C.E.–17 C.E.) translated by Rolfe Humphries The Story of Perseus 9 LUCAN 40 from Pharsalia(c.61–65) translated by Robert Graves Medusa and the Snakes of Libya 10 LUCIAN 43 from The Hall (c.120–180) translated by A.M.Harmon The Sirens and the Gorgons 11 PAUSANIAS 44 from Description of Greece (c.143–176) translated by W.H.S.Jones Another Rationalist View 12 ACHILLES TATIUS 45 from The Adventures of Leucippe and Clitophon(second century) translated by John Winkler Medusa and the Power of Ekphrasis 13 FULGENTIUS 47 from Mythologies(late fifth–early sixth centuries) translated by Leslie G.Whitbread Terror and Manliness CONTENTS vii 14 JOHN MALALAS 49 from The Chronicle (sixth century) translated by Elizabeth Jeffreys,Michael Jeffreys,and Roger Scott The Sorcery of Perseus 15 DANTE ALIGHIERI 51 from Inferno(c.1310–1314) translated by Allen Mandelbaum Virgil,Dante,and Medusa 16 PETRARCH 53 Rime Sparse,#197 (c.1327–1374) translated by Robert M.Durling 17 COLUCCIO SALUTATI 54 from On the Labors of Hercules (c.1381–1391) translated by Lesley Lundeen Medusa as Artful Eloquence 18 CHRISTINE DE PIZAN 57 from The Book of the City of Ladies(1405) translated by Earl Jeffrey Richards Medusa’s Beauty 19 LEONE EBREO 58 from The Philosophy of Love(1535) translated by F.Friedeberg-Seeley and Jean H.Barnes Allegorical Meanings 20 GIORGIO VASARI 60 from the “Life of Leonardo da Vinci,Florentine Painter and Sculptor”(1550) translated by George Bull Leonardo Paints the Head of Medusa 21 NATALE CONTI 62 from Mythologies(1551) translated by Anthony DiMatteo Beauty and Pleasure viii CONTENTS 22 VINCENZO CARTARI 64 from Images of the Gods(1556) translated by Walter Hryshko Imaging Medusa 23 JOHN HARINGTON 67 from his preface to the Orlando Furioso(1591) Allegories of Man and Earth 24 FRANCIS BACON 69 “Perseus,or War,”from TheWisdom of the Ancients (1609) translated by James Spedding Tyranny and the Art ofWar 25 WILLIAM DRUMMOND 72 “The Statue of Medusa”(1616) 26 JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE 73 from Faust(1808) translated by Stuart Atkins Gretchen and Medusa 27 PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY 75 “On the Medusa of Leonardo da Vinci in the Florentine Gallery”(1819) 28 KARL MARX 77 from Capital(1867) translated by Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling The Medusa of Capitalist Production 29 DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI 79 “Aspecta Medusa”(1870) 30 FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE 80 from The Birth of Tragedy(1872) translated by Walter Kaufmann Medusa,Apollo,and Dionysus CONTENTS ix 31 DAVID STARR JORDAN 81 “The Head and the Snakes”(1899) A Story for Children 32 LOUISE BOGAN 83 “Medusa”(1921) 33 SIGMUND FREUD 84 “Medusa’s Head”and from “The Infantile Genital Organization” (1922 and 1923) translated by James Strachey The Classic Psychoanalytic Reading 34 SÁNDOR FERENCZI 87 from “On the Symbolism of the Head of Medusa”(1923) translated by Olive Edmonds Medusa and Castration 35 COUNTEE CULLEN 88 “Medusa”(1935) 36 WALTER BENJAMIN 89 from “Paris,Capital of the Nineteenth Century”(1939) translated by Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin Medusa and Modernity 37 PHILIP WYLIE 90 from Generation ofVipers (1942) Momism 38 JEAN-PAUL SARTRE 92 from Being and Nothingness:A Phenomenological Essay on Ontology(1943) translated by Hazel E.Barnes The Other’s Look 39 JAMES MERRILL 94 “Medusa”(1946)

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